Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Sweets: Halloween

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'm not a fan of gory Halloween cakes, so instead here are some truly Sweet designs to get you in a spooktacular mood for Saturday.

First, a fun topsy-turvy style:

(Made by Pink Cake Box)

And a bat cake that is almost painfully adorable:

(Made by Dorispepsi)

Speaking of adorable, this little ghost with pigtails also fits the bill:

(Submitted by Becki E. & made by Janna Espada)

Although she'll have to watch where she steps; it looks like Slimer paid a visit. ;)

This wedding cake has a real Burton-esque feel to it (which is a good thing, of course):

And this one has fantastic details:

I love the tree and the way the moon is suspended from the roof. Plus, check out the little cobblestones and gate; the composition is as pretty as a painting!

And finally, I never imagined a skull cake would be my favorite, but then I never imagined a skull cake could be this gorgeous, either:

(Submitted by Sheila M. & made by the great Highland Bakery)

I hope you enjoyed today's Sweet Treats! Now brace yourselves, 'cuz this week you're going to see a whole lotta Halloween Wreckage. [rubbing hands together gleefully] Oh yeah, this is going to be good.

- Similar Sweets: Spooktacular Wedding Cakes
Unknown said...

Oooooh, I want the first one and the one of Little Girl Boo! Quite ironic since I'm showing "Monster's Inc." (one of my all-time favorite movies, thank you very much) to my students on Friday as part of Halloween. (We stick to the cute parts of culture in this area!)

Melinda said...

I love that bat cake! Anxiously awaiting the Halloween wreckage!

Late said...

These are great, cute Halloween cakes! I love the bat!

lizzybef said...

First! Wow, they are pretty great! Not a fan of gory cakes either...

miss. chief said...

Oh, the only thing that could make that skull cake better would be some colorful day of the dead decorations on it.

Anne said...

I totally love the bat cake. That's my favorite of today's sweets.

Looking forward to the Halloween wreckage...

S3XinthePantry said...

love your Sunday posts!

Andrea said...

I love those two tiered ones. So perfectly designed! Anxiously awaiting the Halloween wrecks!

Anonymous said...

Yes, can't wait for the Halloween cake wrecks. Sunday Sweets are nice and all, but I come for catastrophe.

Half Assed Kitchen said...

The inside of that skull's nose gives me the dry heaves a little. Otherwise, lovely.

gigi said...

Wow, if only I had the extra cash around to buy one of those cakes(& someone to share them with). They are all spectacular!

Nobody said...

those cakes are incredible! makes me wish i was getting married on halloween. :)

Sputnik said...

I am rather partial to the Melting Head Cake myself:

Shelley Dayton said...

The skull cake is truly lovely. Though I can't imagine eating the eyeballs.

testing thing said...

Is it wrong that I almost enjoy Sunday Sweets better than your regular posts?

Either way keep up the good work, your blog is great!

Bree said...

These are really all too cute and endearing to eat, but I think I could attempt a bite of the pumpkin on the first cake.

I can't wait to see the Hallowreckage. I've been browsing my local grocery stores for some scary cakes, but the bakers around here either know about this site or they're way too sane to produce any wrecks.

Lori said...

How great! I love the Burtonesque wedding cake. My wedding was two weeks after Halloween and now I'm jealous.

Penny said...

I swear I didn't copycat!

I posted a bunch of cool cakes this morning and when I checked your site--whoops! We have some overlap! When I steal from you, I admit it loud and clear!!!


Terry Lee said...

great picks for today's treats!

i'll admit that i'm not a fan of skulls (of any kind) but at least it has a pink ribbon on its hat.

and speaking of pink, am lovin' little miss girlie ghost! not only are her pigtails blonde but she's sporting pink tennies!

toooooo adorable!

A Paperback Writer said...

I love the top cake. Maybe some artist could make a copy in porcelain and sell it as a Halloween decoration.

Bookworm said...

That bat is just too cute...but my favorite is the 5th very detailed haunted house--it's so amazing!

Unknown said...

I wasn't surprised when I clicked the link and found out that the Burton-esque was by Christopher Garren...that guy and his whole staff are meticulous and very talented, at least by what we can see on Amazing Wedding Cakes.

It goes to show that a lot of what makes a cake a Sweet versus a Wreck is taking the time to plan and then more time to execute the detail work. Slap-jobs never look good!

Hobbit said...

Yeah, those cobblestones are great, but I just LOVE that bat. Adorable!

Cheressa said...

I love the second from the last one..ADORABLE!! also, the little girl with the pig-tails??? Too cute!!

Anonymous said...

This is a week late, but I wanted to congratulate you on making the NY Times Bestseller list, and getting a write up! It's inspiring to see that bringing joy and humor to the masses occasionally pays off.

Christine said...

I love the pink tennis shoes sticking out from under the ghost cake's sheet! So cute :)

Anonymous said...

THese are AWESOME!! I usually don't care about the Sunday Sweets, but the artistry is astounding, along with the cuteness. I agree with the earlier posting--makes me wish I were getting married on Halloween.

