Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Sweets: The Fall Spirit

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I must admit, the Fall wrecks didn't do much to get me in the spirit of the autumnal season. So, let's give it a try with Fall Sweets, shall we?

First, the cutest little 'shrooms you ever did see:

Submitted by Mathew B., baker unknown. (Anyone recognize it?)

Check out that glass-smooth icing! And the corners - see how sharp they are? That's the mark of true talent, right there. Color me jealous.

[Quick tip: if you want to know at a glance if a certain cake is covered with fondant or icing, check the corners. Softer rounded edges almost always = fondant.]

Now's the time when all the cute Fall decorations come out, too. This next little guy looks like he could be a plush statue for someone's front porch:

By Merissa of Spring Lake Cake

The leaves! The basket! The turtleneck sweater!

Ok, I'm starting to feel a little Fall-ish.

Here's one for you art-lovers: Remember the classic painting, American Gothic?

No? (And you call yourself an art lover. Tsk.) Ok, I mean this one:

Well, this painting inspired Huascar Aquino to make this amazing cake:

Take a minute to look back and forth between the two. See all the details? How the middle tiers are the couple's clothing? And the bottom is the building behind them? So. Cool.

This is also the perfect season for anyone whose favorite color is orange. Which, it just so happens, includes yours truly.

Love it.

Chocolate just goes so well with the right reds and oranges and lime greens of Fall leaves, don't you think? Look at this one:

By baking arts

That's modeling chocolate pleated around the cake. The texture is so smooth, I could have sworn it was fabric! Plus, look at all the detail on the hand-painted leaves:

Stunning. (And the teensy fruit! So cute!)

Ok, so now that I'm getting more into the spirit of the (allegedly) cooler months, I have to tell you what I'm *really* looking forward to: pumpkin carving.

Those are all cakes! Amazing!

So if my pumpkin carving experiments don't go well, I suppose I could always try baking one. :)

Speaking of pumpkins...

By Cake is Life

Those soft green stripes look perfect with all the orange.

And check out the topper!

Hard to believe those little leaves and pumpkins aren't porcelain. Fabulous.

Of course, Autumn doesn't have to be all about orange. I love the rich reds and golds here:

By Jagode & Dinozavri


More sweet leaves, and a great bow:

By be cheery, who also makes the most adorable wedding cake toppers. Seriously, just look how sweet:

Oh. My. Cute.

Is it weird that I want this? Even though I'm already married? And don't have a dog? Or blonde hair?

(John? Sweetie? Does that offer to get married again still stand?)

Ok, that's it. I'm officially in the Fall spirit.


Have a great Sweet to nominate? Then e-mail it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com!
Anonymous said...

OMG those pumpkin cakes are amazing-soo real looking.

jillb-ilslp said...

Huascar Aquino's American Gothic interpretation in cake - So clever! And beautiful! And Stunning! I waaaaant it!

wv: ealiidoo - I want it. eali i doo!

Kelly said...

I love the teeny tiny blue birds on that topper holding the banner.

Jn, be sure if you hav another wedding that you get absolutely all the neat decorations, costumes (Star Wars wedding or Steampunk? Steampunked Star Wars?) jewelry, favors, etc in this time because John might not go for a third. Although you might need lots of mini weddings to get multiple themes, I think they'd clash all in one ceremony.

Nicole said...

Wow, these are some of the most fun sweets ever! Love those little pumpkins.

Yay for fall!

Ice Queen said...

That cake draped in modeling chocolate and accented with beautiful leaves. *sigh* And the cake covered in perfect pumpkins.

I love Autumn even more, now!

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


I would marry her every day for the rest of my life. She's my world.


A Paperback Writer said...

Love the American Gothic cake and the scarecrow. The toadstool one is really well done, but the thought of fungus on a cake (however cute that fungus is) is a wee bit off-putting to me.

Pam Elmore said...

