Butterflies are blue,
Pardon me, but are those sperm on your wedding cake?

and makes your guests squirm,
'Cause nothing says "marriage,"
like butterflies and sperm!
And cake can be pretty.
How sad for you,
'Cuz yours looks all...
[eyeing children]
139 comments | Post a Comment
Even that blue color is funky! But maybe they really wanted a greyish blue cake with butterflies and sperm, even though I don't think those two go together.
Poem option #2!
Oh, what a shame! The butterflies are lovely, but the balloons(?) just didn't turn out quite right.
Are they supposed to be balloons? Even that doesn't make any sense...
Well, I wonder what the supplemental post will bring. Or to what people will think these early comments are referring when the picture is of Spaceship Earth. [walks away, whistling...]
I want to say this cake had potential, the coloring isn't TERRIBLE and the butterflies are cute, but who on earth thought to put balloons (?) on the stupid thing? How random.
I guess I can see butterflies and balloons together...Perhaps it was the wedding's theme. But really, it's not hard to roll gumpaste or fondant in order to make 'string'. And what's up with the balloons with the string that loops? Someone must have a very bad cookie cutter or electronic cutting machine image! Lame.
i don't get what the implied rhyme in poem 3# is? help me enjoy the humor!!!
I want a cake
That honors the tadpole
So I can salute
My fertile groom's tadpole.
I painted my powder room that color just this week and I'm not thrilled with it. Maybe I'll try stenciling butterflies and sperm on the walls before I repaint them. It just might work.
What rhymes with "pretty?"
C'mon, you can do this!
I have faith in you!!
Will and Kate's cake? (What with the pressure to produce an immediate heir and all)
Ahhh - the benefit of seeing CW first thing in the morning - you get to see all of the cakes before they're pulled :D
I am guessing those are supposed to be balloons. If the balloons were in various colors it would have avoided this confusion...or we would have been making fun of the rainbow sperm ;-)
I'd love a cake,
With sperm-balloons.
Those who don't like it,
Are all baboons.
A fertile cake,
Is what most brides covet.
Add some insects,
And everyone will love it!
I think that baker is a visionary! They have certainly planted a seed for future cakes to come!
WV: somess - I think you have somess of that wedding cake on your chin.
I'm so glad I got a chance to see this before it gets all Epcoty. Also, I adore poem #3.
OOOOH rainbow sperm.
That would be soooo pretty!!
It's honestly very well done. Getting buttercream that smooth and straight edged is quite a feat. I think the blue color is just fine too. But yes, those balloons (as I assume they are suppose to be) just don't look much like balloons.
I'm glad I saw this cake,
Before it was pulled by the wrecker.
The sperm makes me think,
Of that bat cake that looked like a...
Sorry, I'm still having nightmares about that cake.
That's too bad, because I actually like the color and those butterflies are really cute! And it's not fondant, which is to be commended, but the icing is still appealingly smooth. Could have been just a very nice, simple cake in a Wedgwood style.
WV: berver - one who dishes out slices of a cake wreck.
"Please feel free to tell your berver if you prefer a slice with extra... balloons."
Hmm, Maybe the bride was pregnant.
I bet that baker had a lot of spunk!
WV: phants - What you have to pull down when it is time to make another wedding cake like this.
I think the color is supposed to be wedgewood blue... to me the cake looks like fine pottery. With sperm.
Awww....sad! I mean, I actually like the colors (I'm a sucker for Wedgewood) and the butterflies are lovely. I even like the idea of the balloons...and you'd better believe that if I EVER decide to do a balloon-festooned cake, I will come back here and find that post from a few months ago that showed the difference between SPERM and BALLOONS.
I guess the baker thought the cake looked naked and needed... something on it. S/he coulda chose sprinkles, but nooooo!
WV: ovestion - an ovum's question on why there are sperm all over a cake when they should be swimming somewhere more productive.
balloons? Actually, I'm calling those ballons. Because that's the latest misspelling I'm seeing of balloon. Those a ballons. Or tadpoles. And butterflies. Because those usually go together.
Butterfly-sized sperm?
We need another Valium,
surg'ry for the groom.
Globe-sized butterflies?
Will they battle Hitchcock's Birds
and win? Maybe yes.
