Flavor: Chocolate
Decoration: Chocolate dipped strawberry, ganache swirl and chocolate shavings over buttercream.
"Check, check, and check!"
Inscription: Leave blank

- Related Wreckage: OR...
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
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96 comments | Post a Comment
I prefer to read the cake and the comment together. "Leave Blank Check!"
I would love a blank check.
Wow. Really? Just . . . wow.
Maybe they thought it was an inside joke?
Nope, still OW.OW.OW.
WV emotol- A drug given to those addicted to emoticons, to help them ease off them. (see nicotine gum)
ooooh, that looks delicious.
I would say "common sense" but a reply to that once was "what's common sense to you may not be common sense to someone else." Ummmmm....yeah.....that's why it's call COMMON sense.
"Unripe strawberry? Check."
Oh, I was so hoping for 'The Princess Bride' cakes.... Poo. Still really funny- the cake it pretty without the lettering, though!
The strawberry 'aint ripe neither.
I am hungry and that looks delicious. I'll bet I could get a hell of a deal on it too since someone wrecked it up.
that is one sickly looking strawberry.
I read the title and was SO excited for a whole bunch of "The Princess Bride" references. Sadly that was not the case. Oh well, it's not as sad as if I had ordered that cake...
Perhaps a husband or wife frequently referred to as "Blank" is being kicked out. Seems like a reasonable way to ask...
No, Jen... I think that cake is just a metaphor for the blank slate which has become society's moral compass and..
Nah. Nevermind. It's a genuine Cake Wreck.
ONE strawberry, and they couldn't manage to find a ripe one! the strawberry is as white as the white chocolate it is dipped in!
As for the inscription? I'm with Melonie- "wow"
"this will be a GREAT way to get rid of all those unripe strawberries...!"
Ohhh how sad! It's such a beautiful cake otherwise, too!
I love how these decorators never question the inscriptions! Wouldn't you want to double check the ones that seem a little odd?
Wreckerator: Hey, boss!
Bakery Owner: Nice day off?
Wreckerator: Yeah, how was business?
Bakery Owner: Um, you remember that chocolate cake you made the other day?
Wreckerator: Yeah, it looked swell, didn’t it?
Bakery Owner: Uh-huh. I had to knock fifty percent off the price just to get the customer to stop screaming and take the cake. With that…inscription.
Wreckerator: What was wrong with it?
Bakery Owner: You’re kidding.
Wreckerator: Nope, I don’t get it.
Bakery Owner: Figures. Why are you still here, anyway?
Wreckerator: What do you mean?
Bakery Owner: Didn’t you see that note I put on your time card?
Wreckerator: Yeah, but I wasn’t going to try that “don’t let the doorknob hit you in the butt” thing until I went home tonight.
Bakery Owner: *Sigh…*
WV: scorping. That wreckerator will be scorping the want ads for a new job!
my fave wrecks are the literal lols! Too funny!
Nice PB reference! That strawberry is also SEVERELY under-ripened... ewwwwww! It looks putrid.
It's almost as good as "under neat that"
That strawberry looks pretty pathetic, too. Some people, lol.
Strawberry? My first thought was it was a daikon radish or a turnip.
Lol..verification word is mysigh
Did anyone notice that the cake box is about 8 sizes bigger than the cake? It would have been beat to all heck by the time they got it home. Maybe that would have taken care of the dumb inscription.
And now you have the cover for your next book.
Word verification: Really?
WV: flergod.... Flergod's sake; did you drop your brain in the buttercream before starting that cake?
honestly. really?
what is up with people?!
makes me miss the phallic butterfly.
I just Facebook-linked it- hilarious! The permalink is still "As you wish."
I think they should've been a tad more specific (who knew it was possible?) and specified RIPE chocolate covered strawberry.
Actually I think it's an instruction for people's faces when they see the cake.
There's a Sunday sweets idea waiting, Princess Bride cakes. You know there have to be some out there!
Wow. Too use the ever popular fashion phrase...That is a hot mess!
God, a cake inscription that is actually ironic.
It's Zen, in a way. I feel myself slipping into a trance of calmness just reading it.
