Saturday, December 26, 2009

Play 'Em Off, Drummer Boy

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Preeeeesenting a sweet moment between Mr. & Mrs. Claus!

Oh, ick! What is going ON here? Hey, Drummer Boy! Could you play them off, please?

Uh. You're not the Drummer Boy.

"Nope. Sorry. But look! I'm on SALE! And if you like, I can play a little ditty on this here carrot-kazoo of a nose."

Yeeeah. Thanks, but no. Ok, let's move on to Santa's right-hand reindeer...

Jumping poo-streaked gingerbread, what is THIS? Drummer Boy, seriously, get in here and play this guy off.

[frantic whispering]

What? A substitute? Well, I guess, if that's all you've got...

What the...seriously? I ask for the little drummer boy, and you give me a "LiltLe Drum Set"? And how are two crossed matchsticks a drum set anyway?

[shaking head in disgust] Ug. Well, we have one more entry today...


Oh, dear.

Yes, my friends, I'm afraid Zwarte Piet has reared his ugly, ugly head again this year. However, I think I've more than said my piece on him, so...

Drummer Boy? Are you finally ready? Oh, good. Please, proceed.

YeeAAAAaaaah! Haha! Embrace the irony.

If this post made no sense to you whatsoever, you might want to take a look at this. (Be aware some of the clips in that vid contain unfortunate accidents.) And if that still doesn't help, then I owe John five bucks.

Thanks to David G., Sara K., Adriana B., Kim R., Malorie M., & Sondra D., for snaring these awesome Wrecks.
Nicole said...


Anonymous said...

now i'm too terrified to leave the house in case the second cake ghoul gets me-

no wonder the reindeer-octopus underneath pooped itself in fright

Ben said...

My 4-year-old's description of Zwarte Piet: "It looks like an Indian construction man that looks like a robot with a beard." I think that about covers it.

Unknown said...

maybe that reindeer's poo streak came from eating those scambled eggs with sprinles and pine trees.

robyn said...

haha i get it now. the video worked.

Emma C. said...

I think that the "little drummer boy" beat on his red skin more than his drum... or his parents are abusive...

5feet9 said...

you may actually owe john $2.50..... or even $1.25. i can't decide just how much of the joke i got from watching the video!

colbysmycat said...

Nope - you owe him $5.00 - even though I loved the video.

I thought Zwarte Piet was supposed to be a football player in a helmet!

Amy said...

I got it! AND...I am currently wasting a lot of time watching the rest of the "Know Your Meme" videos on youtube! Thanks!!!

Vickie said...

watching the video made me even more lost then I already was so you owe John not 5 but 10 for getting me extra lost. But I gotta say that last cake well umm lets just say NO MORE CAKE FOR ME!!!! LOL

Dennis said...

Maaaybe that's Mrs. Claus on the left in the first one, but it's definitely Rooster Claus on the right!

Sara said...

Sorry Jen, it didn't really help. :[

Half Assed Kitchen said...

LDB looks a little too blissed out. What's going on behind that drum of his, hmmm?

Lissanee said...

Didn't need a link to recognize a spoof of "play him off keyboard cat".

Sharon said...

The drummer boy cake would be kinda cute if he didn't look like he was thoroughly sloshed on egg nog.

Anonymous said...

That last cake appears to be one of those Incan heads (cf:
I'm not sure what that has to do with Christmas...

Melissa said...

The video definitely helped! Made much more sense the second time through. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I totally get the keyboard cat (and drum) thing! Keep your money, Jen!

Le said...

I get it but I think maybe you should stick to the sci fi references....

Andygirl said...

holy racist cake, batman!

Typo Tat said...

It's a sad day when the Zwarte Piet is the prettiest cake of the lot.

duffylou said...

You don't owe John $5.00. The video clearly explains the play off.

May I just say eeww to gingerbread poo cakes?

Anonymous said...

For those who may not get the Zwarte Piet reference, check out this link:

I got the other jokes after watching the video so keep your money!

Barbara said...

Why does Santa look like a rooster?

bats said...

I <3 Keyboard Cat. And folks who know him (or her, as I discovered from the video). Thanks, Cake Wrecks!

