Click here for details and to RSVP for Austin. Or keep an eye on the right hand sidebar; I'll be updating the links and dates for Kansas City, New York, and Bethesda as I have them.
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
We don’t have any copies of Cake Wrecks for sale here, autographed or otherwise. We decided the shipping and handling costs would be too high to make it worth your while. So instead, buy your copies locally or online and then order personalized bookplates: it’s cheaper, easier, and I think even looks a bit nicer.
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158 comments | Post a Comment
So glad to hear that you and John are healthy! We eagerly await your arrival in NYC!
Love the new tour logo,
WV: synxe. The rest of the tour in in synxe.
Hahaha! I love the new logo :)
Glad to hear John is feeling better!
LOVE the new logo!! Very happy to hear that John is on the mend and you are doing well!!
LOVE the erm, additions (?) to the logo...I was one of the lucky to see you in Denver before disaster struck the tour...I only wish you easy flights, restful nights and no book fights! (ok, I was on a cheesy roll there...had to finish it out!)
Glad to hear you guys are feeling better!!
PS: For John:
What are the two sexiest animals in the barnyard?
A brown chicken and a brown cow!
BROWNCHICKENBROWNCOW!! (Say it fast...it's funny, I swear! Oh never mind...lol)
I'm so glad you and John are surviving!
Even though I live in Seattle, I wish I could come and give you both all my love in Dallas.
You are amazing.
The tour logo is epic! Well done, and I'm so glad to hear you're back.
You know, LA has some really interesting strains of bacteria, in case you're interested. And, you know, um, we share. So, what's one more stop, right?
Glad you're back on tour--even if you're not coming to San Diego.
I also love the new tour logo.
Good to know that you and John are ok now. =D
A Writers Den
Brown Mestizo
Wow, you guys are resilient! Glad to hear John is feeling better and you're getting back to the tour. (Love the wounded carrot jockey.) Although I am a bit disgruntled that you're not coming to Ohio.
WV: Borkers - What you have to be to go on a book tour while recovering from a wild strain of bacterial infection and a nasty head bonk.
I'm glad you guys are back on track,and nobody lost limb, life, or broke any fingernails and I'm gonna pretend that my two humourless ( despite being heartfelt- but what does that count for these days?) posts helped and feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Beyond that, I'm sad you guys rescheduled Austin when you did. I'll be 6 Hours away in a very small, non-cakewrecked town. Granted, the weekend after that i have to hope and pray that as the curtain goes up on our play the set doesn't kill anyone, so i guess fate was against me getting to have a cakewrecks day.
I was really looking forward to it, so i guess this means you guys have to write another book and come back to Austin.
Hope Austin is your best stop,
Love, The Girl Who Writes Too Much.
So glad y'all are better. Are y'all sure y'all are better enough? Don't want any relapsing.
Julie in Arlington, Texas
I hope you take along a personal physician to keep you going through the shows! Just not that guy that Michael Jackson had.
WVW: expre. That which used to come before.
HaHa love that logo!
Thank goodness John's okay!!!
Please please please PLEASE come to Hollyweird.
We'd love to have you(:
P.S. I'm gonna be sending you something quite soon. Hope you love it.
WV: unapl. You're like the anti-christ of Apple...The UnApl!
I love the new logo! I think I might like it better than the first one...
I am so very glad that you guys are doing better. I guess my positive vibes through cake wreck book reading at the office worked! Yes you read that correctly, I read cake wrecks to my coworkers every day! They tease me when I say "do you want that on a cake? I am sure I can find one on cake wrecks!!"
When are you coing to Hawaii?? We have bookstores here too you know!
I'm very glad that John is getting better quickly! I'm also glad- though not quite as much- that you'll be rescheduling your Bethesda stop.
And the new logo is awesome. The main reason for me commenting is to strongly urge you to sell that on tshirts.
Need me to beg? I'll beg for this. :)
You people are as relentless as a CCC maker with an airbrush.
Okay - you have to make the new logo available on zazzle!!
Be sure you guys are taking it easy and taking care of yourselves!
Any chance of making it to Phoenix? I didn't see it mentioned on the original list of stops.
New logo! Especially cute little hospital bracelet!
All the best for the rest of the tour - protective prayers ordered, guardian angels ready for deployment, universe told to watch out!
With love and gratefulness
MC from NZ
Glad everyone is feeling better. Take care and don't push it too hard, 'kay?
