Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bork Bork Bork

Saturday, August 8, 2009

As some of you know, I have a special place in my heart for the Swedish Chef. (This is mostly due to John's dead-on impersonation.) So for today's Wreck, I figured I'd let the Cake Wreck Master show us how it's done (and for once I'm not talking about Sandra Lee).

If that "cake" looks familiar, it may be because you're of the five trillion readers who sent me this some weeks ago:

And if you'd like to see "cannibul cake" (aka Cakey the Cake from Outer Space) sing a little Karen Carpenter, you can go here.

- Related Wreckage: Wedding Crashers, Cake Wrecks Style
taffi said...

How can anyone NOT love the Swedish Chef? Bork Bork Bork.

I think I need to make that cake next week. No good reason, other than freaking out my kids. :-)

Bork Bork Bork.

cakedarla said...

I hate when cakes give you a hard time, LOL!

-lisa- said...

Awesome! I love the Swedish Chef! I'm so glad I found this blog because I absolutely LOVE it!

Dea said...

Ahhh, love me some Swedish Chef!

Stacy V. said...

Love it! Love it! Love it! What the world needs now is more of the Swedish Chef. Thanks for the laughs. I have got to introduce my son to the Muppets.

The Miller Five said...

That cake is too funny. I am definitely going to make that for my husband's birthday!

utaduta said...

you are not a cool person ( or old enough to remember the muppet show) if you have never made swedish chef shounds whilst cooking or baking! :)

ChimbleySweets said...

There's been a time or two I've wanted to use a Caken-Smoosher. Pretty much at the half-way point of every cake I've made..

..but once I pass the halfway mark, I decide they look ok enough to survive another few hours until they're eaten. ;)

Half Assed Kitchen said...

Sooo cute. Both of them.

Angie (from over at

Breeda said...

I love the loud random laugh after he tosses the sugar over his head.

So funny!

Muum said...

holy nostalgia, Batman! that was great. I loved the Muppet show, and the Swedish chef was my fave! thanks !!!!!

Eileen said...

Totally not cake related but have you seen:
Chef, Animal and Beaker singing Danny Boy. "Der peeps, der peeps ..."

Anonymous said...

What I loved was on the Youtube site all these Swedish people writing comments saying that is not really how Swedish people talk! I'm sure we Americans all thought that was _exactly_ what Swedish people are like!

tangeria said...

I think my heart beats ba-bork, ba-bork, ba-bork.

Anonymous said...

Okay, Swedish Chef was pretty cool, but he couldn't hold a candle to "!"

And that cannibal cake is seriously cute. Until it sings.

bodoba said...

Nothing beats cake wrecks and the swedish chef!

April said...

Are you sure Sandra Lee didn't have a hand in that cake? It strongly resembles her work.

Jasry said...

Ah, that was a great way to start my Saturday, watching numerous Swedish Chef bits with my kiddos. Yet another reason why I always start my day off with CakeWrecks. Now, where's my caken schmoosher?

Angie B said...

What a creepy cake !! I watched it sing karaoke and it got creepier by the minute ! Funny that a FOOD would choose to sing a Karen Carpenter song considering how much she hated food.

Str4yk1tt3n said...

heh...caken smusher.

Anonymous said...


It's just another example of your awesomeness, Jen.


Belle Epoque said...

Hahahaha...what a riot that loudmouth cake! The creator should have icinged in a comment bubble!

Buffy said...

LOVE the Swedish Chef! My favorite skit is the one where he makes donuts:

"Und her de ver de hoo de moo-fin. See de moo-fin? Und her mit de boom shootin."

Little Lovables said...

Excellence at it's best!

I am making that cake puppet for our family, it's going to be so fun to freak neighborhood kids out at birthday parties.

Lizzy Leigh said...

My dad's side of the family is Swedish, so I've always had a soft spot for the chef. I used to have a clock that went "Bork Bork Bork!" every hour.

Thanks for the laugh Jen! Takes me back to watching the show with my dad.

Nicole said...

Love love love love LOVE the Swedish Chef.
Excellent find!

Pam Walter said...

Someone captured me in the kitchen making a cake!

Anonymous said...

I love facecake. mmmm facecake.

Terri said...

Hahaha - I love the Swedish Chef! And if you saw my kitchen after I cook you would think I was the Swedish Chef! Bork bork bork! Now, where's that caken-smoosher???

H to the izzo said...

I love the cannibul cake.

Am I just now noticing that Swedish Chef is actually the same voice as Kermit?

Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only one whose husband channeled The Swedish Chef. It's particularly distracting when I'm trying to cook (because, alas, while the man sounds like the Swedish Chef, he views the kitchen with suspicion and terror--except when making microwave popcorn).

Di said...

That's always been my favorite Swedish chef bit, if only for "der cakensmĂĽsher."

bzzzzgrrrl said...

Angie B., I had the same thought. It's sort of disturbingly ironic.

RShini said...

