
"Well, no problem. I've got it covered."
Nelia, Elizabeth F., & Rachael,
- Related Wreckage: Supermom VS the Diabolical Decorator of Doom
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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92 comments | Post a Comment
The karate kid girl on the right looks like Polly Pocket. (I'm sad that I know that.)
In my defense, my sister loved those.
Where do they hold the annual "International Ying/Yang Wig Kicking Competition"? In this corner, we have Blondie who will be facing off in the circle against her arch enemy, Brunette! I guess we'll really see who has more fun now!
Josh Metcalf
oh, clever!
the karate cake was my favorite.
the hair looked like the little magnetic polly pocket hair. obviously fake, but strangely adorable.
LOL!! Please tell me that first cake isn't a professional one. That's just sad.
Personally, I think the icing wigs are not a wreck at all, but pure hysterical genius!
I love "There, I fixed it." But usually the fix-ups there are a bit more creative than these Wreckerators could manage.
And I totally just added "Wreckerator" to Firefox's dictionary.
What, no comments on the first cakes misspelling of Birthday? Happy Briday?
Whew! That was close. And the smudge under the H will distract people from noticing it's a Briday cake.
The first cake is really terrible, an awful presentation. I think I'll go cry in a corner.
OMG, sooo funny! Yes, the smeared out H is way better now...just home no one notices briday isn't a word.
I ordered a cake for my daughter's bday party tomorrow and sent in a picture to the bakers for guidance. I am hoping that it doesn't become fodder for your website. If so (ie if it's a wreck) look for an email/pics from me on Sunday!
At least we didn't see any duct tape.
That the trouble with cake making, no edit feature.
"No one will EVER know..."
Psh, yeah, RIGHT.
The karate touch-up job actually wasn't too bad, though the color scheme was a little odd. The rest, though... *shakes head* Sad, sad, sad.
yeeaahhh, cuz the 'h' is what was wrong with the first one.....good thing they caught that before the customer got there!
The karate one is actually kind of a cute idea. Sort of.
That purply-pink thing is just terrible for so many reasons. I don't have time to go into them all, very busy here and all that jazz.
good morning, I totally followed that "There I fixed it link" WOW!
I thought the karate girls looked ok to me. It was genius really, it didn't look overly sloppy.
I actually thought this post *was* from TIFI when it came up in my feed reader. :P
I'm so surprised that you didn't mention something about the first cake saying Happy Briday. I liked the "scrapes", though. Nice.
Those karate guys..er...girls sure are cute.
My jaw dropped when I saw that first one. I'm thinking that the 'H' repair turned out so badly there wasn't any reason to even attempt to fix the 'Birday'! Wow!!
Happy Briday? Is that like Friday? Or Bride-day?
Oh, my! The pigtales are actually kind of cute, but the bleeding letter is sad. And what's with the 2 globs of frosting on the last? The first glob just didn't cover it enough, so they had to add another?
There's an extra dubya in your dubyadubyadubya.thereifixedit link. :)
Not only did they scrape the H off... but... BRIDAY? happy briday... hm.
Dang. The last cake would've looked pretty good if not for the name cover.
Jen, I'm surprised you mentioned only the wiping of the H on the first cake. "Briday" is very sloppily lettered, and I'm not sure if it means "Birthday" or "Friday." Maybe a portmanteau word. And of course, the lime green is icky.
My husband's and my rehearsal dinner cake had my name spelled wrong, despite my MIL spelling it for the bakery. She fixed it with a butter knife. Turned Amy (wrong) into Amie (right)...
(writing) "h... a... p... (are there two p's or one?, Hmm, let's go with two) p... y... aww crap I forgot to capitalize H. (fixes, sorta) B... r... i... d... a... y. Happy Briday! Yup, I think they're are going to LOOOVE this work of art! Wait, what there's supposed to be an r, t, and h in that word. Nah, that'd look silly!"
really? How the hell does one figure that birthday is spelled like Friday with a B?