DJs Beauty and Beyond said...

Is that a chocolate palm tree on the right hand bottom of the reindeer's scarf - if it is suppose to be a scarf? Still scratching my head over that one.

Anonymous said...

and an Epic Win for Drummer Boy.

Azara said...

Keep the money :) Your video worked.

Nonie said...

Unless I'm missing something, you might want to add a link to the previous Zwarte Piet pics & story for any newcomers.

Me, I'm laughing my chocolate-frosting-swirl dispenser off.

Thanks for another year of joy!


Anonymous said...

What's with the gray beard on the first one? Did the icing go bad?

Samantha Suzuki Photography said...

uh yeah, Jen, you owe John $5. Sorry.

Siouxzr said...

Zwarte Piet looks like scary pirate Piet. Speaking of interesting European holiday traditions does anyone make a Krampus cake for the holidays? That would be terrifying.

Anonymous said...

I've always understood Zwarte Piet to be a impish demon rather than a human being, that is, he's not an African, he's a supernatural being who has jet-black skin.

-- anoniem van Nederland 8)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've been enjoying Cakewrecks for awhile, but I've never posted a comment. I think the cake that you thought said "Alue" was really meant to say "Awe". Although, I really don't know anyone who would say "Awe my gosh, it's Santa Claus." Anyway, keep up the good work, it's hilarious, and we all need a good laugh these days.

Drgns4vr said...

Forget paying John $5. But you could send it to me--just because.
I got the joke (even before the video), but am extra glad I did not get any of those cakes. (Who needs coal in the stocking for bad children--just give them that reindeer cake!)

ornith said...

I think that second one might be the Joker.

At least, I can't figure out anything else it might be.

Jennifer said...

Any excuse to see Keyboard Cat is fine by me! Although the Zwarte Piet cake would have been more authentic if they had him carrying a sack filled with bad children...

CaroleM said...

Video worked for me! Does John owe you $5 then?

ksaldria said...

This has got to be one of the scariest posts I've ever read.

Stephanie said...

"Jumping poo-streaked gingerbread, what is THIS?" Jen, where do you come up with this stuff? Brilliant. Simply brilliant. Can't say the same about the cakes, though...

Gracie said...

Excellent post-Christmas post!

And my New Year's Resolution is to use Keyboard Cat at our staff meetings when the boss makes that one comment that makes everyone want to cringe as we are begging the powers-that-be for a freak lightning strike! Thanks!

Noni Mausa said...

Ahem. I recognize that last cake. It's a lifelike depiction of Oskar Matzerath, a very ... special little boy.


Amy said...

My 7-year-old commented, about the last one, "Ewww! Is that a dead pig or what?!"

LovShoez said...

The pirate looking cake is "Black Pete", who is Santa's Helper in the Dutch tradition. It's so funny to see that here in the states.

Anonymous said...

OK, the little drum set is kind of a cute way to dress up a boring round cake.

quichepup said...

Keyboard Cat!

That first cake will haunt my dreams.

Zocktastic said...

Oh man. A Zwarte Piet cake is traumatizing enough on its own, but a wreck of a Zwarte Piet cake? That's so horrible my brain can't properly process it.

Rideap8nt said...

Sorry... I don't get ANY of it. Pay John and I want my 4 minutes back from watching that video.

Nate's Mom said...

Ok, so from reading the comments, I am not the only one who it more lost after seeing the video. That was very random, but had both of my teen boys and me going "huh?"

Sheri in CA

Anonymous said...

Long time reader, first time poster :D. You owe John NOTHING!! Not only did I get your post prior to watching Fatso - AKA Keyboard Cat, I loved the vid!! So much so that I watched more of their series. Now I can't get that tune out of my head... Doot doot do do doo doo do do

x Mel

Anonymous said...

cake no. 1
possibly from the song 'I saw mommy kissing santa claus'

Anonymous said...

And speaking of oH oH oH Santas: might be of interest to you. 'Tis creative-commons music. :D

Captcha: efistr ... is it THAT time again?

Anonymous said...

yep. clueless. I also want 5 bucks.