That's what you get when you let the mothers of the bride and groom plan the cake. A bit heavy on the hinting for grandchildren side though!
Wow. I get to see a cake that's likely to be pulled BEFORE it gets pulled! How'd I get so lucky?
And I agree that the butterflies are really, really well done. I even like the color. But the 'balloons'... I just don't get it. I'd never have thought to put butterflies and balloons together - even when the balloons actually look like balloons.
We need more info!! Was it a joke? Were they supposed to be balloons? Did the bride have a full out tantrum when she saw it? We need the back story!!!
What I want to know is, why do the wreckorators think that balloon strings wriggle like flagella? I've seen a lot of balloons, and I've never seen one with a creepy twisty flagellum string. Are wreckorators from another planet? Actually that would explain a lot. Hmm...
Not badly done, but wrong on SOOO many levels D:
AT least the buttercream was smooth. Past that, this cake has more issues than just sperm on a cake!
I'll agree with others here-- the cake is actually quite well done, so I don't think it's the bakers fault; likely the wedding couple. So don't yank it!!
The colour's the exact same blue-grey I have in my study; works well there, and I can see it making nice modern bridesmaid's dresses, but I'm not sure about on a cake but that's just differing taste not wreck.
As for the sperm-- I really don't think those are balloons!-- I'm assuming shotgun wedding of a bride with a sense of humour? I hope. But yup, that definitely earned a "WTF" stare!
This screams for a limerick:
There once was a cake iced in blue
Meant to feed 'bout a hundred or 2
Schools of sickly white sperm
Made the guests all say "Erm.
I'm not going to eat it, are you?"
Of course, I really wanted to do the quintessential limerick, but I had trouble with the *last* rhyme, so I decided to make it interactive. Pease use the word bank at the end of the poem -- or you can use one of your own -- for some good, clean fun:
There once was a cake from Nantucket
Topped with rolled fondant sperm by the bucket
Baker said "That looks bad.
The bride's gonna be mad.
But for what they pay me, they can ___________ it."
Word Bank:
Muck: They can drop it in muck.
Tuck: They can tuck in and eat it anyway.
Yuck: They can look at it and say "yuck".
Or, choose your own! ;)
I get it! Both butterflies and balloons fly! (Well, not quite in the same way of course... )
Weddings evolved from
Fertility rites.
And this cake represents
The new couple's first night.
This reminds me of an episode of Amazing Wedding Cakes and that young baker featured on there did a black and white wedding cake that appeared to be covered in sperm. His website is flash so you can't link a pic but even though it was oohed and aahhed over all I saw was the black sperm on it. Maybe I spend too much time reading Jen's comments. =)
Roses are red
This cake is gray
Sneaking in with the butterflies,
The sperm come to play!
Lol, I swear, cake decorators should be required to read this blog before being allowed to touch a cake. Then, just maybe, they would know the difference between balloons and sperm.
The good news is, nobody will notice the rough, dented, oil-slick finish on the icing.
The bad news...
Someone wrecked my cake tonight, Sugarbear
Please put down the piping bag, won't you, dear?
I very nearly split my sides
Tadpoles got me hypnotized
Sweet fondant, what's the deal here?
Bukkake butterflies?
Poor butterflies had better fly
Shy away, hide away, bye-bye
This would be an awesome baby shower cake for a mother-to-be with a good sense of humor.
*snickers* I'm gonna have to check back over various times today to see if it does get pulled. But it is a shame those balloons are in such a questionable shape....
Comments are hilarious today! :)
This cake was made for a lepidopterist who was in the Navy reserves who married a sailor, thus, naturally, butterflies and seamen.
wv-kiststs: After the wedding, the bride and groom kiststs for a long time.
if the balloons were all different colors , it would have been a very nice disney pixar UP cake, with butterflies
One of my ultimate goals
Was to decorate a cake with tadpoles
Adding butterflies my dear
Was a mistake I fear
Since the bride has just call me a**hole
Alright, that's the best you get this early in the morning for a rhyming tadpole!
It's quite obvious that this is a traditional fertility cake. Only the most civilized of weddings, wanting to produce offspring in a most immediate fashion feature such cakes.
