Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween "Huh?"s

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

For today's cakes I have no answers. Only questions.

Uh, what's up with her nose? (Or should I say "down with her nose?")
I like to think it's just a wart, but I get the feeling that it'sss...not.

Why is the toilet paper angry?

What do colorful sperm have to do with Halloween?
(Granted, "Happy" I could see...)

WHAT in the name of sweet Lassie is that spider doing?!?

I have two questions for Mr. Ghost-with-the-Most here:
First, why did the Wreckerator feel it necessary to include two small chocolate bars and a gummi worm? And second, why, oh why, did s/he put them there and in that order?

Now, I don't want to leave you with all questions, my dear Wreckies, so here's a cake that answers the following:

Q) What do you get if you cross Princess Leia, Dracula, and the Bride of Frankenstein?

A) This:

Paige, Carey H., H.M., Erin, Suzanne U., & Daa, you must admit the resemblance is uncanny.

- Related Wreckage: Ghosts with the Most
Unknown said...

I don't think I even want to know the answers!

I kind of liked the TP one, though. It was at least original . . . to some extent!

But the poor little doggie and that spider! No, no, no! Cute little doggies don't need spiders on their butts!

At least I chuckled at the last one! Great lead-in!

Amanda M. said...

Aw, I love the angry toilet paper - so cute!

TerraD said...

HAHAHAHAHA! Angry toilet paper!

Taylor@MyOlderBrothers said...

Shouldn't the "good bar" be in the middle?

Anonymous said...

On the third, I'd be a bit scared if I had sperm like _that_ coming anywhere near my girl-bits.

Half Assed Kitchen said...

Why is the toilet paper angry? Ha! Now let's see a really pissed off plunger! Got one?

Trevor said...

I almost bust a gut when I saw the "Why is the toilet paper angry" one! OMG. This is one of the best entries ever. I love the writing on it, along with the total wreckiness of the whole thing.

What IS that spider doing there, hmmm?

Oh, Jen, you have so totally made my day. If things get bad today, I'm just coming back here to laugh and feel better. Thank you!

rabbit_2_26 said...

My question about the dog/spider cake....why does the dog have glasses on top of his head? Does he really WANT to see what's creeping up behind him?

Diana said...

Please - it's far too early in the morning to be reminded of exacly how salacious my imagination is!

..."what in the name of sweet Lassie"....oh on the monitor again....

Anonymous said...

Why was the toilet paper angry????
If you were tp, wouldn't you be????
Thanks for the morning smiles!

Deanna said...

No, I don't think it's toilet paper. I think it's an angry marshmallow. And I love him!

Naomi Zikmund-Fisher said...

I have finally stopped laughing for long enough to write a comment. The caption on the spider/dog orgy cake is hilarious! I started laughing, and then I showed it to some other folks and they started and, well, you know how it goes!

the Monday Morning Crisis Quarterback

Unknown said...

Good grief!
Putting aside the spider, (we know he's a pervert)
why does that dog have glasses??

My first post- [hoping the grammar police do not issue me citations...]
WV sorec - Yesterday's cakes were a sorec bunch.

Anonymous said...

On the last one, I would add in a dabble of wookie or dog; no?

amysue in austin

Jasry said...

I think the Wolfman might have gotten into the mix on that last one, too.
I know Halloween is supposed to be scary, but these are headed down the back alley of scary, where the clowns live....

WV: fiesses: Some decorators make their cakes look like fiesses.

Eric said...

Witness the birth of Spider-Shi-Tzu!

"Spider-Shi-Tzu, Spider-Shi-Tzu, does whatever a Spider-Shi-Tzu does."

Sheila Bennett said...

For some reason, I like the toilet paper guy. Reminds me of the grouchy guys from the Muppets.

Alex Getts — Art & Illustration said...

amysue in austin, perhaps they were going for a Spaceballs mog?

Stacey said...

I loved the angry toilet paper!

Terry Lee said...

poor bespectacled pooch. i bet his spider senses are tingling.

Unknown said...

That first ghost cake kind of looks like Phillipe the Otter from Achewood when he is possessed by Billy Idol.

Elizabeth said...

