Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I Call Fowl
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I mean, I don't want to ruffle any feathers, but this isn't exactly poultry in motion.
Now this, on the other hand...
Hey Dana S. & Elin A., you know the expression "running around like a chicken with its head cut off"? Well, apparently, if they keep their heads, they just lay there niiiice and still-like.
- Related Wreckage: Creations That Might Possibly Be Representations of Turkeys
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A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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63 comments | Post a Comment
There must be a pretty specific market for a plucked fetal position chicken cake. Maybe a PETA protest party?
Oh my word! Is that going to be "birds of a feather flock together?" Oh, wait . . . the second one doesn't have any feathers! (Who would want to eat cake shaped like a plucked, raw chicken? Ewwwwwwww!)
Uh, why would anyone even want a cake that looked like a plucked chicken???
My husband thinks the first one must be an impressionist chicken. You don't know what the wreckerator was feeling when s/he made it - maybe they were just trying to express their inner angst about missing the farm where they grew up.
Right. Anyway, it sure beats the second one.
I quite like that first one.
I can't explain why, but I really like the first cake. It really does look like poultry in motion, its feathers look like they're moving. I also like the green color. It's a very soothing cake to me. I like it!
Whoever ordered the first one is certainly in for a Pullet Surprise!
I hope that last cake is pink on the inside. Wouldn't that be great?
To me, that first chicken is definitely pointing left and saying
'He went thataway!'
Ew at the pink on the inside comment. Ew, ew.
Slice of cold, dead bird anyone? With ice cream on top?
I quite like the first one too. It's pretty. Sketchy.
Aw, I actually think the first one is adorable! But the second one is bizarre and mildly terrifying.
"Poultry in motion"! Jen, you never cease to make me laugh!
I'm seeing the cakes here, but not the wrecks. The first one is a nice picture, not photorealistic, but then they weren't trying for that anyway. The second one is hilarious, on purpose! No wrecks.
The Salt Lake Trib posted a short review of your book today.
Yum, salmonella cake.
There's a bakery that donates cakes and pies to my parents church for the Thanksgiving charity dinners there, and some of the cakes are made to look like the turkey roast ready for the table, with the booties and greenery and everything! They're quite well done (ha!) and the people who come in for food get quite a kick out of them.
I'd say the first chicken is Cthulhu's 4H chicken
That 2nd cake looks exactly like pak cham kai (literally means white chopped chicken but is a whole chicken boiled in water, salt, ginger and spring onions). A very popular dish in South East Asia among the Chinese. Serve it with rice cooked in chicken stock and oil and you have Hainanese Chicken Rice!
And yes it's usual to serve the chicken like this. Well actually no, we chop the chicken up into smaller pieces, but at chicken rice stalls, the stallholder does hang up whole chickens to entice the customers!
the first one is strangely interesting.
the second one makes me want to back away and wash my hands. guess i'm just a little chicken when it comes to raw poultry.
bock bock.
Eww. Just, eww. Never wanting to eat chicken. Ever. Again.
Ummm. What's going on in the middle of the second one? Is an alien about to burst out of it?
Also, how come it has no drumsticks?
Is it just me or does the first cake actually contain no cake? just a lump of frosting? and the second one can we ever forget.... Cake or Death?! now you can have both!! It's perfect!
W.V dykql... I think the bakers overdosed on dykql. Now they're seeing pretty colors...
Oh, wait. Maybe it's not an alien. Maybe that's just its head folded down onto its chest? But if so, it's even MORE wrong that it doesn't have any legs.
Those cakes are FOWL!
Veggie T,
I thought the same thing when I proofread the post this morning. I was wondering if anyone else would think that.
The first one looks like he could be in the background of a Van Gogh piece, and seriously where are the second chicken's legs??
All I can say about the plucked chicken cake is O.M.G.!
OMG, the puns! I am sitting here giggling.
I hope that dead chicken is strawberry on the inside to give it that real botulism feel.
I like the first one, It has an childlike art-y quality. The second one...don't be close-minded now. I can think of an time when cake decorated in the form of raw meat might be appropriate. How about a butcher's convention? a meat-packer's conference? In that case, you'd need a beef carcass cake in addition to raw drumstick cupcakes, and, uh, wait. I'm feeling sick right now and won't look at meat or cake again the same way.