Seriously? Are there really people out there that are THAT stupid??
oooh, the white on the strawberry and the rest of the cake don't even match for starters...
Do you ever wonder if some bakeries just have a really strict policy for writing the inscription verbatim? they must see really weird stuff, so maybe they have just been trained really well to write whatever is listed, no matter how odd.
alternatively...maybe they are foreign, so they don't always know the difference between inscription instructions and actual inscriptions.
nevertheless. Who checks these things???
That is the ugliest chocolate covered strawberry I've ever seen.
There should be a box on employment applications for you to check if you have common sense... that would solve so many problems
(as others have already stated)
"Farewell, Blank! Hope they don't run you out of the next place..."
Bravo!! Great use of instructions there.
~Amy B
Yeah, I think a Princess Bride-quote-infused CW post would be awesome. I love using those quotes anyway I can.
What the crap? Do they turn their brains off when they arrive at work?
I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed. I saw the title was "As You Wish" and though maybe there were some Princess Bride-themed wrecks!!! Doh! Bummer.
Hilarious, though! I'm glad they caught it before the customer came! You know, unless the customer reads Cake Wrecks. Which they probably do.
i can't read that title without hearing it as westley said it while falling down the huge hill...aaaas yoooou wiiiish...!!! hahahahaha i'm so glad you love all the same movies i love, it makes for much funnier posts:)
all I can say is...lol, lol, lol!
This cake looks like it was directed by Tim Burton.
I can see a rectangular outline around "Leave Blank". I believe this photo was photoshopped.
Are these types of wreckerators facetious or just really stupid? I can't figure which.
With this title I thought for sure you were going with a Princess Bride theme!
Seriously are they that busy that there isn't time to read what it is says AND use their brain to *think* before they start the frosting attack?
That poor albino strawberry looks like it's been lashed to the cake.
--Blue Jean
That atrawberry looks more like a turnip to me.
Anonymous @ 11:49,
Are we really going to start this? Really?
The photo was submitted by the bakery manager who took the picture at his bakery. The cake was done by one of his employees. I don't know how much more proof you need.
Wow, that's sad xD
Looks like Bunnicula got to that strawberry.
well, for the record, if my last name was Blank, I think I would name my kid Leave. Just for this kind of confusion.
Oh, please tell me that somebody, somewhere, has video of the customer picking this up!
This makes me want to order three cakes from three of our bakeries in town and on each one write "Leave the inscription blank please, thank you" and see what each of the cakes look like... maybe I'll have to budget for that project...
In defense of Anonymous @ 11:49 - it looks like the words are written on a piece of square plastic which is set on top of the cake.
I dunno.. looks a lil suspect to me! The 'leave blank' looks like it was iced on a clear piece of plastic and just laid on the cake.
Methinks that you have been cakewreck snookered.
And I was horribly afraid that this would happen to me for my baby shower cake. I aaaaalmost wrote "no text" on the order, then had flashes in my head of a gorgeous baby shower cake with "NO TEXT" in curly pink icing.
I'm so glad this wasn't my cake.
Dont the decorators ever get cake for themselves? You would think someone would stop and say hmmm this just cant be right!
Well if you want something else to look at, no I don't believe the cake was photoshopped. Instead, look carefully at the shape of the rectangle. How it fits with the pattern of the cake, there's a little bit that comes off the edge. And look at how it fades some of the chocolate and leaves some of it blotchy.
Yeah, it was faked. They laid down a sheet of plastic or clear wax paper before piping on top of it.
So I have to ask: how WOULD they have had to write the instructions so this particular cake-decorator would refrain from writing anything on the cake? Because I keep envisioning a row of cakes with "NONE" and "This space intentionally left blank" on them.
While I don't think it's been photoshopped, it does look like the words were written on a big piece of clear tape that was placed onto the cake. Is that a standard decorating method? Is the "tape" edible?
We once ordered a cake for a birthday party where we asked for it to say "Happy Birthday Bill" and we told them to use black.
Yep, we picked it up for it to read "Happy Birthday Bill in Black."
