Friday, October 16, 2009

Oh What a Difference a Letter Can Bake

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sure, they're easy mistakes; anyone can make them. And really, you wouldn't think that one letter would matter all that much in the grand scheme of things, would you?

Well, until now.

I think I speak for young Matthew here when I say: if he gets birthday racks, his day will most definitely rock.

Dude, even if this cake made sense, it wouldn't make sense.

Wait. You mean you didn't intend to introduce your man to the exclamation point?

Alright, listen up, "A": It's just a jump to the left...
And "R", now you step to the rii-iii-iiight.

Tracy T., Deanna H., Sho M., & Myra M., let's do the Time "Wrap" again!

- Related Wreckage: I'm This Many

Kat said...

Yea Rocky!! and yes, a letter makes a big difference...ever get the chance to watch Word World? Fun toddler show on PBS that instills this point in quite a few of their episodes :)

Gal220 said...

What is with the creepy "happy faces" in the first one.

YAY "Time Warp" references!!! Jen you're a genius :)

Twirly McSwirl said...

And now I will have Time Warp stuck in my head for the remainder of the day.

Random Orlando question - ever seen the shadow cast of RHPS at the Loew's at Universal? Good times!

mommieofdrew said...

I think the one that doesn't seem to make sense is supposed to say, PS: I scratched my butt with your cake. Maybe an inside joke???

Ginger said...

By the way, Congratulations on your New York Times Article. You have hit the big time now!

katrotta said...

I am totally singing in my head right now.. Love Rocky Horror.. Good thing I'm in front of a courtroom, otherwise I'd probably be dancing too.:)

transyamber said...

Love the RHPS reference. Now it's gonna be in my head all day!

Unknown said...

Hey, I recognize that Costco cake in the last photo!

Here in China, we always feel like we're in a time wart. (Complete misspelling completely intentional!)

Jen said...

as the mother of a young Matthew, he better never have a birthday "rack" in my house! LOL

Half Assed Kitchen said...

Love the happy balloons next to "Scratched my butt". And also, "Scratched" and "Butt" should be in the cake decorator's handbook of words never to pipe onto food.

Fluffy Cow said...

*scratching head and looking puzzled*


Holly said...

Yay,RHPS now I'll be singing it all day."Let's do the Time Wrap again". LOL thanks for making my day.

katrotta said...

Jen, any idea about if or when you are rescheduling the New York book tour stop to?

Anonymous said...

I suspect that someone had a stuffy nose when they ordered the buttscratch cake.

BTW, Cake Wrecks was mentioned in today's Express, a publication of The Washington Post.

Gary said...

These cakes really rack! Let's do the Time Wrap again!

Marla A. said...

You put your hands on your hips! and bring your knees in tiii-i-ight!

Melinda said...

I'll be singing Rocky Horror all day now. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, unless you happen to be within hearing range.

Donna M. said...

The inscription on the second one would explain the poo-brown trim.

Anne said...

Time Wrap forever, indeed!

These are the cakes that inspire me to shuffle off to my local grocery store bakery and buy one of their sad-looking concoctions to put out of its misery. Well, except the one about scratching butt with cake. (First of all: ew. Second of all: how?) I'd pass on that one.

Word verification: shedness. My cat's shedness is yet another reason I pass on baking cakes for others out of my home.

Elizabeth C. said...

Okay I get that the young Matthew in question was supposed to have a rockin birthday... But why 3 creepy smiley faces on a fruit covered cake for a boy?

And why the sweet balloons on the buttscratch cake?

And Why would you go all pink for a cake for someone named "Man-Meat"... oh wait... maybe yesterday's post explains that one...

LaurenH said...

Happy Birthday MAN MEAT?!? Seriously, what is that one supposed to say??? Did some wish a happy birthday to their, um, little fireman?? (ha ha! Not firehose though, I think that was a different cake...)

Wayward Son said...

Does "Man Meet" look like "Main Meet" to anyone else? With an un-dotted 'i', though.

