Thursday, July 2, 2009

Taking Liberties

Thursday, July 2, 2009

As we gear up for the fourth of July, it's nice to see bakeries celebrating the freedom our brave men and women in the armed forces have afforded them.

Namely, the freedom to unleash Wreckage of this caliber on the unsuspecting populace:

'Cuz if you've got it, flaunt it, right?

The star of Irving, David's rarely-mentioned younger brother.

I think this is either an umbrella or a pair of scissors. John sees a hand making the peace sign. And to be honest, the fact that all of those are options is oddly impressive.

This last one looks like one of those cartoon steam whistles, like in Steamboat Willy:

Since whistles don't usually say "Bang!", though, I guess I have to agree with Tara M. that this is a firecracker. Which makes about as much sense as a steam whistle saying "Bang!", come to think of it.

Shelley B., David K., Kelly B., did you notice that ALL of today's Wrecks are cupcake cakes?

NOTE: Thank you all for the many kind comments and e-mails yesterday. I'm in surgery today at 1PM EST, but should be back tweeting and snarking away by this evening. You've reminded me once again that I have the best readers any blogger could ever hope for, so thanks again.

UPDATE: The surgery went great! And y'all weren't kidding about the drugs...I almost wish I needed to take more, but I'm feeling surprisingly little pain. Your well-wishes and prayers were very much appreciated and felt, so thank you all again!
TerraD said...

First comment! On the third photo of undetermined subject matter, I see one of those ribbons like for cancer awareness, etc.

Fluffy Cow said...

The star!!!! *Giggling hysterically*

Thank you! Just... thank you.

peewee said...

i thought the first one said USA NEVER. which maybe woulda been better as an anti-american ccc.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your surgery, Jen! Even though I'm Canadian, I love seeing continual 4th of July wrecks, because:
a) They're funny
b) They're much more plentiful
c) It reminds me why we should pass a law against Cupcake Cakes (Patooey!)

Anonymous said...

Gotta go with John on the Peace sign one...very observant!

Nish said...

You said "cupcake cake" without spitting!

Carly said...

I have to agree that the cake does look like a hand giving the peace sign.

Ali said...

WOW these are BOLD!!!!!!!

Dorci said...

Remind me next time to go potty BEFORE I read your post first thing in the morning...mmmk?? ;-)

Sending some prayers your way today.

Anonymous said...

That's right, you tell Sir Clumps-a-lot who's boss! Good luck.

Anne said...

"The star of Irving, David's rarely-mentioned younger brother" is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. I snorted loudly. Ow.

Still scratching my head over the blue Bang, however. Maybe that's the Big Bang's runt of the litter cousin.

Best wishes for your surgery today.

Liz said...

That's it. My next birthday cake is just going to say "Bang!" All that blue frosting too... bleagh!

Unknown said...

after staring in bewilderment at the flag-possibly scissors-CCC, i'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a hand giving the peace sign. anyone else see that? it's like a rorschach test with frosting! :)

Unknown said...

Praying for you in your surgery. I hope it's nothing too serious. God Bless!

Unknown said...

I know what the flag cake is! It's Holland! If you turn it so that its left side is at the bottom, you get the country's outine. The blue part of the flag is even directly where the Ijsselmeer (huuuge lake) is. :D

This must be a secret message that the USA is about to invade my country.

Professor Raven said...

My eyes! My eyes! All that frosting, wasted in the hands of over-eager "decorators", and I use that term loosely...

Too funny today! Good luck, not that you'll need it with all these fans pulling for you! Tell Sir-Clumps-Alot who's boss!

Jennifer said...

I figured the last one was California falling off into the ocean...

Stacie said...

I have no words. But I have been singing "Oh Canada" since yesterday :)

Anonymous said...

Of all the things to make by shoving cupcakes together and slapping some frosting on it, a flag *should* be the easiest. Heck, you would even be able to make a cupcake collage and not offend the world with your CCC. But alas, instead we got that thing. Thanks dude.
However, now that it has been pointed out, I can sort of see the peace sign....but one should not have to work that hard to figure out a cake.

The star is just hilarious and sad. Really, really sad.

I wish you well today at the doctor.


lizzied said...

"Star of Irving" absolutely made me laugh out loud. Fabulous.

