Look, I know sometimes it's only natural to spend your workday fantasizing about the many and colorful ways your boss/customers/coworkers could meet an untimely end - I do.
That said, maybe someone should look into getting these
Wreckerators a little group therapy time.

And here I never thought I'd get to use the words "cake" and "bloodbath" in the same sentence.
(See? Dogged determination really can pay off!)
It's electric!

Wow. Who knew a cake could have such an open mind?
This Just In: A bakery butcher is on the loose! Suspect should be considered armed and dangerous.
P.S. Make that VERY armed:
[Mr. Bill voice]
"Ohh Nooo!"
"Oh, oh, oh! As if my merry man-jugs weren't disturbing enough."

[shining flashlight in face all spooky-like] "And
aaaall that was left was a Santa-shaped smear on the floor, with the name "Dallas" ominously written beside it -
in blood."
Derrelyn P., Tamara Q., Aaron D., Kyle B., Becca S., & Christie M., I gotta admit: after spending yesterday afternoon out in the teeming masses of holiday shoppers, I kind of relate to these Wreckerators. Then I watched Prep and Landing and got my holiday mojo back. :)- Related Wreckage: Because We Need More Holidays
138 comments | Post a Comment
What the fruitbat is that 3rd cake supposed to be? It looks sort of like a wreath filled with intestines... Just what I need to get into the Xmas spirit! barf...
The "open mind" looks more like "open intestines!" Ewwww!
I haven't been on lately . . . giving final exams (including on Christmas day as Christmas isn't a national holiday in China) so I have to catch up on the charity thing. However, my heart goes out to Amanda and her family. What a tragedy.
My husband died (in much less tragic circumstances) 5 years ago at Christmas time. I know only the pain of losing one family member. My special prayers to this woman and her daughter. God love them both.
I cannot even imagine the pain that Amanda must be in. And her step-daughter. My prayers go out to them both as they struggle to continue on in this world. :( My heart just aches. I need to give my kids a big hug as soon as I get home from work today. :(
WHY are there intestines on that cake?! WHY?
I admire a wreckerator who can do brains AND intestines in one. That's talent
The third one is so... mystifying!
Is it supposed to be a flower? Or is the resemblance to a placenta-brain intentional?
While keeping an open mind I actually felt a chill and shuddered with the brain / intestine cake.
How can anyone "stomach" that cake?
What a horrifying tragedy. I just donated and I'm praying that many many more will as well. Thanks for sharing it with us, even though, I'm still crying as I write this.
I can't imagine a loss so painful, thank you for sharing the link to donate.
hoping to adopt
Like you, I cannot fathom that level of tragedy. I can't even think about it without my heart skipping beats.
I'll send over my contribution shortly.
I'm not sure what's going on in most of these cakes, but they certainly are disturbing. Most of them do look like crime scenes. But what's the pile of pink intestines on top of cabbage leaves about? That one has me stumped (if I can use that word with a clean conscience after seeing those gingerbread men).
I agree with WriteCards - I'm a medical student and the first thing I thought when I saw the third cake was "wow, intestine...how revolting"...I mean, great, you can do pink swirly things, but please stop to consider what that's going to look like when you're done...!
Santa looks like he's sliding home on that last cake!
Although I live far from there now, this occurred near my home where I grew up (and will be traveling to this week). I followed the story online when it happened and was heartbroken for the family. I hope they find some comfort in the support of others this holiday season.
Jen, you are an angel. I hope the money you help raise for this family can get them a safe home in which to rebuild their lives.
Only your site could make me laugh and cry within minutes.
Thank you for your humor, and thank you for showing us how we can help this family. I will be definitely praying for this woman and step-daughter.
I know I've said this several times already, but I truly cannot thank you enough for your efforts to help Amanda.
I also want thank all of you who have read this post and are praying for Amanda and/or sending a donation. It really means a lot to have all your support :-)
Done, and done.
Thanks again for the giving opportunities.
The story of Amanda's loss literally almost made me throw up. I can't imagine the heartbreak and pain. Thank you for bringing her to our attention.
hee hee the last one is a Santa skin rug!!!