We didn't take a picture (we should have!!) and they fixed it, but seriously, when stuff like this happens I just have to laugh!!
Even when you spelling things out for them they still mess it up!
Bad for the customer, good for CW. :D
Attention, doubters!
Some bakeries routinely use clear plastic to write inscriptions on, particularly for fruit or ganache-topped cakes. So yes, the inscription was piped on acetate, but no, it was not an intentional mistake. We're told the lady who did it is not a native English speaker.
SO...Can we move on now? Please? You guys are getting poor John's blood pressure up. ;)
that is so funny!
That's very funny!
Oh, I can see the employee's writeup:
DISCIPLINARY ACTION - submitted offending work to Cakewrecks.com
*snort* That's just fabulous. Between the vampire strawberry and the literal following of paperwork it's perfectly wrecktastic!
Well....at least the writing is pretty.
I love that not only did the inscription get added, but that it was done in red! It makes it a flamboyant mistake!
Erin said...
"Do you ever wonder if some bakeries just have a really strict policy for writing the inscription verbatim...maybe they have just been trained really well to write whatever is listed... maybe they are foreign..."
Etc., etc., AND etc.
Stop being nice.
There IS no excuse.
And as for your last question:
"Who checks these things???"
I am tossing out this Wild and Crazy idea:
NOBODY checks anything.
About that "strawberry"...how the hell small is that CAKE, anyway? (Looks like a chocolate-dipped postcard, for corn's sake.) Either that's one whopper of a mutant berry, or it's really just a big old turnip in drag.
This is the same person who replys, "say cheese" when a photographer takes a picture.
@"Jen", 2:35pm...
Who do you think you are, telling everyone it's real? Why would you assume the artist is "not a native speaker"? You arrogant, pompous American elitist!
Of course it's a fake. Everyone knows that the highest honor an anonymous bakery can achieve is to trick the makers of Cake Wrecks into featuring their intentional wreck on this blog. They're obviously trying to collaspe the foundation of realism this blog is based upon.
That wreckerator has pretty nice handwriting...
in some language other than English, that uses a similar alphabet.
wv: diferses - a compound word, encompassing the subtly diferses meanings of "different" and "diverse"
These bakeries are very conscientious when it comes to hiring people from diferses countries.
Oh that is funny....
The title of this post keeps changing every time I sign in to my dashboard. Very strange. . .
Haha! Yikes. However, that is a really nice-looking cake. Yum.
I think that this is my new favorite cake on this blog.
I give props to the bakery manager for catching it before the customer arrived.
I want to know what happened to the employee who did this!
The cake actually looks pretty good, but I just can't believe that some people can be so literal! http://blog.sweetservices.com/sweetscandyblog/
Okay, these pics are definitely hilarious. But what really makes them are your HILARIOUS captions. OMG. Classic. Love it.
Amy in Small Town Texas :)
I'd be happy with this cake. Then again I've been cake-deprived for a while so take that as you will.
WV troperi- I spent all day on the TV Troperi Wiki.
I order blank cakes a lot so I can decorate them myself, and I keep expecting to get a cake like this.
Also, what's with the yellow strawberry? That looks quite unappetizing.
I've saved the image and enlarged it and there IS a piece of plastic that the words are written on. One corner hangs off the bottom.
chocolate? wow .. looks tasty ..
how to make it?? I really want to try .....
That's hilarious!
Great site, by the way. This was my first visit. :)
i like it. i wanna try..
It could be from one girlfriend to another, subtly asking her to finally LEAVE that rotten, no good...Ugh, I just say his name out loud...BLANK!
I thought that chocolate dipped strawberry was a turnip....
(..and no, I am not on drugs!)
So funny that I stumbled upon this. I worked at this bakery. This happened at Ralph's Del Mar and I even still have the picture on my phone. The lady who wrote the inscription is a Russian woman who has been working in the US for 12 years yet can still barely speak two words of correct English. Nothing happened; thankfully the customer participated in the laugh and bought the cake at normal price!
That strawberry looks pretty pathetic, Some people, lol. ;) xx
Dude looks at the strawberry top...gross a white berry.
Yes, I know this was posted over a year ago.