Unknown said...

I just want to thank you for being so funny! I really enjoy this blog - you make me laugh every day! Hugs and best wishes on your surgery.

Anonymous said...

I thought the peace sign/umbrella/scissors was an upside-down outline of the continental US. (A terrible one, of course.)

Larissa said...

I'm pretty sure sure the 3rd cake is an "R" for Republican. Or maybe for Really bad cake.... It's like one of those ink blot psych tests!

Anonymous said...

Star of rule, Jen. Good luck today.

anniebanaie said...

Hi all! I'm pretty sure that the scissors cake is actually one of those ribbons too. Like the ones for cancer, troop support, etc? But, I like the idea of a peace sign too! And, I love the star one- I almost spit my drink out!

Many prayers and well wishes for you Jen!

the ginabean said...

WHY don't you like cupcake cakes again?

Chey said...

I see a hand giving a peace sign in the third one...but I also see a duck. So. Yeah. ._.;

If these are being posted already, I can't wait to see what you'll post for July 4th itself! xD

Sending some extra good wishes your way for a successful surgery and speedy recovery!

the ginabean said...

Oooooh. It's a FIRECRACKER.

Giana said...

I stared and stared at the "Star of Irving" cake before I read on and realized it was a star, well supposed to be a star. brain hurts!

Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Surely I'm not the only person who thinks that the "peace sign" looks like the playboy bunny symbol?

And star of irving-- that's good stuff. :)

Kelly said...

I also loved the Star of Irving remark. That peace CCC is so great!


Rachel said...

The first thing I thought of when I saw #3 was Alaska. Doesn't it look kind of like Alaska?

msyendor said...

Star of Irving. Oh, thanks, now I've got that song, "Big Irving" running through my head. Good thing I'm a Dementite.

"He came from the old Bar Mitzvah spread with a 10-gallon yalmulka on his head. He always followed his mother's wishes -- even on the range he used two sets of dishes. Irving. Big Irving. The 42nd Fastest Gun in The West."

Kate said...

On the "Bang" cake my 7 year old asked "What is that? Is that Wisconsin?" Could be my son, could be.

Jennifer said...

Best of luck with your surgery! I wish you a fast (nearly typed 'fat' - wouldn't wish THAT on anyone) recovery!

Fran said...

The third one down is definitely the state of Texas upside down! But the fact that it can go from scissors to ribbon to peace sign to upside down Texas makes me sit in even more awe.

You'll do great in surgery today - sending prayers of comfort and fast healing!

Christina said...

No, togetherforgood, you're not the only one... that's definitely the first thing I thought of... Hef has gone all patriotic.

Anonymous said...

Effing brilliant as always. Many thanks. P.S. I hope your procedure works wonders for you.

ilovebabyquilts said...

Hmmm, the peace sign hand one looks oddly delicious. For a ccc. Patooie!

Unknown said...

The star of Irving...priceless! I'm not sure about the last one-maybe a muppet got shot?

Anonymous said...

On that first one it looks like the words say "USA NEVER".

It also looks like it was supposed to be a butterfly before someone changed thier mind and threw on that ribbon and "patriotic inscription".

Anonymous said...

CCC's are getting out of control!! Hope your surgery goes well and that you'll be back soon posting your awesome commentary Jen.

Anna said...

Last week, I saw an absolutely fantastic mini-CCC that was made to look like buttered corn-on-the-cob in a basket, complete with checkered napkin - and by fantastic, I mean immediately recognizable, but vomitous, because of the sheer amount of yellow jellybeans that they used to signify "butter" and the fact that they used real pepper to signify pepper. BLECH. I would've snapped a picture, but there was an unfriendly bakery lady babysitting it :-(

Anonymous said...

I had to read and reread the Star of Irving caption until I got it. Well worth the ah-ha!
Cake Wrecks makes me happy!!

Anonymous said...

When I saw the scissor/flag/ccc (patooie) I thought it was an attempt at a patriotic playboy bunny head. Please don't tell my mom that was my first thought.

Acer macrophyllum said...

I think that last one looks kind of like Sacramento exploding... these things sure do make good Rorschachs...

Etiquette Bitch said...

all I could think of with CW2 is that it's supposed to be a firecracker explosion, but I like "Star of Irving" better. :)

Thinking of you today...feel good. XO.

