[singing] "There's two things I know for sure:

"These Wrecks number seven..."
(okay, six)
"And they'll make you want to hurl!"
Sorry for inflicting you with that song.
Ok, now let's see how else bakeries destroy the seemingly simple butterfly, shall we?
First, every
Wreckerator knows you
have to make butterflies out of cupcakes. Otherwise, you run the risk of them looking like...well, butterflies.

And we can't have
that, now, can we?
But malformed, lumpy wings just aren't enough. Sometimes a wacky mustache is needed:
"Oui oui, I believe I have, how you say, wee wee'd mehself! Hon hon hon!"Or maybe a turd-errific, camo-riddled model:
Uh, guys? Exactly which demographic are you going for here? I mean, I don't think little boys are wild about butterflies, and little girls don't usually like camo OR poop.Luckily, though, some butterflies still get a happy ending.
Charlotte F., Raven, Rachael, Rebecca R., Jessica A., & Bijan P., stop looking at me like that; I was merely referring to his smiley face. Really.- Related Wreckage: It's a Wreck Off!
167 comments | Post a Comment
Are you sure the camo one isn't a turtle?
I saw that third one in middle school science class. That's a chromosome pair.
Oh no way! Those poor, poor butterflies!
I have to say, for a CCC (ptooey!), the wings on that last one are pretty good (if you think about what butterfly wings look like on some species). That is a rather unfortunate color for the um, center part, and the um, stripes don't help either....
wv: surame
It's a surame what those wreckorators did to those "butterflies".
Yikes. Big shiny slimy-looking black slugs with "wings." Mmmmm.
Seven? Am I missing something? Or is one of these so bad that it counts as two? Your call, gentle readers: where's the double wreck?
WV: trimpl. These cup"cakes" trimpl all over the bounds of good taste.
BWA HA HA HA HA HA @ Happy Ending!!!
I am a little curious as to how those slugs grew wings. I am sure all the other slugs on the block are very jealous.
I am wondering if the moldy spotted one is a turtle. It sorta looks like it could be a turtle. Attached to his brother. And they never agree on where they are going.
I kinda like the last one.... it's cute.
The others should be burned.
Poor wonky butterflies!
WV-jught- A contraction of just and might. "Put one of them there moose-stashes on that there butterfly. There, that jught do it!"
on the last CW, I thought you meant "happy ending" because it looked sort of okay, and then I looked longer (and harder) and saw the middle....and, oh, DISGUSTING.
why aren't CCCs banned? because then Jen would have nothing to post.
The camo-poop butterfly is horrific. But the flesh colored, phallic looking butterfly about did me in.
I wonder what they would come up with if someone ordered a butterfly BANDAGE cake. >.>
Oh my gosh!
I don't think I've ever seen a malformed butterfly like them in my life...
And the camo and poop butterfly? I don't think even my brother would like that one
Another great post that had me in stitches yet again :P
And my verification word was Mothe... It's a sign lmao
an x rated butterfly cake... just when you thought you ahve seen it all.
Those are not the best butterflies I've ever seen, but what concerned me most was the big bleeding cockroach on the lower right on cake #2. Because if that's supposed to be a butterfly it's a little too obese to fly on those skinny wings.
..."these wrecks number seven." I'm only counting six -- unless the final monstrosity and it's heaving member count as two! ; )
At first look, that last one, while terribly wonky, was still kind of pretty. But then I looked again and ... oh, oh my!
Wreckage know no end. Thankfully I have not had coffee yet... camo-fly would have done me (And my monitor) in.
Wow! That last one could have been nice if it wasn't for the unfortunate choice of worm color. Uh, do you think the decorator did that unintentionally, or is it from an "erotic cake" bakery?
Little girls don't usually like camo or poop. That is my new favorite saying!
LMAO @ at the happy ending butterfly. That's sick - yet very funny.
I thought for sure that the camo entry was conjoined Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle twins.
If that wretched song is in my head for the rest of the day, I'm going to shove you down some stairs. :-)
* ow * my eyes hurt!!!
i really should stop looking at your entries first thing in the morning (except sundays) -- i'm unable to function for an hour after that! (:D but what a fun way to get non-functional...)
