Monday, October 20, 2008

It's a Wreck Off!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Alright, 'fess up, decorators: you're TRYING to outdo each other with the Wrecky cupcake cakes, now, aren't you?

Well, you leave me no choice. That's right, folks:


Now, let's go over the rules again, shall we?

1) Both cakes must be of the same subject matter, and the same basic form or shape.
2) The "winning" Wreck shall be the subject of scorn at company water coolers the world over for exactly one business day: no more, no less.
3) There are no other rules.


Well, folks, the Pastel Piranha came out swinging, taking full advantage of all that lumpy icing to better showcase its full pound of edible glitter. It's also showing its true colors "airbrush" style, and frankly, I think that creepy smiley face just may take home the prize today.

Ah, but wait, what's this?

OH! A devastating entrance has been made by Crazy Clash!

Wow, just look at that form. The hypnotic swirls, the glistening green slime, the death-pale torso! Crazy Clash may not float like a butterfly, my friends, but its design certainly is stinging my retinas like a particularly feisty bumblebee, I can tell you THAT.

What do you think, readers? Do we have a winner?

Michelle B. and Heather N., don't tell me this was staged: that just takes all the fun out of the sport.
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The Courteous Chihuahua said...

Wow, you'd think a star of Ashanti's level could afford a better cake. However, my vote goes to Crazy Clash. That just doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said...

That #2 entry looks like, well, #2. Unfortunately, that would be about how good a cake I tried to decorate would look.

Willow said...

Definitely Crazy Clash wins!

ad said...

Pastel puke takes it for me!
Ooh, is the room spinning for you, too??

Anonymous said...

I would have to cast my vote for the 2nd one. At least the first one has it's wings "attached", the 2nd just looks like they were an after-thought.

Thresia said...

the second one, crazy clash of eyes are still smarting from the blow!! :D

The Honorable Mayor of Bethville said...

I'll need to see them at the pupa stage to make my final decision.

Reverend Shari said...

is it just me, or is the pink skewer making it look like the butterfly is pinned to the board?

Emily said...

I personally like how in the #2 cake, "Happy Birthday" and "Megan" are totally different sizes. It's a nice touch.

Anonymous said...

That green on Crazy Clash is positively urp-tastic.
On a side note, my husband and I are supposed to be providing cupcakes for my daughter's dance team for homecoming and I had to use this blog as an example of why we did NOT want the cupcakes to be airbrushed.

Anonymous said...

i actually like #1. D:

#2 though..... ouch.

Meagan said...

I assume they're butterflies. Aren't butterflies known for their symmetry? yikes! Well, Crazy Clash wins for me since it's the least symmetrical. Oh and I love the tiny "Happy Birthday."

The Lili Effect said...

My vote is for Crazy Clash's entry! The non-matching wings were what finally did it for me. I've never seen a butterfly looking so distraught....

Jess said...

I'm going to have to vote for Ashanti's pastel piranha. The airbrushing and glitter just makes it super-wrecky! This is going to be a close contest~

CEW said...

Crazy Clash all the way! Mostly, I think it should win because the swirly wing looks like someone's attempt to make a cake replica of a map of Alaska.

Anonymous said...

I vote for the 2nd picture. The wings don't even match. And just think of the color it will be when it comes out the other end...ick.

Joe said...

I vote for Crazy Clash because of the stunning asymmetry. Even the name written in icing on the right stands in stark contrast to the tiny plastic "Happy Birthday" on the left.

Anonymous said...

Do I spy a frosting decorating tip in wreck #1? It's funny to me how many people take the time to make these cakes and pass them off as a purchased "professional" but forget to move the cake decorating tools out of the background. I give it a "B" as in Bravo!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, they are both so stunning (cough cough) it is hard to decide, but I think I am leaning towards #2 as the winner (or loser, which ever is more appropriate)

loisgroat said...

I'm sorry - it just can't be THAT hard to arrange cupcakes into a shape that resembles a butterfly!! These both resemble amoebae.

HorribleLicensePlates said...

I would say the Pastel Piranha is the most wrecky. The are both pretty close though. Love the bake off!

Small Shake said...

Second one. OMG. wow. I'm just starting up with cake decorating and hope I never make a hot mess like that. Ever. wow.

Cathy W said...

I can forgive the regrettable color scheme of Pastel Puke if I assume there's a 7-year-old girl involved, but I can't deal with the non-matching wings on Crazy Clash.

