Tuesday, June 7, 2011
I'm Grad, I'm Grad, You Know It, HEEE hee!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

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What's a Wreck?
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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73 comments | Post a Comment
'Are You Grad?' sounds like the title of a play I probably don't want to see.
WV: "snota"
That snota a cake I'd buy.
p.s. black icing is just yucky.
LOL! That last one could be worse- at first i thought i saw, "Cumgratulations"
"Scungratulations"?? Really? Really?
Today's trivia from the Urban Dictionary: "Scun is the 60's LA Hell's Angels term for brown sticky highly potent bath tub methamphetamine. Scun is also a sludge metal(bongzilla/eyehategod-esque) band from Arkansas." Now you know.
WV: "Muffi" All I can think of is dirty things for that.
I think the odds are fair that the sign invites you to celebrate the city of Gradua, Tennessee-- in cake-- provided such a place actually exists, of course.
There's almost always a minor problem with all my theories, however.
That first cake looks like it's to celebrate a disaster movie...."It was a dark and stormy 2011...There were earthquakes...and tornadoes that look ilke gilded bones or wonky Corinthian columns. But look, life! vines! or are they--dum dum DUM! man eating plants?? look, all they left of the graduate was his cap and diploma!
It must be set in Asia, where they ask, "Are you grad?" (Glad what, the graduate has been engulfed in man eating vines during an earthquake?)
Yeah, Scungratulations to you too.
Well, at least that last one doesn't say "Scunradulations". Baby steps, right?
Scungratulations? * facepalm * I'm so glad my parents didn't order me a fancy graduation cake...
Is that a "S" or a squiggly decoration on the last cake. To me it reads "scungratulations" which is makes it even more of a wreck!
Wow - I think I've figured out a way to hide cracking icing or fondant! Genius!
I think maybe that Grad Tornado was trying to be a marble Greek Grad column, but these days it's kind of hard to tell.
2011 has been a year marked by an incredible amount of natural disasters: earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, the apocolypse. It's only fitting that this years' graduates commemorate their survival with a tasty treat.
I congraduate them all.
wv: rolon: When faced with numerous catastrophes, the youth of today does not waiver. They have learned to rolon.
WOW. Just WOW.
"Scungratulations" sounds vaguely dirty. And the Scu- makes the whole rest of the word look off, even though it's actually correct.
I don't mind the sign in the first pick. They obviously don't have room for the whole word.
WV: buster. Hey, buster! Fix that cake right now! (or, it might be "louster"--I can't tell.) [It was louster. Dang!]
I'm sensing that the "Are You Grad" cake was the result of a phone order for a Rutgers University grad cake.
Actually, "are you graduating" is a phrase many parents hopefully ask their offspring this time of the year (mine did). That one gets a hall pass (if said emphatically enough in a hopeful tone it doesn't need a question mark) but those very, um, voluptuous" swimmers" make me think of technicolor Jabba-the-Huts in the making.
What the heck is the tornado one supposed to be?? I see a big old dinosaur bone (considering the size ratio to the little cap). I suppose dinosaur walker isn't any more scarce as an occupation than most traditional jobs today.
-Barbara Anne
All I have to say is, it's a good thing the baker of the last cake didn't accidentally add a 't' after the first 'n.' Dirty mind that I have, that was the first thing I thought of.
wv: "didem" I didem cakes real good.
WV: sorshe--Graduation cakes remain a perennial sorshe of amusement for all!
Given that the Joplin tornado hit right after a high school graduation ceremony and several recent graduates were killed, I think that second cake is pretty inappropriate.
Now, if only that "2011" cake had been "2012"... they could have sold it as a late movie tie-in!
@Barbara Anne - I think the tornado cake is supposed to be a paper scroll, the way some diplomas are depicted. If that isn't it, I got nothin'. Yes, wrecky (graduation) day. I'm guessing there will be several more to come this season...
WV: amodea - I may need some Amodea after eating the black icing.
