Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Sweets: Simply Awwww-full

Sunday, October 18, 2009

If you've read this blog for any length of time then you know that my interests can be, well, a little geeky.

Ok, fine. A LOT geeky.

However, just because I enjoy quoting Monty Python and polishing my Star Trek collectibles doesn't mean I don't have my girly side. Fact is, I'm a total sucker for the cute. So today, allow me to present a lineup of cakes so stinkin' adorable that I've melted right here in my chair, and am now typing this with puddle fingers.

(Submitted by Isabella, baker unknown)

What, or who, is it? No idea. But with its lethal adorableness, it must be Japanese.

[Update: I've been told this is a "Slime from an MMO called MapleStory." So there's that explained. And apparently, it's Korean.]

Why does Japan lead the world in all things cute, anyway? Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I think everything would probably be better with big eyes and cutesy colors:

(Submitted by Andrew H., & made by Bleeding Heart Bakery)

These little guys are meringue candies, and I want the whole set, on my desk, NOW:

(Found on CaptainXO's Flickr, & made by Ginza's Cozy Corner Bakery [in Japan, of course])

Especially the little dog with the green ears. So. Cute.

I've been in love with this next cake since the moment I stumbled across it nearly 2 years ago:

(Made by Flickr user HyperCraftive)

I just love those lines and colors; it reminds me of some of my favorite art styles.

Here's a cutie-patootie turtle:

(Made by Jessica of its-a-piece-of-cake.)

And I suppose no post on adorable confections would be complete without Hello Kitty making an appearance:

(Submitted by Elarael B. & made by Kylie of Le Cupcake.)

I can't claim to be much of a HK fan, but again, cuteness is always aces with me - and this cake has it in spades. (Card puns ftw!)

Have a cake to nominate for Sunday Sweets? Then send it to me at Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.

- Similar Sweets: Off-the-Shelf Cuteness
Anonymous said...

That first cake is totally a slime from Maple Story! I think that's what they're called anyway. So cute. :3

Unknown said...

Hello Kitty RULES in China! She is absolutely everywhere! I'm always impressed to see incredibly patient men carrying their wives/girlfriends bags that are plastered with her image.

I do like the UBO . . . unidentified baked object . . . it is indeed, quite adorable!

Anonymous said...

The first picture is a slime monster from the free-to-play Korean MMORPG Maplestory. Incredibly cute game, incredibly cute cake!

Terry Lee said...

awwwwww!!!!!!! those are adorable. the lot of 'em!

i'm a sucker (also) for cutesy and anything pastel, girlie girl that i am.

am lovin' that owl!

unmitigated me said...

That first little guy might be a pokemon. Love the owl cake, too. Colors and design are totally mid-century modern. There's a Sunday Sweets category I'd LOVE to see!

Patricia said...

The first one is from maplestory, a rpg. It was developed by the South Korean company Wizet. It is adorable isnt it? ^^

Vashti said...

LOVE the owl aswell.

Anonymous said...

That first cake is of a Slime monster from the online game Maple Story, which is actually Korean. Either way, it is indeed adorable.

Deb Geisler said...

That is one *rocking* owl. Lovely colors and shapes.

Shirley said...

Ahhhh cute! (only dogs can hear that :)) Love the kitty and the mournful tortoise!

Liyana said...

The first creature is a Green Mushroom Monster from the game MapleStory. Adorable!

SnipingMizzy said...

The first cake is a mascot for an online game called MapleStory, an anime-esque type MMORPG.

:::b r a n d i::: said...

That owl is the cutest thing I've ever seen!

Anonymous said...

that turtle is just adorable!! :)

Half Assed Kitchen said...

That Hello Kitty cake doesn't hold a candle *snicker* to the Hello Kitty cake I made for my daughter's birthday. Which was big and flat and a little sunk in the middle with coconut covering all the flaws.

wumples said...

