As many of you have probably guessed by now, I get all my news from the Wrecks you send in. Now, is this:
HAH! Uh, no.
Yooouuu betcha.
Case in point: I believe that football-related thing I
mentioned before has finally happened. And it's called...


No, the Supper Bowl. Or...

Super Bowel? Hey, I kinda like the sound of that. Now, all it needs is...

Go, super bowel! Go go go!! Ok, maybe we should just call it "The Game."

From all this Wreckage, I also know there were two teams involved in "the game."
First we have the Colts, who are big
Katamari fans:
(You know, Katamari? The game with the giant tube-head guys? Aw, check out this cute Katamari wedding cake; you'll see what I mean.)And then there are the Saints, aka "the team with the logo most likely to be butchered by cupcake cakes [

I think we both
get the point here, don't you?

Hey, look, a
CCC with appeal!
Yep, that banana is a
peelin' from both ends.
Deborah C., Jenny D., Writer Girl, John W., Anony M., Jack O., C.M., & Sara W., orange you glad I only used one banana pun?- Related Wreckage: Are You Ready for Some Football?!?
63 comments | Post a Comment
What a pity. The Supper Bowl cake decorator actually did a nice job freehanding the Colts logo.
wv: caphyd. Predatory cake bugs. The caphyds are infesting my buttercream roses.
A "Superboll" would be a huge pod of cotton.
"The Game" appears to have a "Superbowel" (Go! Go! Go!) around the outside of the cookie, or pie, or whatever that is.
The Supper Bowl is what my cats eat from.
Super bowel LOL!
Uh-oh, "Super Bowel"? Don't touch that cake kiddies unless you want to go charging to the bathroom like a quarterback...
We all just lost the game!
Don't know what it is? Now you're playing.
Super Bowel is pretty hilarious.
And the messed up fleur de lis are pretty entertaining as well.
Thanks, Jen! If you put it *that* way, I might actually be inclined to take interest in sports.
I love the copious use of doilies for the Saints' fleur de lis. It makes it so dressed up. And festive. And feminine. "And don't forget your 'kerchif when you are out slammin' the other team boys!"
Julie U
I cannot quit laughing at the "super bowel - go go go" cake!
I was going to suggest that "The Game" could refer to the rapper, but nowadays he just goes by "Game."
The Katamari football player is the funniest to me.
Superbowel? Maybe the wreckorator has a gluten intolerance...
Holy moly. Go Super Bowel indeed. What a crappy cake.
BTW, TLC has announced a reality series called "Cupcake Sisters," set at Georgetown Cupcake. I anticipate plenty of CCCs on the air.
WV: geadmane = one of the Knights of the Round Table, I think.
Unfortunately I am having a hard time lately seeing some of the images - they're just appearing as white squares. I used to be able to see them all and I haven't changed anything at my end.
Is there something I can do so that I don't feel so left out?
Have you changed something about how you post pictures? I can only see about half the pictures in this post. Specifically I can't see 1, 3, 4, and 5.
Super bowel...go go go....OMG! I can't stop laughing!
Anon 10:45-
It happens to me occasionally.
Click on home. That works for me.
Several years ago, I ran into a convenience store for something no doubt of the unhealthy variety and was greeted with a large handwritten poster advertising "Supper Bowel" supplies. Yep. Both words. I haven't been able to think of Super Bowl seriously since.
Also, *squee* for Beautiful Katamari!
I think next year I'm cheering for the New Orleans Bananas. I even wrote a cheer:
Go Saints, we love you all! Make the other guys slip and fall!
.. rah rah rah!
That cake with the distended colon that you showed us the other day was a "Super Bowel." How about some Mardi Gras sunday sweet photos? Love your blog!!
That's a pity, considering that the Colts' horseshoe logo is probably one of the few things that would make a great CCC. (I know, a great CCC is a contradiction in terms, like "jumbo shrimp", but still...)
The Saints' logo, which should be a fleur-de-lis, looks like the bottom of a lizard!
I love CW more every time there's a Katamari reference. Naaaaaaaaa na na na na na naa naa KATAMARI DAMACY!
The last one looks like a run over lizard. lol
