The most
wreckiness, that is.

The label says "The 'Boo' Cake", but it looks more like a "boo-
hoo" cake - that, or "when ghosts scream". I guess this is why ghosts shouldn't wear mascara, huh? (Get it? Ma-SCARE-a?)
Some say 'carpe diem' (seize the day) and others say 'carpe jugular' (seize the throat). I'm guessing these cupcakes are more the latter:

Huh - I've never seen ghosts with claws before.

The ghost on the left looks like a cheerleader with pom-poms. The ghost on the right looks...uh...[noting kids in the room] ....cheerful. Yeah. Like, giving you his full attention kind of cheerful.

These teeny-tiny "cupcake" creations are almost as bad as Cupcake Cakes. Not only do the bakeries leave the paper wrapper on the cupcake, but they also pile on enough icing to make even the most die-hard sugar addict develop a facial tic.
As for this particular Wreck, I have just three words: "albino squid mouth". And "ick". Ok, so maybe four words.
Thanks to Barbara A., Susan G., Heather A., and Punketta D.
83 comments | Post a Comment
That first ghost is a little off but I still think he is cute in a depressed kind of way.
That first cake needs a Xanax.
Carpe Jugulum...A Disc World reference?
What is it with bakers and phalluses???
Oh my the first one looks like a bird pooped on a white tablecloth! The others are more sad than scary.
Picture #3: Is that a ghost on your cake, or are you just happy to see me???
I, I think, well, O just forget it, I got nothin.
Maybe some of these decorators suffer from penis-envy?
i almost like the claw ghosts.
The ghosts in the second picture look like they're being sucked into cupcake quicksand and are screaming for help. Kinda freaky...
And the first ghost is just crying tears of joy that he made it onto a famous blog like Cake Wrecks. :D
I'd just like to say that "Albino Squid Mouth" would be a great name for a rock band.
Oh my. I was just considering making some fun ghost cupcakes with my daughter but these truly scared me. The first one looks like someone stomped on it! and i agree. I'm not sure i would want my 5 yo seeing those oh so very happy "ghosts" on that cake.
Thanks for the continued Halloween frights . . .
oh my... I choked on my coffee at "Like, giving you his full attention kind of cheerful." lol! you need to come with a warning!
What *is* the idea with that last one? yikes.
... jugulum?
Those aren't claws...they're little quotation marks.
OMG, I just laughed out loud at the ghost which is a little too 'excited'. My boss is giving me very strange looks.
Note to self, do not surf cake wrecks at work unless you are alone.
Wow! I guess I just have never considered how hard it is to make a ghost!
They leave the paper on????
That's just wrong.
Okay, even my four year old (who knows I look at funny cakes, but usually doesn't understand why they're funny) goes "What's that black stuff on the cake?" at the first one. "Ghost" didn't even come to mind, and he's Halloweened to the max right now.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you're going to do more than frost the top of a cupcake, TAKE OFF THE DANG PAPER.
I sort of like the claw ghosts too.
OK, someone back me up here. In the claws one, after looking really hard and trying to figure out what the decorator was aiming for, I think each cupcake is supposed to be 3 ghosts. A mama ghost and two babies...? Just a guess, because claws are a little odd for the traditional ghost. But then again, a ghost with claws would scare me a bit more I guess.
That first one was oh so close to not being a wreck. It just looks so runny!
I...Well, I especially like the little curlicue of, at the ... base of the ..."happy ghost".
Anonymous -- Carpe Jugulum ("seize the jugular") is the title of a Terry Pratchett novel in the Discworld series. If you enjoy fantasy or satire (or both), the series is a must-read.
Huh -- ROFL.
The thing about the Albino Squid Mouth that gets me is that they leave the paper on. Miss Emily Post herself could not dig through that much frosting without making a mess, and I hate to think what a toddler would do with it. You'd be cleaning the kid, and the kitchen, for hours.
Some bakers should just skip Hallowe'en altogether.
Yeah, the first one looks more like a "Poo", not a "Boo" cake to me...
