Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wedding Day Jitterbugs

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Uh, guys? Somebody might want to call an exterminator.


Well, you know those "crawfish" on the wedding cake?

(Photo taken down at the request of the baker. Please enjoy this lovely photo of Epcot.)

Yeeeah. They're looking a bit more like cockroaches.

Amanda L., those cockroaches look a lot more like cockroaches than any other cockroaches I have ever seen.


Related Wreckage: Wedding Day Advice
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Jules AF said...

Who would want bugs on their cake? That is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

ummm.... those don't look like cockroaches to ME.... well maybe the first part of the word... plus hairy... eeek

Another Face said...

La cucaracha, la cucaracha...

T*A-Y.L,O^R' said...

That's what you get for ordering a wedding cake from an erotic bakery.

And let's call a spade a spade here. Those aren't crawfish.

Anonymous said...

They look like they belong on a groom's cake, if you know what I mean.


roballen said...

Why would anyone have crawfish on their wedding cake? Even if they didn't look like cockroaches.

They look a bit phallic to me - phallic-stabbed-with-a-fork-looking. Why did your usually guttery mind not pick up on this?

Meagan said...

hahaha right...cockroaches...yep, that's what I see, too!

Anonymous said...

I, too, thought they looked a bit phallic. I saw it and immediately thought "OMG there's PEN1$ES on that cake!!" LOL!

Stephanie said...

I'm all for originality, but this is just gross. Plus half the legs aren't even attached. And as some have mentioned, they don't exactly look like cockroaches either...
Going to find some brain bleach now...

Brandi said...

I, too, thought they looked a bit phallic. Upon first glance, I thought "GROOMS CAKE!!!"

Wild Cakes said...

oh boy... another Epcot already and the post has only been up for 12 minutes!

roballen... why do you think Jen called them COCKroaches?

Lauren Borquez said...

Gross gross gross buggy friend!

Michelle P said...

Really?? With comments like these: "those cockroaches look a lot more like cockroaches than any other cockroaches I have ever seen" some doubt that you picked up on the visual???
I appreciate your subtle clues, Jen!

Anonymous said...

Agreed with all the post-ers who said phallic.

Geez. They are centipenises, with their multiple appendages. Yikes.

Auntie Meme said...

I looks like they used the cookie cutter featured a few weeks' back. If I were the bride, I'd reconsider.

Amanda | Glittericity said...

Yikes! 'cock' roaches indeed!

Etiquette Bitch said...

they also look like Obscene Cockroaches, if you know what I mean...

Kait W. said...

@roballen - I thought she did, by calling them cockroaches. ;)

jcsmot said...

I agree another poster....those don't look like cockROACHES to me either....Quite phallic!! LOL!!

Terry Lee said...

reminds me of the space shuttle cake. with legs.

cockroaches, indeed.

Anonymous said...

those are no crawfish-
that cake is naughty!!!

Kirstan said...

my thoughts exactly, they don't look cockroaches, just a weird looking part of a male's anatomy.

Lorraine said...

Let me get this straight. This is a WEDDING cake? Ummm, yeah. Okay then.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the rest...the first thing I saw was a phallic symbol.

Kirstan said...

They don't look like cockroaches, but do look like a weird part of the male's anatomy.....

Marie said...

I'm with the others that see something else in those "crawfish." Just glad that I'm not the only one who thinks that.

Katie said...

Glad to see that everyone else was thinking what I was thinking!

Anonymous said...

C'mon, those hairy wotsits aren't cockroaches or crayfish - eeeyuk!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think they look kind of like diseased, or maybe bloody, male genitalia. Yikes.

Kami said...

I'm glad you clarified that for me, because I was totally weirded out by the hair growth. ;)

I love how punny you are. We quote you late into the night, Jen.

Anonymous said...

That is just NASTY on SO many levels!


Unknown said...

Before you ever think that Jen missed something that you see, read her post again, and remind yourself how clever and observant and funny she is. Do that always.

KatjaMouse said...

Wow... that cake really puts the (Anatomical reference) into (Anatomical reference)roach.

Miranda said...

They look like COCKroaches, indeed. Bet they're just having a BALL on that cake.

EWWWWW EWWW no thanks, I don't want any!

Jolene said...

those are not COCKroaches lmao who the heck wants that on their wedding cake?

Unknown said...

Umm..yeah, I agree with a previous poster. Those cockroaches look like something a bit more private..

