Phfft, you guys have no imagination. Well, Kellie J., you can still enjoy the levitating mini-bone and "tail" sprouting from his "fingers", right?
And finally, class, take out your #2 pencils, because "How To Draw Scary Scooby 101" is now in session:

2. Forget "ear to ear": Grinning should always be "eye to nose."
3. One can never have too many lips.
4. When in doubt, draw more lines. ("See? Now the left eye makes sense.")
Thanks for the lesson, Mel M.!
- Related Wreckage: "And In the Mornin', I'm Making WAFFLES."
122 comments | Post a Comment
... And they would have gotten away with these disasters, if it hadn't been for you meddling Wreckporters.
These are just terrible. Those "decorators" should be ashamed of themselves. Unless they're just somebody's Mom who tried to make a cake for their kid, in which case they shoulda stuck with the pre-made stick pin deco...
Ruh-Roh, Rorge!
Yeah, looks like someone was partaking of...ah...herbal treats while making these!
The symbol under the last one's eye looks like the symbol found everywhere in "Heroes"!
That first one looks more like Scooby Poo than Scooby Doo. Or maybe it's Scooby Doo-Doo.
Ok, I'm done now.
OMG, that last one was CRAZY! LOL I love the "SD" on the... collar?... just so you don't confuse him with an old mobster (I see scars... that's just me)! Great!
Not that it makes it any wrecktastic, but the color of the last one looks more like Scooby Doo's cousin Scooby Dum than Scooby Doo himself.
Of course, I can't imagine why anyone would make a Scooby Dum cake, and even if that were the intent that cake is still wrecktacular.
I so needed these for a good laugh this morning!
The first one looks like scooby on acid!
I am cracking up!!!! Who knew Scooby was so... scary?!
Mrs. Nurse Boy
Ha ha ha i don't think iv ever seen any scooby doo cakes as bad as thees!
If you looked up the work 'wonky' in the dictionary, you'd see that first cake in the definition. Wow!! And as if that other Scooby cake needed the 'crazy eyes' to make it look comical.........I say it was those medding kids!!!!
That last one made me laugh so hard I cried...my coworker gave me a concerned look when he saw the tears in my eyes.
I think the first one looks like it has been passed through the digestive system of Scooby Doo. And the second one has what looks like some disturbing butt cheekage going on.
Word Verification: kinardog (I'm not kidding!) - something that kind of looks like a dog. "These wrecks look kinardog like if you've been drinking too much."
What makes me sad is someone was like, "Man I so totally rocked Scooby!"
In the third cake's defense, Scooby has been drawn multiple times with his eyes rolling around in his head like loose marbles.
Extra evidence that his Scooby Snax had a "special ingredient"
what else i love, in addition to Jen's points on CW3, is that it says "Happy Birthday Jacob/SD"
What's the SD? South Dakota? Is it a sort-of signature -- "Scooby Doo"? Or is it supposed to be his initials on his dog tag? Or, are Jacob's last two initials "S.D."?
It all boggles the mind!
I don't know, the last one doesn't look like it's meant to be Scooby.
Does anyone else see Courage the Cowardly Dog?
I used to love that show for some reason.
Creeped me out.
Are you sure the last one isn't some cracked out version of this one cartoon on Cartoon Network called "Courage the Cowardly Dog"? (loved that one in college!)
The last one reminds me of Ren from Ren & Stimpy (wasn't Ren the dog?)...Scary...(now I'm going to have the "Happy Happy Joy Joy" song in my head all day...)
That's what my kids and I would call a Scooby-don't. Lou
Maybe Jacob's not old enough to be scarred by Scooby for his whole life.
I second the drunk theory. Maybe there's too much "merry sherry" in the bakery. Mmmm...sounds like a well kept industry secret to me!
Rhall rwork rand ro rray rakes rhooby a rhull roy! He-he-he-he-he
Middle one has a large dove flying into scoobs head!!
On #1, I see it too! But Scary Scooby is gonna haunt me like Pennywise the clown. Of course, it would just have been an awful looking cake without the hilarious commentary. Thanks for sharing!
