Saturday, August 1, 2009
"I'd Like a 3D Ocean Cake, Please."
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Sondra D., if you want to give yourself a brain-ache, try making sense of those decorations.
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A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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- "I'd Like a 3D Ocean Cake, Please."
124 comments | Post a Comment
Oh my gosh...People, you don't have to take EVERYTHING literally!
LOL!! I love that one cake is a polar ocean and the other is a tropical one! Perfect!
good stuff!! you just made my morning. I'm amazed at the wrecks these bakers come up with, and they don't even do it on purpose!
Thats pretty shocking, lol.
Looks like the "D" stands for doom - the ocean on that wreck looks it's been hit by an algae plague...
Word verification: ellyp - an unknown type of squid perhaps?
And the point of this cake?
LOL...awesome cake...the cake maker really caught the vision!
Does it come with glasses?'s a really good thing I know a lot of smart people. Otherwise, seeing these blatantly stupid and clueless mistakes would be enough to shake my faith in the intelligence of humanity.
I'm letting it allll sink in and it makes me want to *facepalm* on the baker's behalf...!
Of course, it makes perfect sense... in another universe!
Is ... is ... is there a penguin on the 3? - SK
Is that a penguin on an iceberg next to a palm tree?
'I asked this friend of mine what could it be
He told me the tip of the iceberg is all you let them see
And he called me a penguin in a palm tree'
Hmm not so sure about this one...
Wow I'm pretty sure it was suppose to be a big #30 which makes it even more wreckie. Also is it just me or is there a penguin on the 3? And what's with the flock of geese?
David, Donald and Delores, the triplets are having an undersea birthday. Yeah, that must be it! Beats the heck out of me.
the word verification for this is bugnp.
I need a wreckplica of THAT!
Oh my gosh. That's the worst thing ever. I mean...really...3D?! And this is what they got? Oh, I love the wreckerators for making my Saturday mornings fun again!
It's a pretty cake, actually. I don't get the 3-D aspect, unless it's an allusion to an IMAX film?
I like it.
I like it better than I would the sheet cake they expected I'm sure. Then again the picture is kinda small. Airbrushing viewed from a distance ftw.
They should count their blessings. A larger surface just means more space to create a more Wrecktucular Cake.
Ah the wreckiness. If you exclude the whole "3D" thing, I actually enjoy the decorations on this cake! Yes, even the airbrushing isn't terrible!
What we have here is a failure to communicate...
Although I did snort coffee onto the keyboard, so perhaps that was the intent.
is that a penguin on a cloud on the 3?
Seriously people. This just illustrates the importance of an education. Don't drop out kids!!!
Wreckie--I think that's actually a flock of seagulls...
"and I ra-a-aaaaaan, I ran so far a-wa-aaaaaaaaay..."
How?! WHY?!
I think someone was turning 30 and the decorator didn't have a 0, but hey there's a D. D / 0 ....they kinda look the same ???? :)
I think probably the most confusing thing on this cake is the flock of geese, which is flying in the traditional V arrangement.... sideways, yes, sideways... Look at it real closelly...
are you kidding me? *facepalm* Well... I don't know, can we award points for creativity, albeit of a wrecky nature?
WV: gatmmo. "Let's go downeeocean hon and gatmmo crabs!" (yeah, I live near Maryland, so had to throw in some "Hon" language there *L*)
Is that some sort of heavenly penguin? Why is it in the clouds looking down? Awesome!
Oh I think this is fantastic! Just think, every piece is a corner piece! Whoever designed this cake is a genius!
lol! look at the bright side - at least it isn't cupcakes!
I'm betting the decorator was quite proud of themselves all done and told. I mean being able to cut a "3" and a "D" out of a half or 1/4 sheet cake and all. I'm just sayin'...I'm betting this cake is in their portfolio. Oh. wait. What's a portfolio?? A baby horse with his head sticking out of a ship window???
This one is officially my new favorite wreck. Love. It.
this is my favourite type of wreck.