@H to the izzo:

That's because besides Kermit, Jim did the voice for the Chef's voice and Rolf.

Nemo said...

Man I love that ONE GUY who thinks the sugar throwing is hilarious... And the Caken-Smoosher is just gold.

Kevin said...

Oh dear. And here I had totally FORGOTTEN about Sandra Lee for so many months now. Thanks for the hilariously hideous reminder. I think.

mandacantu said...

This is the cutest cake ever!!!!!

Annie said...

I think I'm going to have to make a few little cakes and dig out my baseball bat just so I have an excuse to stand in my kitchen and yell "CAKEN SMUSHER!"

Thanks for the laugh! :D

Wild Heaven Farm said...

Can you name at least three other Muppets with 'real' hands? I can :D

April said...

Rock on Swedish Chef! I still think his chocolate mouse routine was the best. LOL

But I must agree with studiorose. PIGS....IN....SPAAACCEEE! Was still the best of all.

Lucia said...

Have a great weekend!

Country Cookin' Mama said...

My kids and I both loved that little video. They were cracking up!

Josh (the DMT) said...

If the white icing on top of Cannibul Cake's "head" is his "hair", then why does Cannibul Cake have a ring of "hair" completely encircling the base of his neck? Is that a normal thing for the people from his planet or did he just forget to shave...his whole

Josh Metcalf

Unknown said...

Completely off topic, but did you know you were the subject of an article in Smithsonian magazine?

Anonymous said...

not related but today on FML:

"Today, I went to buy a cake for my daughter's birthday. She really loves Twilight, so I decided to get her a vampire-related cake. I wrote down "fangs" as a decoration. The baker thought it said "wangs". My 10 year old daughter's cake has wangs all over it. Her party is tomorrow morning. FML"

Would that we had a picture of that!

Ericka said...

i cannot understand how the food network lets that woman continue. she was one of the "top chefs" to do a "recipe" on a holiday special, and everyone else actually, you know, made something edible. not her! *headdesk*

the swedish chef rocks! only beaker and bunsen could hope to compare. my calculus teacher in high school told me that the swedish chef was actually saying calc formulas and it was jim's little inside joke since calculus was developed in sweden. you know, u dv, v du etc. turns out? not so much.

related only to the chef - you can set your google preference to "bork bork bork" in the language, and it translates everything into swedish chef speak. i can entertain myself for hours this way.

Rachele said...

LOL! Makes me proud to be Swedish!

Heather said...

Uh oh. Do I feel another embarrasing episode at the library coming up again?

Since I have 3rd rate country dial-up internet, I can't watch youtube videos.

So last time I was at the library I decided to see the story of Happy Falker Satherhood and I ended up being started at by the other computer users as I laughed uncontrollably.

Oh was worth it.

Anonymous said...

The Swedish Chef playset actually comes with the infamous cake! (Plus tons of utensils and all the little doors open and close.)
Here's a photo:

Anonymous said...

The Swedish Chef scared the crap out of me when I was a kid!!! I had to leave the room because he would blow stuff up.

I like the impersonation Andy Samburg does on SNL

evil cake lady said...

heh heh. LOVE what you said about sandra lee.

Mikey said...

Concrete Mama said...

hegen burg de CAKEN-SMOOSHER.

SO funny. this is one of my boys' favorites. isn't youtube amazing?

D. Moe said...

Thanks for plugging Cakey.

He does more than sing though --

kits54 said... Watch Cakey; the cake from outerspace. All the episodes are equally funny.

Breeanna "Ducky" Menendez said...

The Swedish chef is definitely my culinary hero. I think my favorite sketch is the "chocolate moose" one.

and that lol-cake make me giggle.

The Little Red Hen said...

This entry is the best ever! I had a college professor who looked like Kelsey Grammar, was super conservative and once did a Swedish Chef impression in class for reasons I no longer recall. I love Swedish Chef!

Unknown said...

WOW! Another cake puppet!

As the person who built Cakey! based on designs from my friend Dyna Moe I can tell you that the resemblance is purely coincidental.

Anonymous said...

Onion domes are from russia... not the middle east/saudi arabia.

Finn said...

LOL thats sooooooooo funny!

Zackie said...

Bork bork bork!

First comment on an old post, but I had to here because my mama made one of those not even two weeks after this post (a friend of mine only directed me here last week, though!) for my (different) friend's 21st birthday.

I had showed her "cannibul cake" and she kept bugging Mama about baking her one, so come her birthday, out came the round cake pans, chocolate frosting, and red glitter gel. However... We got creative with it.

Unfortunately, I lost all my photos of it, but it ended up with big craft googly eyes, plastic-fork-prong fangs, pink glitter gel lip gloss, and a pool of red glitter gel down the front. (We elaborated because said friend loves vampires.)

The funniest part was either when we had to stuff it with cake scraps because the mouth was collapsing or the picture of my friend acting like the cake was gonna eat her.

But it was quite delicious...and we were all kinda afraid to eat the face.