That or a bridezilla really ticked off her wreckerator!
I have to say, I don't think those are supposed to be balloons. I think they're supposed to be sperm. Which makes me wish I had been invited to this wedding...there's got to be a good story there somewhere. At any rate, if someone requested a blue wedding cake with butterflies and sperm, this cake is a success!
Someday you need to feature a cake with balloons done correctly --- just to show us it's possible. :)
There is no way anyway could think those are balloons. Therefore, I'm assuming the wreck here is that someone ruined a perfectly good sperm cake by junking it up with butterflies.
I feel like birds and bees would be more appropriate than butterflies here.
You have GOT to put a like button on your site. I need a new keyboard now because mine is covered in coffee. Way too funny today.
I *think* those were supposed to be balloons, but I'm not really seeing it...
Also, GRAY icing??? Really? *shudders*
@Heather J....I saw that episode too and thought the same thing! I actually asked my husband if it was sperm! LOL
If the butterfiles are 3D then why aren't the balloonsperms also 3D? Whouldn't it have been easier to make 3D balloonsperms instead of flat ones? Just sperm for thought, I mean food for thought.
@unknown 10:59:
re: "Sir Elton" cake
I love that!
Mind if I take a whack at it?
The cake is glum,
With many a slipped-up stroke...
That leads us to What the Hell,
What the Why...
But I'm strong;
Strong enough to not throw up...
It ain't heavy; it's just ugly...
(apologies to Rufus Wainwright)
I'm worried about John. Is he wimpering in the closet in the bunker?
This is a complete abberation of his favourite wedding cake (I remember cos that cake is my all time favourite)
That decorator needs to apologise to our John
Alright, this doesn't have tadpole rhymes, but what the heck:
A missed opportunity looms,
Of decorating a cake for grooms,
Lose the cute butterflies
Then it's just right for guys,
Dreaming only of tonight's va-va-vooms
AAUUuggghhh! Stop me before write more!
Best post for comments. Ever. I, too, want to hear the story surrounding this cake. Maybe in some roundabout way, someone involved will see the post? We can only hope.
I thought tadpoles turned into frogs, not butterflies. I think someone got comfused.
Somebody REALLY likes wedding cake!
The cake's design was hard to follow
Leaving the groom feeling just a bit hollow
Said the bride, wed in June
As she ate a balloon,
"But you know it's OK, hon - I swallow!"
Also, LOL @ Chad (10:09) & mel (11:13)
What happens when the sperm reach the top? Does it morph into one of those creepy cake babies?
I'm not seeing balloons. But the butterflies are gorgeous!
Butterflies in the sky,
Sperm can fly twice as high!
Wreckerators can make,
a terrible cake,
but this one's just tasteless.
A quick Google search shows a Canadian baby-products site called Tadpoles & Butterflies -- if this was for them, the cake might be completely appropriate, even a trifle boring in its lack of color.
I think I prefer the sperm theory.
I was thinking it was a baby shower cake and it's a boy!
I really want to be in the room when a bride and groom request this cake and are describing what they want, besides butterflies.
Why??? Just...why? Are they really supposed to be balloons? Really? All white balloons, swimmi-, floating in unison? I don't buy it.
i also posted these to fb....
a limerick......
roses are red
this cake's got sperm
so let's all hope bridesmaids don't get preggers
while the bride gets a perm
and a haiku....
sperm swims slowly up
this strange semblance of a cake
bridezilla goes nutters
The baker told me
that my grey wedding cake
Was completed and looked very good.
I said "Add butterflies
and we'll come FOR the cake"
But I think that he misunderstood.
the shape was clean
the color sedate
but one little thing
i could almost hate
the flutterbyes delicate
the sperm all spermy
the cake almost perfect
for me and my Hermy
one thing is missing
the topper crusader
..the littlest pony
and the Lordly Darth Vader
how he would perfect
this craft-and-bake
with his light saber erect
on the top of the cake!
One of my favorite posts of all time. Still laughing!
Maybe this is for a shotgun wedding, a combo wedding/baby shower for a baby boy cake, killing two butterflies with one stone.
I hope the groom watched the bride eat a piece of this cake. You know that was the last time he would ever get to see that balloon umm..."shape" anywhere near her mouth....