Chatterley said...

The third one does look like a ribbon.

I thought the last one looked like a map of Iraq, with the BANG pointing (kind of) to Baghdad.

(My mind usually isn't this warped, it was probably because you mentioned the armed forces in the beginning.)

Angela said...

The last kind of looks like the demise of New Jersey.

Unknown said...

That last one looks like California ripping in half. Wow, these are ugly.

Reverend Shari said...

The "bang" one is The Shot Heard 'Round the World! It's historically educational! And it's a map of Massachusetts...ok, maybe not.

Sharon said...

*peers suspiciously at the blue cake*

Is this a message from terrorists threatening to blow up..uhm..New Jersey? Indiana?

Quick, grab me a one of those old colorful globes they used to use in school and tell me which states are blue!

Anonymous said...

Anyone else notice that the "flag" in the peace-sign/playboy bunny/scissors cake

Anonymous said...

I saw a hand giving a peace sign too....and then i saw a very patriotic bunny head...maybe even a patriotic playboy bunny

Wayward Son said...

I thought the Star of Irving was supposed to be a patriotic fox. I blame the point of view. And the wreckerator.

Marginator said...

Wow...those are awful.
Funny thing happened when I looked at the "firecracker" CCC though.
See, I'm a horse person, and when I see a poor, mangy, beat up or otherwise ugly horse with a face not even a mother could love, I take pity on it and think to myself, "someone should give that poor thing a good home."

I just thought the same thing with that firecracker monstrosity.

I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing... O_o

Skye said...

I totally agree that #3 could be the playboy bunny OR a hand making the peace sign. But without these suggestions, I would have just assumed it was a flag with legs.

I'm now tempted to go make a horrendous CCC on purpose and then delight in ruining it (i.e. stuffing my face)...

StylishHeather said...

You've got a new fan - my 8 year old was reading over my shoulder and is now cackling away begging to see more cakes!

Unknown said...

good grief, why do some people even attempt creativity?

hope all goes well for you today...come back soon!


Yota Armai said...

Was it just me or did anyone else see the word bong instead of bang on the last one?

Best of luck on your procedure today!

Pilgrim said...

My mouth is hanging open in utter disbelief at the...uh... amazing amount of patriotism these cakes show. Yah, that's it. Patriotism.

The only thing I can think of as I look at these cakes is "What the hell ARE those?

Happy 4th of July everyone!!!

Jen T. said...

I definitely thought the peace sign/umbrella/scissors was a Playboy bunny. I thought the last one was a blue blob. Honestly, I never would have gotten "firecracker" out of that. Ever. And I've seen a lot of firecrackers!

Just Jim said...

The 3rd pic looks like a patriotic playboy symbol.
Hurray for America.....and scantily clad womens!

Cara said...

Is the little cupcake at the top of the last one supposed to clarify matters?

Natalie W said...

After seeing your socks, had to see what your site was about! I'm so glad i did. I love it. Really enjoyed looking at the "wrecked cakes"!!

Anonymous said...

These are all pretty obvious to me: The first one is clearly a beautiful, American Butterfly, who also happens to support our troops (right on, Butterfly!). The second one is a fat person doing a headstand. The third one is an R ... R for ameRRRRica. And of course, the last one is an exploding slinky. I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to watch out next time I send mine down the stairs!

Anonymous said...

I had no idea what the last one was even supposed to be until you said something about a firecracker.

CrazyPeopleI'veWorkedWith said...

Star of Irving!!! LOVE IT!!

Good luck today in surgery!

Whirlwind said...

The third one - the CCC - kind of looks like it could be Texas if you rotated it to the left. Kndof sorta.

Unknown said...

The last cake looks like a smurf that got creamed trying to cross the hi-way.

~Amy B.

Katie H said...

The star is so funny! And the blue frosting on the last one looks like it's made of play-do!

Abby said...

First I saw scissors, now I see a backwards United States.

ardie said...

I agree that the last one seems to be California falling into the ocean after some seismic activity (finally!)

Renee Nefe said...

perhaps the Star of Irving is upside down? I know it doesn't help it any, but at least it would be more star-ish.

