Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sunday Sweets: Fabulous Faux Flowers

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The next time you see "fresh flowers" on a cake, look more closely. They might actually be gumpaste.

I love the yellow and purple flowers on this one. I'm not very good with all the names, but I think they're daisies. And the photography is stunning, too.

Made by Abbie Tabbie

These aren't on a cake yet, but I thought Abbie's work on that top flower was especially fantastic. (Pretty sure it's a daisy.) Check out the blending of the pale green!

Next, we have the work of Ellen Bartlett:

She makes a mean daisy.

See more of Ellen's work at Cakes To Remember

You know you're dealing with skilled artisans when you have to email them to make sure the flowers aren't real. (I did. They aren't.)

Our next cakes were made by Lyndsey Gamble:

I love the big bunches of flowers. Daisies.

Not only are the flowers fantastic, but check out the lace and ribbon work! (Yes, those are sugar, too.)

I love the contrast between the orange and the purple.

Just look at the veining in the petals! Wow. Those are some sweet daisies.

Such a cool design: the minimalism of the cake makes the flower burst really "pop."

See more of Lyndsey's work at Elegantly Iced

As a guy who's spent the last three years staring at some the of the best and worst cakes in the world, I often wish that I could go back to our wedding day and get a more memorable cake. Of course, knowing Jen, we'd then have to choose between a beautiful cake like this - only covered in poppies - or a perfect scale model of a Borg cube inscribed with "Resistance is futile."

Speaking of which, we're looking for more Sci-Fi Sweets! So if you have one to nominate, be sure to send it to sundaysweets (at) Thanks, and wreck on!
Jenn said...

Just put daisies on the borg cube! That's not wrecky, right?


Shadow said...

Only one reaction to some of those flowers being not real flowers.


Even my WV agrees, it is "bullsta"

Cheryl Willis said...

Wow, just amazing and I love how all the Daisys look so different. Must be a region thing. cw

Diana Dang said...


shikishinobi said...

Wow! I draw lots of kimonos with flowers on them, and people love the work, but when I look at these, I feel so inadaquate. The flowers are stunning and if someone presented me with a cake like that, I'd want to bronze it, or spray it with too much starch to preseve it. With a new feeling of life in my heart from these glorious works of art, I want to sit down and draw. Thanks guys!

Jayme said...

Oh wow!

All of those are so fantastic!

The orange one is probably my favourite, out of all them.

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure your kidding about the daisies, but the first two are lillies and the third is cherry blossoms.

Amie Lillie said...

Man, there were a lot of "Daisies" in that post. My dad would have referred to them all as "Begonias".

Jenna H said...

Love the daisies! Thanks John!!

ARM said...

I just wanted to confirm that all of those flowers are, in fact, daisies. Well spotted!

Also, a Borg cube cake would be fantastic. I am tempted to try to make one, but I'm not a professional. I may try anyway. It will either be great, or be a wreck - either way it would be tasty!

tonia said...

In the second picture, it's a lily. In the third picture, they're orchids.

Wasted Wishes said...

LMAO. I do love me a good daisy.

Jenna H said...

Love the daisies! Thanks John!

The Beans said...

Those "daisies" are simply stunning. I especially love the white minimalist cake with the warm colors. ^.^

I'd love to have a cake on my hypothetical future wedding day like that, but chances are that it will turn out to be a wreck...

I think I just jinxed myself. Whether it was for the cake or the future husband, I don't know.

-French Bean

Carly said...

Ok you got me with the daisies! My reaction was "that's not... Ohhhh" :)

Destinie said...

Love the fist one!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to learn how to make me some daises!

Megan said...

They're gorgeous!

By the by, the flowers with the really long petals are lilies. The small purple ones with the really detailed veins are orchids. Just FYI :). But absolutely amazing work on all of them!

Wendy said...

These are stunningly beautiful. I carried around a pic. of the wedding cake I wanted from the age of 12 to 23. The cake I got looked nothing like my pic. To this day, 17 yrs. later, that is my only regret from my wedding day.

caferacers66 said...

