Friday, October 30, 2009

Step One: Cut a Hole in the Pumpkin

Friday, October 30, 2009

I can't think of a more Wrecktastic harbinger of Halloween happiness than this guy:

Yep, Mr. Bonehead here suuure is happy. How happy, you ask? Happy enough to say, "Look, ma! No hands!"

Dorei, just tell the kids it's a levitation trick. Which really startles the pumpkin.

- Related Wreckage: Drew's Birthday Wish
Unknown said...

I see a naked snowman trying to be modest...

HorribleLicensePlates said...

Gives a whole new meaning to "pumpkin patch" ewwww

tjbmurph said...

That pumpkin looks pretty surprised....

DebraSue said...

Almost fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard. What a way to start a rainy, foggy, Friday.

You said soooooo much in such a few words.

Julie said...

Glad I wasn't drinking my coffee when that picture came up.


Sara R. said...

Oh dear... If not for the snowman head and the horribly placed pumpkin the skeleton would actually be pretty good!

Stephanie said...


Why does Mr. Bonehead have such a big neck ? I feel like he has two...oh, nevermind.

Anonymous said...

All I could think was, boner. Sorry.

joyce said...

And just think---if it does not sell, they can replace the pumpkin with an oreo cookie and they are ready for Snowman !

Susan said...

The cake was funny enough on your own, but your caption took it to a whole other level. So hilarious!

Tracy bish! said...

Okay, now that is disturbing. And what's up with the big round neck? I think he swallowed a pumpkin at the same time as he seems to be "passing" a pumpkin. Awkward placement, for the win!

Am I the only one that started humming "D**** in a box" from SNL?

Tracy bish! said...

DUH! I didn't see the title!
Well, glad to know I wasn't the only one. lol

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking something along the lines of skeleton - boner....nah, nevermind!


Sheila Bennett said...

LOL - that pumpkin sure does look startled, doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

That pumpkin has a really surprised look on it's face...

Receptionist Row said...

Looks like Mr. Bones has goiter problems as well. I blame having to concentrate so hard to keep that jack o'lantern afloat.

Happy Halloween!

Unknown said...

Why on earth does he have 2 heads???

Anonymous said...

Best. Title. Ever.

WV- talitte: the skeleton used his unmentionables talitte the jack o'lantern.

Miranda said...

surprise pumpkinsecks?

Logan said...

Wow. all the comments about the size of mr boner's neck, and nobody noticed that he's wearing a bow-tie!

I think the whole layout might actually be done on purpose by some sick twisted wreckerator out there.

MFonvielle said...

Not to mention the skeleton has some sort of glandular problem...

Mike Owens said...

Wow. You have to wonder what is in the heads of the bakers...Are they just underpaid high school kids who are testing what they can get away with, or did someone really make that and not look at or think about the implications....

dharmamama said...

Wow, I didn't realize goiters remained on the skeleton!

Thanks for the laugh this morning!!

WV: bagon
Bacon with a cold, of course

Unknown said...

I'll grant that it is kinda cute if you look at it with a totally innocent mind.

I do NOT have a totally innocent mind. >:D

zekesmom10 said...

Mr. Snowman/Skeleton seems to have a serious goiter problem.

Cat said...

That wreckorator HAD to know what they were doing with this. They just HAD to. There is no other explanation I can come up with for it!

LeAnne said...

Wow...yeah just wow.

KathyM said...

Thanks for the laugh!

Half Assed Kitchen said...

I'm glad you gave this guy a post of his own. He deserves it.

Ashley said...

This is Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg's next SNL short. D**k in a Gourd.

Leah K. said...

I'm not sure about that pumpkin, is that an Oh! face or an OOOOhh face?

Teddy said...

I appreciate the less sexually-charged entries.

This is a low kind of humor... disappointing when you are capable of so much better. Don't go for the cheap laughs.

Megan said...

A holiday version for JT on SNL...

Hildie said...

All I could see was that goiter. Ew.

Terry Lee said...

poor pumpkin.

i mean, really.

there should be laws.

Unknown said...

Oh my . . . that's just bad.

Julie Weaver said...

I guess Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake can make a new version for Halloween "____ in a Pumpkin"

Anonymous said...

Never mind the goiter, I don't think that what's implied to be behind the pumpkin remains with the skeleton, either! Sorry, guys.

