Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'll Have Whatever They're Having

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sometimes I can't help but envy the Wreckerator.

I mean, imagine going through your day in a world where this makes sense:

(I don't know why, but I keep seeing a sad bat here.)

Yep, that's gotta be a happy place.

Plus, imagine that flavor sensation: chocolate-chip cookie, icing, and life savers. Mmmm. Crunchy! And gooey. And chocolate-y. And - hey, is that dirt? - grainy. Yeah.

Or how about this one?

What is it? I have no freaking idea - but I bet Dr. Seuss would be proud.

Here's one that's kinda cheerful:

And by "cheerful" I mean "borderline nauseating." It's like a clown's version of a mushroom cloud. "Happy Nuclear Holocaust! Nyuck nyuck nyuck!"

And then there's this:

Face it: that wee lil' intestinal section is totally smiling at you.

Dawn G., Patrick T., Andrea B., Krista S., remember the good ol' days of bad balloons and tons of icing roses?

- Related Wreckage: National Cupcake Day
Kelly said...

Drug screening by bakeries might be a good idea!

Unknown said...

If Dr. Seuss was looking for a male enhancement product, maybe...

hamburke said...

I think that the "cheerful mushroom cloud" is actually a melty umbrella like for a baby or wedding shower. I've seen similar (sadly w/o my camera) and was thrilled when the one ordered for my bff's wedding shower turned out nicely.

mudslicker said...

That first one is either Moses parting the Red Sea or a butterfly and pupae.

I hate it when I don't know if I'm supposed to be scientific or religious.

Anonymous said...

Having looked at it for a minute, I now realize that #1 is supposed to be a sunset on the ocean. But at first glance, it looked like someone had unzipped their jeans and ... let it all hang out. Complete with swirls of body hair and gummy nipples. T_T

Brie said...

I think the first one is *supposed* to be the sun setting on the ocean... with polluted clouds and... an ode to "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" type story where suddenly it starts raining lifesavers?????
Wouldn't skittles have been more appropriate?

Wayne said...

If you use your imagination, the first one looks like a poor attempt at a beach scene (the dirt) with the sun setting into the horizon while reflecting across the water. Of course, I have no idea what the lifesavers are suppose to be...

Melanie said...

I *think* that first one is supposed to be a sunset at the beach. The orange stuff is the sun just barely peeking above the water, with the reflection spread out over the water. The icing blobs are clouds.

But I got no clue on the freaky lifesavers candies!

Trevor said...

Okay, the only good thing I can say about the last wreck is that at least that one I can eventually figure out what it is. The others? I have NO clue. Seriously. I keep staring and staring, and all I get is nauseated.

Jo said...

I think the CCC is supposed to be a 'cake' with 'candles' on top...

Amanda Cullen said...

My rorschach test: The first one is a sunset on the beach, and the third one is a colorful interpretation of the spiky caterpillar enemies in the desert Mario levels.

Casey said...

I'm with Kelly on this one... drug screening might be smart. But, then, would we still have cake wrecks??

GreenePony said...

Somehow I realized right away that it was a sunset/sunrise over some body of water, I think it was because I drew something similar with "my first pastels" kit when I was little.

Charles CĂ©leste Hutchins said...

I think the first one might be a tornado. However, as in other guesses, the life savers remain inexplicable. Well, except for the undone trousers guess, but let's hope that's not it.

Helena Handcart said...

For the first one, I thought Red Sea too until I read the comment about unzipped jeans. Now all I see is a belly with acne and yellow leeches.

wv: unclo
It is unclo what these wrecks are supposed to be.

Auntie Meme said...

They make "in memory of" ribbons for wrecky cakes now?

The Lili Effect said...

I agree with Jo - #2 is a CCC (patooey!) version of a cake with 3 candles. You know, because cupcakes are so much better for depicting straight lines than circular objects.

Unknown said...

Well, my first thought about the first one was "sea slugs?" Nah, not in the right place. Then I kind of got the "sea" scene with reflection, sand, etc. I guess those sea slugs are actually clouds. Not sure about the lifesavers, though . . . incoming life rings for those "drowning in a school of thought over what this cake is supposed to be?"

