Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hold On to Your Hats, Sports Fans...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wreckporter Barry B. gives us the skinny:

My wife went into a cake maker to get a small cake for my birthday. They asked what she’d like on it and she said, "How about the Chicago 'C', like The Chicago Bears’ 'C' logo? Is that possible?"

They said, "The Chicago C? No problem."

...it was the funniest present I’ve ever received.

Let's hope that Justina felt the same way about her University of Michigan cake, which was supposed to look like this:

But ended up looking like this:

Oh! A swing and a miss!

Karen M.'s son asked for the Alabama "A" on his birthday cake. To help the bakery out, his aunt brought in a photocopy of his Alabama hat to use as a reference.

(Can you sense where this is going? If not, then you really haven't been reading this blog long enough. Heh.)


Here's the cake:

Thank goodness they didn't bring the actual hat in; that icing would take forever to clean off.

- Related Wreckage: Sports Sense
MemyselfandI said...

(my spelling's just as bad as the wreckorators'). Teehee

Stacie said...

Note to self: Do not ask bakery for a cake with the "Purdue P" on it.

Lauren Borquez said...

The Alabama cakes actually looks pretty good...wow did I just say that?

Katie said...

Oh gosh, that photocopied hat cake is priceless! I bet he'll never forget it!

The Shitty Astrologer said...

That Chicago "C" cake gets an "F"...

Cottagecheap said...

First, HI Stacie...as a "P" alum...I greet you. LOL

Well, good news...the "C" in quotes was an almost correct usage of quotation marks which is improvement on wreckerators part.

Also..how hard could the A on that hat have been? They made it harder on themselves. They must have had a "MyGrain" or something. :D

Jules AF said...

I love this website. The photocopied hat cake is hilarious.

Aimee said...

I bet that 'A' Hat cake tastes terrible...we tried a cake once with red icing and all the kids were gagging, we had to return it. They should warn you when you order bright red icing. Very funny post!

Unknown said...

Whoa, very red icing. Ick.

wv: trosper. "Live long and trosper"

Miranda said...

You see....you see why I'm such a big DIY fan? I may fall short of Sunday Sweets-style perfection, but I'm a damn sight better than this!

Anonymous said...

Morons. I'm starting to think that a lot of cake decorators are morons.
Cake decorators seem to fall into one of two categories --- those that turn out drop dead gorgeous work and those that turn out these monstrosities. However, without the morons and their monstrosities, what would we have to laugh at???

Anonymous said...

At least the writing on the red cake is nice...

Taylor@MyOlderBrothers said...

Did they write "CHICAGO" with one of those vibrating pens from 20 years ago? I didn't know they made those for icing.

Amelia Poll said...

Before I started reading this blog I probably would be absolutely furious if I got a cake like this. I don't deal well with stupid people. Now, however, I would snap a picture and send it in before demanding my money back ;o)

Lady Anne said...

That "Chicago C" cake is pathetic. I swear, my 10 year ol grandchild could do a better job! Are you *sure* this was a professional baker? Oh, never mind answering that question.

Sandy said...

I am a MICHIGAN fan and all I gotta say is... Oh dear. Looks like a cake for a baby shower where the kid's name will start with an M???

Unknown said...

They could have at least gotten the COLORS right on the Michigan cake!

Anonymous said...

As an Ohio State graduate, I think that U of M cake perfectly encapsulates that school up north.

Anonymous said...

Calling the decorators of these 3 cakes "morons" is an insult to morons!

WV: pasmasms: I broke into pasmasms of laughter when I read today's post!

Tiffany in Topeka said...

Wow..... just.... wow.....

*shaking head*

Alison said...

The Chicago Baby Bears, right?

Jen, are you sure these wreckerators aren't doing this on purpose?? I just don't want to believe these people are out there among us... We need to open a wreckerator asylum or something.

Stephanie said...

I am an Alabama fan - and that is NOT an Alabama hat! I think that is the Atlanta Braves 'A'!!! So, Mom must have taken a pic of the wrong hat on top of the bakery's mistake! Double funny!

Mike Owens said...

Wait wait wait..... They put the actual photocopy of the hat on the cake? Please please tell me that they copied the photocopy onto edible paper with edible ink....Please? No?

Sabrina said...

LOL! Being from Chicago I can't tell you how many Bears wrecks we see during football season, but this one "takes the cake"!!

Anonymous said...

Hm, I was going to suggest that the M baker was someone from Michigan State, but the gauntlet has been dropped by Anonymous at 10:18.

My mistake. It WAS an OSU grad that made the cake.

Unknown said...

If it was an edible image, that would be lame but I suppose acceptable.

But putting the photocopy on has *got* to be a violation of health code.

WV: mingle: I do not wish to mingle with these "decorators".

Anonymous said...

lmao-- Thanks for playing out your college rivalries in cake, everyone! You've made my day! :D

Kirsten D. said...

It's the ABC's of cake wreckery!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone looked into whether some of these decorators are not native English speakers? That they just can't read the ticket right?

Anonymous said...

all I can say is that is CRAP-TASTIC!! LOL

Anonymous said...

it's not even the alabama A, it's the brave's A...

