Threadcakes competition ends tomorrow, so if you're planning on entering you'd best get a move on. Oh, but first, allow me to demoralize you a bit with some more of the amazing entries:
(Same deal as last week: Threadless design first, followed by the Threadcake entry. Click on the names for more photos & info.)

Erin Okuno

Analee Scripter

Jennifer Flynn

Leslie EvansIf you want to see the mind-numbing amount of work that goes into a cake like this, check out Leslie's start-to-finish time-lapsed video here.And finally, I have to give a shout-out to my fellow cake lovers at the national
ICES convention in Illinois, which is ending today. I especially appreciate y'all spreading the Wrecky joy amongst the as-yet-uninitiated at the con. Case in point: Kathy (of
Kathy's Kakes), taught a class on "unusual tier styles" Friday, and this was her demo cake:

See anything familiar? Here, let me zoom in:

Yep, those are the Carrot Jockeys - although they've traded in their carrots for little orange candies to fit the ICES "Sweet Time in '09" theme. Kathy reports that roughly half of the class "got it." (The other half was quickly indoctrinated). Excellent work, Kathy! And to you new ICES readers, welcome!
107 comments | Post a Comment
oooh, pretty! i really like the cow jumping over the moon cake. :] adorable.
WHAT?! Am I first? I hope so. I love that last one! I'm going to attempt it someday. Hey, you should do a Sunday Sweets on Topsy Turvy cakes, then on the Monday, do TT gone WRO-ONG! Sorry if you've done this, I can't remember.
I think I like the ones last time better, but these are still totally cool!
And candy jockeys, yaaayyyy!!
Jennifer Flynn just BLEW MY MIND!!!!! so awesome!!!!
Wow, seriously, tons of awesome Threadcakes! I'm glad I didn't attempt one, or I'd be embarrassed!
Wowza. They are amazing.
LOVE THE COWS!!!! And the carrot jockeys of course.
That Noah Express cake totally needs to win!
Yeehaw, naked baby jellybean jockeys!
Seriously, these are some amazing cakes.
COWS!!!! cows cows cows cows cows cows.... hee hee hee.
Oh, and lovely carrot jockeys!
I am so glad I am not a judge. I don't know how y'all are going to choose!
Love the cows and the Noah Express.. although my heart is still with the lonely robot cake from last week. (Get it:) )
The first and third ones are my favorites. So colorful and cute!
Love the Noah cake, and am amazed by the amount of work put into every little animal, and Carrot Jockeys on a topsy turvy cake? That's priceless... Great Sunday, you're making me hungry!
Holy cow - the mind boggles to think about the time, effort, and attention to detail that went into these cakes. Absolutely incredible...
Of course, the downside to having a fairly vivid imagination is that I can all too easily imagine what a talented wreckorator can do with these concepts.
These are absolutely amazing.
Every cake should have a carrot jockey!
Those are some amazing cakes...
I think the cow over the moon one is my favorite of the ones you posted today!
Novice Writer Anonymous
Chronicles of a Novice Writer
the cow jumoing over the moon... the fantasy cakes.. I could never judge... unbelieavable amount of work and creativity. I bow before them.
( from she who thinks a three layer red velvet cake iced up is a tough thing to get done)
I have no other words.
hahaha I actually wore that first shirt just yesterday :) wish I had the cake too
They are so so so beautiful....
If I ever take a cake decorating class I would hope dearly that the teacher but carrot jockeys on the sample cake!
Amazing work! As always, I am green with envy every Sunday. =)
Those cakes are amazing! As are the thread designs. Love the Jelly Belly jockies. At least they look like Jelly Bellys. Rock on you artists of flour, egg and sugar!
Oh, they are all amazing!
Good luck to all who enter and way to go Kathy!
The cow-jumping-over-the-moon cake is a masterpiece!
And yay for naked mohawk baby candy jockies!
I recognize the amount of time that must have gone into Leslie's cake, but those faded colors make it look very unappetizing.
Those are all awesome!
Those are absolutely amazing! I don't know how you could ever choose! What talent!
real question from an admiring non-cake maker here: These seem like art, but not like something you want to eat. I love cake. Do any of these beautiful cakes taste good? At what point does the balance shift from taste to beauty? Can one have both?
How, how, how do you pick?? They're all so kewl. The cow faces just crack me up.. and the Noah's ark? The zebra's grin? I'd have to throw everyone's name into a hat and pick blindly.
LOOOOVE the cows.. and the Eat Yourself cake (on the contest gallery page) is awesome!!!
Naked baby carrot jockeys are never not funny...not even when they aren't riding carrots.
I'm in love with that cake, too.
Also, I totally want that cow cake. Too. Adorable. For. Words.