Anonymous said...

Is that a pumpkin in your pants or are you just happy to see me? ;D

Alex Getts — Art & Illustration said...

Immediately reminded me of Michael's costume on The Office last night!

Jenniffer said...

Step 1: Cut a hole in the pumpkin
Step 2: Put your junk in that pumpkin
Step 3: Make her open the pumpkin

Happy Halloween folks! Can't wait to meet you in ATL Jen & John!

WV: eczarita - margarita style drink made from pumpkins that have previously had holes cut in them.

Anonymous said...

funny cake...but getting weary of the sexual connotation...seems like we're getting a lot of it lately :(

Stella said...

SAY, is that why the skelton has such a happy face?

Michelle S. said...

Thank you for the biggest laugh I've had in weeks!


Chelsea said...

This looks like some sick amalgamations of holidays. Snowman, skeleton and pumpkin? Christmas, Halloween and.... Thanksgiving? Yea, let's go with that...


WV: aembedp... I'm not even going to try...

Mike Brady said...

This isn't a wreck as much as it is metaphysical perfection.

Molly said...

It also looks like he has a giant goiter...

Colleen said...

OMG....that is great!!!!

Unknown said...

What a cake. Haha
~Amy B-H

Imogen said...

That skeleton has a tragic case of Snowman Neck.

This is a blog. About bad cake decoration. If you want highbrow, go read some Balzac.

Saralukies said...

Okay, this entry, especially the title, had me laughing out loud for five minutes. One of my favorites.

Kate N. said...

The look on that pumpkin's face is priceless!

Unknown said...

The title was enough to make me smile!

katydid25 said...

its a skeleton with a snowman's head. I dont get what the wreckerator was trying to do here... but its a little PG13 to be for sale at a store like that! LOL lol i love how you said "it starteles the pumpkin" LMAO that was so funny. This is just rediculous. Whats with the extra ball underneath the poor snowmans head too? whats that for? i dont have a bone that looks like that underneath my skull..
Maybe he's got a GOITER

Amanda M said...

I think this is hilarious - I saw the title first and thought "this is going to be good" and it was! I would totally buy this cake for my party just for the surprised looks everyone would give it!

wv: slystic - how the skeleton sneaks up on the pumpkin!

Trevor said...

This reminds me a video I saw once. However, being a family blog, I won't go there. :)

Hungarican Chick said...

OMG, I just had to close my office door I'm laughing so hard.. The pumpkin's look of surprise...


Kalani said...

I thought skeletons didn't have unmentionables.

Anonymous said...

(for those who are familiar with Veggitales!) POOR BOB THE TOMATO!!!!

Abby said...

I think maybe the decorator initially made the "neck" as the head, then realized there was no neck, got the bright idea to just make the first head the neck, add another head, and then presto, bingo! No one will ever know!...

And let's face it people, sex is pretty funny, and this website is far from lewd. If you can't bring yourself to sink to our level every so often, then you're missing out! :)

katydid25 said...

I also want to say thank you John for handling people who dont appreciate "sexual innuendos" so well. You said it perfectly. If it bothers you- then you may have to consider blogging elsewhere. THANK YOU JOHN! I LOVE CAKEWRECKS!!

Danielle said...


Tigerwolf said...

Oh great, now I have to be embarrassed when I ask the pharmacist for a pumpkin!


Melinda said...

So funny! I think I need to go find that SNL video.

TruCelt said...

Clearly he died of goiter . ..

Anonymous said...

hmmm it looks like mr skeleton has three "heads" lol one doesnt have a face though!

Emily said...

One, cut a hole in a pumpkin! Two, put your coccyx in the pumpkin!

I love how the cake wrecker obviously made his head right on the shoulders and decided it didn't look right, so (s)he put a new head on top!

Kathy said...

This reminds me of Michael Scott's Halloween costume this year.

MandyPants said...

Long-time reader, first-time commenter. ;)

First, the post title made me laugh out loud. Love it.

Second, it's so wrong.

I heart Cake Wrecks!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the baker thought he needed an adam's apple, realized that it looked like a red bell pepper, so then covered it up with an overglazed Krispy Kreme donut...what? That sounds too complicated? Well, apparently so is cake decorating!

Chris in Chicago said...

