If you haven't watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog - or even know what it is yet - then this post is for you.
And if you *have* seen and love Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, then this post is really for you.
I was late in discovering JossWhedon'sinternet gem, but within 5 minutes I was in love, and have been looking for an excuse to feature it here ever since. Fortunately, Pfoinkle of Hurry Up Cakes has provided me with several truly excellent excuses:
But I'm getting ahead of myself. First and foremost, you should know that Dr. Horrible is an award-winning musical film made exclusively for the Internet. It has a super catchy soundtrack, hilarious super-villain spoofs, and an unexpectedly sweet story. You can watch it for free online in three 14-minute segments, too. In fact... [furious clicking in the background] ...here, watch the first few minutes of this and just try not to get hooked:
[NOTE: Sorry, guys; I just learned that the above vid is only viewable here in the U.S. So if you're not in the U.S., you can either schedule a trip or buy the DVD on Amazon. (Go here to watch the trailer.)]
Ok, enough intro. Back to the cake!
First up is the geekalicious goggle cake:
Below Dr. Horrible's signature goggles are the label and some schematics for his death ray. Turn the cake around, though, and you'll see...
...the Thoroughbred of Sin himself, Bad Horse!
Next we have Captain Hammer's cake:
Penny's frozen yogurt cake:
"What a crazy random happenstance!"
And lastly, a few mini cakes to represent Hammer's groupies and Bad Horse's chorus:
Plus, if you want to make one of these cakes yourself, Pfoinkle(Her real name? Discuss.) has provided extensive photo tutorials on her site here. Thanks, Pfoink!
Thanks to April P., who I think was the first to submit this.
oh my goodness. i about had a heart attack when i checked this morning!!! i absolutely LOVE dr. horrible and never even dreamed it could be in the sweets! BRILLIANT! in fact, i was humming along to one of the songs this morning as i got ready...hmmm "What a crazy random happenstance!"
Not merely "an award-winning musical film" -- it won the 2009 Hugo Award for "Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form", beating episodes of Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, and Lost.
Never heard of this, but 7 minutes in, I'm hooked!!! Perfect timing, too. A hamstring injury has me down for the count, so I have plenty of time to watch. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh, and the cakes are adorable, too!
You just found Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog? Then you probably haven't heard Commentary: The Musical! yet either. That's right. The DVD commentary for Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog is a musical, and it is awesome.
Jen, You rock. This entry rocked. Also the swedish chef entry rocked my world, as he is pretty much the best muppet ever. anyway, just a thanks for your never-ending entertainment and partial inspiration to start a blog of my own (www.fullcodeblue.blogspot.com) I mentioned you in the first entry.
it's like we were separated at birth! LOL I too discovered Dr. Horrible long after it's release but fell in love by word two of the dialogue. Joss Whedon is a God that should be bowed down to. Seeing one of my favorite creative forces mixed in with my favorite blog...what more could this geek ask for? Thanks for the great post!!
Oh deliciousness. I do so love Joss, Dr. Horrible, and these cakes. And thanks, Amanda, for the Commentary! The Musical plug. Now I have "I'm better than Neil" stuck in my head, thanks to my deep and abiding love for Captain Hammer/Tightpants (see other Joss vehicles Serenity and Firefly), erm, I mean Nathan Fillion.
These cakes are awesome, but look like they were made out of play dough. I am really starting to hate fondant. Whatever happened to yummy old-fashioned buttercream?
Ack! So disappointing that these cakes are so incredibly amazing...and yet they got the name of Dr.Horrible's device wrong! It was Freeze Ray. It's not a deathray (or an ice beam that's all Johnny Snow...)
Thank you THANK YOU for introducing me to Dr. Horrible!!!! "Try not to get hooked" yeah, right... best 45 minutes in front of my computer!!!! (What should one expect from Joss Whedon?)
When do we get some The Guild cakes? http://www.watchtheguild.com/
(Felicia Day is sooo very awesome. I started watching The Guild a long time ago and that led me to Dr. Horrible. And even knowing about Ms. Day, I was late to watch! Silly me.)
The cakes are wonderful. It had been so long since I last watched Dr. Horrible, way back when it premiered. I'm glad that it's back on Hulu so I can watch it again.
Darn you and your luring me in with a video of Neil Patrick Harris! I had lots of cleaning to do today, but instead sat and was hypnotised by his yumminess!
If you can't see it outside the US because it's on Hulu (I hate that too) Go and buy Dr. Horrible Act One from the iTunes store for a measly TWO DOLLARS.
You won't regret it. That'll be two dollars well spent, and then you can (and you WILL) buy the rest at your leisure, and the soundtrack, and the t-shirts...
oh woe is me. Hulu says no Canadians allowed... damn licesnsing and copyright! )-: go find some proxy server and get in by the bak door to catch the "DL" as the 16 yr old off spring would say.
CAkes are cool even if I don't get the significance. WIKIPedia here I come for the DL
So, can we expect cakes from The Guild next? For those who don't know, The Guild is a web series written by and staring Felicia Day aka Penny in Dr. Horrible. They even have a shiny new music video co-written by Jed Whedon.