Oh My! The sperm is just too much!

Annacakes79 said...

If you look at the cake next to the colorful sperm one, it has the same sperm on it! What a fertile bunch of cake!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, that bakery must be really proud of their colorful...soldiers, the CCC next to it is also covered in swimmers. What else could those be meant to be, seriously?!?
On the dog/spider love cake, I am more concerned with the very thick, very orange frosting boarder on the cardboard...what purpose does this serve?
I love the TP one!


Gina said...

I love the angry toilet paper, but the sperm halloween cake made me lmao. Love you guys!

Happy Halloween!

Michelle S. said...

Sweet jeebers I love this blog.

Ty for the laughs!

Anonymous said...

That has to be the cutest angry TP I've ever seen!

Mira8 said...

Sweet fancy Moses, these are the worst Wrecks yet. Your captions, however, are the best. :) You have made my rainy morning awesome.

Mella said...

obviously the sperm are in disguise. They want to be balloons

Kae said...

Is that HUMAN flesh in the dog's mouth?

blueiguana42 said...

Love the angry TP.

I also love the dog getting eaten by the spider. I would totally buy that!

Tara said...

I almost always get a grin from your site. Today, you got literal lols on EVERY cake and comment.

The colored sperm? The angry toilet paper? The poor puppy who pooped out a spider? I totally see Princess Leia and oh my word this was just good today!

Veruca said...

colorful sperm are how cake wrecks reproduce?

Snobahr said...

Regarding the psychadelic sperm - My birthday is late July. I entertain myself by thinking I was conceived on Halloween... Insert laughter here.

Melinda said...

So close, yet so far away on that last cake. It could have been cute. One of my grocery stores has those eyes on the witch, they made a 3 eyed monster. I didn't think he was quite wrecky enough to send in though.

Nancy M. said...

At least the first bakery found an ingenious way to utilize those heart pans they bought for Valentine's Day. And when I say "ingenious", I mean who the heck thought it would be a good idea to sell a cake that looks like a witch with the flu?

Kore said...

What do you mean, why is the toilet paper angry. It's *toilet paper*, that's all the reason it needs.

Unknown said...

Angry toilet paper made me laugh.

Then I thought about it too much and decided that toilet paper really ought to be depressed in that Monday-morning-I-hate-my-desk-job way except that instead of a desk job, you're toilet paper.

Unknown said...

Bwahahahahaha. Love the bat cake! That is awesome.
Wonder if I can get my bakery to attempt to reproduce that. Total win.
That's hilarious.

Randy and Ladell said...

That isn't angry TP, that's just the staypuffed man when he was just a little itty bitty marshmallow monster.

Poor Lassie. I have no idea what that is on her, but doesn't look pleasant.

(Yes, I know I most likely didn't spell staypuffed correctly, but I have no idea on that one. Sorry.)

Anonymous said...

That's Lassie the dog and Rimmy the spider!

Emily said...

Hahaha! I love the toilet paper one!

With the ghost, I think its' pretty obvious that he's looking so spooked because he stole that candy from a kid and now the coppers are chasing him down.

Andygirl said...

What is UP with the white dog? Was it an old summer cake and they stuck a spider on its ass to make it Halloween? I don't get it.

Cathy said...

I like the TP one. Of course it's angry, think of it's job!

Unknown said...

That last one reminded me instantly of the bat from "Eurekas Castle"! Who remembers that show??!

Decadent Housewife said...

That last one looks like Alvin on drugs.

Jael said...

I want an angry toilet paper cake for my birthday.

Because that's just the cutest thing eveeeeeeer.

Anonymous said...

I want the angry toilet paper!!!!
And the spider is getting even for what dogs always do to people!!!

Lillian'sheart said...

LMFAO! Why is the toilet paper angry! Haha! That made me literally LOL. Maybe it's all the cold medicine.... ahh, classic!

Kelly said...

Haha... I know which store the angry toilet paper dude came from... tehehe...

Anonymous said...

That angry TP - LOL

Every day with these Halloween ones, I find myself saying out loud to the cake pics "Oh come on now!" I mean, really. They made it and actually thought it was a good idea to sell it?

Anonymous said...