As a landscape designer I forgive you for the misleading daisy comments, this time lol but man those cakes are phenoms every one but the orange tier cake with the bone white art deco border ..... WOW...that is amazing... a perfect choice of flower and color contrasts..

terrrs-uh works in a greenhouse said...

hi john, here to help you out with flower names lol

in order of apperance:
roses & idk
peonies & dahlias
peonies & idk

i'm thinking the ones i'm not sure on might be fantasy flowers. i'm probably wrong in that regard, just haven't seen them at the greenhouse yet lol.....

anywho, awesome cakes!!!!!!!

BekaJoy said...

Gorgeous! I'm not great with flower names either, but I'm pretty sure the purple flowers on the orange cake are orchids, not daisies.

Anonymous said...

Actually, those aren't dasies, they're-just kidding, that's just how I imagine a lot of the comments being! Beautiful cakes!

Torii said...

OK, I just spent the last couple of minutes scaring my kids yelling " Those aren't daises!!!" Then I realised it was John hubby of Jen so I'll cut you some slack. But just so you know next time you order Jen flowers and ask for a big bunch of daises you won't be getting the lillies, roses, orchids etc...

Brooke said...

Stunning work! Great post. Let the Epcotting begin!

Donna said...

Can't wait to see all the "but those aren't daisies, they're _________." Thought you learned your lesson with Spaceship Earth and Auburn ;)

Seriously, those are some unbelievable works of art!

Tiffany in Topeka said...

Great post John! They are all so gorgeous - how do brides choose???

"Resistance is futile" Bwahahaaa! how perfect would that be??

Jules AF said...

Wow. How are these fake?

Christine said...

You know, I can kind of see the Borg Cube (with a funky new paint job) hiding in the orange and white cake with the purple "daisies"

Studio Rose said...

That one? With the daisies? That's my favorite.

Rose said...

You obviously wouldn't know a daisy if it bit you on the gumpaste.

Frenchgirl said...

My favorite is the one with the daisies,you know the flowery one!

Anonymous said...

I think my favourite part is all the comments from people giving you the actual names of the flowers!! lol As a florist, may I say, love the DAISIES!!!

Rebecca F. said...

Oh dear. I see daisy-gate approaching.


Rebecca F. said...

And Studio Rose is my hero...

Mel said...

HA HA You almost got me on the "Daisies" I think I caught on in the 3 rd or 4th reference.

Waiting for the Epcot Flower Festival to follow.

WV ximme

XIMME!!! Those are some gorgeous daisies!

Anonymous said...


Love the pics you chose today, thanks for gracing us with the beauty and talent they represent.

I also love the flowers, though I don't believe I saw a daisy in the bunch. I did see some stephanotis though.

My advice is that you brace for the impact of today's post, 'cause I have a feeling people are going to feel a need to show you exactly what a daisy should look like, as only CakeWrecks readers can. Good luck.

Kelley said...

Loved all the daisies! It's too bad the designers made them look like lilies, orchids and roses. What were they thinking?

Danielle said...

You crack me up John!

I decorated my wedding cake with gumpaste flowers...but I bought them cuz I'm a big cheater like that. They looked pretty darn good too! (Daisies, of course)

Larisa said...

A giggle-worthy posting of jaw-dropping daisies. Thanks a 'bunch'.

Anonymous said...

I saw stargazer lily daisies,forsythia daisies, madonna lily daisies,rose daisies,ranunculas daisies,forget-me-knot daisies,sweet pea daisies,apple blossom daisies and orchids! but no daisies daisies.

stuckinmypedals said...

I could stare at the orange cake with purple flowers all day. Oh, who am I kidding, I can't stare at cake for five minutes before my hand sneaks away from me and grabs a fork.

blank said...

You know the one with the daisies? Yea, that one's my favorite! :D I'm just kidding, the first one's my definite fav ^_^ I think those are lilies though....

Edna said...

I love gumpaste flowers!
Here is the info on all the daisies!
for those who want to know :)

Foto #1
Purple Fuschias
Yellow Sweet peas

Casblanca Lily

Foto #3
Moth Orchid


Foto#5 and #6 (lace cake)
Orange Ranuculus
Pink ROses
Yellow Sweet peas
A few Mums

Foto #7 and #8(orange and white)
Moth orchids

Foto #9 and #10
Orange Ranuculus
Pink peony
Yellow and res poppies

Lovely post!
Edna De la Cruz

Anonymous said...

