I'm pretty sure I will never get tired of geeky wedding cakes. Especially when they come in so many great "flavors":
Coding Geek:
(Submitted by Emily G. Baker unknown, but lots more wedding code suggestions on the original post here.)Mac/PC Geek:
(Sub'd by Kelly J., baker unknown, originally posted here.)Gamer Geek:
(This is CW reader Christine W.'s wedding cake, by Renaissance Productions.
If you're wondering, it's a Tonberry. And if you're not wondering, well, it's still a Tonberry.)
(This gorgeous Companion Cube cake was sub'd by Emily H. & originally posted on Offbeat Bride)Old School Geek:
(Sub'd by Karen M., made by Sheri's Edible Designs)For you wee babes among us, that's Pee Wee's Playhouse. And yes,
it's a wedding cake. I do hope they served it with ice cream soup.
Nominate your own Sunday Sweet by sending it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.- Similar Sweets: Stargate Cakes
104 comments | Post a Comment
On the Companion Cube Cake there are two characters. The characters are Utena and Anthy from the anime Revolutionary Girl Utena. Why their on the Companion Cube Cake, I'm not sure, but they are also adorable! ^_^
I love that Geek-Wee cake!
I can see having some of these cakes at my friends' weddings. Those bakers did an excellent job!
I shouted out "PEE WEE!" when I saw that last cake and now my 2-year-old keeps asking, "Momma? Okay?"
Jury's still out, kid.
I can't believe you let this comment from the original post slide:
"(it's only a 6" cake because the main cake is a bunch of cupcakes)."
But I guess this is *sweets*, and that is a pretty awesome geeky wedding cake, I agree.
That tonberry is amazing!! so cute, yet so deadly (in the games)
I love the Pee-Wee's Playhouse one! That was one of my favorite shows as a kid. And it is now one of my kids' favorites.
Surely that companion cube cake is a lie? ;o)
I love the Portal cake! (Companion Cube)
wv: oodiastr, what you usually find on Cake Wrecks. ;-}
Love the Pee Wee's playhouse cake! Best episode is when he married a fruit salad. Man that show was awesome.
Peewee's Play House is old school???? Nay, my cakey friend. Lost in Space is old school.
If you're young enough to have seen Peewee as a kid, you're young.
uhm - the {death==true} makes me want to wet myself a little cos i'm not a coder.
they're all incredible!
i especially love the pee wee's playhouse cake, prolly because i used to watch the show with my kids when they were little. i'd giggle and snort at so many of the jokes that went right over their innocent lil heads.
great detail, but would've been cool to see jambi or miss yvonne.
"mekka lekka hi, mekka hiney ho. your wish is granted. long live jambi."
how's that for geek?
@Charlene: "Old school" usually refers to something from around the 1980's. This is because this word was first used as part of POPULAR parlance (as opposed to its original, more lofty diction- this is when EVERYBODY started saying it all the time,) in the 1990's to refer to rap artists of the 1980's, who made more dance-able, light-hearted music which was very different from 90's gangsta rap.
Those first to cakes were awesome! and that second cake makes me want to consider a ubuntu cake for my grooms cakes... that is if and when I get married... maybe I should buy that for my birthday...
That tonberry (whatever that is) looks like it is made of plastic, or maybe ceramics. Ruins an otherwise excellent design.
ohhh! I love the first cake! I bet these taste as good as they look
Peewee's playhouse!! ZOMG!!! Peewee is a little before my time, but, having geek parents, I'm very familiar with him. And the mac/pc cake was adorable~
Oh, I love the little Utena & Anthy characters on the Portal Cake! It makes a nice combination of anime geek & gamer geek. (:
Omg..Pee Wee!!!! I almost screamed when I saw that. I used to watch that all the time growing up (and still do now). Good thing I didn't know it could be done into a wedding cake...my husband would not have been pleased.
I think the people who regularly read and respond to this web site are among the smartest and funniest people online. This is one site where I not only look forward to the main site (and Jen's comments) but also the reader comments as well. Thanks for the daily smiles--and instruction.