No....I mean, really? That can't *actually* be how it happened, right? Surely to get a cake like that, the person said that they wanted the cake in the shape of a '3' and a 'D'.....right?? Right??!
WV -- sestep...."Everything is going to be ok...just sestep away from the cake slowly and no one will get hurt...."
I must say those decorations really bring the wreck to it's ultimate wreckiness.
Wow... just Wow!
On the upside.. both the 3 and the D are facing the correct direction.
WV: aderuel... I'l like to aderuel to this game. If you're a moron don't go near a cake with anything other than a fork and the intention of eating.
I like the 3D!...
I made a sorry Sandcrawler (of Star Wars Fame) out of gingerbread...pretty bad but not wreckworthy because I am not a proffessional :)
I LOVE IT. Thanks for the laugh this morning.
*headpalm* Doh!
I giggled for about 5 minutes after seeing that. My little brother, who is new to CakeWrecks (don't worry, we're converting him), thought I was losing my mind.
Hehehe. I'm going to randomly laugh all day with that one... :)
That is kinda cute actually.
~Amy B.
Since I found your site yesterday, I have not stopped laughing. I'm sure my neighbours can hear me. *lol*
Priceless!! I hope they paid for it & enjoyed it immensely!
I know it's a wreck, but I'd love this cake. All edge pieces! And at least the "3" and the "D" are straight.
OMG! How funny. They go in and ask to have an ocean cake done in 3D and get a cake on
Opposite polar and one warm water...but a penguin and a palm tree on polar water...i don't know...i think someone is stretching their imagination a wee bit on that one.
Guess this is what happens when we expect too much from the store wreckerators. LOL!
AWESOME!!!! Do some of these wreckerators actually go to school?
Took me awhile... what they should have said was, "I'd like a cake with an "ocean" theme. Could you make it three dimensional?"
Man, this was almost as hard to figure out as the three armed butt crack baby!
This could be my favorite. Ever.
Yes, yes, the flock of birds really do make the cake.
I like the people who have mentioned that every piece is a corner piece. Good point!
This one is amazing. It does look like an algae-filled ocean. Yummy!
WV: tersing - the sight of this nauseating cake has me tersing in displeasure
I don't know whats more hilarious/sad - the cake, or how long it took me to figure it out! AMAZING!!!!
I'm sort of with the cake decorator here. What the hell else would you expect if you asked for a 3-D ocean cake? It seems blindingly obvious to me that this is what they asked for.
If they wanted something else (and I can't see what else could possibly mean this), why didn't they take a photo in so the decorator could figure out what they meant?
Love the 3d cake......and the cake witht the chocalates...ah hell i love cake...zman sends
This looks soooo unappetizing! What is it supposed to be?
Wow- it's almost like an uncomfortable interpretive dance... but with cake.
I rather like the colors, though my mind boggles at the literalness of it. I would love to know the story behind this one; it almost seems too good to not be deliberate. But it's still hilarious!
Did they literally ask for a 3-D cake or is that a botched "30" I see?
It took me a while, but then - LOL!!
I actually googled for "3d ocean", expecting to find a new movie or a cultural reference of some kind (being non-American, non-European humour goes a little over my head sometimes).
So, this guy comes in and asks for a 3D ocean cake; and what does he get? A ocean-themed 3D cake. Duh.
I'd've done the same, me. Yep.
word verification: subjecti.
OK, subject this wreckerator!
You're all forgetting the important part here: Every slice is an edge peice. More frosting for everybody! :D
Ok, I never do this, but THIS one it perfect:
WV: trabl - as in: I bet the baker was in HUGE trabl for this wreck.
That is too funny!!!
For real?!
Haha! That's funny! At least the baker didn't make 3 letter D cakes...
Ermm, Ummm... well.. At least it's not a CCC!?
Hee.. Word verification "Escul"
This would be a new breed of Seagull?
It gets wreckier with each comment from someone who doesn't "get" this cake. I got it right away but stared at it for quite a while because the giggling was growing with each second that passed.