Heh, heh, maybe the next post can be all "roses". They have petals and stems, too. I have a cakey friend who can only make sweet peas - but they're beautiful sweet peas.

And, I was blown away with the ranunculas - a favorite flower we can't raise in my current area. They have so many tissue thin petals I wonder how God does it, let alone a cake decorator.


Anonymous said...

WOW! Acsolutely beautiful daisies. In all of the pictures!!

For the person who works in a greenhouse, the first pictures of daisies are actually true lilies, not day lilies. Even though the lilies are not anatomically correct, the flowers are drop-dead gorgeous.
And it looks like apple blossoms with the daisies in the fourth picture.

Katie said...

Wow, those are incredible!!

EG said...

Really unbelievable. What talent!

Jamie Kline (Bookerella) said...

Well you knew people were going to name off all of the flowers just to show you how smart they are. Yay for you, it's called humor Anyway, I loved all of the cakes today! I hope someday I can get my flowers to look that incredible!

Donna said...

Today's showcase is by true artisans. No wreckiness today...

At least you didn't call all of the flowers dandilions!

Kathleen said...

Are you related to my Dad? We had two kinds of plants in the garden.

Rose Bushes and Weeds. That was why Dad tended to the Rose Bushes and Mom dealt with the rest of the garden.

Morgen The Amazing said...

Actually, none of those are daisies. There are roses, orchids, carnations, and more, but no daisies.

P.S.(My Dad works for the U.S.D.A., and knows a lot about plants.)

Amanda said...

Wow - you are really "Pushing Daisies" with this post. Yeah, sorry that's all I got.

Kimberly R. said...

I have to admit that it took me awhile to catch on to the daisy thing. I was looking at the flowers and thinking, "I know very few flowers but I know daisies and I don't see any....ohhhhh, I see what he did there!" Yeah, I'm special.

Claire said...

Oh wow! These are beautiful!


JW said...

Nice cakes.

But I don't understand the joke about the daisies. What is it? Normally I can just google these things (like that: 'The cake is a lie' joke) but now I'm coming up empty.

Someone explain the joke. I wanna laugh too! :'(

Anonymous said...

Those peony-like daisies look like they could almost be silk. Hard to believe anyone could get such thin petals out of ... gumpaste, is it? without tearing them upon assembly.

Gina said...

The top one is a common daisy; scientific name Bellis perennis Epcoticus.

mooP said...

To combine your love of sci-fi and daises, don't forget about the song HAL sings:

Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do,
I'm half crazy all for the love of you.
It won't be a stylish marriage -
I can't afford a carriage,
But you'd look sweet upon the seat
Of a bicycle built for two.

Anonymous said...

Wow, those are the best daisies EVER! Great post.

shadow said...

Every time I think people are used to the way things work around here, I'm once again surprised at how many can't resist the urge to be know-it-alls and ruin perfectly good fun.

Personally, I like the one with the daisies.

Killian said...

Gosh, John, I do not understand what your problem is. Those are clearly NOT daisies. Any idiot knows that if you look closely, you can tell that it's the Space Globe from Epcot Center!


Some people.

tarichuck said...

I love all those colorful daisies. And I am totally with a few of the other commenters--throw some daisies on a Borg cube. Surely the Borg can figure out how to assimilate.

Akira_kin said...

Daisys! So pretty!

And seriously those are some freakishly talented cake decoraters there. I can't imagine drawing, painting, sculpting anything that looks that life like, let alone a flower which can often be one of the most naturally delicate creations. Mad props to them!!!

Btw are you sure those are all Lilies 'cause that's what my father calls them.

Amanda | Glittericity said...

Hehe, nice "daisies". *patpat* ah, men! We love you!

WV: mitiongo -- This mition is go!

Jennifer Erbe Kennedy said...

EPCOT Flower and Garden Festival...

Love me some daisies!

Bama Jen

Celeste said...

Those are NOT Daisies!! There are lillies and orchids in most of the pictures!~

Matilda the Boxer said...

You don't have to choose! The Borg cube sounds like an awesome groom's cake. :)

Daisy Bateman said...

For some reason, I just felt compelled to post here. Not sure why.

