Tuesday, August 18, 2009

National Cupcake Day

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm told that today is National Cupcake Day. So, we could celebrate all that's good about these mini-cakes in paper wrappers, and look at beautiful examples of them made by talented people...


We could take a little refresher course on why Cupcake Cakes are evil. After all, what better way to celebrate the cupcake than by protecting it from unholy perversions which must be stopped before cake art as we know it is ruined beyond all saving!?!

[patting down hair]

Yeah, I like Option B better, too.

There are two types of CCCs: your basic, all-slathered-together model:

(which Wreckerators are forever trying to make round shapes out of)

And the "mosaic" style, wherein the cupcakes are each iced separately:

(Either a crying fish or an airplane turned sideways, dumping out the pilot's lunch.)

As you can see, both types of CCC are what baking industry insiders refer to as "fugly."

Plus, cupcake cakes come with enough frosting to induce a diabetic coma merely by being within a ten-foot radius. Usually we're spared this sight because CCC photos are taken from directly overhead, but you can sort of see what I'm talking about here:

What's worse: that this is supposed to be a sombrero, or that there's even more icing underneath those paper wrappers, gluing them to the board?

CCCs almost always result in shapes that baffle the imagination. If you wanted to put that in a positive light (which I don't) you could say they're like edible Rorschach tests (so I won't). And so one person's hamburger becomes another's highway o' caterpillars:

One person's flip-flops becomes another's necklace-wearing alien blobs with hives:

Or one person's [Note to John: what the heck is this? Find out and insert here] becomes another's Mardi Gras cactus mask:

Or maybe it's a flying pickle. [head tilt] Huh.

Rather than fighting back against the evil infiltrating their bakeries, I'm afraid most Wreckerators have simply given up:

[throwing down spatula] "Meh, it's a football. Time for my break."

Others write us little clues on the cake board:

I'm pretty sure "No Intelligent Life Found" means this is supposed to be a UFO, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the irony.

And still others are clearly having so much fun that they may need forcible restraining:


Well, I think you get my point: cupcakes are great, cupcake cakes are - to put it nicely - fugly icing bombs sprung from the bowels of Hell's kitchen. (The real one, I mean. Love ya, Gordon!)

Matt H., Chessa N., Lauren R., Jennifer R., Brittany H., Amy L., Nathan, Nichole B., & Beth, go forth and eateth thine cupeth caketh in exceedingeth celebration.

Related Wreckage: Cupcake Cakes: Always Wrecktastic. Always.

Taylor (My Older Brothers) said...

I am for sure going to order a chihuahua with a mustache in CCC form for my next party.

Unknown said...

I think the crying fish/airplane one is upside down, and those circles are supposed to be bubbles.

And the flying pickle one looks rather like a cactus to me.

Wide Awake Wife said...

That first one looks like a clown's wig!! There's so much icing on that "sombrero" that my teeth hurt just looking at it!


Josh (the DMT) said...

One would think that the small size of the cupcake would protect it from the monstrosities of being “wrecked”, but I guess no job is too small for a dedicated “wrecker”. “No room to misspell ‘Happy Birthday’ on these tiny cakes? Ha ha ha! I laugh at this challenge! I’ll just slather tons of icing all over the tops of all the cupcakes!”



Kimmie said...

That's a sombrero???? I thought it was a traffic cone!

and the one after it looks like the old-school game Frogger. But caterpillar highway works too!

The Courteous Chihuahua said...

I'm going to come back and look at these CCCs when I'm not on narcotics to see if I can make any better sense of them. Something tells me I won't.

Farris-not-Ferris said...

Well, happy cupcake day, world.

i'm really lovin' the "fish"'s facial expression. or, at least, i'm assuming that's his face.

