Sometimes I like to think this blog might have a positive influence on current baking trends. (Oh, stop laughing. A girl can dream.) So, what do you say we mosey on over to a few of our nation's baby showers and see how things are going?

I mean, sure, "beby" is misspelled, and there's a giant funky headboard thing happening, and the doll is staring at me all creepy-like, but
the baby itself is not edible. That's progress, people!

Hey, a lot of those letters are right.
In fact - and feel free to correct me here if I'm wrong - I think "cohgrautions" may be the Canadian spelling.

You might be wondering how many tracts of land they had to search to find
these two peas in a pod, or why the baker didn't make the "peas" green. That said,
it's not a pregnant torso cake.Plus it makes me want to start singing "Keep Walking" by the French Peas, so that's a "win" all 'round.
This next one may cause a bit of a flap, but I'll have no truck with such negativity:

After all, nothing drives home the beauty of motherhood quite like a pregnant
mudflap girl. Eh? Eh? Am I right?
Well, my friends, I think I've made my point: baby shower cakes are getting better! And all because of me! ME, I SAY!! BWAHAHAHAAA!!
[blink blink]
Back to business as usual, then?
Thanks to Sose K., Krista M., Susan M., Bob S., & Carly A. for dashing my dreams. You cruel, cruel wreckporters, you.
158 comments | Post a Comment
Dang, Jen... All was going so well till that last one. Thanks for the face plant on the keyboard to start this week! LOL ~ Eliza
Sure, the penmanship & spelling on the 2nd one are terrible, but what I really find frightening is the M&M-eyed birdicorn that's dripping green phlegm.
A Monty Python reference and a Veggie Tales reference within moments of each other in the same post. That is quality writing.
I may have nightmares about that last cake. Just saying.
that last one looks like a baby king from burger king...and its a big way...lots of bad dreams ahead :o(
WV: Crick- Blimey I got a crick in me neck this mornin'!
I have to confess, I love pregnant mudflap girl. She cracks me up in a good way!
Shrug. We eat everything else in cake form, so what's the big deal about edible babies? *Burp.*
Keep walking
But you won't get any cake
(Keep walking...)
At least none one ought to bake
This pile of wrecks
Is far more than we can take
So start running
And don't stop for heaven's sake!
OK, Big Idea Productions I am not. But I'll have the French Peas in my head all day now, thanks. :-)
I don't comment on your blog here, but I wanted to take the time to let you know how much I enjoy Cake Wreks. During the week I know I'm going to be lauging/groaning at something, and on Sunday, my husband has gotten use to the cooing and sighs of apprieciation.
Keep up the wonderful work!
My first thought was that Jen was under the influence of "something" with all the lovely comments on the cakes. Then, yes, reality struck with a vengence. Oh my...
wv: spulled Not all of the cakes today have words that are spulled wrong.
I'm so glad you explained the "two peas in a pod". I thought it was some weird watermelon slice. And the last cake is disturbing - it looks kinda like a slimey newborn.
The last one left me dumbfounded, I honestly didn't expect such bad taste.
wv: Weasma do those bakers think they're doing?
Monty Python AND VeggieTales? So happy. Now, of course, my brain has morphed them together. I've got the image stuck in my head of the French guards taunting King Arthur by singing "Keep Walking" as they catapult cows.
What IS the beby's headboard made of? at least using a real doll and fondant won't get the doll all messy with icing.
flesh colored peas with textured icing freak me out. at first glance I thought it was a mutant watermelon.
a crown? on a glossy newborn edible baby with a shiny blanket precariously balanced on wooden blocks? yikes.
but my favorite is the pregnant pink silhouette with lots of junk in the trunk. she looks like the local strip club's sign--9 months after the dancer on the sign got knocked up. I almost fell off my chair! (the sign caused a brouhaha around here for being "distracting" in the first place for highway drivers)
Just watched this on Tosh.O and totally thought of CakeWrecks! I seriously think cutting and serving these cakes is even worse than just looking at them!