Hey, I think the karate cake is a little awesome, at least for a Wreckerator. Yeah it looks kinda dorky, but I think that's the laughable kinda dorky, not the lamentable kind. :)
h/Happy Briday!?
This is excellent, I love that the decorator went to all that trouble to fix the 'Happy' on the first cake and didn't even bother to spell 'Birthday' correctly! Maybe it was getting all a bit much for him/her?
wreck 1. it just makes me sad.
wreck 2. i rather like the pink hairbows in the impromptu hair. however, one should never use orange and pink together. ever.
wreck 3. whaaa?! why didn't they just go ahead and write another name on it?! in its defense, i think it's a lovely lilac-y color.
terry lee
Happy Briday to Everybody! Go out and celebrate! Call off work ~ it's Briday!
haha! OK, I feel that the karate one is not that bad. They probably could not find a template of female martial artists to use due to existing gender bias....ok the hair didn't have to be so poofy, but the entire cake looks pretty well done.
I miss my karate days. My knees are wrecked and the surgeon sternly told me to cease and desist. :(
The other two are just insanely bad!!! Once again, even the shell borders are messed up! How do they hire these inept dummies when people with actual skills are dying for a job?
Hey, that karate kid cake is AMAZING. I kind of want it.
Thanks for a giggle this morning. Love the first one. Your captions are what make me laugh. The cakes make me sad.
Actually, "Happy Briday" is for a wedding that takes place on the bride's birthday.
My daughter will love the first cake! Her Birthday party is this weekend and since she's Brianna, but goes by Bri, this would have been perfect to put on her cake since the day is all about her. I better get on the phone with the baker pronto and have the cake changed. Hope there's still time...
The "wrong name" cake is fantastic! Just keep piling it on, there, wreckorator, pile in on thick.
WV- worsel- They couldn't have done it up worsel, could they? Hmm.
Guys, I'm pretty sure Jen noticed "Briday." I think she was being tongue in cheek by saying that post-scraping, it was "perfect."
It's hard to decide which is wreckier-- a wal-mart cake with a horrible correction/misspelling (I mean, once you see that round confetti, your expectations drop) or a decently decorated cake with a name blotted out in a DOUBLE LAYER of frosting applied with the cake icing tip!
Uh, guys?
The joke that Jen was making with the first cake was that "correcting the H" was the only thing the decorator saw wrong. Not the terrible handwriting, not the misspelled "briday", not the interesting color choices...
wow... some people who read your blog are so slow. it's SARCASM people. yes, Jen can read. she is AWARE that the first cake says "briday." man, i'd hate to be stuck in a room with some of these people!
I actually think the karate wigs are kinda clever. Yes of course they look out of place, but they look adorable. Hiyaa! or whatever. I'm never good at spelling sounds.
These are true CW classics! My workday is already a little brighter!
Too funny!!
tee-hee haaaaaa haaaaaa!!!!!
I actually think the karate cake was a good save. :D
Why assume "Briday" is a mistake? Perhaps they just got a nice bottle of Briday burgundy and the thought of having it with cake made them happy. Cake and wine, I'd certainly be smiling. :-p
Haha I actually kind of love the karate cake. For a second I didn't even see the problem. I think the decorator was pretty fast on his/her feet to think of it and it blended in decently (sort of). Not a wreck =)
Note to self: Don't drink and decorate cakes!
What about the fact that the first cake said "Briday" instead of Birthday?!?
It looks like the cover-up blob on the last cake was even airbrushed a bit, either to camouflage the lump or maybe make it look intentional.
Happy Briday. xD
Love that site, too, Jen. But not as much as yours! I can't believe it took me until 2:40 this afternoon to visit you and get my laugh!
Josh, you silly... That's Betty and Veronica!
That last cake has left me scratching my head... WHY??? What were they thinking? Blank Blob = Gorgeous Cake? Seriously... WHY????
Aww, I thought the karate cake was cute and kinda resourceful!
The first cake on the other hand? Besides the wonky "H", what was the big deal? Oh, well... TGIB!! (Thank Goodness it's Briday) ;-)
The hair is awesome.