[rolls eyes] ccc's are such posers: they're constantly trying to be something they're not. and what's worse is that they fail at it. over and over and over.

for example: they're famous for being lopsided circles. they just don't measure up to real cakes.

stupid posers.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the clarification on Danny's "sombrero" ccc. I thought it was a vacum cleaner. Couldn't figure out why anybody would give that to a guy (or girl for that matter). Maybe he runs a cleaning service....

these are hilarious! Lily

Amanda in Austin said...

Oh, hell no!!! That last one?!? Seriously?

CCC's are the spawn of the devil. Truly.

Thanks for the laughs. I think I'll go to my favorite cupcake bakery today to celebrate. This bakery doesn't even make CCC's. They are cupcake purists. You'd love them, Jen.

thisisbeth said...

I like frosting. No, I love frosting. That being said, I do not like frosting on my fingers, and I just can't see a way to eat these cupcake cakes without getting frosting all over my fingers. Give me a piece of cake with that much frosting so it's on a plate and I can eat it with a fork.

rhonda said...

You know, I think you could actually make a successful poodle CCC since they're meant to be all bumpy and curly round the outside anyway. Still way too much frosting and a horrible idea but at least it wouldn't have those horribly misshapen edges.

Hope said...

I laughed until I cried. Thanks!

Little Lucy said...

The pickle cactus kinda looks like a space ship to me...with holes for the windows.
Or *head tilt* I have unresolved Freudian issues.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear im laughing so much it hurts....Cupcakes or Fairy Cakes as we used to say here in Great Britain are lovely but these wrecks are so BAD they are GOOD!

Hannah said...

Horribly, horribly hilarious!

*Akilah Sakai* said...

How do you mess up a football?! It looks like something a cow left behind.

Scott said...

Perhaps some of your best writing and captioning. But CCC lend themselves to ridicule more than the average wreck, you had an easy job today.

Debbi said...

Poor Betsy did not even get candles that match ...

Julie said...

No ship Sherlock... If there was intelligent life in the bakery, these "things" would never have been created.

WV: nomsin... I'd like to nomsin cupcakes, but there's way too much frosting on, under, and around them.

Rebecca said...

The first one looks like a clown's wig to me.

Keri said...

The unknown one looks like flip-flops. These are so weird!!

Kelly said...

At first I thought you were a bit dramatic, and then I looked at the CCCs (Ptooie!)...

What is the first one? A gay pride feather duster? I also see a seasick fish, a diabetic coma-inducing Christmas bell, a muddy stream of colorful fish, Jen's well-dressed aliens, The Mask or a moldy cow skull or a hideous moth, (I'm afraid to admit to what I thought the next one was, but I can say it is wildly inappropriate!) a section of the streets in Oz, and a pink poodle with a kickin' moustache but no legs.

I'm pretty sure I should be committed.

Crackerjen said...

Well I thought National Cupcake Day (for the United States) was December 15th according to this website:

Maybe today is National CCCC (CCC Catastrophe) Day...though with what we've seen here and in our local bakeries that is everyday!

Julie said...

@ The Curteous Chihuahua - I was here last week and on narcotics for minor surgery... Back this week without..

Trust me, it doesn't really matter whether you're on the good drugs or not. It still won't make any sense.

Unknown said...

Is the first one some sort of native american headress? A warbonnet with with different colored feathers?

The poodle one really isn't that bad! I could see myself loving that cake... when I was four.

Ronda said...

I love the pink "thing" with the pigtails & mustache, wonder what type of party that was for :)

Kirstan said...

my teeth hurts just looking at all those icings!!!

Diana said...

THanks! You have provided me with yet ANOTHER reason to hate stupid little puff-cut poodles!

Fluffy Cow said...

I... can't... stop.... laughing!!!

Debra said...

I'm an icing lover, too, the old-fashioned sickly-sweet kind - so shoot me.

Anyway, is it just me or does it seem that the pink on the "flip flops" is airbrushed on? The colouring is nice and even, however how else is the white icing immediately underneath (there are two spots where the icing has been gouged) explained?