To those outside of the US, the whole thing is available as a DVD, either on Netflix or if you want to really support it, on Amazon. Well worth your 12 bucks or whatever it costs.
And while the Freeze Ray is a major plot point, there IS a death ray at one point - towards the end, he has a "stun" ray that he puts a piece of tape over the word "stun" to say "death." It's what ... uhh.... he is using at the very end (almost typed a spoiler there!)
Between Dr. Who last week and Dr. Horrible this week, my little nerd heart is about to burst with joy.
And Galadriel and TeDiouS, it WAS a freeze ray but it is now a death ray, as evidenced by the black masking tape with silver sharpie clearly stating "DEATH." :-)
I did not realize that "Hurry Up the Cakes" was such a well-known internet meme. (For those that don't know, it's a classic Engrish T-shirt found in Japan: http://www.engrish.com/2005/05/hurry-it-up/ )
My friend owns the house where they filmed Dr. Horrible's lair. There was no set dressing, that's just what his house looks like every day, thanks to it being an episode of "Monster House" a couple years prior (though the Big Chair was a separate acquisition, and really quite the most comfy spot to sit). He can be seen dressed as the purple pimp at the end of the film. He (and most of his friends) are huge Whedon fans, so we're all looking forward to the possibility of a sequel, though as long as Whedon's got Dollhouse absorbing his attention, he just doesn't really have time...
Silly Dr. Horrible fans! Of course his device was the Freeze Ray-- at first! But by the end of the show he had placed the tape saying "Death" over the original name, because he had transformed the Freeze Ray into the Death Ray to try to complete his task and get into the ELE. So the maker has this just right, by making it look like tape is covering part of the title!
Wonderful cakes! Love this show so much! I agree with the others-- if you don't live in the US, there are still other ways of seeing this. iTunes, the DVD, I'm sure there are some places around the internet you can see it for free.... do it!
I saw these cakes a couple of days ago on Pfoinkle's site because I was looking for items for my upcoming 30th birthday party, which I've pretty much decided to make Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog themed. I am THRILLED you posted these, as I wasn't sure if I should submit them to you.
Dear Joss Whedon: Please give us more of Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog! Is it bad that I'm rooting for Dr. Horrible? I want to know what happens to him now that he's part of the Evil League. I will admit, however, that I adore Nathon Fillion (he's so much fun in the series Castle).
Yay!! Dr. Horrible cakes! Bad Horse would be pleased. :)
I go to a geek fest every year called DragonCon, and not only am I doing a female version of Captain Hammer, but we're also going for the Guinness World Record for "Thriller" dancers. Felicia Day will be at the con, and I'm hoping to get her to dance with us.
Silly Goggleheads! The good- I mean, evil- Doctor had TWO guns in the finale, remember? The Freeze Ray was meant to hold Hammerhead in place while the Death Ray (which was modified from his Stun Ray, hence the duct tape name correction) was meant to kill him. The delicious-looking Gogglecake is correct. And yes, I know I'm a huge f'ing nerd for knowing all that. LOL!
Wish I had mad cake-making skillz so I could make these myself, but I'll have to settle for drooling over them here, much as I drool over Dr. Horrible himself. *sigh*
Seriously just finished watching Dr. H. for the third time (today). LOVE the music. First thing I did was tweet this entry for my fellow Dr. H lovers! LMAO about the pie comment! Indeed it should have been.
And my 3 y/o (well, when he was 3--he is 4 now) is adorable singing Bad Horse!
I've tried to watch Dr Horrible before, and this time I made it 8 minutes in before I decided it wasn't worth it. How long is a "few minutes" for Cake Wrecks? Because I would definitely categorize "a few" as "less than ten." I mean, I gave it an honest shot.
I was so happy when I saw your Dr. Who Sunday Sweets feature. "What could be better than Dr. Who?" I thought.
Ha! I guess you showed me! Wait . . .
I first watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog with my 7-year old son. We regularly put it on to sing along with (ah ha ha) while we do chores. My son's favorite song (which he'll randomly burst out singing) is, "A man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do . . ."
And, btw, the DVD (which apparently has extras, deleted scenes and interviews) is available via Netflix. It is in my queue.
I was laughing my head off just as I was reading that! See, I have my iPod on set to that soundtrack even before I saw the post!
My best friend showed me it on her laptop about two days after it first came out, and I'm like: "Oh my God! It's an evil musical!" *Laughs* Has anyone seen Commentary! the Musical yet? It's on the DVD.
Dr. Horrible had a freeze ray. Which he used to freeze Captian Hammer in place, but he also had a death ray that he was attempting to use on him as well, until of course the freeze ray malfunctioned, Captain Hammer punched Dr. Horrible halfway across the room and took the death ray, attempted to shoot Dr. Horrible and it exploded causing fragments to fly, and strike Penny. Enough of that though. I've seen it a couple dozen times :)Just thought I'd clarify some points for those who were confused by the freeze ray/death ray debacle. Buy the dvd peeps.
Amazing cakes. Although on one of the Captain Hammer cakes you have to add "The hammer is my..."