I was thinking to myself, 'that last one is actually very pretty'... and then I saw it .... it was like the loss of my innocence all over again.
You know, I kind of think the last butterfly is cute. A little girl would love that cake!
But seriously, what's with the green camo with poop on it? How can the baker/decorator NOT see the resemblance to... well... poop? Do they laugh when customers with no...ummm... taste buy them? Do they snigger in the back "We got someone to buy the poop butterfly! hur hur hur!"
Oh, the poor, poor, maligned butterfly! Kinda makes you want to return to the cocoon, doesn't it?
I so want the frosting on the French butterfly. That looks like some YUM-MY buttercream. Let me at it!!
Is it just me or does that last one resemble a certain part of the male genitalia?
That last one's shaped like something not-so kid friendly! :O
The top wings of the 4th one look like dog bones and I think that mustache is antannae gone wrong!
My girls would love the last one. It's very cute and girly despite being a little lopsided!
Happy ending. HA!
oh, mercy! Happy ending! lmao
Wow. Just . . . wow. (The awesomeness of today's commentary almost covers over the hurl-worthiness of the CCCs! Almost.)
O_O That last one seems to be a very happy... erm.. butterfly boy.
Are butterfly cakes ALWAYS cupcake cakes?
Yack...Those are barf-tastic.
I find it oddly amusing that the majority of cakes that you do see are CCC. It's like "Are you REALLY going to try to make something look normally shaped out of round objects? Good luck..."
That last one... No comment!
Oh, love the last one! I KNEW it could be done.
Wow, the last cake. Phallic.
My 3 year old is looking over my shoulder and we got to the third one and he goes a BONE cake. I keep telling him its supposed to be a butterfly, but he insists its a bone.
They put wings on panty liners so I guess putting wings on a penis wasn't that far a stretch. Good grief.
I think I've seen that camo-turd-riffic cake before...eww. I didn't need to see it a second time.
I dunno... is that a camo butterfly or a turtle wearing a belt?
I think I saw the last one in San Fransico in the gay pride parade... Mr. Happy Penis ( a anti STD mascot) in a Las Vegas show girl's feathers.
The poop and camouflage one looked like a slimy slug crawling through toxic ooze to me.
And, dang it, I've been avoiding that stupid song even since my dad, in a moment of sentimentality, gave me the CD when I was, like twelve.
*vomits* *looks at vomit*
Hmm... Looks kind of like a butterfly.
oh no! i feel so bad for them!
I'm thinkin' the camo one is a turtle with a lapband.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
in my opinion butterflies are hard enough on real cakes. why would you try to put a ccc to work on one too?
yes, of course, i giggled at the Peter-fly.
And the double ended turtle - I see it, Kristina!
Oh man. Jen 2984472034343, CCC 0.
Its kind of like when you go back and watch the old Disney movies...the ones on VHS... and you are finally old enough to catch the innuendos and not so pc comments you missed when you were a kid...it ruins it for you. Like penis butterflies...I can never look at a butterfly the same way again!
Anyone want to start guessing how many people are going to comment on what the last one looks like even though it's implied clearly in the post?
Ha ha! If it weren't for the whole CCC thing, I think the last one is actually kind of cute!
...OK, AND the fact that it's a penis with wings! I was just trying to avoid the elephant in the room!
I think the first wreck is actually two bats hiding under a snake. It all makes sense that way.
And here I thought the 5th one was a slug crawling over some turtle roadkill.
Can I ask the seemingly ignored question here: Why would one want a cake to look like a BUG to begin with? The failures abound!
That green one looks like Luigi got turned into a butterfly ... vaguely ...
Yeah, the last one...super cute wings, but that's a tish more phallic than I like my butterfly torsos. But, you know, I'm sure there are butterfly-themed bachelorette parties that would kill for that CCC.
Why don't CCC makers just skip the pretense and leave the cake out altogether? I know plenty of people (me among them) that have naughty fantasies about buying and eating wads of frosting.
I really thought you were talking about the smiling face on the last one, "happy ending" until I took a better look! ROFLMAO! Too funny!
Ug - who decided that butterflies had to be made from CCCs?
"Happy Ending" made me spit coffee on my computer monitor. Well Done Cake Wrecks!