All of these are amazing, but I especially love American Gothic interpreted in cake -- such a great concept!

But like many people, you've mistaken the pair in the painting for a "couple" -- they are actually a father and daughter. (See the writeup on the Art Institute of Chicago's site here:

Her faraway look makes a whole lot more sense now, doesn't it?

PotsyinAZ said...

I puffy heart love, love, love fall!! And these cakes aer just the cutest ever!

But why, when the decorators put sooo much effort into making the leaves and flowers on trees look so gorgeous and detailed, do they just slap some rolled up brown fondant on as the tree branch/vine?! Gah! Makes me crazy!

Otherwise? I in love with todays cakes! :)

Danielle said...

I love Be Cheery's cake topper, it's amazing! Is there a link to a website somewhere that I'm missing?

And these beautiful fall wedding cakes almost make me sad in that I decided to go with cupcakes next month.

Anonymous said...

@john(the hubby of jen):


And you said it out in public and EVERYTHING.

Merideathx said...

American Gothic is actually a father and daughter, not a husband and wife.

Edit: Beaten!

Jules AF said...

This is officially my favorite post ever.

Judy DeBoer said...

If you appreciate American Gothic, check out my friend's art work. American Gothic done entirely in return address labels.

Anonymous said...

Jen (and CW),

Thanks for the "Fall" spirit. Living in south Central Florida, fall means less humid and cooler days where you feel relief from heat. It's rare we see the fall colors - except on TV or someone's artwork. So getting in the mood takes more time.

These cakes are so beautiful it makes me want to try making some like it. I'm a novice, but love what others can do.

Thanks for the uplifting laughs - even when they are on the cutting - or bleeding - edge. We take ourselves too seriously sometimes. You usually give a warning or your first comment gives an idea of the "flavor" of the post - it's our choice whether to continue reading THAT post. You offer so much that can be appreciated that us readers can afford to skip one that might offend. By bringing light on the questionable ones, it puts a fire under the creators. Keep up the good work. And thanks for helping me on a couple B.A.D. days.

Joanie in Lakeland, FL

Anonymous said...

Long post.

* Aah, just the right proportion of leaves, acorns, and mushrooms.

* The scarecrow's so cute and appetizing. Wow, that's a lot of cake.

* Love this American Gothic cake. I was going to say each layer could stand alone, but then the top layer gave me a "Children of the Corn" horror movie flashback so I think it needs to stay in context.

* I like orange but I think I'd like this cake in separate layers. Dots, and stripes, and diamonds, oh my. That second layer is giving me ideas.

* Huh. You can wrap a cake in chocolate. Why am I only finding this out now? Spot on perfect apples, pears, and leaves.

* Pumpkins! Ooh, shiny. How did they do that?

* There's over 30 little pumpkins just on the front of this cake alone. Talk about work!

* That sweet one little layer cake with the fall colors. I want it for my birthday. Next summer.

* The color and sheen on that bow is stunning. Wonder if I can find a pair of shoes that color?

* I didn't know you could add a dog to a cake topper in a tasteful and unobtrusive fashion. The little orange ribbon and bow around the bottom was just bonus.

Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

A few people already corrected you about the American Gothic misconception. But I just wanted to add some useless trivia:

the model for the farmer was the artist's dentist.

Anonymous said...

Most people didn't catch the corduroy overalls on the scarecrow. Now that's attention to detail. Also love the itty bitty acorns on the 7th cake. Heck, they're all gorgeous.

serns said...

Oh, wow, there's something called modeling chocolate!

Amanda said...

Dear Jen & John,
Between the enormous creativity, wit and public declarations of love I cannot believe you are real people.

Seriously, you two sicken me.

However, like eating frosting out of the can the tummy ache was worth it.

Sigh. Thanks for restoring faith in joy & love.

Delibird said...

Beautiful Sunday cakes, as usual. Every time I see the American Gothic painting, I think of this:

Angie said...

