Next, you're going to tell me there's an awesome Jem cake out there.

Here's the rest:
Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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138 comments | Post a Comment
Greatest Sunday Sweets. Ever. Jem and the Holograms just came back on the cable network The Hub and it makes me so happy! I tell people that I am just like Jem, mild-mannered business woman by day, rock star by night!
O.M.G. that last cake is insane! It makes me want to renew my vows just so I can have one just like it!
As another child of the 80s, I love love love these!
That was a cruel tease about Weird Al, though. We had all his records, which I copied onto tapes and listened to over and over to the point that the song "Lola" is still "Yoda" to me and always will be. I so want a Weird Al cake now!
All right, who thought of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man?
I love that there is a giant Rubik's cube and an E.T. flying across a full spherical moon!
And the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is rad man!
It makes me feel old that My Little Ponies are back...
Who's the guy in the blue suit? He's the only thing I can't ID, and the bear, though I was thinking Teddy Ruxpin there.
Love the Red Fraggle.
The new version of MLP, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is AWESOME. Seriously, check it out people.
And can I say Horray for wedding cakes that are NOT white and pastel? I really love that black and neon one though the Best of the 80's is pretty rad too.
Love these cakes. But now I feel old what with the Delorean having a 25th Anniv and My Little Ponies being back in style.
wv:vestyle-Vestyle zee cake for any decade you vant.
A-Team and Mr. T aka B A Baracus...i love me some retro a-team!!! and thank you for the harry and the henderson's cake...i was just trying to come up with that title the other day and couldnt. loved that movie when i was a kid!! loved all of these when i was kid, but admittedly dont remember jem
Fraggle Rock
Rainbow Brite
He-Man and the Kingdom of Grayskull
Rubiks cube
Indiana Jones
Karate Kid
Cassette mix tape
Care bears
And I'm at a loss for the caped duo? Is the red on Fozzie Bear? IDK.
Oops! I forgot My Little Pony and Barbie!
I still have a My Little Pony somewhere. It was made in '83, I think.
It still smells like (false chemical) cherry marmalade.
The guy in the blue suit is Bananaman. Nickelodeon would show an occasional episode in the same block with Danger Mouse and Count Duckula.
See, to me, that was the absolute coolest thing about the cake, because I thought no one else in this country remembered Bananaman. :)
Is the guy in the blue superhero suit Bananaman? If so, that's an amazingly obscure, Nickelodeon 3 minute cartoon reference. Which says something about me....
What an awesomely amazing cake.
OMG I love My LIttle Ponies! I secretly buy them for myself, not my daughter. ;) Just kidding. I would totally have a cake like that for myself NOW.
The teddy in the red suit is Superted!
Occasionally on here it pays to be British :)
SuperTed! And Bananaman!
Awww. I thought no-one remembered them but me! I loved SuperTed so much as a kid (I had a ridiculous number of the tie-in books, and a little plastic model of him that may still be tucked somewhere in a drawer at my parents home...I suddenly feel the urge to go check...)!
I am hoping the ring bearer is the Greatest American Hero. If not he should be there somewhere.
I dressed my little boy as Chunk on his birthday last summer (Hawaiian shirt, plaid shorts)-- the adults laughed, then felt old, since the movie was turning 25... :/
So I am taking your challenge to name all the characters on the last cake to be a mind sharpening tool as I approach middle age.
Oh, my childhood in cake form! The Gizmo one freaks me out. That movie terrified me when I saw it, and I still scroll past anything Gremlins-related rather quickly. :)
Wow, I believe now that 80s cakes are the only excuse to do airbrushing... on cake.
I want to buy an airbrush... and a cake.
W.V. consters... Not sure if I remember what these are but they were awesome to the max!
Um...is it just me or does the second My Little Pony have 3 front legs and only one back leg? If I'm right it becomes a little more of a wreck than a sweet. Still,not a total loss. -Elly
Ponies. Yummy.
Aaaahhhh! That's my Jem cake! You just made my life. :)
That first My Little Pony cake was ah-may-zing!
I feel like I'm 7 again. :-D This is completely awesome.
*wandering off singing "My Little Pony" theme song*
From one Jem/Jen to another: yay, go 80's!! My dad actually found the entire Jem series on dvd and gave it to me for Xmas last year. Not only that, but I still have my My Little Pony collection, which I am passing on to my baby girl... once she's old enough to brush their hair and dress them in their outfits and keep them perfect like I did. Til then, I'll just do all that for her.