WV: distersp What a urine sample is from a dizzy blonde. "That distersp sure was cloudy!"
Delurking again to say how glad I am that you're both OK! It was lovely to see you in Chicago, and I hope the rest of Tour 2.0 is fun (and uneventful!)
I dunno though, you guys may want to consider bubble wrap or something for the rest of the tour... :)
Cheers, Katie
Glad to hear that everyone's on the mend! Congratulations on the success of the book!
This is very exciting. I am so glad that John is okay--he's been on my mind. Actually, mostly his infections have been on my mind--I work in infectious diseases.
Abby in Bethesda
Take care and don't strain yourself too hard! :)
haha, the logo is hilarious. That's great you're able to reschedule and continue the tour! =)
Cutest.Carrot Jockey. Evah.
Yay, a speedy recovery! Someday you'll have to do a Canadian tour for us Cannucks :)
So glad to hear you're all well again, and that things are back on track - all the best and GOOD LUCK!
oh my gosh. that graphic is hilarious. glad to hear john is recovering and thankful for your resilient spirits!
Glad to hear that John is making a speedy recovery and can add his commentary on your book tour stops.
I hope there's a baker there who can make a 'Get Weel Soon' cake for the rest of your book tour locations!
All the best from your fans from Australia. Wish you were coming to visit us!
It's awesome to see you all healthy again, back up and on the roll again!
The logo change is adorable. I hope everything goes well this time. :)
how adorable is that wounded carrot jockey baby!!! too cute and perfect.
i admire y'all's tenacity at getting back on the trail, however i worry (it's the nurse and mom in me) that you're pushing yourselves too quickly.
however, i continue to pray for strength and good health for both of you as you wreck on. :-)
sadly, i won't be able to make it this saturday (am frickin' bummed) due to previous travel plans.
all my best to the both of you!!
terry lee
I cannot believe you're continuing the tour so soon! I hope you two can take it easy sometimes. You guys need a fancy tour bus to be taking you to all these places in ease and luxury. Of course, then there would be that stinky bathroom thing...
I'm hoping I can come see you this Saturday in Austin!
Your new graphic is hilarious!
I'm so glad you guys are doing better. Hope you can make it to Bethesda before I move.
I'm so glad everyone is doing better! I've been praying so much for you guys! I'm glad you're going to do the rest of the tour! Be careful not to go back to it too fast, everyone will understand!!
But I think you should redo Orlando again, because I missed it :( LOL
Love the new graphic. I'm so glad to hear that John is doing so well!
Heck yeah, can't wait for NYC!
The new tour logo made me giggle! You have an amazing sense of humor!
That is freaking AWESOME! You guys are so cool! Although we already got to see you in Chicago, we're exited that you're continuing your tour and others get the chance to meet you. You guys are amazing people. I hope you both continue to feel better.
I love the new world tour logo! Very clever!!
Awesome!! Glad John is on the mend!
That logo is fantastic!
Glad everybody is feeling better!
Waiting patiently for you to come to my town...
Love the new tour logo!! Is that a hospital band on his right wrist??
So glad that John's out of the hospital! Have fun on the rest of the tour!
Wow, I can't believe you guys are back on tour so soon; way to go! I'm really glad that John is doing better - I'm sure everyone is going to be so happy that the tour is continuing!
I am so glad!!! I was online to see you at KC, so hopefully you can make that stop! your health is most important though, so glad your both doing better... This blog is one I stop at every morning, or just when i need a chuckle (which has been all too often lately)...
lol! The new tour logo is awesome!
First time posting but just wanted to say so glad you guys are feeling better and able to carry on with the tour.
Based in the UK, I'm relying on your reports and pics.
You never fail to cheer me up with your sarky comments and pics.
Take care,
The artwork was just the smile I needed this morning. Glad John is feeling better.
I agree with Karen - the new logo rocks. You two have the best sense of humor. I'm glad John is better. Now I have to see you when you come to nyc!
Thinking about driving the over 3 hours to Bethesda just to support you guys! Way to go on getting it moving again!
Oy, y'all are dedicated! I hope you get to enjoy the rest of the tour!
That new pic of the carrot jockey is HYSTERICAL!!!!! Hope you both are feeling better! WE LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
Happy Dance! Happy Dance! Happy Dance!!
See you Saturday! (Please don't be frightened by the tall, giddy lady in front. It's just me.)