I think its funny how the witch is just a heart cake upside down.

Unknown said...

Snot-nosed witch! I hope she's got some Kleenex on her broom somewhere!

The ghost with the most..doesn't every guy think he's got...oh, never mind! LOL

~Amy B-H

Pilgrim said...

These are the best Halloween wrecks yet!!! Thanks for the laughs!! These really leave you scratching your head, don't they?

And why IS the toilet paper angry, anyway?

kadyb said...

I think the green blob on the bottom of the first cake is supposed to be the witch's pointy chin. Maybe not snot. Maybe s'not.

As for the second one, I can only say, if you were tp, wouldn't you be angry?

The last one is sorta cute, in a 10-year-old way. Until you remember that it was done by a professional. Oh.

Great post! Thanks!

leihei said...

Angry TP Cake reminds me a little of Food Network's Guy Fieri.

Kristine said...

Love the re-purposing of the heart pan! Love the angry tp. May be their (awful!) take on marshie from homstarrunner? The colorful sperm - Oh my goodness! I'm surprised the manager let that be on display!

Dennis said...

It's not angry toilet paper. It's an angry toilet paper cozy!

Bin said...

Aside from the fact that it's a CCC, that last bat is kind of cute! The face has some real personality.

But that poor little paralyzed dog, lying in some horrible cookie-baited trap set by the giant spider who is now sucking it dry...
That's going to haunt me!

Anonymous said...

I love Halloween through Christmas on this site. God bless America and its over-commercialized holiday seasons, because this, really, is glorious.

Cannot wait for the Pilgrim cakes to start rolling out.


Kris Kanenwisher said...

Your wit has driven me to comment.

You totally rock.

Sharon said...

Just what we need... vampires bats dressing up as Pennywise the Clown for Halloween.

Katy said...

Ick! The spider one gives me the shivers. Poor little doggie!

WV: muderses--Muderses we must be nice to the toilet paper. We don't want to make it angry.

Hobbit said...

Bwaa!!! Mommy!!!!!

First cake maybe attempting a Wicked Witch of the West Chin. The attempt went horribly wrong.
Wow, the 4th cake, that doggie looks very uncomfortable. I guess I would be uncomfortable too. Poor spider placement.
I have no words for the rest of thee horrifying wrecks. Well, except........

Unknown said...

Loved the TP one. :)

The other are just scary.

coeurdechoeur said...

To me, it looks like the cross between Princess Leia, the Bride of Frankenstein, a Muppet, and a chihuahua.

WV: suredig - I suredig that angry toilet paper!

Nakia said...

You've outdone yourself today. One of the funniest entries ever!

Anna said...

The toilet paper one is so cute and bizarre!

And, spider aside, that dog is definitely bleeding out of it's mouth. I refuse to believe that is a tongue.

Rachelle said...

This is the funniest ever,I really did laugh out loud! I saw a good one at the store yesterday; kicked myself for not having my camera...I think it was Mr. TPs bride Ms. Angry Poo!

Anonymous said...

Wait . . . sperm isn't supposed to look like that? I guess I should set up an appointment with my doctor. :P

Am I reading it wrong, or did you imply the whitch's nose is composed of those two blobs? I thought one was the nose and the other her chin?

lisadh said...

Those are just classic in their wreckiness and in your writing! Great post, Jen!

I do think I like the angry tp, tho. He's kinda cute (and has loads of frosting!)

Lisa G in NZ said...

LOL... great blog. Anna, u are correct. I think Lassie is ROAD kill and that is blood comin' out of the mouth... and spider is just ready to have lunch? dunno...

yep, road kill dog? think I'll make it a cake (what werrrrre they thinking)

xfanficx said...

There seems to be a distinct upsurge in people wanting sperm on their cakes. I saw some cakes at our local grocery with the same "design" - I think they're supposed to be lizards, but why bother with details?

The TP made me LOL :cD

Anonymous said...

That dog looks like it's become road kill and the spider is enjoying a feast. And isn't that a bow on its head, not glasses? I'm diggin' the Angry TP, too... Another hilarious post, Jen!

Carrie said...