Kameron said...

Methinks #2 wins by a small margin. The bee stripes and the mis-matched wings push it across the finish line for rme!

John said...

I think the creator of the second one was taking nips off the cooking sherry! As much as I don't like the whole air-brushed look of the first one, at least it's (mostly) coherent.

Marlene Whitecourt said...

My vote goes for the second one. And I think we have to start an anti cupcake cake movement here. We need to get the word out! Both of those were horrible.

The face on it was very off putting.


The Caked Crusader said...

This may be a "just me then?" moment but I see Mr Hanky (from South Park)in both of them.

For the sheer "none shall sleep after ingesting this much colouring and glitter" factor, it has to be number 1 for me. Sure, number 2 has outstanding ugliness in it's favour but it's not going to physically damage the eaters in the same way.

Marshall91 said...

There are no winners here, but that green is just nasty. I vote for #2.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the green does it for me in Crazy Clash. My vote goes to #2.

Jamie and Angela said...

I vote for #2. I'm pretty sure nothing even close to that exists in nature.

Jackie said...

I'd have to go with entrant #1. Enough pink & glitter to make even Mariah Carey ill! That one takes the cake *no pun intended!*

Logical Libby said...

I have to go with Crazy Clash. It looks like a map of Alaska on the right side...

DreamKiller HR Superstar said...

My vote goes to the second one - mostly because of the different wing styles in addition to it's general level of "wreck"ness.

Anonymous said...

Although I find it most difficult to choose between these two abominations, the Crazy Clash is just too "crazy" for me. ewwwww.

Ryan Fitz Gibbon said...

OH MY GOD crazy clash no question. total fail.

Rebecca and Chris said...

It has to be Crazy Clash. The horrible colours, the completely mis-matched writing (itsy-bitsy pink and large, swirly purple) and the sad candle that is slowly sinking into the green slime.

Resplendentquetzal said...

It's gotta be the 2nd... I mean really, they couldn't even write Happy Birthday, and had to use the pick!?
And everyone knows butterflies are symmetrical right? Same design on both wings, sigh.

Reiza said...

While they're both awful, I'm going to vote for Crazy Clash as the worst. While looking at Ashanti's cake, I wrinkled my nose, but when looking at Crazy Clash, I had a, "Wait. Huh? WTF? Why?" moment. That beats out a wrinkled nose any day.

tamdoll said...

I think (edible?) green slime trumps anything.

Stacy Disarrayed said...

#2 crazy clash...definitely!!! At least the first one has consistency in

Anonymous said...

Eating edible glitter is, to me, like eating finely ground glass.

In that respect, they BOTH lose. Or does that mean they both win?

AngElaqueate said...

crazy clash is worse, for sure. it's almost like it didn't even try.

M said...

The dogs and I vote for number two, the deuce, the trainwreck that is the most unfortunate looking butterfly in the entire universe.

I feel sorry for the kid.

Yarnhog said...

Oh, the second one. Definitely. Do you suppose they ran out of blue and pink, or just gave up and switched to green? Or maybe it's a conjoined butterfly?

Leigh Ayn said...

Though I am curious how glitter looks on the way out, I think #2 is the most depressing.

Is it a snail? "Happy Birtday, You're Slow."

Eternal Lizdom said...

Crazy Clash has to be the hands down winner. The green wing, the hypnotic swirl, the tiny writing...

Astute observation regarding the decorator tip in the pic for #1.

Abigail Lorraine said...

They're both awful, but #2 is far worse for its mismatched design.

Though I've long read this blog, it's the first time I've wondered what was going through the decorator's mind when they put that cake together!

Erin said...

Number 2, for the win. For sure.

FaithEllen said...

Have to give it to Crazy Clash. #1 was able to spell, and their handwriting's pretty good, given the subject level. #2...isn't that a pink plastic "happy birthday" on a stick? Meaning that all they had to write was "Megan"?


Rach said...

The first one looks like a masterpiece compared to the second.

Alli said...

Definitely Crazy Clash....words can't describe the pure ugliness of it. Why don't the wings match?

kerry said...

i have to go with crazy clash. it's like they got done with the psychedelic swirl wing and thought, "damn! that was hard! i think i'll just do some bright green on the other side. who'll notice?"

joyce said...

Wow. I just can't decide. They both take away my appetite. Yikes.

Your commenters have such good eyes---spotting the decorator's tip.

