Saturday, September 26, 2009

The (Wedding) Ring

Saturday, September 26, 2009

There's something so beautiful about a bridal shower.

The glowing bride...

The elegant decorations...

The beautifully decorated ca...

Er...Wow, someone went a little overboard with the brown airbrushing, huh? And what's up with the bride and groom? Can we zoom in a little?




Okay, I think I'm better n...


Thanks a lot J. H. I'll just be over in the corner whimpering if anyone needs me.

- Related Wreckage: Celebrating the "Yes" with a Bunch of "No"s
Beck said...


Christine said...

That's awesome - portraiture in icing. Nice.

Unknown said...

Oh. my. goodness! A whole bunch of "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO's" is right! What in the world happened here?

Julie said...

Oh, my! Looks like one of the kids in my preschool class drew the happy couple and then someone recreated the drawing in icing, but WHY?????

Jessica Samantha said...

My goodness, that really WAS scary!

Athena said...

Well obviously the wreckerator was asked to portray the bride and groom EXACTLY as they look in person, right?

My guess is too much collagen.

WakeGrace said...




Its wedding zombies whos eyes suck out your very soul.


Julia said...

Fabulously funny!!!

Priscilla said...

Dear me! Look at the pink poo roses! Oh no, if it was my wedding, I think I would've cried!!

Alyssa Jones said...

At first glance, I thought it was a cake of a flesh wound! Ick!

frigglesnitz said...

oh, oh, oh.. things that cannot be unseen...such as cakes featuring the wedding of the melting undead.

Siobhan said...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!". lol ur always so funny, Jen. How can they stand having that for a wedding cake? What were they looking at anyway?

Terry Lee said...


is the bride sporting angel wings?!

those faces are hideous. hid-e-ous.

wreckiness at its finest today.

Unknown said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, what a lovely little rotten zombiecouple. They look so happy -I suppose- with their hollow dead eyes at these pink and green blurbs!!!

Lilianna said...

That's pretty flipping creepy.

Adnoxious said...

Yowsa! It looks like that cake is having open heart surgery. Not appetizing.

Angela Hansen said...

Methinks a little cake decorator was jealous of the happy couple?

"Here is what you'll look like on your wedding day after eating my cake! ZOOOOMBIESSSSS!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Jessa Kennedy said...


My husband is the best man in a wedding today -- I'm debating if I should show this to the bride before or after she sees her own cake....

Last night in Portland was awesome, Jen! Here's a link to my photos of the event!

Visiting "Portland"

Kachine said...

The first shot reminded me of something out of the Alien movies! Then you zoomed in and it was even worse!! lol

The Black Cat said...

You know what they look like? The evil "other" parents off Coraline. The one's with the buttons for eyes and no SOUL.

Casey said...

Errrrr. That's the only sound that can make it out of my mouth right now.

Nancy said...

ZOOM OUT AND RUN, RUN, RUN! Oh this is so bad its hilarous!!!

Anonymous said...

Cool! A wedding cake for fans of the movie "They Live"

Thanks for the laugh out loud moment this morning!

Maggie said...



Jody W. and Meankitty said...

Used to be destination weddings, now zombie weddings are the next big thing! I wonder if a zombie Elvis can officiate?

Anonymous said...

well i hope the happy couple look nothing like their cake.
and i hope it didn't ruin the wedding and i hope the happy couple had a great sense of humor and i hope the bride didn't kill the cake decorator.

Lynne said...

Must be a "Resident Evil" cake.

Kirstie said...

Noooooooooooooo! I was all set to head out the door for the 2 hour drive to Seattle and I got called into work! How can this be happening?! Who's going to eat this lovely cupcake?! (OK well that's an easy fix)


Have a great visit to the Pacific Northwest and on your next tour, PLEASE head up north of the 49th so i can at least sneak in a visit during an extra long lunch.

Haley said...

They look like a zombie couple about to dig into an arm!

Unknown said...

Yikes. Wedding of the zombies, eh?

~Amy B

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or does the happy couple have a child together already, and this was meant to look like they're both beaming at the baby? Or maybe I am looking for sense where there is none.

TheWordWire said...

I was stumped on what to be for Halloween, but now I'm considering the Angel of Death. Thanks to this blushing bride for inspiration.

K A said...

Why does this remind me of Beetlejuice?!?!

w said...

I was going to say this reminded me of Beetlejuice, but then I noticed that's what the last comment said. :D

Karen said...

Was that cake for a wookie wedding?

Dennis said...

Zombies! and Skidmarks!

Kathleen said...

WOW! That bride looks like an angel who still has her wings but may have, um, fallen from grace.

Fahnette said...

I want a Zombie Wedding Cake!

Alas, we went with lovely teal and lavender roses on white buttercream. But I've got two weeks... I can change it, right? No? Darn.