Good SNL reference ;)

Also your book got mentioned along with a few classic "wreck" pictures on WGN in Chicago this morning!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the decorator was inspired by this picture.

Anonymous said...

Can a skeleton still...uh, do that?!? I sort of thought that would go away with all of the flesh, yanno? Good to know they can still get theirs!


Shannon said...

Ha ha ha!

The bow tie is a nice touch. Adds a bit of class...maybe he's a Chipendales skeleton?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, my first link didn't show the right picture. Maybe the decorator was inspired by this picture.

rae said...

Quite possibly the best title ever.

Lindsay said...

i only just discovered "D*** in a Box" just yesterday. and when i saw your title before the rest of the post, i fell over laughing.

oh wow...thanks for a lovely start to a dreary-looking day. :D

Anonymous said...

You had me at the title of this post!!! AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Miss B said...

At first all I saw was that goiter (sp?) on the skeleton's neck. Then I saw the pumpkin....too funny!

rachaelwrites said...

Probably the Wreckerator just didn't know how to draw a pelvic bone. . .

kare said...

best title EVER. It's honestly funnier than the picture! I think I just peed myself a little, reading the title and seeing the cake!

Anonymous said...

Adds new meaning to the term "boned".

Anonymous said...

I guess if you're a snowman, there's no better way to die than while getting some good ole fashioned pumpkin lovin'.

Jen McG said...

The SNL reference made me laugh out loud and forward the link to my husband, who is a huge fan of that skit! Awesome. Just awesome.

K0dama said...

:snicker: I took one look at the thumbnail and thought, "oh no. She didn't ..."
This made my Halloween eve!

Cathy said...

I was gonna try to make a joke about bones & surprised pumpkins, but none were funnier than the picture....

John Sperry said...


john (the hubby of Jen) said...

To those of you complaining about the sexual innuendo,

First, allow me to say that I am truly surprised that this is still an issue with some readers. Frankly, there has always been a certain amount of innuendo on Cake Wrecks which most folks find funny. I would understand if there was blatant obscenity, but Jen makes every effort to keep it understated and I am certain that no child would ever see anything other than a skeleton holding a pumpkin on today's post.

In addition, I have been told that it is used more frequently lately yet the last post that would be considered risque was more than two weeks ago.

Let me end with this: I don't like swearing. Because of this, I don't frequent sites where swearing is common. You should know by now that there will be the occasional innuendo used on this site. It has always been here. If it bothers you to the point where you can no longer visit the site, than I am truly sorry and wish you the best.



Tricia said...

That's not a wreck! That's just funny!!

Etiquette Bitch said...

Obscene or silly? I can't decide. What I want to know is, how did the *jack* o'lantern get there in the first place???

Christopher said...

Can' of my head.
Another amazing post, guys. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I don't even have a comment that hasn't already been made, but my WV is 'hookers'.


Tonyia said...

wtf? holy CRAP!

Bek said...

The wreckerator had to know what they were doing. I mean, how could you not? Really.

And I wonder if they were trying to create a skull shaped like this ( and just had some problems with the execution, hence snowman goiter head...

Faith said...

That. Is. Awesome.

As is the title to this post. ::golf claps:: Well done, Jen. Well done.

Anonymous said...

I have to hope that this was deliberate, or else *again* I have to worry about the complete lack of awareness that these bakers seem to have! Or maybe this skeleton is part raccoon?

And I can't believe anyone would find this 'sexually charged' - it's about as sexually charged as the 'nudge nudge wink wink' Monty Python sketch from 1969 (ooer!). Keep it up, John and Jen!

DMackendrick said...

A new SNL skit perfect for Halloween? My *&%$ in a gourd?

Sara Doane said...

oh. my. goodness.

Mallory said...

am i the only one who got the title, lol. like justin said..."every single holiday a d*ck in a box" =)

Dennis said...

At first I thought the skull, the goiter and the pumpkin were indicators that this was a CCC, but upon a second glance I see that it's a sheet cake!

Hobbit said...

Yeah, this one was a spit take! :-)
And nice post, John. This is no raunchier than most other bogs, in fact my nephew has worse on his Bookmarks than this stuff.
And a lot of the time sex is just hilarious.

Kaolinmommy said...

Best obscure pop-culture referencing title Eh-ver.