And the third one?
Thank you for sharing their story. I posted a link on my blog - maybe it'll reach other folks that Cake Wrecks hasn't before.
I'd take intestine cakes over that tragedy any day... my thoughts and prayers are with all those who suffer horrible tragedy this time of year.. and all year round... these stories are too numerous... may they all rest in peace (i have a nephew who is 4 named joshua... i have to admit that's when i started crying reading this story)
"The house they'd recently begun renting had no smoke detectors."
That's illegal. FOR THIS REASON.
What a hideous tragedy.
"Wow. Who knew a cake could have such an open mind?" could also read "Who knew a cake could have such intestinal fortitude".
The "brain" cake made me want to throw up! The "electric" gingerbread man is classic!
omg a pile of guts. *hurls*
I lost my son 4 years ago today, so I have a small inkling of what she is going through. I'm sending my best wishes for strength and love during this difficult time, and always.
Seriously- I think that cake decorators are doing their very best to appear on Cakewrecks- any publicity is good publicity- the last two months have been the absolute worst!
Okay, after staring at that innards cake for way too long, I think it is supposed to be a (pink) Santa hat inside a wreath.
My heart breaks for that family. Just donated $50 and going to go hug my 4 year old and 5 month old.
What the HAIL is that third one? It looks like a coil of...I'm just gonna say it...intestines. Nasty.
The person who commented that the house they were renting had no smoke detectors being illegal was absolutely right! The landlord should be COMPLETELY responsible for the entire expense, plus compensation for the suffering of this poor young woman and her stepdaughter.
There need to be criminal charges filed here.
Thanks again for all you are doing for charities this year. My own children are almost exactly the ages of Amanda's, so it really hits home. I have made my donation and hope many many more will as well. It's truly a pathetically small thing to do in comparison with her tragedy.
You know, you can get cutters for pre-bitten gingerbread people.see them here. There's no need to do-it-yourself.
That story about the fire made me cry. I can't even imagine going through such an ordeal.
Amanda's story is completely heartwrenching. I've made my contribution and would love to put a donation button on my facebook page for her. Does anyone know if that's possible? Going through my paypal account only seems to set one up for my own account. I'd like it to go straight to the bucklandfamilytrust. Thanks for any help!
Cake #1 -- immediate threnody chorus came to mind:
Open me up at Xmas. Can't you hear me whine? Open me up at Xmas, I'm running out of time
Her boyfriend stuck me in this shoebox when I was fast asleep. Being the runt of the litter, the pet store sold me cheap.
Oh, open me up at Xmas ...
As a mom to a 2 year old and 1 year old... The thought of losing both my children and my husband has me sobbing on my keyboard.
Thank-you for giving us the chance to donate to this family. I will hold my babies a little closer today.
The first cake... is that a black Santa's head? Geez. The third cake... looks like someone got disemboweled and it was placed on a bed of lettuce, with mayo and mustard glopped around! Ho, ho, ho!
A friend just lost everything in a fire last wk, but thankfully, only lost everyTHING. Donated, not a lot, but I know it adds up & that's the point... to do SOMETHING.
What a tragic choice of charity for today. Thank you, sincerely, for bringing it to our attention and letting us do something about it. And, while I remember, so so so so so many kudos to you for this charity countdown, and for all the publicity you've been giving to the various causes. Seriously.
...on the opposite end of the scale, because this is still CakeWrecks, that intestine!cake is like something out of a slasher movie. Augh!
Sigh, its not a wreath with mustard..It's the GRINCHES head (see his eyes up front?)...Looks like he suffered quite a head injury. Grinches have no brains that just have pale pink intestines...where do you think the term "(deleted) for brains" came from?
Now Im disturbed, cause I can translate that mess and decifer who it is. (maybe I watch too many crime solving dramas?)
Although I couldn't give much, I'm happy to give to the Trust. When I was 10, my best friend's neighbour lost their house around Christmas. I felt so bad for their kids. They lost everything they had, but still had each other.
I hope that Amanda and her step-daughter can find comfort in each other during this trying time.
