Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"World" Tour Final Countdown

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

To commemorate the upcoming book tour (only one week away!) John and I convinced our good friend Ray Lau to design us a nifty little logo. Check it out:

Fun, huh? Or creepy/cute, depending on how you look at it. Be sure to check out Ray's site if you're in the market for a graphic designer.

Since a few of you Tweeting Twits asked for it, I've made the logo available on a shirt (both for men and for women) and also a cute little tote on Zazzle for only $10.55. What's more, Zazzle is running a sale this week, so use the code "PIRATEDAYTEE" and you'll get $3 off every t-shirt you order. What a deal, right?

This will probably be my last tour-related update, so here are just a few tips for those of you planning to come see us.

1) If you haven't already, please RSVP - even if it's a "maybe." We want to make sure we have enough cake, books, and room for everyone. To RSVP, click on your city name in the sidebar on the right

2) If you're planning on buying a book at the store, or if you have a cupcake entry, please try to get there early. We have LOTS of fun stuff to pack into a short amount of time, not the least of which is my signing all of your books, so we don't want you to miss anything.

3) Make sure your cupcake is on a small plate or board of some kind, and that it has your name on it. Those of you who actually write "Your Name" on it will get laughs, but no credit. ;) That matters, because the top three cupcakes will win fabulous prizes. Fabulous, I say!

Oh, and I nearly forgot: I just learned that we still need bakeries to provide the cake in San Francisco and in Dallas. If you're a professional baker in one of those cities, and you'd like to show off your skills and get a little free advertising at the same time, please e-mail me!

And that's it! I can't tell you how excited I am to meet so many of you soon. Come ready to party! Those of you in NY and Bethesda will have the added honor of meeting my Wrecksistant, Anne-Marie, who also happens to be John's sister. Believe me, this is gonna be good.
S3XinthePantry said...

Oh, I think it's GREAT!

Great image association with the site!!!

AmyMusings said...

Is that a carrot in your rocket or are you just happy to see me?? :-0

Bus Driving Mama said...

I think it would be fitting to make this logo into a cake plate

frigglesnitz said...

Yes, cake plate!

Won't be able to meet you on the tour, as I finally landed a j-o-b, but I will be picking up the book soon!

WV-poussess- to own a French fish.

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

Woo! Best of luck :)

matt said...

No Canada, eh? ;)

M M said...

I can't wait to see you in Bethesda. I've already pre-ordered my book and I will be sure to be there early so I can get it signed.

Hartley said...

Love the logo and especially the mohawk. :)

Are you going to make them into Tshirts? Mugs? Aprons? You totally should.

See you in Seattle!

Running 365 said...

Do you know when the title will be released on Amazon? I have been very tempted to pre-order (which you should find very flattering because I hardly ever buy books for fun, just lame teacher stuff) but I want to pair it with another book so I get my free shipping. Cheap, I know.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't that be "Werld"?

Henry and Chad said...

Please come to Philly! Please please please please please. Am I too subtle? Please please please!

Danna said...

Love the Carrot Jockey! Why do all the cool tours skip over St Louis and go straight to KC? :(

premium finace said...

I love the logo!

ellernock said...

Haha! I'm gonna make my mom take me if I can come. I will be bringing my own cupcake to eat since I can't have any of your cake, I think.

Micah said...

What?! No Phoenix?!

Christina said...

If I was a professional and my kitchen wasn't in renovation hell I would whip you up so fabulous wrecks for Dallas but alas... I do have a tip though: I'm pretty sure the doppleganger bride cake baker was in Plano, which is where you will actually be. Try looking them up?

Akimika said...

Wait, how do we RSVP? D: It's only a week awaaaay~

Unknown said...

I recieved an email from Amazon that the book would be mailed out on October 6, too late for the signing~ so I hope to get one when you are here in Seattle.

Anonymous said...

I'll see you in Seattle! I still can decide which wreckplicake I'm going to make. I've got my sister hooked on this blog and she's coming with me.

Anonymous said...

I've RSVP'd... as for Dallas bakeries? http://www.enjoycelebrity.com/ has YUMMY cakes - it's like the only non-homemade icing I like!

Rachael said...

I tried to convince my husband that we should make the 6-hour drive to dallas, (since there are no stops in louisiana) but he just wouldn't have it. *sigh*

you should post a web video of some of the cool stuff y'all do during the tour for those of us who can't go! oh well, love the site.

skinny minny said...

wish you were coming someplace closer to Houston...:(

Ursula said...

I think I must have missed something - what time do the festivities begin? Hoping to be at 3rd Place on time :)

Claire said...

Oh man, I wish this was an actual world tour and not just a "world" tour. Come to Australia :(

Anonymous said...

Underwhelmed by the logo girl.

Looks wrecky....

smauge said...

See - when you said "world tour" I actually thought you might becoming to other parts of the world like, say, Australia....
Sad Wrecker

Unknown said...

Oh that's cute! ;D

Travel and Living
Job Hunt Pinoy

Procrastinateher said...

Awesome logo :)

I'd like to RSVP but there's the slight problem of me living in the country furthest away from every other country - Oz.

However, help me find your list of tour dates and I will convince the people I know over there to go.

Nathalie said...

Haha great logo! :D
I so wish I could join in on your book tour, but living across the pond has its limitations. :(

April said...

Oh that was so cute! Lovely! ;D

Stories from a Teenage Mom
Mom on the Run
Chronicles of a Hermit

Anonymous said...

Um, I believe I have already mentioned that a real world tour would have incuded Morocco, so that I could come and see you and we could have cake and eat it too. Please work on this!!

furbearingbrick said...