WV: teboate
Teboate had dun left teharbor before tebride realized what was on tecake.

Wayne said...

So, my 3 year-old daughter just happened to be sitting next to me and upon seeing those two she said "Look, the zombie!"

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, I can't make a comment today, the bride's eyes have sucked out my soul.

*staggers away*

writtenwyrdd said...

Hey, zombies are HOT right now. It's trendy!

Pamela said...

Reminds me of my grandmothers wedding photo from 1895.

I did a little research and it was "arranged."

They looked just like that cake.

Suzi said...

We featured you at The Apron Goddesses today.

Love the faces on the bride and groom!

BravoBride - Susan said...

Wow, the detail on the faces is amazing! :)

Mo and The Purries said...

Clearly this is a Zombie Wedding.
Although I didn't know zombie brides wore angel wings at wedding ceremonies.
Brains.... braiiiiins...

Anonymous said...

Your commentary on this one is the best! It's totally cracking me up!!:D

Nini said...

Oh my God! Her grossly swollen, discolored, and distended arm...I thought the groom was carrying a log or something.

Roses said...

Karen has it.
The bride's a wookie!

Irma said...

I'm on my way out the door to a wedding.

I needed this.

Carrie said...

Hey the undead like wedding cakes too!

Laurence said...

Great to meet you both in Portland last night, and I hope you did go to Voodoo Doughnuts after all those recommendations!

Also, good gravy, what is going on on that cake? o.0

Anonymous said...

OMG WHAT IS THAT?!?! The bride and groom are just halerious! She looks like Quasimodo's bride with that hunched back!!

Erin said...

I just want to know why the bride has wings?

Bree said...

Nothing like a demon bride and groom to get the party going.

Carrot Jello said...

Even zombies get married now and then, and what kind of freak doesn't like cake?

Anne said...

*carefully examines cake..*

"I vant to suck your icing!"

The decorator should totally have just given her fangs and admitted they had a grudge against the bride..

Oh, and is there a "married in brown, zombies frown?"

Anonymous said...

It took me forever to figure out that the wings on the bride were supposed to be the veil. At least, that's what I'm assuming.

Kim said...

Oh my! It could be the basis for a Twilight Zone or something. Think about it...You walk up behind the bride and groom, then they turn around and they have NO EYES - hollow sockets!! The special effects created by the pink claws surrounding them add to the horror. Scared the bejeebers out of me and I most certainly will have nightmares!

Anonymous said...

Should've left the faces blank instead of trying too hard. It's an icing dispenser, not a pencil! :P

Ariana said...

hahahaha..Wow...I'd hate my cake to look like that. No pictures, please!

Haiku Joy said...

My dear darling dead,
the intestines are in bloom.
Perfect time to wed!

wv: chasten

(Hmm. It's not so much fun when the word verification is a REAL word!)

holly said...

That's a professional? Really? That's not professionally made. Is it? Because the strawberry icing (out of a can) isn't even smoothed down. That looks like the Duncan Hines cakes I bake and frost (sans zombies).

Tía Hillary said...

It was great seeing you at Powell's last night (sorry Mom & I had to duck out early.) My daughter loves the book - she is studying to be a NON-CakeWrecker-Decorator. (new word?)
I dunno, I get more of a vampire bride vibe from the cake ... the way she's clutching him, keeping him from running away.

WV: polymics: what every Cake Wrecks book signing should have - more than one mic (to avoid feedback.)

Unknown said...

well I guess it's nice that leatherface found someone to marry...


Dan Bradbury said...

Looks like a zombie is getting married to a hunchback.

Unknown said...

Maybe that's exactly what they look like??? I'd hate to see their future children...

Pete said...

This might be a perfectly accurate depiction...if Shanda and Stephen's last name is Zombie.

ksaldria said...

o.O Why does the couple on this cake remind me of Adam and Barbara Maitland from Beetlejuice?

Anonymous said...

There's the ugly faces, the lumpy tux on the groom, and the muddy background.

But nobody, NOBODY, I tell you, has mentioned the flowers down in the lower left of the medallion thingy.

Hey, decorator -- flowers aren't supposed to look like little piles of pink poo. If you're going to cheat and not make roses, at least use a flower tip, so it doesn't look like pink poo.

WV: confund(n): this cake confunds me with its lack of anything resembling talent.

E.B. said...

YIKES! Ugly poop-zombies!

Thanks for the hilarious blog!

Nonna said...

Oh, NO ! Awful !

Anonymous said...

Are the bride and groom laying in a grave?

jessprof said...

ohhh noooo!

ohhhh nooo!


oooohhhh nooooooo!

Anonymous said...

What, was it a Goth or Emo wedding?

Samantha said...


Bettina said...

Now that reminds on the movie The exorcism of Emily Rose.
Arrrggh! My eyes, my eyes my beautiful eyes!!