Monday, August 24, 2009

Forget the Ballgame. Just Take Me Out.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Breaking news update: The Red Sox have clinched the AL Wild Card lead. Boy, this stuff changes fast!

As of today, the Red Sox and the Rangers are tied for the AL Wild Card lead. ("Uh-huh, and...?") St. Louis catcher Jason LaRue got a hit off of Billingsley in the ninth inning, and pinch-hitter Joe Thurston doubled down the right field line to set up the top of the Cardinals' lineup. (Y'all following this?)

Then the Mets did something, the Cubs did something, and I began to zone out, wishing I had some Twizzlers and thinking how dumb it is that LOST has such a long hiatus.

But I'm aware that many folks are rabid baseball fans, so today's post is for you! (See? I do care.)

I've often thought the game could use a little girling up. I mean, why don't they use giant roses for bases? Or incorporate a little pink and robin's egg blue? Next time you're at a game, be sure to ask.

Also be sure to suggest - loudly and to anyone in earshot - that the whole diamond setup is stupid. Wonky ovals are way better.

Now flag down the sweaty guy with the tray o' beers, fork over your seven dollars for another one, and check out the pop fly ball that's heading straight for your head. In your inebriated state, it might look something like this:

Fortunately, though, anyone who's recently suffered a stunning blow to the head qualifies as an honorary Wreckerator! So quick, before your senses return, decorate a cake!

Excellent. I particularly like the random "w" - or is that a sideways 3?

Ashley P., Dawn B., Dan M. and Lori R., "your out!"

- Related Wreckage: Why We Need More Male Cake Decorators

Taylor (My Older Brothers) said...

The "stitches" on the third one look like my map pencil representation of the Mason-Dixon line in elementary school.

Josh (the DMT) said...

I just hope that the players at Wonky Oval Stadium remember to tag 13th base before the run home. Also, I don't think letting a chicken walk through blood and step all over your cake is a sanitary decorating technique.


Wide Awake Wife said...

The third one looks like a chicken walked in some red barn paint and then ran all over that cake!

Melanie said...

Actually, I thought it said "in", but it does look like a 3.

Unknown said...

Not to spoil the fun, but I think the randon "3" or "W" is a bleeding "IN."

Anonymous said...

Let me guess -- Saturday's breastfeeding cake and today's first baseball cake were made by the same person...

Kirstie said...

** Your and you're mean different things!**
**When will these people learn?! **

(Morning Jen)

Naomi Zikmund-Fisher said...

Wait, those baseballs in the last one appear to be bleeding! Oh, the humanity!!

Monday Morning Crisis Quarterback

Anne said...

I'm sure this will have been pointed out by the time my comment appears, but on the last cake where's the 2? Or is the lack of ability to count to three while not excluding two just further proof of the wreckerator's head trauma? (OK, maybe it's under the label. Maybe. But then again probably not.)

As a baseball fan I want to thank you for today's post.

Word verification: crath, which is how the wreckerator with a concussion now says "craft"

Little Luxuries said...

My question on the last cake is, "My out? My out what?"

And the groundskeeper for that field on the second cake has clearly given up in oh, so many ways. First, there's that wonky "diamond", and those brown patches indicate that he's been neglecting the turf. Also, there's only two somewhat randomly-placed bases on the field (I'm assuming that's what those two mysterious white patches in front of the "3" and under the "Y" are).

Jaclyn said...

Perhaps it's just an association because of its proximity to the "out", but when I saw the random W, I thought it said "in".

Ronnie said...

I really like the poop brown field on cake #1, and the "your out" on cake #3. Funny, I thought it was MY out. . .

Anne Mutch said...

Fun Post! But I think that 'random W' is actually an 'IN'.

hmmm... said...

I think, on that last one, that the "W" is "IN." At least, that's how I read it.

WV: juslex: That online word game is no Scrabble--it's juslex.

ellybabes said...

On the last cake, I think that says "IN" not a W or a 3...

Colleen said...

I think the W or sideways 3 is actually supposed to say IN....

Cute though. Now I really wish I had pics of the terrible cake that was made for my nephew's t-ball team...

who said...

It's nonsense I tell ya

Emmers said...

It's actually "IN" I believe (ump's calls?)

sbp said...

