Thursday, March 11, 2010
My, SOMEBODY's Been Busy...
Thursday, March 11, 2010
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Wreck the Halls
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What's a Wreck?
What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
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- “Will have you laughing so hard you’ll forget to eat!”— Washington Post
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- “It’s all here, each wreck a disaster of hilarity.” — BookPage.com
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- “laugh-out-loud funny”— The Times
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- “an amazing laugh-out-loud book”— The Book Triblog
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- "I was laughing so hard, I couldn't catch my breath."
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65 comments | Post a Comment
Well, that's just ridiculous.
Well that covers it all, what else is there?
hahaha! Thanks Jen for posting this, you've made this wreckporters day. :)
Laura S
I you think this is something, you should see the one they're having commissioned for their Wedding/family-reunion/little-league-soccer-champions
Is this what happens when the cake shop uses one bit of paper for all the orders??? And theedge work is simply.... stunning... not!
I think everybody should come up with a story that would explain this cake and post it in the comments. I want to read people's explanations of this.
I think they could have squeezed "bon voyage" and "happy graduation" in there if they had really tried.
Happy Bar Mitzvah?
Bon Voyage?
...nah, I got nuthin'....
I hope this cake is for multiple people!
What? No happy birthday, too? Slackers!
Well, then.
Wow, what? It's not their birthday and anniversary? Lame.
@ Taylor; My version of what happened:
They family was all impressed that "uncle stingy" said he'd bring the cake for the bbq party for grandpa bob, the grandkids and for cousin sarah and her husband...they should of known.
Wow, uh, congratulations etc!
Well, at least there's no flotsam.
It's obviously for a teacher who is pregnant and retiring- in June!
I think they were practicing their writing skills on the cake... other than that I got nothing!
I'm guessing that cake was made for a school faculty with at least one pregnant person and one retiree. The "Summer Vacation" part was thrown in so the rest of the staff didn't feel left out. And since it's for teachers, they couldn't afford to buy 3 separate cakes!
Just circle the appropriate occasion.
A teacher is having a baby over the summer, and is finishing out the school year, but not coming back.
At least it looks edible...
Yeah, there's not much one can say about this one. It's just out there, somewhere, in a world that we do not inhabit.
Wahay, a multiple choice cake! Delete as appropriate......
I'm just thinking of the poor person having a baby in their retirement years (Surprise! No peace and quiet for you!)
I think it's for a "Grandma gone wild". She retired in the summer, went to Cabo on her very first vacation, and perhaps drank a little too much tequila, annnnddd menopause baby is born!
As if the color scheme isn't enough...that IS a busy time in ones life. I can't remember anyone ever getting the joy of giving birth on summer vacation just after cashing in on retirement. Go them! Oh decorators....really?
Isn't retirement a vacation, which would make those two phrases redundant. As for the new baby thing...I'm not sure where that fits in...
I like the idea of a multiple-choice cake. I should get one for my aunt and uncle sometime - they like sending out multiple-choice quizes as their annual Christmas letter.
I love all the theories here. and some grandmas ARE a little on the young side...the ones that were wild in their youth...
"40-year-old virgin" comes to mind....(Trish, the hot grandma)
what else can they do:
Happy Birthday, communion, new puppy?
Welcome Home, Happy Anniversary, Congratulations on the new baby/job
etc. etc.
@ Taylor - How about this. After many childless years, the couple adopted/had a new baby. So mom is retiring from the workforce to raise the little one ... on a boat.
Or maybe this was a sample cake to give clueless customers reasons to buy a cake other than for a birthday. Or ... no clue.
I kinda have to question why 'summer vacation' comes AFTER 'retirement'. Surely the whole point of retirement is that every day is a summer vacation?
Well, buying three cakes...who could have eaten that many.
And still, the downward slope tells us the decorate was depressed she/he couldn't seal the three cake deal.
I'm going with "circle the appropriate occasion."
@Qatie - oooh multiple choice quiz on the Christmas card insert.... at least then it would be interesting/entertaining to read. I think I might have to try that! LOL
Do you think the color scheme was inspired by a package of highlighters??
Being a teacher, I have to vote for the end of the school year teacher party. It seems most probable - even if the other ideas are funnier. :)
Maybe they just dont feel like buying her multiple cakes through her life time so they just put them all together.
Monique I
i would not call this a wereck well maybe the hand writing.. but methinks its for a staff celebrating many occassions...
ha ha ha!...on a boat!
I'm thinking it was an intentional wreck, since the person it was made for loves Cake Wrecks. Just saying.
Due to recent budget cutbacks the office could only afford one cake, therefore forced to celebrate all staff accomplishments in one cake... Obivously :-)
I tried to come up with an explanation for this..
but I failed.
There are no words.
Maybe they were trying to save money and have a baby shower/retirement party/summer vacation celebration (??) all at once? Is the person retiring also having a baby in time for summer vacation?