So sorry, Jen, but I'm most definately NOT with you on that profile shot.
I half-convinced myself that last one was actually supposed to be a different cartoon character...then I realized the skinny yellow legs draped over a blue box were actually...something...and a blue collar.
Then I just had to give up entirely.
The first one seems to confirm my Scooby suspicions - the (smoke-filled) hippie van, the constant snacking, the talking dog...I think you know where I'm going with this.
The second one - mumps would explain the cheek and the tail area. The last one makes me woozy.
WV - rekeropo: dyslexic misspelling of "wrecker poo", which describes these Scooby cakes.
when i was real little my mom tried making a scooby cake. a somewhat 3d scooby cake. it ended up looking like a brown pig. and i think she declared never again to get fancy with the cakes (which is alright since i always ask for pound cake and my brother root beer cake). i wish i could send in a photo but i'm pretty sure she destroyed all the evidence.
I thinks its time to get the gang and start a total investigation into this crime.
I second the idea that the last one looks more like Courage the Cowardly dog than ScoobyDoo.
Just saying.
I'm serious when I ask, "Scooby Doo, where are you?" 'cause he's not here!
Ok, who else sees Jay Leno in the last one...? Anyone?
The first one looks like he could be drunk. The second, I thought it was a tumor. (where's Arnold when you need him? lol If you haven't seen Kindergarten Cop, you just won't get that). The third, well, he looks like he got old, fat and lost all his fur.
At least we can be thankful no one tried to make him out into a CCC.
#3 -- Rappy! Rappy! Roy! Roy!
#2 -- Nope, don't see a nose. Distracted by the truncated body and the fact that he's twisted like a cat to give the tail-up salute.
In that last one, Scooby's testosterone treatments have really enhanced his jaw!
I think I figured out why the economy tanked... we're all reading cakewrecks instead of doing actual work... why? because it's hilarious, addictive, and always leaves you wanting more... i know no job that does that
That last on is simultaneously looking at me and down my shirt. I feel oddly viloated. Bad Scary Scooby!
I was also thinking they might have been trying to capture Scooby Dum on the last one as well. In any event your comments made me spit coffee all over my computer. I can usually control my laughter but not today.
It's supposed to be Scooby, since it's wearing his collar. EEEK....he's a SCARY-doo.
I don't understand how a decorator can step back, look at that, and think, yup, I did it, that's Scooby. O_o Maybe all these wreckerators need is good vision insurance??
Scooby has more chins than my overweight boss. (and that is a lot)
oh Rita's comment is top notch!! That made me laugh even harder!
Oh and I can see that should have been a profile cake.
The last one is Scooby if he was in the maffia.
In that second cake I can totally see a dove. In the blue frosting between his "fail" and that tumor growing out of his cheek (the bird's head is mc escher style, between the cheek tumor and his ear).
Yeah, I think the last one did get a bit confused with Stimpy...
The last Scooby - one eye looking at you, the other one trying to find ya....
Ok.. Number 1 is one of those 3D magic eye things where you cross your eyes and slowly pull back. It kinda comes into focus that way.
The last one reminded me more of Scooby Dumb, Scooby's cousin, but minus the hat.
Yes! I saw it! I saw the face! Ha ha!
Anna Marie
Yikes!! My 4 year old is a Scooby Doo fanatic, and even HE didn't recognize these!
The third one makes me think:
Life long fear of Scooby Doo in 3...2..1...
Showing my age here, but that last one looks like a cross between Scooby and Spike the Bulldog in the old cartoons ("More gravy!"
WV megran These Scooby cakes are giving me a megran headache.
PS. there's some irony to a scary Scooby Doo cake, don't you think? ;-)
"When in doubt, draw more lines."
I think that is a life lesson we can all use. So true, so true.
The last one-- scooby in training for wrestlemania-- he looks like he is on steroids and too happy about it too!
I see the profile! I SEE IT!
And it just makes the cake look that much more sad.