"Your out." Yeah, it's MY out, give it back. "You're" in need of remedial grammar lessons.

Melanie said...

I love baseball. I *adore* my Cardinals. And having CW do a baseball post that mentions my Cardinals is a win on top of a win on top of a win!

c3 said...

I thought the 3 (W?) was the word "IN". Not sure why it would be there either, though.

grahams said...

As of today, the Red Sox and the Rangers are tied for the AL Wild Card lead. ("Uh-huh, and...?")

Actually, the Red Sox are still up by one game.

the ginabean said...

Well that's just's like these wreckerators are doing their damnedest to kill a wonderful American past time. They obviously don't understand the joy of the sport...

Famous Hat said...

What I'd like to know is, where are the fugly cricket cakes? Doesn't this sport deserve to be commemmorated in a like fashion? Or do wreckerators only reside in the US? I like to think they can wreckerate just as well in metric!

Jacqui said...

I'm sure by the time comments get posted everyone and their brother will mention it, but just in case, that "W" looks like the word "IN" to me.

Mel said...

I didn't see W or 3, but rather "IN". In what I'm not sure, though.

Grammy said...

I suppose you have given up on folks substituting "your" for "you're". It is only 'your' out if you made/own it, the umpire is actually yelling (announcing) 'you're out' as in you are out of here.
I love your blog!

Rachel Moss said...

I think it's a sideways in strike 3. Love that the "out" belongs to you!

Anonymous said...

I think that's supposed to be "in" - like "fair ball."

Anonymous said...

I do believe the 'w' in the last cake actually says 'in'!
Although it took me several fuzzy eyed minutes to work it out...

Half Assed Kitchen said...

On that last one, what did they write the words with? Pipe cleaners?

Angie (from over at

Fluffy Cow said...

mmm... twizzlers.

Interesting how the "in" talk has stopped everyone from discussing the three tailed sperm balls.

Katie said...

I think it really is a W, for "Win." "In" isn't an actual call in baseball, but a win gets called a W all the time.

Miranda said...

*screams and throws things*

Some of these cakes make a compelling argument for the devolution of the human race. People are obviously losing their ability to use tools, like an icing bag! Back to the caves, all! Last one to grab a man by the hair and drag him into the cave loses! *snatches up several goth boys and starts sprinting*

no, srsly. Either bakeries don't want to pay halfway decent wages, so they hire bottom of the barrel people, or the hiring managers are taking hard drugs before doing interviews. My brain hurts!

VW: hallyte

Leave the hallyte on at night, please. There are monsters in the dark.

Susan said...

Actually, I think in the second cake they are playing baseball on a football.

Mira8 said...

My $.02 worth - I didn't see W, 3, or "in," I saw "moovles" - I think those red lines are squiggles meant to indicate the ball is in flight (off this horrible excuse for a cake, no doubt).

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that no one noticed that it should be "YOU'RE" instead of "your". It's hard to be possessivly out.


Charlene said...

GO STL CARDS!!!! WOOOHOOO! Boo to cruddy cake decorating.


I wish we were able(to)ban these decorators from getting near a cake ever again.

Unknown said...

I think it's a 3 as well. Which makes me wonder if there's a 2 under the price tag there.

Laura Dotson-Thomson said...

Hey, at least you got the important part of the baseball update... the Cardinals! hehehe. Though, none of those cakes are worthy of being in the same post as the Redbirds.

WV: predi: That first cake is *hand gesture* predi... and the others are the exact opposite.

Terry Lee said...

being the grammar snob that i am, that "your" really gets my hackers up.

being the girly girl that i am, i love the femininity of the first cake.

being the texan that i am, GO RANGERS! :-)

Brittany said...

How can there be a baseball post without mention of the unassisted TRIPLE PLAY to end the Phillies-Mets game yesterday??

W or 3 makes more sense than IN but I also saw IN and just assumed they started to write "inning" and got bored... "W" would equal a win for someone... "3" could be their favorite baseball player (or the age of the wreckorater)... but "IN" ... i dunno...

Brittany said...

Ok now I'm just so confused... on that last cake... my eyes are pretty bad but I'm totally reading "14 Marble Beer Cake Buttercreme White" Beer cake?? that explains EVERYTHING

MarieA said...

grammar problems Your out... out where? Again I ask does anyone really *pay money* for these?