I kind of liked the CCC . . . it didn't look like it had any pretense at being anything but a collection of cupcakes!

Dies Irae said...

Perhaps with the inclusion of the last one's "support our troops" ribbons, it is meant to be some sort of message about drawing a line in the sandbox.

Unknown said...

My guesses are:

1. "Twister" the movie, not the game.

2. Tetris, obviously.

3. Beach umbrella?

4. Stay-Puf marchmallow man, steamrolled.

Unknown said...

Actually, I think it's a happy bat, because those things above it are *clearly* meant to be bugs...

Hope you're both feeling better!

Sile said...

I bet that secondn is supposed to be a menorah. LOL Horrible.

Anonymous said...

A handful of sprinkles for eyes? It's making my eyes water! Yikes!

Cool Mo D.

Melinda said...

Cake with candles...Jo, I never would have figured that out! I did get the sunset and the umbrella, but that one and the last one...beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I can't stop staring at the first one. What in the???? Lifesavers? Really? Only two things come to mind, either the parting of the red sea or a tornado.

I think I'll go with tornado, see it's flinging debris into the air (thus the lifesavers?) and stirring up the dirt on the ground?

I just don't even know.

Megan said...

I think the Dr. Seuss cake is supposed to be an ice cream sundae...a really bad, completely unrealistic ice cream sundae. There are sprinkles on the bottom and cherries on the top.

Unknown said... This post cracked me up completely! I can kind of see the "sunset" now, if I squint and kind of tilt my head just right.

blueiguana said...

Minus the lifesavers and maybe the dirt, I kind of like the first one. It reminds me of a VanGogh - especially his last painting of the wheat field where the road ends in the middle of the field. Said field is where he then killed himself.

Hmmm...I hope the wreckerator wasn't crying out for help.

P.S. I love the logo for the next leg of the tour. Good to see you have your sense of humor about it. I'm glad that you guys are doing better.

drgns4vr said...

After seeing these cakes my ambitions have been fired up for making an attempt at something for the World Tour Cupcake Decorating contest. How could I do any worse!

Really was just commenting so I could mention WV--sonceste

Cake number 1 takes us please sing in harmony) "Beyond the sonceste". (Sorry, if you are younger than 35, you may not recognize the song. In that case you need not sing. Unless you are in a Song Wrecky mood.)

Gary said...

It's not all that mysterious.
In the first one, the ladyfinger-type things are clouds, the lifesavers above them are the sun and the moon, the navy-blue is the water and the orange blob is the sun's reflection on the water, and the chocolate chips are stars, or maybe ash fallout from a nearby volcanic eruption, or crashing meteorites, or something like that, and the crumbs of whatever-that-is are sand on the beach. The purple-gray lifesavers are floaty toys that the children left on the beach when they went inside after the meteorite storm started. It also helps if you assume a color-blind cake decorator.

The second one was for somebody's third birthday, and it actually represents a big birthday cake with three candles on it. The cool thing here is that the picture of a big cake is actually made out of cupcakes. Very meta-textual, no?

The third one is a beach umbrella on a very small island. I don't really know why there are a green arch and a brown arch above the umbrella (an off-color rainbow?), but I'm trying here, OK.

The fourth one is the most brilliant of all. Obviously, it's a headless dachshund playing croquet on a snow-covered field. The tan gumdrops are croquet balls, the yellow loops are wickets, and the little piles of sprinkles are confetti thrown by excited sports fans.

It's that simple.

MzHartz said...

The CCC looks like something that would be in CandyLand.

Amanda in Austin said...

Do you ever get the feeling that some wreckerators out there are TRYING to make it on your blog? I didn't think that until I saw today's post. Seriously. Those folks are just messing with you. They are deliberately trying to earn a spot on Cake Wrecks. There is no other explanation.

Unknown said...

For about a minute, I thought the first one was an underwater volcano eruption. Then I realized it was an ocean sunset. I like the first idea better.

Anonymous said...