I do like pregnant mudflap girl. so classy!
wv: surup: anyone want any surup with that? glossy burger king baby looks like he's had too much
GAH!!! I cannot tell you how much I love you for referencing the french peas!
Also, how much I HATE you for dooming me to having that song stuck in my head for the rest of the day. :|
Alas, I fear the only thing that could help me now is an Ace of Base song...[sigh]
Thank you, Jen, for the spray of coffee on my monitor now. And although I don't live in Canada, I'm pretty sure it's spelled E-P-C-O-T.
wv: orkyc. I think that last cake is a baby orkyc, not an elf or an ent.
My wv word was folosuc. I'm not game enough to come up with a definition; anyone else want to try?
The peas made me wonder if there are any Veggie Tales wrecks. I suppose I could take the initiative to search.
I don't think that's a stork in Cake 2. I think it's a heron. Everyone knows storks, not herons, bring babies.
You can't go wrong with two giant, smiling, flesh-coloured mounds of icing in what appears to be a green rowboat... No innuendo there at all...
That said, the "shiny king baby" is creepy on many, many levels.
WV - Ponsi: These cakes were created as part of a ponsi scheme, I just know it.
Oh look, Prince already has a crown (Since I see it says "Welcome Prince" at the bottom). LOL.
and, um, are you sure those are PEAS? My last pea in the pod cake looked MUCH better. However, it seems it's customary that the pea representing the baby is flesh colored and not green.
My baby shower is this weekend... and I'm so excited/terrified about what my cake may be!!
wv: I atess that the mudflap girl looks better in a silhouette than I do!
Wrecker Tales!
Wrecker Tales!
Wrecker Ta-a-ales!
LOVIN' me some Veggie Tales references!
And I was really LOL-ing ... until I got to the last cake, at which point I stopped dead in my tracks, opening and closing my mouth in shock.
Oh major win for the veggie tales reference. um but dang it now the song is stuck in MY head!
The shininess of that last one makes it even more disturbing... ick!
That last cake made me so pleased - the baby Klingon prince got a cake to mark his birth....awwww...eeeeuuurrghh!
@ Lucky66 @ 10:18
WV: folosuc -- The first cake was awful, but the ones that folosuc, too.
My WV: pleses -- These cakes pleses no one.
I heart the French Peas! Did you know that they were inspired by the French guards in Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail? I just about died from geeky joy when I found out.
Oh, and as a Canadian and an English major, I'm pretty sure that's not the correct spelling in any language. :)
Does the last "baby" have a beard? Why is it shiny? Thanks for explaining the peas in a pod cake, I thought they were two happy boobs frolicking on a green teeter totter. heh, happy boobs.
OMG - I actually thought it was done before I read the last one, I was even googling mudflap girls (check out this site - it's the WY library mudflap girl) before scrolling down to the comments.
My eyes are still burning - no one should just come upon that cake by surprise. Is the cowl (caul?) we see there? TMI for a cake!
WV: Sumse - this sumse it up wreckie style.
Dear God, what IS that thing (the last one)?!?!?!
And yeah... Veggie Tales FTW.
The wrecks always look extra wrecky on Monday mornings after looking at Sundays Sweets!
I wish to add my voice to the chorus of those thanking you for referencing Veggie Tales this morning... and castigating you for getting the "Keep Walking" song thoroughly stuck in our heads!!
Oh, and up here in the English part of Canada, we usually spell it "Félicitations." Not sure what the Québecois do.
Yay, Veggie Tales! *ahem*
Great list today -- just wanted to add that I love the bear trap around the last one's head. Wait, that's a crown? You're kidding, right? D:
VeggieTales and Monty Python are rightly morphed together. Remember the fish-slapping citizens of Nineveh?
Thanks for my Monday laugh, Cakewrecks!
Just wait, pregnant watermelon girl will soon be a t-shirt at Wal-Mart.
