Thanks to Susan S., Beth M., Kimmi D., Bianca S., & Karen P. for the wrecks, and to Gary Larson - once again - for allowing me to be raised on The Far Side.
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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60 comments | Post a Comment
Poor Wall-E.
And I love the Far Side cakewrecks days. :D
I want to start a band just so we can call ourselves the "whistling spleen".
Another funny post. Thanks!
And the writing on the first cake is pretty. Too bad she/he forgot to cross the t.
I totally would listen to a band called "Whistling Spleen"! LMAO!
mmm granular defect pig cake
The whistling spleen...I can just hear it whistling that one song..."Don't worry....be happy...." LOL Almost cried reading this. TOO FUNNY
You did a great job on a Far Side take today. I'm impressed you came up with "spleen." I just looked at it and saw a giant pig nose.
Maybe it's just me, but isn't there a certain irony to making plastic flotsam (a.k.a. garbage)out of Wall-E characters?
Oh dear.
Are you sure Gary Larson is still alive? Because I think he might be dead and you're channeling his ghost.
I recently underwent a despleenification procedure (a splenectomy for the more pedestrian)and I had been wondering what they did with it.
Never imagined they would turn it into an ocarina on a cake.
That's not a "whistling spleen"! It's an Ocaspleena! Get it straight!
The Elmo wreck reminds me of one of my favorite YouTube clips:
P.S. Thanks for the daily laughs! =)
What in the name of all that is right and holy is #2 supposed to be??? I mean, I at least get a SUGGESTION of the others, but... what??? WHAT???
Poor Elmo. His eyes are bleeding.
What...the. Can't comprehend O_o
I've been staring at the spleen for a bit now... and I am still without words. Or possibilities as to what it is supposed to be.
However, I may have developed feelings for said spleen.
Great post! We love farside sooo much! My sister and I have memorized dozens of them, and come up in conversations on a regular basis.:)
why is are two year old twins celebrating their birthday with a luau and a pig roast? on second thought...that sounds like fun. how nice they didn't lay the pig in a bed of flames. he looks like he's resting.(nice penmanship, too)
poor, shocked mousie! his tail's even all coiled up! (but really--what is the design concept of this cake?)
poor Elmo, trying to win the staring contest. his eyes are starting to bleed!
I didn't know Batman's car was related to Kitt. Doesn't it know he's falling off the building to his doom? ("Wait u-u-u-u-u-up!") He looks like he's hailing a cab. upside down.
don't. understand. Wall-E. what's with the sea of blue v. the sea of yellow? is he in the ocean? the sky with stars? is that a toxic yellow beach full of melted tootsie roll toxic waste poop?
did anyone else think "moisturize me" when they saw the elmo cake? no? no? just me? :(
This is too funny! I am currently wading my way through "The Complete Far Side" (I'm up to 1983) and I find it hillarious that Gary Larson upset so many people in the '80's! O.K. so the people writting the letters were obviously enjoying a special kind of stupid, but still! The letter from the "scientist" who after looking at a *comic* called *"The Far Side"* gave Mr. Larson a dressing down because he should have more concern for "historical accuracy" is particularly endearing...or revolting...I always get those two mixed up. :0)
Rock on wreckies!
Terrs-uh... we did, kinda. My husband said,"oh my god... Cassandra is red!" so you know, same idea :)
Some superheroes
kersplatt nuclear goo, but
Batman gets cakeface.
The Elmo one definitely nailed the Far Side tone perfectly!
Our twins loved the movie "Wall-E" so much that when we got a Ford Escape Hybrid SUV, they immediately dubbed it "Ev-uh", because she had a green sprouting leaf on her side, just like Wall-E's love.
@Terrrs-uh and @Rachael: I have to admit, I did not immediately see that in the (supposedly) Elmo cake, but now that you mentioned it, all I can see is Cassandra! And I feel like the last human....
WV: polist If these bakeries are not more careful with their cakes, customers might call the polist on them.
Gosh flamin' dang-it!
That's what I get, grading papers
while I haiku.
Should read:
Some superheroes
kersplatt in nuclear goo, but
Batman gets cakeface.
wait a second..
Those are real rocks on the first cake?
Knowing how those "decorateurs" are soo careful and hygienic...
wv: ressa
I get the whole pig with a gland problem cake maybe, but the ressa them are pretty messed up. What on earth is that whistling spleen cake supposed to be, and I thought the crap Wall-E was surrounded by in the movie was garbage not feces...?
Yikes!! I thought the Wall-E cake was an ode to Starry Night at first. Ick.
Thank you for reminding me how badly I miss the Far Side. I'm going to ask for Far Side books for my birthday next month!
#1: Further irrefutable proof of the existence of Hogzilla!
#3: Poor Elmo. I didn't realized his meth addiction had got so bad.
I miss the Far Side.
Will someone please explain what the Wall-E cake is supposed to be about? My brain is hurting just trying to figure out what the decorator was envisioning- is there a purpose to the blue and yellow and poo? I suppose I should be concerned over the spleen, too.
wv: phyran
I must not be phyran on all 8 today, because I just don't get any of these.
And I'm a Far Side devotee.
Well, actually, I don't get two of them.
I feel like a salad...
--Blondie's Mom
@ Banana
One side is WALL-E's junkyard he cleans up, the other is EVE flying through space.
Is anyone else reminded a bit of Lord of the Flies with #1? It's weird for a 2 year old
#1 a bit odd for a toddler's birthday, but there's worse.