Good heavens! I couldn't tell what ANY of them were supposed to be. Couldn't wait to get to the comments and find out, surely somebody has some idea...I also want some of what they're having, that makes those cakes seem reasonable. I'm sure it would put a nice spin on my morning. Lily

Unknown said...

ooh! ooh! on the #2, the one in the middle is a snowman made from THE YELLOW SNOW.

wait... it's cake "#2"... teeheehee!

(oh lordy sometimes i think my brain has been replaced by that of a ten year old boy.)

Pilar said...

To me the second CCC kinda looks like they were going to a birthday cake with HUGE candles...maybe
The third makes me think of a multi-colored umbrella poking out of sand. At first I thought it was upside down, but it doesn't make any sense from any side.
The last one reminds me of Pillow People. I loved those. Most girls got the ballerina ones. For some reason my parents got me a basket ball player. Hmmm

Lynnette said...

The top one has to be a beach, water, sunset shining on water, and sunset-y clouds. No clue what the Lifesavers are though!
New to your blog -- love it!

Elizabeth C. said...


If you look closely, there is a purple one on the "beach" which is, I imagine, where the other two started out before they were slid about in all their crunchyness to where they now rest. I believe they are supposed to be LIFESAVERS as in the floaty kind, and therefore make sense.

EEEKKK I am understanding Wreckerator logic! OH NO!

Taylor said...

I saw this picture of a clown's mushroom cloud once:

It's really weird, but cool.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the person who ordered the last cake said that they wanted they got LSD eyes.

Unknown said...

I'm guessing sunset for the first one, birthday "cake" for the second, beach umbrella for the third and smiling cyclops for the fourth. I'm only mildly certain about the first, though.

Tamaran said...

The first one is totally a beach with a sunset across the ocean, complete with colored clouds, sun and moon (totally what the life savers are supposed to be).

I'm actually kind of scared about how quickly I saw it...

Kalani said...

I think that first one is supposed to be the sun setting on the ocean, you know, where it gets all glittery on that line between the sun and the beach. See? it's got clouds, the blue part is ocean, and then the glittery sun spilling towards the beach............ I have no clue what the live savers are.

Katie said...

That first one is supposed to be a sunset shimmering over a beautiful ocean lined by a sandy've almost got to admire the way they tried to reflect the sun in the "clouds."

...I have no idea what the Lifesavers are supposed to represent, however.

Ed said...

Dude, that big surreal thing in the top photo totally looks like the backdrop from the last Allman Bros. show I went to. In memory of Elizabeth Reed's big-ass cookies or something. Rock on.

S + J =B, D, P & W said...

hmmm maybe they're like those magic eye pictures where you can only see the picture by crossing your eyes and staring for a long time....

Anonymous said...

I agree #2 is probably cake with candles, although I also like the sundae idea. You know those birthday candles that are available in just about every grocery store that have a spiral pattern to them, so they basically have white and pastel stripes spiraling up the candle? I immediately got kind of an impressionist picture of those, which I instantly forgot when I started thinking about the cake, because it doesn't *really* look like those candles. I had to really think hard to retrieve that original impression.

In other words, this cake design works, but only up until you actually engage higher brain functions.

#4, the URL for the photo contains the string "AAAAAAAAE." Says it all, really.

FiberQat said...

I love the yellow ribbon inserts on the last one. It really shows that even though you've had abdominal surgery and had your guts placed on a cake you truly care.

Kristine said...

Whoa. First one seems, um, dirty in more way than one. Just gotta tell myself, "It's a sunset. Only a sunset on the beach." That last one, eeeek. It's *smiling* at me!

Alice said...

No no no, that CCC is obviously the Cyrillic letter Sha! Maybe it's a birthday cake for someone named Sharon?

Layla said...

I think the first one is supposed to be a sunset at the beach, but no guarantees.

Naomi Zikmund-Fisher said...

I'm allowing myself to imagine that those are "cakewreck awareness" ribbons on the last one.

the Monday Morning Crisis Quarterback

D.B. Echo said...

I think that first one is supposed to be EPCOT!

(Sorry, that joke goes back a few months.)

Anonymous said...