Anonymous said...

Crazy Clash can add my vote to the decision.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Crazy Crash for the win! (or is it for the lose?)

The pastels are at least stereotypical girly colors, and butterflies are girly, so that somehow makes it less of a wreck for me....

Joy said...

I've gotta go with Pastel Piranha. I mean seriously, glitter? Ew. And the fact that the color combination reminds me of when I ate a snow cone, got car sick, and threw up pastel colors. The second one looks sweet in a I-hired-a-10-year-old-to-decorate-for-me way.

Catherine said...

Oh, no, number 2 is definitely the winner. I mean, loser. I mean, it's worse.

Kami said...

The second one is definitely more wrecktastic. The first one sort of pretty ... in a "some really talented kindergartner colored it" sort of way.

Anonymous said...

#2 is worse - #1 at least has a consistent color pattern.

...And people ask me why I bat crazily when butterflies come near.

K said...

Crazy Clash definitely.
Maybe it was made scary psychedelic looking keeping in mind the Halloween season

Anonymous said...

It's a 5-4 decision, but I gotta go w/the 2nd one...there's the mismatched wings, the airbrush swirl, the teeny "Happy Birthday", and, the piece de resistance, the runaway cupcake on the bottom left

Tammy said...

I have never seen a 2 different colored wing butterfly, especially with swirls from the 60's psychadelic era-cool man cool!
Crazy Clash unanimous winner!

Anonymous said...

Crazy Clash wins as the bigger wreck. While it may be Megan's 9th birthday, it is apparent that 9 is not such an important age (or they don't really like her) based on the tiny 'Happy Birthday' on the left of the cake. Either that or the decorator was so concerned about spelling that they decided a pre-made greeting was the only way to avoid a huge mistake and end up on Cake Wrecks. My suspicion, however, is that it was neither of those things. I think this cupcake wreck was ordered for two people (remember Ashley & Glenn from June with the cheap mom?), and they forgot to put the other kid's name underneath the 'Happy Birthday' where they left a lot of space for it.

Isabella said...

The one with the maggot looking creature down the center of what vaguely looks like the USA is the wreckiest. The glittery creation at least looks like something your average 6 year old might describe for a birthday cake...."And I want lotsa glittery, Mommy! And a butterfly in pink, and blue, and purple! Won't it be the prettiest evah?"

Anonymous said...

They both suck, but as to which sucks less? I guess it's #1.
so, #2 gets 86'd.

Poetry Sue said...

Pastel Piranha Has at least some pretty writting and the colors sorta of match.

Crazy Clash... there is no color scheme and some very random placements...

My vote goes to Crazy Clash

The Ferber Family said...

While Crazy Clash is certainly crazy... what butterflies has he/she been looking at??...I feel Pastel Piranha truly surpasses the clashing by sheer power of bad taste!

Anonymous said...

#1, because this wreck looks like it was done on purpose, not through lack of vision.

Anonymous said...

I have to side with cake #1. why? When I saw it, including the hideous grimace, the first thing I thought of was the daeth's head moth from "Silence of the Lambs."

"Cake, Clarisse? Later we can share some fava beans and chianti..."


Suzyhomemaker said...

#2 only because I know #2 would be blue for days after eating that.

Heather said...

I vote for the 2nd one. Poor Megan.

Anonymous said...

I vote for #1. For some reason it just looks worse to me.

The Creeper said...

For me Crazy Clash is the clear winner with number 2, if for no other reason that the particular wreck looks more like a maggot centered between two pieces of meat in various stages of decomp than a potential butterfly.

I wouldn't mind eating glitter... you know, when compared with eating a maggot.

Anonymous said...

Crazy Clash wins in my mind. The nuclear-waste green is too much. LOL
~Amy B

gratefulsned said...

LOVE the crazy clash! It's like a parody if itself... while the glitter lump is taking itself waaaay too seriously.

Michael said...

I have to go with Crazy Clash.

Nowhere in nature will you find such an unbalanced pair of butterfly wings. At least the striped pair *kind of* match. (Kind of.)

Also, green slime icing should be reserved for boy's cakes and *never* be used in combination with a butterfly theme.

Anonymous said...

The #2 entry is obviously a reference to the current Presidential election. Traditional swing state Ohio on the right, Alaska on the left. Probably the mirror image would've been more accurate politically - that must've been an intended Wreckiness as well. #2 gets my vote!