Lorraine said...

What's with the two ... eh ... heads?

lisadh said...


I think Mr. Skeleton interrupted.

nitza said...

The title of this post is BRILLIANT. Well done. Also.. what the heck is up with the skeleton's... mmm.. neck bone?

Anonymous said...

That skeleton looks entirely too happy about having a pumpkin placed in that area.

Dennis said...

"Imogen said...
That skeleton has a tragic case of Snowman Neck.

This is a blog. About bad cake decoration. If you want highbrow, go read some Balzac."

Imogen, good job on taking the highbrow to the lowbrow. Alternative perverted pronunciation for the win! +12 internets for you!

Alisa Knits! said...

Honestly, I think the *pumpkin* looks entirely too happy to be appropriate.

abi said...

Awesome post title. Jen, I bow to you.

And everybody else, obviously that's not a goiter - it's Spaceship Earth.

Jennifer said...

Hahahaha! After I read the blog, the title made *perfect* sense! Jen, your humor is wickedly sharp.

Look forward to seeing you in Atlanta, barring, y'know... any unforeseen... Um... I'm not gonna even say it.

Anonymous said...

no, i also thought of D*** in a Box from SNL....oh jen, the things you think and inspire:)

msyendor said...

one heck of a prostate. although being a skeleton ...

Anonymous said...

LOL Tigerwolf and Shannon! And thanks, again, Jen and John!

Lesa Pinker said...

While you focused on the oddly placed pumpkin, I was wondering why part of a snowman is sitting on top of a skeleton. So many ways to go with this wreck!

Frigglesnitz said...

Ah, this skeleton is suffering from a case of "PPP": perfect pumpkin placement.

WV-chings Cha-chings! Goiter skeletons with modesty pumpkin cakes are money in the bank!

Unknown said...

(Insert every form of laughter mentioned in "I Love to Laugh")

Little Lovables said...

hahah! This Soo reminds me of Micheal (from The Office's) Halloween costume last night.. oh my gosh

lindalou said...

Saw the article in this week's People about your book. Way to go!!

Anonymous said...


WV: uncepil. Yeah, I think that fits.

Unknown said...

Oh my. That's all I can say. Oh my.

Sexy Sadie said...

Personally, I think that pumpkin looks a little turned on. And what's with the skeleton's neck?

Anonymous said...

I don't remember that part of class where we learned about our other skull.


Anonymous said...

What a great way to end a Friday. The smug, self-satisfied expression on the skeleton, and the too-perfect look of surprise on the pumpkin... I think the bar for wreckerators everywhere has just been raised. (I think that just about every week, yet every week, the wrecks keep coming in new, twisted, horrible forms.)


DnAMom said...

Looks like he has a goiter...among other things.

WV: barecot
Mr. Skeleton was barecot when the kids came to visit.

Anonymous said...

I think there was nothing sexual implied in this creation... the baker just had NO idea what a pelvis looks like so s/he thought, 'hey a pumpkin would fit there!' I mean, look at the neck. An obvious biology class fail.

Rosie said...

Wow!! where do they find the decorators? that's hilarious. LOL

Anonymous said...

Trying to stop laughing long enough to type....

John-Hubby, great post. I agree whole-heartedly! I adore well done risque humor and y'all are *champions* of it. I've never seen this blog go what I would consider "over the line."

Though I suppose everyone's got a slightly different idea of what's over and what isn't. And that's fine. Still, at the end of the day it's J&J's blog and J&J's call on what's appropriate. I, for one, hope y'all never change your style--it's indelibly YOUR STYLE and it's certainly what *I'm* here for!

Anonymous, for now said...

I have to admit, while sexually toned comments may annoy some, I think this is HILARIOUS! There is little else that can be said about this cake when taking the pumkpins placement and expression into account. I lean ooooooooh face, but thats just me. Course it's hard for me to assume I know whats happening in the pumpkins mind.

Keep up the good work wreckies!

CaroleM said...

LOL!! It is now at the point where if I break out laughing, my husband assumes I'm looking at Cake Wrecks. You're awesome.

Flobberworm said...

Haha I didn't even see the title at first. This may cause a whole new disturbing trend in Halloween costumes...

BellyButtonFluff said...

But why has he got two heads, or at least a giant tumourous bone for a neck?