Best wishes today in your battle with Sir Clumps-a-lot!

Anonymous said...

"The Star of Irving"!!!! OMG!!! I can't stop laughing!!!! "David's rarely-mentioned younger brother"!!!! ROFLMAO!!!! Brilliant!!! Just Brilliant!!

Thank you, Jen!!! You're amazing!

Unknown said...

Not entirely related to todays post, but someone sent my husband a "joke" email to get him to laugh. It was a picture of "The Cake That Started It All". =) He forwarded it to me and I sent her the link to your site =)

Good luck today!! Best wishes from the West Coast!

Anonymous said...

the star of irvin is wonderful, now i need to go look up to see if david had a brother by that name or if you are just that creative. and best wishes today on your procedure, can't wait for some day after surgery commentary and wondering if the gas they give ya will hinder or help.


Olivia said...

I think the cupcakes that could be a hand giving a peace sign is actually the formation of West Virginia.

Unknown said...

I love/hate that they were all CCCs. Awful. Seriously awful.

Best wishes for skilled doctors, a quick procedure, and a painless recovery. When you're done, go ahead and enjoy a piece of cake. And make it a sweet one, because your lady parts are probably wrecked enough!

Bec said...

No comments on the cakes... none necessary! Just wanted to send some well wishes for you and your surgeon today! Hope it's okay, but I'll be praying for you.

WV- Copes. Jen copes amazingly well in anticipation of her surgery, continuing to post wrecks despite her nerves, and never disappointing her Wreck-readers or forcing us to miss a day of wreckiness! Thanks Jen, you're awesome!

Arlynn said...

Run! CCCs have taken over! Heh. Love 'em all, especially the flag one. I agree with it possibly looking like Texas. If you allow for a skinny panhandle and a wonky place of where El Paso would be, it might work.

You're in my prayers, Jen. :)

Sharon said...

"Star of Irving....David's rarely mentioned younger brother"... it's been said over and over by now... but I'm still giggling and will be for some time over that.... thanks for that one in particular! Hope you're feeling great when you read these!

Anonymous said...

The Star of Irving - Best. Comment. Ever!

James said...

The mysterious cupcake arrangement looks a little like Virginia on a stick.

Rose said...

I hope the surgery goes well and you're feeling better fast!

Sara said...

Star of Irving!! Genius!
I love this blog so much!!
I hope everything goes smoothly! Feel better soon!! I don't know if I could get through my work day without my hit of cake wrecks!!!

Zazzy The Geek said...

the umbrellla, peace sign thingy looks like a patriotic playboy cake... would go over well here at my house surrounded by hungry soldiers but... ew.

Melissa said...

The 3rd one looks like a machine gun to me.

Leslie said...

Just gotta check in and say Star of Irving FTW. You're awesome and hope your surgery went well.

ana said...

Tha last one looks like the map of Iraq, with a bang in Baghdad. Check it out:

Helen said...

My husband thinks the umbrella/scissors could also be a playboy bunny. :)

Ashleigh said...

I love the star of Irving! And I can actually see each of the things you mentioned in the umbrella/scissors/peace sign cake. Although if it was an umbrella, they might have curved the end. Then again, this is a Wreck and a CCC to boot. Who says anything is out of the realm of possibility?

Concrete Mama said...

thanks again for providing so many laughs! I look forward to the post-recovery-hopped-up-on-meds snark.

Path to You said...

Third one down - First thing I saw was a Playboy Bunny.

Anonymous said...

Rock on. Thanks for making me smile every day and especially while I can going through similar problems. Speedy recovery wishes.

Wilhelmina said...

Oh, I see a cannon in the last cake. It's got a cannonball flying out the end, and if you play the 1812 Overture while you stare at it, you'll get the full effect.

LaLanya said...

I am so happy to see that I was not the only one that thought it was a playboy bunny. I mean nothing says america like the bunny.... wow um ya.

Melissa said...

I love reading your site everyday! Your comments are HILARIOUS! I loved the star comment today and forwarding to my hubby who always needs a laugh.

Best of luck today with your surgery! Hope you have a quick recovery.

Keetha said...

The third photo, the CCC thing, looks like a guitar to me. It's like looking at clouds - we all see something different.

iris said...

the 2nd cake looked more like the Playboy bunny being attacked by the American flag. Sexxyyyy

Bonnie the Beautiful said...