Anonymous said...

I - but - green - why?

Megan REALLY likes swirls and REALLY likes swamp-coloured slime and just could make a decision? She'll have to improve her decision making skills by the time she reaches voting age.

Where's the logic? What's the reasoning? I mean...I just want to time travel back into the kitchen when this is being created.

I'd say Crazy Clash takes the proverbial cake.

Melissa Joy said...

Number 2. It's a mummy, the blob and that hypnosis swirl like in b movies.

With number one, there was no mistaking it was supposed to be a butterfly.

Lynette said...

Oh, wow. These two are baaaad CCCs. But Crazy Clash is by far the more horrendous. It's like Megan's mom was trying to reconcile her daughter's loves of cute little pink butterflies and Ghostbusters in one poorly done cake.

Am I the only one who thinks most CCCs would be better looking and less sugar-overload-gross if they were individually frosted and just arranged/pushed together?


Anonymous said...

Definitely the second one... I mean, how do you make a perfectly innocent cake look unappetising like that? The green...ugh.

I think this one is winning (or losing) hands down.

Anonymous said...

Crazy clash wins!

Miss Kolleen said...

#2 for sure. If they had kept the swirl going i would have voted #1, but whyyyyyyyyy green?

Kate said...

Definatly #2. The first one I am have definate doubts that it was a professional done cupcake wreck (frosting tip and colors in background) Buuuuuut, for not a professional cake, it still looks tons better than the second one which is awful and makes no sense! lol.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's a tough decision. Both entries have their...merits, for lack of a better word.

In the end, though, I have to vote for Crazy Clash. The Pastel Pirhana had a lot going against it, but not only do Crazy Clash's wings completely, well, clash, there's also the tiny smooshed up writing, the nine candle shoved halfway down some poor kid's overiced cupcake, and the generally sloppy execution. Did you notice how much icing had already run down the sides of the cupcakes on the edge?

Crazy Clash has definitely won my vote as well as my eternal derision.

Unknown said...

The bottom cake is the more frightening and less edible-looking. EW

Glory von Hathor said...

Number two!

Speaking of which, I rather grossly cannot help imagining what would happen to your number twos after eating all that pastel glitter icing.

It'd be like pooing a My Little Pony...

TheQueen@TerrorsInTiaras said...

The second one. Although...Ugh. Can't it be a tie?

Anonymous said...

Crazy Clash - that's just plain crazy

Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

oh dear.. they're both quite horrid but the rainbow glitter one is a winner

The Chubby One said...

My vote is with Pastel Piranha as the very sight of it saddens me that and I enjoy cheering for the underdog.

Though Crazy Clash doesn't really make sense, what's with the the plastic "happy birthday" sign at the center of the pink ripples? It's as though the sign is leaking into the blue water, tainting it with toxic wrecky poison.

Okay, okay, I talked myself into it, I'm going to have to cast my final vote for Crazy Clash.

Meg said...

Crazy Clash hands down. Pastel Piranha is pretty darn awful too, but that one at least somewhat makes sense. I don't understand Crazy Clash's at all... Why oh why is half green??

Momma J said...

Since when does putting a worm in the middle of a map of the united states make a butterfly?


Anonymous said...

#2, looks like a bad map of the US

Zim said...

Gotta go with Crazy Clash. Butterflies are supposed to be symmetrical, and that thing breaks all three rules of symmetry.

harmzie said...

I'm *really* having trouble with the notion that these are "professional" (i.e. paid for)!

However, I'm going to take the leap of faith in CWs and vote. Now... Now I'm having trouble with which is worse, because every time I'm looking at one, I think "definitely this one" and then I look at the other and... same thing.

I'm going to go with what appears to be the underdog here (PP - #1) because while butterflies don't have mismatched wings, each of CC's might be - with some suspended disbelief - close. Diagonal stripes? Every time I look at them, they make me angry. Plus, the "Happy Birthday" encroaches on the body. I mean: "Think Ahea|"!

Sarah Ski said...

My vote is for Crazy Clash.

Unknown said...

Definitely crazy clash! The green is just disturbing!

Charlene said...

Ow! Ow! My eyes...they'll never be the same again!!!!

They both are horrendous. Ugh.

kirsten said...

I vote for Crazy Clash, most definitely!

Jamie said...

