Wednesday, March 10, 2010

To Be Read By Rod Serling

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


You unlock this bakery with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension.

A dimension of icing.

A dimension of piping bags.

A dimension of wreckitude.

You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of bad taste and even worse skill. You just crossed over into...

The Twilight Zone.


Picture, if you will... a monkey. This monkey:

I know, creepy right? [shivering] Brrrrrr. Totally.

[resuming serious announcer voice] Ahem. Now picture, if you will, five ravenous-yet-dim-witted Shih Tzu dogs:

[sternly] Let's call them Muffy, Boopsie, Precious, Buttercup and Mr. Snuggles.

Now picture, if you will, a face of terror that watches in malignant silence far beyond your present capacity to understand. A face enigmatically bizarre in terms of time and space. A face...

...of a tweety bird.

Now picture, if you will, Meerkat Zombies...raising the roof.

"What up, playah?"

This is the stuff of fantasy, the thread of imagination, the ingredients... of the Twilight Zone.


Jennifer P., Matt N., Christine S., and Melanie L., picture, if you will... a dolphin eating a Snickers bar in flip-flops and a cardigan. Then tell me what that looks like. I've always wondered.

- Related Wreckage: A Cake Wrecks Salute

Note: A couple of people suggested the pictures should be in black and white which was an awesome idea. So we changed them. I think it adds to the ambiance, don't you? For those who really want to see the full color versions, click here.

UPDATE! LeAnna and Woobie took up the dolphin challenge and sent in their ideas.

First LeAnna's:

AWESOME! Check out the flip flop thongs on his flippers.

And next we have Woobie's
See, the snickers bar is wearing the cardigan and flip flops because I apparently have no grasp of sentence structure. ?thought Who would have


One more!
This one's from Vanilla Smoke. Awesome!
Jules AF said...

Oh my gosh. The Shih Tzus are hilarious.

And I laughed aloud at the Meerkat zombies raising the roof.

Deirdre said...

Whatever icing tip it is they use to make the poo swirls needs to be banned. Immediately. Nothing good has ever come from that icing tip. Unless of course they planned for the meerkats to look like they're standing in big piles of poo. In which case, see the "nothing good" comment. And what's up with the display case that Tweety monstrosity is in?

Bakingdom said...

OMG! You kill me Jen!! I love the little pause from the Rod Sterling-esque voice over to comment on Monkey Face's creepiness!!

Excellent Twilight Zone set up...I could actually HEAR the music in your "SQUEEDLE DEEEE!" I love that I can count on you for geekiness as well as laughs!

Bakingdom said...

Oops. Okay... "OMG! John, you crack me up!!" And so on and so forth!


Anonymous said...

aw, but aren't those bows up the pups just "precious?" (are those blueberry facial features??)

scary tweety with the toilet paper shaped head behind a "rain streaked" window. very effective.

WHAT are those scary swirly blobs in front of the meerkat twins? the remains of other meerkats? meerkat poop? rocks? do we want to know?

love the execution of today's theme. great commentary!

Danielle said...

Oh really can't make this stuff up.

And why do all the dog cupcakes look like something is being shoved up their bums? I mean, look at their eyes.

Anonymous said...

OMG, the monkey's watching me!

wv: pinge- the pre-cringing sensation you feel just as you are logging into what you know will be another great cake wrecks day.

cakeburnette said...

What in the world is that in front of the meerkats? Entrails? Poop? *shuddering*

Lisa said...

I wouldn't so much call the monkey cake a wreck. Its really well done. You can't really help what somebody orders.

Meerkats are creepy and I won't defend them ever, though.

Unknown said...

Huh? I have no clue as to what your last line was about . . . Snickers eating dolphin?

What was the question?

Oh, wait, nahhh, I still don't get it.

I don't "get" those cakes either. Shiver indeed (and not because it's 15 degrees outside . . . Fahrenheit . . . but at least it is supposed to get up to 68 tomorrow. Only a 53 degree difference!)

WV: trayett. If at first you don't succeed, trayett again and again and again until you finally get it right. Especially if you are a wreckerator!