Happy Independance Day! good luck with the surgery!

Anonymous said...

"Star of Irving"! THAT'S funny.

Anonymous said...

You're blog makes me laugh on a daily basis! Thank you! I hope you recover quickly!

Sheila M. said...

If you've got to squint your eyes and tilt your head this way ... no that way ... and still can't figure it out, I know I'll find it on cakewrecks! Thanks for another great laugh and best wishes for you today!

Boozy Tooth said...

Star of Irving. Jen, you slay me, woman.

And speaking of being one outrageously amazing woman, how'd that procedure go today? It's now 4:25pm and you were probably going all "over the rainbow" at 12:30.

So it's all in your rearview mirror now, right? Time to break out the Four C's (champagne and cupcake cakes)?

Love you. Hope all went well.

Hyena Overlord said...

the star of Irving looks like Sponge Bob after a 4th of July hazing.

Aren't cupcake cakes (patooey) an act of treason in the U.S.A.? They should be.

Good luck with your surgery.

wv: mesmerize something with femininity. something...

Rachele said...

I notice that a certain blogger we all know and love seems to be leading the "funniest blog" race by a long haul!


-Fan & Voter :-P

Anonymous said...

In the undetermined third photo, I thought it was supposed to be the shape of the U.S.! and how terrible is it that I thought the last photo was one of the twin towers?

Us said...

The last one kinda looks like new jersey.

Kat said...

I had the laser ablation done, and no pun intended, it was a piece of cake. Wish I'd done it sooner, hope your results are as wonderful as mine~

aliefarren said...

I see a playboy bunny head in the third picture!

Sunshine said...

I agree with Iris. the first thing I saw on the peace sign cake was a Plaboy bunny.

RememberMe said...

I think the scissors cake is America (warped) and backwards. The flag is backwards, so I think it's supposed to be the country, but backwards. Maybe they were going for a political message?

Lindsey said...

"Anyone else notice that the "flag" in the peace-sign/playboy bunny/scissors cake"

Strangely enough, it actually isn't. Army uniforms display the flag in the same position.
"When worn in this manner, the flag is facing to the observer’s right, and gives the effect of the flag flying in the breeze as the wearer moves forward. "

I would like to give the CCC (patoeey!) maker the benefit of the doubt and assume that this is why they chose that position for the flag. Alas, it is a longshot.

WV: iment
"Honestly, iment it to be that way!"

Nancy said...

Just found your blog...don't know how I missed it. Those cakes look like some I have made in the past..too funny.

SarahB said...

The flag umbrella/scissors is so annoying. Why make a ccc when a sheet cake is the perfect shape!

NYCGirl said...

I thought "arrow" and "lake" for the third and fourth ones, respectively. Hope all went well with the surgery.

Rachel said...

I also thought that the scissor cake was America, warped and backwards. B/c the flag itself is backwards -- if you held it up to a mirror, the flag would be forwards and it would look like a (bad) America.

But I agree with your Mister -- it is probably supposed to be a peace sign.

Miz Dinah said...

What the (wr)heck are those things?

Sarah said...

Best of luck for your surgery today Jen! Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. :)

Anonymous said...

The peace sign/scissors thing can't be one of those support ribbons. It doesn't have a hole in the top where the ribbon loops over. It's clearly a hand giving the peace sign.

msyendor said...

Ah. Found it. "Ballad of Irving" by Frank Gallop

Jenda said...

I hope your surgery went well! I underwent tubal ligation ten days ago. Still healing but definitely worth it!

Maddy said...

Yes, cup cakes seem to be the in thing at the moment with less than sterling results.

Hope someone has planned a spectacular post surgery cake for you?
Best wishes

ummpumpkinseed said... of Irving....I was dyin'!

Anonymous said...

I have that song stuck in my head after this post too.

Theatre Geek said...

That one where you see scissors or an umbrella and John sees a peace sign on a hand, I can also see the peace sign, but I also see a bonnet - the blue and "stars" would go at the back of the skull/head and the read and white stripes down would be the ties on the bonnet.

Kristi said...

I'm thinking it is a patriotic playboy bunny.

sugarcube said...