I just cannot believe how amazing all of the Threadless cakes are! I think the Cow Jump is my favorite in this entry, but I do love the expression on Noah's face.
Jen, I do not envy you!
I loved so many of the cakes over at Threadcakes, I couldn't pick a fav!
And yay Carrot/Candy Jockeys!
I am in LOVE with that Noah's Ark cake! So adorable and it must have taken a ton of work.
The cow cake and the Noah Express cake are awesome! And kudos to Kathy for slipping in a Cake Wrecks reference on her cake and then explaining it to the class. :)
long live the naked mohawked baby carrot jockeys
My vote is for the cows. I think it looks way better than the original.
I looked at the whole site last week, some are outright brilliant. It's amazing what cake artists can do with basic ingredients. WOW!
Oh my gosh. That first shirt is unbelievably cute! I've never bought a threadless shirt, but I might have to because I love it so much.
They are all gorgeous!! They look so difficult to make, it seems a shame to eat 'em!
I love your Sunday sweets. The cow cake is heart-breakingly lovely and sweet. I LOVE the tiered cake with the mini baby jockeys. Some day, decades from now, the baby jockey cakes will be like the stump cakes. They will be a tradition that no one understands.
There are some incredible cakes for this competition. I made one myself, but quickly realized I wasn't going to win, but I got to say I don't mind losing to these great cakes.
Love love love the cow. Contemplating it is a moooooving experience. (Saith the bad-pun lover.)
And super-love love love the naked Mohawked baby carrot (or jellibean) jockey! What a tribute!
Regarding those Threadless cakes, all I can say is you certainly have your work cut out for you. Those are ALL beautiful!! Good luck with all that! =)
The cow cake is sweet as can be, and I think the cake girl's face is even better than the design's face!
those are some really amazing cakes! i cant imagine how long it much take to finish something like that!
the cow shirt is too dang cute!
The cows! Oh, the cows! So freakin' cute!
And the Dandy Lions cupcakes from the Threadcakes link--amazing!
And "Her Hair" from the Finnish baker--beautiful!
I want one of these guys to do my birthday cake and cupcakes! (Yes, I'm having both--and I think in toto there will be three parties, but hey, I'm turning 30, and I think each decade deserves to be celebrated!)
I am in awe of the talent on display during this competition. A friend of mine made a couple of entries, but I didn't have the guts.
Half the class got the Carrot Jockey reference? Only HALF?
Wow! Amazing, everyone of them!
Those Threadcakes are absolutely amazing.
As for the half of the class who didn't get the shout out, do they all live in a cave or on another planet?
The cow jumping over the moon is awesome. xD They all are but I like the cow the best.
haha!! i love the carrot jockeys. and those threadless cake designs?? fughetaboudit. the noahs express one is ridiculously amazing. AMAZING! i do not envy you having to judge such a talented bunch. very cool, though.
I liked the one with the cows best.
Have a great weekend.
These are simply amazing! I watched the YouTube video and was amazed. Love the cow cake!
Noah Express...hands down favorite! I want that cake for my twins birthday party in a few years! ( Yes I have them planned years on advance)
Oh and the last cake...heavenly!
Eeeee! Cow cake! :D I love the textures on that one.
Mary said...
"... Some day, decades from now, the baby jockey cakes will be like the stump cakes. They will be a tradition that no one understands."
'Cuz, yeah....we all so TOTALLY understand them.
Personally, I am sooo impressed with Leslie's cake and video, that I am all but speechless. As for the colors looking unappetizing, maybe. But how dead-on to the shirt did it look? I mean come ON! That was spectacular! Kudos to Jen if you can actually choose between all these awesome cakes!
That cow cake is absolutely fantastic. It's just like the shirt, and yet significantly more adorable. Love it!
ok. the noah's express is incredible!
Am I the only one who looks at these and thinks, "Yeah, but is it chocolate or vanilla inside?"
Just when I think the SS's can't get any better, you teach me otherwise.
Sweet designs!
~Amy B.
Where can I buy baby carrot Jockeys? Do they come in multiple sizes? I am making carrot jockey cupcakes (CCC? Nah.) for my sis's upcoming twin baby shower!
Without question they are *all* incredible works of art & talent, but those winsome little cows just steal my heart! And that's the only one that is also identifiably a *cake*. A couple of those, if there's any actual cake involved, it must be awfully token. Sorry, but... cakes ought to have, well, *some cake in there somewhere*! :)
love, love LOVE the Noah cake!! I love the disgruntled look on the lion's face!!
true artistry.
