Because the original post - which was written last week, mind you - said the following:
"As some of you know, Jen and I are currently touring around this great country of ours talking about cake, signing books, and trying desperately not to vomit. As of today, Jen has lost two fingers on her signing hand and has twelve different strains of the flu. Other than that, though, the tour's going really rather well."
Yep, that was John being funny, and yep, he apparently has now picked up my uncanny knack for pre-writing posts which foreshadow terrible events. Only this time, it's personal.*
If you're wondering where we are right now, here's a hint:

What do you mean, "that doesn't help any?" C'mon, isn't it obvious? That's only a super-famous sports logo for a super-famous sports team!
Ok, fine, if I have to spoon-feed it to you:

Margaret I., Leti S., & Jennifer F., that last one really is in a sorry state, isn't it?
- Related Wreckage: The Tell-Tale Heart
* In the past two days John has suffered a head injury, pneumonia, and a staph infection of the blood. As of this writing he's still in critical condition, and the remainder of the book tour has been canceled. (Because when we wreck a book tour, we wreck a book tour.)
543 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 543 Newer› Newest»Thanks for the explanations.
That flame-broiled caked looked suspiciously like a uterus, so I thought maybe you were giving hints that you were cancelling the tour because you found out John was pregnant.
Wait, what? John has a head injury too? Holy crap! What happened????
I'm digging for more jokes to send! Jen, please keep us updated on both your conditions. Hugs and prayers.......
Wait, as any Texan who makes it through 7th grade Texas history can tell you (cause we all have to do that salt dough relief map of the state)--that Texas is back-ars-wards! I think a Yankee was involved in the making of that...is that even a cake? Whatever it is, I smell a fraud.
Michele McDonald
Big Wishes for John's full recovery. Concentrate on him, we can do without the cakes for a while.
I'd ask "what else could go wrong" but we all know where that would lead! I hope John makes a complete recovery very, very soon and that the both of you get to go and rest up from this ordeal. Sending you get well wishes from Maryland.
Mary C.
Jen - I have been a long-time fan of Cake Wrecks (but a silent reader, for some reason!) and I just wanted to say that I am thinking about John, and hoping that everything is okay. Keep us updated.
*and next time, you should come to Bloomington, Indiana! Not much happens here. We could use a good Wreck party. :)
Best wishes to you both for John's speedy recovery. So distressed to hear you're stranded in the Lonestar State under such unfortunate circumstances.
I hate the words "critical condition"! Please, tell us John is going to be ok. I've been thinking a lot about you two guys! Big kisses to both of you from Belgium
Wow, those are some major bad things! Hope you all get better soon.
And I seriously thought that 2nd cake was a uterus.
I was hoping today we would read that John is improving....to still be in critical condition..... :( My thoughts and prayers are with you guys. I hope John gets out of the ICU soon!
Best wishes to John and so sorry to hear about his ailments! Hopefully he'll bounce back soon.
The first two cakes bear a striking resemblance to the internal female reproductive anatomy.
Seriously?! So sad that we won't see you in Bethesda, but sadder still for John and you! Hope he feels better soon!
OH NO! Talk about foreshadowing, horrible as it is. Here's hoping and praying that you get well soon so you can get back home.
As for the wrecks, with me being from Oklahoma, those are AWESOME! (GO SOONERS!)
I'm so sorry to read of your hardships A much felt "get well soon!" headed your way. The entire community of CakeWreck fans are behind you 100%.
Yikes! Hope you and John manage to keep your head above water. It's incredibly sporting of you to continue to post. Best wishes to you both.
I sincerely hope your are joking about John but, I have a feeling you're not and I wish him the best for a speedy recovery - that's pretty serious stuff!
Prayers to you both for a speedy return to health.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Olive who?
Olive Cake Wrecks!
Geez, I hope John is okay! You're both in my thoughts (even if you did malign my home state today!). At least Texas has some excellent hospitals, right? Please keep us posted.
Wow, that sounds scary... Wishing John a speedy recovery!
Prayers to John.
I hope all is better soon. Very soon.
All your family, friends, and fans are thinking of you and hoping you're both healthy very soon. Take good care of yourselves.
Jen! I am so sorry to hear that you guys are still dealing with all of this garbage. I am praying for a much faster recovery for both of you.