Leeches. The first one's being attacked by leeches. See? It *is* scary!
Some ghosts have claws. Ghost wolverines. Ghost mountain lions. Ghost badgers.
Take the mouth of the last cake and the right ghost on the second to last cake and you've got yourself a little erotic icing-ghost on icing-ghost action.
The ghost cupcakes are making "scare quotes" with their fingers.
Get it? SCARE quotes?!?
HOO HA! I kill myself.
Oh dearie me...One of the ghosts got a little excited.
Word verification: arditic.
That almost sounds like an actual word! :O
I'm glad I read through these comments first - Jennifer said exactly what I was thinking!
What does it say about me that I looked at that first cake and didn't think "squid", but rather "female anatomy"?
Some of these bakers really need a crash course in how to design a Ghost.. A Ghost does not look like a over drawn penis! lol
I've never seen a ghost that even resembles these...hahahaha
~Amy B.
Ghost #1 looks like shoe size 5.
I'm with you on that cupcake thing - it just looks like a mound of icing!
I know you shouldn't make fun of the dead..............but is that first one the ghost of Tammy Faye Baker??
Cake Wrecks has changed my life.
I never used to go into the backery section at all but now, now I browse through looking carefully at each creation just hoping beyond all hope to run across a wreck!!!!
Thank you Cake Wrecks!
So what gives w/ all of the, hmmm (kids in my room too!) "happy" cakes? Do you think maybe the decorators are thinking things? Maybe they've just gotten their prescriptions for Viagra renewed!?!
2d props to huh! haha
maybe the 1st is an "alli" cake (think weight-loss pill) - complete w/ side effect warnings of "loose stool"
Okay, here is my opinion on the number two cake... I think it is supposed to show three ghosts coming at you but the smaller ones are further away. That is my guess. Like out of a black hole or something.
As for cake #3. Surely there must be at least some internal debate over whether or not to leave such a phallic ghost there. I mean really!
That 3rd one (the "cheerful" one) reminds me of the "ice cream cone" my 4-yr-old stepson drew on a birthday card for my mother this weekend! I could have cried, I was trying SOOOO hard not to laugh at his art!!
hee hee... wiener ghost! The ghost of my last husband! Just kidding... I'm still married to my last husband. :)
Oookay. Apparently, the filter on my work computer thinks all but the cheerleader/happy ghost cake are pornographic and won't let me see the photos. Which, naturally, makes me even more curious. Now I have to wait until I get home to view. :o\
Those little ghost cupcakes with the claws look very yummy actually! The claws are silly, but they still look good!
that last one.. i was thinking a bell pepper gone bad!
Jen you are too too funny. Thanks for the laughs today.
I have to say, that first one really looks like someone started icing out a pattern of dance steps.
Only one person was an amputee.
Man, Freud would have a field day with some of these cakes.
That first ghost looks like the ghost of a panda bear.
Is there any cake under that last cupcake? I'd argue that it's just a glop of frosting.
Then again, around in these parts, some bakeries sell one ounce "frosting shots" of delicious buttercream or any other flavor, just in case you don't want to bother with the whole cake part of the cupcake.
50 cents a sugar hit.
The weeping ghost made me laugh. Awh, a boo-hoo cake!
Oh lord..I think my husband needs his eyes checked. He looked at me with a straight face and asked what was wrong with the very first ghost cake (the one with the dripping eyes and mouth.) Then he said it was cool....He was right on the money with the 3rd cake though (you know the one who is happy and at attention.) LOL
"Not only do the bakeries leave the paper wrapper on the cupcake, but they also pile on enough icing to make even the most die-hard sugar addict develop a facial tic."
I choked with this one, unfortunately not on cake.
The cakes at my local store were of the generic crappy variety - I think there was a big sale on sprinkles.
The first one wouldn't be that bad if they'd get the face right...fondant is better than 3 lbs of white icing...
ghosts with jazz hands.
"albino squid mouth" is sweeping the nation
Ghost with pom-poms...
that's actually a much more innocent image than what immediately popped into my filthy brain...
These are just so wrong, .... a serious lack of talent in the bakery world.