The first one is pretty alarming, and this coming from a girly girl who normally doesn't shy aways from pastels, but my vote is definitely going for Crazy Clash. Because that green is kind of putrid.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to vote for Crazy Clash! I mean, you don't have to make the tops different to be able to tell the difference between the chocolate and vanilla cupcakes!

Anonymous said...

Crazy Clash should definitely "win"!

Carolina Krol said...

The first one is waaay worse! (or a better wreck)

Mackenzies Momma said...

you can cast my vote for the second one(crazy clash).

However it wasn't the crazy swirls or the green goo- it was the teensy tiny "happy birthday" that got to me(did you notice that over on the left wing?)

Anonymous said...

Shannon -
Poor little Megan! Everything about her cake is wrong - from the unrelated color schemes, to the misshapen butterfly wings, to the size of the writing. A tiny "happy birthday" compared to her name in large letters, and the large 9 candle in the corner. This one is by far worse than the other.

Anonymous said...

The airbrushed one is definetly wierder. What is this 1986?

Sherry said...

I've got to give it to Crazy Clash.

Anonymous said...

I've got to vote for Crazy Clash, although.....#1 isn't far behind.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

my eyes are spinning hypnotically in the swirly design of the second cup cake butter fly wreck! I am so totally agreeing that cup cakes shoudl be totally banned from cake hood forever! the only cool one i have ever seen was the cookie monster one.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that the Pastel Piranha is the winner. Crazy Clash's lines are more even and well done, while the Pastel Piranha's face looks like it was drawn on with somebody's feet. The writing on Crazy Clash is confined to the wings, while the Pastel Piranha's seems to be taking over its torso. Also, Crazy Clash seems to be more symmetrical than the Pastel Piranha.

Anonymous said...

My 2 year old saw the 1st wreck and said, "oohhh a butterfly". There was no recognition when I scrolled down to the next one. I guess that means Wreck 2 wins?

Anonymous said...

Snap, how did I miss the Pastel Piranha's glitter? Wow. That just sends it over the edge, there. Patel Piranha FTW.

Anonymous said...

Crazy Clash, hands down. When I was seven years old, I would have LOVED that first cake.

I must say, though, that not knowing what it was at first, I thought it was trying to be the U.S. Made for some confusion, lemme tell ya.

Anonymous said...

Although Ashanti's cake get's an A for Effort, I have to vote for the the death-pale torso of Crazy Clash.

Anonymous said...

Wow, those are both bad! Number two looks like...well, No. 2. (Eww!) I had to think about it long and hard, but I've finally decided that Pastel Piranha is the more nauseating. It could be because it reminds me of the Care Bears movie my daughter made me sit through 27 years ago that I've still not forgiven her for.

Anonymous said...

Uh... really? These were really bought and paid for? I dunno... they reek of homemade failure to me.

That said, the green slime oozes #2into infamy for me.

Bethany said...

Yeah, I think crazy clash was staged. I mean, c'mon. REALLY?

Annimal said...

While the glitter would be throat clogging, the slimy green is just revolting. My vote is for Megan's "cake"

Anonymous said...

#1, definitely. NOTHING should have that mich glitter. And pastels should be subtle. This is not.

Anonymous said...

Number 2 by a long shot. The colors on the first aren't great, but at least the lettering matches and is well spaced. Number two has teeny tiny happy birthday in I think a toothpick and a huge name. WTF?

ksaldria said...

Ewww. Looks like someone had a little too much fun with the airbrush.

I vote for #2. At least the first one is kind of vaguely symmetrical.

Marie said...

My vote is for Ashanti. Crazy Clash is kind of friendly looking - I'm a sucker for a nice smile.

Shelli said...

Super tough call! I have to vote for psychedelic #1, because the decorator was obviously experimenting psychedelically, if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

I vote Pastel Piranha all the way. My eyes are bleeeeeding.

Katie Krebs said...

cake #2. At least the first one sort of looks like a butterfly...

Anonymous said...

#2 has my vote for being more wrecky

Chrissy said...

My vote is for pastel puke! That cake is too crazy to be taken seriously (which I think it is meant to be) and the other one was clearly asked for specifically because why would you have two different colors? Awful! Both!

Arnór said...

#2 is the terrible one. #1 isn't that great either, though.

Anonymous said...

Crazy Clash by a landslide for me.

At least the first one has wings of the same (albeit blinding) colour!

Juggling Frogs said...

I love making butterfly crafts with the kids. It's so easy: All you need to do to make something look like a butterfly is to make sure there's symmetry.