Just yesterday, I actually finally "got around to" putting our smoke detector up in our home (we moved in about a year and a half ago, and the thing has been sitting on top of the fridge waiting to be installed)
It never really felt like a priority, and though it's been in my mind's perpetual to-do list, it just kept getting shuffled down.
But then yesterday, out of the blue, I saw it sitting there and decided that it had been put off for far too long.
And all the "job" entailed was finding a suitable spot to mount it and screwing two screws into the wall. There's really no excuse for putting it off as long as I did.
And now reading this, I see just how lucky I am that my procrastination didn't come with a price.
It's really something that shouldn't be taken for granted.
The family that's going through this tragedy has my deepest sympathies. Having a 2 year old and another on the way really makes this one hit home. I'm not entirely sure I could recover from that sort of pain.
Is that third one a pile of poo or have someone's intestines been wrenched from where ever intestines come from?
seriously? WHAT is that?!?! It scared me it was so disturbing.
Great choice of charity -- is PayPal the only donation option? The link you provided doesn't allow one to donate without creating / logging in to a PayPal account.
I have already given to several charities this Christmas and so I haven't given to any of yours - until today. I just can't even imagine going through something like that. I donated and I'm praying for Amanda. Thanks for bringing this situation to our attention.
I'm like Robin - I haven't donated to much this year because of tough times on our own accord. My Dad has to go through weekly chemo therapy and spent almost a month in the hospital - So I'm trying to help them.
But I couldn't turn away from this. I can't stop crying for how sad I am for Amanda. I donated 10 dollars - not much I know, but it will help.
And for those who are saying to sue the landlord. Though it is awfully dirty of him not to have any in that house - sueing him for money won't bring their family back. Lawsuits don't fix heartbreak.
My thoughts and prayers go out to Amanda and her step-daughter.
May her husband and her two little ones rest in piece.
I was just browsing the web today and found out about another charity you might want to include... http://www.cleaningforareason.org/
they provide professional housecleaning for women going through chemotherapy treatments.
that being said...I only wish I could donate to today's charity. My heart aches for them and their loss. What a horrid thing to happen at all, but especially at this time of year, when family is so important. :(
On a lighter note, I think I've finally deciphered the pile of brains and/or intestines, for those that have been trying to figure out what it was *meant* to be, but just can't.
It appears to be a top-down view of a Santa Hat (on top of a christmas tree? with eyes facing towards the bottom of the picture?) You can see the little puff ball hanging off to the side.
Absolutely astonishing cakes today.
And an absolutely heart-wrenching story. I'm not just giving $1. Money won't bring back what they've lost, but they'll need time to regroup and start their new, radically changed life, and money will help give them some breathing room while they do that. A friend of mine lost his house and his son in a tornado last year, and just watching what his family has gone through makes me just ache for this family who has lost even more. There is no pain like the loss of a child, and no pain like the loss of a spouse, and no pain like the loss of a parent. All those are here, compounded by sudden homelessness. Bless you for having this family as your charity of the day. I am also resolved to stop just reading Cake Wrecks and actually give to each of the charities. I've been slacking, and the need is great.
I'm still crying so might have a typo or two. My heart goes out to Amanda and her step-daughter. My God, I can't even imagine what they're going through right now.
Thank you John and Jen for bringing Amanda's story to us. All of the highlighted charities, but this one most of all.
Okay, and I have to add my first thought on the brain/intestine cake was it was a pile of mutant fish poop. But at least I was able to laugh today too.
wow. the juxtaposition of today's wrecks and today's charity blows my mind.
the cake with innards piled high is particularly hideous. i just sat and stared at the screen for a very long while, trying to process what my eyes were seeing.
as for amanda and her little family, well, i'm heartbroken for them. and thankful that i can, in some small way, help. my thoughts and prayers are also with them.
decks the halls with boughs of entrails... fa la la la...
wow. This charity today has ripped to my heart. Followed to Kristie's blog post and I am doing all I can to hold back the tears. Many prayers being lifted up on behalf of Amanda and her step-daughter, as well as the rest of their family and friends.