Okay, first off, I wouldn't order anything as detailed as a '3D Ocean cake' from any bakery unless they showed me a sketch of how they would make it first.
Secondly, as has already been noted, there is a genius to this cake, as every peice is an edge/corner peice. Thow some roses on top, and you have frosting heaven!
Thirdly, er, well, I don't have a thirdly, but you can't end a post on secondly, now can you?
wv: anterit:
I ordered a 3-D ocean cake, but what I got anterit.
Ya know, I get that they were pretty stupid with the 3D, but ignoring that it's beautifully done. I like it.
I think my brain has locked up attempting to figure this one out.
A-HAHAHAHAHA. Seriously, this is the greatest wreck of literal proportions. Made my afternoon.
I love this one! Looks like they got exactly what they asked for here.
Honestly, *every* cake is in 3 dimensions. If the person who ordered this wanted a sculptured cake rather than a flat one, they really ought to have been specific.
Well, really, now.
What cake ISN'T three dimensional, huh?
The only alternative is a PICTURE of a cake.
So what I see is a one-dimensional image of a 3D cake.
!!But WAIT-there's MORE!!
There is the FOURTH dimension, which, according to Wikipedia, is this:
"In the spatial sense, the fourth dimension is a space with literally 4 spatial dimensions, or four mutually orthogonal directions of movement. This space, known as 4-dimensional Euclidean space, is the space used by mathematicians when studying geometric objects such as 4-dimensional polytopes. It is not to be confused with Minkowski space, where time is the fourth dimension, but the space is not a metric space."
Got it?
What could be easier.
THAT is where the baker/decorator is from.
WOW! Just WOW!
Do I see a penguin, a koala, and a tiger??????
Ow, my head.
What type of occasion did they order this cake for? It doesn't make any sense that the only instruction would "3-D ocean cake." Was it supposed to say "Happy Birthday" or something? I must know!
Ah, we're back to the wreck territory where we can hardly believe it's real.
Lovely cakes - silly decorator.
I love it, a 3 D ocean cake. I LOVE it! I never would have thought of that. Which of course is what makes it so wrecktastic!
Just the fact that it looks like it says 3-D (as in 3 dimensional) but is a sheet cake is pretty interesting as well.
Hmmm... *peer* I guess that is a penguin. I thought it was a sailboat on waves. Uh oh.
At least they didn't try to create a cake to be be viewed with 3-D glasses.
Nice moldy hairbrushing!
what a wonderfully wreckaliscious cake.....cause DAMN!
unbelievable :)
I *love* it. I would totally be happy if I got that mistake.
Oh wow... I've been known to take things literally, but that's ridiculous. Very funny, though. And I'm sure it tasted good. It just... looks really funny.
At first I thought you were serious, Charlene. XD
I was about to explain how 3D means dimensional. Sculptural. As opposed to a flat sheet cake. Then I realized you're pulling our legs.
I did imagine the confused wreckerator asking: "3D ocean cake? What do you mean by 3D?" and the customer explaining: "You know, cake sculpted into 3D shapes." Then the wreckerator's reply: "Oh, sure. I can do that."
That is my all time favorite so far!!!!
I'm going to ask for a 3D TeePee cake for my next birthday. Send me the name of the bakery please!!!!
On the plus side, everyone gets an end piece. More frosting for all!
This just makes me want to cry for humanity.
There is a video game called "Sea3D" based on the game Settles of Catan. Is this cake a reference to that?
oh lord have mercy! i LITERALLY laughed out loud at this one!! BRILLIANT.
I can tell my brain is fried tonight. I had to have my 13 yo daughter explain this one too me. LOL.
*smiles and nods* Of course. It was only a matter of time until this happened.... :P
Nah. Can't be. I mean.....
Really now. Seriously????
Nobody's that....ARE they? Is that even POSSIBLE? Like, if they were that dumb wouldn't they just forget to BREATHE,and thus be unable to do things like this??