Oh no! Feel better quickly!
Oh, and the first one made me think you were in a bikini show...
I thought that first cake was a pair of panties and that you were perhaps at a strip club which then had me thinking perhaps John had been faking that whole pneumonia, head injury, staph infection thing.
Thanks for the update. WOW - the tour should be the LEAST of your concerns. Know that all of your faithful readers are praying for you!
Sending good thoughts and prayers (and whatever else you think might help) your way. I hope you both get to feeling better soon.
I was going to say something about being around female reproductive organs, but I'll be polite. Pity someone couldn't have found a "King of the Hill" cake, too.
And, yes, you do wreck a tour. Oh, well, I suppose you will make it to NYC sooner or later.
Hang in there, folks. Just get better.
Thank you for the post, I hope John will make a full and speedy recovery!
As bad as the tour has been at least you weren't attacked by a pack of raccoons you were trying to chase out of your yard...
Here's the link:
Maybe it will cheer John up! HE just had a head injury, pneumonia, and a little old staph infection :)
Wreck on!
I really wish you well. Though I have to admit, way to keep up with the humor in the face of disaster!
oh man! I am sooo feeling your guys' pain! But I am amazed that you have found humor in all that is happening. The crusted burnt wreck that looks like it was split in half is exactly how I feel about Texas! LOL jk but it surely is gross.
I hope they are taking good care of you there!
I'm so sorry to hear about John's illness. I have never commented on this site, but read it every day. I hope you all get well real soon!!
So sorry that you're going through this challenging time. Praying for speedy recovery for John and a safe return home.
Oh dear! Funny post, but I'll be praying for John!
You were definitely missed in Austin... but I wish you both a quick recovery. Keeping John in my prayers as he remains in ICU...
Long-time reader, first-time poster, but I hope John gets well soon! Best wishes to you two.
My computer is all wonky and I can't see the pics, but knowing you are in the Dallas area, and the all I can only guess at the wreckiness of the cakes (since I am in Fort Worth!)
Get better John! Prayers it doesn't turn into MRSA
Just wanted to send along prayers to you both - I hope John gets well quickly. -Opal
20 years from now, (perhaps sooner?) when we can all look back on this and laugh someone will make a cake involving a head injury, a sick lung, and some staph infected blood. And it will be a wreck.
Get well soon John!
I am so very sorry to hear that John is still in critical condition. I am sending good wishes to you from Austin.
Huh...I thought you were in a uterus.
Sending best wishes to John for a quick and complete recovery.
Wow! I hope you are both in better health soon. It's too bad about the tour but I'm glad you made it at least as far as Denve. Hopefully all that thin air isn't what did you in!
oh, how awful!! sending good vibes your way - may you both heal soon!
Sorry that John is so sick. Hope he gets on the mend soon!
Our prayers go out to you and John. I hope you're both better soon!
Great Wrecks, but wish John didn't have to suffer! Hope he gets well SOON!
My partner and I are praying for you guys (especially John) and hope you are feeling better soon. Props to you for still having your sense of humor and sharing it with us. This is why we all love you so!
Poor John, I hope he gets well soon. Best wishes from Germany!
Wow, that sounds serious. Poor guy :(
o_O What luck you guys are having! Perhaps you are having cake withdrawal?
Wishing you both a quick and uncomplicated recovery (at least no more so than it's already been). I really mean it this time... you both need to get healthy!
OMG Jen, how scary that your husband is so sick. Hoping and praying he is on the mend very soon.
I've never posted here before, but have been reading your blog for several months now. I just wanted to let you know that my heart goes out to you, and John will be in my prayers. A safe and speedy recovery!
John & Jen - We prayed for you this morning in our homeschool. We love CW because it helps teach English spelling, idioms, and play on words. We also love the silly cakes! Get well soon!
AJW and two princesses, ages 6 and 9
Will keep you both in my prayers.
I thought you were posting uterus cakes again when I saw the first one.
I'm so sorry to read about John and the book tour. Positive thoughts and wishes being sent your way.
I am SO sorry about what all has happened to John! Here's hoping that you both are feeling/doing much better now.
Oh, my. When it rains, it pours. I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope he's better soon.
How are YOU doing, Jen? We're all sending prayers for both of you.