Cubsmom said...

On the last one, I saw "in" not "W". As in fair ball, but W works too, for win. I may be a Cubs fan, but I still remember what a win flag looks like. (Sighs wistfully.)

Janey said...

I guess people really will NEVER learn to read the previous comments before posting their ideas. I saw "in" instead of a W or a 3 too, but after reading only FOUR comments down, I realized it had already been said.

Come on people!!!

Oh and by the way, it's not in, 3 OR's definitely Epcot.

Cubsmom said...

On the last one, I saw "in" not "W". As in fair ball, but W works too, for win. I may be a Cubs fan, but I still remember what a win flag looks like. (Sighs wistfully.)

Anonymous said...

One the last cake, I see the 1 with the play ball, note the clear break that easily separates the 1 from the y ;-), then 2 is under strike, and the w/in squiggle is the 3

Karen (Slaterbaby) said...

Betcha the missing #2 in the last cake is beneath the bakery sticker.
Thank you for my morning laugh!

Rachel Eloise said...

Why does LOST have such a long hiatus??

Unknown said...

I think it's supposed to be an "IN" but it really does look like a W. i also like how randomly placed all of the words are. whoo creativity

wrecksistant said...


I wish I knew why Lost is on vacation so long! Maybe those montage episodes they feed us are enough to satisfy some people, but not me!

The Wrecksistant

Henny said...

i'm late to the game (hehe) but i thought it was "in" as well.

sendingtheclowns said...

*tapping fingers*...waiting for the obligatory "Don't make fun of a serious issue" post, which in this case would be about Brain Injury.
But it's okay to make fun of cakes that appear to be decorated by people with no brains at all?!?
Where does one draw the line (assuming one CAN draw a line)...
Hey, I'm just in a down mood, and it's all because of Kevin. You only become a "YAY, I'm a teenager!" once...just ONCE. And look at that dismal mess he gets to celebrate with. It's so horribly sad! Someone needs to leave that cake out in the rain.

GrApe said...

I've been staring at the 2nd cake, (it blows up when you click on it - I love it when they blow up!) and I see the white icing blobs that represent 1st base and 3rd base, but where's 2nd base?

wv: supsyn I need supsyn to help me get over this cold.

Truth Ache said...

The baseballs on the last cake seem to have the cartoon illustration of "ouch." Clearly they are in as much pain as we are.

HorribleLicensePlates said...

"your" "to" funny


sendingtheclowns said...

@ Brittany:

So I take it that you are more concerned with the wording of the LABEL than the fact that they want only $14.97 for the cake?
Don't you know a DEAL when you see one? MAN! I don't care if it's beer batter or beer cream frosting or what--I'd even throw in an extra 3 cents and make it an even 15 bucks for THAT baby!
I mean, LOOK at it.
(And whatta you mean, "Your eyesight must suck, too"?)

Lucille Ball Jr. said...

oh my! i love that random "w"!

drgns4vr said...

Being a semi-rabid baseball fan (it's hard to be rabid when you've got the Royals for the home team) I looked at the last cake and took the W to mean WALK. Although the cake is so seriously offensive that it could mean waltz or window or almost any word that may or may not have anything to do with baseball.

Another Face said...

actually, If you look under the words Play ball, there is a little line which I am guessing is supposed to be a one; then the opposite corner has the words Strike two, so I think it is indeed, a sideways three, signifying three strikes, "Your Out"

Unknown said...

I love the Wonky field.

The girly one's cute, too. Wrecky, but cute.

~Amy B.

Anonymous said...

All those bereft without LOST should join us over on Nikki Stafford's rewatch blog - we're having a great time.

Oh, and to make this post relevant: Wow, those are some pretty bad baseball cakes, all right. Yeppers.

Tracy M. said...

LOST is awesome. That's why, Jenny. Sheesh.



Sparky said...

Actually, I thought the W or sideways 3 was the word "in."

Although I have to admit that makes just as little sense.

Anonymous said...

I love love love the first one with the rosey bases, and the baseball that is precisely the same size as those rose-budesque bases.

In high school gym we had to play some game with a giant ball 3-4 feet in diameter where we scooted around on the floor loke crabs to kick it. I'm thinking on that rose decorated diamond they may need to adopt a new posture to move those giant baseballs. And maybe forget about using the bats. Lily

LaurenH said...