Despite local laws, the is extraordinarily irresponsible of the landlord. Unbelievable.
Wow, this is the first time this site has made my cry. So sad, but thank you for helping that family.
Today's charity convinced me to give. I can't imagine such a loss. While I don't have much to give, if we all give a little, it could make a big difference for this family.
That is such a sad story. I haven't donated to any of the charities yet, but I had to donate to that cause. So sorry for them.
That third Wreckerator is lost in the bowels of insanity! And it's chocolate??? Who wants to eat that association?
I also thought the brains looked more like intestines.
As for the last one, it might be a Santa-skin rug, but I think it might also be Santa sliding onto home plate.
Jen, would you consider posting about the lakewood police officers one day?
if you don't know the story already, on November 29th 4 lakewood police officers were shot and killed in a coffee shop while they were preparing for work. they left behind 9 children between the 4 of them.
donations can be made through the lakewood police independent guild. http://www.lpig.us/
Thank you for the warning about the sad story. I always warn people when I tell my sad baby story! I've always said movies should have a rating called "SB" for pregnant women or other sensitive people. They just spring that on you, like in Benjamin Buttons!
The brain Santa hat scares me. I don't think I could eat it until I spread out the frosting to make it look more like a hat.
I remember as a child when smoke detectors were kind of a new thing, and this story was unfortunately more common. But that's been about 25 years ago now-- I am so angry for this young mother and the people of Michigan that this is not a law! It's not an expensive item, and look what it could have prevented.
In honor of her children, I am checking my smoke detector batteries. Today is my son's half birthday, and this also marks the beginning of winter. At the start of summer, when I test them again, you can bet I will think about what just happened to that family. Thanks for selecting their story to highlight today.
That last cake sort of has Santa tossing the present under the tree in the *nick* of time. (hohoho!)
Or do you think it's a bomb?
And what the heck's up with "Dallas!"? Is that another thing to say instead of Happy Holidays, along the lines of Winter, underlined?? Hope it made sense to whoever is holding the cake.
I think the last cake is depicting Santa being robbed. You'll notice the tree appears to have two "stumps," and it is walking away from the scene of the crime.
Thanks for posting that so we can send donations to that poor woman (and good heads up on the sad warning). My heartfelt prayers to anyone mourning loss of any kind this time of year. It's the worst.
Please let anyone who wishes to donate today to fill in the amount, hit the "Update Total" button, and THEN fill in your info. or it won't work!
Thank you, Jen and John, for introducing us to today's charity. As a wife and mother, I cannot even begin to comprehend the pain and loss that Amanda Buckland and her daughter are going through. I donated and put a link to today's post on my Facebook page. I hope that this story will move others to give as well. My thoughts and prayers are with this family.
Number 3 looks like intestines to me. Yummy! Christmas viscera!
That third one looks like a post mortem on an alien. Blech!
I too thought it was intestines on that third cake. The piles of green spinach-y icing made it look like guts florentine.
That second pic, the one that looks electrified...all I can think when I look at it is "were they trying to make a Wicker Man?!?!?!?"
I like the Santa "moobs" one best. Of course, I'm partial to cookie cakes...
I was just about to post this as an original thought, but after a last minute check of previous posts, I see that Paja beat me to it: the 3rd cake is a bird's eye view of the Grinch's head. Although why anyone would want to celebrate with a cake depicting the top of anyone's head is beyond me.
I don't have a paypal account so I will be sending my donation via snail mail to the address provided. Also I am going to paste a link to it on my facebook page so I can help to spread the word. It is the least I can do.
I don't have any sway, and I most likely have no readers aside from friends, but I reposted Amanda's story on my blog, Couch It: http://couch-it.blogspot.com/2009/12/please-read-this.html
Hopefully this helps.
"It's electric!" I'm still giggling over that one. Thanks, Jen!
My thoughts and prayers are with Amanda Buckland and her stepdaughter. I have posted the link to the original blog on my Facebook, and plan to do so on my Twitter and blog as well.
It's horrible to lose family, and to lose so much, especially during the holidays, is so much harder.