Those are some amazing cakes, by the way.

Gloria P said...

Those are stunning. Lily daisies, orchid daisies, ranunculus daisies, poppy daisies stephanotis daisies...who knew there were so many subspecies?

TisforTonya said...

Daisies are now my favorite flower!!!

Sylph said...

lol @ the "daisies"; these are indeed beautiful works of art!! I had real flowers on my wedding cake, and didn't mind that all since it was cut in the kitchen; but it would've been lovely to serve some of these!

I would've said: lilies, orchids, cabbage roses, cherry blossoms, roses, etc.

Did you know daisies are actually a variety of chrysanthemums (mums)??

Sara said...

So, John and Jen, what DID your wedding cake look like? Have you ever posted pictures of it here?

Anonymous said...

Great cakes! Man, there are A LOT of people that can't take a joke!

Sarah Bowman said...

I think that most of them feature a daisies of the genus Epcotus Yatesiana

They're all absolutely gorgeous - I wish my sugarpaste flowers came out looking even a tenth as good!!

wv: unfortunately I'm a dabless hand at making sugarpaste flowers!

Anonymous said...

Phalaenopsis daisies are my favorite kind! :-)

iReeKyWee said...

in reference to terrrs-uh works in a greenhouse said...

the idk flowers look like ranunculus and perhaps anemones (which looks similar to poppies.) the purple flowers on the orange cake are phalaenopsis orchids.

:) Irina.

Ria said...

Sometimes I hate being a biology major. I know it's a joke, but I still cringe each time. ;-)
Those non-daisies really are lovely, though!

Anonymous said...

Suddenly I have an overwhelming urge to go to Epcot. To see the giant golf ball. Which may or may not have daisies growing nearby.

Liz said...

Bama Jen - "Epcot Garden and Flower Festival" - ROTFLMAO!!!

Holy Stamens Batman!

etoile said...

Daisy Daisy,
Give me your answer do!
I'm half crazy,
All for the love of you!
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage,
But you'll look sweet on the seat
Of a bicycle built for two !

This post just got that song stuck in my head...
Poor HAL. :(

sara c said...

Those are really amazing! (Though I don't think I saw any daisies! Lillies and orchids but no daisies.)

Chaos6267 said...

AHH! REALISTIC CAKES! SCARY! I'm with you. I can't tell a geranium from a voodoo lily. (Yes there is such a thing as a voodoo lily, it looks very evil.) I personally think it would be funny if the flowers sprayed water. (Yeah, I know. old joke)

Anonymous said...

Holy moly those look so real

Lauralee said...

Perfectly timed. Just right for my son's 37th birthday today. Thanks for the fun.

Amy said...

I really, really, really (etc.) love how John referred to every flower as a "daisy." Sounds like me in my mom's garden: "Pretty . . . uh . . . flowery-like thingy these, Mom."

Mellissa "Charlie Anastazja" Roy said...

Isn't that what the groom's cakes are for, to get the really cool unusual things made to personalize a wedding for the guys? The borg cake would be awesome for that. I've seen some really neat grooms cakes before.

surealist47 said...

I love the look but you have to be careful not to get gaudy. The cake is the main interest. Maybe some frosting decor on the cake to flow in with the flowers.
Michael Rasmussen

Anonymous said...

Um, those aren't daisies.

Hah, just kidding, this post was hilarious. I found that whole theme way too funny. Thanks.

Anne said...


LOL, you remind me of my husband who always sent his mother daisies because he was sure it was her favorite, flower. His mom said it was because daisy is the only name he can remember

Jenni said...

Those ARE NOT daisies! They're EPCOT!

Anonymous said...

Those aren't all daisies.... 2 of the cakes were actually different types of Orchids, and I saw a lot of roses and mums.

Anonymous said...

I'm seriously laughing at those who didn't get the "daisy" joke...I mean come on...this blog is known for its humor...riiiiiight? ;)

Oh and I see Edna DeLaCruz's post on all the actual names (amazing that she can name them ALL). But not surprising since she is one very talented cake artist who makes unbelievably realistic flowers herself.

Such beautiful amazing cakes in this post...


Anthea said...

I love the suggestion of the daisies on the borg cube! So wrecktastic! When we figure out time travel, that should be your first plan of action!