Can't WAIT for the wreckage!!! Hooray for Halloween cakes, both beautiful and wrecky! Lily

Green said...

Things bother me about the first and third cakes.

The first cake insists that the bottom of pumpkins are apparently cylindrical. And the second cake just cues in this disappointment factor I learned about when I was a child.

Whenever you have a craft form that looks like a person with something draped over it (like a dress or sheet) it's most usually a head (or whatever is visible) with no body under the drape mimicking a form.

Yes, I was the kid who peeked under witches' and manikins' clothing.

Unknown said...

The first one and the Tim Burton-style are my favourites. Although the skull is great, too!

~Amy B-H

Anonymous said...

That skull cake is so gorgeous! It makes me think of Dr. Faciler, the villain in the upcoming Princess and the Frog movie x]

DawnieC. said...

Oh I LOVE that Burton-esque wedding cake!!!!! Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. I wish I had thought of that for my wedding! AWESOME!

The other cakes are great too. Man, some people are just ultra talented when it comes to making cakes! I am so in awe!

Kathleen said...

That little ghost is positively adorable...from her little blonde pigtails and wide eyes right down to her little pink tennis shoes!! So cute!

Anonymous said...

I love these!

Pilgrim said...

I was totally in love with the little pigtailed-girl ghost cake, and then I scrolled down a little more and saw her sweet pink tennis shoes sticking out. How adorable is that!!! That is ADORABLE!!!

Anxiously awaiting the halloween wrecks....

Gary said...

All beautiful, but none of them look very edible. Would I be pleasantly surprised if I tasted them?

Andygirl said...

Ooh I really, really like the first one and the second to last one! But I don't want to eat them; I want to frame them and look at them forever. Not weird at all.

Sweat Bee said...

I'm not feeling the love for the bat cake, unless it's intentional that he has boobies for eyes and appears to be inebriated.

The ghost, on the other hand, is adorable!

Nonna said...

They are all masterpieces but the wedding cake is my fav !

Lucille Ball (Jr.) said...

oh! i loved today's post. thanks jen!

Lucia W. said...

should i run and hide from cake wrecks this week?

Sook said...

Oh wow! I am speechless... Everything looks so awesome!

Her Preppiness said...

Love those cakes

Jenn Jilks said...

Fabulous shots. So glad you left out the gory. I just cannot do that! Keep up the good work.

Robyn said...

I hope you do a Sunday Sweets on el Dia de los Muertes (Day of the Dead). It's November 1, and the candies and cakes made for the holiday are amazing!

Lisa said...

Jack-o-lantern luminaries on the Little Pig-Tailed Ghost cake's board? Best evah.

Caz said...

Oh my those are just unbelievable!

Gary said...

The Day of the Dead is November 2, not November 1. November 1 is All Saints' Day.

Tasha said...

The ghost cake absolutely thrills me.

Someday I'm going to buy one of these treasures, and it's going to be really hard to cut into. I feel like I'd be damaging it to eat it!

Brooke said...

For a boy version of the ghost cake you can check out my attempt here:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the second-to-last one, with the house and tree on top. SOOOO cute!!

Jules said...

For this Halloween. I would choose the skull cake. =D

A Writers Den
Brown Mestizo

vwolfe said...

Incase any one likes some gore cake

Anonymous said...

I love that skull cake, and the Burton-esque one as well as the one right below it. The names on the little tombstones on that one amuse me.

Diana said...

I'm sorry, cutesy Halloween cakes are just WRONG.

Valentine's day can be cute (for kids) and hopefully sexy for the grown-ups. Christmas can be cute. heck, I'll even be OK with a cute Thanksgiving (although the turkeys never think of it that way).

But Halloween should be SCARY. Gross. Show us some awesome SCARY cakes.

Amanda said...

Do petit fours count???

I tried making them for the first time ever... halloween themed of course.

Unknown said...

Oh my GOSH - I TOTALLY had pigtails when I was a ghost... I think I was about 3....

Wow... i want that cake.

BlueCloud said...

I loved the skull cake! I never thought that a skull could be so nice-looking!

Anitza said...

I went to a wedding a few years ago and they had a lovely Halloweeny cake. Take a peek!

lexi said...

These are great Halloween cakes, but how about showing some love for Dia de los Muertos?

JD said...

That bat is super adorable! One of my all time favs.

cakesandbakes said...

I had to comment as I've been staring at that 1st cake for the last 2 weeks! I love pink cake box and used that design to show as inspiration to a client who wanted a Halloween themed birthday cake. I didn't think that she would request the actual cake! With a few additions this is what I made:

I was so surprised when Pink Cake box commented on my blog and was ok with my interpretation too!

BTW I'm just an amateur who bakes in her spare time...I could never claim to be in the same league as the (decent) professionals, although I believe cakewrecks give me hope that I'm actually better than many who call themselves professionals!!!

Cookoo for Cake said...

Just happened across one of my cakes here :) The Girlie Ghost n light up Jack O Lantern.

I am smiling at all of the warm comments!

I am more a Halloween should be scary gal myself, but the client prevails!! At least I got a little goo in!!