*hugs* to them.
i concur with the first commenter. i was horrified before i read YOUR words, honest to goodness thinking it was somebody's large intestines!!! holy disgusto, batman!
My friend Dottie lost her home and her husband recently. I know, unfortunately, firsthand, the pain that this lady must be going through. I am so sorry for her. Julie
Jen (or John?) said:
"Look, I know sometimes it's only natural to spend your workday fantasizing about the many and colorful ways your boss/customers/coworkers could meet an untimely end - I do."
Er ... I thought you were self-employed ... Maybe you can get some of that group therapy time, too ...
The 3rd one looks alike a perforated abdomen - although I would expect more necrotic (black) looking guts, but it comes complete with green pus just oooozing out. I can smell it now. (Sorry, that case was that bad.)
The third one looks like pink poo.
Prayers go out to Amanda and her daughter. I wish I could donate.
Unfortunately, I'm unemployed right now and can only afford to give $1, but I still hope it helps somehow. Amanda and her stepdaughter are definitely in my thoughts.
I can't even begin to imagine the scope of her loss. What worse time of year could there be for something like that to happen?
Thank you John and Jen for bringing attention to her tragedy. We can at least help her replace the replaceable things.
What a terrible, unimaginable loss for the Bucklands. They are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing the information about donating to the fund... I've done so and posted a link on my Facebook page asking friends and family to do the same.
I posted earlier, mistakenly I suppose, about a lack of smoke detectors being illegal.
This would make the perfect case to fight for them to be required in rental homes in that area. Any lobbyists out there?
many many prayers for the family! i lost my daughter 4 years ago so i can understand on a small level how heartbroken amanda and her stepdaughter are.
i will pray she is surrounded by supporting family and friends.
and that brain cake...wtf? that looks like throwup. who would even think of buying anything like that? sick, sick, sick!
as a colon cancer surviver, that last one really freaks me out.
WV: dingste - origin of disgusting
Is it possible to make Amanda's story a separate post? When I try to share on FB, it comes up with the wrecks story first.... I live in MI, and would love to share the message with others in the area....
My daughter is 8 months old. I can't imagine. I gave what I could and wish I could give more.
The third cake looks like intestines than those in our head. But I don't know if I am going to eat such. It is not appetizing.
What a horrible thing to happen to this family. Let that be a reminder to ALWAYS have smoke detectors, that work - in every room in your home. And test them often.
I hope the little I can give helps. Thank you for letting us know about this tragedy and having a way to help.
I know I am far away and completely unknown to you Amanda, but I am terribly sorry for your loss and I wish I could make it better somehow. Please know you are not all alone in this world.
Thank you for such a wonderful cause for donation. My father was almost killed in a fire when I was 6 years old because there were no smoke detectors in the apartment where he was staying.
My heart goes out to this poor young woman.
My donations have decreased through CW because I have had friends come into need themselves. One, a cat blogger, had their house broken into and most of their belongings stolen. The other one, a coworker friend's relatives were in a fire. The kids are 9, 7, and 6. They lost all their belongings, and they didn't have much to being with. So, I made a $100 donation to them for clothes and a few toys for Christmas. The 9 year old girl's hair caught on fire and she got 3rd degree burns on her hands trying to put it out. Luckily that's the worst of it and she's out of the hospital.
The kids are staying with their grandmother and her boyfriend because of a nasty custody battle. Well, the grandmother's boyfriend decided to start a fire in the fireplace with newspaper, kindling, and ... GASOLINE. Of course, there was an explosion. Luckily the two youngest were outside playing at the time, but the 9 year old got the brunt of it. And, it doesn't stop there. The jerk is now trying to blame it on the kids who were outside at the time.
Yes, the open-minded is indeed intestines. Complete with the, ummm, 'tail end' trailing off to the, ummm, bottom. Oh dear.
The cakes - as usual, serious wrecks. I think the 3rd is supposed to be a santa hat in a wreath, based upon the odd white blob to one side. But that's just a guess...