Anonymous said...

Well Jen, at least you know John's not gay.

Daisy said...

Aren't Daisies just the best flower you can ever have!! Actually, since I married into being Daisy Flowers, our wedding cake was covered with daisies!

msyendor said...

wow. What an image. A borg cube in stuck all over with "poppy daisies".

"Resistance Is Futile; I'll get you my pretty..."

Oh, wait, wedding cake. Should that be 'my Precious'? (multi-verse collapses)

Unknown said...

The third cake is actually two types of orchids, not just one... The pinkish flowers are the phalaenopsis orchid and the white ones are the cymbidium orchid... Just in case anyone was interested :)

Kari said...

Ya know, you actually had me peering at the cake looking for the daisies and F5ing just in case my browser forgot to load a picture of a cake with actual daisies. Only for a minute, though--then I got the joke. You win. :-D

And I LOVED the dogwood daisies--my favorite flower, and so hard to come by about 49 weeks out of the year!!

Claire said...

So, what *was* your wedding cake like?

Debbye the Vape Goddess said...

Sometimes we just have to stop and smell the DAISIES in, John?

Today's cakes, just amazing!!!

Seriouslytiff said...

I think you need to put a misnomer on your blog:

"All those without a wickedly dry, sarcastic sense of humor are not allowed to post comments."

I'm surprised the first comment of flower ID correction wasn't earlier than #7. Are people really SO literal these days??? Sheesh!

As Sylvester the cat would say: "Ho, ho, very funny. Ha, ha, it is to laugh." I certainly giggled after the first Daisy picture! Thanks for making me smile today!!

Justinian said...

that orange/orchid cake is phenomenal. I'm loving it.

and by orchid, I mean "daisy."

Jessica said...

Those flowers are amazing! I only hope I can be that great in the future!

msyendor said...

@ Etoile

verse modification, last two lines:

But no matter, my sweet, we'll be complete
When you're Unit 1 of 2!

Maureen said...

Wow, wow, wow!! Totally awesome and awe-inspiring!

Unknown said...

Daisies! Ha!

MissNay said...

Ok the cake by Gamble had me seriously baffled. The lace, the flowers...... That is beyond talent. That is so amazing it shouldn't even be legal. She even had that ribbon looking EXACTLY like satin..!!!...and the little stitch marks in the floral in the lace....unbelieveably georgeous.
Thank you for this one it made me foam at the mouth. I think there should be a ninja guarding it at all times in case some jerkface wants to eat it.

Elwing said...

As I'm from Germany, I really thought hard about if I remembered the translation of daisies right ;) It really made me laugh :)
Great flowers... ähm, dasies...

MissNay said...


uhhhh ...borg cube?... No speaka the sci fi...?

Anonymous said...

John, you really made me laugh out loud! Daisies!! Thanks for your floral expertise! So funny!

Shelley in So. Illinois

Unknown said...


Let Them Eat Cake said...

John, John, John (shaking head),

No one would *ever* put daisies on a cake. Don't you remember the Erma Bombeck book, "Please Don't Eat the Daisies". Why put a flower on a cake that would clearly warn potential consumers away? ;-)

Unknown said...


Muzzy said...

Um, I believe the purple "daisies" are orchids and the white ones are lilies. Sorry, I'm OCD about that stuff :)

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see a daisy on that post! lilies, stefanotis, peonies and orchids, however, I did spot. Nice try, John ;) such a guy!

AWESOME work there, florists, er, bakers!!

Noacat said...

The flowers on Ellen Barlett's cake is NOT a daisy. It's an orchid.

Fluffy Cow said...

I like the one with the daisies the best.

Anonymous said...

The fourth cake down has a lot of Christian symbolism. The rose daisies are associated with St. Elizabeth of Hungary and the blessed Virgin Mary. (Liz was caught by her pagan husband bring food to the poor. When he said, "Hey, what are you hiding in your apron?" she blurted out "uh, um, roses!"- in the middle of winter. But when he snatched the apron away, dozens of roses fell into the snow.)
The forget-me-nots (blue daisies) are associated with Christ's Great Commission and the dogwood (pink daisies)was the wood from which the Cross was made, legend has it. (That's why dogwoods are so small and bloom at Easter. They were once huge trees until the Crucifixion. The dogwood was so ashamed it shrank to the tiny thing it is today so that no one else could meet their death on it. In return, Christ allowed the dogwood to be the first harbingers of spring.)
That is, if you believe. If not, here are some interesting stories for y'all. ;7)

sparky_writer said...