Amapola said...

The first one could have ended up with a "Chicago Sea" cake... that lake's pretty big after all

wv: previty. "Oh, the previty!"

ilovebabyquilts said...

LOL to Stacie and the Purdue "P"!

courtney said...

Totally loving the fact that the Chicago Bears cake is in Chicago Cubs colors, too. Nice!

Elizabeth said...

GAG!! That picture could have touched anything before ending up on that cake! What if she had dropped it on the way in? Gross!!


Jennifer R. said...

I was wondering the same thing:

Mike Owens said...

Wait wait wait..... They put the actual photocopy of the hat on the cake? Please please tell me that they copied the photocopy onto edible paper with edible ink....Please? No?

lisadh said...

I had to look it up, and they are correct: that is NOT an Alabama logo/hat. Wrong "A" and wrong color. Poor mislead Aunt.

The wreckiness of these cakes are just hilarious. I guess sports are not for everyone!

Sarah said...

Oh, good thing you said it was a "hat" it looked like something completely different at first.
Not that a photcopy of a hat isn't bad enough, but now I'm thinking it fortunate it wasn't a copy of a...

Kara Lynn said...

Chicago is one of my favorite teams. The cake is just too funny! I luf it :)

DMackendrick said...

(sung to the tune of the Michigan fight song - though that cake isn't quite as bad as the others...)
Hail to the victors valiant, hail to the conquering heroes, hail, hail to wreckorators the leaders of the literal request...

Beki said...

It totally looks like they just put the paper photocopy on the 'A' cake. FAN-tastic! Their brains just cannot be fully functional. How else can you account for such bizarre miss-communications. I don't understand, but then again, neither did they.

Gary said...

Stacie sez:
"Note to self: Do not ask bakery for a cake with the "Purdue P" on it."

Stacie, the letter "P" should be safe enough. But make sure they don't try to illustrate "P."

Lys said...

Oddly enough, just this morning I had thought about getting a UofM cake for my grandfather for his birthday. Now, I am not so sure!

Anonymous said...

You know, folks, when you think about how the wreckeraters who commit these awful crimes of frosting and how they must be doing things on purpose because they can't possibly be this stupid, just remember. BY DEFINITION half the population of the US has an I.Q. less than 100. Yup. Lots of morons out there to pick from.

Anonymous said...

Alabama fans everywhere should be offended! Roll Tide!

Anonymous said...

lisadh is correct. The "A" the aunt asked for is the symbol for the Atlanta Braves, not the University of Alabama.

Anonymous said...

Somehow, I thing taking icing to the kid's actual hat would have been less painful to see. Wow!

Shannon said...

That Chicago Bears cake is just wrong!

I'm with a few others here when I make a Note to Self: Never ask for a cake with the University of Illinois "I" on it. Although, that could create some humerous wrecks!!!

Ruby Jane said...

In defense of the cake decorators, all those logos are trademarked, so they really couldn't be correctly reproduced (unless the bakery had a licensing agreement with the NFL or NCAA).

favoriteauntl said...

As a Purdue grad, I appreciate the P problem. Others to watch out for:
Boston College 'B'
University of ILL 'I'
Tulsa University 'T' (several ways they could mess that up)

Anonymous said...

I work part-time in a deli/bakery and you have to have licensing to use the logo's for most teams, and of course they don't have them. That could be *part* of the reason why they don't look the same... Although, I must say they still aren't even close! Have no excuse to help them with that! :)

Hossrex said...

I call shenanigans on the "Chicaco C" cake. Even if the baker wasn't an idiot, he wouldn't know whether to do a Chicago CUBS "C", or a Chicago BEARS "C".

Very different logo, very different "C".

No way that ones real.

Bree said...

Shame about the Alabama/Atlanta cake because the handwriting and icing swirls are really nice.

The others are pathetic with a "P!"

DSmo said...

Every day I look at this site (except when the sweets are posted), all I can think is "What the hell?" I am truly dumbfounded that anyone would be so shameless to put these out on a store shelf. But on the other hand, I love knowing there will always be something I can laugh at so hard it makes me cry. : D

Melinda said...

Ahh, nothing like a good wreck to make me feel better about the cakes I have made.

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

Some cakes make me laugh harder than others. The Alabama cake cracked me up.

Casey said...

To get icing THAT red...I really don't want to know how much red dye was used. /shudder /gag

Kathryn Reid said...

I love this blog, plain and simple because I can recognize Wal Mart packaging and wonder if one of my coworkers made that cake. Ha ha ha.

Jennifer Tomlin said...

The Alabama cake is not a total loss. The picture of the hat looks pretty cool. At least the "A" is accurate.


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm, papery.

angie and tyler said...

I am a cake decorator and NEVER would I assume that someone wanted the photocopy of the hat on their cake. I mean come on. I swear these people doing all these cakes must not be from this country. That has to be where the miscommunication is.

Anonymous said...

That's an Atlanta A, not an Alabama A.

Marie said...