HorribleLicensePlates said...

if there are no racks on my birthday I will be very disappointed

Cortnee said...

I don't think that I would be able to even attempt to eat the second cake!

Heidi D said...

Mmmmm, I like cake. :)

That first one looked really good...I think I need to eat some breakfast.

I'm making a cake this weekend. The hubby's turning 31 and he wants a lemon cream cake. That's how we'll be kicking off Jeffoween this year.

Meghan and Matthew said...

haha! i love the face on the yellow flower in the last one! its like its looking at the knife thinking "its coming to take me away!" :~)

S3XinthePantry said...

I love time warts!

scrappinfox said...

RHPS totally racks!

Anonymous said...

>Alright, listen up, "A": It's just a jump to the left...
>And "R", now you step to the rii-iii-iiight

Sheer awesomeness.

Frigglesnitz said...

I don't remember the giant happy sunflowers in Rocky view must've been obscured by flying toilet paper or toast.

WV- picketro- the trench one digs before constructing a fence.

Anonymous said...

Put your hands on your hips....

Awesome reference for today as I was thinking about Dr Frank N Furter yesterday with the "frank"enstein cake...

Anonymous said...

Ha ha!

To me, wrecks like this are the most hilarious

Jen said...

Manmeet is an Indian name, so I'm guessing that's what it was supposed to say - well, except for the random capitalization in the middle. :)

Unknown said...

I love the time warp one! LOL
Now, I'm going to have to watch the film for the Nth time!

Anonymous said...

Is the last cake celebrating the season wrap (I actually first typed "warp") of the Discovery Channel's Time Warp show? Although the happy sun doesn't exactly make sense for them, either. And they don't have a catchy song that gets stuck in one's head and inspires a desire to throw things at the screen, so I'm almost hoping it's a Rocky Horror, um, tribute.

=s= said...

I think the ManMeet one is legit - Manmeet is an Indian name.

Kat said...

These are hilarious- love the buttscratch cake! Maybe they had a cold when ordering, or the wreckerator did when saying it in her head as she wrote it out on the cake.

Also, I had a client whose name was, in fact, Manmeet. I think it is a middle eastern name of some sort, so the spelling is correct, but maybe the random capitalization is wrong?

Lucille Ball Jr. said...

i have no words. . . . ..

Terry Lee said...

am catching up on all the wrecks after being gone for a few days.

what fun! sooo much wreckiness, so little time.

hope john's continuing to recover and feeling stronger each day.

Keith in Kansas said...

Birthday racks, butt scratches, main meets and time wraps. What a perfect way to end the work week!

Siouxzr said...

Whether it's Manmeet or Man Meat he must be a sensitive guy if he's apprectiating the pink frosting and white roses. I usually get my "man meat" cakes in primary colors.

Suzanne :-) said...

Go East, Young Man, you are not alone! I see "Main Meet" too.

And it's about time RHPS was referenced :-D

Gary said...

Is the second cakes honoree really named "Zaney"?
If so, maybe the cake is appropriate.

Unknown said...

Definitions of Manmeet on the Web:

Manmeet is a name from western India. Its English translation can be peaceful or soulmate.

Anonymous said...

Love the Rocky/ "Time Warp" reference. The second cake is just wrong.

JanetDavies said...

Maybe Matthew is a lucky boy getting racks for his birthday? Some sort of initiation thing?

Becky said...

Or perhaps for the third one, the well-meaning family decided that their single daughter turning 27 was enough to warrant her "settling down", and arranged a birthday "man meet" for her surprise party...

Christine said...

HA! I think the second cake is a Colbert Report reference. He did a bit about some research that showed that there tended to be a great deal of (ahem) not nice material on most keyboards. So Colbert did some sort of slogan about "I wiped my butt on your keyboard" "I scratched my butt with your desk" etc etc.

Carly said...

What in the world does the last cake have to do with the Time Warp? I don't remember any smiling suns or flowers in RHPS.