My first thought when I looked at the first one was Tornado and yeah I guess the sunset beach scene would make for a more logical choice on a cake, but I still see tornado and debris and dirt.

Jedi Knight Ivyan said...

I'm seeing an erupting volcano on the first one. The lava oozing down the hillside and the "dirt" being ash. But beach scene makes way more sense...

mystic_eye_cda said...

#1 Is a sun setting on the ocean, with a black beach (why black I don't know). The white bits are clouds. The lifesavers confuse me? Mars and Venus?

#2 If its supposed to be candles what's with the red life savers? Is it supposed to be fire? Wouldn't yellow or orange be better? I don't have a better theory.

#3 I thought it was a beach ball but it could be an umbrella I suppose?

#4 the name of the photo indicates its rupert the bear, can't you see the resemblance:

Anonymous said...

The ONLY one I can figure out is the first one. I think if you kinda squint at it & tilt your head to the side, you can see it's an ocean with a sunset (reflecting in the water, hence the orange smear), the dirt is supposed to be sand & the squiggly things are clouds. I have NO IDEA what the Life Savers are supposed to represent though. Guess I need more drugs for that. :)

Lucky Wife/Bookaholic said...

I keep trying to blur my eyes and reveal the picture...

No luck, but I think the sad bat could actually be a sunset on the beach... Squint, and then tilt your head... you'll see it.

Melissa (& Billy) said...

Well, I see the sunset/sunrise on the first one (after a minute)...though I have no idea about the LifeSavers...0_o

The rest...I got nothin'. Except maybe someone better lay off the 'special' brownies.

pdxknitterati/MicheleLB said...

That first one? I'm sure it's supposed to be a sunset at the beach, with a few clouds. But really? It looks like grubs, above ground, thinking about tunneling to the center of the earth...

Unknown said...

Yuck. Icing overload!
~Amy B

Miss Molly said...

I definitely saw a tornado in the first one. Not that it really makes a difference, but I think those are gummy lifesavers.

TheKateNextDoor said...

Could the second one be an "E" turned sideways?

Dani said...

1- I agree with the sunset on a beach. I see it, sort of, if I turn my head like this....

2- ???

3- gross melted umbrella??

4- I really think the last one might be a really, really, really, bad Hello Kitty- but if it is, I do not get the support our troops ribbons

jackie31337 said...

Casey said I'm with Kelly on this one... drug screening might be smart. But, then, would we still have cake wrecks??

Of course we would. Now once they start screening for basic literacy, we'll be in trouble.

Raina said...

The lifesavers weren't supposed to be there in the first one. See, the wreckorator was eating lifesavers while leaning over her work and when she exclaimed, "It's beautiful!", one of them fell out of her mouth. She tried again with the same results. Easy.

Lucille Ball Jr. said...

i have no words. except, wow!

Yota Armai said...

I feel like the mysterious lifesavers and the odd support our troops ribbons are kind of like the first scene in Big Trouble in Little China, added because the producers didn't get the joke.

But if these cakes are a joke, I don't get the punchline.

Stella said...

I have to agree with Mudslicker about the pupae skies. The sun looks like it's throwing up. The last cake with the tapeworm smile? What the heck?

tygrr said...

i keep seeing the lifesavers as eyes. eyes of what... i dunno

i like the Dr. Seuss Cake. If it's supposed to be anything else, then fail.

and for the 3rd one, i'm gonna go with umbrella

the 4th one is too painful to look at. i am eating lunch here

Karasu said...

The first thing I thought of when I saw the second one was the kanji for "mountain" - ĺ±±.

I don't think that's what they were going for though...

Jenna said...

I think that Dr. Seuss cake might be a cake with sprinkles and 3 candles on top. Maybe?

Heidi D said...

The first cake is depicting super slugs soaring over the Columbia River at sunset. It's quite breathtaking really.

Glad you're on the mend and soldiering on.

Viva La Cake Wrecks!

Dan Bradbury said...

This may be affected by my watching Monsters Inc recently.

in # one I see a monster snarling.

in # two I see a Dr. Suess hillside.

in # 3 I see tree with a Dr Suess critter sittingin it

and # 4 looks a whole lot like Mike's Teddy's face from Monster Inc

Bri said...

