You might remember little Sarah's 4th birthday cake:
Or her fifth birthday cake:

Anyway, Sarah recently celebrated her sixth birthday, and I think you'll agree it was her best Vader mash-up cake yet:

Oh, and the Pony has a Death Star on her butt.
Frankly, just the description is made of win.
All of these cakes were made by their local Dairy Queen, and this latest masterpiece was hand-piped by "a young guy who can't have been over 19 years old," and who was apparently quite worried that he didn't get all the details quite right.
Proving there may be hope for the nation's bakeries, after all.
Many thanks again to Jessica H., and also a belated "Happy Birthday" and "May the Force be with you," to my new favorite geek girl, Sarah, who I hear was super excited to see her first two cakes on the blog. Lookin' forward to seeing what you dream up for next year, Sarah! (And may I suggest...Rainbow Brite?)
105 comments | Post a Comment
Or Jem and the Holograms!!
I wish I had thought of this. My soon-to-be 13 yr old is LOVING this. Lol.
If I get it, you're totally invited. I live in Orlando. :P
My daughter is 12 and thinks these cakes are totally cool. Except she asked if DV could be riding a unicorn.
My name is Sarah and this post makes me really super happy. I wish my parents loved me enough to get me cakes like this!!
Those cakes are amazing! Kudos to the guy at DQ for doing such a fine job with all of them.
Ummmm, do all Sarah's like Darth Vader and girly stuff?
Awesome!!! I love it!
I know what cake I'm getting for my birthday this year!!!
I'm amazed they got such a nice cake from Dairy Queen. That kid has a future in cake decorating. I wonder what Sarah's cake will look like next year.
Okay, lol, scratch that. I didn't read, just looked at pictures.
Yay! I wasn't the only little girl to love Darth Vader! Awesome cakes. Can't wait to see next year's.
Sarah is awesome!!! My Little Darth Pony is the best!!!
Do they have any room to adopt a nearly 30 year old? Because they are insanely cooler then my parents were!!!
WV: Rerfoe
The Pony was a rerfoe for Darth, but he conquered her anyways.
very creative little girl!
yummyyy cake!!!!!!!!!!!----Tiffany f
Someone give that Dairy Queen employee his own Food Network/TLC show!!
cool ideas sarah!!!
I'm seeing smerfs battle Darth in her future.
Happy birthday, Sarah!
May I suggest next year's theme: Darth Smurf.
A friend of mine suggested that a Care Bear driving K.I.T. should be chasing them!! :)
Care Bears next year please Sarah! Kudos to the Dairy Queen Kid. Actually, he should change his name to that and start up on his own! x
May I suggest Darth v Barbie in one of her occupational disguises? Susana B.
I have been sweet talked (pun intended) to try to duplicate this for my own 5-year-old's birthday this coming Tuesday. She asked if I could have Darth Maul riding behind Vader, but I told her that was a little beyond my capabilities. Hopefully the Force will be with me on Monday night as I attempt to pipe this from a copy off my printer.
I love how this post is on my birthday and I so want these cakes, especially her 6th birthday cake! BTW - I turned 30 today.
CareBears! a little Care Bear Stare Vs. Vader just has Awesome written all over it :)
Not that I'm hoping ill upon her parents, but I kinda want to adopt Sarah now :)
This is a thousand kinds of awesome! May I suggest for a future year, Hello Kitty? Only because I can hear James Earl Jones in my head saying "Hello...Kitty."
After showing this post to my 5-yo daughter, I have been commissioned to create a Yoda/Hello Kitty cake for her 5th birthday this coming Tuesday. With me on Monday, I hope the Force is. Yes, hmmm.
As much as I LOVE the My Little Pony cake, I am compelled to comment on her 4th b'day cake...
Extra points for the lightsaber pointing at Cinderella! Sleeping Beauty would be in her blue dress if it wasn't for her! Each Disney princess needs their own color and Aurora got stuck with pink despite the fact she spends most of the movie (and all key scenes!) in the blue dress. That hussy Cinderella stole her color... (Yes, I have had this conversation before and yes, my friends have suggested I seek help...)
The funniest thing you'll ever see. And the little girl's name is Sarah!
How could you forget the "It's a girl" cake with Darth cradling it in his arms?
What AngieN24 said!
Darth Vader riding My Little Pony is genius. Sheer. Genius. (Hear Wile E. Coyote in your head saying to himself, "Sheer. Genius.")