Both of these Wrecks don't seem to get that simple idea.

Therefore, I abstain from the voting.

Rachael M. said...

#2 is a default winner here, because as a couple of other people pointed out, the top one was decorated at home on the table. I see both wilton icing color pots and a decorator tip in the top of the photo...and I don't think any store has wooden tables that they do their decorating on...however, #2 would win anyway, so I guess it's like 6 of one, half a dozen of another. :-D

Boozy Tooth said...

Bleeeech! Either one, flip a coin, but based purely on lack of effort, I'll give it to Crazy Clash by a hair.

Alix Hice

Big Red said...

I didn't think anything could be worse than #1, until I saw #2. #2! #2!

Chris said...

Crazy Clash has a Mothra vibe to it, so I vote for that one.

c3 said...

#2 is by far the worse cake of the two, but the comment about the decorator tip got me looking more closely at the pictures. Anyone else notice that they're on identical gold cakeboards?

If it weren't for the airbrushing -- which amateurs are less likely to attempt -- I'd be convinced that these were both non-professional cakes masquerading themselves as wrecks!

Jessica Denise said...

I'm gonna go with Crazy Clash for sure.

Anonymous said...

crazy clash! at least megan's only 9 (by the looks of it) and will have enjoyed it anyway! but it's the definite winner!

Unknown said...

Crazy Clash, definitely!

Stephanie said...

Ouch! Touch call on this one, but I'm going with Crazy Clash. I just can't figure out what they were going for with this one!

Charlotte said...

Hey, I don't know if anyone's pointed this out yet, but the site had a couple lines in this month's (I think) Details magazine. I will scan it if you want.

FreedomFirst said...

I think I vote for the pink-and-purple monstrosity, since the smiley face is messier. But it's close!

I actually considered making a partially-cupcake cake for my son's upcoming birthday. I think I may, in spite of the wrecks I see, lol. I want it to look like a John Deere tractor, and there's no way I can do that with a regular cake. But if I can figure something out with 8" squares and rounds.....

Only Obsessed said...

#2 is particularly bad. I think I'd scrape off the top and save the cupcake!

Stilettos and Nostalgia said...

Crazy Clash is the clear winner, what with its two very graphic depictions of possible deaths. (The green monster Scylla on the right, the swirling vortex Charybdis on the left)

Although, that edible glitter does make my teeth curl...

Dea said...

I vote Crazy Clash - the tie-dye effect and the green slime won me over....

Anonymous said...

No way are these even professional CCcakes and they are most definitely made at the same place. Exact same boards and exact same table? With decorating stuff in the back of one pic? I think this was a bakeoff/decorate-off but between kids.

And if I'm right (and I'm pretty sure I am) I abstain from voting because it's not fair to knock kids' decorating skills.

Anonymous said...

\@ @/

crazy-clash-is-the-winner- crazy-clash-is-the-winner- crazy-clash-is-the-winner- crazy-clash-is-the-winner- crazy-clash-is-the-winner- crazy-clash-is-the-winner- crazy-clash-is-the-winner-

Unknown said...

I think I gotta say #2, just because of the (LOUD, it's true) coordinating color scheme on butterfly 1. But 2 is not only the wings from 2 poor, bisected flutterbies stuck on a dead caterpillar, but look at that (tiny) happy birthday and Meagan! obviously a stock cake personalized with no attempt to match inscription design I'd say it takes the (cupcake)cake, so to speak.

Rachel said...

Compared to #2, #1 looks pretty good!

My vote is definitely for #2.

Crazy Raven Productions said...

Poor, poor Megan. #2 is just plain embarrassing. I hope whoever was responsible for this bit of nasty gets a nice karmic backlash for their next special occasion.

The author said...

I'm all for #2... hilarious but this recipe takes the biscuit I think!

Who knew you could put a cake in a jar!

Anonymous said...

Crazy Clash is definitely the wreckiest. the "wings" are not symmetrical or even shaped like wings. the worst part is that happy birthday is really small and off center then, MEGAN is really big.

Anonymous said...

i actually think the first one is pretty. Soo Crazy Clash wins

Unknown said...

#2 is the clear winner. Not only do the wings not match, but the body looks like Mr Hanky the Christmas Poo from South Park. #1 may be glittery and airbrushes, but it can't compare to the horror of #2.

Gayle Carline said...