#2 like the others, I'm stumped about what that could be about. however, your caption was pitch-perfect and absolutely hysterical. I've got the read-CW-at-work-silently down pat (finally), but that one, now way I could keep those giggles inaudible! Definitely one of your best quips.
#3 I'm kinda feeling sorry for the elmo cake...
#4 I like @Anonymous at 10:53's merging of your line with KITT.
#5 @mzmclean-- I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that! But what on earth (or in galaxy?) was that design supposed to be?!
Okay, what is the second one supposed to be????
I wasn't going to comment, but my WV is "ingests", and since anyone who ingests ANY of these wrecks is probably blind or starving, I figured I might as well say something after all.
Am I the only one who thought that the "pig" was really pikachu lying on his back?
Haha this made my day!Although the rat/mouse witch ever you want to say it is was cute to me.
Six hours later and I'm still laughing at the whistling spleen...OMG Jen, you have made my day!
Usually, my Wednesdays are a bit icky, but this Far Side wreck made it less icky. I especially liked the whistling spleen.
Why do two year olds have a 'pig roast' cake in the first place?
I keep staring at the rat cake trying to have it make sense. What giant pink thing with two holes and little tiny pink thingies next to it would a rat be staring at... with three tiny pink thingies next to him? Usually I can sort of figure out what the wreckerator was going for, but this one??? Not so much. I have a headache now.
Also, I totally thought the pig in #1 was Pikachu.
Wha........??? I have stared at the spleen mouse cake without ANY clue for some time. Nonetheless, the whole post almost had me waking up my daughter laughing, and spewing my drink on my computer screen.
I think the spleen is meant to be a heart....yuck!
The whistling spleen made me think a PIG was trying to tunnel out of the cake, and WTH is the blue and yellow cupcake Wall*e cake supposed to be??!! Indigestion and nightmares abound!!!
#1 The inhabitants of this island are really clever geneticists. They not only bred a pig that can feed the entire population, but also dwarf palm trees that make coconut harvesting much easier. Not much shade, but ya can't have everything.
#2 Someone knows about this. They need to share, now. Why is the poor creature's tail coiled? Some diabolical mouse-telephone hybrid being exposed to the Whistling Spleen for some evil purpose, no doubt.
#3 Exploding Elmo is (deservedly) rare -- if you see one, grab it. Carefully.
#4 The grand tradition of Batman being ditched by his ride continues. "Taxi! Follow that car!" [SPLAT! BIFF! OW!]
#5 Aww. The touching scene from Wall-E where our hero falls into the junkyard outhouse and Eve declines to rescue him.
wv: poote. I am SO not making this up.
My sister once had an guy who called himself "Whistling Ray" in her office selling his CDs...he must have had his spleen removed, but I'm not sure who came up with the idea to put it on a cake.
wv: authint--I hope that isn't an authint-ic spleen.
wtf? on #2 I see a pig snout. it's quick-icing and he's going under??
could the twins on #1 be "22" vs. "2?" still icky but less o.O
Haiku Joy is my new hero.
-Barbara Anne
the first one....it's a POUS...didn't you hear? The islands are suddenly overrun with Pigs of Unusual Size...it's an epidemic...
'whistling spleen'?????? ROFLMAO...That is hilarious with a capital H!
You nailed a perfect Larson impersonation. Your next book should be filled with such captions for wrecks. You could call it "Distant Edge."
And to echo the other comments, thank you for having such a fantastically twisted mind to see not just a spleen, but a whistling spleen! Yes, indeed.
I think Batman was run over by Robin lol at least that is what that cake looks like to me. As for that whistling spleen it kind of looks like Mr. Bill run over by the Pepto Bismol man or something. Sheesh what are these wreckerators thinking.. or should that be drinking?
Oh my! Now that is an overgrown pig :D That cake is so funny.I almost fell of my chair laughing
This may be a stretch as far as from here to Plasticine (I just made that up) Age, but could the spleen cake mammal ~possibly~ be the little rat creature from Ice Age? I don't recall that his acorn looked anything like a bivalve internal organ, but he did look concussed through the entire movie.
I'm the mother of the 2-year-old twins with the disastrous luau cake. We asked the bakery for a "Hawaiian Kids Beach Theme" and this was what we got. My son just kept saying, "Look Mommy- they're not wearing shirts!" over and over for the whole party. Sigh. Thanks for posting the picture!
i love this site, and i love to decorate cakes, and i am lucky to do it for a living. imagine my surprise to find one of my very own cakes on here, as a "cake wreck". as the cake decorator who decorated the cake of the grey rat with the piece of cheese, i would like to clarify that the rodent has not lost his bowels, but has chewed his cheese! i'm not sure if i should laugh or cry! :)
may I suggest laughing? you'll feel better!
-Barbara Anne
@Amy Cakes Ray:
First off, I feel for you. It can't be easy, to find something you created being essentially mocked. But I have questions, if you would be so kind as to answer them (and you are the only one who can). Why is the cheese pink? And why does it have such prominent built-up holes--are you trying to suggest Swiss? What are the little thingies by it? And, lastly, what was the occasion for this order--why did the customer choose this tableau?
Gosh i thoughr the pig on the first cake was pikachu!!!
99% sure that horrible Batman cake was the product of the horrible Dominick's bakery I worked in part-time in Naperville, IL.