Haha so I got halfway through the post before I realized you were saying the flowers were daisies on purpose! I love the orange and purple cake by the way! Totally AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. They look real.

Unknown said...

Really *stunning cakes* - wow! I would hate to cut into them! I wonder how long it takes to make as many daisies as are on the cakes....

Pandaluver21 said...

Those aren't Daisey's, their Epcot!

VW: I winge every time I have to read a stupid comment :D

otter in portland said...

Boy, you sure know your daisies! Those cakes are beautiful!

Shanti said...

...and the Daisy Conspiracy strikes again!

(Sorry, in-joke from a roleplaying game. But it actually did involve daisies, so I couldn't resist.)

Ashlee L. said...

It definitely took me too long to figure out you weren't serious about all those being daisies. I was like, "What?! Lilies, roses, orchids...COME ON!!"

Gale said...

Wow...I'm just imagine getting served a slice of one of these. I think I'd have to stare at it a LOOOOONNGG time before I could eat it. I mean, just too beautiful to muss up!

The Memoirs of Anastasia said...

I HAD to look at the comments to see how many people lacked a sense of humor and would try to correct you on the daisies! ;)

inspiredstarshine said...

Oh, wow, I LOVE daisies.
Know what I love more?
The comments that are all "this is what the flowers are, silly."

Craig said...

Breeders are doing amazing things with flowers these days -- why, who knew there were so many varieties of 'daisy'? And they mimic exactly so many other flowers! (For any comedy cops that may be monitoring: I get the joke; I was just playing along with it through the use of 'sarcastic humor'. We good?)

"Poor HAL"?! What did HAL do to get shut down, hmmm? *headdesk*

Perhaps resistance really is futile...

Colleen Oakes said...

Not to be a snark, but those are orchids, NOT daisies. They are very different.

Anonymous said...

More gum paste flowers and fondant ribbons and flowers
Absolutely stunning work by Ana
I met her at the flower shop one day...

Stoich91 said...

What's wrong with daisies? I love em'! :D

Kate M said...

Epcot Flower Festival! Your post was great, but I am loving the comments almost as much.

The orchid-looking daisies were beyond incredible! Makes me wish I could have a wedding cake do-over too.

cake obvious said...

Woosh!! Daisies flew over some people's heads. The texture and design is AMAZING on the orange/white cake.

Mary said...

Wow! Not only are those flowers beautifully done, but I've never seen such a variety of daisies. They're so diverse! Who needs any other type of flower!

Molly said...

Lilies, roses, stephanotis, purple orchids. No daisies. These are gorgeous and I would not have guessed they were gum paste.

Jessica Fancypants said...

Whoa. Loves it.

Marsha said...

Daisies are my favorite!!! :)

Phoenix said...

Folks - there are no daisies on any of these cakes! Daisies are white, with a gold center and multiple long narrow petals.

There are: big white lilies on LynninSingapore's cake

AbbieTabbie's cakes have a Lily (big white), pink roses and small white Jasmine

Ellen Bartlett's 1st cake has orchids, and the other has dogwood blossoms and roses.

Lyndsey Gamble lacey cake has roses, mums and anemones; the orange & white cake has orchids and the last one has anemones and poppies.

And they are all exquisite!!

Blalock said...

The flowers are amazing! But it's the flower "identification" that I appreciated most in this post. Thanks for the laugh. :-)

Anonymous said...

This is why I love this blog... I was thinking I know Jen knows what a daisy is and a lily every woman does. I continued to read to only be more confused and loving the flowers even more. Thank goodness its the hubby. WHEW!!! This is why love this blog!!

kimc said...

Daisies, hrmph! and not a daisy among them!

Anonymous said...

That Borg cube thing is probably the best idea for a wedding cake I've EVER heard.

Arlene said...