Amy B

Kristers said...

I'm wondering how the groom felt to have to cut INTO this cake...thinkin' it may have spoiled the wedding night.

Anonymous said...

heehee. You said, "cockroaches"

Suzanne :-) said...

Wow, my condolences to whoever has to go through the comments today. Epcot meter approaching red?

Love the puns, Jen, even though it looks like many didn't get the hint ;-)

Tiffany in Topeka said...

Love Anna's Beavis and Butthead reference. :) That's what I heard when I read it.....

I also wonder if they are made of cardboard.... and why are they RED??!? GROSS!!!

(oh ya, they're supposed to be crawfish... riiiggghhttt...)

Amy Pinney said...

Cockroaches weren't my first thought.... I was thinking more along the lines of genitalia with legs. Grooooosssssss.............

jazz bird said...

Um, eew.

Trevor said...

Wow! That's just amazing... and not in a good way.

Rebecca F. said...

Oh my.

I would guess that this cake originated in the South. Louisiana maybe?....

And Roballen, you totally missed the joke.....

I too appreciate the subtleties Jen and often can't wait to read all the comments. I hope they make you laugh and don't make you bang your head on the wall. Repeatedly.

And, come on Lily, "centipenises"??? Hilarious!

Sarah Z. said...

I've never noticed how much crawfish resemble bloody diseased male genitalia. After eating that cake I bet they had a ball of a wedding night.

Anonymous said...

I get the cockroach reference, but I don't get what the wedding couple was *really* going for. Was it really crawfish? I've never heard of that.

Kath' Aama said...

Yes, that does look like penises being attacked by apostrophes (or sperm). So many puns,...

sclaire said...

We can all agree those don't look like bugs....but my question is, who would even WANT bugs (crawfish...potato,potahto) on their wedding cake in the first place? If I was a decorator I might not be able to resist having some fun with that......

Khaliah said...

Did... Did Sigmund Freud make this cake?

Unknown said...


jengersnap said...

In what subsection of the species are the cockroaches ribbed? Wowzas.

WF: Censurso
Jen must use clever punning censurso the PG-13 rating stays in effect.

Anonymous said...

yuck that looks more like the first part of 'cockroarches'..except yucky and hairy!!!!

VanDyks said...

I'm glad Epcot-gate happened before this post, otherwise this post would be the standard by which all future "but I didn't get it!" comments would be measured. And I'm sorry, but cockroach-gate just doesn't have quite the same ring to it as Epcot-gate. ;)

Seriously though, if that were my wedding cake, I'd think I would be encouraged to leave the reception with my new husband, take him to the nearest clinic, and run some blood tests to check for, er, "abnormalities." You know, just to sure the universe wasn't sending me some sort of sign.

Melinda said...

It is rare that I laugh at the comments more than the post. Only I'm always laughing WITH you, Jen, not at you.

FiberQat said...

Whatever they are they sure are standing proudly!

Albatross said...

I can't. I just...I can't. *giggles*

Tigerwolf said...

COCKroaches?!? Sheesh, and I thought the only thing I had to worry about down there was crabs!


WV: thoutur. "I thoutur saw a putty tat!" (Looks at photo.) "I didn't; I didn't; I didn't saw a putty tat!"

Andygirl said...

I'm just gonna go ahead and be crass and say it: those cockroaches look like COCKroaches. You know you were thinkin' it.

Anonymous said...

Another clueless commenter blatently restating what the post already says! I'm meta, yo!

Anonymous said...

Well, I had something to say about what they look like and what they don't look like, and it ain't cockroaches. But, it seems it's all been said. lol
Erin G.

msyendor said...

Heh. Reminds me of an auction (which I didnt win) for knitted Cthulhu, um, pull-on sweater for the same roach. (something to keep the dark one warm until he's ready to rise)

WV: forica -- ain't touching that one

Unknown said...

Yeah, I'm not seeing cockroaches, or crawfish...

Anonymous said...

It's funny how many people aren't picking up on the COCKroach joke... They should have more faith in your dirty mind X)

Anonymous said...

Wedding cake??? More like a "Can't wait for the STD to clear up!!" cake. EEEEEEKKKKKK!!!!

Anna N. said...

You've gotta wonder why someone would want crawfish on their wedding cake to begin with...

Shannon said...

I'm seeing something besides cockroaches.

Anonymous said...

wv: coxcery

'nuff said.

shy violet said...