Eek! Someone find that poor bird that's running around leaving bloody footprints over that nice white cake!!

And the others...wait, did someone say Twizzlers? mm...

lacie tidwell said...

ahhh let's not forget our grammar! you're out- as in you are out- not your as in you own the out- sheesh!

Nikki said...

That oval field might work for Calvinball.

I'm trying to give the wrecker SOMETHING.

wv: pruct

These cakes are seriously pruct.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think that's supposed to be Epcot!! I mean... in, not a W. Why is everyone in such a rush to correct you? so weird.

Sharon said...

Play ball Strike 2 Your Out cake needs more cracks radiating from those baseballs so it'll be a "Busted! We know you broke the window/windshield" cake.

Anonymous said...

Perfect! I live in Warner Robins, GA, home of the Little League Softball World Series 2009 champions (and our boys are on the way to winning their second World Series, too!).

Melinda said...

Thank goodness you don't have to understand baseball to understand these wrecks. I must admit to skipping that whole what team did what bit. Even in vague terms baseball bores me.

ChaosAngel999 said...

The "w" must be the decorator laughing at either himself or the customer for buying it ("w" is the Japanese version of "lol").

StuffCooksWant said...

Maybe that random "3" is really the apostrophe that's missing from "your".

Susan said...

Maybe there is a 2 under the price tag. Like 1, 2, 3 You're out! We can only hope.

Anonymous said...

I think from now on, you should update each post with the number of times it's been "Epcot"ed so far. "So far, 35 readers have posted that the W looks like in."

wrecksistant said...


"Epcot-ed"! I love it! You've coined a new phrase!

The Wrecksistant

Rebecca F. said...

I wonder how much time your fans waste staring at the pictures in awe and dumbfounded amazment.

I looked at the play ball, your out and random w for a long, long time before I came to my senses.

beverly hudson green said...

Um, some advice on baseball terminology in the opening of your post: you don't use the term "clinched" a playoff spot until it would be mathematically impossible (given the number of remaining games in the season) for you NOT to make the playoffs. Red Sox merely have "sole possession of the Wild Card lead" as of today.

Love the post itself! And the blog! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Arrgh! It's supposed to be "you're" not "your"! Look I'm sticking quotation marks in my post.


Lady Knits-A-Lot said...

I do believe that wonky 3/W spells "IN." Why? We're not meant to know.

Anonymous said...

It's not "Your Out" It's my out!
Stop! It's grammar time!
You're = You are. Your = Not mine :-)

Katrina said...

Here's what I know about Baseball:

*The season never fricking ends.
*It messes up traffic on my way home from work.
*I like to refer to the "points" to annoy the people who continuously remind me that they are actually "runs."
*Sometimes during the games, nothing seems to be going on and it gets REALLY boring.
*Apparently when nothing happens for a really long time it means I should be excited about the "great pitching."
*Apparently I still know more than some of these Wreckerators!

Silkydog said...

Neither a w or a 3. Those are the secretions of that diseased jellyfish in the corner.

Julie said...

Now that I've looked at these a second time, I'm absolutely convinced that they aren't depicting baseball.

They're depicting the great game of Calvinball.

Lily said...

where is the cake from that has the "W", "in", "3"?

if its the midwest I'm guessing its a W, for the white flag with a blue W that flies over Wrigley after a win

not that its been doing that a whole lot lately

Crazy Crafter Kitty said...

I think the one you think is a "w/sideways 3" actually says in...but it's hard to tell because the dye used leaked and merged the word.

frigglesnitz said...

The wonky stitched baseball came out of the super-clearance sports store at the outlets near my house. Super-stitched for extended play. (Three seams one way and two the other-that's one secure cover my friends.)
WV - Ebenthf Ninth, tenth, ebenthf, twelvethf. (Happened to get stung by a bee while awarding prizes)

Tim said...

I thought the W or 3 was actually the word 'in'. Maybe they think that in baseball the opposite of out is in.

AAA said...

What about elbows that are severly bruised? Does that qualify?
My family and I were playing baseball and our theme this year was the greatest baseball rivalry. That caused the teams to be the Yankees and Red Socks.
In the process of this nine inning game, some spectacular saves and injuries were shown on the Yankee side but, the Red Socks kicked some major and won by over fifteen points.