That weird "headboard" thing on the first one looks suspiciously like a plastic mesh onion bag.
That last one isn't a baby. It's the head of Luis the 16th falling out of a sack containing two other severed heads. Yuck!
AUUUGGHHHH@ the last one D:
Dear Cake Wrecks Team,
First, let me say it takes real intestinal fortitude to post another picture of a King Cake.
Now, you need to give yourself more credit. I think the last baker has really been shaped by your efforts to educate.
Let's remember another infamous post: You described the King Cake as follows: "Traditionally speaking, the King Cake is not the most pleasing thing to look at. In fact, if your King Cake is a hideous blob of slime and sprinkles, then, congratulations! You nailed it!"
So, let's see:
1. Not the most pleasing thing to look at? Check
2. Hideous blob? Check
3. Slime? Check
4. Sprinkles? Oops, they forgot sprinkles.
Soooo close.
Really, keep up the good work -- your efforts are starting to pay off.
Oh my god. Reading that on my iphone with my nose almost touching the screen so i can see and read properly, and when I got to that last pic, I got the worst fright of my life. I will never be able to look at a baby the same way.
Need to go find my Huge Tracts of Land t-shirt now...heh heh heh...
I swear the second cake says "cohgmuttons," and for some reason that completely cracks me up.
Is it wearing a CROWN??? Is it??? Holy crap! Why is it glistening like that???
wv-undul: Cakewrecks never fails to take my ho-hum mornings and instantly make them undul.
That is all.
I knew that Mudflap Girl would get knocked up eventually.
There will be no more trists for Mudflap Girl, that's for sure.
thanks for putting "Keep Walking" in my head for the day. i love me some french peas!
Silly person, it's oviously two lentils in a pod..hence the hue..
And, FYI, the Canadian spelling is "Con-fabulations" because they(the Cons) just got a majority, no one seems to know how....
Don't understand the Canadian bashing, used to like this blog a lot. Whatever.
I swear that the second cake says "Cohgmuttons"... so maybe it's Allison's sheep they're celebrating?
And I have no idea what is going on with that last cake... if that were delivered to me, I think I would run out screaming to get away from the baby prince of shininess.
Why would you let your baby sleep on top of two angled baby blocks!? It's a ugly cake and proof of child endangerment.
Dear Anonymous Canadian,
You spell things differently sometimes. Like the word "humour," for instance.
Sorry we offended you.
@Sharyn: "WV: folosuc -- The first cake was awful, but the ones that folosuc, too."
Brilliant. Why didn't I think of that?
I was so stunned that the first cake was rather well made and well executed that I didn't notice the "beby" misspelling until it was pointed out by Jen.
Then the rest of them brought my expectations right back down.
And creeped me out with that last half-baby cake (really, the body is not in proportion to that giant head).
Pretty sure that the woman the mudflap girl is supposed to represent is going to be more upset with the size of the butt on that thing than anything else!
Great, now you've song-bombed me. I'll be singing "Keep Walking" in my head all day, I'm sure.
Wait, wait, wait...
I get the last one now. It's a stylized version of a baby King Cake. With the baby AS the cake, instead of IN (or on) it. It has all the hallmarks- shiny (read deep fried); bright, mulit-coloured icing; fake gold jewelery...
All was going well and then my brain went, 'SCRRRREEEEEEEEECH!!!' Then the crickets started chirping. The shiny baby cake. It's a friggin' shiny baby cake. And then Philip and Jean Claude started saying in their leeetle French ahccents, 'What ees dis, Jean Claude?' 'Mais oui, Philp, mais oui. What ees eet indeed? Ohn hoh hoh.'
wv: onistio
That is one onistio looking cake.
With the third one, I still don't see peas in a pod. I see two scoops of tuna salad on a watermelon rind. There's even a plate of crackers behind them with which to eat the tuna salad.
WV: squerso - But I'm a total squerso maybe I'm not hep to this peapod jive.