I LOVE that Pee Wee's Playhouse cake! I want a cake just like it for my 30th birthday.
I love the Mac v PC cakes. Gives new meaning to "mixed marrage".
I'd like a large slice of Cowboy Curtis please. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Cakey!
Portal cake! :D
I love it. I went as Chell from Portal for Halloween this year (complete with companion cube), but only three people recognized me. :'(
As a professed technophone, these cakes scare me ... even tech-frosting is alarming to me.
The C cake is definitely my favorite out of these!
Highs: The tonberry! looks incredible
Lows: Companion Cube. It's sub-par, especially for sunday sweets.
I recognized the Companion Cube Cake immediately from OBB. The brides are totally cute.
The Mac loves Windows is my favourite.
Why oh why did I not have a programming cake for my wedding! That is too cute! Oh well, my first anniversary is coming up, maybe then.
The tonberry looks like it's going to attack that pie in the corner. Poor pie, it's doomed! It'll have plenty of time to contemplate its short life and the irony of being iced by a cake while the tonberry shuffles forth though. ^_^
I only wish Mac and PC were that compatible. :-/
Utena and Anthy together on the Companion Cube cake is so many levels of adorable! ~*^_^*~ I wonder if two ladies were celebrating together over that cake, I certainly would with my partner!
LOVE the code cake and the Mac loves PC cakes. WONDERFUL!!!!
And, I wonder what the secret word was for the Pee Wee wedding cake! :) I hope everyone screamed really loud at the reception!
EEEE! Tonberry cake!
I am "proud" to say I did recognize Pee Wee's playhouse before the explanation. I wonder...anyone ever done a cake of the fridge people??
The Companion Cube cake, was it for a lesbian wedding? Those two little chibis in front look like two girls, right? Or I am just blind? It would take a pretty secure male to have a little girl chibi represent him on the cake. It would be AWESOME though. :D
Ooor, I could NOT be an idiot and actually read the links. Yeah, but where's all the fun humiliation in that? :P
The Pee Wee's Playhouse cake is most awesome!!! I watched in in grad school - and no I was not stoned at the time. Totally sober and I loved it!!!
Okay, this is my last post, but for realz ya'll need to check out the CCC (companion cube cake) link. I am a puddle of teary goo! Basically, the whole wedding is like the cake: tasteful, nerdy and beautiful. JEALOUS!
AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! You said the secret word!
That coder cake is awesome. It reminds me of my favorite edition of Foxtrot:
The kid whathisname is standing by the blackboard grinning, and the teacher, looking annoyed and unimpressed, says "Nice try". On the board, the kid has written something like
for (int x = 0; x < 100; x++)
system.out.println("I will not throw paper airplanes in class.");
My inner geek is lusting for sugary goodness now. Awesome selections this week!
My favourite is the Tonberry because I've always been a FF geek to the extreme.
Om Nom Nom.
The C Cube cake is just cute!
its a stand joke in my house to comment on any cake with "The cake is a lie". Try and explain that at work with a straight face and not have your friends go WHAT!?
Wonder if they had that awesome song play at the wedding from the end of the game.
"When your dead and gone, I'll still be alive"..LMAO!
Love the geek cakes! If I ever remarry, I think I want an Anime geek cake *G*
OMG! I am totally in love with the PeeWee's Playhouse cake!
I can just hear what they said while cutting the companion cube cake:
"Congratulations. You ate your faithful companion cube. Well done."
Tonberry is cute, now I must go look up what it is.
OMG... Those are so adorable! The Pee Wee cake is amazing and awesome!
I love the code cake! My husband and his groomsmen were all programmers so they put a similar program on his back windshield.
LOVE it all!!!
I have "Mekka lekka hi mekka hainey ho" as my welcome screen to my cell phone just because it makes me smile at my geeky cleverness every time I turn my phone on!
I didn't know until just now how much I want a Pee-Wee cake of my own! I hope this starts a trend in them. I was so happy to see he had a stage show going again recently.