Erika said...

WHOA, at first glance I thought this was a CCC! I mean, that would have at least been understandable, if not forgivable.

But... it's not! *boggles*

Unknown said...


And why is the skeleton's neck so thick?

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! Cut a hole in a box! I mean a pumpkin! A pumpkin!

Thanks, Jen!


Anonymous said...

10 points to the first reader to turn in the Thanksgiving edition: snowman/skeleton throws over the pumpkin for a turkey. Or do you already have one of those ready to go, Jen?

Rebecca F. said...

Absolutely priceless.

manchester fat acceptance said...

SNL reference = WIN!

Stephanie said...

OK, that is just wrong on so many levels... either the Wreckerator wasn't thinking or needs to get their brain out of the gutter pronto!

Garden Lily said...

Okay, I could be wrong, but I'm starting to think that people are decorating cakes specifically for your Cake Wrecks site....

Anonymous said...

I've never seen a skeleton with a goiter problem before. He needs more iodine in his diet.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I laughed so hard I swallowed my gum. So hilarious, and the perfect. Now I have that song in my head. LOL!

akgreentea said...

This has to be deliberate. I wouldn't be shocked if some wreckorator was trying to see what they could get pass the censors. This is off the same level as the infamous fireman cake. You can see how dirty it is, but you're afraid to say anything in case you're the only one in the room with a dirty mind. Very, very funny.

Mellodee said...

Never saw a skeleton with a goiter before!!!

Anonymous said...

I just had to post because of my awesome WV.

reashock: where that pumpkin got his surprise!

MC from NZ

Linnea said...

Ha! If you ignore the top skeleton head and look at the neck as the head, it makes the skeleton look like he's bending forward to really "go" for it!

Hayley said...

Intentional cake wreck surely LOL

Monica said...

My favorite part is that he has a snowman face. If it doesn't sell, they can just cover him with more white icing and sell him as a "winter" treat.

Tasha said...

I mean, he's not even pretending to hold the pumpkin in place.

Anonymous said...

The pumpkin looks "pleasantly" surprised...

Melanie Beasley said...

Don't listen to the party poopers, this was hysterical! You never become low-brow Jen, you just call 'em like you see 'em! Once again you made my day.

Mira8 said...

People need to lay off the criticism of the entries here. Do you not get it? JEN AND JOHN DO NOT MAKE THESE CAKES. They just comment on them. If you don't like the site, don't look at it.

Anonymous said...

The title of this post just made me day.

Abby said...

I think they had a Reno 911 episode exactly like this, except replacing the skeleton with a hillbilly.

Anonymous said...

I would totally have bought that Happy Birthday cake for my mother (who has a Halloween birthday).

Sure she'd disown me, but it would be worth it. :)

Kelly said...

Someone in the bakery has been watching too much SNL. But the look on that poor pumpkin's face . . .

Nikki said...

I think someone wrote a song about that didn't they? Its my d&#* in a pumpkin. Oh no wait, that was a box... :)

faunablues said...

The commentary made a good wreck 100x funnier.

Also, snowman head? How hard is a skull?

Kirsty said...

Cake Wrecks was mentioned on BBC America's Graham Norton show....I was exceited to day the least.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who have seen Fletch, I can just hear the pumpkin singing "Moon river.."

Amanda | Glittericity said...

The title of the post said it all xDDD And the expression on the pumpkin's face really makes it!

Lindsey@pickyeatings said...

Simply amazing.

Kameron said...

It's hard to pretend I'm working when I read the title of the post, look down at the picture and bust out laughing!

Mia D. said...

I laughed so hard at the happy skeleton posing with his pumpkin that I cried. No joke.

Alexis Ceule said...

John and Jen, I look forward to the sexual innuendos. Keep 'em coming. (no pun).

Alexis (Socialology)

Haiku Joy said...

My other pet peeve!
gets it in the butt.

halfbakedcake said...

Aaaaah! I had totally forgotten about the "First, cut a hole in a melon" website until I saw this. My husband and I have spent the last ten minutes laughing our butts off. "Next, put it in the microwave."

Littlethings said...

I see a snowman and a pumpkin on legs.

Lol. =0)

Rosemary Wessel said...

LOVE the title!!
This one was obviously from a naughty bakery.