Saturday, September 5, 2009

Vroom Vroom

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dina the Dirty Dinosaur promises to give you a "Jack Happy" birthday - So happy, in fact, that we've been forced to add our special Wiggles Modesty Car to protect young eyes.

Faith L., you ever get a driving pain in the nether regions? Just curious.

- Related Wreckage:

Important Update: The time has come for Cake Wrecks to get a face lift. From 1:00 am est to about 5:00 am, the site will be a bit wonky, to say the least. Hopefully, when you check this Sunday's super geeky Sweets, you will be greeted with a glorious new look. Or you'll get an error message. Which would be bad. Let's just hope for glorious new look. Thanks everyone and Wreck On!
The Courteous Chihuahua said...

I'm more than a little perplexed by Dina's bonnet. That is some weird role playing going down there.

Anonymous said...

I think that the dinosaur with the wiggles car is supposed to be Dorothy the Dinosaur from the Wiggles. Despite that the cake is still hilariously awful . . . Dorothy or not . . . why the car???

Anonymous said...

Oooooo... Glorious new look! How am I possibly going to sleep tonight????

Anonymous said...

That is not Dina the Dirty Dinosaur, that is Bridezilla at her finest...

Melinda said...

Ooohh! I'm excited to see the new look!

The Wiggles already annoyed the crap out of me. This cake is just compounding my unjustified anger at the dudes trying to entertain my kid.

Hope said...

As a mother forced to watch the Wiggles, I think the wreckarator was going for Dorothy the Dinosaur. Just a thought.

Carlie said...

That reminds me of my brother. Sadly.
He used to be in love with the Wiggles and I'm sure he would do anything to get that cake.(Also quite sad.)
It's even more disturbing that his name is Jack.

Unknown said...

Oh God. I am looking really forward the Sunday Sweets. Tyannosaurus exhibitionsmex is really.... Ewwww.

Hilary said...

WOW. That's a treasure.

They couldn't find one other place on the giant dinosaur cake to put that car? I guess if they can't remember to use punctuation, toy car placement isn't exactly a priority either, huh?

Nettie said...

nice that dino has a sucker and some baloons to lure you in... WOOOWAAAHHHHAAA!!! here kiddie kiddie... they should have made that car a van with no windows, that would make more sense.

Heather said...

Is that a Wiggle on your cake or are you just happy to see me at your party?

WV: twally
I was twally shocked by the TyrnoWrecks.

Unknown said...

I also believe it's supposed to be Dorothy the Dinosaur. Maybe her evil-twin Dina?

Suburban Princess said...

I cant wait to see the new look!

Katy said...

LOL Dorothy, Dorothy, would you like to dance with me?

Brittanie said...

Yeaaa for an amazing new look! I'm excited to see it!

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the site upgrade. I can't wait to see what it will look like!

Chelsea Ferrin said...

Lmao this is hilarious. I really love this site. This cake looks like a mix between a green version of Barney the Dinosaur & a ninja turtle.

Karen said...

That's the scariest Dorothy the Dinosaur I've ever seen.

msyendor said...

'Jack happy birth day' or 'Jack hoppy birth doy.' Hm. Nice. Good for little Jocko.

Huh. Don't know Dorothy Dino. Am only familiar with the Purple Monster B. Is she as annoying as he was? If so, a carpool to run her down sounds good to me.

Heide said...

My youngest child just walked in and exclaimed indignantly, "What did they do to Dorothy?" Having been one of those horrible parents who ran out of the room everytime the Wiggles came on, I had no idea that she didn't really look like this... at least she was recognizable though.

tangeria said...

is it just me, or does it actually say

? (why won't somebody think of the children?!)

Unknown said...

Jack happy. Wow. The visuals I have from that!

~Amy B

Little Lovables said...

totally inappropriate!

Doree said...

"our special Wiggles Modesty Car" has to be one of the funniest things I've ever heard! *snicker* *giggle*

Rachel Emilie said...

I'm excited about the new look! (and the super geeky content!)

Half Assed Kitchen said...

Hyphens, people. Hyphens. Or, you know, try to write legibly and get the words on one line.

Angie (from over at

Unknown said...

I'm excited for the new look and tomorrow's super geeky cakes. Any Battlestar Galatica?

Hope you are having a blast at *DragonCon. I'd love to be there getting my geek on, not to mention a signed copy of the book, but alas.

Lina said...

After looking up pictures of "Dorothy", and double-checking the definition of "dinosaur" (for good measure), I have reached the following conclusions:

1) Dorothy the Dinosaur's suit is not made of any form of fake fur. It looks more like some sort of Lycra blend.

2) Dinosaurs are reptiles. Dinosaurs are generally not furry.

3) Dinosaurs aren't just 'not furry', they're 'not Astroturf-furry'

4) Astroturf has not been approved by the FDA for human consumption.

5) Ergo, this "cake" is not approved by the FDA for human consumption.

Anonymous said...

lol lol lolo stuff sucks

jackie31337 said...

A while back, I saw a blog post asking "would you **** the Wiggles?" After seeing some of the other moms at a Wiggles concert, I think the answer is "yes" disturbingly often.