I think I might unironically love pregnant mudflap girl.
The last one will haunt my dreams!
It... it's shiny AND it has what looks like a pleather crown. I am so frightened!!!
Like others, I pondered aghast at that last cake, wondering why the head was so big and the rest so small...until I realized what it really was: This is a cake celebrating the birth of a family's first child. Unable to tastefully show the actual birth, that moment is represented by the large head with a crown, thus, the child is "crowning" and about to make his first appearance into the world. The child is on alphabet blocks symbolizing both that he is the first child ("A") and that he is the foundation -- or bulding block -- of the line of children to follow. We know there will be more children because of the small bear in the picture -- this mother will "bear" more children in the future. Now I feel better....
wv - edicrop: plants raised for food
When I ready the writing on mudflap girl's cake, I thought of Maury Povich. "The baby is YOURS!" And now I'm really hoping the cake was to reveal the baby daddy of mudflap girl.
I don't normally comment on my kids' reactions, but today was priceless. Three of my ardent little Wreckporters-in-training (ages 10, 8, and 4) were gathered around behind me as I scrolled down to the last cake; they literally jumped back together and gasped in horror! That cake could be used like one of those screaming face pranks that used to float around the internet.
@Anonymous at 10:51 AM Dang! Now I have Bob Ross' soft voice in my head saying "happy boobs. . .happy boobs. . .now let's add a happy pod. . ." ;O
Oh, how I love those French Peas!
AUGH! Veggie Tales reference! About my favorite Veggie story! And one of my favorite Veggie songs! THANK YOU Jen!!
And too bad on that second cake that they didn't get the same person to write the personal script that wrote "Baby" on it. That was some nice piping.
Anonymous 11:03 AM
"I love the bear trap around the last one's head."
I love that!
And I think it's a very apt scenario.
This is how it could have gone down: the bear, having been saved from injury, happily proceeded to make a snack out of Uglybaby's midsection. Then it felt guilty about it, so it smacked the end and butt together, hoping that no one would notice.
But man! That IS one hell of a head, huh? Reminiscent of something you'd see etched on the inside of a cave (think Palaeolithic age, or so).
That last one will show up in my nightmares.
"Keep Walking" is stuck in my head now. I knew there was a reason I loved you.
Oh my........ is it a coincidence that the world's smallest man has been crowned today - maybe that was a celebration cake.......the worst cake ever!!!
On that third cake, maybe the peas are actually the cheese meant for the crackers in the background...a sort of 2 for 1 deal...
Two nekid peas in a pod perhaps? Jen,my son and I got very stern looks from librarian when we picked up your book off the shelf and were nearly falling on the floor laughing. He is 11 and anything half way referring to poo is funny to him. Thank you for the wonderful family moment!!
The last one, all that went through my head was "ohmigod kill it! nuke it from orbit!!!"
It looked like pregnant mudflap girl was getting ready in pee in the woods.-Kerry
I think Mudflap Girl is ready to start pushing.
I like pregnant mudflap girl too!! Wish I had looked half that good when I was pregnant!! :)
"Welcome Prince"? I'm having day-mares and it's that baker's fault.
Man, I *hate* it when they forget to bathe the baby before sticking him on a cake ...
Peas?? I thought they were smiley faced boobs popping out of a giant green martian collar or something.
As for the mudflap girl, I think she looks more like she's about to birth that baby than reclined in a sexy pose!
Oh, my gosh, Jen! You had me laughing so hard I couldn't breathe! Another great reminder of why I need my daily dose of "belly laughs" from Cake Wrecks. Thanks.
Nice VT reference, now I have that song stuck in my head! :P
Ok, I've loved this blog forever, but your ability to work in a VeggieTales reference? Priceless. Seriously, you have no idea how much respect I just gained for you. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
thanks for the VT reference; kindof miss those goofy songs now that my kids think they're "too old" for it. WAY better than that last wreck.