"Scungratulations" -- my new favorite buzzword! Although, "Are you grad?" is right up there!
Silly me, I thought there were no more ways left to misspell "congratulations." Wrong again.
wv: idoustal
Idoustal those wreckerators graduated finished high school themselves!
Did Earthcake not remind anyone else of a cracked tombstone? No one else heard those ominous drums and thunder? No? Only me? Crap.
Once again proving you can not make a "cake" out of a bunch of cupcakes.
And I believe that "2011" was created by someone on work-release parole after being convicted of "tagging" buildings with spray paint.
wv: persch
What the label says in the fish market after the wreckerator is transferred out of the bakery.
Scungratulations! Your Awsom!
oh, so close the cungratulations cake! Got to love the heart dotting the I. It adds a tremendous sense of pride and love to the whole cake. I can just imagine how happy the decorator was with that detail.
I'm pretty sure that the last cake just says "cungratulations", and what everyone thinks is an S at the beginning is just one of the squiggly decorations placed unfortunately too close to the word itself. There's another one just like it in the top right corner of the cake.
With that said, I like how the i is dotted with BOTH a dot and a heart :)
Brain...can't...comprehend...the stupid O_o
I know of a school who's mascot is the Golden Tornado....maybe that cake was for them?
Am I the only one who wondered why the third one (a dastardly CCC anyway) was in the shape of a Corinthian column??? Anybody else? No, I thought not.
That last cake. Oh, dear. I need to go scrub my brain.
@ kayk - my first thought was related to the ole RU Screw also...did they open a bakery?
@Anne-Marie - I thought it was supposed to be a diploma, too, except for the vines on it... Maybe ivy-covered columns? Hey, it's a wreck, so why am I even trying to guess?
Stephanie M... Actually I thought of that too, although I guess I should be ashamed! Cakes all look off...
That first one is cracking me up. :) At least it only costs $4.
That looks like scungratulations. Which seems to turn it from a naughty word for genitalia to a VD.
"Man, I need a shot for my scungratulations."
I was alos thinking "Are you grad" could be a cake for a couple with a newborn..."Are you Glad?"
wv: sidedles
I wish I had sidedles on having the last cake look so WRONG!
Glad I'm not the only one that didn't see that squiggly in front of the "Cun..." cake as an "S." Also glad I'm not the first one that thought of naughty words when I first saw it!!!
I love it how they painted the 2011 on that cake like it was some bad grafitti on wall :D
As an RU Grad (as in a Rutgers Uni Alumni) all I can think when I see the Are You Grad! cake is that someone mistook school pride with text speak. So not the time to correct it.
Nothing says "We're SO PROUD of you!!!" like a $4.00, single-layer, airbrushed cake that's been dropped on the floor.
If I'd been there, I'd have snuck up on that last cake, snagged a bit of that dopey little heart i-dot with my pinkie, and used the crap to close up the top of the first "u" so it'd look like an "o". Then I'd take a swipe at the superfluous giant "S" swirl, wipe it off on the back of the next person who walked by, and get the hell out of there.
I get uncomfortable at really high-class gatherings.
I cannot believe Wreckporters have managed to scrounge up yet another way to misspell Congratulations. Seriously?! At this point surely Jen has enough for a third book just about misspelled Congratulations cakes.
Grad, Grad - really, really Grad
Niiiiice, Jen.
wv: riedi : Riedi or not, here's our future. (frantically searching cupboards for that last inch of blackberry brandy leftover from New Year's)
May at 11:32,
You're not the only one. I totally thought tombstone for the first cake.
On seeing the title of today's post, I thought, "that must be a reference to one of the hundreds, nay, thousands of movies I haven't seen. I wonder which one it will be." But it was not so. Dang. Moving on...
#1 (Even though it isn't generally considered edible) "I know there isn't enough room for the whole word. But I'm not hyphenating it, no way! If I put that dash thing in the wrong place, sure as taxes it will wind up on Cake Wrecks!"