Thank goodness that John's okay, and making a remarkably fast recovery from those infections! I would never have expected the tour to start again so soon.
Good luck and stay healthy!
That is the cutest little carrot jockey trooper EVER! :) So glad yall are able to get back on the road. After all, The show must go on! And you have definitely lived up to that! Love yall!
WV: punce: what jen will do to someone if something else bad happens!
Oh, yeah. And the new tour logo is hilarious! Great job. :)
Hmm, Austin is pretty close. If I come, will I come home with pneumonia?
The new logo made me laugh out loud for real! That's the spirit! Don't overdo it now, make sure you two get plenty of rest!
WV: cherier- I am much cherier to hear y'all are feeling better.
OMG, I LOVE your updated carrot jockey logo! That is freaking hysterical - and oh so appropriate!
Good luck on Saturday! And for God's sake, stay out of the hospital this time!! :)~
Are you trying to kill John?? Poor baby...love the Bruised Baby logo, though!
I tell ya, this little cake blog sure hasn gotten exciting lately. Still, I wish John a complete recovery (and Jen continued good health!).
Jen & John,
Your graphic truly cracked me up. Does Ray get credit for this masterpiece?
Can't wait to see you in Maryland! We'll be there with our cupcake wrecks and everything! Take care now.
That logo made my morning.
WV: resses. The World Tour is no longer in resses.
Hahahahahaha! I love the updated logo. *snort*
Be careful and don't overdo, k? You'll give all of us wreckies a complex.
Woot! Even though you're not coming anywhere near me, I'm so happy for both of you that you're able to resume the trip. Love the logo!
I soooooo wish you would come to Nashville. But in the meantime I'll content myself with keeping up with your adventures on the blog. Continued get well wishes sent your way!
That new logo is the greatest thing ever.
OH EM GEE!!!! LOVE the new logo!!!! so funny. brilliant.
It is great to hear that John is out of the hospital and well! Hope ya'll have a spectacular time. = )
That beat up baby jocky is too cute!
I am so happy to hear that you will be coming to NY! I look forward to finding out all the details! Glad you are all feeling better!! :D
Cannot wait!!!
xox Sara
Huzzah! Best of luck to you as you wrap up the Tour!
Somebody PLEASE make the awesome new logo into a cake - quick!
So glad you two are able to laugh about this and move on. Congratulations on good health!
Love the new logo!
Cake Wrecks 2: Electric Boogaloo. Let it be known that a silly thing like a little potential death can't stop John and Jen!
I'm so glad to hear that John is feeling better, and that you are going to carry on with the tour! I hope I can make the new KC date!
wf- phipti "My favorite rapper is 'Phipti Cent'"
Yay on John being better! My daughter says the first one is the sun setting in the horizon and glowing over the ocean, with sand in the foreground. I guess the squeezy cheez things up top could be clouds. No clue about the Life Savers! The third one....beach umbrella? No clue on the others.
The new World Tour (or "World Tour") logo is the best logo evah! Evah! I wish I could go to Austin Saturday, but I'm scheduled to work all day.
good grief do you never rest!!! LOVE the new world tour logo. So perfect. I'm so glad to hear you are both feeling better and are up to a tour stop.
Wow, you guys are troopers! I'll keep you in my prayers that no more "unexpected" things happen.
Woohoo! Wreck On!
I LOVE the new logo! Can we copy it for our books? purty please?
Glad you're feeling up to it.
I love your site!! I discovered your it the day before you were scheduled to be in Bethesda, and was upset because I wouldn't be able to attend.. I am so happy that you and John are doing ok, but I am also excited that this tour date got pushed back! I would love to be able to see you guys when you finally come. Best of luck!
Jen, you are insane. And amazing. Please let us know what we can do to help you out, if there's any kind of fundraiser for John's medical bills or anything.
Really glad to hear that John is feeling much better! Sad because I will be out of town this weekend and will miss your Austin appearance. :( At least I get to vicariously participate through the blog!
You need to make shirts out of that new logo. AWESOME.
I wish you could come to New Haven, CT, at the Yale Bookstore or something, where we would love to be visited by you (for your next world tour, I mean).
So glad you are both feeling better! Can't wait to see you in Kansas City!
Ditto all of the good thoughts!
That logo is FANTASTIC.
oh! this means that john is feeling all better and ready to go again! YAY! so glad you're all healthy again.
Good for you!
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the logo!