WV: Jessig - as in "Be sure you put Scooby's name on the cake jessig case it's a wreck and you can't tell what it is supposed to be."
Maybe, like Velma, these decorators all lost their glasses.
Fingers? Thank goodness! I thought they were his "south cheeks," what with the tail and all.
And that's the first time I've ever seen evidence of leprosy in dogs.
That symbol just below 3rd Scooby's right eye is 'Shang', the Chinese character for 'on' or 'top'.
Maybe this cake was made in China and the icer wrote that there so so that people won't accidentally put the cake face-down.
- Alan
Wow...just wow. At least the first ones were brown. That last one with the weird eyes and the grey body...that wreckerator should have left the SD off of the collar. Not that it would be much less of a wreck without knowing what it was supposed to look like.
I see the profile too!
Oh my. Those are some cakes. O_____o
ahhhhhh! gross!
Actually that last cake looks like it was supposed to be Scooby-Dum. One of the Scooby cousins.
I can't shake the feeling on that second cake that there was a pattern...someone laid out the background in brown and someone without the pattern laid out the features, because when I look at the OUTLINE, I see Scooby. It's when I look at the finished product that it all goes south.
Huh. It's like a Rorshach cake.
I think the third cake is a creative crossover: Scooby Doo as portrayed by Sloth from the Goonies.
I was thinking that the last one looked like Muttley that sniggering Hannah & Barbera dog--at least based on the color. But after looking at a better picture of Muttley (http://www.hotink.com/wacky/mfiles/) I can see I'm wrong. So just what exactly that last one might be is beyond me. Some strange Mercator projection of Scooby?
I did a better homemade Eeyore cake than these "professional" wrecks. LOL
wv: epect "I epect better from professional bakeries!"
I think the first one is Scooby now. All that "mysterious" smoke coming out of the Mystery Wagon sure gets to a dog after all these years.
"One can never have too many lips" should be on a shirt.
Yep...I agree. The 2nd scooby cake could've looked a lot better with the profile-thing. I had to squint my eyes...but I could see it!
The last one does look a bit like Courage the Cowardly Dog and Stimpy from Ren & Stimpy. Maybe those two had a puppy together & it turned out like ... that?
Ruh-Roh, Raggy! Zoinks! Jinkys!
The look on the first Scoob says 'That diarrhetic mess in the background isn't an accident'
I would have thought the last one was Courage the Cowardly Dog, if not for the collar...
If Picasso ever drew Scooby, he would look like #3.
Those aren't Scooby Doos, they are Scooby Don'ts.
wv: horrit
Scooby #2 looks like it's made of Scooby poo! What a horrit!
The 1st one made me think "help me...I'm melting...!!"
The 3rd one looks like he's one shot short of a 'roid rage incident. Does anyone recall if Scooby Doo was listed in Jose Canseco's book?
I visited the site today fully expecting to see a post about somehow mutilated exercise/fitness cakes. Is the ESP on the fritz?
I was thinking the last one is more "Scooby as done by Dali" myself.
Said in a snooty voice "The third one is clEARly a cubist interpretation of Scooby." Or perhaps we could call it "scoobism." Ho ho (cough).
The last one made me giggle till I cried. Thank you!
that last one... one of his eyes follows you wherever you go! (or if not the one then at least the other)
I think the last one is supposed to be "Courage, the Cowardly Dog" from Cartoon Network. :)
The side profile on that one kinda looks a lil' like Grubby from Teddy Ruxpin...
I can totally see the side profile on Scooby. That or he has a serious tumor needing removal...
The first one made me think of Scooby Poo instead of Scooby Doo. After seeing these, I'd hate to see what Shaggy would look like.
The second cake made me sad to realize that even cartoon dogs get tumors.
Scooby Snacks? I'd say they're "Scooby Wrecks"...
Kind of ... disturbing.
MY EYES!!!!!
Part of this is like Old Home Week for me...
The "Look! I'm a pinball!" expression on the last cake reminds me fondly of my ex father-in-law (even though he really looked exactly like Bluto). He started out every day with "a cold one", and would cold-one the entire day away. He was a very *happy* man.