Why does the last one have a crown? Why? Is it a king baby? Is it going to grow up to rule the world? Or maybe just run a really successful car lot?
I'd like to say that as a non-Canadian American, I am extremely not offended.
#1 That could be how other people spell 'baby'. We mustn't judge.
#2 Such a wonderful diversity of spelling. I can't even decide what all the letters are, but hey, who am I to say what they should be?
#3 My first thought on seeing these was, 'Sno Balls' (do they still make those?). On seeing the crackers, however, I favor the tuna salad theory. But then, I favor tuna salad anyway. Just expressing a preference, not discriminating against other salads. Or other theories. (mops brow)
#4 "...nothing drives home..." I see what you did there, Jen. That's a level of cleverness one normally associates with our friends to the North. Not that people from elsewhere cannot be clever as well.
#5 Firstly, the sign says 'prince' right on it. So this is not one of, other cakes. It is shiny, though, and has bold colors. I can't say whether it is deep fried, but it does appear to contain quite a lot of shortening.
But hey, it's GOOD that the maker of this cake had a different perspective on things. All these cakes are GOOD. (The next corn crop ought to be extra sweet with all that sugar in the soil.)
Love your site, but not really impressed with your slam on Canadians and thier spelling of Congratulation. This is especially since we are a large part of your followers.
No word of a lie, I JUST watched Josh & the Big Wall with my daughter yesterday...! So "Keep Walking" was already in my head, you've just succeeded in foiling any progress I had made against getting it OUT. :) I agree with the poster who praised Monty Python and VeggieTales in such close proximity. Kudos. :)
C'mon. Seriously? We're not slamming Canada! We're joking about the fact that you spell things differently! Aren't there enough things to get offended by on the internet these days without taking personal offense at a joke on a cake blog?
Canadians are awesome. Canada is awesome. You guys probably have the best sense of humor anywhere. I know most Canadians can take a gentle dig at spelling.
And for the record, we bash America way more than Canada.
I can't do comments anymore.
Yay for the Veggies Tales reference! In fact my 3 year just pushed pla on Veggies! Win!
Awesome post as always Jen. And Mel... Hilarious comment!
Signed a Canadian who understands this is a HUMOUR blog and not meant to offend. Keep up the great work.
Oooooooh! I thought it was two smiley face boobs in a pod. My bad!
That last one looks like a Roman Emperor after a really, really bad night at the orgies.
John (hubby of Jen) -
Buck up, little camper! For every angry Canadian, there are 100 readers with a sense of humor... There's lots of love!
Do you think Blue would be offended if I pointed out his/her alternate spelling of the word their? Probably should let that one go...
-michelej (who loves her a veggie reference!)
As a 240 pound guy who's never been camping, I am deeply offended.
Btw, is it weird that I find being talked to like that slightly fantastic? I have literally never been called anything like that in my life. I'm sitting here giggling like an idiot.
Thanks for making my day better, eh?
"Congmuttons" indeed!
I LOVE the VeggieTales reference - the Jerichoan French Peas are my favorite! Elizabeth
John (hubby of Jen) -
I second michelej's reassurance. Most of us Canadians are still giggling, not grumping!! Keep up the good work.
Hi Jen and John,
I've never posted on Cake Wrecks before but my W/V made me do it: bactot- What happened to the bactot on Shiny Prince?
Also, many times the pictures are missing. Today I only saw the 2 peas and Shiny Prince. I really wanted to see Mud Flap Girl.
Why am I deprived of these masterpieces?
Jellen in MN.
P.S. I know your posts cause many reactions but I nearly died laughing when my daughter was introducing me to Cake Wrecks. I was laughing so hard that I started to choke and couldn't breathe. She was going to wait until I passed out and then call 911.
Maybe that is why I don't get all the pictures, you don't want to be responsible for my untimely death.
Thanks for caring.