We pray that you marriage will be long and fruitful,
The bride today looked especially beautiful,
And we know you'll soon be blessed with kids,
'Cause the groom already covered the cake with his... fizz?
hee hee hee
@Calamitybird--WINNER!! Best poem of the bunch today!
No rainbows, no unicorns, no sprinkles, please.
A simple greyish cake for me and my main squeeze.
Add something flying, up up and away!
That wedding cake would sure make my day.
You're done? Terrific! Hey, butterflies and...WHOA!
Excuse me, chef, but is that *cough* spermatozoa?
That is one unique cake. Ain't it just my luck...
My precious wedding cake makes me want to upchuck.
(and my word verification is "Updrat" which seems especially fitting.)
Our wedding cake was supposed to say
Our love soars through the skies
Like bouncy balloons and butterflies
But our guests' minds went another way
And congratulated us on our wedding night
Instead of our wedding day
Alison Carter
Maybe it's supposed to be symbolic. The bride had butterflies in her stomach, and the groom was...fully stocked for the honeymoon?
There should be a rule that balloons on cakes must come in batches of 3 or more. That way you know FOR SURE that they're balloons!
WV: phisw - The sound of sperm balloons slowly deflating.
These are the cakes that make me sad, because you can see the baker actually does have some skill: the buttercream is pretty smooth (bonus points for even attempting to do all buttercream), the butterflies are pretty, the tiers are well shaped and well proportioned... it's just a really, really unfortunate attempt at balloons or whatever they are supposed to be.
If this was mine, I would laugh along with you, but who knows...
Sally (the poster who wrote about Darth Vader), you just put me in tears!
Ha Ha Ha! My word verification is Preti. How inappropriate!
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the wreckerator intended to depict butterflies emerging from their cocoons (notice some of the lower "spermies" seem to have something emerging from them--horrors at the thought, like "Alien" sperm!). The butterflies are well done, but the cocoons, well, they aren't really cocoon-y, are they?
I haven't written a poem since high school, but I really feel we all have a duty to at least try, given this great fodder. Here goes:
There once was a bride named Mariah
and butterflies were the symbol of her style-a.
Her intended was young,
as if still unsprung,
so their cake was covered in pupae!
WV ralli: A meeting or conclave of the word-witty, especially convened to sarcastically comment on the missteps of those engaged in the flour arts.
Tadpole kinda rhymes with eyehole... Just sayin'. Also, I just watched Silence of the Lambs again last night. I never knew it could be used as inspiration for a wedding cake... All it needs is some fava beans...
It was designed for the film's premiere party. "Nemo and Friends Experience the Butterfly Effect". Blue water, Nemo and friends, Butterflies, people get you mind out of the gutter. lol
This cake was for a boys first birthday memorial, and not a wedding. Funny enough, the mother of the boy got pregnant the same month of this cake, so it is jokingly her "fertility" cake
The REAL STORY....my friend made this cake for me last year. It wasn't a wedding cake. It DID end up being comic relief at a memorial service for my son. He passed away (in utero) when I was 31 weeks along and we had a memorial service on what would have been his 1st birthday. We were having a balloon release and butterflies always reminded me of him, so I asked for her to combine the two...and asked for the cake to be that color blue. Little did we know that the balloons would end up looking like sperm! For a day with a lot of emotions, this was HILARIOUS! We all referred to it as the "fertility cake". That very month I found out I was pregnant with my daughter (who was just born in March). The balloons looked a little funny, but it was DELICIOUS!!!
I'm normally a lurker, but my wedding theme was also blue & butterflies and my dear hubby's uncle claimed to have won awards at the OK sugar & cake thingie that is featured in Food Network every now and again. So, he gave us our wedding cake. We could have anything we wanted. I found pictures of a simple white on white square tiered cake from Martha Stewart with little butterflies. I cried and cried when I saw the finished cake. I just pointed out to my hubby of 8 years, "Look, honey! It could have been worse!"
Yay! I get to see this cake before it's pulled!
What the...? Really? Those little squiggles by the butterflies HAVE to be sperms, right? I mean, what else can they be? And...umm...I'm pretty sure the bride wouldn't ask for spermies on her cake. Right?
