Friday, July 24, 2009

A Womb with a View

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sure, torso cakes are kind of freaky, and eating cake babies can be off-putting, but what else is there for the baby shower hostess who wants to creep out her guests under the guise of serving a scrumptious treat? Is there nothing new under the Wrecky sun?

(Hah, like you don't know the answer to that.)

Presenting...the sonogram cake!

Thank you, edible image printing and 3D ultrasound imaging! Who knew two technologies could come together to create something so deliciously horrifying?

Now, don't get me wrong: I appreciate that sonograms allow moms to get an advance viewing of their little bun in the oven - I do. And most of these cakes are actually really well made, too. But let's face it: these new 3D sonograms look like they were directed by M. Night Shyamalan.

Look into the hollow eye sockets of this shadowy visage and tell me the truth...

...are you feeling hungry?

And check out the contrast on this one: it's all sweet pastel ribbons & bows, but with a doorway into the Twilight Zone:

That bear's face says it all: "What kind of filling did you use?!?"

Compared to these, the more traditional sonograms look positively cuddly. They still make for some Wrecktastic cakes, though:

Hmm. What do you suppose it really is, Hannah M.?

And if you think that airbrushing is bad, check this out:

I think that's supposed to be a side view of the mom's torso, which makes her...a headless nudist with a skin condition? Mmm, tasty.

And you know it didn't take long for someone to combine these two ideas:

"Hey, y'all! Come check out this black & white TV lodged in my belly!"

Thanks to Wreckporters Kathleen E., Connie P., Thomas S., & Summer R.!

- Related Wreckage: First Impressions

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Eternal Lizdom said...

Wow. Just... wow.

It's an interesting idea but I just can't think of a way that it would be really well executed...

Taylor (My Older Brothers) said...

The second one should have a question mark at the end of it.

And I was rolling with the "headless nudist with a skin condition" caption. That's hilarious.

rissykay99 said...

Ugh, these things totally creep me out. My mother-in-law had one made for my sister-in-laws shower. With a non-3D sonogram. It just looked like an alien or something.

I did not have a piece of that cake. It was too weird.

Anonymous said...

Alright, I thought 3D images are creepy to begin with (and yes, including the one of my own son) but these are horrifying! Yikes!

Amanda said...

That last one is hilarious! It does look like the mom has stretch-armstrong arms though.

The rest are super creepy.

Wide Awake Wife said...

Wow. Looking at your own baby is one thing, but it's nearly impossible to truly appreciate someone else's sonogram, especially the 3D ones.

Boozy Tooth said...

Actually? The last one is kinda cute. The others are sending me straight to therapy.

And the pregnant shadow silhouette in profile? That is oddly terrifying.

Niki said...

The last picture reminds me of teletubbies...

Misty K said...

I do a lot of showers... But Thank God I never have, nor will I Ever use that idea. ((Shudders))

frigglesnitz said...

Reminds me of my niece looking at the sonogram of her sister:
My sister: "Look Maddy, there's the baby!"
Maddy: "oh...yeah, I see the baby and Granny and Daddy and Opa and Mommy.."
Some kind of "Magic Mirror" sonogram, I guess.

Judy said...

Okay, that last one reminded me of the cow fistula. Oh, you don't know what that is??? Check it out here:

or here:

Anonymous said...

Did she have sex with a teletubby?

Christie said...

Anyone else thinking "Teletubbies" with that last one?

Ali Puls said...

OMG! I wouldn't let anyone see the 3D images of my baby b/c I didn't want to hear anyone say "Whoa, it's an alien" or "So, it's an eyeless monster?" But these people put it on a cake?! Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Anonymous said...

So that's where Teletubbies come from....

Anonymous said...

As someone who has three children (now in their teens) PLEASE let me tell you, no one thinks your ultrasound (traditional or 3-D) is cute. Technologically fascinating, perhaps, but not cute. You can lead a full, happy mother- (and father) -hood without everyone in creation getting excited as you do over your children. That being said, these cakes are sooo wreckalicious!

Kashmir said...




Seriously, did a vast majority of the world have a brain tumor for breakfast? Did they wake up and think, "Hrm...what's tasty and visually horrifying that I can serve at a baby shower?"

I mourn the death of the petit four as the cake of choice for showers.

chicken lips said...