BTW they are currently working on writing a 2nd Dr. Horrible project. Release date TBD.
Oh man, I could make my comment made of all Dr. Horrible quotes but that would get ridiculous... MY LOVE FOR DR. HORRIBLE KNOWS NO BOUNDS. Seriously, I've had a bad few days but this makes up for it. I've been wanting to do a Dr. Horrible screening for a long time and now I have the perfect treats for it. Again, THANK YOU.
I hope people will buy the DVD even if they can see it and hear the commentary on the intarwebz. DVD so definitely worth buying :)
But I have to wonder about the groupies, who converted to Dr. Horrible groupies after his admission to the ELE. Why aren't there any cakes representing them wearing his logo? :P
Also, girls in love with NPH, you do know he prefers the boys, yes? So having him wouldn't do y'all any good :)
These are such awesome cakes! And perfectly fitting for an awesome piece of web genious.
For folks wanting to see Dr Horrible on the big screen, check out the "Can't Stop the Serenity" charity events at http://www.cantstoptheserenity.com
Fans across the globe organise theatre screenings of Joss Whedon's "Serenity" for charity (all proceeds go to Equality Now). This year many cities are including "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" thanks to a special arrangement with Mutant Enemy.
Jimh...watch Dollhouse...totally awesome new Jossness on Fox...it just got picked up for the second season!
Ivyfree...You have to watch it until the first song. I too was not hooked in the first little while...but then the singing and I died. I promise you will love it!
I love you for this post. Like, no joke. Dr. Horrible was the first bonding experience for my roommates and I last year. We are all obsessed and have everything memorized.
we got hooked on Dr. Horrible when it first "debuted", can't stop singing it even now, have shown it to everyone we know. Joss, what a genius! "Capt Hammer's here, hair blowing in the breeze, the day needs my saving expertise!" LOL Although, I think my favorite line is right after "And this is not the Hammer"
Great cakes, what a tribute to one of my favorite writers, Joss Whedon!
For those that own the awesomeness that is Dr. Horrible on DVD, Google for easter eggs. They're almost as good as the blog.
I get to meet Felicia Day in ten days!! You all should check out her web series "The Guild". She and the cast made a music video for a song called "Do You Want to Date My Avatar" and I highly recommend it. Head over to youtube.com for episodes and the music video.
Fantastic! I love Dr. Horrible. They should have added his gloves to the goggles. They're as much a part of the ensemble too! "The world is a mess and I just need to rule it!"
I love that you've discovered Dr. Horrible and spread the word! I twittered this cake months ago, but figured you'd be deluged with submissions of it. I echo the previous comments about The Guild (watchtheguild.com) - It's a web series by Felicia Day (Penny). They just released a music video, though you may need to be a gamer to get all the jokes in it. ;-)
My daughter and I are regular Horrible-philes (okay, so we're irregular) and I introduced Cake Wrecks to her some time ago--our favorite is still the turkey with the smile on his belly. She must have missed this post, or she would have told me about it. She and I regularly quote both DH and CtM to each other, and listen to the songs from both on an almost-daily basis. I adore the cupcakes--oh, I love it all!
A man's Buchananity is what separates us from reptiles and lawn furniture.
LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing. I LOVE "Dr. Horrible," and these cakes are So fun. Thank you! (I'm singing the Bad Horse chorus in my head as I type this.)
i live in michigan and i cannot view the video. is michigan still in the us or did those people at the video website decide everything north of detroit is canada?
I was one of the people who'd never heard of Dr Horrible before seeing this.
I managed to locate the videos on Youtube and am now thoroughly hooked. And related links from those introduced me to Felcia Day's "The Guild" videos as well, which as a long time player of MMOs I enjoy greatly, so thank you many times for this delicious and addicting post.
OMG!!! I just feel in love with all of them, I love the bad horse chorus guys and.. yeahh Im obsessed with dr horrible (and the guild) they all have a phd in awesomeness!!!
Just an FYI for anyone wanting to catch Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog who isn't in the US, you can find it on YouTube is pretty decent quality. Watching it that way you end up viewing 6 7minute sections.
Okay, yeah, and as cheezy as I am I love the subtle tribute in the musical (his pants) and of the "Captain Hammer" cake being brown! Gotta love Joss Whedon and his little hints. (Like the model of Serenity hanging behind Dr. Horrible in his lab) *just grins*
Okay, I don't know how I missed this post but I have to comment now! This is one of my favorite geek things EVER. Incidentally, you can now watch it on netflix instant view if you have it (for any other weirdos that stalk blogs written a year ago). AND, have we seen and discussed Felicia Day's web series, The Guild? Also, great.. but back to Dr. Horrible...
These cakes are amazing! I love, love, LOVE the cupcakes for Captain Hammer's groupies (We do the weird stuff) and Bad Horse's chorus (He'll make you his mare).
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
We don’t have any copies of Cake Wrecks for sale here, autographed or otherwise. We decided the shipping and handling costs would be too high to make it worth your while. So instead, buy your copies locally or online and then order personalized bookplates: it’s cheaper, easier, and I think even looks a bit nicer.