Tickle condoms? Just asking.....

Fluffy Cow said...

You post some of these just for the comments, don't you?

Oh the power...

Anonymous said...

um, those don't look like cockroaches to me. they look like something a little more, er, phallic.....good luck to the bride?

The Gravekeeper said...

My those are some awfully red and striped COCKroaches. Seriouslyl, who'd want anything crawling on their wedding cake like that?

Furry Bottoms said...

errr... cockroaches was not what came to mind...

Anonymous said...

Um, those are definitely not cockroaches;somebody has a sick sense of humor!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought thermometers.

*rocks back and forth in corner*

I'm alone, I'm alone...

Anonymous said...

I am just grateful I'm not the only one whose mind slid right into the gutter upon seeing this cake.

Pass the brain bleach, plz. Hope there's some left...

Christina said...

they look a little too phallus-like to me.....

Anonymous said...

I wasn't going to post until I saw my wv: eatorea: what you get when you see disgusting cakes
I didn't see the phallic symbols until the commenters pointed them out and even Jenn's witty comments didn't help me...must drink more coffee...but now I sure see them! Not appropriate for a wedding cake, at all! Ewwwww......

Unknown said...

Crayons crayons crayons crayons
We won't die; we won't die even if you chop off our heads!

Jen, if this is what you were referencing, I love you more than I ever imagined I could.

Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

emphasis on the COCK

Anonymous said...

The legs aren't even attached!

Melissa (& Billy) said...

Now, I know that in Louisiana crawfish are sometimes called 'mudbugs' (and I think crawfish are distantly related to lobsters) but this is going a bit too far.

Okay, WAY too far.

Melissa (& Billy) said...

P. S.: *looks again* Oh, dear. OH dear.

"No, kids, you don't want any cake. It's...uh...poisoned! RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LITTLE LIVES!"

*whew* There.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine being at that reception? Everyone trying ignore the 800lb uh...crawfish in the room? I'd probably bust a capillary holding back laughter.

Until the bride and groom come together to ceremonially cut the cake and feed each other cockroa-

I'd die laughing right then and there.

Erin said...

chaus mmm... chocolate penis...

Melanie T. said...

Well, if this was a groom's cake, and I hope to god it was, at least he was considerate enough to have those COCKroaches ribbed for her pleasure ;)

and also ewwwwwwwwww....

Anonymous said...

My mind was in the gutter as well!! COCKroaches? sorry, that's just wrong!

crownring said...

Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!

Sorry, bugs on cakes make me go into Dalek (Dr. Who) mode.

It'sSoBig said...

How clever, they're made of chocolate, so they are stiff and stand by themselves! It's an appetite killer to have a piece of cake covered in white frosting squiggles though. "cock"roaches indeed.

Sparky said...

Cockroaches. Actually that's EXACTLY what they are. *snicker*

Little Lovables said...

well, at least cake doesn't give you stds, though this one may need some pesticides

Lori-Anne said...

The fact that they look like cockroaches is only half the problem. The question still remains: Lobsters? On a wedding cake??

Gary said...

Cockroaches? Crawfish? They look more like Epcot to me.

Given this baker's arthropod identification skills, I'm not accepting any invitations to her/his house for crawfish etouffee.

Anna Claire said...

Jen how do you stand it?? It's driving me nuts just reading all the commenters who didn't get your funny COCKroach reference, or who got it but didn't realize you wrote the pun on purpose. Aaaaaahhhh!

And for the record this is the grossest wedding cake I've ever seen in my entire life.

Jen said...

Without reading the description, I called them penis bugs. >.>;;

Anonymous said...


kisekileia said...

I was thinking the shape of those "cockroaches" looked like something else entirely.

Hurricane Heide said...

That front one is even missing a leg on the left side. eeeeeewwwwwww.....

Unknown said...

I came in to post what a lot of others posted! Glad I am not the only one who did NOT think 'cockroaches' when I saw that cake! lolol....

Lacy said...

hahahaha. thumbs up for epic innuendo. =)

Mira said...

Jane said: Before you ever think that Jen missed something that you see, read her post again, and remind yourself how clever and observant and funny she is. Do that always.

This statement should really go on the home page.

Mim said...

Didn't Adam Sandler have a sketch about this subject?

Unknown said...

It's a cock lobster!

Christina M. said...