Anonymous said...

Do you suppose Tweety had to pay extra for the sauna treatment? and what in heaven's name are those meercats sitting in?!

wv-okedd- Which bakery supervisor okedd these creations?

Anonymous said...

Are those meerkats hanging out in their own piles of doo-doo? Yuck!

Alison said...

Am I missing something? What's wrong with the monkey cake? I see that the others are a bit.. weird.. looking. But the monkey face cake looks like a monkey's face..

Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord I work at home because I busted out laughing at the Meercats "raising the roof".

Those dogs and Tweety would tramatize me though. Normally I hate to cut into nicely made cakes. These would have me hacking into them the second I got home.

Alison said...

Am I missing something? What's wrong with the first cake? I mean I see that all the others are a bit... weird. But the first one looks great to me!

Half Assed Kitchen said...

The Meerkats and all their poop is the most disturbing thing this Seattle girl has ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Eeek! Meerkat poo!

SugarPunk said...

Ahhh. the meerkat zombies, dancing in the entrails of their victims. (Braaaaaaaaaaaains.)

How delicious.

Anonymous said...

The monkey seems to have a beard...

First prize to the meerkats, though. The wreck is bad enough, but the commentary just about floored me. You've outdone yourself, Jen!

And I'll be honest, I thought the Shih Tzus were cute. Clearly, I have no taste. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hello people! The monkey cake doesn't have to be poorly made to be a Cake Wreck, it just has to make us giggle. However well done it is, it still looks a little creepy!

Terry Lee said...

creepy creepy cakewrecks today. love the TZ theme/commentary!

'cept when we were kids, we sang the intro song as: nee nee nee nee, nee nee nee nee.

potato, potato.

great post!

em said...

Creepy Cake Wrecks narrated a la Twilight Zone? You just made my morning.

Elizabeth said...

So, Tweety has a little friend with him, a little penguin, which doesn't make any sense!

Anonymous said...

I'd have to agree with others comments....What's wrong with the monkey cake? Looks like a monkey to me! Maybe I'm missing something???

Kristers said...

All bizarre and funny--except for the monkey face...which is just downright creepy.

Can you imagine cutting into it and EATING IT? With it LOOKING at YOU?

Cakelady72 said...

The meerkats look like naked mole rats sitting in a field of moldy poo.

john (the hubby of Jen) said...



Yes. The monkey cake looks like a monkey.

A creepy,



Who's judging me...

like you people...

Alright, comments yesterday were hard enough, I'm not doing them today. Anne-Marie? They're all yours.


deromanticize said...

While the last three are more wrecky, the monkey face actually creeps me out the most. There's just something really off about it.

Trevor said...

You know, the first one really isn't that bad, IMO.

but the Zombie Meerkat's? Priceless!

VeggieT said...

I could hear rod in my head!!!! deedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedeedee... just sayin'

Anonymous said...

What are the Zombie Meerkats standing in? It looks like a lawn filled with...I dunno. The corpses of slugs, maybe?


kimberj said...

So is that a baby meerkat massacre at the bottom or just meerkat doodoo??? Love this site. Forwarded to a cousin who is a cake decorator, she checks it every day after work.

Anonymous said...

OH TERRORS!!..I am so afraid of monkeys and that one is, EWWWWWWWW!!

The Smart Cookie Bakery said...

I agree that the Monkey cake is creepy.

I also loved this post! I could totally hear Rod Serling narrating it.

~Elizabeth aka Lacquered Lizard said...

The Musical score that accompanied this post was the best part. Thanks for the morning laugh. :)

Clevegal42 said...

Ha! I almost wet my jockeys at the meerkat "What's up playah!" I chuckle almost everyday at these materpieces, but this one made me laugh outloud. Thanks for the entertainment!

Carolyn said...

Monkey cake rocks! No knocking the monkey cake!

The doggies are sooooooo cute!

Unknown said...

The meerkat zombies appear to be sitting in piles of bird poop. Or are they merely the remains of the brains that the meerkat zombies have eaten? We shall never know....

Anonymous said...