One more voice amongst the masses! The first cake is a Slime, a monster in a Korean MMORPG called Maple Story. The whole game is that cute!

Here's more info on the slime:

Anonymous said...

Ahh! I love the Maple Story Cake! That game was a big chunk of my high school.

That turtle is pretty fricken cute too!

Jen said...

Lol, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one geek enough to recognize the MS slime. >.<

Medusae said...

I know this probably falls into the 'we didn't need to know' category, but you (rhetorically) asked about the mass cuteness in Japan. WELL! It's a cultural phenomenon, and here's the wiki link to read about this historical takeover by all extreme adorability/KAWAII!!!

LOVE the cakes! ^.^

Unknown said...

Did you mean those cute animals were marzipan, and not meringue? Either way, sweet! Pun intended.

Christy said...

the owl! LOVE!

Jessica said...

I find the cupcake terrifying.

Peggie Quin said...

The animals! The little meringue ones! I WANT 'EM! cute...

Anonymous said...

Cute cute cute! I love all these cakes especially that little turtle. The Hello Kitty cake, along with being cute is absolutely gorgeous. Look at the flowers-such lovely craftsmanship.

Anyway, I think Maple Story is becoming thew new Epcot...

Unknown said...

Very NICE!!

~Amy B

Lv2danz said...

Where is 'it's-a-piece-of-cake' located? I want to order that turtle cake for my birthday. Love, love, love turtles! So adorable!!

jess said...

I really, really LOVE the owl cake. I want it. Now.

Rachel said...

Oh I want that turtle. So cute.

Megan said...

the first cake is a green slime from an MMORPG called MapleStory... I am, in fact, playing it right now ^_^

Jennifer said...

I think the cupcake (#2) was kinda scary. Maybe it's the face. It looks like it has bags under the eyes and scary little mouth. *shiver*

Anonymous said...

The first cake looks kind of like a Pokemon. Regardless of what it is, it is uber adorable and my fave in those. But only by this much *holds fingers miniscule amount apart* because every other entry was so freakin' adorable as well :) Great post and keep up the wreckiness, the geekiness, and the adorableness (3 of my absolute fave things in the world!! :p)

Jayne Neverow said...

For obvious reasons I love the turtle cake with the ladybug detail.

Erica said...

The cute little animals are Strawberry Shortcake's pets.

Isabella said...

Oh wow, you featured the MapleStory cake I sent in *whee* :)

Anyway, as many people have already mentioned, it's a Slime from MapleStory, which is a MMORPG from Korea.

You can see the slime guy in the pic on the left as well :)

Ghe. Funny. Boyfriend was looking at the sunday sweets, pointed out a cake he thought I'd think was cute. 'Hey, I send that in a while ago! Oh wait, cool, it says my name!' *grin*

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! The owl!!!!! I have melted into a puddle beneath my office chair!

Unknown said...

Now THAT is the way to do a proper CCC! And it doesn't even need a patooie!

And (in my very best southern accent) that owl is just precious.

wv: imatoari - no definition. But seriously, how long does it need to be?!

Unknown said...

omg. i want to pick up that turtle and hug him and kiss him and call him george and cheer up his little top-hatted face. that may just be a normal "hiya, i'm a turtle doo-dee-doo-dee-doo" face, but i wanna throw him a party and give him presents and a squishy looking human cake.

kathy said...

I love the the owl cake. WHO wouldn't love it. (he he)

Faewren said...

Yay! Geek people among cake lovers! You guys totally rock!
But if the MS slime is Korean then Japan doesn't have the complete monopoly on cuteness now does it. Although Japan outsources some anime stuff to Korea . . .

Anonymous said...

And a collective wave of "Awww!" just washed across the Cake Wrecks world in a cute induced euphoria.

Sarah said...

What an ugly Hello Kitty... how can you find that cute? It's so messed up.

Anonymous said...