Nicole said...

Thanks, now I'm going to have nightmares. LOL.

Ariel said...

I think you were reaching a bit with that. You probably owe John $5.

The Lady's Lounge said...

In case the sheer gluttony (on my part) of Christmas wasn't nausea inducing enough, that last cake...ugh..heave..choke. ahem.

EmBee said...

Okay, now I get it. Thanks for the link.

Anonymous said...

The video didnt help but I googled keyboard cat and I think I get it now!! hehehe

Hodgepodge said...

I get it thanks to the video. Yeah for me.

Brouillon de fille said...

Turns out Zwarte Piet isn't African after all... I learnt this year that he was black because he went through the chimney! ;)

Jill said...

is the little drummer boy having a baby?

Anonymous said...

I was familiar with keyboard cat, not so much with Zwarte Piet

This Ro(a)mantic Life said...

That poor gingerbread man -- what HAPPENED to him?

Robert said...

At this point, I wish I had the Internet skills to to turn that Drummer Boy cake into a new FAIL! meme. It's so meta in being a fail playing off a fail.

Unknown said...

I'm not convinced that's a Zwarte Piet cake.

The beard and all that jazz on the hat is making me think that's actually a Caspar of the Three Magi cake.

Biggest_T said...

You don't owe John a dime!

Anonymous said...

WOW. Those are ALL SO UGLY. And what the heck is that second one supposed to be? no wonder it's "on sale!"

zwarte piet looks like a scary voodoo doctor!

The French kissing Clauses look completely unappetizing. The drum set is just pitiful. Drummerboy is scary.

and WHAT is the CONCEPT with the poo-streaked flotsam headed gingerbread concoction sitting on yellow icing and sprinkles? WTF?

Anonymous said...

zwarte piet reminds me a little of tar baby caricatures from the south

wv: prairnts: where are the prairnts of that kid running around like a nut?

Sexy Sadie said...

That last one is gonna give me nightmares!

Adam said...

The only part I don't "get" is the bit about irony. What's ironic?

Anonymous said...

ummmmmmmmmmmm YOU OWE JOHN $5.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

marvelmandy said...

Adam: I think that the irony is the fact that the Little Drummer Boy who is to "play them off" due to their epic fails, is an epic fail, and should actually play himself off.

Mommy said...

Okay, so I read everybody's comments (75 at this point), looked up Zwarte Piet, saw the Fatso video, and I still don't get it. Puhleeze John or Jen, fill me in. I can't take the suspense anymore...

Unknown said...

Ok second cake there... Why so serious?

SnowCrash said...

The alleged "Zwarte Piet" pictured in the post is actually from the video game Little Big Planet. It is actally a well done likeness. So not a wreck at all, sorry. It is ugly though, I'll give you that.

john (the hubby of Jen) said...

Snow Crash,

Actually it is supposed to be Zwarte Piet. Feather in the cap, gold hoop earrings. And it was sent in from one of our Dutch readers who found it on a site where it claimed to be Zwarte Piet.

Unless you are the baker or the recipient of the cake and say otherwise, we're sticking with Zwarte Piet.



janee said...

so, i dont know if anyone has said it or not, but the little drum set wasn't just those 2 odd colored q-tips [drumsticks], but the cake itself was supposed to be the drum. it was ugly, had weird lettering and strange drumsticks... but it might have been sorta cute, maybe, possibly, if they did it right in the first place!

Anonymous said...

how on earth is that cat supposed to explain it????

Rose said...

What if the little drummer boy is waiting for me outside... in the dark....


Flea said...

I get it. I just don't get the irony of that real drummer boy.

GazingattheMoon said...

The Zwarte Piet one looks like Mr. Popo from Dragon Ball Z!!


SODAPOP said...

also go to and in the calssics section of the site there is a vid with 2009 on it at the end it says "PLAY EM' OFF KEYBOARD CAAAAAT!"

Cupcakes Lady said...

Drummer Boy nearly scared the living crap out of me. The whole thing is...just wrong.

estelle martin said...

sorry jen i think you owe jhon 5 bucks because when i clicked on it it said the video had been removed