Ordering Info
Payments must be made through Paypal, which accepts all major credit cards. Sorry, but that means no checks or MOs or barter-based chickens.
We ship everything first class USPS, and will do our best to have your package in the mail within 2 days of your order.
157 comments | Post a Comment
Those are spectacularly awesome! Although I'd like a cake of the goggle-wearer...ok then, just the real him will do, lol.
I love the Cowboy Cupcakes. Awesome!
Forget the cake! Dang that Neil Patrick Harris is yummy! (I do love the cowboy hat cupcakes though, very well done.)
oh my goodness. i about had a heart attack when i checked this morning!!! i absolutely LOVE dr. horrible and never even dreamed it could be in the sweets! BRILLIANT! in fact, i was humming along to one of the songs this morning as i got ready...hmmm "What a crazy random happenstance!"
Excellent... cool cakes and a happy reminder that I can sing-along while I do housework: *Laundry day
See you there
Under Things
Not merely "an award-winning musical film" -- it won the 2009 Hugo Award for "Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form", beating episodes of Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, and Lost.
I LOVE Dr. Horrible. It was my Halloween costume last year! Granted, not one person knew who the heck I was, but *I* knew I was totally cool! :)
OMG so much Bad Horse goodness! Awesomely awesome! I love Dr. Horrible sweets!
This show it only available in the US :O( Oh well! The cakes are awesome!
Never heard of this, but 7 minutes in, I'm hooked!!! Perfect timing, too. A hamstring injury has me down for the count, so I have plenty of time to watch. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh, and the cakes are adorable, too!
Isn't it lovely when two worlds collide -- cake and Dr. Horrible, for example? Two kinds of deliciousness.
You just found Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog? Then you probably haven't heard Commentary: The Musical! yet either. That's right. The DVD commentary for Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog is a musical, and it is awesome.
Loving the cakes. Surprised it's taken this long for them to be done or spotted. :)
Jen, You rock. This entry rocked. Also the swedish chef entry rocked my world, as he is pretty much the best muppet ever. anyway, just a thanks for your never-ending entertainment and partial inspiration to start a blog of my own (www.fullcodeblue.blogspot.com) I mentioned you in the first entry.
Thanks again!
Love me some Dr Horrible!
oh my god XD oh my gooood this makes me so happy. What a wonderful start to the day
Captain Hammer: Corporate Tool. Look at my wrist, I gotta go!
We were just listening to the Dr. Horrible soundtrack. (Our 3 y/o insists.) I checked for Sunday Sweets, and yay!
The Captain Hammer cake should have been pie. ;)
it's like we were separated at birth! LOL
I too discovered Dr. Horrible long after it's release but fell in love by word two of the dialogue.
Joss Whedon is a God that should be bowed down to.
Seeing one of my favorite creative forces mixed in with my favorite blog...what more could this geek ask for?
Thanks for the great post!!
Awesome cakes, wish I could watch the video. It pops up and says it cannot be played outside of the USA, so I guess we Canuks are out of luck.
Your site never fails to lift my mood. Keep up the great wrecks!
Oh deliciousness. I do so love Joss, Dr. Horrible, and these cakes. And thanks, Amanda, for the Commentary! The Musical plug. Now I have "I'm better than Neil" stuck in my head, thanks to my deep and abiding love for Captain Hammer/Tightpants (see other Joss vehicles Serenity and Firefly), erm, I mean Nathan Fillion.
Fun post!
We cant see the internet movie in UK so Ill have to take your word for it, but the cakes look well made!
This post made my day! *Squee*!
Hula isn't available outside of the US - can you post a link to the blog?
Though, having said that, maybe I should take the time to search for it...
Great cakes, even if I don't get the rest of it!
HuLu doesn't play in Canada,some readers will still be lost!
These cakes are awesome, but look like they were made out of play dough. I am really starting to hate fondant. Whatever happened to yummy old-fashioned buttercream?
But...but...it's a FREEZE ray, not a death ray!
Ack! So disappointing that these cakes are so incredibly amazing...and yet they got the name of Dr.Horrible's device wrong! It was Freeze Ray. It's not a deathray (or an ice beam that's all Johnny Snow...)
Doogie Howser rocks!! Love it and the cakes are awesome! Thanks for sharing!
If you can't view Hulu, try youtube.com. If that doesn't work, Netflix has the DVD.
Got to love Dr. Horrible. Love those cowboy hats too!
Thank you THANK YOU for introducing me to Dr. Horrible!!!! "Try not to get hooked" yeah, right... best 45 minutes in front of my computer!!!! (What should one expect from Joss Whedon?)
Oh and the cakes are darling!
This is awesome. We love Dr. Horrible. And in fact I just bought the DVD yesterday! So your post is well timed.
I love Dr. Horrible!
When do we get some The Guild cakes?
(Felicia Day is sooo very awesome. I started watching The Guild a long time ago and that led me to Dr. Horrible. And even knowing about Ms. Day, I was late to watch! Silly me.)
I absolutely love Dr. Horrible. Those are great. The geek in me is just screaming.
I just recently discovered Dr. Horrible, myself, and it's my current obsession.