Yesterday at the grocery store I saw doughnuts with a couple of gummi worms and mini candy bars on them. Perhaps there's something we are missing here? hmm...

Sadly, I didn't have my camera with me to capture that or the rather cute CCC of Frankenstein. It was well done - for a CCC!

Angry toilet paper is hilarious!

Mother (Re)produces. said...

Toilet paper? or ghost of Bart Simpson? You decide. Really, though, I thought the cupcake bat was actually cute. Most of those cupcake monstrosities are... monstrous, but I liked the bat.

SyracuseWolvrine said...

I actually like the Angry Toilet Paper.

As for the caption on the first one, all I have to say is "You might think those elephants are spraying water, but, its snot"

WV: suriatm - where TomKat's baby gets money from

Anonymous said...

My kids keep asking me what I'm going to be for Halloween this year, now I know.... Angry Toilet Paper!! Why didn't I think of it before?

Thanks for making me laugh until my sides hurt!!


Rebecca F. said...

Oh my!


Elizabeth said...

I don't comment often (though I love this blog!) but I just have to say that you killed me with the spider comment. Awesome post!

Unknown said...

Reminder to self:
No coffee while viewing Cake Wrecks!
No exceptions!

Kyle Roper said...

The TP one looks like a white Bart Simpson.

katydid25 said...

ok for the first cake- the witch with the weird nose... GOOGLE: Probiscis monkey.
LOVE the angry toilete paper. Made me laugh out loud.

Kathleen said...

The toilet paper/marshmallow cake is really cute! Odd, but cute.

Micha said...

I think the toilet paper was angry because the cat, while trying to help I'm sure, clawed it on the top...and that is why felines should NEVER be hairstylists!

Dawnie C. said...

Oh my GOD, I did not know what busting a gut was until I found your website!

Do you know how hard it is to hold in laughter with quotes like "why is the toilet paper mad?" rofl!!!!!

This is too dangerous for work. I need to make sure I look at your site at home! lol!

Becky said...

That doggie one is so SAD!

jess said...

The dog one is just too weird for words...I mean, WHY??? It makes no sense at all!!!!!!!!!

Great post!

Donna said...

From Diana:

":Please - it's far too early in the morning to be reminded of exactly how salacious my imagination is!

..."what in the name of sweet Lassie"....oh on the monitor again...."

I guess my imagination is just as salacious...and my monitor just as coffee stained. I really should have learned by now not to drink and read.

VillageMom said...

Aww, I like the happy spermies! Hubby and I are trying to make a baby and I'd like to think that his spermies are that happy. Maybe I should buy him a cookie?

Wendy said...

I think if I was toilet paper, I'd also be angry with my lot in life...

Lisa said...

Is that last one a DOUBLE-DECKER CCC? How appropriate for Halloween . . . the thought of it is simply horrible!!!

Wildroses said...

o_o The ghost with the chocolate bars... scares me... a lot...

MetalNoir said...

I think that last one is intended to be a bat.

The angry toilet paper made my day, somehow. I like it when the inanimate objects have faces.

Bethie said...

Angry toilet paper cake cracks me up! Now, the sperm cake, I just don't know....

ShinyGreenApple said...

I find those doggy cakes upsetting enough ( I mean really, who would want to slice up and eat a cute little dog?! *cries* ) But that spider on the dog cake is a whole new level of disturbing.

And I'd buy the toilet paper cake and bring it to a party XD

LYX said...

I'm preeettty sure I can see the 'hands/arms' on that ghost in the icing, so maybe he's supposed to be holding candy...? Though I suppose the ghost having hands to hold that stuff really doesn't help the situation.

Gary said...

Annacakes79 said...
"If you look at the cake next to the colorful sperm one, it has the same sperm on it! What a fertile bunch of cake!"

Obviously, somewhere in the same bakery there's a jelly roll or an eclair (presumably not a ladyfinger) or a Long Tom that really gets around at night! It seems to mate indiscriminately with cookie cakes, cup cake cakes, and I don't know what else.

I think the Princess Leia cake is supposed to be a bat (one of those big-eared ones). A Star Wars sort of bat, but still a bat.

Mary A Brown said...