I think Poem #2 was my favorite. Just sayin'.
It reminds me of that scene in a cartoon where some poor sap pulls out his wallet and moths fly out, only in this case the moths brought friends.
I kind of see where they were going with a sort of Wedgewood inspired colour scheme, but somehow... nyet. I agree with those who suggested those are probably supposed to be balloons, which a lot of people consider festive, and not so hackneyed as the usual flowers you se on wedding cakes. But they really do register initially as sperm.
Actually, if they'd just gone with the butterflies, I think this would have been really pretty.
In regards to the real story...
So glad that the cake was able to give you some laughs at the memorial. Thanks for having a great sense of humor. All the best!
I had the same color for my wedding cake! Except we actually did want it that color. And it had beautiful white swirly things on the sides that did not look like sperm.
Are those supposed to be balloons? Either way, not what I would imagine for a wedding cake AT ALL!
On a different note, I wonder how many professional bakers browse/follow Cake Wrecks to make sure their cakes don't show up on here... would be interesting to know!
To the mother-I'm so sorry for your loss. That story completely took the fun out mocking the cake. But I'm glad that you were able to see the humor in it as well and that it gave you a laugh on what must have been a very sad day for you.
They are obviously albino tadpoles, right? You know, like cave dweller tadpoles? Right?....
Thank you, Jenny. I really don't mind people mocking the cake. My friend (who made the cake) and I get a good laugh out of it often. It's a good memory on a bad day..especially with his 2nd birthday coming up on July 7th. My friend is actually an amazing cake artist...it was definitely not her fault it turned out so, um...strange. It was my bad idea. haha.
It might make me a terribly geeky biologist but I kind of love that cake. Still, I'd be very upset if it were for my wedding!
House of Collinsworth: hugs to you! I lost a child 11 years ago January. He was one of my triplets who were born at 24 weeks. You have my deepest sympathies. The pain never goes away but it does get better. I'm glad you have the cake memory to brings laughter to such a terrible day. My heart goes out to you. Blessings and Peace. Korrie~
Are they miniscule sperm-sized butterflies? Or giant butterfly-sized sperm? Just wondering.
This cake was made by one of my friends and it is NOT sperm but balloons! It was made in memory of a little baby boy who was born too soon and didn't live.
Lis- you're a much better sport than I would be! I guess they do look like sperm though! Love you!
I'm so excited for my cake to see!
Decorated with tasteful nature scenes!
Colorful butterflies all around,
Simple balloons shall abound
But alas, it shall not be so,
For my cake was made by a werckorator, you know
It's the kind of cake that would make a grandma squirm,
For you see, my cake was covered in sperm!
Shared passtime with my 10 year old and I, usually. So I start reading today, "Roses are red etc etc Are those spe.. Um, nevermind."
i saw the blog today, oh boy.
about a cake festooned with butterflies
and sad balloons that looked like sperm,
it made a mother laugh
and now we know for sure balloons should never be put on a cake
they AL-WAYS mess. it. up.
Roses are red,
Your cake is blue.
We see the swimmers.
How pregnant are you?
This is just a new version of the birds and the bees.
I'm with Misssy. Can someone please spell out what was supposed to rhyme with pretty in poem 3? Titty?
There once was a little Tadpole,
Who was blessed with a tender little soul,
Though his visit was short,
He lives on in mom's heart,
And will always be her angel to hold.
My deepest sympathy and warmest congratulations. Tell your friend this time try kites instead of balloons, much safer shape.
Balloons and butterflies caught up in a tornado.
we just watched "The Switch" and this would have been the perfect cake! too funny
Oh my thats funny!!
Things that rhyme with tadpoles:
Dad's moles
Mad foals
Plaid stoles
Sad voles
Half soles
Chad trolls
Bad rolls
... plus the one I'd rather not write on a family blog ...
Mom, how amazing to be able to share such a sweet story with all of us. we appreciate that you can understand our goofiness. much love and comfort for your family this coming week. (((hugs)))
-Barbara Anne
off topic: all together evil wrecky henchpersons- flip your calendar around and say goodbye to the "Women In Spaaaaaace" and hello to "Exploding Balls!"
my vote is for another calendar for next year (pleasepleasepleaseplease) and to keep the same format!