I checked out all of the threadcaked entries last week. The cow cake was my favorite then, and it is still my favorite now!!! But, as others have said, I don't envy you the job of judging. May you get through this ordeal with most of your hair intact.
holy corw, how in the world are you supposed to choose a favorite?!?!?
Wow. I like the cows, myself.
The second one with the snake hair was chocolate cake and buttercream frosting and it was delicious! Thanks for featuring my cake, Jen! I am so stoked! And come to Salt Lake City on your book tour please!
There are some seriously amazing cake artists out there!! Some of those threadcakes look amazing (I've been looking at the submissions on the!!)...It's gonna be a tough decision for you judges!! :P I don't envy you! LOL
I'm so glad I made it onto cakewrecks for sunday sweets rather than a actual wreck! I just wanted to thank everyone for their awesome comments on Noah's Express, you guys definitely made my day :)
:D Loving the Noah Express. Most definitely my favorite out of the batch of sweets this week.
i do not envy the judges in the threadless competition there are so many amazing entries.
good luck judges and contestants alike.
These are great, I get all giddy and joyful (rare occurrence) when I see these threadcakes. The Noah one is my absolute favourite...I love me some squishy little animal types.
That Noah's Express cake is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. I nearly died.
The first and the third cake are SUPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The cow on the moon, so sweet!
Those are amazing. Just amazing. Words can't really fit what I feel when I see those.
These are so freaking amazing.
Holy COW. And Holy Koi. And holy #$^&!!!
The cow jumping over the moon cake: ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE. I love how she even got the little head twists in there, too. Holy cow! (ha ha ha ha)
Really great stuff. Thanks for sharing. And the carrot jockeys are pure awesomeness.
OHHHHH that candy rainbow strip on that last cake is my all time fav candy...LOOOOVEE me some Airheads Extremes!!! LMAO!!
Two of my favorite threadless shirts turned in to cake! The Cow fail and Noah's Express. So cute! Ahh. The cows are so darn adorable.
Love the cow fail! Is it me on the Noah one or did the bear thing turn into a pig or is it a pig to start off with on the T? I am so cunfused!
lookie at the cute round cows... i need that cake!!
They are all amazing.
But that Noah's ark cake is so amazingly standout in its composition, detail, color, and effort.
That is my vote for first place.
okay, I have been searching that Threadless site for the actual cow fail t-shirt and I cannot find it (I fail too.) Someone have the link?
oh btw I like the cake too, but I can own the shirt :-)
OMG THE COWS! The top one is stuuuck! OMFG cuuute!!
aww the cow cake is just so cute. With the little cow jumping over the moon. so adorable. Good job Erin!
I think the Noah's Ark Express cake looks better than the design. The penguin is just precious.
Love the cow cake but a little disappointed to learn the cows are fondant! One of the things I liked so much about the tomato/ketchup cake featured last week is that each tomato had a cake inside and fondant on the outside.
To the person who asked for the shirt link
I just love the first one! Just adorable !
It may not be the most elaborate, but it's delightful in its simplicity.
Or maybe I'm biased because I think cows are the cutest thing on the planet.
I'm usually a lurker, but I have to say that the "Noah Express" cake is my FAVORITE! Sooooo cute!
Okay, the Noah's Ark cake is the hands down winner for me. That had to take a TON of work!! Absolutely amazing!!!!!! (You still have to come to Nashville.)
Kathy is AWESOME.
And I adore those cows....I want them!!!
Thank you so much for posting my cow cake, Jen! Also, thanks for all the love, everyone! I had a blast making and eating it :)
these are brilliant!
As for the Threadcakes, the Noah's Ark one is my favorite. The detail on it is incredible.
You missed a good time at teh ICES convention. You really need to try to make San Diego next year!
I would eat the Cow cake and the Noah's Express too (the others, not so much )...although they are all just beautiful and very well done !
That cow cake is soooo adorable...
...but the Noah Express cake is just AMAZING!!! It HAS to win. So incredible and adorable!! I LOVE IT!
So now the Cow cake looks green ??? I liked it in blue better ! Which color is it really then ?
These are phenomenal! How will you choose?
love the adorable green cows cake! SOOOOO CUTE! and it looks alot like the shirt. LOVE IT
Hello from Finland :D
I am only amateur baker, but I hope that my cakes don't look so funny like wreck-cakes :D
Threadcakes winners was amazing! And other cakes too! So talented people! I also make Threadless cake, but I must do next year much more better cake!