I'm so glad you explain what some of these are suppose to be. Two peas in a pod, eh? I thought they were ham salad spread to be served with those crackers in the background.
And mudflap girl. Did not make the connection. Thanks so much. By the way, get a look at the calf on her leg. Wow.
Why do I want to throw basketballs into the first cake so badly?
Re: "cohgrautions"
Uh, yeah, because we Canadians are known for our bad spelling.
The Little Prince on the last cake looks like he has a "5 o'clock shadow" have to wonder who (or what) the baker used as a model for the baby....I hate to even imagine it!!!
Blame Canada...
No matter how hard I try to direct an epcot one way (king cakes!), it always comes at you from a different direction!
John (thoJ), we are trying to get those Canadians without a sense of humour thrown out of Canada, but with the Conservatives in power, it's really difficult.
(Go on. Google "Stephen Harper" and tell me that's not a robot pretending to smile.)
That was hopeful and inspiring, well until Giant Midget Henry VIII...
To any Canadians "offended" by the "slur"... For Gawd's SAKE get your knickers out of the spin cycle! NO ONE (except a wreckie) spells congratulations that way. It was a JOKE...
As a Canadian, a fan of Cake Wrecks, and one who spells neighbours, favours, and cheques, I say get a grip.
And for all we know the wreckie was a Canadian.
Wow. That baby "Prince" sure has one Durante of a schnozz!
Merry from Annie's Book Stop/Sharon, MA
Don't know if anyone mentioned it or not, but the bear on the last cake was cute. It took me a while before I saw it tho.
mudflap pregnant girl only has one leg?
i too have the French Peas in my head now.. tyvm! lol : )
Add me to the list of Canadian CW fans with a sense of humoUr. I always thought that we get teased becase we have a similar culture... yet are still foreigners. Not to mention that whole invasion of Florida thing. (my grandparent were "snowbirds"). After all, Canadians spell English the proper way... like the English. It is the Americans who spell things funny ;)
Regardless, I do like Puppygirl's suggestion of, um, "exporting" all those who whine "offended" rather than giggle at a long-standing CW joke.
Now onto cakey humoUr.
Other than the mis-spelling (so, so close!), Cake #1 is ok. Although I still don't get the whole "baby cake" for a shower. We just did a shower for a colleague, and there were cute soothers and bottles and other baby related decorations on a very non-wrecky cake. Worked just fine, and elicited praise not horror.
as for #2: Em: "birdicorn" FTW.
#3: Like the others, thanks for explaining what that cake is supposed to be. But points for them doing something cute (in concept) and tasteful.
#4: Yup, I admit, I like the pregnant mudflap girl too!
#5. OK, definitely a newborn. I kinda like Mel @12:50's theory. (Hmmm... do you think this one's horrifying enough to help a friend who's 5 days overdue finally go into labour???).
Jen, rest assured that the cakes are improving. The last one was just proof that we still need more of your drole mockery. If that doesn't, we'll send the Mounties in.
Crack KILLS, unsettlingly shiny cake baby... crack kills.
@luv my cats: For the model for the last cake, I would have to say, Charles Laughton. No, I'm not old enough to remember him directly, but I'm a Hitchcock fan and recently saw 'Jamaica Inn' on DVD.
To borrow from C.S. Lewis: "We expect virtue and enterprise of wreckerators who make babies without chests."
John (thoJ), glad you didn't give up on the comments. Hopefully all the trolls have gone back to their respective bridges.
Looked like "congmutton" to me.
I was watching TOSH.O This last weekend, they actually have a internet video pf someone cutting into the head of one of those sleeping baby cakes... I had to stop watching at that point as I was about to toss my cookies (actually it was pie i was about to toss but everyone always says cookies) but it made me think of my favorite web page... and shudder uncontrollably. And seeing that last cake brought it all back again... *shudder*
The last one, good grief!!!
They could have stopped at the 2 blocks and the bear. Why a crown on the baby?
Anonymous said...