Oh, and even though I had already grasped that the first one was ostensibly the longhorns insignia, I looked at the second one and thought, "Oh, look, a dinosaur push-me-pull-you"
the Monday Morning Crisis Quarterback
so good to know that you guys truly put everything you have into your wreckage--cake or otherwise. I'm so sorry to hear both you and Jon are sick, and I am keeping you both in my prayers! I'm just glad I was able to see you in Chicago before you both got sick :)
"I'm not dead yet!"
"I got better."
"It's just a flesh wound!"
(a few Monty Python quotes to get you through your day. heh.)
-Courtney, aka IWUwombat
Honestly thought that first one was supposed to be ladies' undies.
Best of luck Jen and John and get well very soon!
OMG! I'll be praying for his speedy recovery.
When I saw the first 2 wrecks, I thought "They're in a uterus?" What's really rather frightening is that the second one looks, shall we say, less than healthy. Hope you and John are better soon and get home without any further problems.
You sure the emblem on that second one--the brown "football"--isn't part of the gynecology sequence instead?
--Nonie, no longer living in the land of The Texas Longhorns, Rockers of the Burnt Orange. (The Ugliest Team Color EVAH!)
get well soon guys!
As a native Texan and a Longhorns fan, I am horrified. I hope John feels better! My sister has had a staph infection and it was not fun. Y'all are in my thoughts!
Praying for you both... hope he gets better pronto!
Wishing you both a swift and complete recovery!
Praying hard for you guys. You do give it all 200%, don't ya?! Hugs from Oklahoma ~ just above that sorry state you presently inhabit! :D
The second one looks like flame-broiled uterus + fallopian tubes.
That first one looks like underwear.
Please take care of yourselves! As for the cakes, my first thought with that first one was that it looked a bit like a uterus.
Best wishes for Jon's speedy recovery! And also for your continued health. I hope you can bring him home to recover soon.
Jen and John,
I'm so sorry for John's illness and injury! I'll keep you both in my prayers that he makes a quick recovery, and you can get back to home soon. Jen, your humor despite your situation is so inspiring. I check into CW EVERY day. You are a blessing in my life.
Ann M. - IL.
Sorry to hear about your husband! Hope everything gets better soon! Love your site!
Prayers for a speedy recovery for you both! John, I hope you get good news today!
Here's my favorite joke (it's terrible, and popular with the 5-8 year old crowd)...hopefully the pain of it will take your mind off of other things:
Q: What's green and has wheels?
A: Grass...
...I was just kiddin' about the wheels.
Oh my goodness! You and John have my prayers for sure! Take care and keep us posted as you can.
So are you in Austin? Cause if you're not, using the Longhorns as a hint is just cruel.
But if you are, I can bet 100s of fans are willing to find your hospital and overwhelm you and John with lots of jokes and cake. You know, to make y'all feel better. :)
Hope you all get to feeling better soon!
That first cake looks like an some upsidown fallopian tubes.
I like today's cakes. As an Aggie, I'm required to applaude the desecration of anything to do with the Longhorns. But the backwards Texas is just sad.
Sending prayers and good thoughts to you guys. Which is worse - being is a hospital or being in a hospital in TEXAS :)
I hope John's recovery is a quick one. We're thinking of you up here in Canada, eh? Take care of yourself and know we're all routing for you.
Woot! Have fun in Austin! (At first I thought yall might be in Chicago.)
I knew right away that was a longhorn! Only because I live in Austin, mind you, hehe. I'm so sorry about the sickness, and I wish you both well asap! You will be missed in Austin!
I really hope your husband improves quickly, thank goodness he has the humor of these postings to help him. Longhorns. Texas. Um, do they have school systems there. Anatomy classes? Any clues?
Look at you - posting a hilarious post in the midst of medical trauma. I hope laughter is indeed the best medicine and that John is better very soon!
Sending multitudinous good wishes to John. Get well soon.
Hope you are both better quickly. Will be thinking of you.
Im very new to cakewrecks and I love this site. Sending prayers and well wishes to jen and john. much love
Oh Jen and John, I am so, so sorry that you guys got sick. And that John is still so very sick and stuck in the hospital. And away from home at that. And a head injury on top of that?! Oh my. You are both in my prayers.