These cakes are wonderful!
This is made of so much win! I love the frozen yogurt cake the most, though the goggles are freaking fantastic as well.
The frozen yogurt cake is my favorite. That looks delicious!
Love love love them! Thanks for featuring these - Joss Whedon's my idol, and I adore Dr. Horrible. :)
Area restriction on the video, cannot be viewed outside US :(((
My brother is OBSESSED with Dr. Horrible an nearly peed himself when I showed this to him.
My two very tiny criticisms:
1. I would totally make an arrow to the hammer that says "My Penis"
2. On Penny's cake, I want to include the keys to a shiny new Australia.
We've been introduced to the hammer. And that's not the hammer.
The cakes are wonderful. It had been so long since I last watched Dr. Horrible, way back when it premiered. I'm glad that it's back on Hulu so I can watch it again.
WV: canaq - A canoe from Iraq.
OK, dang it, I am hooked. First Firefly, now Dr. Horrible, will Whedon ever get a good one on TV to stay?
Darn you and your luring me in with a video of Neil Patrick Harris! I had lots of cleaning to do today, but instead sat and was hypnotised by his yumminess!
Oh, and the cakes look delish as well! ;)
If you can't see it outside the US because it's on Hulu (I hate that too) Go and buy Dr. Horrible Act One from the iTunes store for a measly TWO DOLLARS.
You won't regret it. That'll be two dollars well spent, and then you can (and you WILL) buy the rest at your leisure, and the soundtrack, and the t-shirts...
Ahhh LOVE! :)
oh woe is me. Hulu says no Canadians allowed... damn licesnsing and copyright! )-: go find some proxy server and get in by the bak door to catch the "DL" as the 16 yr old off spring would say.
CAkes are cool even if I don't get the significance. WIKIPedia here I come for the DL
EEEE! You made my Sunday! I know what I want for my birthday cake now.
And please tell me you actually say "What a crazy random happenstance!" day to day.
Fantastic job, but what they really should've done was set out a bowl of un-baked cake batter and say it represents Moist.
Awesomest awesome ever! Those goggles are amazing...and the frozen yogurt is adorable!
Dr. Horrible cakes! My rainy Sunday just improved exponentially.
So, can we expect cakes from The Guild next? For those who don't know, The Guild is a web series written by and staring Felicia Day aka Penny in Dr. Horrible. They even have a shiny new music video co-written by Jed Whedon.
To those outside of the US, the whole thing is available as a DVD, either on Netflix or if you want to really support it, on Amazon. Well worth your 12 bucks or whatever it costs.
And while the Freeze Ray is a major plot point, there IS a death ray at one point - towards the end, he has a "stun" ray that he puts a piece of tape over the word "stun" to say "death." It's what ... uhh.... he is using at the very end (almost typed a spoiler there!)
Between Dr. Who last week and Dr. Horrible this week, my little nerd heart is about to burst with joy.
And Galadriel and TeDiouS, it WAS a freeze ray but it is now a death ray, as evidenced by the black masking tape with silver sharpie clearly stating "DEATH." :-)
Thanks for sharing that link! Now my fiancee and I are hooked!
I just saw the TITLE and flipped out with happiness. I was not disappointed! THANK YOU FOR GEEKDOM!!!
I did not realize that "Hurry Up the Cakes" was such a well-known internet meme. (For those that don't know, it's a classic Engrish T-shirt found in Japan: http://www.engrish.com/2005/05/hurry-it-up/ )
My friend owns the house where they filmed Dr. Horrible's lair. There was no set dressing, that's just what his house looks like every day, thanks to it being an episode of "Monster House" a couple years prior (though the Big Chair was a separate acquisition, and really quite the most comfy spot to sit). He can be seen dressed as the purple pimp at the end of the film. He (and most of his friends) are huge Whedon fans, so we're all looking forward to the possibility of a sequel, though as long as Whedon's got Dollhouse absorbing his attention, he just doesn't really have time...
Silly Dr. Horrible fans! Of course his device was the Freeze Ray-- at first! But by the end of the show he had placed the tape saying "Death" over the original name, because he had transformed the Freeze Ray into the Death Ray to try to complete his task and get into the ELE. So the maker has this just right, by making it look like tape is covering part of the title!
Wonderful cakes! Love this show so much! I agree with the others-- if you don't live in the US, there are still other ways of seeing this. iTunes, the DVD, I'm sure there are some places around the internet you can see it for free.... do it!
I saw these cakes a couple of days ago on Pfoinkle's site because I was looking for items for my upcoming 30th birthday party, which I've pretty much decided to make Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog themed. I am THRILLED you posted these, as I wasn't sure if I should submit them to you.
Wow, what a coincidence!
I love it!
Don't get it, can't watch the videos. Cake wreck fail. :(
very cool cakes.
Dear Joss Whedon: Please give us more of Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog! Is it bad that I'm rooting for Dr. Horrible? I want to know what happens to him now that he's part of the Evil League. I will admit, however, that I adore Nathon Fillion (he's so much fun in the series Castle).
Perfect, perfect cakes. More people need to discover Dr. Horrible.