That MUST be some really strong stuff they're on. Wow. Like Kool-aid flavoured crack.

Sara said...

My guesses-
#1- sunset on the beach
#2- stairways to heaven
#3- my three yr old's umbrella
#4- a tripping teddy bear who supports the troops

Anonymous said...

since it's probably a beach scene, maybe -- just maybe-- the life savers are there to "represent" life guards on the beach???

Doody Mac said...

I only have a guess on the first one and I have no idea if I'm even close. But I'm thinking a sunset reflecting over the ocean & the beach. And maybe clouds?

And the Lifesavers are CLEARLY people in the ocean throwing their "lifesavers" up in the air... in celebration?? OR you can't see the people because they're drowning and the lifesavers are being thrown down from a rescue copter ?????

Anonymous said...

#3 seems to be one of those art deco lady figures, wearing a butterfly cape, and gracefully bowing, whilst standing in the clouds.

Isn't that obvious??

R'laine said...

Kelly said...

Drug screening by bakeries might be a good idea!
But then there would be no cakewrecks, we'd have to find something else to laugh at. :-)

Anne S said...

OK, I'm just throwing this out there, but wreck #4 is apparently Rupert the Bear (an English character). September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month which would explain the gold ribbons, since that's the ribbon color for childhood cancer. If some kid is that sick, haven't they suffered enough without this bizarre CCC???

The mind boggles.

Joyce Grant said...

The second one is quite clearly a "clown bar graph." Yes, Bozo is presenting to the board of directors. And as you can see, Q2 was quite profitable!

BTW, do any other Canadian Cake Wrecks fans scratch their heads when they see these CCCs (ptewie)? I've never seen a cupcake cake here. Is it an American thing?

Crazy People I've Worked With said...

I am so glad to hear that John is doing better! What a scare that must have been...

Good luck on the rest of the tour!

Chris & Ann said...

LOL!! Hilarious! That is all I can say. :-)

Craig said...

For some reason, when I look at the first one I'm seeing Mayor McCheese. Or maybe it's Chief Big Mac.

hollyml said...

That's a SUNSET? Really???

I saw "cake with three candles" right away (though "Seussian trees" is a reasonable interpretation!) and "beach umbrella" was fairly obvious. And while I've never heard of Rupert the Bear before, at least you can tell it's a face. But I still don't see anything at all coherent in #1. A sunset, huh? [head tilt, squint] No. Still don't see it.

Lorien said...

Somebody ordered a cake with candles... Isn't there something we can use to make a cake and candles in this bakery? Hey! I've got it! FROSTING!

Shelley Dayton said...

Amazingly bad. I thought the first one was a sunset on the beach, but can't explain the life savers.

Unknown said...

Drug screening? No, I think we have to give them MORE drugs. Anti psychotic ones.

Mollie Sekikawa said...

I love love love this website! It really makes my day, everyday. Glad everyone is on the mend, and really with you were coming to Vegas. Your witty commentary makes me smile and please don't ever stop. Thanks Much!

rachmouse said...

"I mean, imagine going through your day in a world where this makes sense... Yep, that's gotta be a happy place."

Or a world filled with good drugs.

Judith said...

I think it's totally obvious:
#1 is an hommage to The Beatles! Specifically, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. With the Life Savers for diamonds.

Nikki said...

Okay, I know I'm weird, but I totally saw a uterus when I saw that first one.

Green said...

I second Jo's assumption that the CCC (patooey!) is SUPPOSED to be, ironically, a cake with candles on top.

Let me say that again, to myself. The CUPCAKE cake (phhht!) is supposed to be a CAKE.

It's like an insult to the cake batter in a grown-up pan world.

Kathryn said...

I'm seeing a bowing ballerina in the child's version of a nuclear holocaust. If you walk away from the computer screen a few feet, you might be able to see it.

Kathryn L

~ L. K. said...

I think the Dr Seuss looking this a CCC cake made to represent a birthday cake (a side view). The tall long things are candles.

Unknown said...

