Now, those of you graduating soon, I think you know what to do.
Call Allison's sister.
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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70 comments | Post a Comment
That cake is pretty funny and slightly creepy--love it. As a graduate student myself I can only hope that someone in my family makes me one, too.
That is hands down, Best. Cake. Ever.
Wish I had a sister like her.
*Standing ovation*
OMG that is hilarious!! How lucky to have such an awesome sister to do that. :)
Unfortunately, I've already graduated. (And I didn't get a cake.) But that cake would so be worth going to college for.
Hey Jen, I graduated just last night... I'm going into HiGh ScHoOl! Whooo, mee!!
I love how one of the baby's feet is sank right into the carrot, it looks like he/she (no parts to tell gender) is being eaten. Very clever and devoted sister to tape/glue the little caps and diplomas on each jockey.
Awwwww. Allison has a great sister!!!!
Allison was in my grad program (and it's so awesome that she made it on Cake Wrecks) We were both English majors and let me tell you, English majors LOVE Cake Wrecks. We love them so much. I think it's the irony of it all.
Great cake, great sister.
But what's next? Naked brides and grooms on a wedding cake? (shudders!)
Enrolling in college and trying to convince my mom to give me a sister.
That is awesome! Major cool points to Allison's sister. :)
If it was a CCC, I would have declared this the ultimate cake, but no.
Jen - This should be proof that you are an inspiration to us readers. What says "You are LOVED." more than seeing your efforts inspire creativity and laughter in the world? Allison & Allison's response to your blog says VOLUMES. I love the cake and the baby hunt. Thanks for sharing!
we are not worthy!!
Nothing says lovin' like carrot jockey baby graduates! Way to go Allison's sister!
Well done, Allison's sister, for an awesome variation on a hilarious theme! I assume she's going into the cake business after this...hmmm...?
Love the carrot jockey hunt! Classic!
Awesome idea! And to hide them all over the house? This girl has a great sister, sounds like.
Although,the whole naked baby carrot jockey thing still troubles me.
~Amy B.
Oh, well done, Allison's Sister!
That cake is almost worth going back to school for. BRAVO!
I want one!!!
hahaha, that's great!
Love it!
Fantastic! I hope she'll be finding li'l carrot jockeys for days to come. This is definitely something my sister & I would do for (to?) each other. I turned her on to Cake Wrecks & she's a huge fan now, too~
Awesome! Now can we see a baby with arms and legs poking out, waving a diploma and a stein of beer?
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
Hmm, will my friends and family start trying to bribe me to finish my degree already with something as awesome as this? (The better question is if it will work...)
Unbelievably cool. Yay for sisters!
I think what's even more disturbing is the fact that these naked babies are even available to be bought.. What WAS someone thinking? And can you imagine what the employees of The Naked Baby Manufacturing Co think as they make these, day in and day out??
I love this site and it's part of my daily routine, however i'm always disappointed by intentional wreck posts... anyone can make a wreck or homage, I want to see some new ones that only a pro can do!
Nothing says "Love ya sis" like a bunch of nekkid babies riding carrots", does it?
Love it!
Congratulations, Allison!
And may I just say for the record that I'm desperately in utterly platonic love with your sister?
Naked baby graduating carrot jockey hunt FTW!
That's awesomesauce. Allison's sister rules!
That is absolutely hysterical! What an awesome cake!
Either her sister really likes her, or really doesn't. :D
How funny. I can imagine the non Cakewrecks readers thinking...'huh?'
@ Anonymous 11:41...every party has a pooper, which is why Allison's sister didn't invite you.
As for why anyone would make the babies--they look an awful lot like king cake babies to me. And that market is HUGE in New Orleans. I even have sterling silver king cake baby earrings. And there might also be a market for Chinese New Year, dunno.
Where does one find naked baby graduates? Did she embelish them by hand?
So awesome!
Allison's Sister *rocks*!!
WV: Pathess. There are many pathess to greatness. Allison's Sister has chosen well.
I have nothing to say that the cake itself does not declaim more eloquently.
But I must know where one buys naked cake babies. Is there an onlin naked baby store?
I think what's even more disturbing is the fact that these naked babies are even available to be bought.. What WAS someone thinking? And can you imagine what the employees of The Naked Baby Manufacturing Co think as they make these, day in and day out??
Good point! Now I'm wondering: where does one buy naked baby decorations?
I LOVE it! I will be finishing my graduate degree in August - I hope I get a cake like this!! HA!
I love that these sisters are so close and so much fun!
Nothin' says lovin' like something from the oven!
Especially if it has naked baby graduate carrot jockey's on it!
PERFECTO, Allison's sister!
(and CONGRATS to you too, Allison! Now get back to finding those naked baby graduate carrot jockeys.
Long may you find them hidden around the house!)