No, I mean it. Really. Honest to g-d SERIOUSLY???
Wow. Just WOW.
Maybe Amelia Bedelia made this cake. She took everything literally.
I'm thinking this is on purpose. This can't be that awful of a mistake... it just can't. My faith in humanity is waivering again. lol
We need more story to this one... although in a way, it does speak for itself, literally...
ladyk -- while your ordering skills do seem a bit more honed... i put my wrecktastic cap on and thought... hmm... she must want a cake with blue icing, the word OCEAN and cut into three separate but equal cakes... i wonder if i should write ocean on all three, or write ocean, then cut the cake... OC EA N ... hmmm.. ;-)
Actually, to be realistic (or it could be because of late hours) I could Imagine a scenario where a theater ordered a cake to celebrate it's installing of a three movie projector... and... the theater is in hawaii? Yeah that explains it.
WV Osiandeo: "Are you sure this cake is osiandeo enough for them?"
I love this blog, so don't take this the wrong way, but this was my first "LOL" here in several weeks. Maybe I have become jaded from the endless parade of funny cakes. But a fail that epic just screams "inept" so loud that anyone within earshot HAS to laugh.
To all those who don't think this is possible or who just enjoyed this little dessert detour, check out this earlier Cake Wrecks entry in a similar theme:
The Problem with Phone Orders
The cloud dwelling penguin is my favorite part! ^_^
Oh, classic wreckage. The kind that make everyone, modest and kinky, carrot lover and naked baby hater just united
united in a shake of the head
and a sound of laughter/saddness.
Thanks Jen. Thanks so much for doing all you do to unite the world.
I can't wait to see the wreckplica made out of cupcakes!
you have to find this baker, do an interview. they may actually be brilliant. either way it will be funny. ( :
Are you sure it wasn't a dyslexic baker making a cake for ED?
-another Jen
I'll be honest....if this were ordered over the phone, It would come looking like this. Hangs head in shame I am a literalist and the customer is always right...even when we think they're insane.
Customer Looking At Sheet Cakes: This ocean cake, can I have it in 3D?
Me: Sure.
Yep, I'm pretty sure I could do this.
I'm surprised they didn't put three Ds. DDD.
Bwahahaha! I love this one!
Fantastic! This ranks right up there with Happy Falker Satherhood Day, but different. Not really, actually, but it's still a WINNAH!
Wow . . . although this is absolutely ridiculous, it's very clever.
I designed letterhead for someone not long ago and she told the printer "put the same thing on the envelopes" so that's what he did, same size, everything the same, except he put it over in the corner (sort of. It was so big it took up most of the width of the envelope). She was furious and made the printer do it again and eat the "messed up" envelopes. But he had done exactly what she asked. What else can you do? It's not always the printer--or the person making the cake--who is the wreck!! People ask for stupid things and pay you for doing them.
There are no words...
Long time reader, first time commenter. Behold, my lame attempts at punning. I seriously laughed aloud hard at this for a good five minutes or so, and afterwards my head was swimming a little. I cannot fathom just how ridiculously amazing this wreck is, but it buoyed my spirits a fair amount. Was a three dimensional ocean cake one of the ordering options, I wonder? Did the wreckerator's creativity go adrift? Hopefully, at least, the fair amount of frosting on all those endpieces was enough to tide the guests of that party over for the night.
Okay, I'm done now. XD
*Smacks forehead*
Oh, now that is a wreck but I must admit, clever at the same time is a weird sort of way...I think the joke is on the person who ordered it...perhaps a decorator who needed a bit a cake therapy ?
This is awesome!!! I have to try it wish someone that wants me to make him/her a 3D cake!!! Genius!!!!
at least it wasn't
covered in blue icing...
what's wrong with this cake?
I don't get it!!!
wait wait, I ahve to get my 3 D glasses from watching the kids Hannah dvd, nope still not 3D
Well of course you don't get it! You're not wearing the special glasses!!!