THey are all lovely, and wonderously executed. I'm in awe of the skill and artistry. Let me be the first to say I'm unfamiliar with all these things--Maple story, Hello kitty, and so on. Hello Kitty I have SEEN before, but don't know any of the back story that goes with it/her.

Perhaps I'm still being influenced by the "holiday" cakes from a few days ago, But Ms. Kitty appears to have a rather large pair of testicles looming beneath her skirt. Maybe this is how she is always portrayed. Don't have a clue.... I still like her, and the cake very much. Lily

CitricSugar said...

I don't know if I could dare to eat the cute - seems like I'd be ruining art. Except Hello Kitty. I could eat that cake.

And I agree with those that think the cupcake is scary - I will probably have nightmares.

Unknown said...

That horrible cupcake creature looks like something from a nightmare I've had. *shudders*

But OMG . . . that owl . . . so cute! I want it!

Sarah - Kala said...

Hello Kitty is a big deal here in HI, but there are other characters. My fav is Kuromi. You should check her out. She's Punk.

Erica C. said...

I LOVE the turtle! Awww....

Hobbit said...

That cupcake is absolutely frightening!
But I swoon over any animal in a hat and that turtle is a cutie! :-)

Sarah said...

I have to say I dont really like the Hello Kitty cake. Her face is all wrong. Her nose should be lower, her eyes wider apart, and whiskers shouldn't have been iced on but been added to her face sides. it just makes her face look unnatural.

As the hello kitty fan I am, it just aint her.

and glad that I am not the only to realize it was from maple story, not that i play it anymore...

Tori said...

I think Maplestory(?) got that design from Dragon Warrior- which is Japanese, and awesome (and from the 80's)...

Manti said...

SLIIIIIME! KILL IT! *kills it for like two XP*

aww v.v

Maple Story got crappy though. meh

Kelli said...

love, love, LOVE that turtle!

Muzzy said...

So Cute!
BTW Today is natonal cupcake day
Sooo...Happy Cupcake day!!!

Megan said...

Hello Jen! I'm a long time lurker, first time commenter! I love your blog, and so does my mom. We have snorted, giggled, laughed, cried and nearly wet ourselves while reading!

I'm commenting today however, because much like you, I too, am a nerd. I am more of the Star Wars/Computer/Anime kind of nerd, but you get the picture. However, I too, melted when I saw these cakes! That owl is just amazing, and I think I may try and recreate one for a friend's birthday! And I think I might want that cupcake for my next birthday ...

scrappin{jewlz} said...

Love the little green guy at the top, and the turtle is totally cute.. but the cupcake is kinda creepy!

WV: exuadoic: which is something I might say to my ex: you a doic!!

Izzy said...

I should have recognized the Maple Story slime, but I was ready to say it was a Poporing from Ragnarok Online. orz.

McBangle said...

The flowers and design on the Hello Kitty cake is totally cute, but HK herself looks a little... off.

biggo said...

"Why does Japan lead the world in all things cute, anyway? "

Because they're not ashamed to be kind :-)

Rob said...

I actually suspect that Number 2 is not a cupcake, but is a full size cake fashioned into the shape of a cupcake (which is why the "paper casing" looks like icing).
Brilliantly done, and of course brings a new definition to the dreaded CCC.

leahfu said...

Here's the only info I could find on the Maple Story cake:

I had my dad's wife make my 26th birthday cake after this cake. This is how her's turned out:

Anonymous said...

Hi John and Jen

Love the site and am an avid (but until now silent) reader. Just wanted to point out that the link to Kylie's hello kitty cake at le cupcake is actually to an American site of same name. Kylie Lambert is Australian and the corect link is

Hope the rest of the tour goes well and that the additional stint in hospital was not too serious.


Anonymous said...

Ashley S.
I think the first cake is from pokemon...ADORABLE!

NYCGirl said...

I don't like meringue, but those little animals are too cute to eat anyway!

ladym00s said...

the little creatures remind me of Weebl's videos (come to kenya, etc)

Bookworm said...