Oh, wait - how about Darth Vader chasing the Road Runner? :-)
Long time reader but first time commenter here. This cakes are flippin' awesome! I agree that next year needs to be either Smurfs or Carebears. Isn't there a new Smurfs movie coming out sometime before then? The timing would be perfect.
Sarah for future president.
That last one would be the COOLEST. TATTOO. EVER.
For a while, anyway...
I used to be a DQ cake decorator, and I know first hand that it's doubly hard to get things right when your cake is literally melting as you work. That guy at DQ has incredible skills!
I think that Vader should slay some smurfs on next year's cake...or even annihilate some Care Bears...
The's a Muppet movie coming out --- Darth and Miss Piggy? Darth and Elmo (yes, I know that's Sesame street)?
WV: redue. I'd lie a redue on my 6th birthday so I can have a Darth Vader and My Little Pony cake!
Total awesomeness!!!
Does Sarah want a 42 year old pen pal? Not to be creepy, but I do have a 7 year old I'm trying to train to be a geek (she resists me with her pure girly ways...).
That's it! I'm off to DQ for a baby shower cake! ;p
WV: sners. Nobody sners at Darth Vader anything. Nobody.
I do remember that 4th birthday cake... my son saw it and wanted something very similar for his own birthday cake!! (He has an older sister who was very into the princesses.)
Happy Birthday Sarah!
I know she's only 6 but Sarah has got to be the coolest girl in the world
Current DQ manager here - and i would just like to say, I knew the cakes were DQ before I saw that at the bottom of the post ;) the melty border on the "sat on" cake is a dead give away. So hard to do a lot of piping on a melt-able canvas. Very cool post. And I'm glad to see DQ cakes are getting your national approval :) although, I must say... we aren't bakeries... so your hope in bakeries, may still be false.
The amount of epic that these cakes have shouldn't be possible in our universe.
Awesome! Those are some uber-cool birthday girls! Dig their style,
Oops, I meant 'girl". Gotta love a girl who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to ask for it.
That last cake is made of WIN. I want one too.
So many possibilities:
Darth v. Smurfs
Darth v. Teletubbies
Darth v. Seven Dwarfs
Darth v. Muppet Babies
wv: stologgy
The study of the Three Stooges
I have a 3 year old girly girl, I am so ramping up for her 4th birthday with something interesting. Great inspiration, great cakes!
I think that last one would make a fantastic tattoo...
No, next year definitely needs to be Darth versus th Care Bear Stare,
Wow that's amazing! I love it!
We recently had a My Little Pony cake disaster (if you can call April recent). We asked for the pony to be hand piped, regardless of what it ended up looking like, because we love Cake Wrecks. But the bakery decided to put on that icky photo paper with the reference pic! We were so upset, we brought the cake home, scraped off the paper and piped on the pony ourselves. She ended up hideous. I deeply wish we'd had this 19 year old baker for our cake! I hope he knows he did a fantastic job!
Yay for Sarah and Jessica!
freakin' AWESOME
(that young man needs to NEVER take a class- he's doing just great and one shouldn't mess with natural talent)
Heh. Sly girl, you snuck in a
Sunday Sweets post on a Friday!!
-Barbara Anne
excellent work by the dairy queen employee. well done. look forwrd to next year's cake.
and my daughter literally went SQUEEEEEEEEEEE MOMMA LOOK THERE'S MY CAKES!! and levitated off the floor. This made her whole day, seeing her cakes all in one place :) Thank you, thank you, everyone, for reassuring us that we are not the only Vader-loving pony princess geeks in the world! LOL!! keep on wreckin', y'all!
Are you sure that's the Deathstar on the pony's flank? It looks like Epcot to me.
She-ra versus Darth Vader... would be epic.
So...ummm...when she hits her teen years...her cakes will be Darth Vader and whatever teen pop singing sensation is hot at the moment, right? Cause those might be some EPIC cakes. ;)
I vote Darth vs the the Popples. Just me. :)
This kid rocks.
I just want to know if this is the girl who grew up from the "Come to the Dark side..We have cake" baby shower cake. Good beginnings, young padawan!
That is one cool little girl. I can't wait to see what she dreams up for her next cake.
Those are awesome. My 9 yr old would LOVE them.
I suggest DV vs. Harry Potter as a future mashup.
now they are the coolest cakes ever especially the darthveder riding my little pony over the rainbow, can't wait to see birthday 7, lol
What separates a decorator from a wreckerator? A decorator is concerned that he or she didn't get all the details right. A wreckerator says, "Close enough -- break time!"