Awesome! ;) But... what is up with the baby carrot jockeys? My husband and I are dying to know!! Are these all carrot cakes or something? How on earth did that start?? Inquiring minds want to know...
Great blog, we've had SO much fun reading this!! We were both teary with hilarity at many points :)
WV: sochoke
"I would sochoke and die laughing if that cake was given to me!!!"
Awww you guys make hotgluing diplomas and caps on naked babies so worth it! I love my sister and now I am entitled to making a bigger better wreck every event she needs a cake for!
-Dana (Allison's sister!)
Anonymous said...
"... can you imagine what the employees of The Naked Baby Manufacturing Co think as they make these, day in and day out??"
Ahhhhh, but here's the thing: They (the NBMC) have as Company Rule
They used to have "No Thinking Aloud," but that was cancelled out by management when the new rule went into effect. So now they can't think OR speak. Which makes the job oh so easy!
For everyone asking:
You can buy the little naked babies at craft stores like A.C. Moore or Michael's. Yes, in the cake decorating section. They are traditionally baked into king cakes, which is why they exist at all, though I don't know if all the plastic ones for sale now are safe to bake inside a cake anymore, given people now put them ON the cakes too...
Know what? This "Allison's SISTER" stuff is giving me ~~scary~~ flashbacks to that cake a while back...REMEMBER?
The one with ONE cake for both So & So AND So & So's UNNAMED sister???
And I was only just starting to get over that...
so I'm going to call Allison's sister "Gwendolyn"... just on general principle.
All in favor say "Aye."
Wow. That's all I can say. Wow!
Congratulations to Allison on graduating and having an awesome sister.
Done the masters, years ago. Is it too late to start a PhD after 40?
AWESOME. Love that, and the naked baby hunt the next day totally got me. You have a great sister, Allison!
What I want to know is, when I finish my Master's, will she come to my house and do the same for me?
@ Cara- your little poem made me laugh. Great job!
@ ara133photography- on the main page of Cake Wrecks go to Reader Favorites on the right hand side and click on Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockeys for the original story. Enjoy!
I saw this, and my mouth dropped open from amazement. Allison has the best sister ever.
Those babies actually had me thinking of "fetuses" right away!
sendingtheclowns, rest easy... she just posted and her name is Dana.
@sendingtheclowns -
Dana. Her name is not Gwendolyn but Dana: she said so 20 minutes before your post. Good point, though, and I imagine Dana's hadn't got through moderation when you wrote it.
The naked babies are made for king cakes...As a New Orleanian, you eat them every mardi gras season...it's basically sweet bread (almost like a cinnamon roll) with sugar and icing on top, with a baby (Jesus, the "king", hence the name "king cake") hidden in the middle. The cake is in a ring shape. The tradition is that whomever gets the piece with the baby buys the cake the next year (of course I forgot to mention that there are countless parties before and after parades during mardi gras, which is when all of this cake is eaten). Why the baby is naked, i'm not sure...didn't know what a child of that time period would have worn?
@ Karen and Kath:
Yeah...I SO totally SAW Dana's post--after I had already sent mine along...*blushes* (Hi, Dana!)
So, in the immortal words of Rosanne Roseannadanna (from the original SNL, for the oldsters out there):
"NeVER mind!"
Nothing to do with cake, but here's a "weekend update," because I am getting *forgetful* (senile):
It wasn't Rosanne Rosannadanna who said "Never mind" all the time.
It was the little, old, crotchety Emily Litella. Same person, though--the great Gilda Radner.
And I don't care if I am practically a fossil--that there's some funny stuff. *crosses arms defiantly*
Carry on!
Awesome to the nth power!
And I bought a package full of naked babies at Hobby Lobby recently — naked mohawk-wearing babies, no less!!
I love it! If I'd known about Cake Wrecks when I graduated college, that's the kind of cake I'd have wanted. Lucky, lucky Allison.
@sending the clowns:
Just for the record, Roseanne Roseannadanna's lines were "I thought I was gonna die!" and "It's always something!"
wv: spoton
Allison's cake is a spoton reenactment of carrot jockey deliciousness!
Anonymous said...
Great cake, great sister.
But what's next? Naked brides and grooms on a wedding cake? (shudders!)
June 13, 2009 10:20 AM
Actually when Scary Spice got married that is exactly what was on top of her wedding cake.
OKAY! Awesome! My mom has requested a carrot jockey cake for her graduation!! I need tips! Does anyone know how the caps & diplomas were done? And WHERE on earth do the jockeys come from!? I thought about kings cake babies but those don't look right. HELP! She really would just love a carrot jockey cake and I would loe to make her one.
That sounds like the exact thing my sister would do. She is always taking private jokes to the next level and hiding things around my house!
That sounds like the exact thing my sister would do. She is always taking private jokes to the next level and hiding things around my house!