Mandy said...

Your commentaries had me falling out of my chair laughing! I was diggin' those amorphous flip-flop-alien-thingies!

Oh, and um...

I kinda like the Poochie CCC.

*ducks for cover*

Susan said...

Those were flip flops? I thought they were slightly stylized dogs wearing necklaces. FLIP FLOPS? for a cake? NOOOOO.

Holly said...

"necklace wearing alien blob with hives??!!" ROTFL!!

WV: sworzi. I could've sworzis CCCs came from ze depths of Hell.

Amanda M. said...

I thought the first one was a clown wig until I realized it was "supposed" to be a beach ball... should have stuck with clown wig, it's a pretty good interpretation of that!
The rest are pretty awful...

The Angry Jackalope said...

The last one is Poochie! I swear!
But I still think CCCs are evil, I promise.

Anonymous said...

I love frosting, but even I have my limits. These make my teeth hurt.

That poor poodle needs a wax job pretty bad. I don't care if you shouldnt wax a poodle, all the other dogs on the block are laughing!


wv: heari - "Heari, heari. I now declare all CCCs a crime against nture."

misguidedmommy said...

the pink one is flip flops !

Anonymous said...

I think that first one is the scalp of a clown.

Deb said...

-->That "football" looks like a giant turd at first glance.


Shannon said...

oh my....Those are supposed to be flip flops. Cute little flip flops with flowers on them. Lord help me if I ever see the feet they were meant for. Yikes. Wrecktastic!

Meg Natraj said...

Is that Poochie?!

Anonymous said...

OMG these are just so wrong on a multitude of levels! Hysterically funny and thanks for the daily laugh, but wrong. Just. Wrong.

wv: depadu - If something like this ended up at my house on my birthday, my husband would be in depadu-doo.

Alisa C said...

This is so funny, cause my daughter and I were going to make cupcakes today, but I promise, no cupcake cakes... just regular ol' chocolate frosted vanilla cupcakes :-)

HorribleLicensePlates said...

that food ball looks like a turd with strings

Katrina said...

I think the football could pass (ha, pun) as a baked potato! ;)

Rachael said...

The flying pickle one reminds me of Texas. (Don't ask)

Is the sombrero one a pyramid of cupcakes, or one layer with a block of frosting on top?

Annie said...

Now, I do agree that these are ridiculous, and the first time I ever saw a "CCC" I was like wth?! BUUUUT I will say that I have eaten a cupcake from one of these CCC's. Half the icing from the other cupcakes ended up just sticking to the one in the middle, which was MINE.

and it was beautiful.
Don't hate.

Jaemi said...

Is it me or does the "UFO" on look like it says, "No Intelligent LIFF Found?"

At first glance I thought the sombrero looked like a bell.

Gina said...

What exactly is the last one supposed to be? Doll? Clown? AAHHHH!

Etiquette Bitch said...

Ugh. I had no idea the pink things were supposed to be flip-flops until you told me. Thanks for the clarification. When, oh, when will bakeries -- yes, even Wal-Mart bakeries, ban CCCs?

LaurenH said...

I have to give props to the "mosaic" style though, because at least their only offense is being ugly.

Those icing-dump ones could put a whole room into a diabetic coma just by looking at them!

Unknown said...

Jen, that last one is Poochie the Flower Power Puppy (a cartoon from the 80s)!


elenion said...

Gaaahhh! The banana slugs return!

April said...

WHY??? Honestly, if you want cupcakes, just make some freaking CUPCAKES ... with a flip flop on each, or a sombrero on each, or something, but seriously ... too much icing, too ugly in general. ugh. people.

Terry Lee said...

insanely bizarre. the lot of them.

diabetic coma? you bet. not enough insulin in the world to repair that kind of damage ...


Julie said...

Those are FLIP FLOPS? Surely you jest. Looks more like they gave the preschoolers coloring pages of bacteria pictures.