Attention everyone with a frosting bag. You cannot make good balloons. It is not possible for a balloon to look like a balloon when it it made from anything besides a balloon. Thank you.
For me, it inspired the following two limericks:
There once was a blue wedding cake,
Where balloons looked suspiciously fake.
Yes, they looked like white sperm,
To the point where you'd squirm,
And ask, "Was this designer half-baked?"
There once was a blue wedding cake,
With tadpoles that swam up to make,
What appeared like a stream,
From some happy wet dream,
Leaving guests asking "Why?" in its wake.
Love the blog as always!
-WM (the great disco newt)
I love that the ad alongside this post is for "Little Swimmers" (swim diapers). :)
Jon - is that cake making fun of butterfly and tadpole loving Canadians? Or Texans?
No need to actually approve this comment. Just wanted to say hi. :)
Wow can I have all those poems please lol. The cake the wreckerators can keep though since I have no clue why butterflies and sperms would go together in any way shape or form. Unless they are implying that the bride and groom multiply like a butterfly? Lol.
The comments today were the BEST! I especially like the re-do of "A Day in the Life" by Anonymous! The butterflies are pretty. To "mom"---so sorry about your loss. Thank you for sharing your story, and congratulations on the birth of your daughter.
I have an idea.
I think it would sure fix
Your cake. At the top,
All it needs is a cervix!
Those ARE sperm? Whaat?
Dear House of Collinsworth:
Thank you for sharing your story, and for your good sense of humor.
My little boy who is no longer with me would have turned six this year. While over time, it has gotten easier to say his name with a smile instead of tears, his birthday is always a hard day. I wish you peace, and love, and lots of snuggles from your "rainbow baby girl" for this week.
@Sally -I LOVE your poem! Made me laugh out loud. Fabulous!
@Mom who lost son, sorry for your loss and congratulations on the birth of your daughter. I am grateful that this cake gave you a laugh that day and me a laugh this day.
-WM (the great disco newt)
An anonymous commenter said that this cake was in honor of a boy who died. If that's true, that's sad. However, that doesn't mean this isn't a cake wreck. Wrecks are unintentionally funny, weird or sad cakes which were intended to be something else. And balloons have a long-standing tradition here of being made fun of. The sad story doesn't make the cake any less wrecky; if anything, it makes it more wrecky.
This is the kind of cake you get from a customer who doesn't take advice from the professionals!
The horrible color was probably chosen to coordinate with some horrible decorations or horrible bridesmaid dresses. I wouldn't be surprised if there are actual balloons and butterflies at the wedding, too.
House of Collinsworth:
Thank you for laughing, sharing
grace, wit, and hearts' ease.
This is the first time I've commented but I was completely intrigued by the story of this cake. House of Collinsworth: I'm so sorry for your gloss and glad you were comfortable sharing your story hear. I'm glad you were able to have a happy memory from that day and can acknowledge a wreck for what it is! I started reading your blog and found the part linking to your friend (the baker's) blog. I looked at the baker's website and she really does have some amazing cakes! I'm not saying this cake isn't a wreck, because as beautifully done as it is, it will always be a "butterfly and sperm" cake. However, check out her other great work: http://sugarandspicesweets.blogspot.com/
I can just imagine the bride and groom's faces. To say nothing of their guests.
Micheal Bauser you should have read the above comments before posting...
It looks like the sperm are CHASING the poor butterflies! The carnage! THE CARNAAAAGE! Oh, the insect-manity! XD Wait, wait, if one of the little guys manages to catch a butterfly, would that be "insect-icide"?
This post makes me so sad. Other than the sperm-balloons, this is a really beautiful cake.
love the poem option #2 :D I have to tell my new friend Freerange poet about the haikus. he LOVES haiku!
Maybe it was a mormon wedding? Catholic wedding? Shotgun wedding????
Two layers of my wedding cake was made of styrofoam, and the top layer was real. No one knew, and it saved money.
Well, I came back a few weeks later to see if, in fact, the baker had requested the picture be pulled. Guess they haven't seen it.
I loved this picture! A true "spit your coffee all over your keyboard" moment.
I would have scattered festively foil wrapped condoms all over the table around the cake for added effect.....