I'm not kidding.
Thanks for the totally tubular Sunday Sweets!
I'm trying to figure out what's behind the A-Team van. Are there any other pictures with different angles?
And I also loved Jem! It's hard for me to hear the word synergy at work and not giggle and/or touch my earrings.
I DID love the smell of a brand-new My Little Pony... <3
I'm a child of the 80s too, and embarrass my 16 year old horribly when I start singing Fresh Prince.
But, if you really like cake and 80s cakes you should check out the Food Network Challenge on Food Network tonight. It's all about the 80s, complete with Tiffany judging.
Wanna know the freakiest thing? When I glanced at the last cake in detail to see if that is Barbie on a My Little Pony I recognized the curtains - they look like the ones in moms kitchen...
One word... E-P-I-C!!!
Shoot. Now I have to make a Weird Al cake. Probably UHF-Beverly-Hillbillies-music-video style...as soon as the baby lets me.
Daniel doing "The Crane" on the wedding cake is priceless. I for one would want a Fraggle cake
First off, I love that when you google "weird al cake" that Pac Man cake is the third image shown.
Second (and I know that pretty much 90% of your readers immediately thought the same) when I saw the topper of that last cake, before I scrolled down I thought "I pity the fool who doesn't like this cake."
Third, why on earth is there a golf club just hanging out next to the window on Castle Greyskull, and where on earth did it go in the picture of the whole cake?
Lastly, am I reading too much into it that the numbers on the license plate in front of Gizmo are the date of my wedding (31st July '10)??
wv: jawnsi - Hey, jawnsi some cool cakes? Joo know jawnto....
Those are Pepsi cans behind the van, you can see a couple of them if you zoom in on the picture of the topper.
Love them all! I'm a child of the 80s as well. My three faves were Jem, Rainbow Brite, and She-Ra!! I wanted to BE all of them.
I made myself a Rainbow Brite cake just a few years ago for my birthday! :)
The last cake is holycowawesome! It even has Fraggles!
I was flipping through the channels 2 or 3 days ago and stumbled onto Jem playing on Hub!! Can you believe it?! And more so, can you believe that I TiVo-es the series? :) Love it!
I always hated my name growing up and would tell my my mom that when I got older I was going to change it to Princess Leia. Even though Leia rhymes with Daya, I thought it was a huge improvement!! Rock on Jem/Jen!!
You mentioned the "plastic" smell of My Little Ponies, and I pulled that right out of my memory instantly. My sister and I also had the My Little Pony sea horses for the bath. Wonder where those are in my parents house now....hmmm....
The splatter cake definitely brings back memories of my wedding! LOL LOL My brother showed up to wedding rehearsal sporting the "tux" he was wearing the next day......complete with splatter all over it. Stephen Bishop has a lot to answer for that year. LOL LOL
I literally screamed at my husband, "I WANT THAT JEM CAKE!"
Today's my birthday and I am totally loving these cakes, thank you so much, Jen!
What? No MacGyver cake?
The pink My Little Pony looks a bit like Tyra Banks. =^@.@^=
This jazz really takes me back: I had two teenagers then.
Miss those days, I do...the innocence, the music...my being in my 30's.... (SIGH)
I love the leg warmer-wearing little Barbie-type thing riding on a My Littler Pony in the last picture, and
the Moon w/ E.T is totally tubular!!!
OK, that wasn't fair. It's bad enough to realize how old Pac Man and Back to the Future are. But it's worse to have all these 80s references, and realize that you're *too old* to get some of them, because you were in junior high/high school so kid stuff like My Little Pony and Care Bears was "beneath" you… and you've never even heard of Jem until reading today's post. So, you're young enough to still call yourself an 80s kid (after all, you weren't in university yet), but too old for it to be really "kid"
But oh, do I remember mixed tapes from boyfriends. I still have them!! Need to download from iTunes the rest of those songs. I feel sorry for today's kids… iTunes is awesome, but just not the same as sitting with friends listening to an album play on the record player for the first time (eg Def Leppard's Hysteria). "Drop the needle…"
As for the cakes. That Delorean, Wow!!!! The pac man booth… well, Google's anniversary nod proved that I'm still as hopeless at that game as I was as a kid. And, I'm still using my old Sony boom box… hey, the radio is still good! (It's slightly later than the cake one, so not as distinctive 80s). Ferris Bueller, neon (perfection would have been if they'd made the bands look like headbands!). And that last cake, ok that was amazing. I'm so reposting today's post on FB.