Buy the DVD;the extras are hilarious!
Especially the auditions for the Evil League of Evil (is that the right name - I'm relying on my memory here).
*sings* "[These] are perfect for me... so they say, I guess [they're] pretty okay."
They're awesome! And if you don't know Dr. Horrible, I agree with Jen... watch it. now. without delay.
WV: shifili. Get off your shifili and go find Dr Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog!
Perhaps a thought to mention that the Dr. Horrible dvd is encoded Region 0, which means Region free, and can be watched on any dvd player.
Unlike regular American Region 1 dvds, which most people outside the US are just as unable to watch as Hulu content.
I twittered this to you a while back. Glad it showed up on your blog!! :)
Yay!! Dr. Horrible cakes! Bad Horse would be pleased. :)
I go to a geek fest every year called DragonCon, and not only am I doing a female version of Captain Hammer, but we're also going for the Guinness World Record for "Thriller" dancers. Felicia Day will be at the con, and I'm hoping to get her to dance with us.
"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!"
That was A-W-E-S-O-M-E. Definitely the fastest 43 minutes of my life. Thanks for putting up the Hulu link. ...And the cakes are amazing, too.
the Bad Horse Cowboy cupcakes made my day.
Amazing cakes + Dr. Horrible? I think I've died and gone to heaven.
I LOVE Dr. Horrible! I saw that it was on DVD the other day and I was so tempted to buy it.
The cakes are great- I think I like..all of them best.
Silly Goggleheads! The good- I mean, evil- Doctor had TWO guns in the finale, remember? The Freeze Ray was meant to hold Hammerhead in place while the Death Ray (which was modified from his Stun Ray, hence the duct tape name correction) was meant to kill him. The delicious-looking Gogglecake is correct. And yes, I know I'm a huge f'ing nerd for knowing all that. LOL!
Wish I had mad cake-making skillz so I could make these myself, but I'll have to settle for drooling over them here, much as I drool over Dr. Horrible himself. *sigh*
My hubby and I <3 Dr. Horrible! Our 4-yo can sing most of the songs.
Fave line:
"Anarchy...that I run!"
YES! Dr. Horrible cakes! I love it. :)
love love LOVE Dr. Horrible! These are fantastic!
Seriously just finished watching Dr. H. for the third time (today). LOVE the music.
First thing I did was tweet this entry for my fellow Dr. H lovers! LMAO about the pie comment! Indeed it should have been.
And my 3 y/o (well, when he was 3--he is 4 now) is adorable singing Bad Horse!
I've tried to watch Dr Horrible before, and this time I made it 8 minutes in before I decided it wasn't worth it. How long is a "few minutes" for Cake Wrecks? Because I would definitely categorize "a few" as "less than ten." I mean, I gave it an honest shot.
NPH 4EVA! In cake form? I just passed out.
Never heard of it, but now I'm hooked!
thanks cake wrecks, for giving me another addiction, thanks a lot.
Fantastic Sunday Sweet! I have this in the DVD player right now, but then again, 'I hold a PhD in Horribleness!'
wv agravoc- People get so agravoc when I sing 'Brand New Day' in public
How had I never heard of this before? Thank you for sharing the movie as well as the cakes!
Having a most squeeful day in the Pfoinkle household -- I can't imagine a greater cakey honor.
Thanks to all the commenters -- you are responsible for many of the squees.
And thanks to the folks who pointed out that the freeze ray was indeed turned into a death ray. I <3 all of you the mostest.
To "poet" -- The Guild cakes have been mulled over for some time, I just haven't sussed out something worthy.
Maybe I should get working on that. :D
I was so happy when I saw your Dr. Who Sunday Sweets feature. "What could be better than Dr. Who?" I thought.
Ha! I guess you showed me! Wait . . .
I first watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog with my 7-year old son. We regularly put it on to sing along with (ah ha ha) while we do chores. My son's favorite song (which he'll randomly burst out singing) is, "A man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do . . ."
And, btw, the DVD (which apparently has extras, deleted scenes and interviews) is available via Netflix. It is in my queue.
I always suspected you were an awesome person, and this posts confirms it. Yay for Dr.Horrible cakes!
I love the whiteboard equation at the bottom of the goggle cake. Too awesome.
LOVE LOVE LOVE these cakes and especially Dr. Horrible and especially Captain Hammer!!!
I can always count on you for a new way to waste my time enjoyably! On to decorating a cake, now!
Now I really, really, really want to have a Dr. Horrible party.
AHHHH! What a wonderful post!!
Smells like... cumin.
For my fellow non US people, youtube is your friend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apEZpYnN_1g We loved it so much we bought the dvd.
*Singing* Laundry day... See you there...
I was laughing my head off just as I was reading that! See, I have my iPod on set to that soundtrack even before I saw the post!
My best friend showed me it on her laptop about two days after it first came out, and I'm like:
"Oh my God! It's an evil musical!" *Laughs* Has anyone seen Commentary! the Musical yet? It's on the DVD.
Bad Horse? The Thoroughbred of Sin?
I meant... Gandhi...
watched the whole thing. loved the music!! i didnt get the ending though....