God bless,
I hope that John makes a speedy recovery. Best of luck to you both.
Yeah the first one is underwear, the second reproductive organs... and the last one yes a pile of shotgun shells and strawberries.
I'm so sorry you're sicky icky. Hope you get better soon!
Oh Jen, I think you could have taken a day or two off from posting!!! I mean, if anyone got all snippy about it, the rest of us, *ahem* would have taken care of it!
Anyway, more prayers going up for you two, especially for John's recovery.
Well, technically, the longhorns are in Austin, and you guys are in Dallas. But since you've both had a rough few days, we'll let it slide! Get well soon!
My best hopes and thoughts of wellness are with you. I barely scraped through an extremely dangerous and rare form of pneumonia myself a few years ago, so I understand how shocking and frightening a situation you find yourself in. I hope the good will and love of all the people who get joy from reading your blog every day is a buffer and comfort, and know there are thousands of people out there, wishing you well.
OH NO! Please get better soon.
The first one looks like an enormous tongue, or maybe the gaping mouth of a terrifying wreck monster. It's not even the right color! Are you SURE it was supposed to be a longhorn?!
I hope John is better soon, with his sense of humor intact.
As for the cakes, I thought this was going to be another riff on uterus cakes. Longhorns? I'm so not seeing it.
Oh wow, I hope your John feels better quickly!! Poor guy.
Sorry to hear about John. Hope he gets better quickly!!
Prayers for you both!!
I'm so sorry you guys are having to go through this. Prayers to you and John, and please get well soon! I can't believe you've managed to keep your sense of humor through all this, but laughter has its own powerful healing force. Please laugh and heal!
Praying for John...please keep us posted on how he's doing.
Holy cow! I'm so sorry to hear this. And sorry to have missed the Dallas Cake Wrecks event. If there's anything you guys need, just say the word - There's lots of folks in the D/FW area who would be willing to provide support/munchies/stuff. Meanwhile, sending all the happy healing thoughts your way that I can.
The middle cake looks like two overies and a uterus!! MMMMMMM have some mile with your uterus??? Why sure!
Prayers and fuzzy warm feelings go out to you and John! Hope you both are recovered soon and can reschedule what was an awesome tour! We'll all be waiting to hear when things are improving!
Oh honey, that is just terrible. I have never commented here before but I am so fond of you and John, it's like you come in with treats for me every day, and make me laugh in the bargain. What terrible news that John has not only not improved but is actually in critical condition!
I send you both all my best wishes for healing, and hope that you are be surrounded by love and support. Good luck, my dear. Good, good luck.
Jen and John -- you are both in my prayers! You guys make my day every day. Being stuck in Texas is one thing... being stuck in a hospital in Texas is a whole other story! Get well soon!
So, I was trying really hard to figure out how the first cake represented a hospital and couldn't figure it out. But the Longhorns? Wow! That's really bad!
The first one looks like a uterus cake. As everyone said already, I wish John a speedy and full recovery! And I hope you get well as well! Sending positive vibes/thoughts your way.
Lots of prayers for you and John, I hope he improves quickly!
Was it looking at all the wrecks that did him in? NOOOO!!! Seriously - both of you feel better soon. Oh, and those cakes? Reminded me of a certain annual appointment I have to make..... yuck, on both counts.
Terrible joke, but probably the best one I know:
How do you catch a unique rabbit?
You 'neek up on him!
How do you catch a tame rabbit?
Tame way, you 'neek up on him.
Get well soon!
Here's to speedy recoveries!
How much did the pirate pay for corn at the farmer's market?
....a buck-an-ear!
Why couldn't the young pirate get into the movie?
....it was rated AARRRRRR!
I'm really sorry to hear you are both sick. I hope you get better soon. Now on the lighter side. Is it just me, or does anyone think the first cake looks like "falopian tubes/ ovaries/ a uterus?" Maybe I'm just crazy.
Oh, my goodness. Best wishes out to John and you both for quick recoveries and the ability to laugh about this later.
And the cakes...uh...look like...uh...uteruses. Yeah. Um. Yeah.
Wow Jen, you really do know how to wreck a book tour!! I hope John gets well soon, sending you some positive thoughts!!
I really don't know if I'm more disturbed by my alumni's mascot looking like a pair of women's underwear or somebody getting the state of Texas backwards. These cake wreckers impress me daily.