It was nice of the Meerkats to leave behind (or from their behinds) Meerkat presents on the cake....

Deanna said...

I kind of like those cupcakes! :D

Cathy Read said...

Is it me or is there an awful lot of ghost poo in that last cake?

Marcy W. said...

As ever, your (John & Jen, collectively) awesomeness shall reign supreme. LOVE the Tweety. The set ups alone make me laugh out loud, and then we get to the money shot. THANK YOU!!!!

WV: cableeri - That Tweety was cableering at me.

Krista said...

Maybe this has been pointed out before, but upon reading this: "dolphin eating a Snickers bar in flip-flops and a cardigan" ... I just had to wonder, does that mean that the Snickers bar is wearing flop-flops and the cardigan???

Tiffany in Topeka said...

Wonderful Twilight Zone, John!

And Tweety is REALLY disturbing... he looks "vewy, vewy angwy"....

I'm going to hide now.

Love you guys!

Cher' Shots said...

OMG the meerkats just kill me! It looks like they left a "scent" trail across the cake! Yuck!!!!
I do love this blog.

Unknown said...

I love the Twilight Zone narrator voice. John and Jen, you honestly make my life better with this blog. <3

Unknown said...

I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of in love with the meerkats...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this just took all the sexy out of Rod Serling...:-(.

Unknown said...


lynellenyl said...

The monkey is definitely unintentionally creepy and therefore, a perfect example of a wreck.

At first glance, I thought Mr. Snuggles was dead (the bows look kind of like Xs on his eyes) and Boopsie and Precious are sticking their tongues out at me.

I've never wondered what a dolphin eating a Snickers bar in flip-flops and a cardigan looks like, but now, I always will.

Your post made my day!

Anonymous said...

"Meerkat zombies raising the roof" was funny enough, but "What up, Playah" turned them into JD and Turk... even funnier!

Suzanne Dargie said...

One of your wittiest posts yet! Hilarious! The Tweety Bird had me gripped with horror!
Oh! This was JOHN? What a great husband Jen has!
By the way.....That monkey is CREEPY!!!!!

Albatross said...

This might be the best post I've read yet on this site. Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Excuse me all of you judgmental cake snobs! I happen to have been the person who ordered the Meerkats wading through a swamp of sewage and dead fish. And I think the bakery did a SPLENDID job!


MarieA said...

that's a lot of meerkat poo......
Tweety is going to scare little children everywhere, and the Shih Tzus would make my shih tzu run away from cake forever.

monkeys? can't even imagine.....

Caroline B said...

Tweetie Pie? Really? Brrrr!!!

As for the meerkats & their dirty protest, after being saturated for months by the most ghastly car insurance commercial here in the UK featuring animated Russian (I kid you not) meerkats, I'd be happy to take a large knife to them.

..and thank goodness it wasn't a monkey's paw, the face is scary enough!

Hobbit said...

So far my favorite CW post of the year! I also had Rod Serling in my head the whole time. Yikes!
And, yes, the monkey cake was just darn creepy. Those eyes! Staring up at me! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

The Gravekeeper said...

Gah! That "Tweety" cake...them's are soul-staring eyes! IT KNOWS MY SECRETS! KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!

maidofclay said...

I think the Meerkats Squeedle-Doo'd all over their cake. Or would it be Squeedle-Did? Hmmmm... The conundrums provided by these Wreckerators will carry me through the day.

Think. Think. Think.

:) and laugh!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about Planet of the Apes, too. I do not want a cake that makes me think about that. If I look again, I'll have nightmares tonight, probably.
Tweety looks like he is covered in little bits of colored tissue paper. Hope someone gets him right one day!

Pooh's Pics said...

EEEEEeeaaaaaaaa.......the meerkats! **shiver**

My brother's gerbils killed their young once and THAT is exactly what it looked like! The parents standing over their recently decimated young!


Anonymous said...

It took me almost 30 minutes to stop laughing so hard.
My mom had to come in and ask me if I was okay. I couldn't answer her. I just pointed and laughed even harder XD
Seriously, the funniest post to me.
I love you, Cake Wrecks. Please never leave<3

Anonymous said...