Too cute to eat!

Unknown said...

I have to say that something is wrong with Hello Kitty's face. Very wrong. It does not look like Hello Kitty - close, but not quite.

Nonna said...

All real beauties...except the Hello Kitty...looks like she was put in a stretcher...those little animals are perfection !

Alison said...

The turtle cake is too cute! I melted into a gooey pile of girliness when I saw it.

A Paperback Writer said...

My mother had an owl JUST LIKE THAT on a matching dishtowel and cutting board set -- in 1973. Definitely disco era stuff.

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"

heh heh heh.....
had to do it!

**well it was either that or "It is now time for the penquin on top of your television to explode." BOOM!!!**

Jessica H said...

Is it wrong to want to snuggle a cake? Because I doooooooo.

Tina said...

I dunno if this has been established yet, but the 2nd cake has a design by acrylicana of deviantart (

Pa-Dutch-Travel said...

Great cakes! I have awarded you the Honest Scrap award! :-)

Shoshi said...

I have to agree about Hello Kitty not being right. The eyes are too low and close spaced and the whiskers too close to the nose. I guess if someone is not a fan they might not notice and it looks "close enough".

Rachel said...

They are all cute. But that giant cupcake is creeping me out! I think it wants to eat me. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who is creeped by it. It's still cute, mind you.

I wonder if cakes are scared of us for wanting to eat them?

Nads' Bakery said...

Love the turtle!!!

Laura M said...

The first one is from a movie called CJ-7! It's not a pokemon or one of those maplestory things.

It's one of my daughter's favorite movies, I will have to show it to her!

M. said...

My first comment to this blog, though I read it frequently.

I absolutely love the Slime cake, and since I met my SO on MapleStory, it would be way too tempting to have a wedding cake just like that!

Little Lovables said...

so cute!!! I love them all, that owl is darling

Lizzie Akehurst said...

i can tell you that the first one is an enemy called a slime from an online game called maplestory. i used to play that game :3

aah, good times. gooood times...

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...


I'm not gay to think these are adorably cute.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I opened my New York Times book review and there you were! I am so freakin proud of you both. What an exciting journey this is! I know it sounds silly, but I just kept thinking, "I know them!" . How cool is all of this? What a blessing you are!

Wreck On!

Ariel in West Palm Beach

The Tieman Family said...

Umm... so the droopy eyed cupcake is less cute and more creepy in my opinion

Moose said...

The little "dog with the green ears" looks a lot like one from this little anime for young kids in Japan. It's about dogs and they all have different pastries or tea-leaves for ears. I wish I could remember what it's called...

Melissa (& Billy) said...

From the comments I see that the first one is a character from an online game, but at first it reminded me of a Puuchuu from Excel Saga. I wonder if there are any Puuchuu cakes? Hmmm...they are also terminally adorable, capable of making grown men stop in their tracks and moan, "Soooo....cuuuute..."

Or a Menchi cake. OH heavens. That would be ironic, since a Menchi is not only a cute animal but also an emergency food source! (also from Excel Saga)


I like the HK cake (Kitty-chan fan here) but the owl has stolen my heart. That would be an adorable baby shower cake! (and normally I don't like owls)

LaurenH said...

I'm sure 5 million people have said this by now, but it's a MapleStory slime and when I first saw that I was excited thinking the whole thing was going to feature cakes representing that simple, repetitive and yet wildly addictive game. Ha, can I put in a request for that? (Are there enough MapleStory-related cakes? Hmm...perhaps some bad ones. Have you done bad video/computer game cakes?)

lisadh said...

That turtle is just the cutest thing!! I love it!

Anonymous said...

The first cake is from something Korean, not Japanese! Change the text! lol.

Anonymous said...

Yeah 1st one is MapleStory, cutest game, ever. Awesome cake. Half tempted to get something similar for my wedding now. >_>

msyendor said...