Ahhh the lovely daisies. Heck I wouldn't eat any of the cakes just frame them and keep em forever lol. Would be very sad when they got moldy though.

Baby said...

I think this post is actually a test of how quick you are on the uptake and your general aptitude for understanding the humor of a Cake Wrecks post.

If you knew John was joking on the first mention of daisies you probably know what jokes Jen and John will tell before they tell them.

If you figured out John was joking on the second mention of daisies, you definitely get this humor--you're a quick one!

If you understood it was a joke on the third mention of daisies, this may be about average--you have a healthy sense of humor. Hooray!

If it took ya 'til the fourth time he mentioned daisies to get the joke, you may be having an "off" day. Did the pastor give you funny looks during service 'cuz you were late to church? Or maybe your glasses fell in the toilet (AFTER you peed), or your cat finally ate the parakeet? It's ok, your humor-detecting abilities will be back to normal soon.

If you finally got it the fifth time he mentioned daisies, don't worry, there is hope for you yet. Suggested treatment is at least one Cake Wrecks post a day to get your comedic juices up to speed--it'll rub off on you eventually! :)

If you still think John thought all those flowers were daisies, it's nothing to sweat--there's room for everyone at Cake Wrecks! Every reader is a friend. But if you sometimes wonder why everyone is laughing at the "obviously un-funny post" on Cake Wrecks, it may be that your humor and Cake Wrecks humor occasionally diverge. Have you tried slapstick?

(Buzz off, grammar nazis, I NEVER knew when to add commas. Also, no offense meant to ANYONE of any race, religion or humor-affiliation or ability. I didn't get the daisy thing at first and I love slapstick.)

mookzmom said...

Extraordinary! Just beautiful!

UnregisteredContributer said...

Some of the flowers are NOT daisies, they seem to resemble orchids more closely, like the flowers on cakes 2 and 5. :)

Jessica said...

OK, I've always thought fresh flowers on a simple, but stylish wedding cake was the best way to go with a wedding cake. However, this post has changed my mind.
Bring on the sugar "daisies"

Leslie said...

"Poor HAL" because he received conflicting orders from Washington, which caused him to have to lie, which he couldn't do, so he went crazy. But he's all normal again in 2010 when we make contact! Until that one spoiler.

This is convenient, I just watched 2010 this weekend. At any rate, it wasn't HAL's fault. Poor HAL.

Okay, I can't get over how cool I sound now. I even know what the Borg are!

(Also, beautiful beautiful cakes. I want to plant them sooner than eat them.)

Cdaae663 said...

You guys are ALL wrong. Those "daisies" are obviously EPCOT. Geez.

Loved the post!

Stephanie said...

Those are incredible! My jaw literally dropped. I want to hire one of those bakers to make my wedding cake. :)

The Social Mediatrix said...

Aren't those orchids, not daisies? Whatever they are they're beautiful.

Tiffany said...

*gigglefit* Oh, Gina & Kilian, you're killing me! XD

They're obviously not daisies; they're mini epcots!

Unknown said...

The flower that no one has identified... the small white ones with yellow centers are Stephanotis.

MaskedMan said...

Daiseys, eh? Didn't see a one.

All I saw were azaleas. Lots and lots of lovely azaleas.

SeriouslyTiff said...

*high five* to Baby for the CakeWrecks humor aptitude evaluation guidelines! Brilliant!

And I think someone needs to make Jen an EPCOT cake with a daisy chain garland draped over it. Just sayin'.


Lindsey said...

Wow! Thank you so much John-and Jen!- to honoring me with a mention on my favorite blog ever! And also to all of you who have commented on my cakes, thank you! I LOVE my job and what I get to do every day...who doesn't like working with daisies?!

RobynR said...

I don't understand all the people with no sense of humour that are reading a humour blog. That said, the funniest comment I saw was Anonymous Aug. 1@ 9:45 . . . those aren't daisies, they're cherry blossoms! *sigh* if you have no sense of humour, and you don't know what an orchid is, you should probably be elsewhere :)


Anonymous said...

Love the daisies, John!

Michelle B said...

Wow! Beautiful work! See I learned something today, because when I was growing up my Grandpa called all these flowers carnations...Now I know that they are really DAISIES! Thanks Cake Wrecks!!:)

Anonymous said...