Factor in that this guy had to think about what to do ahead of time -- there is no time for 'er, um' when you're racing against the thermometer.
If word hasn't yet circulated about this guy locally, it will. I hope the management is monetarily demonstrative of their appreciation.
I want the pony one, and I don't care that I'm more than four times as old as it says! =P
That last one is TOTALLY awesome!
My birthday is coming up and for the past few years my eldest has been making my cakes. This year I'm going to have to disappoint her and have DQ do a mash-up of Vader, He-Man, Thundercats and Thundarr the Barbarian, with a couple of Smurf figurines. Oh 80's cakes how beautiful you are!
Sarah's wedding cake is going to be freaking EPIC!
Love love LOVE the most recent cake. Major kudos to the decorator AND Sarah for the design ideas.
Sarah, you my dear win the Epic-ly Awesome award. You go girl!
Love it!!
I like Tinkerbell's pixie dust counter attack. It's why DV now likes purple horses. Norine
Wow!! What cool cakes... especially the latest one. A kid with a great sense of irony and humor brings hope for the future!!
I like it.
But the combinations commenters are asking for are just begging to be wrecked. After all, we can't all go to the same DQ. I foresee a sudden influx of Vader wrecks this year.
1) re: Princess cake: My 4 yr old SON ran up and said make me that cake, Mommy! He's ok. We have a very addicted 16 yr old Princesss so he sees them all the time.
2) re: next year: Strawberry Shortcake...or, I like the Barbie suggestion
This is purely awesome.
Little Pony Vader is my favorite cake I have ever seen on your blog. EVER.
I saw a recipe once for a 'rainbow' cake where the cake batter is dyed 6 different colors and is slowly poured into the pan in 'layers', so when you cut into the cake you see once piece dyed 6 different colors. The Little Pony Vader cake is PERFECT for that! I can't wait until my birthday! 8D
These are all great cakes. My favorite is darth riding the my little pony. I can see my own daughter loving this cake.
I want I want! I need I need!
-What About Bob
I was thinking Rainbow Brite would be a great option too. And I'm jealous - I want this cake for my birthday. 32 isn't too old for that, right?
Epic Win!
Not gonna lie, best cake ever. ;)
that dairy queen employee deserves a raise..a massive raise.
Darth Vader playing with ponies on Deviant Art!
That's great! My 4 year old had a princess/Spider-Man party this year.
As a former DQ employee of 8 years, I gotta say that some of our cake decorators are awesome. I knew immediately that these were DQ cakes. They are so hard to decorate because you have to be very fast or they will melt. The girl who decorates them at my old store is amazing. She gets compliments all the time on her artwork, which turns out looking quite like the pictures here. If I didn't know better, I would have sworn that she drew these. Yummy gel icing!
Um, dude? That's just...effing awesome. Seriously. Dairy Queen should put that in their little idea-book thingy. And give Sarah part of the money from each one they sell.
This reminded me of a picture I found on Deviant Art:
Those cakes kick butt. Sarah is the future of nerds, and I say that as someone in a group called the Nerd Herd. We even have t-shirts.
Just in case you want to edit the post, the cake with 'hearts and math' is a reference to the webcomic xkcd, which is the most wonderfully geeky webcomic ever.
that is a fabulous cake! Where is this DQ with the master decorator? I need that my little pony / vader cake!
OMFG! I laughed so hard I cried. I *LOVE* that last one. This child is amazeballs and her parents are brilliant for raising her to be so awesome.
I hope I'm not the only one to think that Sarah's momma should print off the kudos for the decorator and take them to DQ so he can see how much good decorating on a difficult medium is admired.
Also, that's the funniest thing I've ever seen!
My 4-year-old daughter was looking over my shoulder and has requested the Darth & My Little Pony cake for her birthday in September.
The last cake must be made into a T-shirt for the rest of the worlds enjoyment! It's Geektastic!
AND DQ cakes taste great!!!
I LOVE the chocolate crunchies between layers. Yum! Yum!
The Darth Vader / My Little Pony cake was featured on Slashfilm's Page 2 post today:
Good thing you watermark your photos, as there is a good amount of track-back before you find anything Cake Wrecks related. This one seems to be quite popular around the interwebs!
These are too good to be wrecks. And Sarah is the coolest 6 year old ever.
Love it.
Oh Snap.
That is one awesome kid.
This gives me a great idea for my possible birthday cake.....
LOL I love Darth on MY little Pony. That is priceless. My niece needs that cake :)
Wow. Darth Vader seems to be in competition with Batman for the title of "Comedy Gold."