And the first one is a beach ball? Huh. I was guessing hot air balloon but the basket was missing.

WV: helne--self explanatory for these wrecks!

Anna said...

Right on, Jen! CCCs, ptooey!

I love that we totally think alike on some stuff: I looked at the caterpillar highway picture before reading your comment on it and thought "why would anyone want to make a caterpillar highway???" and then found you had thought the same thing. So cool!

Doody Mac said...

While I do think every day should be "National Cupcake Day" I'm not sure if it's actually today.
According to this: http://www.tfdutch.com/foodh.htm today is actually "National Soft Ice Cream Day" and "National Cupcake Day" falls on December 15th! Doh!

peewee said...

You had a spongebob CCC on a while back and THAT was the funniest CCC EVER. Bit coming in second in the mustachioed poodle, with the eyes of Tammy Faye.

Becky said...

Don't be ashamed, Horserider. I saw TX too.

Unknown said...

Hey where's the huuuaaack Ptooey?

Anonymous said...

These are quite memorable, but in the wrong kind of way! This has cemented my anti-CCC stance.

Yota Armai said...

I kinda thought the flying pickle/cactus one kinda looked like a dragon head but without any eyes.

We could give that picture to a room full of 5 year olds and get 30 different answers. It might be fun :)

Melissa said...

It looks like a spaceship to me too!
CCC's are made at the bakery at the grocery store where I work, and they don't look all bad, but then again, we have an awesome decorator!

Pilgrim said...

OMG! "Highway of Caterpillars!" That was the best!
Thanks for a good laugh this morning!

Anonymous said...

Cupcake rant: The record breaking, biggest cupcake has been in the news recently (and I think Duff from Ace of Cakes once tried to create the biggest cupcake). But, via the fact that they are regular cakes stacked and cut to look like a cupcake, they aren't really cupcakes at all! Why are we allowing this travesty? What is the true definition of "cupcake"?

Little Lovables said...

these are just so wrong on so many levels

Betsy Eves @JavaCupcake said...

Check out this blog post from Cupcakes Take the Cake.... National Cupcake Day isn't until Dec. :)


Jessica said...

Wow - these are super bad. I thought the sombrero was a piece of candy corn... I would have never figured it out on my own. And those so-called flip flops!?! Seriously? Still confused about what the 'flying pickle' thing is supposed to be? The football made me laugh... it does look rather defeated doesnt it?

Anonymous said...

Highway o' caterpillars. Thanks for the best laugh I've had all week!

frigglesnitz said...

I think I now know why my friend Betsy is so anti-sandal. That was probably her cake one year. I now understand, and will no longer poke fun at her completely covered feet.
Seriously, I can see alien arms reaching down to hold those daisies.

WV-forese "Forese a jolly good fellow, Forese a jolly good fellow..." (sung with a British accent, see?)

narkej said...

I think the cactus one is a dinosaur footprint. Maybe.

Unknown said...

Not good. Not good at all! Ugh. No cccs for me!

~Amy N

Udanax said...

i have to say, i did enjoy the eric carle caterpillar cupcake cake, but i think that was the only exception to this rule!

umm.... to keep adding frosting doesn't mean you are adding quality. that sombrero seems like it would feel like biting into an icing pimple.

and is that a football?

Real Life, Except Not Real said...

I thought the "sombrero" looks like a fireman's hat.

Amanda in Austin said...

The first one is a beach ball????

I thought it was a rainbow that ended in a white cloud.

Wow. Interpretation is everything in CCC world.

Anonymous said...

is it a cactus??

from Jessica

Baker's Cakes said...

I appreciate your judicious use of the word "fugly." It pretty much summed up the whole cupcake cake experience! Lol!

sendingtheclowns said...