Shrug. We eat everything else in cake form, so what's the big deal about edible babies? *Burp.*
we eat everything in baby form too. baby corn, baby m and m's, baby carrots, baby oreos....
Dear John,
Oh it's humourous, I get it now. It has no connection to any form of Canadian spelling, or actually British spelling, lol, but as long as you think it's funny, it's ok even if it makes no sense.
I appreciate your backhanded apology though, with that type of humour going for you, you might just be a bit Canadian.
Also, sorry for the whole 1812 thingy. ;)
I'm pretty sure I saw the last one in a National Geographic article about ancient people discovered preserved in peat bogs in Denmark. It's a Peat Bog Baby Prince!
VeggieTales reference for the win! I award you ten geek points, Jen.
Also, thanks a million for the nightmare fuel in the last cake. I don't really need to sleep ever again anyway.
WV: Persabl. Isn't he one of the Weasley brothers?
HUUUUUUGE tracts of land...
I just now noticed two things:
1:~ The pink-cake "beby" is laid out in such a way as to suggest, er..a "viewing," as in...uh...all dressed up and nowhere to go?
2: ~The poor little pelican/stork critter seems to have vomited pea soup on his blue cloud. Is it the altitude or the wobbly writing that's given him the greens?
Allison's off to a great start, yah?
OMG! You know about the French Peas! That just made my day.
If they had only just went with the blocks and the bear and left the baby out of the last cake, it would have been great. Also, Prince Baby Slime reminds me of what happened to baby Melody Pond on the season finale of Doctor Who. I won't spoil for anyone who hasn't seen it...
Holy carp, Sharyn!!! You rock (doffs hat). Two funny funnies in one day.
Me, I never would have understood those were peas in a pod, either. However, I'd watched a food show last night that featured fried lamb testicles so I hope I can be excused.
-Barbara Anne
I think the last one looks like Julius Caesar with a butt where the bottom of his neck should be.
Dear John (thoJ)& Jen,
as Canadians we want to inform you that it is the 1st cake that is spelled Canadian. (French) bebe + (English) baby = beby.
The cohgmuttons is actually Scottish. Our Scottish father used to tell us tales of the great shephards of the Western Isles and their flocks of cohgmuttons.
We thought the 3rd cake was for the Cousin It twins.
WHAT is with all the tetchy Canucks? You've never heard of affectionate teasing? Tugging the pigtails of the girl you like? It's only funny because we LIKE Canada. Longest friendly border in the world for how many years? Yeesh. Someone's over-sensitive.
PS - We forgave 1812 a long time ago. Besides, it wasn't really your fault; France and England pushed you to it.
The mudflap girl is disturbing because she only has one arm and one leg. Poor pregnant mudflap girl can only have one leg in the stirrup to help leverage her push. And on a side note, does this cake make her butt look big?
Slimy Prince Baby Cake.... The horror... it can't be unseen....
Took one last look at the cakes after reading the comments...
... is that green curling ribbon in the top corners of the "peas in a pod" cake?
Don't worry about us Canadians! The majority of us have a sense of humour :)
Conmuttons ... that's what I read too! ROTFL
The creepy shiny prince cake though? SCREEEE! *bolt*
I thought for sure those peas were uncooked meatballs.
I understand Doctor Who love, really I do (I'm a longtime Whovian meself), but to compare baby Melody and that cake--! That's REALLY reaching, don't you think? Melody Pond is WAY cuter and actually looks like she might be human...
Oh - My - GOSH! Jen, first of all, you are hilarious, and second, where in the hell do you find these cakes? Absolutely the best thing I've seen in weeks!
That last one looks like it's just a head and a butt. Where's the torso? And since when does a baby sleep on two blocks? He would fall off. Oh well...very funny.
Love it love it LOVE IT!!!
Keep up the good work... Can't wait to read the rest of your blog.
Why does the Prince cake look like an old man? Ew. And shiny too.. Ew Ew.