I had a great time seeing you in Chicago, and I hope you guys mend up and get out of Dallas soon. I recently learned how scary it is to have a husband in the hospital - I sincerely hope that one day (soon) this will be something for you guys to look back and laugh about.
Oh No! I'm so sorry to hear that John is so sick. I hope you both are better soon. I can't imagine being sick like that and away from home. there goes all the money you made on the tour. :(
I'm praying for your speedy recovery. hugs!
Oh no! I hope John makes a full recovery very soon!
I hope both of you get well soon!
Will be praying for you and John!
Oh, I hope he gets better soon.
Wow. You must be so worry about John and so sad about the tour.
Crappy. Just crappy.
Dear Jen and John,
I'm keeping you in my prayers and thoughts. I love your blog. You're incredibly hilarious, and you make me laugh every time you put up a new post. (And every time I look back through my favourites, which is often!)
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate what you do, and to tell you that I really hope you both feel much, much better soon.
Best wishes,
Beth Harrison
I'm so sorry to hear about John and I hope that he gets well very soon. My thoughts are with you guys.
I think that last backwards mangling of the great state of Texas is a Texas Tech cake, actually. I think I see itty bitty Double T's on some of them.
I hope Jon feels better and is out of ICU soon! What a way to finish a tour!
My families prayers are with you both. We love you and are anxiously awaiting your recovery!
I hope that you both feel better ASAP. And that the 866 posts give you s bit of support as needed. Good to see you both keeping up the quality of wreckiness we've come to expect. Next time, try to keep the horror under control.
Many hugs and best wishes from up here in Madison for both you and John. A Cake Wreck tour is clearly not a cake walk! Could this be Revenge of the Wreckerators? I understand that among their weapons are fear, surprise and a fanatical devotion to food poisoning.
Word Verification is "flucl:" apparently the name brand of the antibiotic that will fix John right up!
a head injury too?!?! so sorry to hear about everything going so awry. you're both in our thoughts and prayers, and here's wishing john a speedy return to wellness.
Oh my goodness! Lots of prayers and good wishes that John gets better soon!
Still praying.
My prayers are with you both. I read Cake Wrecks as often as possible & tell everyone about it. You bring smiles, giggles & guffaws to me every time. Thank you for the gift of laughter that you share freely with us all.
My husband is in critical condition too, heart attack last Wed, so Jen, I am in the same boat as you, back n forth to the hospital for a few weeks yet...
Good luck to you both, & I'll be thinking of you two while we are all doin the hospital thang together but separately <3
sending you both my best!
Continuing to pray for Johns recovery, and for your sanity.
Poor John and poor you -- critical condition is serious stuff. It must be disappointing to cancel the tour, but it's absolutely the right decision. Here's wishing you all a speedy recovery.
Get well wishes coming from Boston! Do take care of yourself. I can't wait to read the book, I pre-ordered and everything, then my husband who has not seen the blog stole it and won't give it back. He just sits in the other room LOLing at every page.
Oh no! Speedy recovery, John! Watch out for the hospital desserts! They might not be visually wrecky, but we had some pumpkin pie that I think they just used the entire container of nutmeg. And it must have been the VA recipe because my SO got it one week and I foolishly tried it the next week thinking his was a fluke...nope. I like a spicey pie...but oh baby.
Hope you guys are both getting better. Know that you have lots of fans sending good thoughts your way. As one of you fans in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metro area, drop a note if you need a break, a load of laundry done or a home cooked meal!
God, this is awful. I really hope John gets better soon.
Poor John. Hope he gets better soon. Those longhorn cakes look like uteri.
God, this is awful. Hope John gets better soon!
God, this is awful. Hope John gets better soon!
Oh no, I'm sorry he's not doing so hot right now! =( Double bummage about having to cancel the tour, too. Here's hoping for a quick recovery!
So sorry Dallas made John sick. I missed you on Saturday - was busy taking care of my own sick relative. And now I bet you'll never want to visit our fair city again! I wouldn't blame you either. Get well soon!
Best wishes for a quick recovery, John. You'll be in our thoughts.
Jen, I've been praying for both of you - for healing for John and strength for you to deal with all of this!