Normally I'm willing to ignore the fact that a cake is ugly and eat it anyway. Erm, but not this one. Lost my appetite.

Anonymous said...

Well, they're either sadly abnormal penises - and, just in case they were modelled 'from life', the bride needs to rush her hubbie-to-be to the nearest clinic/hospital/emergency room for a thorough check-up - OR they're Klingon Kondoms....

Mandy said...

Yeah...this one is a bit phallic. Creepy-crawly element is added, but it's phallic.


Come On, People!!! said...

Really?! Why do so many people miss the purposeful innuendo?! A part of me is dying every time someone makes the joke that Jen already made in the post!

Anonymous said...

"That cake looks beautiful. Can we make it for my birthday?" ...unsolicited opinion from my almost-four year-old daughter just now. Eye of the beholder, I guess!


Are you sure those are cockroaches - I was thinking they kinda looked like, well, you know. Maybe the groom was a manager at Red Lobster. Maybe a lobster boat captain. Maybe a successful implantee.

wv - thear
Thear!s got to be some kind of logical explanation for that Wreckerator!s cocky attitude!

Unknown said...

LOL, oh my god, you wrote cockroaches about 50 times in the post and people still don't get it. I guess next time you'll have to write "PENIS!" in blinking, red letters.

Gary said...

Anna Claire sez:
"...And for the record this is the grossest wedding cake I've ever seen in my entire life."

Ah, you haven't been reading this site for very long, have you, Anna Claire?
Welcome aboard!

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid you're going to have to rethink your delightful commentary and amazing puns in the future to avoid the kind of migraine I can only imagine would result from self-congratulatory, clueless would-be cleverness in the comments. So, for today's post, for example, instead of referring to "cockroaches" to make your point understood, you could post "HEY GUYZ THESE LOOK LIKE PENISES. WITH LEGZ. ROTFL."

Anonymous said...

Yeah, when I first saw that I thought it looked like a hairy peen. Mmmm, yummy.

Anonymous said...

Mira said: Jane said: Before you ever think that Jen missed something that you see, read her post again, and remind yourself how clever and observant and funny she is. Do that always.

This statement should really go on the home page.

I can't stand all of these non-joke-getters!

Anonymous said...

We put the (disgusting, bloody?) cock in cockroaches. That is epic cake fail if I ever saw it.

Mjones said...

Take the first part of the word of cockroach, then add blood and hair. GROSS

Jen said...

I'm like, "She totally missed the fact that
those look like...ooohhhhh. I get it now!"

Shannon said...

Great post, Jen...but I have to say you weren't very subtle...and yet people still arent' getting it!!? *sigh*

Oh, and good luck to John in your moderating duties today. :-)

Siouxzr said...

Everyone knows crawfish have pointy little heads with long feelers not bulbously obscene heads. Must be cockroaches.

wv rerstry On their first anna-rerstry the couple will look back and say, "why did we think it was a good idea to put crawdaddies on the wedding cake!"

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad I didn't have hairy, red, clawed penises on my wedding cake. My marriage is doomed.

Gary said...

By the way, why's the wedding cake on the floor?
Maybe that's why it has bugs crawling on it ...

Nunya Biz said...

someone in the bakery failed to convince the bride to reconsider her choice or decorations... and then failed the execution. YIKES! Where is common sense when these things happen?

Lindsay said...

... Who would want crawfish on a wedding cake? No. Really. Who and why?

But yes.. COCKroach in certainly what I'm seeing here.

Erika said...

That had to be a 'cockblocker' of a cake!! I couldn't have any romantic thoughts after seeing that atrocity!!

Nicki said...

I think it was supposed to be the cake for the stagette!

Anonymous said...

Well, from across the room, they could be ants...if that makes anyone feel better...

Monday Temple said...

with emphasis on COCK?

Anonymous said...

take off the legs, people! Those aren't cockroaches

abi said...

Kathleen @ 3:35 - YES. Now I have the B-52's in my head, warbling "cock lo-haaaw-obster!"

Also: These comments make me feel better about myself. Bless.

Anonymous said...

I hope you two went out for margaritas or something tonight. God knows you earned it today! :)


Anonymous said...

Ok, so I understand the meaning behind "epcot" but could someone point me in the direction of the post it refers to? I must have missed it.

Oh, and people really should scan the comments before posting their own. If you're trying to be clever, it's best to make sure someone hasn't already said your clever thing.

jj said...