I look at cakewrecks with my 3 year old. He's quite the little decorator, better than some of these supposed professionals at least. Anyway, he insisted that none of these are actually butterflies and when he looked at the last one he said "oh my god mummy, it's a happy smiling penis!" So yeah, it's not just you...
Oh. My. Truly wrecktastic. On many levels.
At first I thought the last CCC was actually quite well done, then I read the comments and took a second look. Oh my goodness! It's Mr. Happy!
Blogless Mary Lou
WV: recreo: Some cake decorators unsuccessfully try to recreo nature.
i used to turn the radio off every time i'd hear that damn song, for reasons only an extremely sentimental mother would understand.
i think it's cruel to write lyrics that are so obviously meant to yank your heart out of your chest, chop it up into tiny pieces and then make a butterfly cakewreck out of it. hmmmmph.
ironic though, that the song includes these lyrics:
Walk beside the pony, Daddy, it's my first ride.
I know the cake looks funny, Daddy, but I sure tried.
i don't think daddy would like his little girl to be eating that last butterfly cake, eh?
My daughter took one look at the camo butterfly and said, "AGGH, a booger monster!!!" LMAO!!!
Those are like butterflies that have been stepped on, or smushed on a windshield!
Penis Butterfly is funny as crap. It's like a vibrator laying on some crumpled pink fabric. lol
Ohhh, that last one is just wonderful! I laughed so loud I startled the cat. *happy sigh* Flying phalluses, what will they think of next...
I need a new monitor after reading and seeing "Happy Ending"! LMAO! Thanks for the laugh!
Is it just me or does the last one look like a penis with wings? A smiling one at that.
Yes the last one IS decent and much better looking. I have a butterfly shaped cake pan, I need to try it one of these days. :p
The first one is hideous, I would not eat it. The bugs on the second one look like slugs, not butterflies.
WV: yecudi
Yecudi get me to eat any of them.
There are just no words... except that the last one is really so very, very wrong. (Personally, I'd be screaming - not smiling - if a penis I knew sprouted wings.)
WV - astabion - The Wreckreator of that last cake astabion some kind of illegal drug.
Guess I'm not in the mood. Most of the time I'm seeing malformed mosquitoes with the exception of the green moldy sponge.
Okay, that 5th one looks like a slug crawling across a flattened frog! Good lord. When my kids were little, we'd sometimes order plain cakes for their birthdays because we didn't have time to bake them. Then we'd decorate them ourselves because we didn't trust the bakery with whatever weird pokemon or nintendo character or animal our kids were into at the time. Now I see we made the right choice!!
Is the last cake suppose to represent a young boys transition into becoming a man?
Or is it...
"Is that a butterfly cake or are you just happy to see me?"
Ow..I have a headache and these just made it worse! (looking for Aspirin)
Amy B
what's with that second cake? The cock roach butterflies? "umm hi, we're Roach-butterly-AMERICANS thankyouverymuch!"
I love that half of the comments are ripping on you for making fun of the happy ending butterfly... and the other half are rolling on the floor laughing!! ha ha!! IT LOOKS LIKE A PENIS PEOPLE!!! don't believe me... scroll up look again... yup... hahaha
Ugh! that one looks like big black flies w/ pink and red wings over it. at least the flies like it!
I used to decorate cakes in a bakery and I HATED it when people ordered a butterfly CCC. I tried to persuade them in other directions, but some simply would not be moved. It is quite difficult to get a decent butterfly. Or anything, for that matter. I hated those stupid things! (Can't say as I ever quite achieved the wreckage posted today, however. Wow)
That's not a penis, it's Epcot.
I keep hoping that the flying penis cake is for a stripper who wears butterfly wings, not for a little girl's birthday party.
Clearly butterfly number six started his day with a Red Bull.
Come on, that flying penis cake wasn't a wreck it was CUTE!!...wait, um is was a butterfly...neeeeevermind.
Happy ending. Bwahahahaha!!!
To the last wrecker....hey there big boy....is that a butterfly in your bakery? or are you just happy to see me? ooo la la
I had to get a few comments in before I got the Happy Ending one - I was too mesmerized by the upside down hearts.
LOL at the last one. Reminds me of the book Small Gods, in which the Great God Om tries to curse someone by saying something along the lines of "May your genitals sprout wings and fly away!" Looks like he succeeded this time.