Squeedle Dee.... snicker, snicker, snort... Bwahhahahahha..

I have NO Idea why that made me laugh out loud.. but.... Squeedle Dee... my new favorite word!!

Heidi said...

Those Meerkat's are way to proud of themselves for the "mess" they left in the grass.

That was a freaky post.

Heidi D said...

Looks like the meerkats have a bunch of poo piles too. I know now that imitating poo on cakes is a desirable skill on Cake Wrecks.

Tweety Bird was cool too.

I am also here to invite you to enter my blog contest. It's the same one I had last year. It's Box of Awesome time again. It's free and welcome to all! Just thought I'd extend the invite to my favorite famous blog friend that doesn't know me, but I still check her out everyday. :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely FABULOUS commentary today! I could hear Rod talking and the scary music playing throughout. The meerkats made me laugh out loud, and I have to watch that since I'm at work.

Thanks, John, for providing a wonderful, bright spot for my morning! And I won't judge you at all, this post was way too good for that :) .

As always, you guys rock!!!!

Anne-Marie (not THAT Anne-Marie)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Krista. Is the dolphin wearing the flip-flops and cardigan, or did someone dress up the snickers bar before feeding it to the dolphin?

Giana said...

I think I'm going to have nightmares about that monkey, I couldn't even scroll down, I just sat there while it sucked out my soul through the computer screen. And when I was finally able to scroll, I had to go back up, just be sure it was real.

Lorraine said...

Picture, if you will, me, barfing on your shoes. Muwahahahahaha!

Aviatrix said...

I love the meerkat zombies and the heaps of rotting flesh at their feet.

LaurenH said...

Is it wrong that I actually find the shih tzu cupcakes kind of cute?

But horror upon horrors, what ARE the roof-raising meerkats wading though!? (***ohmygoddon'tanswerthati don'twanttoknow)

msyendor said...

Flashing now to Indiana Jones:Temple of Doom ==> Chilled monkey brains! A delicacy!


Lebacaneezian Lad said...

So far, one of the best posts ever! I laughed so hard I choked!

Janus said...

Why would the Snickers bar be in flip-flops and a cardigan?

The funny thing (or perhaps the scary thing) is that you nailed Serling perfectly in the writing. I could hear his voice narrating this entry as I read it.

The Cricket said...

I recognize that Tweetie!
Remember the Loony Toons episode where Tweetie gets the Dr. Jekyll/ Mr. Hyde potion and becomes Tweetie Hyde? He's enormous and kinda... square... and looks an awful lot like that cake!
Or is it just me?

Unknown said...

My first instinct when I saw that monkey cake was to punch it. Like If somebody had plopped down a monkey cake next to me I would have shrieked like a girl and donkey punched it. TAKE THAT MONKEY CAKE! Also, my first instinct with the ShiTzu cake was to throw them, individually. What is it about creature cakes that makes me so violent? I might have issues.

Anonymous said...

im going to have such horrible nightmares tonight. OMG.

anglnlmbo said...

Oh good - someone else thought of Planet of the Apes with the first cake. I couldn't look away. I was waiting for the next cake to be the head of the Statue of Liberty.

Meerkats - I loved the "What up, Playa!" comment. *rofl* SOOOO appropriate. I would love to know what the exact order was for this. So awesome.

Jedijson said...

Do the meerkats look like they've got incontenance issues to anyone else, or is it just me?

Anonymous said...

HAHA you made me laugh so hard. I had to think-read it in the voice. Great stuff. Baaaad cakes. lol


Anonymous said...

Am I missing something with the monkey? I mean it's ugly but that is what monkeys look like. They are not all Curious George looking things.

Khakismum said...

Jen, what are you on and how can I get me some???? LOL!!!!

What up playah???

kristina said...

wv: ingso - "So, do you want one of these cakes for your birthday?" "No, I don't ingso, they're all way too scary!"

Khakismum said...

Oh, switching the pictures to B&W, stroke of creative genius!

Anonymous said...

What bothers me about the monkey is the nostrils. I would not want to be the person who got the piece cut from the nose.