I finally found where the rocket jockey babies came from.
They're apparently Kewpie knockoffs (remember those?) and are commonly sold as party favors for baby showers. They also come in brown.

Anonymous said...

This is nice but I still wish you were coming to Memphis or Nashville.

Leah Hollett said...

sorry i would love to click on my city to RSVP but Atlanta is NOT on the list!


Anonymous said...

I am BUMMED! Amazon says my book won't arrive until the DAY OF the stop in Kansas City, and I can't get there early. Bum. MER!

Oh well, I'm still looking forward to it. I'll go buy a bookmark or something in the meantime and get that signed. :D

Unknown said...

Oh well, us TN Wrekkies (See what I did there? It's like Trekkies, but with fondant - and funnier) will have to just wait until the next book...

Jennifer said...

I left my hometown Portland, OR 6 years ago. Now I'm sooo bummed cuz I'm in Knoxville, TN. Phooey. Plus you are going to my hometown on my birthday. Double Phooey. Aw well, tis is life.

Jeannette said...


Anonymous said...

I can't get the San Francisco evite link to work. :( Also, it's in Petaluma not SF.

Sarah said...

I can't get the San Francisco evite link to work. Also, the bookstore is in Petaluma not San Fran.

whatever said...

i love your blog so much. can hardly wait to read the book.
brazilian regards

kirsten said...

should get that logo put on a cake...

valeri said...

No SoCal?!

I will send CCC's to your house EVERYDAY with creepy birthing babies on them if you don't add a SoCal date!!!

carol said...

I'm sure it is out of your hands, but Philadelphia is a major city too, you know. It's the birthplace of the whole darn country, even. AND we have Tastykakes.

So maybe drop a hint to the publicist that Philly should be a stop on the tour?

Anonymous said...

I thik you need to come to Canada perferably Calgary I'm so sad.

spicy_spicy_spicy@hotmail.com said...

Jen I wanna let you know, I plan on entering the cupcake contest when you hit NYC. However, due to time constraints, I might just barely be able to make it on time, let alone early. D:

I'm attaching my email address, let me know if this is still alright with you. (I don't usually post my email when I comment because I'm as paranoid as hell XD)

Jo UK said...

Would it be very churlish of me to comment that it is *so* stereotypically American to head off to visit a few cities in the States and describe it as a WORLD tour!!!

(I'm just sad that you aren't coming to the UK. We miss out on you and PostSecret - at least the Found Magazine people came to visit . . .)

Anonymous said...

Do you happen to know when all the Amazon pre-ordered books are going to ship? I want mine NOW! Amazon said the expected ship date was Oct. 29?!?!?! If it's in stores I want it in my hands! I know this is out of your control but please try to do something about it!

AV said...

I just have to say, I love you guys! You brighten my day every time I read this site it's amazing. I'm totally buying the book but I weep for being a Southern Californian, as we get no in person cakey goodness. ALAS, we suffer! But we'll go on! Thank you for all this and have a good run!

Anonymous said...

C'mon, cake-erators! This is why Jen and the designer have correctly used the quote marks.... to emphasise the 'non'-world aspect of the tour.

Still, love to see you downunder some time :)

WV: relyr - we can relyr on CakeWrecks to make our eys bug out!

MC from NZ

Rachael said...

I adored your site and your sense of humor. Happy Birthday Corn Dog and the Snaggle Tooth Poop Nose dog are my favorites. Enjoy your tour!

Rachael from Vegas

Andrea Noble said...

When are you going to visit the Great White North... aka Canada? You have fans in Vancouver, BC! It's a beautiful city, eh?

jenn said...

Oh, I'd love for you to hit Paris, TX instead of Dallas. I'm a Wreckerator at the Paris Wal-Mart, and you should see some of the absolute junk that gets thrown in the case. It's so awful I'm quitting, ha ha. Just ask for Amy or Krys to write on your cake. =P Oh, and I want a sticker of your logo. Several, actually ;D

kimc said...

Shouldn't something on that logo have been misspelled?

LaLanya said...

Whoo hooo!! The book store just called and my copy is there waiting on me!! Wish you were coming to NH it is fall and beautiful!

Camille said...

No ATL? D:

Sue KuKu said...

I got my books yesterday! Yes, bookS!

I pre-bought three at Barnes & Noble: one for me and two for Christmas gifts.

Jen will be here next Friday, so they were just in time.

Originally, my pre-order said my books were coming in the last 1/2 of October but I knew the books must be coming out sooner or Jen wouldn't have been scheduling the tour for now. I called B&N after the tour dates were announced and the person said the books were coming much earlier but couldn't change the STA date on my order.

This made me MONDO nervous until I got the email with the tracking # for my order. What a thrill to come home for a amazingly stressful week to find my box o' books on my doorstep!

So if you have pre-ordered your books and think it won't be here on time for Jen, call -- yours are probably on their way.

I can't wait to meet you Jen! Portland, OR is an amazing city and I hope you have time to enjoy some of it before you're on a plane again.

Whoo hoo! I have my books!


Sarah said...

Oh, I SO wish you were going to be coming to Canada...


Anonymous said...

love the site and the humour that is a naked plastic baby riding a carrot buuuuut the new logo baby seems like a wreck of it's own. Am I the only one who thinks that second leg looks a little 18A?

Jenny Jo said...

If you're looking for a non-wreck cake, I can recommend Cafe Madeleine in San Francisco. This is their website. http://www.cafemadeleinesf.com/

Anonymous said...

Jeeze I really want to get my mom a ahirt like this for christmas but only thing being is.......Will she wear it? I just wish there was a shirt that said some like "just Cake Wrecks" ya know?