We'll never know...
I'd say this is a multi-purpose cake for a family. 1. Mom, who just had a baby 2. Dad (who married a woman 30 yrs his junior) is retiring And 3. Their school age child who is excited about summer vacation!
Whatever...and I MEAN what EV-ver!
I don't care WHAT they were trying to do!
There are only two things that I want to know:
ONE: Why bother putting a *fancy* scrolled border all around the edge, if you're only going to splather messy gel squiggles all over it...and
TWO: WHEN, inthenameofallthatisunholy, will they stop saying "NEW baby"??? Ever heard of an OLD one???
#*@!*&%! =^e.e^=
With the down economy and all, bakeries have to streamline their operations somehow... Welcome to the era of the "multiple choice" cake. Each one has three to five options pre-set on it, and the baker just circles or underlines the appropriate one prior to presenting it to the customer! It makes perfect business sense. No, really. HOnest. Would I lie to you? (blinkblink)... I think I need a nap now...
Hey, I got a great idea to increase sales, boss!
*sigh* What is it, Milo?
We just put out plain cakes, ice "Happy" and then put in three different slogans, like "vacation", "new baby" or "retirement"!" It doesn't matter what the occasion is, all the customers have to do is pick out one cake that has a slogan that fits, then scrape out the two slogans that don't fit! Clever, huh?
*heavy sigh* Go back to frosting cakes, Milo.
Sure, boss.
Way to kill three birds with one stone...
Yeah, it must have been quite a week.
Now I kinda want to make a really big cake and see how many occassions I can cram on it.
Love it! In fact, was it not for the fact I have to work to pay off our old credit card debt, this could totally be my baby shower cake! Baby's due in May, and I would love to quit work and enjoy my summer. Hahaha!
A lot of these cakes I think of as revenge cakes -- sort of like when the kids in the apartment downstairs have been evicted, but they have 10 days left to party and make everyone else in the place miserable.
Mark my words, between the time this cake was made and the time the boss got to work and found it in the display cooler, the authoress of this cake was out the door and off to her new job at Starbucks, laughing like a loon.
Wow. That kid's a genius. Just born and already ready to retire. I hope he has a great summer vacation.
It's obvious. Amber got pregnant so she had to retire from her porn career, but she's really calling it a "summer vacation."
You know how the Post Office sells "forever stamps," which are good to go whenever you need them?
This is a "forever cake," to be kept in the freezer for as long as you need it, just chopping off the appropriate portions for each celebration as it happens.
Forever cake. Yeah: that's it.
Man...the economy must be bad when a company can only afford one cake for the monthly celebrations.
I think a "baby retirement" is the summer vacation...but the color scheme is making me think like everyone else here. :(
Hey Sendingtheclowns! If any Hallmark scouts are lurking on this site, you just gave them a great idea for a whole new line: Cards from procrastinators. Right now, we've only got "Happy Belated Birthday." We could select "Congratulations on the old baby." "Are you over your loss yet?" "Congratulations - at least you graduated from high school, even though college didn't quite work out" "We thought we would miss you, but honestly, we haven't thought about you much at all since you left." You get the idea. I'm sure this will be hot. And if somebody actually does this from my idea, can I at least have a coupon for a free card (no expiration date, please)?
very busy indeed
word verification: tricated
"the cake was tricated for three different occasions"
I live in Kansas City, home of Hallmark, and I have to tell you, the word about town is that the powers that be at Hallmark don't really have that great of a sense of humor, believe it or not. A corporation is still a corporation, I guess.
It's a choose your own adventure cake!
The meaning of life all wrapped into one cake!
I really wonder what the person actually ordered. Or what the meaning behind it all is!
Who knew cakes could spark such deep thoughts?
I guess someone just wanted to be sure that no one was left out on this "special" cake. I guess the person having a baby is also retiring and going on a vacation at the same time. Wow that's one way to cover all the bases but they forgot to add a wedding and a funeral to that as well.. lol.
I have often wondered when the decorator is getting ready to do their thing WHY do they not CALL the person that ordered the cake and ask them????
Hey, jillb-ilslp!
I like the way you think!
You should work for these folks:
(Their motto: "when you care enough to hit send.")
G'wan--check it out. They do some really, really rude, crass, obscene, and otherwise nasty stuff over there.
I love them... *SIGH*
heehee!!! retirement age and having a baby?? science these days!!
Its a spoof of Mitchell Davis on youtube, I'm pretty sure. LiveLavaLive.
He made a video a while back called "You're Awesome//Get Well//Happy Graduation//You're fired."
Funny thing is, that could be my cake for my work shower- I am an accountant, my baby is due in May (almost summer, and my daughter's summer break starts soon after he's born), and I'll be staying home with him (my boss congratulated me on my semi-retirement, even if I can't collect on it). =)
ps- love your blog!