All those chins, though...those are my mother-in-law's! She doesn't need them back, though; there are plenty more. Lovely person.
Above that one, is the kid's name
"Jaxon" or "Jaroon"?
Last (but since I'm going backwards, it's really first), and certainly least, that poor Scooby is obviously more scared of us than we are of him. I vote to turn out the lights and quietly tiptoe away.
The top cake looks more like Marmaduke than Scooby Doo.
That last one...
*wipes eyes*
Whew! Wait a minute...
The last one = the offspring of Scooby and Stimpy (does a Ren and Stimpy reference make me old?)
Scooby has the mumps!
These wreckorators could use a lot of "relp" when it comes to making these cakes.
Scooby would still eat them though. He wouldn't refuse food just like Lady GaGa wouldn't refuse a chance to not wear pants in public.
Jinkies! That last one kind of makes me want to see what would happen if there was a Scooby Doo/Ren and Stimpy crossover...
i tell you, wour comments make the whole thing funnier.... that last cake, with the 'drawing instruction' was friggin' HILARIOUS. was loling at work
Actually, I know the people who sent in Cake #3, and it was for a kid's birthday party, right here in Oklahoma City. And yes it's supposed to be Scooby.
I wanna say that the first cake is actually Marmaduke...in which case, it's still pretty crappy but a little more serviceable. Also, yeah, the second cake has a perfect 3/4 profile of Scoob, but the artist apparently decided to be nonconformist...
That last one looks like a hairless Scooby with several 'double chins'.
Its totally a side profile someone messed up on in the escaping bird scooby! I used to draw him all the time and thats the side profile they just majorly missed the mark... offensive! Haha
Ren was a chihuahua.
Stimpy was a cat: Stimpson J. Cat.
And Ren would look at one of these cakes and say, "What ISS it, man?"
(Why yes, I am a Ren and Stimpy fan; I have the plushies of both. And I knew I'd found the church of my dreams when the pastor quoted the Happy-Happy-Joy-Joy song in his morning sermon. Rock on, Pastor Chuck!)
Oh, and those cakes are a disgrace.
The second one is not "fingers", it's Scooby's body, tail, and the ever important butt crack!
That last Scooby cake is pretty funny on its own, but your comments are HILARIOUS. Thanks for the laughs.
I dunno about the rest of you guys, but the last one looks like Courage the Cowardly Dog instead of Scooby to me. Still, a perfectly wrecky find!
Word Verification: grous - my reaction upon seeing the first wreck in this post, "OMG, that cake is grous!"
I think his tail straight up is a sexual innuendo
Was the art class instructor Picasso?
ROTFL - see now it's your fault I laughed out loud! ...Alone with my laptop! ...In the middle of the quiet zone on the train! :D
Priceless as always!
OMG I'm sitting in work literally laughing my a$$ off. This is some funny stuff. LOVE THE BLOG!
Laughing so hard it hurts. *sigh* good times!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw Marmaduke, whose comic strips got a lot funnier when Joe Mathlete started explaining them.
Looks like Scooby had one too many scooby snacks in that last cake.
I hate to rain on anyone's wreck, but i think the last one is Scooby's lesser known cousin, Scooby Dumb. he's got the same initials, he's gray, and he has crossed eyes. its still a wreck, but maybe not as much
None of these are quite right...but I really kinda dig cake #3. Ha!
Hey, not sure if this was mentioned to, but this guy is actually a poorly drawn version of Scooby-Dum, Scooby-Do's err ... simplier hick cousin.
A special crossover/'featuring': Courage as Scooby, maybe?
i must say that i read the section of the collar by the initials "SD" as if it were the letter L. seriously.
i am seriously wondering whether this was the intention of its maker. would explain a whole lotta things.
scoob always looks like a pile of brown
Laughed till the tears rolled down my cheeks -- partly at the cake, partly at the comments. I always watched Scooby Doo growing up. He hasn't aged well.