to explain these words:

When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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75 comments | Post a Comment
That's some ugly tile. It looks like his toilet is on graph paper.
All I can think is that it's a cake FOR Daddy, with love from Beth.
For Daddy
Love, Beth.
What is sitting on the back of the tank?
How was this even acceptable to the baker/decorator?
I have no comment....*shudders*
Oh man... now I'm going to have that image stuck in my brain all day...
Maybe it was supposed to say "TO Daddy, Love Beth"
What a difference 2 letters can make.
If it said that, it would make lots more sense.
I...I just don't get it. What kind of message is that?!?!
wv: whijna: the sound I made when I couldn't think of a real word to describe my horror upon seeing this "cake"
I wonder if there's a chocolate kiss in the bowl...
I'm not afraid to say it...Time to call DSS. Something is NOT right! No matter the angle I try, this cake is wrong. I am not easily offended....butt...
Well executed AND profoundly disturbing...what can be better! Makes one think of the old adage that you can tell a great deal about a person by how they eat their chocolate Easter bunny. Make mine a piece from the....never mind, I think I'll start my New Year's resolution early.
Sense: This cake makes none.
It's all in the punctuation, or lack of it.
Daddy. Love, Beth.
Daddy Love. Beth
Daddy, Love Beth
I took it as Beth giving Daddy the cake, maybe on the anniversary of her toilet training? Anyway, ick.
It's sad, as the cake is actually fairly well done. I want to know if the decorator did just what the person asked for, or if the decorator came up with this idea. *shudder*
I'm going back to my New Year's clock cake now....
Oh my word. I would love to know the story behind this cake. Even though I suspect it'd make me vomit.
Well, I suppose the other alternative is that it might have been intended to mean "_To_ Daddy, love Beth", which is still pretty disturbing, if that's the enduring image Beth has of her father.
Truly bizarre. Why would anyone think that was a good idea?
wv: acches- thinking about that cake gives me head acches
Maybe it's For Daddy with Love from Beth? Which is just as creepy really.
Jennie :)
umm, which part of this cake do I want to eat? NONE.
Are people having trouble with ideas for cakes?
Ellen G.
Is this a REAL cake?
Is it??
Not to question your cake authoritative-ness but this doesn't look like a cake to me.
I really, really, really hope there is an inside joke that we're just not getting here. Please, because I just don't think I can handle it otherwise.
It's beautifully made but I'd really like to know the story behind it because with those words it's... odd.
ohmygosh. what kind of a cake is that anyways?
Wishing you Jen & JOhn the best in 2010! Thanks for the amazing (?) cake wrecky year! To many more!
GROSSSSSSSS!!! Dude...who would do this? This is hella tasteless.
Or it could be "Daddy: Love Beth." Like, "Love Beth or she'll take a picture of you on the toilet and post it all over the Internet."
Also, confirmation word: shemixes. What are those? Remixes made by girls? Remixes of girls?
This is so not a cake!
knew someone who used to make "toilet cakes" (complete with mini-tootsie rolls in the bowl and some clear yellow-ish frosting to represent, well, you know... ). why someone would do this for people, i'm not sure.. she thought they were hysterical. I can't understand the humor of this "gag" gift, quite.
Perhaps all that is missing is a question mark? A la "Daddy Loves Beth?" Since Daddy's affection might be in doubt upon receiving such a cake--especially if done in public.
Dibs on the toilet brush!
Several readers say:
"Maybe it's For Daddy with Love from Beth?"
Which makes more sense HOW?
This cake is actually well-executed, but why, why, why???
I just hope and pray that this cake was not made for my friend who has a daughter named Beth. Beth doesn't seem insane to me, though, so I'm guessing not.
what the what?!?!
i can't ... i just ... don't ... whaaa?!
nothing good can come of this.
Does make a habit of walking in on Daddy going potty?
Or is 'Beth' the name of the toilet?!?!
A lot of folks seem to lack a sense of irony.
Are all of you ACTUALLY shuddering, or are you just putting it in your posts for dramatic effect?
Re: toilet cakes...I suppose this is the logical next step up (or down) from the litter-box cake.
Verification word: distud. Really.
I'm pretty sure that Dad spends a lengthy time reading in the "library". It is probably a family joke. It is a gross family joke when it becomes a gross cake. At least it is not that graphic.
wv:"ablemati" as in "I'm able, matey, to make you a gross cake".
maybe "Beth" is his nickname for his toilet? Or the action he is engaged in?
Bakery: What would you like on the cake?
Beth: A number two. Daddy. Love, Beth.
Oh my. Just oh my. Please follow Amy's advice and DO NOT google. I have no words.
WV: wormo. Again ... no words ...
Maybe it's Daddy Loves Bath :)
Mmmmm, chocolatey...