"Golly, it's cuckoo..."
Oooh....the SO and I would be terrified if we got a Tonberry cake. We'd be much too afraid that it would try creeping up and giving us a mortal blow when we weren't looking. (shiver!)
The Tonberry cake is awesome - I love it! The first cake is cute too.
Eeee! Tonberry cake is so cute! I would love to see a Moogle cake.
Love these - especially the coding one! How about:
Do While i >= 0
i +=1
For those non-coders out there, it's an infinite loop :)
I love, love, LOVE the Companion Cube cake. it is definitely NOT a lie.
and my fiancée yelled so loud when he saw the Tonberry cake. I think he's plotting for a Tonberry cake now.
The cake is a lie! The companion is love! If the companion is cake, is love a lie? NO!!!!!!!
The Tonberry cake was made by a good friend of mine. If you didn't check the link to Renaissance Productions, you should.
omg! I was totally excited to see the Tonberry cake! (not because I actually know what it is though, and don't worry, my gamer husband rolled his eyes at me when I told him that). I know the people at Renaissance Productions, and years ago they made a cake for our production of the play All My Sons...I've been meaning to submit it as a Sweet for a while, but I was afraid my pics were sub-par. I'm glad they got a moment to shine though!
I love the coding cake. I had to get my husband to explain the code to me... then we went over all the others in the link and he explained them all to me :D I married a geek.
Some people are just so darn clever.
Oh gosh, these are all fantastic! That tonberry is really stunning and I love that the companion cube cake comes with Anthy and Utena (from Revolutionary Girl Utena)"toppers."
Peewee's Playhouse is such a nostalgia trip!
I love this wedding cakes *-* especialy de Heart box of the game Portal an the little characters of Utena and Anthy from Shoujo Kakumei Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Girly squee at the Companion Cube cake!
Although perhaps the vows should now include the statement "To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, 'til one of us euthanizes the other one in order to escape from a megalomaniac artificial intelligence."
word verification clevirde: Well, I thought the joke was clevirde.
Squee over the companion cake (how sad I was when it had to go in the incinerator. My baby!) And OMG Pee Wee's Playhouse!!! That was my favorite show as a kid and I was so excited when Adult Swim had it on like two years ago during the summer. They need to put it back on. "If you love it so much, why don't you marry it?" "I WILL!"
Omg! Tonberry cake! I love it.
I used love love my weekend shift at the diner because it allowed me to watch all of Pee-wee before work:
Come on in, and pull yourself up a chair (like Chairry !)
Let the fun begin, it's time to let down your hair !
Pee-wee's so excited,
'cause all his friends have been invited (that's you !)
To go wacky, at Pee-wee's playhouse!
There's a crazy rhythm, comin' from puppetland (what that ? )
Dirty Dog, Cool Cat, and Chicky Baby are the puppet band (yeah !)
He's got a couple of talkin' fish,
And a genie who'll grant a wish -
Golly, it's cuckoo at Pee-wee's playhouse !
Globey's spinnin', Mr. Window's grinnin',
'cause Pterri's flyin' by (hello !)
The flowers are singin', the picture phone is ringin',
And the dinosaur family goes, "hi!";
Mr. Kite's soarin', Conky's still a snorin',
There's the flashing magic screen.
The countess is so classy, Randy's kinda sassy -
A nuttier establishment you've never seen !
Spend the day with Pee-wee and you'll see what we mean ! (come on !)
Get outta bed, there'll be no more nappin'! (wake up!)
'cause you've landed in a place where anything can happen -
Now we've given you fair warnin' !
It's gonna be that kind of mornin' -
For bein' wacky !
For getting nutty !
Golly, it's cuckoo !
At Pee-wee's playhouse!
(Sorry so long, but I couldn't resist treating my fellow old-school geeks!)
aside: didn't Cyndi Lauper write that Pee Wee song?
cakes: made of win
Awww! My favorite is the coding cake. It's just cute, and it's well done enough that I can get the point even if I'm not a programmer.