As for today's charity, may she find peace in the year to come, and may the public allow her the space to mourn in her own fashion. We had a tragedy here many years ago where I had to have the highway patrol help me bounce a local tv personality because she couldn't take no for an answer at their funeral. *sigh*
as to the short squat one, i like his hat. very... phashionable
I was knocked off my feet financially this month, and had thought I wouldn't donate to your charities, though they are very important.
Except this one. Wow. I gave $2.50 and realized that this wasn't enough.
I'd love to hear how much we all raised...
Nobody should EVER have to go through what Amanda must be going through right now. It really puts into perspective what is important and just how small my problems. I I am donating and praying for this young woman and her step-daughter.
The intestines cake is terrifying o_O It looks like someone's belly got split!
I cannot imagine how Amanda is holding up :( I'm friends with her on facebook, and she's being way more stoic than I ever could be...I'm sure she's broken up inside, but she's being so strong...
And I just have to say...I'm broke. I've hand-made all my presents this year, and I have to hand them out at our family dinner on New Year's, as I don't have enough to ship them.
But I gave to Amanda. I wish I could give to all the charities this month, but I cant...and I wasn't planning to, with my current situation.
I wasn't able to give much, but I can hardly imagine what she's going through, and maybe with everyone together there can be some semblance of peace for her.
That poor woman. I have a 4 year old son, and I cannot imagine losing him, in any manner at all. But to lose the son as well as a baby daughter AND a husband - my god. I can't imagine the pain she must be in. Why do these horrible things happen to people?
I'd like to submit a charity possibility. The Surfrider Foundation is a great organization that helps clean up oceans and beaches.
Thanks for the consideration!
I hope you guys realise what an amazing thing you're doing by using this apparently frivolously passion to touch our hearts for the things that matter. I live a long way from these people but my heart goes out to them and I hope our collective donations and prayers can help provide some comfort.
I did think of intestines too when I saw the 3rd. cake! So disgusting!!! who could eat something like that? It would probably be a great birthday cake for Dr. Hannibal Lecter! anybody else agrees with me?
I've loved all the charities you've posted thus far- I've even been involved with a few (I dug wells for a summer in Mozambique, Africa). But I'm now working as an artist, and barely have money to pay rent and eat.
But then I read this story, about the girl with the same name as me, and I shaken. So I donated (not much, not enough, but what I could). I'm so sorry, Amanda.
Someone got killed and the murderer hid the body right on the cake
Are you sure those aren't entrails? Not that a sliced open skull isn't just as good a way to off your boss ... I'm just saying.
I'm sorrry, I don't agree that it's a brain. It's intestines. UGH! Regardless, neither is appealing for a cake, now is it?
A Mr Bill reference!! I LOVE that!! Never see much of him anymore.
Look, the criminal left his doggy footprints at the scene of the poochicide! the blood seeped icing with his tongue hanging out--wtf?
Love the electrified gingerbread man's "shocked" eyes and scarf, too!
WHAT, in God's name, is that third cake supposed to be? A wreath? or is the greenery the bed for the intestine pie that's being served with a trail of mustard around the edge. please, what is the backstory here? how unappetizing.
Mr. Gingerbread Bill does look like an attack victim. The icing is even smudged where his arms were stolen. I wonder if there's a cookie crumb trail to the culprit....
(he actually looks a little ghostly)
Is man jug Santa naked? except for the boots and white mittens? there's an image I didn't need. He looks a little shocked. Maybe he just caught his reflection.
Is that a flower shaped pan they
used to make him?
That Dallas crime scene cake cracks me up! "Dallas written in blood" and love the little plastic hat on top of flat Santa. He looks like he got hit right as he was putting the little present under the tree. See how it seems a little flung to the edge?
"Who knew a cake could have such an open mind?"
It looks (A LOT) more like an open abdomen to me.
Happy holidays, Wreckerators!
These are just wrong in so many ways! Come on people... creative is one thing, but bizarre & creepy is another.
LOL @ Bek.