Star of Irving! >water shoots out of my mouth as I laugh hysterically<

G.H. said...

Ahh. I love it.

Good luck with the surgery, and have a happy holiday weekend.


scrappinfox said...

Jen, I hope your surgery went well and you have a speedy recovery.

I almost lost it with your "Star of Irving" description. Brilliant!

Hugs from Indiana.

Anonymous said...

I don't think its a peace sign...I think it a Playboy Bunny icon that's been recycled into a peace sign


Anonymous said...

American flag stingray!

Gimme a sign said...

Hope your surgery went well enough to warrant a congratulatory cake of its own.

Thanks for recognizing us Canucks (that's Canadian for, well, Canadians). Happy 4th!

Anonymous said...

I loved the Star of Irving. Simply marvelous.

Oh, and I thought the last one was California exploding from that earthquake they're always predicting. My mistake.

Anonymous said...

The third one looks like a bunny to me!

Matt said...

I say the last one looks like Michigan. If you squint a little.

Taeraresh said...

Whatever the mysterious blue thing is supposed to be, I read the caption on it as 'boing!', which just makes it weirder.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

As funny as the cakes are, your comments make me snort and choke. Star of Irving?

Erin said...

I thought the flag one may have been a map of the USA.... mirrored.

Chef, Interrupted said...

I think the 3rd one is a poorly done state of Texas. Same colors and all. But it's poor form to do stripes on a Texas flag, so who knows...

Anonymous said...

It's definitely a hand giving the peace sign. My work carries a bunch of crazy hats and we used to have one (peace sign hand for a hat). The pattern on the hat is exactly the same as on the cake.
The *nice* thing about the cake though is it's alot harder to bend the index finger than on the hat (which Every teenager who came in did).

Lauren said...

The Star of Irving picture & commentary is one of the funniest things I have ever read.
Can we have a whole post devoted to unrecognizable geometric shapes??

ErinB said...

Just a simple comment that we do not celebrate the 4th of July. Rather we celebrate Independence Day (we don't celebrate Feb. 14, but Valentines or December 25, but Christmas or November 11, but Veteran's Day).

Anonymous said... it weird that I read that as "BONG!"? And I love Irving. :-D

Anyway, good luck with your surgery! You're in our prayers!

Visione Bella said...

Congrats on your progressing recovery! My mom just had a cauterization done a couple months ago, so I know she feels your pain. I've gotta say, tho, her describing the procedure to a pregnant woman would have gone over a lot better if she had prefaced it with "by the way, I WILL be put under for this procedure." Good God Almighty!!! But again, I'm pregnant and my brain - particularly the common sense vector - isn't quite up to snuff these days.

About these cakes....... I'll echo PeeWee. I thought the first cake said "usa never" at first glance, which made the whole thing that much more disturbing. Yeesh!!

2 baby showers coming up this month. Cross your fingers for a really good wreck!!!

Voix said...

Star of Irving. OMG, you're the best.

Anonymous said...

I actually like the peace sign one. At least it's not frosted down the sides or anything, and it's actually pretty well done. Not that it's not evil, but it's probably the lessmost of most of the evil CCCs. And I have a patch that looks like that, so it's even awesomer.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Enjoyed reading your blog tonight...had some time to do some blog hopping...Have a Happy 4th!

What a great blog

Crystal said...

At least these people/bakers tried to make a cake with patriotic thoughts in mind. For that, I feel they shouldn't be made fun of.

Clearly Claire said...

I know what it is! I know, I know!
IT's California exploding!

I live in CA an can testify; yes, the state is exploding.

Erinjeany said...

We saw a great one at our local grocery store yesterday. sadly i forgot my cell (w/cam) but was a winning 'cup-cake-cake' made to look like a flag.

thank you for the great posts! My husband and I read together a few times a week! We can't get enough!


Anonymous said...

Okay. I've been following this blog awhile.. I think this is my first time remarking.

These cakes are seriously bad, but I don't think the peace hand sign CCC would have been nearly as bad if it had an outline of some sort. I've been run through the grocery store cycle myself (ah, youth), and I'm actually pretty good at CCCs (though everyone should be, they require about no skill or trying most of the time). I don't get a lot of requests for odd shaped things, but cupcakes arranged in the shape of a numbers. So you're 100% against CCCs? I need to send you some pictures of mine sometime to redeem the CCC somewhat.