Word verification = "triumbe". I'm sure the bakers thought these cakes were a triumbe of art, but we don't.
Is it just me, or does that last one look like a.......
Well, you KNOW what I'm going to say.
who needs viagra when there's pink butterfly wings?
Personally, I LOVE the moustache! The center of that butterfly is absolutely adorable-the wings just need work!
Except for the circumcised body on that last one, it was adorable!
You should have said "wonky mustache" because when you say wonky anything it just cracks me up. I have no idea why, but that just does it for me!
And I think the last one is sort of pretty. A little lopsided, but pretty!
Okay, nevermind. I missed the body of the last butterfly. His wings sure are pretty, though!
OMG. The only way the last one could be any more hilarious would be if they gave it white "antennae" on top of it's happy smiling head.
The camo/poop butterfly/turtle looks like a magnified a germ cell.
captcha: entesch - These decorators aren't entesch with reality.
It took me a good minute to even notice the wings on the black blobs...I was too confused as to why someone thought formless clumps of shiny black icing would ever be a good idea for anything except just that.
Much like EB, I also thought at first that you said "happy ending" b/c the last one was kind of cute. Then... OH-MY-GAWD. Absolutely genius.
The wings on #5 look like the pictures going around of the swine flu virus.
hehe, love the last one :-)
I have to comment just for the wv:
Peditt. Be careful of that last cake, and please don't peditt.
The center part almost always looks like a wiener..
Oh my! Never thought a butterfly cake would invoke a "That's what she said" thought in my head! I wouldn't have noticed that last one's interesting content if you hadn't referenced it. Now it's just going to haunt me!
As others have said, the final cake is a masterwork because it succeeds in being such a pretty butterfly ... and then you see it.
I imagine many repetitions of a scene where someone buys it and brings it home in a box. After dinner they announce the surprise and set it out on the table. Kids shriek in happiness at the presence of cake. Spouse shrieks in either laughter or horror. I'll bet there are households where the children wouldn't be allowed to eat this thing.
My word verification is simply "cries."
Am I the only loser who doesn't know what song you're singing?? :(
I'm glad you told us the first two are supposed to bring "butterflies" to mind because that's NOT what I thought when I saw them.
That butterfly with the extra-wide, oozing black body definitely makes me want to hurl!!!
So...both the third and sixth cakes look like bones. Awesome!!
The last one is a gay willy !
Kristina - Only if it is a turtle that walked under a bear in the woods... ahem. eww.
Thank you so much for being the bright spot in my day.
The best part about that last cake is that you get distracted by the wings and think it's pretty good at first glance. Then, with a second glance, it becomes so obvious that you pretty much fall off your chair, laughing/choking. :)
I am glad I am not the only one that thought the last butterfly looked a little "naughty." ;)
Once upon a time a little penis started making himself a cocoon...
OMG that's soooooooooo funny! =)
I think I almost peed my pants while laughing at the last one! Good stuff!
that's the dirtiest cutest butterfly I've ever seen!
I'm only saying this because nobody seems to have said it before, and I certainly don't want this to be another epcot, but butterfly #4's "mustache" seems like the wreckorator was trying to do antennae, but since it's a CCC (patoey!) s/he couldn't put the antennae on top of the head where they normally go. I think it looks more like a mustache, though.
I love your blog, keep being awesome :)
"Heh Heh...Boner-fly" [/Beavis&Butthead]
I've noticed that there are the people who understood the happy ending innuendo, and those who were totally oblivious.
"I kinda like the last one.... it's cute."
"You know, I kind of think the last butterfly is cute. A little girl would love that cake!"
I mean, really?
"Is it just me or does that last one resemble a certain part of the male genitalia?"
*sighs* apparently Jen's wit was lost on these people...
Ok so as a teacher in a class named "butterfly" I SO need one of these when we finish our butterfly activites! I'm thinking frenchy with the mustache will go over well. Toddlers LOVE teletubbie poops! YAY Blue tongues!
"Yes the last one IS decent and much better looking. I have a butterfly shaped cake pan, I need to try it one of these days. :p"
*sighs again* Please tell me that comment was not written by yet another innocent person who missed the "happy ending" joke... please
Those two turtles that are stuck together are having real issues! I'm thinking separation surgery is eminent!