Today is the first time I ever thought of "cockroach" as a compound word. Part this, part that-- and the two parts together mean eternal love, no doubt about it. Turns out that a severed toe or a dead deer have nothing on this.

*wipes away tears*

Culinarychiq said...

I haven't read through all the comments (so please don't go Epcot on me;) but on first glance I'm thinking that is one HELL of a fertility symbol! All those cockroaches look more like penises with legs (or maybe I just need a cold shower LOL):-P

PS oddly enough my word verification is "cemen" ROFLMAO

Stefanie said...

I'm a little concerned these look a little more like radioactive male genetalia!!

Sarah said...

Wow! I've read your blog start to finish more than once ... and I think this is the yuckiest cake of all. I mean, some of the other penis & poo cakes were pretty gross, but this one is the worst because there is the greatest discrepancy between how beautiful it should be and how obscene it is...

Anonymous said...

Jen, really. All you had to do was a wee bit of editing: COCKroaches. . . and your fans might simmer down. Are you sure it was a wedding cake and not an "engorgement" cake? Just askin

Melanie T. said...

Put aside the *AHEM* bugs for a moment. I'm suddenly wondering where all those white squiggles are coming from. Hmmmmm.....

Marie said...

Cockroaches are you kidding me?? Those look like giant alien penises and the bride should just plain run for her very life lol. That or shoot the decorator either way ewww.

Anonymous said...

What's on the top? Hehe

Alyssa said...

Well, there's a way to prepare for the wedding night...

BADKarma! said...

Ummm... Maybe it's the whole "mind four floors BELOW the gutter" issue, but the first thing I thought of when I saw those wasn't... Cockroaches...

Anonymous said...

Not so sure about 'cockroaches' they look a lot more like .... oh I think everyone has already noticed what they look like, maybe the bride is hoping they are a hint to the groom !!!! lol

Anonymous said...

Bwa ha ha ha HA!


Rooh said...

They look a little more phallic than cockroaches. And hairy.

Jayne Neverow said...

I think the bottom cockroach is...er...throbbing.

Anonymous said...

To all the folks who think that Jen missed the obvious on this one...
I've said it before and I'll probably say it again...
Jen is smarter than you. That's why she's so funny.

MaidM said...

Out of curiosity, Jen, is it definite that the same bakery that did the rather nice if nothing extraordinary cake added the cockfish, I mean crawfish? Looks like those were added afterwards by a rather less professional hand... (unless the bride had a frenemy in attendance with a couple of clandestine tubes of red gel icing)

Tiffany in Topeka said...

Don't you just love how many people *don't* read the other comments before they comment??

I agree - how do you not go crazy?? srsly?

and yes what Jane said: "Before you ever think that Jen missed something that you see, read her post again, and remind yourself how clever and observant and funny she is. Do that always." Definitely belongs on the home page - or even at the top of the "post a comment" page!

Anonymous said...

what were the wreckerators thinking??? Ruining those cakes with COCKroaches!!

Ok mind is in the sewage by now....

Shannon said...

Anonymous - here's a link to the Epcot post: http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/2009/04/happy-day-earth.html

Jen - is there any way you could rearrange the comments section, so that people have to scroll to the bottom before posting? (For example, see Pioneer Woman's site). That would mean that users would at least have to scroll past the comments...and maybe - just maybe - the occasional commenter would notice that everyone else has said the same thing they're thinking about saying?

That said, I suppose maybe comments from 'special snowflakes' are still comments, and good for the site - just not good for your sanity. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yeah those look more like COCK-roaches to me...

Bekah said...

@Morriganscrow -

"Klingon Kondoms" was a definite bright spot in the long, swollen, arduous job of reading these comments. SHEESH PEOPLE.

Bakingdom said...

Cockroaches or COCKroaches...it's really disgusting either way. Or even if they actually did look like crawfish......why??? Crawfish on your wedding cake?? I mean, I'm a little judgmental here since anything with more than 4 legs gives me the heebie jeebies, but still...

Anonymous said...


I feel sorry for you guys. Having to weed through all the comments from posters who think they're so smart and smug. "Um. Those don't look like cockroaches. They look like parts of the male anatomy. How could you miss that? I am so smart and observant, and you are not." People, Jen knows what she's doing. And for those that don't realize, "COCKroaches" is a play on words!

And that thing is Epcot Center. I don't know what this "Spaceship Earth" thing is that you're talking about. ;)

Arlene said...