I don't believe for one moment that cupcakes themselves are in favor of being used in this demeaning way. Has anyone ever asked? Probably not.
I say that, given half a chance, most of them would gladly rise up and walk off the job, sharing the weight the heavy frosting load like so many ants trundling off with a hot dog bun. All in the name of freedom...sweet freedom...
But they can't! They are invariably trapped in plastic-container prisons, doomed to be sold "as is," never to know the joy of being recognized as unique (more or less) individuals.
I'll get off my soapbox now, but leave all merchants of this cruel (and ugly) practice with a word of warning:
The day WILL come...


Mrs Andy said...

I actually love cup cakes...little cakes, get your cake fix. However, these CCCs make me want to barf and never eat cake again....sadness.

knitorpurl said...

No Intelligent Life.... so, so true. It all left via the highway 'o caterpillars.

Sombrero- I thought it was supposed to be a bell, but no clapper and no relevance to a birthday. Not that relevance is needed.

Sara said...

I'm ashamed to admit. I did order a CCC for my son and daughter's birthday one year. It was frosted with gobs of black icing and had a plastic batman symbol stuck in the middle. Not that there is any excuse for that level of abuse, but I was two weeks away from giving birth and at that point I probably would have been happy with the "decorated" cookies in the previous post.
Ok, now that I've gotten that off my chest, love your blog! Please, keep the laughs coming.

PerkinsClan said...

Totally thought the sombrero was a broom.

Vicki said...

I've always maintained that there are cupcakes and there are cakes and never the twain should meet! after seeing these ccc's, I am certain of it now.

Stephanie said...

I agree with Jasini, the fish is upside down and those are air bubbles. See, now it looks like an eye and a smile (?) on the "face" cupcake.

And the sombrero looks like a broom. There's even a white pole coming out of the top.

Bloggah said...

Hold me, Jesus.

Unknown said...

The "sombrero" should be in a locker room somewhere with "Cuidado Piso Mojado" written on it.

Anonymous said...

I think that alien cake is an homage to one of the best onstage productions of an Alien actor in the history of the world....by the people who brought you 'This is Spinal Tap'...'Waiting for Guffman'. Tell me that isn't directly from the film, the 'no intelligent life' sounds pretty accurate as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWZo9rvWv_w&feature=related

Anonymous said...

CUPCAKES RULE! Obviously, you've never been to this place: http://www.socupcake.com/.

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness. That football looks like a potato!

Jenna said...

Wow, some really awful CCC's (and some fine writing) today. I especially liked the "cake board" (hastily torn up cardboard box) that that fine sombrero CCC was presented on. And the Mardi Gras cactus cake...seriously...WTF is that supposed to be?

Anonymous said...

I think the Mardi Gras cactus mask/flying pickle cake looks vaguely like an attempted map of Africa....

Professional Hamster said...

That is a whole lot of delicious frosting...

Never before has a website given someone diabetes.


the ginabean said...

Somehow, the only CCCs I've seen are on this very blog. (Not that I'm complaining!)

G.H. said...

The football SUCKS!!

Lisa said...

Those are bad. Just bad. Especially the googly eyed poodle(?)at the end... I'm scrrrd.

hoshikaze said...

i know that any posters who read my comment will accuse me of not having a sense of humor. but as a diabetic i never find "diabetic coma" jokes amusing. people BELIEVE that diabetics can't eat sweets and i often have to fight the food police in order to have a damn cookie. (yet no one blinks if i eat fruit, which usually has more sugar than the aforementioned cookie.)

this is a very, very common misconception and it bothers me when i see it reinforced by authors that i usually enjoy.

all carbs break down into glucose. i have to take more insulin for eating a sandwich than for eating a cookie.

please, please don't make diabetes a joke. thank you. ^_^

John Umland said...

They aren't all evil. I happened upon a Cupcake Festival in New Hampshire this summer with some amazing CCC's. I took pictures with your blog in mind, but they weren't for sale, thus not qualified as Cake Wrecks. http://umbl0g.blogspot.com/2009/08/vacation-review-monandnock-region-of-sw.html
God is good

Allisnoton said...

