Hey, Jennifer P., let me see that Tootsie Roll!!

Jamie H. considers this next one to be the "pride and joy" of her cake portfolio, and it's easy to see why. Hey, I don't mean to gush, but just look at the hand-piped detail on this beauty:
Hey there, Delilah, give me a break: your submission is sooo making me hungry:
And no, I am not going to call Bridgitte a "Smartie-Pants" for sending this next one in:

For you PEZ fans, Dani M. found this one made by Rebecca V.:

And lastly, a few adorable candy "medleys":
Those lollipops and truffles are just the cutest, and the sundae reminds me of the nifty Play-Doh ice cream parlor set I had when I was little - although a lengthy Google search has left me high and dry in the photo department. Drat. I did find the commercial that goes "A tisket, a tasket, a flower-making basket!" though - remember that thing?
And I suppose this post wouldn't be complete without a CandyLand tribute. Jackie S. submitted this one by Cake Central member YoursTrulyTx:

The only "real" candy here is the candy canes. And again, I'm an absolute sucker for those lollipops. (Get it? "Sucker?" Ah, I am on FIRE today.)
As always, if you'd like to nominate a Sweet, send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
73 comments | Post a Comment
I feel like such a grump, but fondant covered cakes just leave me cold. It just looks like they are covered with edible playdough, although my three year old would argue that all playdough is edible...
The tootsie roll cake would have been perfect without that red trim along the bottom. Otherwise most of these are amazing!
That Candyland cake is terrific. Really well done.
The assortment of candy bar cakes is my favorite.
MMm k, the one with the sundae on top is fantastic, but I don't know about actually eating that super bright, not-of-this-world icing.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
Those are fantastic!
~Amy B
Those are spectacular creations...
How come your Sunday "good" cakes are toys and cartoons and other kid things? I think you're biased and it's getting dull.
All the cakes are awesome! I love candy and sweets of any kind. But I think I like the smarties in the wrapper one. To each their own cake! Ingenious!
These really are great....but all I can think of when I look at the candy bars cake saying "Happy 6th Birthday" is how absolutely LOADED George's parents must be.
I LOVE the Smarties Cake!! Individual cakes that look like candies? Genius. I am SO going to try to make this (without much success I fear) for my son's birthday!
Wow love em all but that smarties cake is awesome!! Very creative!!
I might just have to make one like that for my daughters 5th birthday!
Raychel - MyCreativeWay.blogspot.com
Those are so cute!
These cakes are fantastic! I do have to wonder, though: Where on earth did Foster's Frostings find such a big Smarties wrapper?
I love that the Gushers cake has real Gushers appearing to spill out of it. Gushers were my favorite fruit candy growing up.
Dear Anonymous,
Why is it critical people never have names? I mean, we take what you guys say very seriously and it's not as though you're gonna get banned from the comment boards if you put your name. Okay?
Now to your concern. Here's a list of the past seven weeks:
Topsy Turvy
Mother's Day
Star Trek
Birthday for James
We try to vary subject matter and it's actually pretty hard to find great cakes in any particular theme. Though I don't know who you are, I would invite you to put together 6 or 7 fantastic cakes in a theme of your choice and e-mail them to Jen. Just remember that you have to include the links to the website where you found it, a really good quality photo, and the name of the baker. Oh and just try to take into account what half a million people will approve of when making your choices. Shouldn't take more than four hours of research. Good luck and God speed.
For the rest of you, I hope you enjoyed today's Sweets.
OK, now I need to take a trip to the candy store today. YUMMO!!
These cakes are great! I love the sundae cake! If I wouldn't make a total wreck out of it I'd make it for my son's birthday! Although, I could then send the picture to you and have my 15 minutes of wrecky fame :)
Oh and John, way to stand up for your lady! I hate when people feel the need to be mean in comments! It's fine if they don't like the site, but they aren't obligated to come here!
If you can't say something nice....
I absolutely love the second from the last one with the sundae on top! Too cute!
Wow. How'd they make the "wrapper" on the Kit Kat? It looks so real....
Fabulous! I'm in awe!