Three cheers for girls in martial arts. :)
So should that cake say "Happy Friday?" or perhaps it's a shower/wedding cake---"Happy Bride-Day." Love the one where they must've messed up the name 2 or 3 times and just gave up after using the icing equivalent of 'white out.' With purple airbrushing, to help hide the mistake.........
So my five-year-old daughter was looking over my shoulder as I looked at these and when I got to the last one, she exclaimed:
Oh! That's what I want for my birthday! Except it has to have my name on it.
I could be incorrect, but I believe the words are Yin and Yang.
In this cakey case, though, WTH--let's let them take a ying at it.
Duke it out--and may the best...er...person win!
Hmmm...I wonder if Maddy's the one with the lemon hair or the chocolate hair.
About the last cake; I have to say that I find that particularly dreamy shade of lavendar extremely restful and tranquil...
Why, I might just crawl right in there, lie down on that cake (using the *whatever-y* slabs for a pillow), and have me a bit of a snooze...
Wake me up if a customer shows any interest.
Or in the morning.
Whichever comes first.zzzzzzzzzzz
Is it bad I think the last one could have been saved? instead of a rectangular mass to cover the wrong name, just pipe something that looks like a ribbon, with the pointy ends, and write on top of it
Do they not TRAIN cake decorators AT ALL?? Do they just thrust a pastry bag at the first applicant who walks in the door???
LOL! That first cake looks like someone bought a plain bakery cake and tried to match the green with one of those green gel frosting tubes. At least I hope that's what happened!
It's gotta be "GONE FISHING" - that one is awesome.
Thought I would answer some questions about my Happy Briday Cake.
My husband decided to surprise me with a cake for my birthday. He stopped in at a store that included a bakery, picked up a cake and waited while they wrote "Happy Birthday" on it. It was done by the person working in the bakery. He said she was obviously having a bad day and the customer before him had been very unhappy with what she had written on his cake. When my husband saw the mess she had made of my cake he told her it was fine and bought it.
I was very happy with my cake. It amused me. Every time I looked at I laughed. It was so bad in so many ways. It continues to amuse me as i read the comments here.
janet2buns, you made me giggle. My SIL works in a high end store bakery and she assures me that yes, pretty much any idiot who can stand upright is given a decorator bag full of neon colored frosting and put to work. Speaking English is a secondary consideration, knowledge of spelling and grammar third. But if you can pipe giant mounds of icing that look kinda like balloons/flowers/clowns, you get a bonus!
My favorite is the hair....it's rockingly BAD. :D
What are the odds? Today is my birthday, my name is Bri, lo and behold...
'Happy Briday!'
So does Briday come before or after Falker Satherhood?
wv: tripult - a catapult designed to launch three wrecky cakes at once
The Angry Jackalope said...
"My SIL works in a high end store bakery and ...yes, pretty much any idiot who can stand upright is given a decorator bag full of neon colored frosting and put to work."
That's pretty insulting, I think!
But hilarious!
And if that's "high end," imagine how great the "low end" store bakeries are doing...
Why not just turn the customers loose back there to do their own?
All the fun of home (!!) but the employees have to clean up the mess!!
What could be easier?
Those are sad. LOL
~Amy B
Do people actually pay for these things when they are that awful?
A PS to my former post:
My Briday cake was what lead to my finding this blog. I took a picture, of course, and showed my cake to anyone who would look. When I showed it to my daughter-in-law she told me I had to send it to Cake Wrecks. I said "Cake Wrecks? What's that?"
I am now gradually making my way through the entire blog. So much fun.
I'd say the karate girls are the best. I don't know if I'd thought of that. I think I would've went for the obvious, karate poodle skirt wearing women who have boys haircuts.
Ok, the karate cake, genius LOL -- the first cake OMGoodness - what the heck? I'd NEVER let a cake like that walk out my door. LOL
What's "Briday"? Is that when your birthday falls on a Friday?