The last one looks like someone dressed up Philippe from Achewood to be a very pretty lady.

Ophelia said...

I´m pretty sure that green thingy is a distorted alien head with really bad acne.

Mags said...

I like the flying pickle/ mardi gras cactus mask. All aboard Air Gherkin!

Glory von Hathor said...

I kind of like Poodleface.

Anonymous said...

LMLFAO! Wow...so many things, lol. Is that supposed to be a beach ball?! LMFAO! I thought the "Sombrero" looked more like an fugly Magic Carpet, lol, or maybe a towel? LMFAO @ the Frogger interpretation of the hamburger, I agree, lol. The flip flops look like bears pimpin some ugly bling to me, lol. I'm sad to say that my first thought when I saw the cactus one was jock strap, LMFAO! I think Mardi Gras mask is more likely, lol. I think the mustache on the dog is supposed to be part of the snout, lol, people tend to do an upside-down Y for that, but it didn't work right, LMFAO! Those were great!

Jessica said...

I just asked my 6 yr old what he thought the green one was and he said "I think its a dinosaur foot print"

I see that narkej had the same thought!

Brandi said...

I think the Mardi Gras cactus mask is supposed to be a dragon or a lizard. Maybe. If the empty spots are eyes anyway...Who knows? There are things in life we are all better now knowing (I normally include calorie counts in that category) and the purpose of this CCC could be one of them.

Anonymous said...

[throwing down spatula] "Meh, it's a football. Time for my break."

LMAO! this CCC Wreck was AWFULly BAD! But the commentary, was as delightful and snort-inducing as ever!

Wayward Son said...

I can't believe I'm the first person to mention this after 108 posted comments, but...

I think the "cactus" cake is a horribly wrecktastic version of a Romulan Warbird, ST:TNG-style. You know, the big green ones with that open area between the top and bottom hulls. I'm disappointed, Jen!

Melenie said...

Thanks for telling us what the cakes were supposed to be, I had the hardest time!

FelixAndAva said...

I thought #4 (apparently allegedly supposed to be a hamburger) was a badly done basket of flowers.

(Note to Jen/John: please disregard this comment being posted on a different post. It's supposed to be here on the CCC post, and I have no idea what happened, but I noticed it just a split second AFTER I hit Send.)

Goof said...

I spotted a better looking cactus CCC at my local Walmart. I actually thought they did a decent job on it. At least for a CCC anyway lol. Its waaaaaaaay better than the pickle one thats for sure.

Here it is.

Dea said...


I love when they make a circle out of cupcakes - because, ya know, they just don't MAKE round cake pans.....

Anonymous said...

i got to say, i just loved this blog, it so made my day, and a smile on my face too. thanks loved the end, it was great!

Cheri said...

The worst part for me about the sombrero CCC is the ripped cardboard stabilizer underneath!Nothing says professional like raggedy edges.

Wolverine Girl said...

That last one's a poodle? Honestly? All I could see was an old lady with serious facial hair issues.

Christina said...

Horserider and Becky, I think that IS supposed to be Texas. What's worse, it looks like a weather map. Those little black swirlies look like the graphic that depicts tornados. If that's true we're in a lot of trouble here, that's a LOT of tornado action!

Lavessence said...

I must share, okay, I must admit... *GASP* that I bought a butterfly cup cake 'cake' for my daughter's 4th birthday.

When we got home, it was more of a 'Monet' painting as it was not secured on the bottom and they all slid around completely destroying the 'butterfly'!

If I knew I'd find such a great blog years later, I'd have taken a picture LOL


MotherofMayhem said...

Great post. I had trouble reading your intro though because of an all bran add.

Anonymous said...

Stupid Kellogg's ad is covering part of your text. Even "close" doesn't make it small enough.

Anonymous said...