I need that tootsie roll cake. NEED.
wWw, Michelle Cakes sure redeemed herself after the creepy baby cake! That Smarties cake is so awesome...
These are nothing short of incredible - fantastic - amazing - out of this world - imaginative - perfect - and I'd give every single baker 10 gold stars! HOW on earth can you sit here and look at these wonders and even THINK of being critical???? Talk about people who see the glass half empty rather than half full. Boo. Hiss.
You tell 'em, John!
I think cake makes people feel like a kid again.
Rock on, guys. May the haters be cursed with stale cake and rock-hard fondant.
LOVE the gushers cake. So cool! I wanna make it and then eat it, except my cake-talent river does not run deep. Or at all.
Thanks for all the effort you (Jen) and you too (John, hubby of Jen) put into this site. I do not find it dull in the least and actually appreciate Sunday Sweets where we see the good stuff. And, of course, by "the good stuff", I mean candy and other child-like items. Thank you.
Right on, John. I was just going to post about the internet tough guys who always choose to remain anonymous. And I can't imagine coming to a blog about CAKE and getting my knickers in a knot because the theme is too cute!
Anyway, I always come to CW first, because it always makes me happy. I think that's true of many of us. And the anonymous ones who like to get really really angry...dude. It's cake.
Gorgeous gorgeous cakes! I love all of them :)
Lots of talent today! Beyond spectacular! These Sunday Sweets really make the wrecks wreck-ier. Great job Jen and John ~ you are the best.
I *LOVE* the cakes today! I think the Candyland cake is my favorite, although the Smarties (American ones) and Kit Kat (with Canadian Smarties) cakes are pretty cool, too.
Yay for Jen AND John (hubby of Jen) for all your hard work. :)
Oh, and Jen, I totally remember that commercial. I wanted one of those so badly when I was a kid. :)
{boos the anonymouse and applauds John!}
WV: Addor "I simply addor Jen's wit"
These are amazing! I love these :)
totally loved the candy land cake. Takes me back to my childhood.
The Smarties cake is so cool. WOW!
Is this the sundae play-doh set you're remembering? I still want the dentist play-doh set. My mom wasn't big on anything with too many pieces or too messy!
Holy Google! I wonder if there is a Pez Dispender cake out there...
you know, even if the anonymous guy was right(and s/he is not) don't kids and cakes kinda just GO together? doesn't it make sense? no?
Found the parts, but not the result
And then theres this
I* was the anonymous poster, and I didn't post it anonymously because I was afraid. I posted it anonymously because I was reading cake wrecks on the mobile phone and that makes signing in a pain in the ass.
Here I am. Please delight in insulting me to my face. I stand by my earlier statement. I love Cake Wrecks, but you ought to put out a more well rounded representation of good cakes.
Jenny Boggio
What's dull and boring is when you can't leave your honest opinion without being jumped all over. It's almost as annoying as commenters who kiss up to the blogger for a pat on the head.
Dear Jenny,
I think if you will reread my earlier comment, you will note that in no way did I insult you. I also stand by my request for other ideas from you.
Please, and I mean this in all sincerity, make suggestions for Sunday Sweets. Jen and I had a lengthy conversation this morning about your comment and, other than relatively boring wedding cakes and well done human genitalia cakes, we really couldn't come to a consensus on what would be considered an "Adult" cake.
There it is. The gauntlet has been unceremoniously chucked at your feet. I await your reply.
We're just putting up pictures of cakes here. Criticism is fine. Constructive criticism is better. That's all I'm saying.
What do you all you cake people think about how these beautiful cakes would taste? I love the look of fondant and had it on my wedding cake, which was beautiful, but the fondant wasn't nearly as good as a well-made frosting.
Are we going only for looks here? Do some people like fondant? Is there a way to make it taste good?
I love love love that candy cake with a sundae on top! Can not even handle how perfect that is. If I had seen that as a kid, I would have totally lost my shit.
Cellophane wrappers
Or edible rice paper?
Very smart indeed!
To taste "Sunday Sweets,"
simply lick your glowing screen.
MmmMMmm, pixalation.
wv:zingrant. The best kind.