But they do provide a good laugh!
I'm usually pretty tolerant of the accidental phalluses. I might have served the fireman cake. I was willing to let the quebecois penis balloons ride, but I gasped aloud when I saw that happy-to-see-you ghost.
Maybe it's a thing that bakers do: to see how obscene they can make a cake without getting caught. Airline people sometimes challenge one another to incorporate words into PAs. Listen carefully to phrases like "Have a comfortable flight" and you may discover that your pilot or flight attendant is winning a bar bet.
I just can't believe all these icing penises are entirely accidental.
Hey Jen,
You've been tagged! Check out my blog, A Daughter of the King for details. Nothing crazy just post 7 random things about yourself in a post and tag 7 other people.
I agree that those ghost cupcakes show one ghost flanked by two other ghosts -- they're backup singers! Maybe "Casper and the Ghostettes" could open for "Albino Squid Mouth."
(BTW, Cake Wrecks is the first hit for a Google of the words "albino squid mouth".)
actually the eyes make it look like the saggy BOOb cake.
I agree with the others who say that it looks like a bird flew over the first one and left a deposit.
obviously the baker didn't have a long enough training...
I think the "carpe jugulum" cupcakes kind of look like fleur du lies with faces... maybe it's supposed to be "scary" french wallpaper come back to haunt you?
JRM, I actually had the same thought.
Indeed, Freud would have a field day with these cakes.
Those aren't claws in the second picture.
They're jazz hands!
Is it wrong of me to think that the first pic was of a white mound where three plops of bird poo landed with unerring accuracy? There is a drip like curve to the bottom of the 'matter' which adds conviction to mt theory.
Err.. Happy Halloween, or whatever.
About the cupcake cakes, I am a fan. I can't tell you how much I hate cutting and serving cake to birthday party guests. All the whining "I want more icing" and "Oh Oh I want a big peice, yeah that one, with the big rose..." or "You don't want that peice, I licked it hahaha". I just don't need all that. You want a big peice? Here's two cupcakes. You want more icing? Here two cupcakes and no I don't care what you do with the cake. I do still lick the good ones. That's the only way you get anything in my house.
wow, cupcakefan... Cutting the cake is fun, and regular cakes are moar pretty than cupcakecakes..
Don't worry I hate things that are fun and pretty too.
Picture #3: That's quite a booner.
I think that comment posted at 4:22 by "Anonymous" might just BE that ghost..... think....a GHOST posting on your blog.....
So much hate!
Glad you weren't in charge of any of my parties. If you are so uncaring of your guest's enjoyment, why bother to have a cake at all. Just give them some peanuts and a soda and tell them to get out.
I think the ghosts are trying to give the infamous Costco cake a run for it's money.
A shout-out to all my fellow Discworld fans! :D
Don't know why my last comment was rejected. You know, Monty Python reference. "Science fiction" sketch, blancmanges, THEY MEAN TO WIN WIMBLEDON. Anyway.
lol Wow. You guys don't mess around over here, do ya?
I'm not hating on the traditional cake, I just find the cupcakes easier.
Oh and anon, you can't give people peanuts and soda at a birthday party. You have to bribe them with a cake(or cupcakes) and ice cream to get the good gifts:-)
This is great site, btw. I laugh my butt off everytime I visit!
"Carpe Jugulum" is a book by Terry Pratchett. A pretty book, too.
I don't know if y'all saw this but the in the background of the first picture there was what looked to be like a deformed pumpkin head. maybe it's just me.
The first one would have been really cute if his face hadn't melted, which is what I'm pretty sure is what has happened here.
Decorator must have forgotten that they sit under warm lights all day.
these really just blow my mind because, really- HOW HARD IS IT TO MAKE A GHOST!?!?!?!!!!!
i swear this blog makes me want to work at a bakery so i can either make some halfway decent cakes or some really spectacular wrecks.
The ghosts in the third picture.... are.... O.O
The second ones look like angry polar bears.
Freud would have a field day with these cakes. So true. xx
*Has* to be a Disc World reference! <3