Today's stop: Blogher.
Blogher's tagline is "The community for women who blog," and odds are you already read a few blogs in their extensive network. At their homepage you will find a plethora (yes, I would say there are a "plethora") of articles on every subject imaginable affecting women.
Things like career:


Current events:

(Lest I give you the wrong idea, I should note that Blogher does not actually illustrate all of their articles with cakes. But they should.)
Julie Godar is a managing editor at Blogher, and she and I talk about this blog, the new Cake Wrecks book, the blogs that make me laugh, and much more in her article here. So go, read, enjoy! (Or enjoy, read, and go - I know how those tetchy bladders can be...)
Rebecca, Michael H., Ainsley R., & Cathy B., way to "go"!
- Related Wreckage: Kids These Days
46 comments | Post a Comment
The first cake is making me hungry. I taste GRASSHOPPER COOKIES in my mind's mouth. Mmmmmmmmmm.
I was wondering when we'd see a swine flu cake on here. I figured there would eventually be enough for a dedicated post.
The first cake is making me hungry. I taste GRASSHOPPER COOKIES in my mind's mouth. Mmmmmmmmmm.
I heart Blogher.
And I totally thought that last one was give me a ring (like, call me), but then there's on the blob of whipped cream? set me straight.
Angie (from over at
"Well, you told me I have a plethora. And I just would like to know if you know what a plethora is. I would not like to think that a person would tell someone he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has *no idea* what it means to have a plethora."
I know how much we don't like misplaced commas and apostrophes . . . however, MISSING apostrophes are almost just as bad!
"Please dont fire us" indeed! If I were the boss, I'd probably show them the door!
Ha, I think that swine flu one is too cute
Is it wrong that I love that Swine Flu cake? The pig with it's wacky eyes, the curly letters in swine and the nice "Flu" lettering...Hold on while I order one! (I do work in a hospital!)
Actually, that swine flu one is really well done! Awkward aw all heck-fire, but visually, doesn't really belongs on CakeWrecks, I don't think. It's not bad!
"Could it be that once again, El Heffe..." Yes, I got your plethora joke :).
@Vickie: Ever notice the lack of apostrophes in "DONT WALK" signs? Maybe we should get those manufacturers fired.
The parenting cake is amazing. I thought Hef's girlfriends were looking a bit younger these days.
I think the tasty-looking chocolate cake was defaced by decorators trying to save their jobs.
WV: rauphypi - The correct spelling of a full bodied ptooie caused by the dreaded CCC.
I actually like the swine flu one! It's really cuuuute!
What wine goes with swine? Swine Flu cake, that is. They're trying to get us to call it H1N1, but letters/digits aren't nearly as cute as a pig. H1N1 sounds more like R2D2's cousin.
Was the Playboy bunny the ONLY bunny design the bakery had for a 6-year old? Creepy!
~Amy B
As ugly as all get-out as the "give me a ring" cake is, I can kind of understand the sentiment. I knew my fiance was going to propose but he took his own sweet time about it... I was this close to telling him to just give me the damn ring, already, so I could stop worrying about it! :)
So excited by the Three Amigos reference.. one of my favourite movies growing up!
Dear little buttercup.. won't you stay a.. WHILE WHILE!
Oh, come on. The Swine Flu cake is adorable and really well-done!
Oh I love that Swine Flu cake.
We gotta make fun of this baseless hysteria going on right now. Seriously.
I could use every one of these cakes today. well not the give me a ring one. But I would love my hubby even more if he came home with a ring.
I was wonder what kind of cake to make for my 6 year olds bithday this year. Now I know. THANK YOU!!
I think my kids have the swine flu. I didn't even think to celebrate with a cake. But now it is a party.
deckardcanine - i've always wondered why Dont was the only guy allowed to Walk... and then I thought, maybe he's just the dumb guy that needs to be told to walk when everyone isn't walking... it's so confusing... i hope dont doesnt fire me
But the pig on the swine flu cake looks cute
Applaud the Three Amigos ref. Well done! Well done!
I do feel like there was more to the inscription on that "Give me a ring" cake. But perhaps the wreckerator didn't think it appropriate to put "you Bastard" on such a sweet cake...
I'd totally scoff at the Playboy birthday cake if I didn't get the joke...
My birthday is on 2/29, so technically I only get a birthday once every four years. I turned six last year too!
I'll admit it- I think the Swine Flu cake is adorable.
Love the swine flu cake!
Ok seriously! Do we need to calibrated the FLU! Wow...
is there an actual ribbon on that playboy birthday cake?
A 6th birthday with a Playboy theme?! Seriously?? Has anyone else seen the South Park that makes fun of Paris Hilton, because it's starting to make a lot more sense.
I assumed that the Playboy cake was supposed to say "16th"
talk about hinting!
Did you catch this:
It was on Digg but right up y'alls alley.
LOL... I'm assuming that the playboy cake was in fact for a 6 year old and the parents are so damned sheltered that they thought it was just a cute bunny!
I just keep wondering what the story is behind the "please dont fire us" cake. I keep imagining a surprise bachelor party for their boss or something :)
Maybe the parents thought it was the Velveteen Rabbit.
I can't log in. :(
When people have got fired in the past. I've heard of very unpleasant stories of people sending rather unsavoury 'things' in the post inside what appears at first to be a cake box.
So with this in mind I really don't know if the 'Don't fire us' meant to be a nice chocolate bribe...or the inevitable had happened and this is a cynical gracing their boss with a cake that resembles a dog turd with a cherry on the top..
Totally unrelated to the post, but as an FYI, Amazon postponed the shipping of the book. :( I just got an email saying it would be at my house between October 13 2009 - October 19 2009. :(
Maybe you mentioned that already, but I thought it was supposed to be shipped YESTERDAY. Very sad... I can't wait to see it! :)
You know, I can see the Playboy cake. "Oh, just put a bunny on there."
And then it comes out like this.
The frosting on the first cake looks like the brown clay I was just working on the other day... yum o.O
I have just discovered this blog. It is amazing! Thank you, thank you. I will be a regular visitor.
I can't help but wonder who the first cake was for and whether or not it worked.
" At their homepage you will find a plethora (yes, I would say there are a "plethora")"
Marge: What do you mean you asked your brother to order Chelsea's cake?? Don't you remember what happened last year?
John: I know, but hey, I told him she loves rabbits, and she wants a cake with a bunny on it. What could possibly go wrong with that?
WV: inshcol-I dont need to be there annymore. I want to deckerate cakes.
Hi-- I just discovered your blog, and am in LOVE. I'm scrolling back through older postings. Several of yours have me laughing so hard... well, lets just say that if you keep this up, my abs are going to be AWESOME.
So why this comment? The swine flu cake got to me. Ooooo, I wish I'd known about that one earlier! I work at a national public health agency, and it would have been PERFECT! Colleagues did dress as swine flu for hallowe'en, cartoons were shared, but ne'er did I see a cake. Public servants and cake-- a match made in heaven ;) Thank you.