Sorry, Cupcake, but you're too creepy. Maybe the angle shot is all wrong, but the cherry looks a pair of butt cheeks.

Otherwise (supersonic squeal) the rest are awfully darn cute.

The Spanish Inquisitor said...

Monty Python FTW!!! I'm gonna watch like 4 episodes of Flying Circus tonight :D
Love the little animals!

Axiluvia said...

The slime could also come from Ragnarok Online. Most Korean based games have slimes like that as monsters. In RO, it's called a "poporing", and pink ones are called "Porings".

Anonymous said...

the cupcake and the hello kitty cakes are so not sweet, more like wrecks... well the cupcake more freaky then wreaky. the hello kitty one is horrid, sure the cake is cute but the baker so didn't know how to shape a hello kitty head... or maybe the baker was going for a 'special ed' cousin of hello kitty? *shakes head*

Liz said...

So cute! I just want to gobble them up. Good thing that's the point :) BTW, SO excited you're coming to Atlanta now!!

Lulu said...

MapleStory is Korean, not Japanese. Please change it.

Evalis said...

LaurenH said...

I'm sure 5 million people have said this by now, but it's a MapleStory slime and when I first saw that I was excited thinking the whole thing was going to feature cakes representing that simple, repetitive and yet wildly addictive game. Ha, can I put in a request for that?

I'm sure someone has at least done Zakum (probably the 2nd best known MS character)... and probably very badly considering the level of detail needed.

That aside, video game goodness is a great idea. I'd love to see a sheet cake (of the complete tv screen view) while fighting something in the original dragon warrior. Old-school games make great (or wreck-tastic ^^) 2d cakes

Bridgete said...

I'm with the other Hello Kitty fans...she's not quite right. Her hands and feet look swollen, her head is too small, and the facial features are all wrong.

Love the rest though, especially those little meringue candies.

Queen of All Wild Things said...

Heh, I was totally wrong; I thought the first one was a Pokemon. One of the new ones I don't care about.

WendyJean said...

and this is SUGAR in form of HELLO KITTY!!!!!!!!!


Air said...

When I was a kid I had orange and fuschia bird sheets that looked something like that awesome bird cake.

Cole said...

Honestly, I love the Slime cake and so would my six year old sister. At least it's clean.

Anonymous said...

The marzipan animals look quite a bit like the Strawberry Shortcake animals. Here:

Le Cupcake said...

I came on to say " cake made it (in a good way so I thought) to Cake wrecks!!" Then I read some of the comments! One person called my Hello Kitty Cake Horrid & deserving of being a cake wreck! Yikes! Another complained about the arm & leg (I think sizes along with everything else..I was rushed..sorry I didn't get them all right!) I know the head wasn't quite right but calling it horrid? It wasn't that bad surely? (Can I see their's perfect)
Anyway...sob sob (OK..joking...I have learnt to take criticism) main reason I came on was to say thank you & to just let you know that you've mixed me up with "Le Cupcake" in the USA...I'm in Sydney, Australia at & do cupcakes as well as obviously cakes :)
Again thanks for having me on here (I think......:))

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


I am sorry about the negative comments about your Hello Kitty cake. Both Jen and I think it is adorable. I changed the link so that it goes to your website. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions or concerns.


Le Cupcake said...

Just saw it has been changed. Thanks :)
(PS..I knew I should have moved her nose, that was the main difference I think...but in defence it was for a 1 year old so I thought she mightn't would have taken me around 20 seconds to rectify it. The hands & feet..well ..again it was for a 1 year old :) I'll do it right next time as I now realise there are many Hello Kitty fans out there!)

Azzy said...

Don't be silly, it's not from maple story, it's a Poporing from Ragnarok Online, another korean MMO.

Anonymous said...

i absolutely LOVE the maplestory slime :D i play almost every day and was beginning to feel like a nerd... lol


Anonymous said...

have you seen Kawaii Not? you might like it.