WV: nophist, as in "Nophist is too strong to punch that monkey face cake!"

Anna said...

That may be my fave post to date - however, now I have the urge to ride the Twilight Tower of Terror @ Disney World.

Amanda said...

Oh dear, that's just...oh dear...

Fluffy Cow said...

I, for one, cannot come up with one single reason to have a monkey cake.

Not one. Eew.

Anonymous said...

The shih tzu cupcakes are actually pretty cute. Except the one on the far right... I think it's time to take that one to the vet.

The "Tweety" cake will give me nightmares. But since I like zombies, the meerkat cake might have be kinda awesome..if only they didn't poo in the grass.

Anonymous said...

I never comment, although I read this blog almost daily, but I had to say that this was one of the most brilliant posts ever.

Sand Mama said...

"Meerkats in a field of their own waste, please."
"Yep, that's what the lady said, just make it..."

Melanie said...

I had a bad Tweety experience when I was young. I was nearly over it. Now I'm not. Thanks Jen.

Dorothy said...

Aww, I kind of preferred the color pictures - the wreckiness of the meerkats is a little lost in the B&W.

At the same time, I don't know if it really NEEDS to be wreckier. The shiny, glistening gobs of icing entrails of their previous's like "Meerkat Manor" gone wrong.

Unknown said...

The monkey actually looks like one of the masks from the episode of the same name. Kind of like the one the old man made Alam Souse wear. Creeeeeeeeeeepy...

Anonymous said...

I know you changed them to B&W upon request, but is there somewhere you could like the color versions for those of us who came late to the party?

ksaldria said...

What? No Chesterfield advertisement at the end?

The set up to this post was beautiful. Rod Serling is made of win.

Jamie said...

Impeccable commentary today, John! I laughed for five minutes about zombie meerkats raising the roof.

And to the naysayers, imho that monkey cake falls well within the slopes of the Uncanny Valley. Creepy indeed.

Unknown said...

So... all of the pictures that I pulled up, when I followed the link from FB today, came up in black and white on the cake wrecks page... Is this happening to anyone else? Color is so importing when viewing these glorious samples of stupidity!

Mellodee said...

Actually, the correct "words" to the Twilight Zone theme are, "Doo, doo, doo, doo,doo, doo, doo, doo"....oh wait, that just opens the door to more pooh stories....hhmmm.... never mind! :-)

Seattle Mama said...

I could hear Rod Serling's voice in my head so clearly that salad nearly came out of my nose when Rod said the names "Muffy, Boopsie, Precious, Buttercup and Mr. Snuggles".

Pilgrim said...

I probably won't sleep tonight now. Thanks.

Ella said...

Absolutely love the Twilight Zone commentary & the b&w photos, too fab!

Tweety & the monkey frightens me. The Meerkats are creepy, did they gut something or someone? I'd feel safer with the Lord of the Flies cake that was up a few months ago.


@ Naomi -

"Note: A couple of people suggested the pictures should be in black and white which was an awesome idea. So we changed them. I think it adds to the ambiance, don't you?"

Anonymous said...

The B&W change is brilliant, but now you REALLY can't tell what Tweety is supposed to be. The color was the only good clue on that one.

Squeedle DEEEE!! <-- Love that, btw!

H to the izzo said...

Those meerkats ARE scary, and then I literally LOL'd at the "what up playa"

Anonymous said...

I regret to admit that I haven't been paying as much attention to this blog as I used to but I've just discovered how much I really miss it and the good laugh I get from each one. So I'm back! lol
This was a great one....cake twilight zone....zombie meerkats, creepy shih tzus with adorable names :). Now, let's see what else I've missed....

quichepup said...

I can hear Rod Serling, good job y'all.

The monkey is a little creepy, probably because he looks so smug. Tweety though will probably haunt my dreams.

I have nothing but love for the meerkats. I want that cake for my birthday. Raise the roof, playa!

Natalie said...

The roof! The roof! The roof is on fire! We don't need no water...because we're meerkats.