Dr. Horrible had a freeze ray. Which he used to freeze Captian Hammer in place, but he also had a death ray that he was attempting to use on him as well, until of course the freeze ray malfunctioned, Captain Hammer punched Dr. Horrible halfway across the room and took the death ray, attempted to shoot Dr. Horrible and it exploded causing fragments to fly, and strike Penny. Enough of that though. I've seen it a couple dozen times :)Just thought I'd clarify some points for those who were confused by the freeze ray/death ray debacle. Buy the dvd peeps.
Amazing cakes. Although on one of the Captain Hammer cakes you have to add "The hammer is my..."
BTW they are currently working on writing a 2nd Dr. Horrible project. Release date TBD.
Awesome! Dr. Horrible totally deserves cakes!
The evil league of evil
is watching so beware
the cake that you frost
may be your last we swear
so make the Bad Horse gleeful
Or he'll make you his mare
We're saddled up
there's no recourse
it's "Heigh-Ho Silver"
Signed, Bad Horse
... TELOE is responsible for cake wrecks!!! ... Actual wrecks, not the site.
Jen, I think I just fell in love with you. :)
WV: toprolie. Toprolie. As in, "toprolie over or I'll smack you.
So glad you found some Dr. Horrible cakes that are so non-horrible! Definitely a Sunday Sweet!!
I'd like to find some other tributes to Neil Patrick Harris characters. Any good Barney or Doogie cakes out there?
Booo to not being able to view it in Canada.
NATHAN FILLION!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! I was worried about not getting my castle fix and now I've got this. Bless you Jen! Bless you!
Oh and the cakes are cool. :)
Yup. Set out to watch the first few minutes and ended up watching the whole thing. And the cakes we the perfect desert :P
Having just this afternoon hosted another brunch turned Dr. Horrible Sing-Along party... YAY!!
SO. TOTALLY. going to attempt my own!
I haven't checked CW in SUCH a long time, but I did today, and it made my day. Thank you Jen!
I don't love these...
Psych! I love it!
Oh man, I could make my comment made of all Dr. Horrible quotes but that would get ridiculous... MY LOVE FOR DR. HORRIBLE KNOWS NO BOUNDS.
Seriously, I've had a bad few days but this makes up for it. I've been wanting to do a Dr. Horrible screening for a long time and now I have the perfect treats for it.
Someone commented about the fondant and not liking fondant. Pfoinkle makes a marshmallow fondant (and has the recipe on her blog).
Amazing! But so sad. Only for America..=( But anyways, thanks for sharing! =D
Writers Den
Brown Mestizo
The videos are on Youtube! I am in Australia, and this is the only way I could watch (not only do we not have Hulu, but No Amazon either). I Love NPH!
Had never even heard of Dr Horrible before reading this, but watched and listened last night. It's fabulous! Thanks.
i thought it was a horrible film and the lyrics were meaningless but i love your blog
Heard about Dr. Horrible last year but didn't bother finding out what it was all about.
What was WRONG with me???? I missed a whole YEAR of this awesomeness!!!!
I meant Gandhi.
I hope people will buy the DVD even if they can see it and hear the commentary on the intarwebz. DVD so definitely worth buying :)
But I have to wonder about the groupies, who converted to Dr. Horrible groupies after his admission to the ELE. Why aren't there any cakes representing them wearing his logo? :P
Also, girls in love with NPH, you do know he prefers the boys, yes? So having him wouldn't do y'all any good :)
People outside the US can find Dr. Horrible on youtube... and it loads faster than Hulu!
These are such awesome cakes! And perfectly fitting for an awesome piece of web genious.
For folks wanting to see Dr Horrible on the big screen, check out the "Can't Stop the Serenity" charity events at http://www.cantstoptheserenity.com
Fans across the globe organise theatre screenings of Joss Whedon's "Serenity" for charity (all proceeds go to Equality Now). This year many cities are including "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" thanks to a special arrangement with Mutant Enemy.
It's fun to see the applications for the Evil League of Evil on Youtube, too!
thanks for introducing everyone to dr. horrible!
it's SO AMAZING, and you made my day by featuring it.
M'Lynn...my two year old loves the music too!
Jimh...watch Dollhouse...totally awesome new Jossness on Fox...it just got picked up for the second season!
Ivyfree...You have to watch it until the first song. I too was not hooked in the first little while...but then the singing and I died. I promise you will love it!
I'm hooked! I'm hooked! Brilliant.
I love you for this post. Like, no joke. Dr. Horrible was the first bonding experience for my roommates and I last year. We are all obsessed and have everything memorized.
I've never heard of Dr. Horrible before. Thanks for a new favorite!
we got hooked on Dr. Horrible when it first "debuted", can't stop singing it even now, have shown it to everyone we know. Joss, what a genius! "Capt Hammer's here, hair blowing in the breeze, the day needs my saving expertise!" LOL Although, I think my favorite line is right after "And this is not the Hammer"
Great cakes, what a tribute to one of my favorite writers, Joss Whedon!