To Squirrel:
The golfclub is obviously a reference to "Caddyshack" one the iconic 80's movies. In the large picture, it is behind the ringbearer.
That is all.
OMG I want to make a Weird Al cake now, in all my non-existent free time...would it be wrong to make one for Weasel Stomping Day? Not very 80s, but suitably disgusting and awesome.
Ah, I feel old now too. But also super nostalgic!! I'm loving the A-Team van with Mr. T hanging out the window and the itty bitty Gizmo and karate kid and well, everything!
I LOVED Jem!! Plus I always wanted my room painted with fluorescent splatter paint! My parents would never let me though.
I love these cakes. Ah - what good times growing up in the 80's!
As a small sop, here's Weird Al WITH a cake.... Scroll down a bit. http://dmdb.org/news/dsn.109.html
wv: revall. You can revall in '80's awesomeness with these cakes.
I am in love with the paint splatter cake!! I wish I would have thought of that for my wedding! I'm also loving the highschool commentary - but I don't remember any of that either:)
A child of the 80's too! Loved this...And Im listening to some Madonna too lol!
Doesn't that second My Little Pony have way too many front legs?
SaraV, I had the seahorses, too! I wish I kept all of those toys...
I just needed to pop in and say that last cake actually gave me a little shiver of delight, it was so cool-awesome-totally tubular. Perhaps it's because I was a Rubik's Cube junkie, because Rainbow Brite, Smurfs, et. al., don't really spin my pinwheel. (Although I'm hearing SO many reccs on MLP: Friendship is Magic that I'm going to have to break down and watch.)
(Goonies! Mogwai! Ghostbusters! Ok, some of the "et al." still flip my chicken)
Tonight's Food Network Challenge is Awesome 80's! This post works perfectly!
Oh my gosh, I've loved that rainbow splatter cake for ages and never been able to find out who originally made it! Now I just need someone who can recreate it for my birthday ... hopefully the result will be a Sweet rather than a Wreck!
It might not be Weird Al specifically, but there are a bunch of great accordion cakes out there! I bet you could find a great one to add to this post.
"I wonder if I could eat this cake as fast as I lose at Pac-Man."
I wonder if I could eat it as fast as Pac-Man could.
I am geeky, though not as geeky as Jen and hubby, so 60% of your CW geek references go over my head but I am so happy to report that I knew EVERY SINGLE reference in today's post. And the 80s cake with the rubix cube was totally awesome and cool bean-ish.
WV- Matickl- Your Goonies cake gave me the matickls.
One thing I DON'T miss from the 80s is being accused of buying my stuff at Kmart - as though that was about the most shameful thing you could do. That's what happened when I got a boom box for my 13th BD. EXACTLY LIKE THAT CAKE except it was a Panasonic. Just as good, right? Not to my classmates. Kids are stupid. PLUS, I'm certain my folks didn't get it at Kmart. :)
Also, what is that that Super Ted is holding?
I found a Weird Al cake. But it's not worthy of a Sunday Sweet. LOL http://www.weirdal.com/images/sarahkaskel.jpg
And not a cake, but a very cool carved Weird Al pumpkin! http://twitpic.com/noxqw
I'm glad you shared - I love Jem! I dressed up as her for halloween last year - it was epic! (My friend was Rainbow Brite!)
Wow, that 80's wedding cake is blowing my mind. ;)
AND! Jem, er...Jen you'll be happy to know that Jem is currently being aired on a channel called The Hub. I just randomly found it while flipping through the other day!
Is the Gizmo cake done with that "tip" blob thing that all the 1980s kiddie cakes with crazy moms were done in? (FYI, my mom probably spent a million hours doing a set of those one year for me and my sister a month apart for our birthdays).
I have no idea what it was called, but everybody swas selling the cake tins that were shaped and had topological surfaces that you then stood there forever with different colors and put dot after dot after dot on to make the icing face. Without knowing what it's called, I can't google it, and I can't see the Gizmo cake clearly enough to figure out if it's that kind of cake or not.