Haven't you heard of Bridays? It's a slang term for Bachelorette parties.
Get it ' ' . .. . Bride Day . . Briday?
Oh I'm just a riot.
2nd cake....its not Briday, it's "Brie-day". What's better than a cake that's not a cheesecake, but the purpose is the celebration of cheese? Not much, I'd say.
The I and the E are the same letter, to save space, and...uh...conserve Earth's natural resources (all of that green food dye).
I'm a glass-half-full person.
WV: machacur
"Those cakes were all part of the infamous Brie-Day Machacur, which will go down in history as one of the darkest days in cake-dom."
"Happy Briday"?
The comments are getting tedious to read. Although there were only FIVE people complaining that Jen didn't mention the misspelling explicitly, it seemed like so many more. Tiresome.
I vote (since everyone treats this as a democracy and not your personal blog) that only one "I am clueless" comment and moderate out the rest. Haha!
While they aren't "mean spirited" they do insult Jen's intelligence and creativity and don't have to be posted.
Where are Alix and Haiku Joy?
I need a haiku...
Mistakes I can hide
Big blobs of frosting cover
My ineptitude
Wv: Loingral - the karata students were advised to avoid the loingral kicks.
These are too much! Still...they did give me some creative ideas for the next time I really screw up. http://blog.sweetservices.com/sweetscandyblog/
803 comments on the tour post, almost every one of them lamenting the fact that we're not going to one city or another. Take out all the repeats and you get 13 city laments and 790 folks who are now ticked at you for not posting their comments. But you know what? Even though I have to moderate every...single...comment, Jen and I are extremely flattered and humbled by the fact that so many people take the time to talk to us.
And sure, some people don't get a joke, but isn't it fun to be the first to mock them? I'm just saying.
I miss Alix and Haiku Joy as well, but they're probably just on vacation or something. The Courteous Chihuahua came back so I have faith.
Wreck On!
John--There's a Courteous Chihuahua?? I'm clearly out of the loop lately....
I would love the karate cake if the color scheme didn't make me physically ill. For Cake 1 and Cake 3, I simply have no words.
And to Nelia of the Briday Cake: I once thought I was the world's most avid avoider of confrontation, but CLEARLY your hubby takes that prize, and possibly sainthood as well. You are indeed a lucky soul. (Well, with men, anyway. Not so much with cake, though.)
Yes, of course, the mocking should compensate! :)
I know you will post them all, and I didn't really mean they should be left out.
And I feel bad for being one of the ATL foot stompers for the tour. In my defense, I was in the first wave, and there weren't any atl comments yet when I wrote it.
Hope the tour goes great!
Thanks as always for the daily laughs!
Another sad/misogynistic thing is that the karate fix even had to be made... aren't there enough girls in martial arts to warrant a "girl" template? Terrible... though decent enough job 'fixing' it, compared to the others!
haha! These are hilarious. I especially love the commentary about each cake. The first one looks like it was written with the left hand (if the person is right handed).
OMG that Karate cake reminds of the wreck that happened to be my daughters 7th birthday cake. She asked for a girl bowling cake and got a boy...it was awful. Everyone at the party was shocked and didn't say a word to my daughter.
the last cw has me thinking about what bakeries do when someone neglects to pick up a cake. just "purple-out" the name, i guess.
Hey EB--The store bakeries I've noticed tend to scrape off the name (with varying degrees of success) and sell the anonymously-'Happy Birthday"-ed cake at a markdown. Of course, as often as not this means you're wishing Happy Birthday to "greenish blob followed by light-green streak"...
Wait, I think that's one of my cousins, actually.
Fixed it... except not. Happy Briday, eh? Someone was pre-drinking on a Friday for their friend's birthday. Probably singing some song about Friday in congruence with the Happy Birthday song while trying to scrawl on the cake. Ace.
I've been missed!
Cattywompus wig?
Just give a high kick, yelling
"Happle Bri -hiyah!"
did anyone notice the mayjor tyop on the first cake? Isabelle