WV: foredis: Foredis, I was cooking dinner. Afterdis, I wash the dishes.
I would say that one is a dragonfly, not a butterfly. Still ugly, though.
Are you sure the camo thingy is a butterfly? Is it even edible?
Oh, yeah, put me in with the "at first I didn't see it" crowd. But the first thing my husband said when I showed him Mr. Happy was--"it's a penis with wings. And he's smiling."
WV: sidert: that last cake made me laugh so hard my sidert.
It's a turtle with a belt, thank you.
@ Shinnewn: two bats hiding under a snake--LMAO
another good WV: reatio--the reatio of wrecks to CCC's is high
For some reason, I imagined this in the voice of those little french peas on Veggie Tales. (I blame the kids)
Weird Al's "Headline News" is now running through my head.
Lesson learned today: If Little Mr Happy is missing, just run to the nearest bakery.
Unless, of course, you know of a NASA party with a shuttle cake that's closer.
Ok, so I'm not the only one who saw that on the last butterfly. Thank goodness!
ok so all of your wrecks make me laugh but this is the first one i'm commenting on because that HAPPY ENDING one is just so frickin funny!!! i mean look at the poor thing, he really does look so happy, mwwuaahhhh!!
although i admit i feel badly for the folks who didn't get that joke :-)
I think the camo one looks more like a turtle wearing a belt. Maybe it is supposed to be a Ninja Turtle?
My little girl wants a butterfly cake for her next birthday (not until November). Now I know what NOT to do.
Hey, I have a butterfly shaped cake pan. It's easy. There will be no cupcakes involved.
Yeah, at first I saw the last one and was like "well, for a CCC is not HORRID but... oh... wait... what? OHHHHH!" and now I get it. Yeah, um, I'm gonna agree with the "unfortunate color choice" thing. I wouldn't call it "disgusting" though. I'd still eat it.
Actually, if I remember this years from now (assuming it'll be years from now) when I get married, I SO want a happy face penis butterfly as my bachelorette cake. Maybe not a CCC though.
I guess my mind is more pure than most because I had to look a long time before I figured out what was wrong with the last one. I thought you said happy ending because it actually looks like a butterfly.
That last one isn't so bad, for a CCC. A bit misshapen, but kind of pretty. In a weird way.g
I'm gonna have to go with ninja turtle over the camo butterfly.
Wilton makes actual CCC pans....... in a butterfly shape. Maybe decorators should use these instead...... hey, at least they won't mess up the shape!
Apparently, I am the only one who thinks the butterfly wings white paisley-shaped sections resemble that oh, so happy ending...
For those NOT in the know... "Happy Ending" is what sometimes occurs at the end of a massage as a less-than-legal massage parlor. Oh, to be young and innocent again... ;)
There *is* two things? Ugh. I can see someone starting Grammar Wrecks.
Uh-oh, the hearts and 'splashes' decoration is not making me feel at all comfortable about the last one..
Well, you know, my son likes butterflies and my daughter likes poo (doesn't object to camo either), but I can't see either of them going for that lumpy mess.
The camo one looks like some kind of mitochondiral division or something. OMG! The CCCs are multiplying! ACK!
that last one looks like a cleverly concealed phallic symbol... I would not wanna be the little 6 year old girl's momma who had to bring THAT one home and explain it to my husband! Let alone, decide which little girls got to eat the.... ..... ..... um... "pink" part.
I think the last one was deliberately done that way--subtle yet not, just to see if the cake orderer would notice. You have to have fun with your work, right?
And the poop/camo one could be a turtle trying to get that hourglass shell shape with a belt.
wv: ourkiddi
Okay - I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks the last cake belongs in the same category as the infamous 'fireman' cake? Flesh colored icing is never, never, ever, ever, a good idea.
My verify word is . . . .
::drum roll::
Appropriate on just too many levels.