Was that first cake actually meant for a Rose Bowl party? WTH??
Sorry, I also can't see images 1, 3, 4, and 5. I tried clicking around to give them a chance to refresh, but they won't.
Forget the wrecks, is that first one seriously cut into four even pieces? Because that is my kind of cake... :)
Gee, thanks, Jen.
It was a perfectly innocent post until you made us lose THE GAME.
Awesome. :3
Thanks for the laughs, for the bazillionth time!!!
Awwww I lost the game :(
About the photos - when I get a stubborn one, I click on the big blank space and it either appears or I go to a separate page where it shows all the (sometimes gory) detail. Usually when I hit the return arrow, all the photos load.
I looooved the Katamari reference!!
I love the unintentional pun on the "Superbowel - Go! Go! Go!" cake. Too funny!
Are you guys aware CakeWrecks is one of the features on a piece titled "The Internet will watch you FAIL" today?
I like the Super Bowel mispelling better than the Supper Bowl. I have no idea where they get the e in bowl..but two pp's are more understood.
That Super Bowel cake? Was from my store. I did not submit it, but I love that someone did.
Supper Bowl sounds like a lot more fun than the real thing to me. I hate football. I live in TX so don't tell anyone I said that. They would hang me from the tallest tree.
The Saints logo looks like a cave pictogram of a lizard.
Oh my gosh, I laughed and laughed! Thank you.
I snickered up til "Go, go Super Bowel". Then I lost it. That odd brown looking thing in the middle didn't help.
Don't worry, Denestria, there are others like you. I also avoid foosball like the devil. >.>
And I can't believe I lost the game because of a cake.
Cake #2 is one Snoopy would love!
It's suppertime! It's suppertime! It's suppertime! It's suppertime!
So, my daughter wanders over while I'm looking at #6, the Katamari one, takes one quick glance and exclaims, "That's not a cake!" Even a 5 year old can recognize that a CCC is not a cake. :)
I see a children's potty training book in the works:
Gah! That cookie cake just made me loose The Game. And I was doing SO well.
Someone needs to school the first wreckerator in the various football bowls ie. the Super Bowl and the Rose Bowl are NOT interchangeable! There are NO ROSES or flowers of ANY kind to EVER be placed on a Super Bowl cake:-P It's a crying shame about the first "super bowel" cake. Despite the spelling mistake (and the fact that the whole thing is crooked) it could've been a pretty cake:(
Finally, ya learn something new everyday! I wasn't aware that New Orleans was Creole for banana;)
One must perforce assume that having a "super-bowel" is, in fact, a "VVGT", given the number of wreckorators who felt it to be an important element in a cake dedicated to a football game. Or would that be a "footbowel" game...
CRRAPPPP!!! That cookie cake made me lose the game!! I was winning for so long!
Aren't there any Olympic cake wrecks yet? The Super Bowl is old news....the Olympics is on now!
Is any one else wondering what the stringy black frosting is for on "The Game" cookie cake?
"The Game" is kind of funny since "Superbowl" is all Taboo trademarked and such...
Super Bowel Go! Go! Go! made me laugh!
What does it say at the top of cake #3? Boot Time? Bovt Time?
Superbowel....that's just SO wrong.
The Super Bowel...Go Go Go! Mwahahahaha! Still grinning about that one!
Okay, the Super Bowel cake (Go go go!) had me guffawing. So so funny.
Bless you boys?!?
Oh no you din't
That's reserved for the 1984 DEETROIT Tigers.
Finally, ya learn something new everyday! I wasn't aware that New Orleans was Creole for banana;)
Of course. Why else did you think that Bananas Foster was invented there? ;-)
LOL they should give spelling tests to people who make these cakes before hiring them.
Bahhhhhhh, the Saints have stolen the 1984 Detroit Tigers slogan. Al Ackerman, where are you when we need you!
lol. Those are great!
Katamari reference? High five! I love it! I still listen to the Katamari soundtrack in my car!
Watch out - That Saints logo is a mosasaur!
When I read the Super Bowel go go go cake, I nearly dropped a donk in my pants! (Trannslation: I nearly pooped my pants) LOLOMGROFNP (ROFNP= Rolling on the floor nearly pooping!)