Aw, man, no drama on the cake page comments, please. Like someone else pointed out, it's CAKE. Aren't there enough other blogs out there to check out if you don't like this one?
Uh, I think four of my teeth just rotted out of my head.
John, I've noticed the same thing on my blog. All the nasty snarky types are too cowardly to identify themselves. I don't bother to publish anonymous comments. If the person isn't willing to take ownership, it's not worthwhile.
Wow! Awesome cakes!
I totally had the Play-Dough ice cream parlor! You could make hot dogs too. I used to try to get my cousin to eat them. I'm VERY partial to that Pez cake. They all look so great.
OMG I totally HAD the flower making basket. and Loved it.
I had what I can only assume was the same icecream parlour playdoh set as a kid it was awesome! I looked for a picture and couldn't find one either, only that icecream truck and a new version of it.
For what it's worth I think you were very diplomatic there John, next people will be complaining because this blog is always about cake.
If candy is a "kid thing", then I'm going back to grade school.
(I had that play-dough flower basket thing when I was a kid. It was great, except that the dough got stuck in the molds and dried out.)
I LOVE the tootsie roll! So cool!
That smarties is incredible! Are they really individual cakes?? That has to be big! And yummy!
Thanks for doing Cake Wrecks, I love looking at them!!
Jen, I agree: cake disguised as candy is way better than cake disguised as hamburgers, steak, or even watermelon (although keep those ones comin', wreckerators, 'cause I loves me some Cake Wrecks!).
The "Flower Making Basket" wasn't actually PlayDough so that may be why you couldn't find it...
I LOVE this site! This is one that I visit Daily and share with all my friends... and then right after I go to failblog.org :) I love what you're doing and how you've stuck with it for so long!
Anyway, I really love the Sunday Sweets especially- and I agree- I love the one with the sundae on top. Here's a link to the icecream factory for playdough:
I had the play-doh ice cream parlour AND the flower making basket! Oh to be young again.
And those cakes looked just amazing. I envy the bakers for their talent, and the receivers for getting such cool cakes.
Oh man, I wanted that flower-making basket SO bad as a kid. I used to watch the Home Shopping Network at night when I couldn't sleep, and they would go on and on about Capodimonte porcelain flowers. I got kind of obsessed with the idea of sculpting my own out of Play/Magic dough. Yeah, I was a weird kid.
Well, if they're complaining that the Sunday Sweets are too sweet, with which I totally disagree, why not do a series on bad guys, reptiles, insects, and gross things? Just not the toenail fungus again.
For example, this slug cake makes me want to eat a slug. Extra points for argyle. http://slugworksrocks.com/whatsnew/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/cake1.jpg
Thanks a lot, I have been trying to eat healthy and now I must have a Kit Kat. There goes a good start to my week:)
Love this post-so cute!!!
gaaaah i love the sundae topped one. i want to make that for my sister's birthday. too bad i've never made a cake in my life.
This post honestly made my teeth ache. Good work
Amazing! I really like those!
"The cake looks mighty good to me,
`Cause Tootsie Roll is all I see;
Whatever it is I think I see
Becomes a Tootsie Roll to me!"
And remember the wise words of Ricky Nelson: You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself. So don't let the occasional malcontent get you down!
I remembered the "...a flower-making basket" jingle, but I wasn't sure if I owned the toy until I watched the video. Yup. That brought it all back. :)
I love the sundae-topped one. And how lucky is little George!
They're all great, but that Smarties one looks more like a package of Rockets candy to me.
No wrecks there! They're adorable.
Oh my goodness!!!! Those commercials take me right back to my youth. Amazing how I remember the complete dialogs... except for the random carpet ad at the end :-)
Love your blog. I have spent way too much time reading past entries. Addiction at its best.
Beth in NC
I love these! They all look so yummy.
Some of these remind me of the things you see on PimpThatSnack.com. There are also some real wrecks there, let me tell you.
My favorite would have to be the kit-kat one.
I'm being way picky, and someone may have picked up on this one already.. but that one cake? Those aren't smarties, they're Rockets.
Just wanted to point that out.