I *heart* Weird Al. Now I may have to make a cake.
Oh my God, i'm hyperventilating. So much awesome in one place.
Awesome! My now-husband made me the best 80s birthday cake ever. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v5105/83/60/38000283/n38000283_32975908_5874374.jpg?dl=1
Oh my goodness, that is THE SAME BOOMBOX i had when I was in middle school!!!!
in cake.
oh, sweet memories.
I totally want to see a MacGyver inspired cake now...
BTW Red Fraggle and Cheer Bear just made my day.
Awesome awesome cakes :3 Love the ponies and splatter cake! And....I'm sorry, I hate nitpickers but gotta say... neither of those ponies are 80s :< Theyre the set that started in 2003, the blue is Rainbow Dash and the pink is Fluttershy (pre-Hub channel cartoon, Fluttershy was pink and neither had wings)
I WILL make an awesome MLP 80s cake sometime this year and totally send it in though :3
Bananaman and Superted aren't obscure if you're English and 31, like me. Me and my brother loved that stuff - he had Duckula wallpaper!
I could go for an 80's cake if it didn't bring back the memories.... oh the horror!
Is that.... Bananaman?! Wow. Just, wow.
Gee...my childhood cake would be Howdy Doody, Roy Rogers, and Ozzie and Harriet...
I couldn't find a Weird Al cake, but here a picture of Weird Al with a cake... http://www.weirdal.com/acf57.htm
I am in high school right now and my choir teacher got my whole class addicted to Jem like she was when she was young. GO JEM!
I wanted to be Jem growing up. I had not one but two Jem themed birthday parties. I always hated that my initials were J.E.N. Then I got married and it they became J.E.M. So I really am Jem.
Jem is one of my childhood faves along with She-Ra...wonder whatever happened to her?
I TOTALLY LOVE the Plastic 80's Toy Smell....MMMMMMM
Love the Harry and the Hendersons cake! Would make a great anniversary cake for my husband and me as we saw it on our first date: July 28, 1987.
O.M.G. That's friken' Bananaman!!!
This is now one of my favorite Cake Wrecks posts. :)
I'm a child of the 80's too. I was Jem for Halloween 2 years in a row. My mom sewed so she made my costume. I refused to wear a stupid coat too. I lived in Washington state and it was 40* and I didn't care. I was truly outrageous.
a. I am also a child of the 80's. Ergo, I love these cakes.
b. I especially love the wedding cake at the end.
c. The Food Network Challenge episode on tonight is 80's Cakes. How's that for a coincidence?
@Lori - She-ra grew up and married He-man. :)
I love the first My Lil Pony and the Jem cake! Both were my favorites while growing up--I think I still have a Pony or two in the attic. The REAL My Lil Pony, not the redos they sell at Wally World or the cheap knock offs.
First these a-MA-zing 80s cakes, which I totally want now (all of them), then I found Darkwing Duck, Duck Tales, Gummi Bears AND Punky Brewster on DVD, now Food Network Challenge is 80s-themed, complete with guest host Tiffany. Today = BEST DAY EVER!!!
Bannanman was that truly talented and brilliant triple act ,The Goodies, Graeme Garden,Bill Oddie and Tim Brooke-Taylor. SuperTed wasn't just British it was Welsh,and launched S4C the welsh language channel. Shame they didn't do Spotty Man as well....
OMG, I LOOOOOOOVE the 80's my kids think i'm weird coz of it, but i just wish there was a She-Ra cake in ... wait a minute CASTLE GREY SKULL ... THAT'S CLOSE ENOUGH ... LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Ummm... since when did they go from "ghetto blasters" to "boom boxes"? I didn't get that memo...
And that was pretty much the best time of my life. Just me, my ghetto blaster, and my Bon Jovi tape.
*YOU* feel old?! I was in high school when BttF came out!
wv~ mervers;
I met a bunch of Mervers at the game show convention.
Where's Strawberry Shortcake?! My Mom used to buy one for herself when she bought one for me... Now I have inherited that collection... They are all brand new, in the box!!
*sniff* this post brought a tear to the eye of this 80's kid. I remember trading furry care bear stickers, and mix-tapes that would end mid song because the person making it couldn't judge how much tape was left :) LOVE the last cake, esp the A-team van. So, so good.