Heather said...

that. was. hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Can't imagine that dolphin will enjoy the snickers bar after picking the chocolately little sweater and flip flops out of his teeth.... That's one way of getting more fiber into his dolphin diet, though.

It's probably a good thing the shih-tzus look deranged. Otherwise, I'd feel guilty eating something cute.

Rucifey said...

OMG!!! "Now picture, if you will, Meerkat Zombies...raising the roof." Love love LOVE!!!! Thank you SO much for making my day! LOVE IT!!!

Christine said...

"a face of terror that watches in malignant silence"
you rock

Carol said...

"...a dolphin eating a Snickers bar in flip-flops and a cardigan."

Is the Snickers bar in flip-flops and a cardigan or is the dolphin? :)

(Sorry if someone else already wondered this. I can't see all of the comments.)

Stephanie said...

Brilliant, simply brilliant. A very funny way to end the day. :)

Melanie L. said...

Meercats in color for those that asked:

Jenna said...

What's wrong with the monkey head cake?!?!

It's a HEAD on a PLATE for crying out loud! That alone is enough to qualify as a wreck...never mind that mocking facial expression.

Anonymous said...

LOVED it! Especially the sound effects! :-) You're a genius!

Anonymous said...

and then we drop 13 stories

Bree said...

We need Bill Mumy to "wish these cakes into the cornfield."

Anonymous said...

Please turn the pictures back to colour! Black and White just isn't wrecky enough!

rebecca said...

i love all of this times a billion....!!!!!
but i must say the monkey was actually the tweety bird on the other hand......errrrrrrrrrrrr......ummmmmmmmm.....welllllll..........eshhhhhhhhhh.....ahhhhhhhhh........

Anna said...

Haha! Love the meerkat zombies. I totally heard "What up playa?" in my head as Barney Stinson.

Awesome post! Wreckage + Twilight Zone = Genius. Black and White is definitely a good touch.

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

I love the meerkat zombies

Anonymous said...

Your narration was spot on awesome. Serling would be proud.

That Tweety cake reminded me of the Jekyll and Hyde short where Sylvester dreamt that Tweety kept mutating into a cat-eating monster.

I doubt that was the intent of the cake.

Sarah said...

Wow. Just wow. That "tweety bird" is seriously grossing me out. The steam on the window is just too much. *gag*

mahantas said...

Here, I've put both interpretations of the sentence in (not very careful) semantic notation for the convenience of your readers who understand semantic notation but not drawings. Yeah!

[S[NP Jennifer P., Matt N., Christine S., and Melanie L.][VP [V picture[S[NP a dolphin [VP [V eating [NP a Snickers bar][PP [P in [NP flip-flops
[CONJ and [NP a cardigan]]]]]

[S[NP Jennifer P., Matt N., Christine S., and Melanie L.][VP picture][S[NP a dolphin [VP eating [NP a Snickers bar]][PP in [NP flip-flops [CONJ and [NP a cardigan]]]]]]

mahantas said...

SYNTACTIC oh how embarrassing

BADKarma! said...

"Demon Tweety" is MY fave.

A in NL said...

B&W has ambiance, but it would be nice if we could also see the colour versions, as sometimes the best detail is in the colour. How about links to them?

Arlene said...

Ok seriously that tweety bird if you can still call it that looks like someone dropped it repeatedly on the floor and just hoped people would still buy it.. is rooting for the zombie meerkats to take over that bakers nightmares.. lol

My Heart Blogged said...

The Meerkat Zombies look like they are surrounded by poo.

Anonymous said...

Bree said...
We need Billy Mumy to "wish these cakes into the cornfield."

OMG - so true! Perfect comment! Thanks, Bree! ROFL!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the black and white!
The monkey looks great in it! Very twilight zone with that creepy face

Loring Kids Cook Classroom said...

O.K., so is it just me or does Tweety in black and white look like Voldemort to anyone else? Either way, SUPER creepy.

Anonymous said...

The snickers bar wearing a cardigan and flip-flops had me laughing so hard, I cried. Gotta love the grammar police!

Becky said...

I thought the Shih Tzus were pretty darn cute for cupcakes! :)

The monkey is totally creepy & weird.