#2 Could there be a better metaphor? I know about (hopefully) food-grade airbrushing, but '2011' still looks like it was done by a tagger.
#3 I'm guessing this was the wreckerator's first Corinthian(s) column. Ahem.
Is the parenthetical comment an 'old' reference? Who's old here, youngster? Why, I'll have you know that I used to have to read my computer screen by candlelight. And I counted myself lucky! Consarn kids these days... Where was I? Oh, yes...
#4 Shouldn't this say, 'Aren't you Grad!' Better yet, shouldn't it say something else altogether? Shouldn't we ban swimming balloons -- or in this case, brightly colored figs with squiggly...never mind.
#5 This is like, what happens when you order from the Valley Girl Bakery. OMG!
Ewww........that first one looks as deadly as a Halloween hangover.
Naughty Randi (I guess you come by it honestly though...your name is a give-away!) Kidding!
Enjoyed the Michael Jackson tribute in today's theme.
I'm only admitting this because I've been home with a fever for the past two days:
I saw the "S" and read Scrumpdelicious which was the old Dairy Queen campaign from the '70s.
AnnMarie- good guess but I'm still going with dinosaur bone. I do see your point but I'm not feeling like giving them a free ride on that one! :D
Sendingtheclowns- (doffs hat and bows low) well done!
-Barbara Anne
The tornado might be a column... an ugly column...
WB: Dowerbo- This thing is a dowerbo cake.
Mmmm.... Nothing says fresh like earthcake! (*gag*)
wv: flathyps. With cakes like these I'll have flathyps in no time!
Again, maybe Scooby Doo was asking if they were glad on the one cake
This isn't a cakewreck, but it is definitely a grad wreck. On my high school diploma, Education was misspelled Educaiton. We ended up on Leno for that.
Craig: It took me a while to figure out, but the title is ripping on Michael Jackson's "Bad."
Being of Japanese heritage, I'll get flak for this, but if you say, "Are you Grad?" with a Japanese, ESL mindset, it makes perfect sense.
No Words for the Last cake save WOW! - doubt they could spell it though!
Sing it with me...to the tune of Cream's version of "I'm So Glad..."
I'm so grad
I'm so grad
I'm grad, I'm grad, I'm grad...
I think "Grad Tornado/Get off my lawn!" may be the farthest you've yet reached for a pun/movie reference. I approve.
that first cake is not all it's cracked up to be.
It looks like I am the only one to think of a Maxi Pad when I see the second cake. There, have I really grossed out someone?
Scungratulations! I like it! Whatever that means, it's always fun to celebrate something with a twist.
Looks at last cake and blinks..keeps blinking..yup nearly thought I saw something really bad on that one lol. Sheesh I really must be tired to make my brain wreck a cake wreck. And those balloons scare me on the are you grad cake.. I would be glad to run from that one..
@Caroline. That was my first thought as well. I'm from Missouri.
My 4 year-old niece will be 'gradulating' (her word!) from kindergarten in a couple of weeks. NONE of these cakes will be making an appearance at the after-party!
I'm pretty sure the column with the ivy climbing up on it is meant to signify the "ivy league." Which makes the cake just a little pretentious, no?
wv: thingst
The thingst those darned wreckerators came up with...sheesh!
WV: fecesse - Wreckerators sure know how to make chocolate icing look like fecesse.
"Scungratulate" sounds like it should be in the same dictionary as "frood"
The 2011 cake is FOUR dollars... You get what you pay for!!!
For 4 bucks, I'd eat the cake no matter the occasion!
I'm grad this year - cungradulations to all my class mates. I hope we get cake:-)
This is probably my favorite post so far.
Best parts (to me):
1. Guys driving trucks in sunglasses. BWAHAHA!
2. "Earthcake." I need to use that somewhere!
3. Scungratulations--hey, at least they didn't spell it with a d! That's gotta count for something.
P.S. Did anyone else notice the heart directly above the "i" in the Scungratulations cake? Made it look like a double-dot :)