Oh my all that red icing.. not to mention the photo of the hat that looks a bit like Stewie from Family Guy than anything else. Must make note to avoid this bakery at all costs lol.

Anonymous said...

Wait, that's the actual photocopy? I just assumed it was a reproduction of the photocopy (like they put on photo cakes). Ew gross. Otherwise that's kind of an awesome cake, visually, if not exactly appetizing.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. People pay for these? With like, money? Their hard earned money? For these?
I'm baffled.

Jaye said...

I'm originally from Michigan but I'm an Ohio State Buckeyes alumna and fan, so fail school, fail "M" :-).

In any case, it looks more like a Minnesota M than a Michigan M, with Carolina blue. This is all kinds of bad...maybe I should get this for my good friend who is a Michigan fan who lives in North Carolina.

Michelle P said...


Two things I need to remember:
1. no coffee while reading this blog (thanks Stacie!)
2. coworkers were the reason I was embarassed to work at the grocery store bakery

WV: New disease discovered: Mallapsy - turns normally intelligent people into wreckerators!

Mary Connealy said...

For years the University of Nebraska had a very stylized N for their logo, that had all rounded corners. We called it the WORM.

I shudder to think of the potential cakes.

Anonymous said...

Ow. That Michigan cake hurts my maize and blue heart.

Almost as much as the last two years of awful football...

I'm sure it was an OSU grad who couldn't find a job in their field who did that one!

BADKarma! said...

Chicago "C"... Okay, I'm giggling now...

j.cro said...

Actually, I believe that is the "A" of the Atlanta Braves but I could be wrong. Either way - not exactly the cake I'd want for my birthday.

Janet said...

I just read the comments and I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who could tell the Chicago cake didn't come from a bakery. It's obviously done by a home "wrecker" just trying to get her picture posted.

Erin of Brownie Bites said...

Those are priceless. I can't believe that Chicago cake! What can you do but laugh?

Red Wolf said...

Well, on the plus side they got the "Chicago" colors right (as in the colors of Chicago's flag, anyway...)

Anonymous said...

I've got to disagree with those of you who think the "C" cake is a home job. No one who actually owns a #22 tip could use it that badly. It has to be done by someone who has access to the equipment but no training (or talent) for using it, such as someone on their first day in the supermarket bakery. That could be a fun wreck category -"On-the-Job Training".

Nikki said...

That's not the Alabama "A", the "A" in the picture is the Atlanta Braves logo. Alabama's "A" is close, but that's not it, so this cake is a wreck from the beginning.


Anonymous said...

Isn't that an Atlanta Braves "A"?

Anonymous said...

Funny thing about the Alabama A is that isnt even an Alabama A. The Alabama A is pretty and has a line coming off the top and the middle line doesnt go down. So the people that ordered the cake failed too.

Marcos said...

So, uhm, anyone mention that that "Alabama A" is really an Atlanta Braves A?

Let's see, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight . . .

Yup, guess they did. Carry on, then.

Anonymous said...

my baby saw the U of M cake and started calling it the wonder pets cake.. wells she is only 3 but it does look like their "W" only upside down


Abdullah The Dictator said...

nice cake...hmmm...yummy

Dhr. DeLuxe said...

The 'Michigan' cake shows the Rotterdam Metro (Underground) logo and colour scheme:

Anonymous said...

Only because I happen to be a huge fan of Atlanta.. I'd like to point out that is in fact an Atlanta A and not Alabama A. There is a slight difference mostly only noticed by fans of one or the other. :)

Anonymous said...

Pointing to photocopy of hat, "I want this on the cake." Really? That is a strange request, but the customer is always right.

how-sweetitis said...

Congratulations, Bama fans, on not knowing what your own logo looks like and buying Braves merchandise instead. Awesome. Go Braves (and go Dawgs)! :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should have used an Alabama hat...instead of an Atlanta Braves hat?

Linnea said...

You know, as funny as these cakes are, there are times when I feel sad after I've laughed until I've - uh - well, until after I've laughed.

The requests for the decoration were not complicated or difficult. And that's what makes me sad, because, underneath it all, these cakes represent:
1. the combined lack of education/and ignorance of people in the customer service business.

2. the disappointment of the person who ordered the cake and found that it was, perhaps, so badly done and not acceptable that they refused to pay for it and so, missed out on the opportunity of having the (great and wonderful)cake as part of the celebration

3. the state of the hiring practices of well-meaning people who cannot spell and who are not familiar with the various sports. People mean well, but that's not enough when you're dealing with the centerpiece of a celebration.

When people get it right, the results are breathtaking and beautiful. And while not everyone can create a show piece, it appears to be too much any more to ask for correct spelling, punctuation, and logos.

Boy, I hope they tasted better than they looked!

Mount Airy, MD

Birthday Party Ideas 4 Kids said...

Love your site! Sooooo funny!!

Batman birthday party said...

Wow, it looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

I honestly wonder,how can people be so S-T-U-P-I-D?!?!?! Incomprehensible! But hilarious!

Anonymous said...

as a student of the university of alabama, that bakery personally offends me that they cant at least google our "A"... that's totally an atlanta a. boo...