WV: Ophoutsm - The spirit of givingupness (which is ironic since I'm praying for the exact opposite for you : ) )
Oh my goodness! I will be praying for you and John! I hope for a speedy recovery!
Jen and John,
You know that our prayers are with you. I know that you'll be fine John, and I understand the whole bored in the hospital while seriously ill thing. People forget that just because you're really sick doesn't mean you can't sit lie there wishing for something to do.
And if you're bored, that's a very good, good sign. God is with you, and so are our hearts.
And you do have some wreckage to look at. Is it me, or did that first one look like a uh...well...stripper's g-string?
Prayers and best wishes to John.
a head injury too?! whaaa?! did one of those nurses fail to put up the bedrail?!
words can't describe how awful i'm feeling for you guys right now. i know we've never met, but it feels as if i know y'all. and i am terribly saddened and upset by john's illness (and yours too, jen).
have been and will continue to pray for you both ... as well as wisdom and guidance for his entire medical team.
please, please keep up posted.
terry lee
The first was a CCC, too! Aghh!
Good Gravey.
Sorry to hear about all this. John, heal up!!
Something for John to do, if he doesn't already know about it... MyLifeIsAverage.com. It's pretty spiffy.
Being an aggie myself, I'm not too partial to today's post... But that's all right, since they were wrecks anyway XD
Get well soon, John! I will send you psychic brain-waves of good karma and Halloween candy. And hugs. BAI~
I've been reading this blog for probably a year and usually don't comment because it's in Google reader, but I wanted to send you my wishes for John's health and speedy recovery. I also hope that you are handling everything all right and are still getting rest, feeding yourself and all that good stuff. (I thought the first pic was another uterus cake.)
If there's anything you need while you are trapped in Texas, feel free to let me know. I can only imagine how horrid it feels to have someone in the hospital in a place far from home. Whether it's recommendations on where to get a good burger or someone to meet you for coffee and a friendly chat...
Hope everyone is well and able to travel home soon.
Sending healing thoughts! I hope John recovers soon!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Feel better, please! (Seriously...DO IT!)
Well, if you're gonna pick a place to be sick, Texas is definitely the state to do it in...Dallas has a really good medical center, and Houston is right down the way with the best in the world, so fear not, my young friends!
All your readers will be praying for you!
While we all looked forward to seeing you on tour, we *totally* understand. I hope John gets better soon.
I am sorry for all that has gone wrong with this book tour, but I do love the postscript. Get well soon.
I thought the first one was a uterus.
You wrecked it with style! Just like the second cake posted today... you know style? Ya that just won't fly i guess. I'm from TX and those cakes are the most hideous representation of the best team EVER, that I've ever seen.... whoever made them should be tied to a flag pole in the middle of town and made to sing "Deep in the Heart of Texas" till their mouth goes dry.... (Deepest Texan accent) "That's how we do things round heeya..." :)
Hi John, hope you're feeling at least a little better today! And not too bored. If you have access to a computer with internet in there, try http://en.akinator.com/
That ought to keep you occupied for a few hours at least.
And remember, laughter is the best medicine! Keep your chin up and don't get discouraged, you'll recover much faster.
I don't know if you're trekkies at all, but if you are...Well, don't kill me. But who knows, the trekkies I know love this joke!
Q: What's the biggest similarity between Star Trek and toilet paper?
A: They both zoom around the moon in search of Klingons.
All the best to you two health-wise.
As for those cakes...apparently botched Longhorns look like panties at best, crotches at worst. Lovely.
Praying for you both!
Here's my only attempt for John
What happens when nurses spend too much time with Cakewreckers? They get a staff confection.... HA! I crack myself up.
Bet you never knew I just made that up, did you?
WV: piroom. Where the cake hatin' trolls go.
Hey, I can't tell if you are being serious or facetious re: the injuries, but I wanted to wish your family well and all the best in recovery.
Amanda (Cake Fail)
Still praying for healing and happiness for the two of you again!
So sorry to hear about the personal life wreckage. I hope John gets better soon and you can return to just cake wreckage.
It is terrible to be sick, and to be sick away from home makes is even worse. I hope both of you are well soon! Sending prayers your way!
We know that some of those wrecks are dangerous. John must have been overexposed to some real life ones. May he and you recover soon.