Anonymous said...

For the monkey cake, who wants the eyes?! I'll leave them whole on the plate for you, just don't make us watch you eat one.

Anonymous said...

you used the wrong accent...

Anonymous said...

You made me laugh! It was all very funny, as always. But, I LOVED the ending with the Snickers wearing flip-flops and a sweater. I laughed so hard my kids became concerned and came in to check on me. Funny stuff. Thanks :))

Patty said...

That monkey totally freaked me out!!

Unknown said...

Well, you know what they say. Shih-zu happens. (Why didn't YOU think of that?)

Mumin said...

Oh, the Tweety Bird is creeeepy.

Also, as a French major, I just have to point out that the accent is actually like this: Touché

Sorry, I'm done being nitpicky now, I promise. Please don't ban me from the site for eternity.

Love the dolphins!

redgirl said...

Inspired commentary today :)

Trish said...

OMG, this must be the BEST post you've done Jon...I was LOL-ing like crazy...Loved the Yoda talk at the end too!! AWESOME!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent commitment to getting the theme music in text. Good use of "squeedle."

Unknown said...

Am I the only one reminded of the meerkat scene from 'Life of Pi'? I won't quote it (so as to keep everyone's breakfasts safely in their stomachs), but it involves meerkats, biting acids and lots of entrails. Oh, and human teeth. (But not to leave you with the wrong impression: it's an awesome book.)

The creepy Shih Tzus are adorable, by the way.

Margot said...

Re: the dolphin, talk about your misplaced modifier! here's a good one: "I saw a patch of blueberries coming over the hill".

This is the BestWreckWriteup EVER!!!

Erin said...

Those shih tzus look like Fizzgig from The Dark Crystal.

mellorcr said...

The black and whitre images are very stylish and work well with the Rod Serling-inspired lead-in. However, in my opinion, the meerkats are even creepier in color.

Emily said...

Is it just me or does tweety bird look like noodle kugel?

Katy said...

The accent mark on the "e" in "Touche!" is incorrect. Sorry, but it was really bothering me. Loved the wrecks, though!

john (the hubby of Jen) said...

I actually knew the accent mark was incorrect but I didn't know how to do it the other way. So after 6 hours of research, and four calls to the vice president of Google, I finally got it.



Anonymous said...

I haven't laughed so hard at a dangling participle in a LONG time (ummmm, that's what she said?). Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Genius, just genius. Squeedle is now my new favorite word. And the Snickers bar in the cardigan and flip flops? My cheeks hurt from laughing so hard! Best post ever!

daffodil said...

Even on the colored versions, the poo blobs surrounding the meerkats looked like either that of someone with cirrhosis or dog-do that has been in the sun for a long time.

Pretzelogic / Philly, PA said...

Awesome post, from beginning right through the dolphin update. One thing particularly disturbed me, though (and it makes me feel even weirder that I'm the only one it appears to have bothered). At first, I thought it might have been just an effect of the Rod Serling "ambience", but after I couldn't resist clicking through to see the color versions for comparison, I realized: Those meerkats. Actually. Are. Zombies!!! Poster after poster seemed more concerned with what they were standing in - what I want to know is, who requested meerkat ZOMBIES?! AYEEEEE!

WV: "ressette" - What I wish I could do to my memory after seeing those zombie meerkats and that creepy, creepy monkey... ;-)

GWSTB said...

I am totally pleased that I get to be the first one to say this:

Those aren't flip-flops... they're flipper flops!


Amy said...

Very funny pictures! You make me laugh...Very funny :)

Carrie said...

Nice Work, I am waiting for the next cake to be the head of the Statue of Liberty.

Anonymous said...

Only till my natural death could I tell which of what I have been doing is right or wrong, so now I have to try to do well in everything, and then wait to die a natural death.

Allison Clark said...

This is so silly and funny. But it's so cute and adorable. I would like to have my cake like this. This is just so fantastic. Thank you for sharing it

For Sale In Victorville said...

why do all the dog cupcakes look like something is being shoved up their bums? I mean, look at their eyes.