Actually, the second one is a dead winger not ringer. You gotta love that the decorater tried to make it the color of chicken skin.
Why does the second chicken still have its neck?
Who would ask for a flabby raw chicken, let alone in CAKE FORM?
wv eutche- I just threw up a little in the back of my mouth. Eutche.
LOL all that effort and the wings are on backwards.
It's not only creepy, it's a mutant!
LOL@ Paul and "Pullet Surprise"
Ah, shucks. I was looking forward to seeing some wrecks today. These two are just neat!
*raises eyebrow* serious?? whatev. oh i'd never eat a dead chicken cake...
LOL! Love the posts today. Great puns! And don't forget our favorite chicken:
Please tell me that the "niice and stiiiill liiike" is a reference to "The Frighteners". Love that underrated little movie!
Yeah, that first cake definitely looks like it's only a giant blob of frosting on a cake board. No real cake in there, folks...
I'm also fairly sure that first one has no cake underneath the enourmous pile of icing....grody.
just curious but does the first cake actually contain any cake or is it just icing on a cardboard tray?
My husband upon being shown the "plucked poultry cake" said: "That's supposed to be a wreck? That's awesome!"
He is officially *not* allowed to ever buy me a cake.
That roasted (I hope) chicken cake is fabulous! What would even possess someone to do that? It gives a whole new meaning to "Let them eat cake".
These are super-wrecks if they actually TASTE like chicken.
Did any other RSS readers get this from CakeWrecks through their feed this morning?
"FOX Sports NFL Teams App
by wrecksistant" (all a link that takes you nowhere)
And nothing on the home page here. :-/
Anyway, hilarious stuff today! :D The second one is like a rubber chicken.
Oh, this is weird. Yesterday I I thought I was visiting Cake Wrecks, but I was actually at http://pictureisunrelated.com/
The first picture for September 28 was 2 plucked chickens, and I thought "those are strange cakes," then I realized that they weren't cakes. Now the next day I'm actually looking at Cake Wrecks and there is a plucked chicken!!
ewww - it looks like they took an actual frozen chicken and covered it with icing. So not appetizing!
Before eating, I'd make sure that it was cooked to an internal temperature of 160ºF, or at least make sure the juices run clear. ick.
Poor plucked chicken -- his little wings are on backward and someone has stolen his drumsticks
I would totally bring that to my inlaws for a holiday desert!
ummmm...I'm having a hard time finding any depth to that first masterpiece. It really strikes me as though they might have milked a few chickens to get that color variation for the frosting. I'm just sayin', ya know?
Between this website and the peopleofwalmart.com today, I haven't been able to have a normal thought. I just wanted you to know I may be mentally scarred for life now, but I will always come back for more!!! Rubberneckers make wrecks rule!!!!
Missing your drumsticks?
These cakes STILL manage to march
to their own sweet beat.
Haiku Joy's husband on the first cake: "If Predator, Alien, and a chicken had a love child, this would be its birthday cake."
I'm sure I've written this before, but I'll post it again. As a vegetarian and a cake lover, I am offended.
Not really, but kind of. A little.
I actually like that second one. Just don't confuse it with the real Thanksgiving turkey!
I must say I chuckled at "poultry in motion"
Pullet Surprise? Anyone else get that? Wow.. Maybe it's just me but that's borderline pure genius...
Looks like a stuffed rubber chicken. Maybe the Swedish chef had enough of the Bok Bok Bok's.
WV: redial....awesome I got redial as a word verification.
"poultry in motion" :D
Your eloquence deserves a standing O!
Hey, I'll take a big piece of white meat from that second one!! =D
I think the first one's a groom's cake, ordered by the best man. The subtext: You cock-blocked me, man!
That second one is really a cake? That's awesome! It's quite well done....but somehow I'd be afraid to eat it fearing it would TASTE like chicken!
They have to lay there "niiice and still-like" when they have no legs!!
With his head cranked around backwards, he's saying "Hey, go find your own sticks to beat the drums!!...Awwcckkk.....AAAWWWCCCKKK.....Aawwcckk!!"
Did anyone else notice that the first chicken is walking on water?