G.H. said...

these are pretty terrible!

Mary~Momathon said...

spelling "you're" is such a challenge! Maybe I'm gifted.

SarahWalk said...

I think that the "w" is actually the word "in". Just my thought.

Mary~Momathon said...

spelling "you're" is such a challenge! Maybe I'm gifted.

lbgriffin said...

Wide Awake beat me to it...only I said it was a bleeding crow. Hideous!

sendingtheclowns said...

@ Katrina:
We're on the same page! In other words, I also find baseball to be a colossal bore. How unAmerican is that?! Still, it's fun to ask questions like, "So, when the teams switch places, why don't the 'innings' become 'outings'?" Or, "Those uniforms make them look fat." :P
And I'll never get this: Why DO baseball players SPIT so much? It's gross! (Eeww) All golfers do is hit balls with sticks, too, but you don't see THEM spitting all over the place!
Football players have cuter butts, and they can't spit because of the face guards. So there!

BillDarryl said...

The "wonky oval" kinda looks like a Christian car-fish with the tail lopped off, no?

(and shame, Jen. You should want both Boston and Texas to collapse so Tampa gets back in the playoffs. They're the closest thing to a "home team" we got, so we must root root root for 'em, as per the song)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm gonna have to go against the grain on this but I'm pretty sure the "IN" is actually a "3" and I bet there's a 2 hiding behind the price sticker. I mean, the whole theme is "Strike 1,2,3...Your Out!" So, I don't see how "IN" would make any sense here.
Regardless, it's a pretty amazing cake for $14.97.

enterthegreenhouse said...

I don't know if it has been mentioned already.... With the last cake...The "W" is a 3, the 2 is under the "strike" and the 1 is next to the "play ball". But anyway you look at it, it's a wreck!

Unknown said...

*bangs head* O...M...G *stabs whoever did the last cake*

I have banned people from application to my RP forum for making the mistake that wreckerator made on the last cake. "You are out" = You're, not your!

Erin said...

I really like the "your out" You HAVE to get the spelling right on a cake.

Just LOVE your blog :)

Mary B said...

I made a baseball cake for my brother that was way cooler.... and I was only 12.

picture of head lice said...

good, thanks!

mrs. q. said...

I instantly read that "W" as "IN"-- now I'm frightened! I can read wreck!

elisha said...

It is stupid. Come back, LOST!

OwlJulie said...

the 'w' is the word "IN".

Anonymous said...

Doesn't it say "IN"?

Anonymous said...

The amount of Wal-Mart cakes on this site is horrible.

Anonymous said...

In cake three, the baseballs look like they have bloody tendrils. Why? No one can say for sure. But it reminded me of a '50's movie titled "The Crawling Eye" (also known a "The Trollenburg Terror".) It was featured on Mystery Science Theatre 3000, of beloved memory.

The cake is funnier than the movie but the MST version was funnier than either.


Aviatrix said...

The first one looks very much like a more abstract version of the life preserver breastfeeding cake. Like someone saw the first cake without knowing what it was and described it over the phone to someone else.

archersangel said...

in that last one, "you're" is misspelled as well

twhsteachr said...

Ok.. just confirmed it. My 9 year old can spell both your and you're. AND... he knows what each of them means and can use them in a sentence! It's official... Wreckerators did not pass third grade!

Unknown said...

OK people, even if it does say "in", what kind of sense does that make? You're not out, you're in! Wha??

rachel said...

i thought it said "IN"...


Anonymous said...

Unless my depth perception fails me, the bloody chicken footprint ball is actually one of the giant cookies that has been smothered in icing. I am starting to feel like these are gaining ground on the dreaded CCC.

Erin said...

Don't forgot to mention on that last cake the glaring grammar mistake of "your out" as opposed to "you're out"

Anonymous said...

How about the size ratio of giant balls to tiny pink bases on the girly cake? Is someone overcompensating? Did anyone notice the giant pile of poo in the lower right corner of the girly field? Now I know girls won't play ball in a poo infested field. They do have standards.

Hyena Overlord said...

I'm sorry. I'm Canadian. I don't understand how anyone can screw up baseball and all.

Leanne said...