TB Tabby said...

Dew knot trussed yore spell chequer two fined awl miss takes.

Unknown said...

Manmeet is actually an Indian name. Just unfortunate capitalisation on the baker's part!

zebe912 said...

I was going to mention that too. I have a student whose name in Manmeet and she would probably love a pink cake.

Anonymous said...

that lsat cake made my day!

(I will leave the misspelling as is in honor of this post! Aren't the LSATs some kind of standardized test anyway? I'm sure that somewhere there is a cake commemorating them!)

Little Lovables said...

so sad... the feminine little girl themes for dudes is as weird as everything else

Dayna said...

with the last cake...perhaps it says "Fine Wrays Forever"?

Which, of course, doesn't make much more sense, unless it was for a guy or family named Wray, but the sun-ray connection, maybe???

Sparky said...

Spelling mistakes and creepy smiley faces aside, I like the look of that first cake. A variety of fresh fruit on the top, and nuts on the side? Yummy. And a unique approach to cake decorating as well.

Also...Scratched "by" butt with your cake? What?

Celeste said...

Tracy said...

can I be credited as Tracy T. not Tracey T.? because one letter really does make a difference!

Amanda Cullen said...

I like how the first cake has all those perky strawberries. Quite on point with the "rack" theme.

sleeplessnights04 said...

The Time Warp Rocks...Put your hands on your hips....

Anonymous said...

What about National Boss's Day? Remember last year? "Please Don't Fire Us!"

Just ME said...

Hehe! I love your blog!

Haiku Joy said...

Dear Candle-Sticker,
The butt is symmetrical.
Learn thou from the butt.

Anonymous said...

Now that first one is a serious Cake Wrack :D

Rachel said...

I am thrilled to report that when I saw the "time wrap" cake I started singing "Time Wrap" in my head. [i]BEFORE[/i] I saw the comment. I am so happy that Jen obviously had the same reaction!

Anonymous said...

YAY! The Rocky Horror reference made my day. :D

EveryoneInside said...

Pic #1: Anything topped with fruit doesn't count as a cake anyway.

Ros said...

Weird survey on your site - it seems to have no interest at all in non-US residents. Does it not know that the internet is in fact the world-wide web?

The Religious Pícaro said...

I don't think Matthew is so lucky, after all. When I was a kid, "rack" was a term for a shot to the, uh, family jewels.

Kelsey said...

100 points for the Rocky Horror reference! :)

revRach said...

Man Meet! Hilarious. Trying to quieten hysterical laughter so don't wake my son. Cake Wrecks does it again.

BTW, glad all seems to be going better health wise, take it easy, life would be duller without you!


Gina said...

Rocky Horror Picture Show made me laugh out loud!!! I love it!!

blueiguana said...

There's a good post! Can you do a Rocky Horror wrecks or Sunday Sweets post?

Lydia Sirena said...

Hey, sun, what are you doing? This is Transexual, land of night! You are a sun. You don't even fit!

Kokorozashi said...

Oh, dear.

On the bright side, some 'Time Wrap' might stem the tide of mystery-leftover trauma on Fridge Cleaning Day.

Sexy Sadie said...

This blog racks!

Anonymous said...

Loved the post!!
ManMeet is really funny if you see it that way ..
But it actually is an Indian name .. Manmeet

T.O.C. said...

YES!!! Go RHPS! We all love you! "Oh deary me. I forgot to bring Mathew's racks with the cake. Darn."

Me! said...

Think that's supposed to be Manmeet (an Indian name) not Man Meet!!!!

Unknown said...

Your blog is cute :)
I have reached this post... after a marathon reading in 2 days :D
You might think am jobless... let my boss not hear that! :D

By the way... Manmeet is an Indian name, more precisely a Sikh name.

It means soulmate.
Man or 'mann' (emphasis on n) = soul or heart
Meet (the t is pronounced as a soft th) = mate

And yep... a single letter, unfortunately capitalized, gives the whole name a different twist.