I see that some people don't get the daisy joke, but I don't think that necessarily correlates with those who posted the names of the flowers. (Especially as some of the lists have smiles or lol's.) I think it's awesome to add those details, and I think it adds to the humor.

Oh, and to JW who wasn't getting what the joke is: it isn't a reference, it's just John blithely referring to a bunch of obviously different flowers, one at a time, as though they're all the same kind (or as though he can't tell they're not).

Excellent cakes.

- Jen S

krystina said...

maybe someone mentioned this, but those aren't all daisies...the first couple are lilies, and one is an orchid... :)

krystina said...

nevermind...i get it... just smack me now!

Black Cat Ranch said...

John - Lovin' all the daisies!


Catherine said...

Now I want to get married again so I can have one of these. Do you think my husband will mind?

Unknown said...

Haha it never ceases to amaze me that on such a painfully obvious humoristic site as this is, there are always so many who fail to get jokes XD

Anyway, beeeeautiful cakes! I would never have guessed they weren't real. If I'd tried to do that, they'd just look like lumps. Actually, I think I'd be a very talented wreckerator, come to think of it.

Unknown said...

WOW, that is some mean talent with daisies. I'm so envious, especially of the orchid daisy.

Anonymous said...

Never have I laughed harder at a single blog post in my life. Ever. I was in tears!

Clever Fingers said...

These are my favorite Sunday Sweets ever. I don't think I'd believe that the purple daisies in the 7th and 8th photos were fake, if not for the wrapped florists' wire stem. The veining is RIDICULOUS. Sheesh. The closer I zoom, the more incredulous I get.

Can we give some sort of prize to Krystina? I want to HUG her for posting her "nevermind."

Anonymous said...

170 many are correcting "daisies"? How many didn't read a single comment before submitting, therefor not getting the joke? Come on people!!

Azure said...

The "daisies" joke is funny, except she named the flowers incorrectly in her book too. Oh well!

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


Wait... What? Where? Are you talking about the Cake Wrecks book?

I'm so confused...


Anonymous said...

I have seen wedding cakes done well with such hand-made flowers, but these are the best! BTW, I didn't see daisies on any of the cakes. I see ranunculus, chrysanthemums, roses, stephanotis, and lilies, but no daisies! Am I missing something?

Caz said...

LOL @ daisies! Spectacular artwork... I'd almost not be able to cut those to eat.... ALMOST ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh John (hubby of Jen), methinks you were deliberately trying to provoke a "Daisycot". You funny, funny white boy, you.

Kathy D

BJ_Mama said...

First I have to say, I break the cardinal rule of bloggers by reading you nearly daily and never commenting....but I HAVE to say something here.
I love reading this when I'm delirious at 5am in the morning as my night shift is winding makes it THAT MUCH MORE hiliarious...
ESPECIALLY when no matter how blatent your humor is..there's always a Daisy out there that has to go ahead and correct you.....which makes reading the comments an addition to my joy!


Mrs. T. said...

Gorgeous!! I love to see what people can craft with their hands... :)

Orchid said...

I cannot believe you would insult the beautiful and sophisticated orchid by calling it a lowly "daisy." I am offended on behalf of orchids worldwide. It is time for all orchids to rise up and boycott Cake Wrecks. We will defeat you.

lawnajo said...

Speaking of your wedding cake...I find myself wondering about it sometimes. Will we ever get to see a picture?? ;-)

color*ME*cupcake said...

im pretty sure the "daisies" are actually orchids :)

Hannah Arceo said...

Gotta love those daisies.

Mara said...

Beautiful. I love the stephanotis on the second cake.

And such delightful daisies everywhere!

Michelle Luevane, CPA said...

Um, all the cakes were very beautiful...but the flowers you were saying were daisies...are acutally orchids, I do believe. I owned one that looked just like the purple ones...they're deffinatly orchids. Not to um, burst your bubble or nothin', I'm just sayin'.

Michelle Luevane, CPA said...

Um, all the cakes were very beautiful...but the flowers you were saying were daisies...are acutally orchids, I do believe. I owned one that looked just like the purple ones...they're deffinatly orchids. Not to um, burst your bubble or nothin', I'm just sayin'.