Even my computer was laughing and rejected the above referenced verify word. The new one is good too: "imewerat"
"On full moon nights I will be crawling through your trash, because imewerat."
i had to double check with a co-worker to make sure the last one was what i thought it was. hahaha i was a bit worried i was seeing things, but good news! im not :P
and then of course my "verification word" to post this is 'stscles'
coincidence? i think not :P
I think that last one warrants a related wreckage link to the fireman cake. Its pretty much the same thing. lol
I love the one with the tasche SO HARD. He is amazing!
I know it's not as obviously horrible as the slimy slug on the bottom right, but the "butterfly" in the upper right corner of the 2nd CCC is bringing tears of hilarity to my eyes! It's laying there, spread-eagle, looking so defeated! Where's a dissection kit when you need one?
Dang, I love this blog...
Kristina wondered if #5 was a turtle, so I looked again. Oh no! It IS a turtle, that someone has been wearing as underpants! Apparently whatever medication one takes for wearing turtles as underpants has an unfortunate side effect...
wv: tings (that's a gimme)
These tings belong in the dumpster, not at a little girl's birthday party!
i'm pretty sure that last butterfly is actually a penis with wings...
I took the "camo butterfly" picture. I wasn't sure at first if it was a butterfly or turtle roadkill, but after looking carefully, it is definitely a butterfly. The camo might be because it was on sale at a military commissary.
Are you sure that the camo one is a butterfly? It looks more like an amoeba. I'm positive! I studied them in biology last year. *Squinting* Yep. Definitely an amoeba.
Anna Marie
Did anyone else think of the 'Nannerpuss' from the Denny's Super Bowl ad when they saw the mustachioed butterfly?
For those who haven't seen it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kK6F7t-x6E
FLMAO!!!! you cracked me up with the last one HAHAHAhahAHA!!!
I like the design of butterfly cake... I love it!
I think that last cake is a homage to an ancient Greek symbol- the flying phallus.
The phallic bird was used in Ancient Greece for fertility rituals, and dionisiac processions where participants carried phallic poles. The unveiling of the phallus constituted an important rite of Dionysiac celebrations. The phallus was a popular symbol of fertility. Phallic imagery in public monuments and in ordinary domestic and commercial plaques can be found at different times and places throughout the Greek world. Phallic icons were often placed outside houses,in doorways, walls, boundaries, graves, etc. It was often used as a symbol of protection and warding off evil. The phallus not only decorated and protected houses but also individuals. Amulets of bronze, brass, coral, bone or gold in the shape of a phallus were often worn as rings or pendants by both children and adults to ward off evil. Phallic artifacts includes amulets, lamps, votives, figurines, boundary markers, ornaments, tintinnabula and pottery.
hon hon hon LOLOLOLOL
I'm speechless. |I'm in the US on vacation and I didn't visit any bakeries. Sorry.
CUPCAKES!! HAHA hilarious! I would love to see some done well... though I think the pink butterfly was pretty cute :-)
CW #2: Mmm, winged leeches...
LMFAO! I think you'd have to save the middle piece for Mommy and her girlfriends. Cuz I'm sure Daddy and his friends wouldn't want to eat it, lol.
I like the idea of it as a bachelorette cake! LMFAO! Could be very symbolic that way, lol!
My three-year-old doesn't exactly have high standards. She looked at this post with me and said, with increasing excitement, "A butterfly cake. ANOTHER butterfly cake..."
And then we got to the mustache one. "What's that?" she asked.
Enough said.
It's a pity about the last one... the wings look awesome!
that butterfly looks like a certain Phallic something...
My God, that last one...scarred. For. Life.
*Is carefully taking deep, deep, breaths*
Just...don't...look...at...the...last...oh, god, I looked.
How can the decorators not realize this stuff? Do they gloat and giggle behind our backs? Do they congratulate each other on each 'cake' sold?
I can imagine it now....
"Dude! That sucker just bought the...'butterfly' cake!"
"No way, man, I wanna see!!"
"Yeah...that lady in orange right there. See? Right...there!"
"Oh, yeah! Are you serious? She didn't...tee-hee-hee!"
"She said it was for her daughter's birthday. I told her it's more of a little boy's cake. She gave me a weird look. Dude, funniest thing EVER!"
"HAHAHAHA! Dude, I didn't think even you could pull that one off!"
It's a conspiracy!!
...Okay, I'm done.
The butterfly is just...lol...hilarious. X rated...eat your heart out. xx