WV: ditabons. Especially chunky bon-bons (sorry, technical writer joke).

lalalala said...

My 3 year old said: "I like Wiggles."

My 5 year old said : "Dorothy has the Big Red Car on her vulva."


Rileysowner said...

I showed my 4 year old son and he asked, "Why is the car in her tummy?"

Brittany said...

did anyone else think it was possibly a CCC with over a ton of thick icing to hide the terrifying concoction

frigglesnitz said...

I am actually having a jack-happy day today, inappropriately placed Wiggles car or not. Can't wait for your new look!

WV-tumbeave- um... I'll just step away from that WV.

Caitlin C. said...

Hoppy birth doy! Is Jack some sort of frogchild, by any chance?

(Of course he is, no doy!)

Brenda said...

Poor old Dorothy waking up after a big night out with a BIG RED CAR stuck to her V-Jayjay! It's all a little too weird isn't it!

Anonymous said...

Didn't see you at Dragon Con today. :(
I will be there Monday. I would love to meet you!
More tweeter hints would be lovely. :)


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this. That is such a cute cake. We recently wewnt to a Wiggles performance...they were cute, but I actually enjoyed Dora more:) I would love for you to join me at for Crock Pot Wednesday. Come on over and check it out.

Jessica said...

Dorothy does not look happy here, quick get her some rose tea!

Jessica said...

Oh and I just looked at the title of this post "vroom vroom" the Big Red Car actually goes 'toot toot chugga chugga' but I think you may have been lucky enough to not have ever had this song stuck in your head :)

Shelley Dayton said...

Wiggles modesty cake.
Girl you crack me up!

WakeGrace said...

im so excited for the new look i keep checking even though its only like 945 pm central time. sighhh not that i dont love the current look. but updates are exciting.

Mrs.Dr.Shot said...

I SEE IT! I SEE THE GLORIOUS NEW LOOK! Sorry for the shouting. It's beautiful and non-wrecky. (11:32pm Las Vegas time)

Anonymous said...

the new layout is awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Love the new look!!!!! =)

Jan Holt said...

Maybe Dorothy is protecting herself from Captain Feathersword?

Janene Edgerley Spratt said...

Help! Is there anyone else who can't read the new look on a mobile phone? - It's showing up as black text on a dark blue background. I'm hoping this is just a temporary problem while the site is in transition. I need my daily Cakewrecks fix!!!

Anonymous said...

I just did a random late night wreck check and am all "Wow!". Yeah... I'm a little wonky myself right now. Anyway... I dig the new look. It caught me by surprise, but it was a SEXY surprise.

Anonymous said...

I now see Carrot Jockeys on the banner! ^_^;

Mardi said...

Is it just me or does Dorothy look eeeeviiiilll hahahaha

Carrot Jockey said...

Carrot Jockey is not amused

Kellie said...

Oh, Jen! I was in the middle of looking through your old posts when you switched to the new layout, and now I can't get back to the page I was looking at!

Anonymous said...


Pretty Mrs Kitty said...

Loving the new look!
so grown up Jen.
Congratulations :)

ps - Dina has some sharp, sharp teeth there...

Anonymous said...

loving the new look! it looks much more professional and stylish :)

Procrastinateher said...

Heheh. And another chuckle towards The Courteous Chihuahua for the awesome name and picture.

Also, the new layout is up but not the Sunday Sweets even though it's 10pm on a Sunday... here. Damn you, majority of the rest of the world being behind us Australians timezone-wise!
In fact, the US is so far behind Oz that I could take an 18 hour flight to LAX this time of year and arrive an hour earlier than I left - true story.

Rebecca F. said...

The new look is great but I was so hoping that the top banner ad would be gone. Just the top banner ad..... It spoils the effect so much.

Just my 2 cents.

All the best.


Anonymous said...

I *LOVE* the new look, but would like to make one minor suggestion. Since you're using the naked mohawk babies as part of your logo, you might want to move that link from the "more posts" part of the widget to the top of the "Fan Favourites" section so people who are new here will be able to easily make the connection. I know when I first came here, I saw references to the NMB's, but had no context for them until I stumbled across the post with them in it one day.

So, yeah, it's a really really minor thing, but I thought I'd toss it out there. GREAT work on the design, though - it's really very nice!

Gal220 said...

Ok I should put this on Sunday's Sweets but the new look is GRRrrreat!

C. Beth said...

Yay, the new look is fantastic!

Vickie said...

Dorothy the Dinosaur is so much nicer looking in "real life!" This cake makes her look like some sort of perverted granny.

Wolverine Girl said...

I see where Jen is coming from here. It's not Dorothy the Dinosaur, but her shameless hussy of a cousin Dina the Pornosaur.

Anonymous said...

Dorothy! What have they done to you?!?!

kyooty said...

definitely Dorthy but where re the roses?

vmommy3 said...

Wow. Somehow this reminded me to shave my legs. Hmm... Oh and btw, have an interview with a super center bakery tomorrow. Maybe someone will come take some pics of my wrecks. So excited.

Alex said...

Little red corvette!

Me, My Shelf and I said...

This cracks me up because the cake itself is really cute - but whoever wrote on it and then stuck a car on it basically ruined it...LOL