Glad to hear you are back on the road, and LOVE the new tour logo.
Cake Wrecks "World" Tour 2: The Wreckoning.
Coming to a bookstore near you this Fall.
Jen and John- I am en-ex ICU nurse and I just had to write and throw my 2 cents in- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be very cautious and careful in your travel plans!! Septicemia is no joke, and you are very lucky to have escaped it as well as you did. John will be weak for some time yet, and needs to take frequent rest brakes. Much less it being flu season- not a good time to be traveling all around, exposing ones self to all those nasty bugs while still recovering from such a nasty illness.
OK, I'll get off my soap box now and just say I'll pray for you and your health. God bless--
P.S. You guys are hysterical, and I love the site!
That new logo is pretty freaking awesome. I hope that future bakers who are making baby mohawk carrot jockeys for these events are going to add that black eye and arm in a sling
Glad to hear you are both on the mend and back to touring! I like your recovering mowhawk baby in the logo..lol
New logo for the (epic) WIN!
Woo hoo! You guys ROCK.
John your dedication is amazing!!!
Is there anyway you could add a stop in Santa Barbara, CA? I know alone in my work there are over a dozen wreckie fans.
Good Luck on the tour and this time lets make sure the only pain involved stems from laughing so hard your stomach hurts.
Congrats to John on kicking the bacteria to the curb! I'm glad you're both doing well, and I'm SO glad that you'll still be coming to New York. Maybe with the new date, I'll be able to BE there! :D I mean, especially because the new logo is so cute. ;)
Bless your sweet, fondant covered hearts! Good for you for pushing forward like gooey, wrecky pioneers. So, patch the holes in your shoes with a cupcake and finish that tour! (but take it easy, would ya?)
It's really great to hear that John is doing better, and congrats on being able to continue the tour (and thanks for still wanting to!). I'm looking forward to seeing the rescheduled KC date. I couldn't have gone on Monday, but maybe I'll get to see you after all!
Cake Wrecks- How I love you!
That is the most tragically adorable logo I have ever seen in my life.
I love this logo! Hilarious!
Feel free to add a stop in the Detroit area while you're at it!!
Glad things are getting better.
Amy Raz
Ok, the new logo is AWESOME. Just... AWESOME. Love it! Wish I could make it to Austin, but it's just a wee bit out of my driving range. Too bad it's not San Antonio. Maybe next time; a girl can hope!
Hold on there, buckeroos. What doctor thought that continuing the "World Tour" constituted rest and relaxation? Are you out of your rabbit-assed minds? And both of you better be wearing surgical masks! Especially John whose immune system must be nonexistent. And make him wear a motorcycle helmet too. Are elbow and knee pads necessary as well?
OMG That carrot jockey logo is hysterical!
I'm glad to hear John's doing better, and you're rescheduling... but wouldn't it be a BETTER world tour if you came to Las Vegas? Puhleease?
Happy to hear that the two of you are feeling better! ^_^
So glad you guys are better!
Austin eagerly awaits you Jen and John!
Love the new logo!
Good luck on the rest of your tour and may the rest of your trip be incident free!
WV: cologite. Also co-logite. Fellow follower of a blog or "web log." The co-logites back east will be happy to see you on the rest of the tour!
On an 11-year-old's science exam: "Three kinds of blood vessels are arteries, vanes, and caterpillars."
Glad to hear John's vanes and caterpillars are infection free now.
Can't wait to see you in NY!
So glad that John is feeling better and the dates are being rescheduled!
Love the new logo!
Wonderful news - hope the rest of the tour goes well?
When are you coming to Europe? I'm sure we can offer more exotic diseases... I mean wrecks.
Love the new logo! Great that you're all healed up and going again! Better luck this time, from snowy (yes, snowy!!!) Alberta, Canada!
You're awesome! Can't wait til you get to D.C.!
Love the changes to the logo! Glad to hear John is well enough to restart the tour. Hopefully I'll see you at the rescheduled KC stop.
Wish you could extend your "world" tour to Canada? I would be first in line!
I am so glad that everyone is well, and that y'all are rolling again. I still don't see Tallahassee on the Tour list. ::pout::
Way to rally!
I was lucky enough to see you two in Portland before all the illness, and I can assure your fans it is worth the wait!
Wishing you an uneventful rest of the tour---you deserve it!