Yup, the comment board is absolutely infested with knonles (and if you know what a knonle is, you were also hanging out on HPANA about 3 or 4 years ago...). 3, W, "in", whatever. Baseball makes very little sense anyway, although admittedly still slightly more than cricket. Slightly. *twitches at 'your' instead of 'you're'*

WV: triso - The sad thing about some wreckerators is that they triso hard...

msyendor said...

3 in the corner pocket. Isn't this fun? Another break for the gene pool.

WV: Myedoff --> oh, he's a cousin of mine.

Doughboy said...

Did anybody else think that third cake said "Happy Birthday Moron"?

Maybe I just had morons on my mind viewing these monstrosities.

Oh, and I think the "3" is really the word "in."

stuckonsushi said...

Jen, I think the wonky "W" is actually "IN." thanks for the baseball post!

stuckonsushi said...

oh Jen, sorry for the double posting. but while we're talking baseball, can I make a request for a Sunday Sweets of baseball cakes? or sports cakes in general? thanks!

~ L. K. said...

I personally love that the baseball is really a basketball designed to LOOK like a baseball. (I'm not a sports nut. In fact, I don't know when ANY sports season is in--except for maybe skiing and that awesome-to-watch outdoors lumberjack tournament.)

Nika said...

that's not a 3, it's IN I suppose.

Strawberry Blogs Forever said...

I definitely thought it said "3" as well. Not to disappoint anybody, but to all of you believing it says "in"...well "in" makes about as much sense as "3" or "W".

I also have to ask:
What on Earth does "WV" stand for? I see it on several posts with some sort of wordplay although I make no connection.

Kinsey Blaine said...

On a non-cakey note I'd like to concur that Lost's hiatus is indeed ridiculous. Although at the same time I don't want the end to come any quicker so I'm in a quandary

Angie said...

I don't know anything about baseball, really, but I do know that I'd never pay $14.97 for that last wreck.

BillDarryl said...

I think that "w" might be an "in."

And in related news, the song "Hot Shot City" is particularly good.

Anonymous said...


Sweetart said...

I thought the W was for "win." Announcers sometimes say "He got the W."

Create Fabulous said...

not only the "w" it my out or your out? oh wait, it's "you ARE out" ::slaps forehead with open palm::

Unknown said...

I see strikes 1 and the misuse of 'your' strike 2?

Anonymous said...

i too thought the random "w" said in... it did not confuse me at all.

George said...

To many posts to read, but the "W" could be a reference to the Cubs. When they win fan's traditionally fly a White flag with a blue "W" on it, plus they fly the flags at Wrigley Field also. NOT that I condone that cake in any way, shape, or form...but it gives a possible meaning to the random "W"

Lisa said...

Could the pink & blue diamond cake be in honor of the breast cancer and prostate cancer days at the games? They use pink bats on the BC days and blue ones on the PC days. It's a nice gesture, but the cake is still a disaster!!

Amy Lyn said...

Strike 1, 2, 3... your out $14.97.

Emily Kinsey said...

beers cost $13

AliG said...

You should send this one to

Anonymous said...

I def though it looked like IN when i first looked at the cake! This site is amazing.


Hannah Turner :) said...

I think that random 'W' is supposed to say 'in' but I'm not exactly positive that it's an actual baseball term. Like "You're in!" Right? Instead of "You're out!" I'm sorry, but even when I type this it still sounds normal in my head.....

joanne said...

The stitches DO look like a chicken stepped in something red (paint? blood?) and walked across the cake. or maybe it was an attempt at flight patterns with directional arrows. Has this decorator never SEEN a baseball?

also, 3 v. W v. "in." I thought it said "in." If it was supposed to be a 3, why is it sideways? If it's supposed to be an "in" what the heck does that mean? it's "out" or "safe"! Again, these decorators need to brush up on their sports. And I don't mean airbrush!

Gotta love that wonky oval. where the heck are the bases? There's only 2. Cracked icing, baby blue trim. It looks like the batter is getting ready to defend himself in a tousle on the golf course! Nice how they wrote Birthday write over the base and Kevin's name straddles the base line/curve.

Jen said...

Why does everyone keep wanting to say the "3" is an "in." What sense would that even make. The ump does not say someone is "in" - they might be "safe" but not "in."

Cupcakes Lady said...

Love that random "w"! I mean why ? lol xxx