Deck the halls with boughs of entrails. fa la la la la la la la la
shock the cookies, chop off doggy tails, fa la la la la la la la la
garnish brains with wreaths of mustard....set it on cabbage leaves with mayo....
now we've all lost our app-e-tites, fa la la la la, la la la la.
come to think of it, maybe it WAS supposed to be a Santa hat on a xmas tree. the mustard may be garland and there is a trailing piece with a possible pom pom. but why pink? and why entrail-like? and WHY a Santa hat on a tree? and why a top view? at least the garland could look more festive. sheesh.
I like the theory that the tree is making off with the gift. And if you look closely, Santa is either wearing corduroy or he has treadmarks. however, the hat still being stiff and erect is baffling. is it a santa hat helmet?
also, here in NJ we're required to have smokes on every level and within the doorway of each bedroom. but for older homes, they can sometimes make do with less. but still must have SOME smokes. plus, aren't there "international codes" that govern this thing? how can it be legal anywhere in the u.s.?
heartbreaking tragedy. as a parent, it makes my heart ache for her. God bless.
wv: whinkles. I think runover Santa has some whinkles in his clothes. manboobs might have them in his skin. and intestine cake--well, enough said.
I can't even imagine the loss that poor family is feeling. How awful. Donation has been sent.
My thoughts go out to the Buckland family and friends. Ho Ho Horrors indeed :( Dribble sent.
Also sent myself a reminder to check batteries at home.
Today's CW offerings were also pretty frightening. Glossy intestines and a santa skin rug are chilling in a non-wintery sense.
Thanks so much for telling us about Amanda's situation. We lost our home to fire 29 years ago this past December and lost all our belongings. The one thing that comforted us was not losing a life. My heart and prayers goes out to her family, and I hope that my small contribution helps somewhat. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help.
I was really bummed yesterday because I wanted to donate to this family and yet my financial situation prevented me from doing so. But then...after reading one of the articles you had linked to, I had a great idea. I am going to Sears after work to buy a gift card and mail it to the address in the article. I even called the people to let them know that I would be sending it! Yes, I have to charge it but you know what? In this case, it's perfectly alright!
The "brain" cake... Oh. My. Lord.
That's all, I got nuthin' else.
are you sure that pink one has the intestinal fortitude to have an open mind??? LOL
I don't have much (had $1.75 on my acct) and I sent every cent. I wish I could've helped more. What a tragic story :(
My prayers are with the woman who lost her husband and children in the fire. I can't imagine the pain she must be going through. I don't cry often, but I am actually crying right now thinking about her loss.
that last one: totally a "poo-tree"; in fact, I think this blog may have ruined forever cylindrical chocolate frosting for me.
These are horrible. And fantastic. And horrible.
So thalidomide gingerbread men are festive now? Combine that with Santa in mid sex change and I say this is one GREAT Christmas!!
Liz in Seattle
PS-- I do not have a Paypal acct. Are there other ways to donate? I don't want o break my streak! Especially when it comes to this family.
I would really like to see a total of all the donations... but I know there wouldn't really be a way to sort them out? Or would there?
I'm really hoping we made a difference for Amanda and her stepdaughter. They need it now more than ever to know that people care about them.
All I can say is take this as a lesson to always tell your loved ones that you love them, check your smoke detectors, and cherish every moment of life
This post *ahem* TAKES THE CAKE (yes I know the pun has been done WAY too many times). I couldn't help but laugh at each and every cake.
Great way to promote charitable efforts, as well- keep up the good work!
Cyndi said...
Only your site could make me laugh and cry within minutes.
Posted Kristie's blog link on my Facebook; I can't even imagine such a horrible tragedy for Amanda. :(
i cant even begin to imagine the immense pain this woman and her stepdaughter are dealing with. i cant imagine going on. i donated money, i only wish i could donate comfort...
Why does the man-jug Santa only have half a hat?
WV-roobsp: the noise I made when I saw the intestine cake.
Too funny. The Santa cakes are my favorite. It is nice to have a good silly laugh and then feel better about my own baking skills or lack thereof!
hahaaha A bakery butcher...thats classic! Killing myself here laughing. lol xx
Love it! Can wait to have one. Really very artistic!