I kept thinking, "Oh, I love this one!" and then I'd see the next one... and think it again. And again! AND AGAIN!! These are just totally awesome.

I think, though, if I had to pick an ultimate fav of all of these, I'd go with Aquino's interpretation. That's just freakin' amazing.

Connie Moreno said...


Tía Hillary said...

Favorite color = orange. Mine too! Does it match then that the best candies are candy corn and candy pumpkins?
Come visit Oregon again - beautiful fall colors to inspire!

wv: asomen - CakeWrecks is so asomen!!

Catstina said...

These cakes are amazing! I think this is one of my favorite Sunday Sweets ever!

bphaines said...

These are all wonderful! I love doing leaves in gumpaste. I did a giant cupcake cake covered in them one year for husband's office for Thanksgiving. (

Jessica said...

I got to the red and gold floral and gasped, "perfection" only to scroll down another inch and see how in sync our reactions were!

I'm in awe of the American Gothic cake. The polka dots and stripes that I would usually be impressed with just don't have the same impact after that kind of art.

Melanie Beasley said...

One of my favorite Sunday Sweets ever! Thanks for putting all these gorgeous creations in one place-- I wouldn't have ever seen them otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Lovely fall. Falling lovely.

Don't ask.

Awwww, John, hubby of Jen. Lucky girl, great couple. May there be many, many happy returns of the wedding.


Karen Williams said...

Those Jack O'Lantern cakes are stunning. They look more like lacquered carved pumpkins than cakes.

Amanda said...

Wow...(rendered speechless)

Craig said...

#1,4,7 -- now those are acorns!

#5 Do I even want to know how long it takes to do something like that?

#6 "So if my pumpkin carving experiments don't go well, I suppose I could always try baking one. :)" Why would you want to bake a pumpkin?

#8 Ah, the first daisies of fall. Why are they on a branch? (ducks and runs)

#9 Classy. Love the tartan. Scottish ancestry, ye ken.

#10 I see just a hint of Tim Burton in the figures, but it is a cute topper.

John, I feel the same about my Sweetheart, and our first wedding is pending. Real guys say it real loud, so everyone knows. Rock on!

Anonymous said...

I think that the scarecrow is wearing a scarf, not a turtleneck. You can see the end of the scarf wrapped around his arm.

Regardless, all of these are fantastic! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

If you want pumpkins, come to New Jersey! We've had them for weeks now! (There's a reason we're called the "Garden State!")

essbee said...

Oh yippee! I love that Richard's modeling chocolate cake was featured...I've seen it IRL and it was GORGEOUS. And he's such a nice guy, not to mention a wonderful teacher. I've taken a couple of classes at baking arts and they've been fantastic. You remind me that I keep meaning to sign up for the gumpaste flowers class...maybe I can convince him to show us his technique for those beautiful leaves while he's at it!

TisforTonya said...

I don't think my love for all things orange helped TOO much... they were all just amazing even if I was a fan of something awful like pink.

Cutelilsnot said...

omg - the creative spirit IS alive and well!!! And so is exquisite detail and high quality!! Breathtaking!!!

Anonymous said...

I just bought a 'shroom necklace -- a scene of a butterfly landing on 'shrooms, but PAINTED on a PIECE of a SHELL! (Not even a whole shell!) I LOVE 'SHROOMS!

(and fall)

@ John (hubby of Jen)

JJ Sobey said...

Oh my! What yummy eye-candy! That chocolate wrapped one - OUTSTANDING!

jeliecam said...

What a wonderful Sunday Sweets.

@delibird - is it sad that we actually remember that commercial.

I wanted to let all the CW fans know, that there is a new mystery book series out about a cupcake bakery. (No ccc's in sight) The first is called "Sprinkle with Murder" by Jenn McKinlay.

Kae said...