Oh no! Feel better both of you. I'll see you next time you hit up Bethesda!
Are you sure that first picture isn't a uterus? Because it looks like a uterus.
Fingers, toes, and eyes crossed for J's speedy recovery. Prayers offered up, too. Best wishes.
Oh, heavens, a knock to the old coconut, too? Since when is *that* a side effect of pneumonia?!
I hope you recover soon, and that the insurance companies behave honourably, and the only joke I can think of is:
A skeleton walks into a bar. He goes up to the bartender and says.
"I'll have a beer . . . and a mop."
You all are never allowed to tour again. Yeeesh! Sorry we missed you in Austin :) Get well and please don't blame Texas!
Oh, no! I hope everything turns out ok.
Goodness, feel better soon, John!
My husband's grandfather recently had a mysterious blood infection. I hope John has a swift and full recovery.
Hysterical cakes, as always.
I'm thinking good thoughts and wishing John a speedy recovery!
Get well soon!... Yes, that was an order :)
Keeping John inmy thoughts.
I was sure that first one was a uterus.
Hoping that John is feeling better soon.
Head injury too - what the heck happened there - -- Dang John when you do something you really over do it ....
feel better quickly
Everything's bigger in Texas. Including, apparently, the uterus.
Thank you for keeping us updated! Here's to hoping you both will recover swiftly!
Those fallopian tubes in the second cake are especially realistic.
Hope you are all on the mend.
I sincerely hope you and John are feeling better. Please take care of yourselves!!!
Praying for you!
I do believe that top one is a cup cake cake.
to give you hope, my husband had the same type illness and recovered. It took a while, but he was out of the ICU in a week and out of the hospital in 10 days. Then we went home and he was BORED for the next month. But I got to cuddle with him every night. I sill do 21 years later.
Head injury??? You just said ICU and that could be dehydration (in the extreme), or flu or SOMETHING that needs lots of care until it passes !
Head injury sounds more ominous than what our prayers were geared for... we'll do better and hopefully you both will too.
My best wishes for you and John to mend and be back on the road home. So happy to have shared a little of the fun part of your tour while you were in San Francisco a week ago.
ugh, anything with a longhorn on it is a big wreck! Hope you guys feel better soon!
Egads, this is getting worse. Must send more jokes!
Here's a favorite:
Three statisticians went hunting. They spotted a deer in a clearing. The first statistician aims carefully, fires his gun, and the bullet goes whizzing just three inches above the deer. The second statistician fires and his bullet flies just three inches below the deer. The third statistician cries, "We got him!"
So Sorry to hear John is not well.
Jen, Please take care of yourself too.
John, Here is my 6 yr old's fav knock knock to cheer you up. It's a long one, bear with me till the end. LOL
Knock, knock
Who's there?
Ether (pronounced EEEE-ther)
Ether Who?
Ether Bunny
Knock knock
Who's there?
Ana who?
Ana another Ether Bunny
Knock knock
Who's there?
Cargo who?
Cargo beep beep run over Ether Bunnies
Knock knock
Who's there?
Boo who?
Don't cry Ether Bunnies will be OK.
And so will you John, Get well soon! Don't worry about the blog, we will be here waiting til you get better.
I'm here in Austin also and I recognized the cakes right away! Well after wondering for a second if something was wrong with your uterus. I'm sending you very strong wishes for both of you to get well soon (the close proximity makes the wishes stronger). What was the head injury?
So scary the way things can go from bad to worse so quickly. Best wishes and prayers to John's for a speedy recovery. And, Jen, please remember to take care of yourself, too!
(the word verification for my comment was "gynosu." Guess the first cake really DID look like the female reproductive system haha)
You don't know me, but I love your web site and your book.
I have an apartment in Dallas that is currently furnished, but unoccupied. It's just a few blocks from Baylor University Medical Center, in the downtown area. If that would be useful to you while John is ill, you are welcome to use it for as long as you want.
If you have any interest in this, please e-mail me at biggaryc@yahoo.com or censusgary@gmail.com
For speedy recoveries,
Gary Cooper
Wishing you and John a very speedy recovery.
I hope that he is out of the hospital soon.
Sorry you're having such a crummy time while you're in Texas *waves from the Dallas area* .. I am sending best wishes to John for a speedy recovery!