Awww, Harry and the Hendersons! The last one was beyond awesome as well!
Am I the only one dissapointed that there is no Bill and Ted, Pretty in Pink or cabbage patch kids?
OH man, the ET moon on that last cake is pure genius!
I made a rubix cube cake for an engineer friend once. It looked good -- but not that good!
That last cake, and Cake Wrecks, was featured in today's edition of "Geeks Are Sexy", another blog devoted to mentions of--you guessed it--sexy geeks. Congratulations, Jen! (Or should I say, Jem?)
Tonight on the Food Network Challenge they had to do 80's cakes (it might have been a re-run...?) and none of them held a candle to the awesomeness of the cakes in this post!
Long live Plastic Ponies!!!
Wow I just loved the My Little Pony cakes. So cute. Who would eat them? Though I might be tempted to munch on Robocop just cause he looks delicious.
Feeling old is no fun, so I avoid it whenever possible. ;-)
When BTTF was made, I lived near the mall where the parking lot scenes were shot. I even saw them setting up. I didn't stick around, because I had no way of knowing that future history was being made. I should tell my then-self to go check it out. Who knows, I might will have been an extra.
What is the deal with MLP #2, anyway?
He-man couldnt marry She -ra they are twins Prince Adam and Princess Adora remember? and why hasnt anyone else mentioned Indiana Jones and the Karate kid? by the way I was an 80's Mum ! my eldest was born 1981 so that might be why I have a better memory of the decade, Superted is holding the ring cushion/box and cheer bear is holding brides posy.
that's just creepy! I started doing a My Little Pony cake for my mates 21st yesterday (Sunday)
... get out of my head Jen...
OMG that last cake was amazing :D I LOVED the goonies when I was a kid. The rest of it was amazing as well
I am all OVER that splatter paint cake! It made me want to pull on my tube socks, tie the corner of my t-shirt into one of those plastic rings, and sing Cyndi Lauper at the top of my lungs.
Puppet stole my comment. Amazing collection of cakes, but technically those are '90's ponies. Someone out there's got to have an amazing Moondancer or Posey cake, right? Cherries Jubilee? No?
Yeah, I'm a geek. I still have '80's ponies that I let my sons play with (but not me... heh, heh), and some of them still smell like new pony. *swoon!*
The 25th anniversary of Back to the Future didn't make me feel old. What made me feel old was hearing 80's music on the oldies station. It's not oldies! That's 50's or 60's. Maybe early 70's at worst. But not 80's!
If the music I grew up listening to is oldies now, that means I'm old. And I'm not old!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to shout at some young punks who won't get off my lawn.
OMG I love the MLP cakes... but honestly, Jem, Jem is outrageous!! :) I still miss that show...
Definitely greatest Sunday Sweets ever. I just stared at that splatter wedding cake for 5 minutes straight like, "Ooh, pretty..."
And the big reveal on that last cake blew my mind.
That last cake is amazing! Even the base took some special skill in designing it to look like a cassette tape. I love all of these cakes. Thanks for the memories. But I so want a Weird Al cake.
I was a child of the '80s, but My Little Pony wasn't my thing. I had a Rainbow Brite poster and a Strawberry Shortcake, but I generally avoided the "girly" stuff. Okay, I watched Jem and She-Ra, but that was as close as I got. My real passion was Voltron! I want a Voltron cake... but I can't have cake on my diet. *sad*
That Pacman machine is ace =)
Okay, Jen. This is my first time commenting, but I had to. You freaked me out a little. I had the BIGGEST crush on a guy named Lance when I was in 4th grade, made him a mixed tape and everything! LOL Love your posts! My friend Lindsey and I are truely addicted. :-)
This post is missing pre-makeover Strawberry Shortcake. ;)
I always coveted my sister's Apple Dumplin though.
OK, so I want the cassette tape cake when I turn 40 in 3 years, and if I ever get married, I TOTALLY want the neon splatter paint AND the rubik's cube wedding cakes!!!!
