Tuesday, September 29, 2009
San Francisco Summary
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
And we also had Beth of Out to Lunch Catering provide a yummy chocolate sheet cake. The Copperfield's staff was particularly sweet to us, too. Thanks, guys!
Here are our Wreckplica contest winners:
And their entries:
This one gets an honorable mention, too, because Sandra made it entirely of Twinkies:
In San Francisco we visited Book Passage, a tiny store with a big heart. Y'all packed it out, though, and John and I really enjoyed the more intimate setting. Here are our three Wreckplica winners:
And their entries:
The goodies here were in the form of mini cupcakes, and were provided by Michelle of Teeny Cake and Lena of Sweetface Bakery. Thanks, ladies!
To see all of the Wreckplica entries for these two events, check out the CW Facebook album here.
NOTE: Would the sweet young lady in Petaluma who communicated with me via a hand-written message please e-mail me? Thanks!
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What's a Wreck?
What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
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The Classics
Praise for the Book
- “Will have you laughing so hard you’ll forget to eat!”— Washington Post
- “a hilarious winner” — The Oregonian
- “a fantastically gut-busting book”— NPR
- “It’s all here, each wreck a disaster of hilarity.” — BookPage.com
- “Hysterically funny!”— Epinions.com
- “laugh-out-loud funny”— The Times
- “Yates’ sharp humor makes the funny even funnier.” — The Dallas Morning News
- “an amazing laugh-out-loud book”— The Book Triblog
What the fans are saying
- "I was laughing so hard, I couldn't catch my breath."
- "As funny as the blog that started it."
- "WAY better than I expected!"
- "Cake Wreckery at its best!"
- "Wrecktastic!"
- American Mensa:Top 50 Websites of 2010
- Amazon: Top 10 gift books of 2009
- The Orlando Sentinal “Orbbies”: Winner Humor
- 2009 BlogLuxe Awards: Funniest Blog
- 2009 Bloggies: Best Writing of a Weblog, Best New Weblog, Best Food Blog
- The 2008 Weblog Awards: Best Food Blog
- Blogger's Choice 2008 Awards: Best Humor Blog
Where's the book?
We don’t have any copies of Cake Wrecks for sale here, autographed or otherwise. We decided the shipping and handling costs would be too high to make it worth your while. So instead, buy your copies locally or online and then order personalized bookplates: it’s cheaper, easier, and I think even looks a bit nicer.
Ordering Info
Payments must be made through Paypal, which accepts all major credit cards. Sorry, but that means no checks or MOs or barter-based chickens.
We ship everything first class USPS, and will do our best to have your package in the mail within 2 days of your order.
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26 comments | Post a Comment
Love the Belly cakes! Who doesn't want to eat a prego lady?
The twinkie cockroach cake is AMAZING!!!! Actually..they are all AMAZING!
So bummed I was called home and couldn't stay in teh city until 6...crud...
Looks like you guys had alot of fun!
Oh, that spider was too cute to be a wreck! (And I don't even like spiders....)
The Christmas tree-slug
in mini-replication!
Color me dazzled.
I am so disappointed that I didn't know you were coming to Petaluma! I love your blog, check it regularly and send links to friends. I should have checked your itinerary more closely- I never imagined you would grace our little town with your wrecking presence. Well, when there is a next time, I will be sure to attend.
thanks for your great blog!
heidi in Petaluma
San Francisco was lots of fun...crowded, but fun! Just wish we'd had real CAKE like all the other sites....mini cupcakes were kinda disappointing.
Love the Twinkie-roach in miniature! That is a fantastic job. Now all we need are the nukes, and we can...wait, what am i saying??
Never mind.
Was one of those truffles poison?
i just wanted to say those truffles in petaluma (the white ones were the only ones i tried) WERE AWESOME!!! YUM!
It was sooo much fun meeting you and John. My book came from Amazon (friggin' finally!) and the postit got properly tapped in place :).
Wowzers to the Twinkie cockroach cake! My kids LOVED the spider cupcake and asked, "Mommy, how come you don't make us treats like that?"
I'm enjoying your world tour as you share with us all!
While I visit this site daily, this is my first comment. I only wanted to say that the Twinkie Cockroach is BRILLIANT! I'll be laughing all day!
Those truffles look divine! Only four more days for me! Yay!
The fireman cake! Yes! definitely one of my all time favorites.
I believe my Wrecklica will need to be for the adults in attendance. :)I shall make sure my box containing it is appropriately labeled.
I JUST GOT MY BOOK IN THE MAIL AND I CANT PUT IT DOWN... I'm laughing so hard my cat is concerned! :) Thanks for publishing this!!
I think it's funny that some of the people who commented on the pictures in the album have no idea what CW is all about. There's a lot of "wtf' and "is this for real?" type comments, like they think the people who made the cupcakes were really trying to make them look professional. So I'm trying to figure out why the heck they're friends of CW on facebook if they don't know what the site is all about.
Oh how I wish you were coming to Atlanta!!! You could have kicked off your tour at dragon con.
Jen, I am so happy for you that you get to go on that book tour! It sounds like a blast!
And I love the fact we get to share those cool moments with you even more. I'm in Europe, so right now I'm pretty much living vicariously through all the nice people who come visit you. But where are the pictures of *you*?? And John? I'm sure you guys must have sunshine coming out the wazoo with all these fun events and I would love, love, love to see a few pics of you guys. Do you think you could post some? That would be awesome. No, really!!
I heart Cake Wrecks! I can't believe the lure of a joke about balls was resisted! I'm maybe just a little disappointed... :)
Got my book in the mail today! Woo hoo! Hope to make it to the Bethesda book signing!
Did you say "THESE ONES"? I'm a fan of cakewrecks AND grammarwrecks - so please - it's either "these" or "the ones" ... "those" or "the ones" - never "these ones" or "those ones". Ever.
Now, why did you have to schedule your day for coming to Austin to be during ACL? There aren't going to be nearly as many people to go.
The "hand" in the first winning cupcake entry looks like the fingers were reattached using some kind of sketchy surgery... just saying...
WV: donse - adjective - extremely stupid, so dense that they are also done; "The wreckerator who made that cake was so donse he misspelled the word fail."