I'm voting for #2, just because of the mismatched wings. That being said, um, do the bodies in the middle look, uh, phallic to anyone else? Especially Crazy Clash. In the first one, it just looks like a pickle.

Unknown said...

#2 is definitely worse. Is it wrong that I kinda like the sparkle/airbrush combo? (YES.)

Anonymous said...

I vote for crazy clash, but what do I know? I voted for Bush!

Anonymous said...

I thought they had to be professionally done. The first one I would guess, okay...from some kind of bakery [y'know the one...were the decorators are all on 'ludes?] but the second one? No way...professional how?

Is it fair to say just because you took ONE cake decorating course at Michael's and advertise in the "Pennysaver" it shouldn't really be considered "professional"? My goodness that second cake was made by someone who hasn't seen a color wheel chart in quite a few years, if ever.

Sorry, I don't know how some of these cakes escape, let alone people PAY for them. I hope they are getting these wrecks gratis, because besides looking inedible I can only imagine how nasty they are. ick.

Lauren said...

Oh good lo'. Both are heinous, but #2, Crazy Clash, definitely wins this match. Though winning at being the worst isn't really a win, now is it? :)

Anonymous said...

I totally vote #2. It looks like one of those things where you fold the paper and each person draws on one section without seeing the others, and you end up with an elephant-horse-pig.

I'm asking for edible glitter next birthday. Seriously, where do you get that stuff?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure who I'm supposed to be voting for because, really, isn't the "winner" really the loser?

I mean, we are voting for the best worst cake-wreck, right?

This is confusing. Either way, I vote for number 2.

Sally Comes Unraveled said...

Megan's da-da-esque non-symmetrical is definitely the most wrecktastic.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, the first one reminds me of finger paint.

Anonymous said...

I vote for the one with the mismatched wings.

aleta meadowlark said...

Oh crazy clash for the win, definitely.

Jonah Byers said...

I say it's the first one.

Anonymous said...

#2 is by far worse... this doesn't even seem a fair challenge!

The decorator was obviously so proud of the first set of wings that they couldn't bear to actually put additional frosting that might cover up their work - hence the plastic "happy birthday".

They attempted to re-create the design of the first wing, but failed and decided to coat it in a green goo, the only substance that could possibly hide their mistake. But fortunately, the green goo would not be over-powered by additional frosting, so they were able to actually write the name.

Or else this is a recreation of the rare bi-winged tie-dyed/green-gooped butterfly that we all thought was extinct back in the 70s. Fascinating creature!!!

Emily said...

#2 is's enough to make #1 almost look good.

Beth said...

Poor Ashanti. That sucker's fugly. She gets my vote.

Melanie - Everything Etsy said...

Im going to have to vote for Crazy Clash on this one.

Anonymous said...

My vote goes to Crazy Clash as the wreckiest wreck.

Anonymous said...

Crazy Clash caused me to literally blurt out, "Oh my god" at the computer screen. It's definitely the "winner" here.

My daughter sometimes colors pictures of butterflies in a non-symmetric manner. She's 4. Even she knows what they're supposed to look like though, and often designs just one wing and then asks me to color in the other one to match!

She would love the pink and purple glitter on entrant #1, so I don't count it as a wreck for those reasons. But when I made her a glittery pink and purple butterfly cake for her birthday, it was NOT a mass of cupcakes but a real cake, the wings were symmetric in both shape and decoration, and there was no airbrushing involved. Oh, and there were no smiley faces involved either!

Anonymous said...

I vote for Crazy Clash, at least the colors on Pastel Piranha are pretty, and sparkly!

And as for the icing tip in the picture, it looks like it's filled with white, they could have just picked the "cake" off the shelf and wrote the words on it at home.

Which leads to two even worse situations: that that wreck was sitting out for all the world to see as a representative of the "fabulous" work the bakery does, and that someone either thought that was the best option available at the time, or that it was actually pretty. "OMG, glitter frosting, must have!"

Esther said...

Oh, I think it's a draw. I think they're equally wrecktastic.
BTW, I gave you an award! Check it out at
Thanks for the laughs you give me every day! Esther

Anonymous said...

What always scares me is that either the butterfly's head is on backwards...or he's been pinned on his back to a cake board. The second one just looks "beginner" but the first one wins..

Aviatrix said...