Just Ewwww!

Anonymous said...

I got it! I got it! They are crawfish crawling down the cake! I agree with everything said here, but I have been wondering how anyone could have thought they were crawfish as crawfish have big claws in the front. But now I get it! The claws are balls! (Is that too graphic for the comment section?)

Anonymous said...

"No, Jen, U R totally rong. How could U miss it? They look just like EPCOTroaches! :D LULZ <3."

I just don't understand how these people are literate enough to navigate the web and post comments, and even take the trouble to do the word verification, and yet...

Anonymous said...

Or they could be really ugly renditions of the hairy male anatomy. Either way, eewwwwww.

Anonymous said...

They look more phallic than insect to me...and that's even worse!

Meve said...

Thank god what a relief,I'm not the only one to see the phallic side of those!

helenabucket said...

If you're going to get crawfish on your wedding cake, you have to order the cake from a CAJUN baker. You cannot order them from a Norwegian who's never seen a mudbug before. What you end up with is penis-roaches crawling all over your cake!

Nikki said...

Yeah, cockroaches. MmmHmmm, yeah. I see that.

Anonymous said...

I think you need to add a pop-up or two, on top of the word verification:

"Have you considered that Jen is smarter than you?"
Yes No

"Have you read the other comments?"
Yes No

"I'm sorry, the head you are using to compose your message is too large. To comment on Yahoo Answers, mash your keyboard randomly with your gigantic forehead."

Anonymous said...

I happen to know whose cake this was. FYI they are supposed to be lobsters- the sentiment was a sweet one- that they mate for life. However, the picture here really doesn't represent what the cake looked like in actuality.
And I will agree that lobsters are still an odd sentiment on a wedding cake anyway.

Mary Kirkland said...

Crawfish? No, Bugs...um no, phallic...yeah. I don't see any bugs but I do see....uh...yeah. Red, hairy, 'things' with arms...weird.

Angie said...

Wellll...you know the saying..."Once you go black, you never go back." And apparently, the "never going back" in this case means to the salon to be waxed. I've never seen so many shaft hairs in my life!

Anonymous said...

I vote they look like naughty male bits. . .

Jennifer said...

Not only do those "crayfish" look phallic, but they look bloody, like.. uh.. yeah. I'm gonna just keep it quiet.

Anonymous said...

Wwwwwwwow. That seems more like it belongs at the bachelorette party than the wedding.

Anonymous said...

At Anonymous or one of them.

'FYI they are supposed to be lobsters- the sentiment was a sweet one- that they mate for life.'

I looked it up- it seems male Lobsters are actually PLAYERS. Usually having a harem of girls that they regularly have one night stands with.

So er the cake is kinda fail in more ways than one.

rebecca said...

ummmmmm....yeah ......ummmmmmmm.....i do not see crustaceans or hemiptera....i just see. well, um.

Megan said...

Can you say phalic symbol?

Gary said...

Anonymous sez:
"... FYI they are supposed to be lobsters- the sentiment was a sweet one- that they mate for life."

Er ... Did you notice there are FOUR of them on the cake (that's just the part we can see; I don't know if there are more on the back)? Was this a polygamous wedding?

"However, the picture here really doesn't represent what the cake looked like in actuality. ..."

Uh ... really? How was the real cake different from the picture?

feathers said...

I thought they looked like male genitals

Anonymous said...

I do love the black and white, but tweety is unrecognizable now--the yellow was the only clue. And the meerkats in color looked like they were playing in a toxic waste dump, complete with neon grass.

Sara said...

Well now Disney is going to come after you.

Sara Bellum said...

Well darn. I missed it but after reading everyone's comments maybe it's a good thing I didn't see this wreck.

Squirrel said...

Not to bug you, but your tweet saying you had replaced a cake photo with one of "Epcot" let me know which one you meant before I even got here to check. Oh balls! Maybe next time....

Anonymous said...

Oh, and people really should scan the comments before posting their own. If you're trying to be clever, it's best to make sure someone hasn't already said your clever thing.

Especially if Jen in the original post is the person who said such clever thing... I saw the cake yesterday, but didn't come to the comments until I saw the Epcot today. Good grief. If you don't get the humor why are you here?

PS. I think the pic looks more like Spaceship Earth than Epcot, don't you? No, just Epcot. OK.

Mary said...