We had leaves on our wedding cake, and they were nice...but in a weird Technocolor-on-smack sort of way. Not in this oh-dear-lord-it-looks-like-it-just-fell-off-the-tree sort of way.

(And I heart Grant Wood. All I'm saying about the American Gothic cake.)

Lisa M. said...

Awww... the one with a gazillion pumpkins on it reminds me of my mom's miniature pumpkins that she makes out of sculpey clay for dollhouses.

Anonymous said...

ALL of those cakes are amazing!! EVEN the cake topper, though I myself do not have blonde hair either, but I do have 3 dogs...8 cats.....3 birds....and fish!

Arlene said...

I want those pumpkin carving cakes! Better than carving my own pumpkin and far more beautiful. I cause quite a mess trying to carve a pumpkin into a vampire face..

Unknown said...

I think this is my FAVORITE Sunday Sweets ever! :D I have an October birthday and I LOVE pumpkins! :D

Shelley Parker Chandler said...

Just a tip - you can make fondant shiny by steaming it, like with a portable clothes steamer. They do it all the time on Buddy's television show about Carlo's Bakery in NYC. (I can't remember the name of the show and when I watch it, I turn the sound off because I can't stand to hear them all yelling at each other all the time.)

Also, the first cake is lovely, but there are no corners on a round cake. Those are edges. ;)

Anonymous said...

I love the Sunday Sweets, but I can't imagine actually cutting these beauties.

wedding cakes said...

Unbelievable design of all cakes. Really well decorated. Thanks for sharing your post. I never seen such a beautiful cakes.

A Girl In Her Kitchen said...

I love the American Gothic Cake. That is sooooo clever!!

Sylph said...

To all the geeks who may be in the vicinity of Iowa, you can visit the house and have your photo taken there, in full costume (available at the gift shop).

Check these out:

Becky said...

That scarecrow cake is amazing! My favorite is the third-to-last... the simplicity of the white cake with the contrasted tree & fall leaves... just gorgeous.

wv: folin - The leaves are folin during my favorite season!

John Sperry said...

Wow, I REALLY REALLY want the second cake!!!!

Kaliseviltwin said...

yay, Baking Arts!!! Richard is the best! Glad to see him getting some love on Cake Wrecks. :D

Donna said...

Grant Wood would be so proud! (American Gothic artist - one of the few quiz bowl questions I remember from high school 30 years ago)

Kristine said...

Lovely cakes! There are such no cakes like these here in our country. All cakes here are common, the same. Tsk tsk. I love the unique desings of these cakes.

tran shiela said...

this gonna be the best article i've ever seen before ...

great to have something best experience from this article ...

great job !!!

Casey said...

The American Gothic cake is the capitol of Awesome.

Aurora said...

John--Aaaaawwwww, that was so sweet.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love this post. Orange is my favorite color too!

I would also like to know more about the cake topper. I am a blond with a dog (beagle) and may be in the market for such a cake topper in the near future *crossing fingers* Is there a link or more information on this adorable creation?

Thank you so much for these cakes and your commentary - I want to see you in Petaluma next time you are here!

Cupcakes Lady said...

Love those little pumpkins. Cool. xxx

Kelsey said...

throughout this entire post I was thinking "OMIGOD, I'm gonna die, it's so amazing!!!! OMIGOD!!!!" and I actually did remember what American Gothic was. Someone in my artclass did a watercolor of the people with a sunset and aliens in the background. It was pretty cool. And I know what you mean by allegedly cooler months. Living in Dallas, it is still like 80 degrees here. I kid you not.

Nonna said...

Had to come all the way back here to get some relief from the horrible cakes that came after this gorgeous post. Thank goodness for Sunday Sweets !!!

Anonymous said...

OMG Love the American Gothic cake. Looks just like the painting and the house. Wish my great grandparents could see it. (They rented that house from the painting for a while)

Anonymous said...

That scarecrow was made by one of son's friend's moms! Charlie's mom is famous now!