Wow, I had to go back and forth for a while, but the writing is quite nice on the pink cake, and while the blurry stunned smile is a little creepy and the stripes obey no butterfly symmetry rules, the second cake is worse.

It's completely asymmetrical, the 9 candle is just weird and WHAT is with the green slime? Is there a story we're missing here about a butterfly caught in a toxic waste dump?

If I could have one cupcake from either cake, though, I'd choose a white one with part of the smile on it from the second entry.

Mad Izatie said...

my eyes hurt. and that green icing makes my tummy hurt. i can't imagine ingesting something that GREEN.

Anonymous said...

Another vote for Crazy Clash!

MaryO said...

I cringe to say it, but I truly believe it's a tie! Although if pressed, I guess I'd tip my hat to #2. It's WRECKtacular!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Another vote for Crazy Clash. I almost *like* the first cake.


Unknown said...

Despite the obvious troubles with Crazy Clash..the puke green color, crazy swirl of doom, icing running out the door (probably cause it is frightened), the weird Happy Birthday, and ugly writing on the poor girls name..the worm in the middle looks so happy!

Therefore I think Pastel Piranha is the most wrecky of the two!

Angie said...

Geesh, how bad do you have to be to be presented with a cake that bad. Poor Poor Megan. My vote is for Crazy Clash.

Crafty Mama said...

At least Ashanti's cake had decent writing. They copped out with Megan's cake and used a little plastic thing.

Ami said...

# 2 for the wreckiest!

Anonymous said...

Am I really the only one who thinks #1 looks like a happy penis floating in some kind of psychadelic movie dream sequence?

#2 wins, though, simply because I can make no sense of it. None. Zero. There was no plan there.

Keemster said...

I'm giggling thinking how proud the creators of these cupcake cakes were at the time of completion. I say they're just fugly.

Alison said...

" K.S. said...

Am I really the only one who thinks #1 looks like a happy penis floating in some kind of psychadelic movie dream sequence?"

LOL....K.S., thanks for sharing that. I'll be chuckling for awhile!

Crazy Clash wins my vote...the completely random green wing is just weird.

Anonymous said...

i'm telling you, no 1 is the wreckest of all! i mean, who eats glitter?

stuckonsushi said...

Crazy Clash definitely does it for me. Pastel is at least not intolerable to look at, and they were able to be consistent with the stripes in color and placement on both sides. #2 just looks like a mummified butterfly that got taken advantage of by those psychotic things from The Yellow Submarine, i.e.:

Anonymous said...

Crazy Clash hands down. What the???

wheatgerm said...

great cakes!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know neon could pass for pastel...
Clearly, the airbrush gun was a very recent purchase - for both decorators.
I second all the 'poooooor Megan!!' comments, and 'WTF w/ the toxic slime?' The 9 has already begun melting into it!
I hope Megan and ashley (of eeyore-eagles "sharing" fame) just took their fists and smashed their respective "cakes" immediately after these photos were taken. What other natural response is there for a child upon receipt of such....wreckitude?

p.s. *lovelovelove* your site, Jen. just found it a couple of days ago, and have been crying ever since - from laughter, obviously. Kudos!

Anonymous said...

Cake wreck thunderdome?

la vie boheme said...

I have to say, the pastel enwonderment takes the cake all around.
though i don't know if i'd actually go anywhere near them to eat.

what a waste of beautiful cupcakes.


Wendyburd1 said...

Crazy Clash scares me...

Sarah said...

it's got to be #2, really. The lack of basic biological knowledge about butterflies having THE SAME COLOUR WINGS ON BOTH SIDES would clinch it alone, but the fact that the body looks like a grub that you might expect to eat if you were starving in the outback, rather than celebrating a birthday party, carries it WAY into the lead.

I will say this for cake one: it's awful, but in a more 'meant' looking way. Plus, you'd have multicoloured, glittery - and who doesn't want that?

Maggie said...

Crazy Clash

Mary Ellen said...

oooh why did i eat that toast before looking at these wrecks? my head and tummy are swirling as much as the wing on that schizophrenic butterfly.

#2 is the bigger wreck although i do give credit at least #2 made the effort to smooth the icing on top before going all psycho on it. #1 might not be as bad as it is if they'd at least avoided the lumpy swirly icing under all that airbrushed color.

Anonymous said...

I'd say staged. They're on the same type of cake board and sitting on what looks to be the same kitchen table. It also looks like Wiltons colors sitting there? I'd have to go with #2 though.

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