I find the last one most disturbing. The features line up so that the sprinkles look like rosy cheeks on either side of a red nose... with no eyes. Aaaaahh!

WV: sailanfa - I wish I had a boat so I could be sailanfa away from the creepy, blind smiley face.

Jan Holt said...

My wee 'lil intestinal system is smiling because you are both feeling better and back on the book trail!

Unknown said...

I think the 3rd one is a beach umbrella, but that ccc is..I don't know. I got nothing.

Lucille Ball Jr. said...


Jennie said...

The second one looks like it's supposed to be the top of a cake with stripey candles on it. Which is deeply ironic - a cupcake cake depicting (or failing to depict) an actual cake?

Susan said...

I see the sunset but I don't get the life savers. Why not put them in the "water"? And those are the "dirt" looks way too real for me.

last CCC's co-worker said...

I'm a co-worker of the woman that made the last CCC, she told us after she had made that thing that it was Rupert. The bear, Rupert. The one in the red sweater and yellow pants.

When asked about the ribbons, she said they looked nice.



Katie (Kali) said...

Oh my God...I actually figured the first one out! That somewhat scares me. Though why there are floating lifesavers in a beach scene I don't know.

AnnaMaria Coppi said...

I believe the first one is supposed ot be a sunset at a beach. That explains pretty much everything, well... except for the life savers. lol

Anonymous said...

I think that first one looks like a tornado over a lake with caterpillar clouds... very inspired! And I agree with hamburke that the "cheerful mushroom cloud" is probably an umbrella.... I say probably....

Laura Wynn said...

I know what the first one is supposed to be!! Its a sunset at the beach! The clouds, and dirt..the water! and the life-savers...uh..yeah.

Stephanie said...

Yeah, that second one definitely looks Dr. Seuss-ish. I have no idea what it's supposed to be though (same goes for the first and third ones).

Anonymous said...

That first "sad bat" wreck? My 5 year old daughter saw it and asked if they were Puss Caterpillars made out of frosting. She was recently stung by one of these venomous caterpillars and seeing what she thought was a frosting representation of them... well, we were all busting up laughing. If you Google Puss Caterpillar you'll see it really does look like they tried to make them there!

Kristin said...

1. Silly Jen, it's upside down. Flip it over and it's clearly a . . . uh . . . potato plant! Yeah, that's it -- the "clouds" are the potatoes, the lifesavers are stones, etc. (OK, really, after the early comment I will always see the unzipped pants now.)

2. I really thought it was a colorful cactus, which is sort of cute.

3. beach umbrella

4. Square-headed teddy bear. See, the top two corners are clearly ears.

Anonymous said...

I think the "I have no freaking idea" CCC is supposed to be a tragicaly squashed cake with gigantic stripey candles on top.
The clown's mushroom cloud - beach ball umbrella? - looks like it has silly putty at the bottom...perhaps an extra gift with purchase?

Haiku Joy said...

Break out the temperas
And besmock the preschoolers -
It's Cake Decor Time!

wv: lersnorrt

How le French le laugh.

sarah22277 said...

Yay! Any chance you'll swing by Cleveland? Just checking...

Loved the Mushroom Cloud Clown "Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck." :)

Word Verification "pethe"- It's a pethe these wreckerators don't run out of icing.

Jen said...

This post made me laugh so hard I was wheezing. My boyfriend had to yell, "Breathe, Honey!" Thanks, I needed that.

Anonymous said...

"...all the leaves are browwwn and the sky is graay..."

"duuude there's another order! hand me more iging and another magic mushroom"

btw...should I be worried that the first cake actually makes sense to me? it's clearly a sunset! see? there's the sea, the orange glitter, the sun, the round worm-clouds and the err...flying saucers =D!

Annony Mice said...

Ehh... I think the 2nd one's supposed to be candles on the top icing of a birthday cake... Otherwise I have no idea....

NYCGirl said...

The second one is clearly a menorah. That's missing six branches.

I couldn't look at the third one for more than a few seconds. It, no exaggeration, made my eyes sting.

Adam C. said...