FYI: Couldn't read it as Kellogs advertisment was covering it up. When I hit 'close X', it covered half. I am sure it was funny and cute as always.

Scritzy said...

I looked at the first one and thought, "Who plucked the NBC Peacock?"

Then I thought ... and thought ... and thought.

And I gave up.

Love the Hell's Kitchen reference. I am totally in love with Chef Ramsay!

Jen said...

I think that cactus/pickle is supposed to be Baby Bop from Barney. Maybe.

Unknown said...

I got that sick sugary feeling you get from eating cupcakes just by looking at all those pictures.

Ceci said...

That last one looks like Ultra Peanut!


TravelingSmurf said...

Is that last one meant to be Poochie?

ren said...

yeah, i TOTALLY didn't see a hamburger there - *i* saw a game of frogger...

icandy... said...

Oh my gosh! I have so much fun looking at these wrecks! :)


FelixAndAva said...

@miss_k, seeing that as a game of Frogger works too. I was still waking up when I first looked at that and got a badly done basket of flowers.

Talk about your sugary Rorschach! :)

Anonymous said...

My husband looked at the brown one and said "Is that a poop surfboard?"

sponzar said...

I don't understand how you can hate them that badly. They all can't be all bad right? There has to be some pretty ones. Right? I don't know I guess I'm just optimistic about it. I like to hope that all sugar treats can be delicious and pretty. But maybe I just live in a fantasy land.(Similar to the one found in Homer Simpson's chocolate bunny daydream.)

DMackendrick said...

Glad you were able to identify the brown blob. Most sportsmanlike!

Anne said...

Entirely randomly, today is my birthday and a friend gave me six cupcakes from a local bakery called the Cupcake Station! Happily, they were all individual cupcakes, living in blissful independence, with their own types of frosting. They are cute and delicious and exactly how cupcakes should be, and it's only fitting that it happens to be National Cupcake Day!

08armydoc said...

Wait, isn't the green mardi gras mask really a close up of a sock-filled speedo (or banana hammock thong)????

Anonymous said...

The flying pickle/cactus one almost looks like the head of the head alien in Lilo and Stitch.....

Emma said...

CCC's should be banned. I say we start a grass roots revolution to stop this blasphemous trend! I just love that they're all so horribly (and wonderfully) shaped!

Elin said...

If you look real closely at that green mask/cactus thingy, it appears to have little singing faces and music notes on it - so maybe it's a park? Or something?

Ari said...

I thought the football was a baguette! But the flying pickle looks like a cactus, imho. :)

AJLR said...

Love the post. :)

Trying to do cake art with cup cakes is like trying to use just a few, giant, pixels to make a digital photo - it's way too clumsy and it just doesn't work!

KelliKat said...

You ask what's worse regarding the "sombrero"...
To me it looks like the taco bell logo, but the WORST part is that its on a torn, recycled piece of cardboard.
say it with me now... EEEEwwwwww

Anonymous said...

I think that last one is supposed to be Dolores Umbridge + mustache from Harry Potter.


Darling One said...

What IS that first one anyway? A hot air balloon?

Anonymous said...

That green cactus mask looks like a Romulan ship from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

What is that last one? Poochie? Does anyone else remember Poochie? I'm not talking about Itchy & Scratchy's third wheel, this was a pink-haired brushable toy dog from the '80s.

kim lutz said...

I thinks that unidentifiable CCC may be a dinosaur track. I only say this because my 6 1/2 year old is a dinosaur freak, and that's what it reminds me of.


The Idol Scribbler said...

OMG I just almost wet myself reading this post. You've got another follower.

Anonymous said...