I don't appreciate you throwing that last cake in there like you did...I mean, here I am, expecting a hideous baby cake (what else would I be expecting, honestly?), but THAT? THAT, THAT, whatever-the-heck-that-is definitely made me go "Urg!", and will most likely give me nightmares. For sure. And if nightmares happen, well, I'm chasing you down and force-feeding you baby-food prunes(worst punishment I can think of, right there. :D)
the last one does look like a jr. burger king! it made me think of the king from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.
the mudflap girl cake is Klassy. hehehehe
I am so happy to have found a fellow French Peas fan! Veggie Tales, right?
I love your posts, but this is the first time I have commented.:) The sheen on the last baby cake is atrocious! Just saying...
I immediately got the Veggie Tales reference as my niece & nephew watch that particular one all the time.
Also, MarliO: LOVE the Keep Walking rendition!
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Can we please hurry to Sunday?? That pregnant mudflap girl is going to give me nightmares lol. Along with that last cake..ok heck they all scare me. Do they want to terrify mothers-to-be? Or just the guests at the shower?
That second one doesn't say "cohgratulations" - it clearly says "cohgmuttons"
Oh my lol. We could just about cope until the last one. Sucker punch.
O.M.G. The fact that you knew "Keep Walking" just made my entire week.
Mudflap girl gets around, I suppose it was only a matter of time...
That last one is just scary!
Mudflap girl...what were they thinking! Yikes.
CRAZY. ---Evie
That last interrupted my mental French Peas concert ("At the Bottom of the Sea" is my personal fav) to say, "Oh my dear lord!" That's just wrong.
Good heavens. That last cake is the stuff nightmares are made of.
But now I have Veggies and French-sounding Eric Idle competing in my head. An interesting combination, I must say....
OK, so, I just moved to Canada a few weeks ago from Mass, eh? and I met a really nice woman at a conference who happens to be a professional cake maker. So I introduced her to this site, then checked it out as I haven't seen it in a few weeks.
As soon as I saw the Canadian spelling reference, I felt a little embarrassed, so I checked out the comments as well.
Nice to know it's just me being overly sensitive. Thanks for straightening it out for me. Cheers!
My inner trailer trash LOVES pregnant mud flap girl! Hey, it was bound to happen sooner or later and we all hated her for her teeny-tiny waist anyway, right? She got lots of extra booty, too! She's definitely having a boy!
I don't think those are supposed to be peas in a pod - cute monsters perhaps? They remind me of the Yip Yips on Sesame Street.
1)Congramuttons - of course.
2)The peas in the pod cake - I am very confused by the flesh colored peas. And while I love Python. I never saw the Veggie Tales - talking veggies teaching Biblical messages skeer me.
skipping down to the....errr...shiny, creepy baby cake....
Was that a cake made for one of Michael Jackson's baby showers? If so they got the name right, skin tone was wrong, but the nose....dead on!
Oh Noooooo!
That last cake: Baby Jesus with placenta??? YUCK!!!! (not Jesus...the placenta!)
And the "Two peas in a pod"-- I seriously thought that was a watermelon quarter with two seeds (maybe the person had twins and these represented the two seeds that 'won the race'...and then I thought, "Wow, that's just..." (I couldn't figure out if I thought it was dumb or stupid. Turns out I am...since it was apparently not a watermelon at all!)).
I like ellipses.
I'm obviously a few days behind here, but... French Peas! I love the French Peas! And I love that you know the Keep Walking song and referenced that! ahem. :-)
Veggie Tales reference - AWESOME! I'd like to see Sunday Sweets of Veggie Tales cakes... Specially Larry! Hey, a girl can dream! =)
Oh sweet Jeebus! I should have known that I was being lulled into a false sense of security.
LOVE the VeggieTales reference! Although now that song will be stuck in my head for the rest of the day.
The last one is so wrong and beyond disgusting! I also thought the "two peas" was a watermelon slice,as someone else posted.