Oh it's the Spaceship Earth vs. Epcot thing again! lol

The photo is of Spaceship Earth. It is the icon of Epcot (fyi other readers, it hasn't been known as EPCOT Center in years). When people look at pictures of Spaceship Earth, they immediately associate it with Epcot, which is its intention...much like when people see Cinderella Castle, they associate it with the Magic Kingdom. Or the Tree of Life with Animal Kingdom, the Sorcerer's Hat with Hollywood Studios (formerly MGM). Most guests will look at those icons and identify it with the park, not necessarily the name of the icon itself. When my husband and I vacation at WDW and we take a picture in front of Spaceship Earth, we'll say "this is us in Epcot" because people are WAY more familiar with that.

Anyway, just a bit of info on why Jen's Epcot captioning makes sense...from a former cast member. :)

And as an added thing...if I was a baker (which you do NOT want to see), I'd actually be proud to have one of my wrecks on here!! :) Of course, I'd probably be just as happy seeing a Disney picture replace my horrible skills as well since I'm such a Disney nut. lol

Anonymous said...

the picture is of a ride at epcot called Spaceship earth, just so anyone wondering can know. too bad we had to get rid of the pic of the lobster weenie things :)

Anonymous said...

The baker had you replace it. Serves her right for making a ladies crawfish wedding cake look like it had penises all over it.

Laura said...

Lots of posts and I scanned through them, but I was wondering why the pic was taken down. The baker/"artist" didn't want it up? No permission what? Why does it matter? I'm sad I missed the "cock"roaches although I have a really bad image in my head so maybe its for the best.

Carrietastic said...

Hehehe. This entry is even funnier with the photo of Epcot for no apparent reason. (However, I'm glad... sort of... that I saw the original.)

Angela said...

Totally lame... if you make a cake that bad you shouldn't get to cry and make Jen take it down.

Anonymous said...

Ah, bummer--instead of tiny phalluses, I get big balls. That's what I get for showing up late.

cakes to vijayawada said...

Looks like some of the cakes are wedding cakes.

JA said...

No! No!!! I ran a search for cockroach cake and now I'm gunna hurl for sure. I'm not squeamish but I never, ever want to see that page of images again. Those cakes make a real cockroach look like a gourmet appetizer.

Anonymous said...

"Anyway, just a bit of info on why Jen's Epcot captioning makes sense...from a former cast member. :)"

Oh good grief. <>

Anonymous said...

I feel cheated. I didn't get to see the picture :|

wv puraft: puraft your comments a little before posting :(

-- abadidea

Mary said...

Taking some issue, there, anonymous? Relax and enjoy life a bit. You'll be MUCH happier. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't blame the baker for wanting it removed! They looked more like sunburnt and grilled man kabobs then craw fish. ;)

b*sherrie said...

*semi-sarcasm font*

I freaking LOVE Epcot!!

Anonymous said...

The baker's name isn't mentioned or anything, so it's ridiculous that they can just get their wreck taken off the site.

Eric said...

Pretty sure that's Spaceship Earth, Jen. Sorry.
(Yes, I get it.)

Unknown said...

So, there isn't a link that would could use to see the picture? Not even at the baker's website?
Booo for those of us that missed it. :(

Andre Nievo said...

Must be a terrible day for them.

Tan said...

When will wreckerators learn... asking for removal creates more interest. Luckily for us, someone copied the photo :D (and linked it back to Cake Wrecks)


Pretzelogic / Philly, PA said...

Just when I thought I'd missed my chance to see COCKroaches and would have to just settle for one big BALL (gee, I really resent it when real life gets in the way of my Cake Wreck entertainment), special thanks to Tan for posting a link to the original image so I could see what all the giggles had been about!

WV: "brachos" - yummy cheesy snacks served from a woman's undergarment (knock it 'till you've tried it, folks!)

Anonymous said...

I've seen the pic before, but it's a little disappointing that they took it down.

I know the baker wanted it down, but if you're making cakes like that one... well, it should only be expected that people will poke a little fun at it.

Rawr ;) said...

This cake is LOL inducing. I love it for that.

Who else thinks it looks a bit like a cluster of bloody penises?

I mean, the penis idea is down. :P Anyone else see the resemblance as far as bloody goes?

BTW: I'm just saying to all the people telling others to read the comments...

Not all of us feel like reading 220 comments. D: I mean, I scan them, but no need to get annoyed because someone said something before.
Yeesh. o__o

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