I love the comments. Star of Irving.. hilarious. <3 Get well soon.

i take the cake said...

So seeing this post makes me incredibly worried! I am supposed to be starting a cake decorator job at a major chain within the week and am just now realizing that probably entails CCCs.... I am proud to say out of the many cakes I have decorated not one has been a CCC! ...until now. Let the monstrosities begin!

-Shame be my Name

Carolinagirl said...

I'm thinking cake #3 isn't necessarily a pair of sheers in as much as it's suppose to be one of those magnetic red, white & blue car magnets.

I enjoy reading your blog.

Kaylee said...

I also saw the first one as a butterfly saying "USA NEVER"... also, why yellow for the ribbon? It just looks like superman colors now.

Unknown said...

I think that the one that looks like it is giving a peace sign just might be a Playboy bunny cake that has been recovered.

Anonymous said...

On the third photo, I think it is a hand peace sign painted as the American flag.

a pleased jew said...

Glad the surgery went well.

Oh my God, though, I nearly died when I read the star of Irving comment. AMAZING.

Regina M. said...

Third cake looks like the Playboy Bunny to me. I'm betting some worker made one and the manager said "That's inappropriate; you'll land us on cakewrecks. Just do something patriotic like everyone else." before they frosted it ;)

Laura said...

the star of Irving -- I haven't laughed out loud like that in a while!! thanks!

Nulono said...

I can't see the umbrella.

Jeff said...

How silly! That last one is certainly NOT a firecracker!

It's Marge Simpson's head exploding.

kate said...

I'm going to skip reading the 7 million comments to see if someone said this already so sorry if I'm repeating - but that flag is DEFINITELY a ribbon. If it were a peace sign the flag would be upside down (gasp!). If you look at the flag right side up you can see it's a ribbon.

No idea on the "bang" cake...

Anonymous said...

The third cake looks like the outline of the State of WV. You have to turn it around to see it though.

Earthseed Detroit said...

My daughter thought the Bang cake was a large ocean, with a wee ship sending a distress call of "Bang"!

Marchbanks said...

Obviously there are not enough Sixties-Survivor Old Farts reading here . . . yes, that's definitely the Peace symbol/Stars and Stripes hand, which I seem to recall is Chicago convention vintage (or perhaps as late as Woodstock), and the decorator is a youngster who didn't know that the star field is supposed to go on the extended fingers, while the stripes cover the palm and folded fingers.

Oh, and the whole damn thing's turned sideways too. Flip it ninety to the right to get it turned right way round.

Anonymous said...

It's one of those "Support our troops" Magnets that you slap on the back of your car.

Meigh said...

I can't see the "peace sign/scissors" cake as anything but a "let your fingers do the walking" yellow pages logo. (Which, I realize, is basically an upside-down peace sign.)

Unknown said...

Re: the Star of Irving,
If you turn it 90 degrees counter-clockwise (a little more actually), it looks like a lopsided, overly-pointy map of France. That would fit with the Blue, White and Red vertical stripes. Bastille Day is on the 14th of July, after all.

Anonymous said...

I think the "peace sign" cake is actually a donkey head that was meant to symbolize the democratic party. Possibly made around presidential election time? by Jeannie

Sam Pawlowski said...

I don't really think the CCC peace-Sign one is a Wreck. I actually think it's kind of clever, original and well-executed.

Joanne said...

"togetherforgood said...
Surely I'm not the only person who thinks that the "peace sign" looks like the playboy bunny symbol?"

I see that! Patriotic Playboy! (thought it was a peace sign at first)

And Angela and Sharon, Thanks a lot! I live near that *bleep*ing "bang!" darn blue state...

jo said...

star of Irving! RFLMAO

Anonymous said...

hmmmm, so I got to this one a lil late...but clearly the "peacemaking hand" is a patriotic playboy bunny?

Anonymous said...

The second to last cake could be a patriotic duck. Just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

I lost my shit at "The Star of Irving." This blog is fantastic.

Haiku Joy said...

Eating fire crackers
appeals to daredevils when
pop-rocks are old hat.

wv: nubeguar

Inexperiance gelatin.