Or if it has anything to do with that plastic thing in a bag taped to the top of the box.
[head tilt]
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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40 comments | Post a Comment
Ron White AND Monty Python?? My head is going to explode.... but in a good way. :)
Hmmmm...getting a feeling...it's time to take out my DVD of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" again...
How are these people so dense?!
My God man, look at the bones!
HA. What kinda TIM was it supposed to be? Gotta love the python.
Hahaha - love it :)
WV: conide. When Concorde crashes.
LMAO That's awesome! Haven't listened to Ron White since my satellite radio got stolen...
Just a recommendation, if you ever have a chance to see Spamalot, DO IT. I laughed through the first three quarters of the show (including intermission). I only stopped laughing by the end because I'd had a drink at intermission that sobered me up a little bit.
Monty Python? Oh you just made my day!
AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA I can't handle the two references together. In one post. In addition to that cake.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Unfair to make a pregnant woman laugh that hard - it makes us pee.
Love Ron - "and this is my son - Tater Tot..." Love Monty Python - you have made my day!!! And the wreck was pretty funny, too....
Anything that is wanted on a cake should have a note attached that says, "put this on the cake." Of course, the cake would then have either the note or the toy -- still in bag -- on it...
Nice daisies, though.
Haha-YES! That's my cake :D
You made my day with posting this and attaching the video with it.
Craig: That was one of their already created cake options--she didn't bring in the toy separately. All they had to do was look at THEIR cake picture. :\
It's funny that these things happen on their own. Have you ever tried to ORDER a cake wreck? "Yes, I actually want it to say 'sprinkles' and 'big blue' ON the cake."
kind of makes you wonder if the decorators are "drunk in public".
I agree with Eponita...SPAMALOT is one of the the best shows I have seen! Saw it in Vegas and San Diego and laughed just as hard the second time as the first! =)
BTW...Ron White and Monty togother = total awesomeness!! =)
Apparently I'm not the only cat on the block who likes Cake Wrecks
Awesomly wreckful! You outdid yourselves today. Thank you....
Trying to imagine Ron White as one of the Knights Who Say "NEE"
gosh..monty python on cake wrecks.
this made my day haha(:
I was enjoying Holy Grail clip so much, it took me a minute to realize that you said acronym and "Toy In Middle" is Tim!
You are so witty! And I am sooooo slow today!
Where did you get those coconuts??
Congrats, Mary TIM, the Enchanter!
(love, love, love MP&THG on CakeWrecks every time you pull it off!)
:) That cake, colour scheme and handwriting look kind of familiar... Do these guys end up on Cake Wrecks quite often, or is it just me confabulating?
Too wrong! But, so right!
Ron White would say "you can't fix stupid" and Monty Python would award them "Twit of the Year" award
-Barbara Anne
wv: avarich "I don't need your stoopid cake decorating job- I avarich boyfriend."
I heart you CakeWrecks. I heart you.
Please don't tell me that Mary is pregnant and this is their way of congratulating her lol. Because if so I think they better run for the hills. And I love Monty Python and the Holy Grail! Killer bunnies lol get me every time.
Well as long as she has the most at the end, she'll win!
LOL! You got em! You caught the Tater!
I had the right to remain silent... but I didn't have the ability.
Oh thanks for the laugh! He cracks me up.
wv ouserse: Tater Salad sez don't decorate a cake drunk in pub-lic ous erse.
head tilt - I TOTALLY caught myself in that one and then giggled like a wee girl :P
woo hoo Python!
I think the camo flower cake is actually a paint ball cake... kinda cute if you like ugly cake
My 3-year-old just came in here, covered my mouth and told me to stop laughing. You're messin' with our happy household, man. I wish I had a dorky nickname.
With apologies to Monty Python, "Toy in the Middle" is WAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY better than "Tim".
AHHH I love Ron White!!!
AWESOME!!! I love Ron White!!!
Okay, my 6-year-old (who doesn't know Monty Python yet) saw the clip and noted my big laugh--he said, "I think his name is Mike, and they just call him 'Tim' ".
I would like a shrubbery.
Love that you ref'd MP on Cake Wrecks. 2 things that really crack me up.
Monty Python!