I think the second one is upside-down and meant to be a fish. The little circles drawn on the cakeboard are suppose to be bubbles rising from it's head. Also, that white cupcake at the end has an eye and half a smile piped on. It's definitely upside-down.

marypoppins said...

ittleravenshop said...
That green cactus mask looks like a Romulan ship from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

What is that last one? Poochie? Does anyone else remember Poochie? I'm not talking about Itchy & Scratchy's third wheel, this was a pink-haired brushable toy dog from the '80s
HI , i recently found this blog and I looked through almost all of the old submissions. This is my first post.

It has been a long time since I ve laughed out loud so much. SOme of the cakes are sooo funny..

Yep Poochie was around when I was a little girl in the 80's .Every thign of her was heart shaped her rug, bath ,etc oh and pink too.

Im also a recent fan Of ST:TNG- im going to take a look at the mask

Wurlitzer Heart said...

you say football, I say baked potato with fork incisions to vent.

Virginia said...

First, thanks for a great website, just too, too funny! Here's something you might want to look at, it's a silicon cake pan that has two parts...to make a Giant Cupcake cake! I immediately thought of you!

It "measures 15-1/4" x 8-1/8" x 3-1/2" overall; the finished cake measures approx. 7" x 6-3/4" dia."

colBoh said...

You know what that quote-unquote "sombrero cake" reminds me of?


I bet you that's just how the birthday boy felt after seeing that quote-unquote "cake".

Anonymous said...

I can't believe someone made a POOCHIE CCC...and that I could actually recognize it! Mad props to whoever bridled their restraint and pulled it off!!! I would so buy one if it showed up at my local bakery.

no one said...

A poodle CCC? Ick.

Cupcakes are awesome. CCCs defeat the purpose of cupcakes: Cakey goodness without getting icing all over your hands.

Qatie said...

I took one look at the football CCC and thought "It's a giant turd. With tapeworms."

Seriously, four years of vet school does weird things to your head.

Julia said...

You really haven't experienced cakewrecks until you have perused it with a recent Ethiopian adoptee who just keeps repeating two English words that he knows. To wit: cake & nasty.

Kit said...

I'm pretty sure we've all agreed that cupcake mosaics are badarse, though no harder to wreck than ordinary cakes.

Cheri said...

I think the two pink ones with flowers are suppose to be flip flops LOL! The plane one is suppose to be a sea turtle with bubbles, I think.
I love this blog!

Anonymous said...

LoL A lot of those really are up to interpretation.

Anonymous said...


Reading the blog behind me my mom goes what the **** that would make me cry what is that suppost to be

Tissie said...

Could the green cactus looking thing possibly be the mask from the movie THE MASK?

Anonymous said...

LMAO!! I LOVE your commentary!! Buuuttt, the 2nd one is upside down, and it is actually a fish with little air bubbles that should be going up. And the "flying pickle" is actually a Saguaro cactus, and would actually look more like one if they would have removed the 3 cupcakes that are between the "arms" and the "trunk" of the cactus (what were they thinking?). And lastly,I think the "football" is actually a depiction of 4 glowworms getting ready to mud-wrestle (I could be wrong!). I think you are spot-on for the rest of them! Love ya! Keep up the great work! - Frank

Amanda | Glittericity said...

Oh ye gods -snort- this is still my favourite cake wreck of them all, because the phrase "highway o' caterpillars" makes me laugh every single time I read it!

Me, My Shelf and I said...

"necklace-wearing alien blobs with hives"

Possibly the greatest descriptive line I have read in ages! LOL - LOVE IT!

Anne said...

I hear ya on the "No Intelligent Life" one. Let us bask in the glow of the irony (*Basking in irony*)

Anonymous said...

That football one...what's the point? Why not just ice each cupcake individually and say, "Hey, come get your chocolate cupcake!"

Anonymous said...

That last one is totally supposed to be a Shampoodle! It's a toy from the 90's...and I had one.


Here is the white-and-pink version next to a real dog. :)

Anonymous said...

It looks like a green wolf with a serious acne problem.

Anonymous said...

the "flying pickle" is a cactus, and the fish one is upside down, just like @Jasini said!