Puts a whole new slant on 'urinal cake'....
yes,oh yes, my word verification is 'cakie' !!
Has this poor little girl actually SEEN her Daddy in this pose?? I am 43 & have NEVER seen my Daddy like this, I'm glad to say....nor would I even care to imagine it, let alone order a cake depicting it!! Weird is not the word....
"disgusting." that was the word i said when i saw this wreck, wreck, wreck. nicely crafted? yes. tasteful? no. dear god, what was the customer thinking? there's no way this can come off as good or, erm, "loving."
I have to go vomit now.
I've got it! Maybe the toilet is named Beth!
Oh come on, truthfully, aren't all daughters familiar with the concept that Daddy is in the bathroom for a VERY long time every day? I think this is in the nature of a family joke. Actually, its kind of cute. (Okay, stop screaming! You're hurting my ears!)
It's probably supposed to be to Daddy from Beth. But wait, that's still extremely disturbing!!
Did - not - heed - warning - Googled "toilet cake" - never mind 2012 and the Aztec calender - this is surely THE sign of the end of western civilization as we know it 0-0
Yeah, I'm going to assume there is a story behind this cake. Maybe this family just has a strange sense of humor.
Actually, once I got over the shock I decided it was kind of cute.
Uh, the "cake" has just stunned me, so I'm just going to wish ya'll a very Happy & Safe New Year. That's all.
Thank you for the laughs!
I actually mis-read "Solli" as "Soil". I guess that's appropriate though. haha ;-)
Worse than the egregious litter box cakes, which I understand are popular with some people - very young ones. But this. I can't imagine a scenario involving both this cake and psychological health.
OK, going to go think about kittens now.
Could this have anything to do with the movie "I love Beth Cooper?" I heard there was toilet humor, haven't seen it myself.
Hey Bin - I'm going with an air freshener on the back of the toilet tank. Maybe.
I'm also going with an inside family joke (as Mellodee suggests) that's relatively clean because that makes my day better.
I have never had an urge to google "toilet cake" before, but everyone saying NOT to do it sure makes me want to.
Great way to send out 2009!
Um- who gets to eat the bowl part and contents? Yikes.
Whatever has caused Daddy and Beth to bond over such an image is at best meant to be shared with their family doctor, at worst with social services, and not ever with the local baker.
Even if Daddy just graduated plumbing school, I hope he is a better man than any guy who would deserve to receive such a cake.
Taylor@MyOlderBrothers said...
That's some ugly tile. It looks like his toilet is on graph paper.
I thought so, too. Maybe he's supposed to be at the local gas station?
As a rule, I don't like any food that makes me think too much about the other end of the digestive system while I'm trying to eat it. That also includes Hot Pockets since Jim Gaffigan came along.
wv: Recks-- Many happy Recks to CW in the New Year!
I understood this cake right away. Take a look at this and it explains everything:
It was the first thing I thought of when I saw it. The cake looks just like the front of the book.
"Family Love Michael!"
I'm guessing what Beth wants for 2010 is a second toilet in the house. Or that Dad gets de-throned.
wv: sanstal
Many a public restroom is sanstal.
I say that the message "Daddy Love Beth" works because the whole thing seems rather primitive, except for the indoor plumbing.
I decided that Amy's advice to NOT google "toilet cake" was a dare, and I followed the lemmings into toilet cake hell. We are indeed a disgusting species...
Note to my friends and family: I do not wish EVER to receive a toilet cake. For any reason. (gagging...)
Maybe Daddy has named the toilet Beth......Daddy loves his beth....hahaha
I immediately thought of "Family love Michael," too!
actually my reaction was a kid giving it to his dad who was divorced from the kids mom the "love beth" referring to daddy's girlfriend
I must say while it is unusual; it's still kinda funny. I'm not much on 'bathroom' humour, but this is a whole new angle! I'm sure many of y'all's fathers spent time reading Uncle John's Bathroom Reader... that's what they're for!
I will say, I wouldn't choose to give this to my father...I don't think he'd see the humour in something so...graphic. =)
WV: serterdb wtf? How is that a word?
"to" is missing from the isnscription.
Not sure if my link will work, but check out this cake from the website/ life celebrations/ search toilet. Please note that blue jello and baby ruth were involved.
So is their relationship involved with a lot of Beth walking in on Daddy during his, ahem, reading time? he looks flushed. maybe blushing?
But yet, the inscription makes it seem like she's telling him what to do. Is Beth a new girlfriend she likes perhaps? still, toilet reference? why?
or is Beth the one on the toilet, learning how to potty train?
im thinkning that it is supposed to be more like "To Daddy, Love Beth"
Did they really expect anyone to EAT this thing???
Dis. Turb. Ing.
What exactly is in that magazine "Daddy" is reading?
I, likewise, thought "Family love Michael."
It's obviously a rebus:
#2 Daddy, love Beth.