Isn't it obvious that the sperm came from the "Hallo-weenie"?!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow. I don't laugh out loud very often, but this one had me trying hard to avoid waking up my husband... Good heavens.

Unknown said...

LOL Love them.


Stephanie said...

Oh wow... the angry toilet paper comment really cracked me up. Just what I needed after a day of mostly feeling pretty sick. Thanks Jen! :)

Unknown said...

omg! I snorted water out my nose at the "Lassie" one.

These are great!!

lizzydee said...

hmmmmmm..... I don't want to know either.

LittleLovables said...

cute angry toilet paper!!

the witch's nose looks like an alien ghost thing with a red cape... think he-man's sidekick, kind of

corsii said...

The witch reminds me of the substitute teacher from this children's book

dogface said...

I have to say, I love the angry toilet paper. It looks like some weird cartoon that would be on Japanese stationary and stuff. :D

Anonymous said...

Why is the TP angry?

Because that bakery is a rip-off!

MC from NZ

Haiku Joy said...

Why so mad, TP?
Because you're the backup for
Spider on patrol?

Mrs. Taft said...

I'm sorry but that angry toilet-paper-ghost is SOOOO CUUUUUUTE!

Anonymous said...

My god, the bluntness of "why is the toilet paper angry" had me laughing so hard I woke up my 6month old. It was worth it.

Anonymous said...

I have some friends dressing up in all white sweatsuits and fashioning tails... They're calling themselves a "fallopian swim team."
Although I'm not sure how the wreckerator heard about it! =)

Anonymous said...

I don't think the glasses are's a bow. Dog lovers do that kind of stuff. I'm not a dog lover but I recognize a poor dressed up dog anywhere.

Miranda said...

Bwuh??? Drugs are not for the workplace, people! Keep your recreation at home!

Altissima said...

OK. The first one is clearly the Boogie Monster.

Hungarican Chick said...

The butt-sniffing spider... ROFL

Melanie said...

I was away from my computer for 5 days and then woke this morning sick as the proverbial dog, bad stomach cramps. This post made me laugh so hard I threw up.... and I don't regret it. Thanks for raising my spirits, even if you did bring up other things as well.

The Washer said...

Ok, I think the last photo is the cross of Rowlf the dog and Count von Count from the Muppets. :)

Rosemary said...

The toilet paper is angry because its hair is on fire!

Twolls said...

That last one is clearly a female for Batly (

A Matter of Wedding Photography said...

I quite like the multi coloured sperm one. Looks fun.

DaveyRamone said...

The sperm are happy that they don't live in a hollow ween...

Andrea said...

Oh my! The last one looks like poo with fangs!

Anonymous said...

Those squiggly things aren't sperm, they are Vermicious Knids from "Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator" (as illustrated by Joseph Schindelman).

1nes said...

i thought the toiler paper one looked a little like an enraged marshmallow that had its' hair ripper off (dunno why that came into mind)

but the dog cake..... as a dog lover and also having arachnophobia, that scares me..........

Bouncy Marshmallow said...

OMG... I think I know what that spider's doing...but I don't really want to say.


Slipped Halo said...

I like the TP cake. I LOL'ed on that one.

The Alphabet Gang said...

Oh, guys, how could you not SEE? The cake with the chocolate bars/gummy worm... erm... decoration? (yes, for the sake of decorum, we'll call it "decoration.") Of COURSE they used Mr. Goodbar - 'cause it's full of NUTS!

Ah, thank YOU! *ba-dum ching!*

Carmen, the Un-Stalker
"I'll be here all week!"

WV: pitiocau - I pitiocau da fool who din't see those nuts!

Cupcakes Lady said...

Angry toilet it" xx

Anonymous said...

I laughed the entire way through viewing those cakes. My eyes are watering and the comments are hilarious ! My sentiments exactly.

Anonymous said...

Okay, it's a year and a half later, but some geek has to say it: That spider is doing something unspeakable to Mr. Peabody!


wv: uphswit What's uphswit that?

Terri said...

O M Gosh!! These are hilarious!! The person/people that write the captions is're my kind of people!! Thanks for giving me good laughs!!
from Terri in South Georgia, USA