Um . . . the cakes are awesome, but I'd rather have Dr. Horrible . . . =]
For those that own the awesomeness that is Dr. Horrible on DVD, Google for easter eggs. They're almost as good as the blog.
I get to meet Felicia Day in ten days!! You all should check out her web series "The Guild". She and the cast made a music video for a song called "Do You Want to Date My Avatar" and I highly recommend it. Head over to youtube.com for episodes and the music video.
Never thought I'd see the day when two of my favorite things--Cakewrecks, Dr. H--would unite. Bliss!
Oh! Oh, this is awesome!
I'm a fan...got to love NPH!...and "...these arms aren't the hammer..."HAHA!
Oh yeah, the cakes are good too.
LOVE Dr. Horrible. I want a Wonderflonium cake that says "Do not bounce."
These are awesome. No, these are amazing and awesome.
Great work.
This post totally made my day! Kudos to the creator of those cakes, and thank you so much for featuring them! (The Horribleness will spread...)
Fantastic! I love Dr. Horrible. They should have added his gloves to the goggles. They're as much a part of the ensemble too!
"The world is a mess and I just need to rule it!"
I love that you've discovered Dr. Horrible and spread the word! I twittered this cake months ago, but figured you'd be deluged with submissions of it. I echo the previous comments about The Guild (watchtheguild.com) - It's a web series by Felicia Day (Penny). They just released a music video, though you may need to be a gamer to get all the jokes in it. ;-)
Clearly the makers of those cakes hold PhDs in horribleness.
My daughter and I are regular Horrible-philes (okay, so we're irregular) and I introduced Cake Wrecks to her some time ago--our favorite is still the turkey with the smile on his belly. She must have missed this post, or she would have told me about it. She and I regularly quote both DH and CtM to each other, and listen to the songs from both on an almost-daily basis. I adore the cupcakes--oh, I love it all!
A man's Buchananity is what separates us from reptiles and lawn furniture.
Thanks for this! I've been meaning to watch Dr Horrible for a long time... I think this was just the push I needed! So Funny!
LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing. I LOVE "Dr. Horrible," and these cakes are So fun. Thank you! (I'm singing the Bad Horse chorus in my head as I type this.)
i live in michigan and i cannot view the video. is michigan still in the us or did those people at the video website decide everything north of detroit is canada?
Wow. Amazing. Truly Amazing.
There are just no other words for that sing-a-long vid.
So outrageous and so cool! Love your works!!!
From: Kudoskookies
I'm so excited I could pass out! I love Dr. Horrible!!
Oh wow - thanks for showing me the world of Dr. Horrible!!! full of awesome!
Wow, these are perfect, right down to the spork beside the frozen yogurt!
So much love for these!!! I dressed as DH for Halloween. hehe
I was one of the people who'd never heard of Dr Horrible before seeing this.
I managed to locate the videos on Youtube and am now thoroughly hooked. And related links from those introduced me to Felcia Day's "The Guild" videos as well, which as a long time player of MMOs I enjoy greatly, so thank you many times for this delicious and addicting post.
Oh, goodness, look at my wrist - I gootta go!
OMG!!! I just feel in love with all of them, I love the bad horse chorus guys and.. yeahh Im obsessed with dr horrible (and the guild) they all have a phd in awesomeness!!!
Our 5 yr old and 2 yr old request Dr. Horrible.
"I don't have time for a grudge match with every poser in a parka."
VAST excitement over the Dr. Horribleness of it all! We LOVE it! ;D
I love Dr. Horrible! Those cakes are awesome!!!! Maybe next year for my birthday, I should have a Dr. Horrible cake.
Just an FYI for anyone wanting to catch Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog who isn't in the US, you can find it on YouTube is pretty decent quality. Watching it that way you end up viewing 6 7minute sections.
I <3 Joss Wedon!!!
Okay, yeah, and as cheezy as I am I love the subtle tribute in the musical (his pants) and of the "Captain Hammer" cake being brown! Gotta love Joss Whedon and his little hints. (Like the model of Serenity hanging behind Dr. Horrible in his lab) *just grins*
Netflix has Dr. Horrible! I'm so glad that this blog introduced me to it. I never would have heard of it otherwise, and it's fabulous.
SO so so good! You know if you buy the DVD, you get Commentary! The Musical!
And now I want a cake that just says "We do the weird stuff!"
HOLY FLIP I LOVE IT! I'm so glad I got to see these! I freakin LOVE that musical!
Peace! ...But not literally...
Okay, I don't know how I missed this post but I have to comment now! This is one of my favorite geek things EVER. Incidentally, you can now watch it on netflix instant view if you have it (for any other weirdos that stalk blogs written a year ago). AND, have we seen and discussed Felicia Day's web series, The Guild? Also, great.. but back to Dr. Horrible...
These cakes are amazing! I love, love, LOVE the cupcakes for Captain Hammer's groupies (We do the weird stuff) and Bad Horse's chorus (He'll make you his mare).
Okay, I'll stop singing... and post bumping...
Fangirl squee!!!
My son loves some Dr Horrible, Cool xx
Our ten year old knows all of the songs by heart and sings them in the car:)