I feel bad now. I'm sorry if I made you mad or irritated you in any way with my comment about the lack of. I really like everything you do, really I do, and I hate feeling like maybe I hurt your feelings. So I'm sorry. We're still friends right? If yes, keep posting fab stuff :)
There's got to be a Weird Al cake out there! If there is one thing I love more than CW, it's Weird Al. Maybe I'll make one to present to him on Friday. He's in concert here and I plan on taking my 4-year-old son to introduce him to him mom's freaky addiction. LOL!
I had a FUZZY My Little Pony! And a dancing flower that wiggled any time music was played...LOVED all that stuff!
"Piece" and love?!
I'd feel sad about eating the Pony cakes. They're just too cute. I cried when people ate chocolate bunnies during Easter when I was a little girl. Hell, I still flinch when people eat chocolate bunnies and I'm 38!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the splatter cake! Frighteningly classy!
the splatter wedding cake was AWESOME TO THE MAX!! I really want one but do I have to get married to get it? (I don't want to get married- I haven't done anything wrong!)
beautiful last cake (my cat was named Staypuft)
I was way too old to be into Jem but I had the doll. Her earrings lit up. :)
-Barbara Anne
I totally want that last cake. But what about a Pound Puppy Cake? The rest of those cakes were cool too. My mom made me My little Ponies aout of cloth that were c-u-t-e cute when I was little.
OMG! Bananaman!
I don't think you could get more 80's than that last cake. Loved it!
My dear boyfriend took the reference to a Weird Al cake as a personal challenge and found this:
It's not as awesome as the rest of the cakes in the line up, but it is a nice Weird Al cake.
Nkese...love the My Little Pony cake in blue...just awesome...well done
Lynn, your Weird Al cake link made my day. Thank you!
I helped carry the last cake by Alex. It took five of us, and that was after some of it had been eaten!!
It was amazing.
Amazing! That's all I can say. I was an 80's child as well. I remember wanting an outfit like Rainbow Brite and I had almost every My Little Pony they made.
But, where are the trolls? I know they were a fad for quite a few different decades, but those were another collection of mine! LOL
Oh and LOVE the 80's rock star cake!
Rainbow Brite!!!! Well, that one sure made my day!
All that's missing is Strawberry Shortcake. The company Cake (how appropriate!) issued some Strawberry Shortcake-perfumed products and they smell *just* like my old doll did. It's like they've bottled my childhood.
Thanks for the fun walk down memory lane!
noses: The perfect word verification to go with my strawberry-scented hand cream, wouldn't you agree?
This was my most favorite post ever! I was totally singing the Jem theme song as I was reading...
wo-o-o-ah JEM! The music's contagious, outrageous, jem is my name, no one else is the same, JEM!!
Love the neon and chocolate cake. It reminds me of Oreos with Neon icing!
For those that don't recognise the two caped characters on the last cake, the one in blue/yellow is Bananaman and the one in red is Superted. Two of my favourite cartoons when I was little. Disappointed at the lack of Thundercats there though!
Okay, "young folks" point of view:
Are you sure that's not Chewbacca? And, Sloth looks like this: http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/_img/chars/char_7508.jpg (Brotherhood)
Or this: http://www.nautiljon.com/images/perso/8/3/1/sloth_138.jpg (2003 anime)
Warning, the above image may be a spoiler for FMA, depending on where you are, as Sloth is an undercover agent for the homunculi.
That was wonderful! Love going back in time when life was colorful with my toys. My friends and I would drag our little ponies over to eachother's homes to play. I had so much fun. I would play with them again. Thanks for bringing back some good memories.
I just absolutely heart the 80's. If only I could get my mom to send me some photos of my birthday cakes growing up. Each and every one had CareBear figures on them!
OMG, I LOVE the My Little Pony cakes and thanks Jen for taking me back down memory lane with the sweet, sweet smell of pony plastic!
*Sigh, the 80's were awesome and truly, truly, truly outrageous!
I've had that song stuck in my head for days, I was hoping typing it would get it out....NOPE! :)
I love these cakes!!
This might be my most favorite Sunday Sweets you've posted. Everything reminds me of my childhood. And the fact that I watch Harry and Hendersons last week takes the cake. Love it!
Just Wanted to say thanks so much for all the great comments relating to the 80s wedding cake I made.
SillyRnti, (and anyone else who's interested) there are some alternate angle and close up shots of the cake on my flickr stream, along with a full list of all the 80s references incorporated. Please feel free to check it out at http://www.flickr.com/photos/alexandrawaite/