Oh golly, I hope the first person to cut up the Tonberry cake loudly said "Doink!" as they did so.
And as for the Peewee's Playhouse cake (which is awesome, of course), all I have to say is:
"Hit me hit me hit me hit me!"
HAH! How's that for obscure references? If anyone knows where that's from, I'll eat my hat. :p
Amazing. I just got introduced to Tonberries earlier today.
now i wonder if my geek wedding cake e-mail got though *ponders*
Go, Tonberry cake! Although I admit if I were going for a Final Fantasy critter cake, I would have to stick with the super-cute moogle, classic design.
The Tonberry cake is cute!
Aren't those characters on the Companion Cube cake Utena and Anthy from "Revolutionary Girl Utena"?
Oh I LOVE the companion cube!!!
Holy... (no pun intended, Tonberry fans)
When I scrolled down to the Tonberry, I was convinced that I had just laid eyes upon the coolest cake ever made.
Then... then I scrolled on down to the Utena & Anthy cake. That series was my very first anime obsession.
That last one can also be served with parfaits! Mmmm, parfait-y!
The ladies married with the Companion Cube/ Utena cake are friends of friends of mine. :) (and we go to the same geek convention).
OMG YOU MENTIONED OFFBEAT BRIDES!!! Only one of my FAVORITE blogs evar! That mention has further cemented you into "Awesome Awesomehood" for me. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
"Kat said...
On the Companion Cube Cake there are two characters. The characters are Utena and Anthy from the anime Revolutionary Girl Utena. Why their on the Companion Cube Cake, I'm not sure, but they are also adorable! ^_^"
Gir suggests that those two characters probably have some meaning to the geeks, maybe their favorite anime?
Okay, the Tonberry makes me really happy.
I heard that if you eat 18-22 Tonberry cakes, a King Tonberry cake will appear.
I linked my geek partner to this post. His response was to alternate between "awww" (i.e. these are some sweet geeky cakes) and "eek" (i.e. that could be us!).
The Pee Wee's Playhouse cake is fab ! Just so you know, I don't think that is supposed to be Pee Wee and Miss Yvonne getting married...her dress isn't fluffy enough and Pee Wee is already married to a fruit salad ! (eye winking)
Love your numbering scheme for the Top 20
-- Sprocket1980
OMG, that Tonberry is adorable! And I <3 the Companion Cube.
The companion cube cake is a LIE!! xD
interesting. . . . ..
A great big YES! for that Pee-Wee's Playhouse cake! I have the series on DVD and my kids LOVE to watch it. Pee-Wee was timeless.
Also, my WV is stfutio. Just giggling at the stfu part.
I love the cake from Portal ^_^
they have anthy and utena on the cube cake. and thay have a rose!X)
That code cake is fantatsic! I *love* the USB cupcakes! So fantastic.
I feel like the have_and_hold / love_and_cherish functions should clearly take arguments...
And yes, the caps were necessary.
So cute! And funny too! Love it!
If I ever marry the bloke I'm fond of right now, we'll have the Mac Loves Windows cake – he's a PC computer technician, I'm a Mac graphic design student. They can actually mix well!
*ahem* No, the above pretty much sums it up.
The best thing about the Portal cake is that it's doubly geeky-- the figurines are two characters from Revolutionary Girl Utena, an anime. XD
I have an overwhelming urge to slice the Tonberry cake to bits before it gets close enough to touch with me that knife of his......
@Kat Maybe because they're lesbian otaku? That's my guess.
Since my internet's been off, I'm a little late getting to this, but I literally squealed when I saw the Tonberry cake!
I wonder if it did 9,999 damage to their reception. Hmmm...
I can tell how much of a geek I am by the fact that my first thought on the first one was "isn't (death == true) unnecessarily verbose? Wouldn't just (death) suffice, since it evaluates to a boolean?"
If it were up to my husband, we would have had a programming cake for our wedding! Cute, but no thank you. ;) xx
I love the last one, PeeWee's playhouse!.