Okay. The first is a beach sunset without - and this is important - the wreckerator remembering to draw in the sun. The third is upside down here, it's pretty clearly an 8 year old's crayon drawing of an erupting volcano if you flip it right-side up.

The second and fourth? No freaking clue.

Get well soon!

Anonymous said...

I think the "sad bat" is actually a sunset over the water, and the orange blobs are clouds. I have no idea what the lifesavers are supposed to represent; maybe actual lifesavers?

Courtney C. said...

I think the second one has some resemblance to ice-cream piles....? See the cherries on top?! The wreckerator was leaving a clue!!!

Stella said...

@Joyce, Yes, we have the dreaded CCC's in Canada. My Mother-in-law picked one up at Safeway for $5 (originally $24.99!!). It was a bad BEE Movie CCC with the thick icing diguise and really bad bright yellow airbrushing. I cringed when I seen it and went, "Boy, that's a pretty wrecky CCC." I got blank stares and a couple of "huh?'s" from the kids.

The Honorable Mayor of Bethville said...

The top one is clearly, "Happy death anniversary to the victims of the Mt. Vesuvius eruption!"

Anonymous said...

The scary part is I saw that the second cake resembled a three-candled birthday cake the moment I saw it. I think I've visited your page too often! :)

Anonymous said...

I've stared and stared, and I still can't figure out what on earth those are supposed to be.

Angie Jackson said...

I'm sure someone's already said it, but that first cake is a sun setting over the ocean.

Live in Florida all your life, and you'll see enough cheaply painted tourist brick-a-brack that you can spot a blobby sunset anywhere!

Anonymous said...

the first one is a sunset, and i'm pretty sure that your "mushroom cloud" is a brightly colored umbrella.

The Religious PĂ­caro said...

No, I like the first one. It's obviously a sunset at sea. So what if it's not perfect?

Anonymous said...

The first one: a sunset on the ocean. With the light reflecting on the water. Badly. In a orange-floating-yellow brick road to the sun kind of way.
The second one: Ice cream? In towers? On top of an ice cream ocean?
The third one: a beach umbrella, in sand, with water behind it?
The fourth one: What???

maxon said...

Hey that's not intestine - it's a slug. You can see the little horns on its head.

Anonymous said...

i think the second one is supposed to be the top of a cake and candles. i think...

Sweet Potato said...

Man thank goodness you guys cleared up that sunset on the beach thing for #1, all I was thinking was "penis, butt, poop, turds, lifesavers" it wasn't good. I felt like a 14 year old boy.

PS Sprinkles for eyes? Awesome.

Gabriele said...

It's quite obvious:
These cakes have been made especially for one reason:
the recipient is supposed not to realize that he is going through a Rorschach test! So... kind of therapy, you know?
I mean... you can see that in the answers here what people see in the pictures *ggg*

oh, btw: I linked your blog to my blog, because I have not found a blog like this for years... thanks for sharing these great cakes :)

Greetings from good ol' Germany,

Pat T said...

I took the picture of the CCC (#2). It's from a Walmart in Palm Desert, CA. I snapped pictures of a couple "cakes" that day, but this one was by far the most bizarre. I stared at it for 10 minutes and still couldn't figure out what is was supposed to be. The various theories posted here all make more sense than anything I could come up with. I'll have to go back soon and see what else they've created for us.

Karen Anne said...

I actually like the no freaking idea cake. Someone gave making a cake out of cupcakes their best shot. A for effort.

Erin said...

You just don't understand modern art.

I thought that #2 depicted those swirly poles in Venice.

Scott E said...

The mushroom cloud is actually a scene from the comedy version of "Children of the Corn"

Lacey said...

The more I look at that first one the harder I laugh. Thanks. . .

Jen said...

I have no idea what the other ones are, but #3 looks like a parrot. A hideously deformed parrot made by a 3 year old, but still a parrot.

Anonymous said...

#4 is so like Marshie, a character on It's all in the cake shape, and smile.

- Lizzie

Anonymous said...

I think the first one is supposed to be a sunset...

I wonder if the Dr. Suess one is upside-down or sideways...

Joshua said...

the top picture is obviously a sunset over the ocean.