So glad to hear you are both feeling better. I send you best wishes for the tour redux. Please don't try to do too much too soon. I speak with heartfelt concern and experience as someone who regretfully ignored following the doc's cautionary words after a bout with pneumonia.... I thought I was invincible but time and those lingering infectious bugs proved otherwise and led to a major relapse.
WV: wousines Please take a well deserved rest if you are experiencing any wousines.
So glad John is feeling better and the tour is back on - not that you're coming anywhere near the god-forsaken hellhole where I reside. Not that I blame you either.
The new logo is just begging to be slapped on t-shirts and tote bags! I want it!
Pat P.
For John:
Two blondes walk into a building. You'd think one of them would've seen it.
WV - plautimi - order given to a Dickens character working on a farm
Oh my god, LOVE the new tour logo.
Love the new logo and the slogan!
Best wishes with the rest of the tour :)
I don't usually comment on here, but when I heard that you were both sick, John especially, I felt I should.
Super glad to hear that you're both feeling better and ready to take on the world again. I wish you a speedy recovery!
LoVe the new tour logo... it's aggressively adorable!
My prayers are still with you for a safe, healthy, successful, fun book tour and return home.
Bree in Georgia
Great to hear you're resuming the tour ASAP. I just wish you two were coming to San Diego. :(
Glad you are both healing.
Please tell me you will make this new logo into a t-shirt. I want one!
It's bigger! It's badder! It has a twitching brow! It's the Wreckmeisters! Beating, folding, and whipping won't keep 'em down.
(my verification word is danguat -- like a kumquat except you don't find it until you stumble upon it in the dark)
I always love coming here and seeing who messed what up and how bad!!! LOL
Your blog is one of my favorites!!!
An award is waiting for you over at Candles, Crafts and Whatnot. Congrats!
:) Kat
OMG!!! My word verification is gonad..... ???? WHAT????? LOL
I love the revised logo!
You guys are TOUGH, man! Maybe for this part of the tour, you can get limo's and hand-servants. Seriously, ask your publishers!!! All in the name of recuperation :)
Thank you for thinking of us and continuing the tour, but don't forget to think of yourselves. We don't want you to burn out just yet, I'd have nothing to do at work!
wv- eatscias. Watch out for the CCC, they may eatscias.
Love the new logo.
You two are awesome. So glad you're back in the saddle. Or riding the carrot. Or something.
Unless you are coming to southern Ohio, I won't be able to attend the tour - but I LOVE the logo!
Glad that everyone is feeling better.
Glad John is feeling better and you're back on the road. Looking forward to your arrival in Bethesda! We're bringing my 2-month-old granddaughter to meet you--no mohawk, no carrot. But love the tour logo!
Loving the new logo! Battered and worn you may be, but soldier on you will. Congrats on rebounding so quickly!
Come to New York on a Friday or Saturday! So glad you guys are doing better :)
Oh man, that logo kills me!
He needs a flaming sword tho...
Glad John is doing well!
yeah!!!!! i can't wait to see you in bethesda. so glad to hear that you both are on the mend. prayer works!
take care--i mean that!
love your "new" logo, and your great sense of humor.
The updated logo is AWESOME!!!
(Wish you were coming to AR.....*sad face*)
Have fun, BE CAREFUL!!
So that means you can add an Atlanta date, right?....
That logo is badass. Glad to hear you're all better and able to reschedule!
Totally love the new logo, btw.
I think that you're moving too fast here...don't you need time to properly recover?
And if you go anywhere at all, it should be Hawaii, for proper R&R.
I hope the KC stop is resceduled soon!!
OMG...I need that new logo on a t shirt....good luck with the tour part deux, take it easy!
WV: lastall: the stall that I use in public restrooms. the last one.
Of course, adding Charlotte, NC to boot! Right? Right?
keeping fingers crossed that we will have enough time to reschedule our road trip to KC when you learn the new date .. so excited for part deux
wv = comitivi ... ?
I LOVE the new logo and I'm so glad you'll still be coming to Bethesda! Yay for MD!
Love the new logo, and so glad to hear John is healthy again! Can't wait to hear the details on the NYC reschedule.
I await the Kansas City date with baited breath!
I absolutely love this site!! what a tickler!!
Please, please, please in the name of all buttercream glory, tell me you are going to make shirts with the World Tour logo. Did i say please? Anyway, shirts would be very cool. Under neat dat. Thanks in advance, AF.
Please come to Minneapolis!!!