These are EXCELLENT (in the wreckiest of ways). I'm pregnant with my first baby and now I'm crossing my fingers for a cake like one of these. Bring on the creepy celebration of new baby!

Anonymous said...


Honestly can say I don't feel like eating for the rest of the day.

Anonymous said...

some things should be kept private, and NEVER repeat NEVER be allowed anywere near cake.

Sarah said...

Oh my.... those are a whole new level of scary.

Sonograms are cool, but not on cake. Yuck. Why would you want to take a bite of baby face, anyways? How is that even remotely appetizing?


Anonymous said...

In a sick and twisted way, I think I like the last one. *Hanging head in shame*

Fluffy Cow said...

Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong.


Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! My eyes!!!!!

Where'd that darn Unicorn Chaser get to???

Kris said...

The last one: "Tele-tummy" ... LMAO These wrecks are absolutely disgusting and gross and I am going to publicly make fun of anyone who has anything like this at a baby shower. YECCH!

Unknown said...

If you relax your eyes, and stare long enough at that last one, the torso looks like a screeching monkey.

This all kind of harkens to mind that placenta-eating ritual some cultures (and Tom Cruise)have. *shivers*

Taylor said...

The airbrushed headless side profile one looks like Marty McFly's family fading a little at a time while he was failing to hook his parents up in the 50s.

Nichole Loves Cake said...

These are absolute disasters. Give me Darth Vader cake!

I think 3D ultrasounds are creepy and not worth the money. I want to be surprised at how my kid looks.

jess said...

I had to laugh with one of your sidebar ads being for a company that does 3D ultrasounds, LOL. The image in their ad of a pregnant woman with a TV screen 3D baby on her torso looked too much like cake now...very wron to think about eating pregnant women...very wrong :)

Anonymous said...

Other than the sonogram, that one with the bears is adorable.

Becky said...

Wow, I think those are the creepiest wrecks of all time.

Kristen said...

why would someone do that??? oh my goodness

Anonymous said...

Eeep, that is strange. Really really strange.

My girls are 8 and *almost*6, I can sit and stare at their ultrasound pics for ages. I love them, but have never had the urge to eat them. To see these babies on cakes is very disturbing to me.

And the boobs on the last cake cracked me up!


wv: undeci - These cakes should be taken away for undeci exposure.

Miranda said...

Oh, ewww. eww. ewwww!!!

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

Lol. Yes. Yes I am hungry.

Headless Nudist with skin condition looks tasty... (I love babies)

Anonymous said...

Creepy! What would make people think that a sonogram cake is a good idea?

Missie said...

Are the people who made/ordered these cakes friends of the mom? Because I am thinking they're more in the enemy category!

Jaemi said...

These are wrong on so many levels. When my mother-in-law threw a shower during my first pregnancy, I flat refused to leave the house and brave the Florida in July heat for the party if there wasn't cake to eat. Had she given me that, I might have had a psychotic break.

Julie said...

That last cake took the er....CAKE.


Unknown said...

Wow, Jen. It's really great to see that in the world of wrecks, there's always room for growth.

Wreck on!

Garret said...

Ewwwwwww comes to mind. Thanks to the commentary about the filling, another ewwwwww comes to mind. I have to wonder if the person you ordered the cake realized what the end product would look like and if they were happy with the results? Hopefully, when they picked up the cake they almost cried at the horrifying choices they made. If not, it gets another ewwwwwwww.

Twistie said...

Ah, the ritualistic eating of the little one before it arrives! How you revolt me, let me count the ways.

What in the name of all that's holy or un is wrong with a cake that just looks like a cake? Why do we keep trying to come up with ways to represent pregnancy and childbirth in increasingly graphic ways for baby showers? WHYYYYYYYY?????????????

On the upside, you can save a bundle, since so many people won't want a slice of that no matter how good it tastes.

Anonymous said...

Wrong, wrong, wrong!

Also, the last one's boobs are in an anatomically awkward position.

Almost makes the plastic limbs in round cake babies seem tasteful.

Catsfire said...

Oh ew. EW. EWWWW.

This is probably one of the creepiest cakes I've ever seen. Though now I kind of want to make a 3D version of one of those sonographs just to creep people out even more.

HorribleLicensePlates said...

So disturbing. And I think the fact that there are so many is even creepier!

Old Loripalooza Site said...

That second one looks delicious!

Kat79 said...

I like the ovaries and fallopian tubes on the purple it's a girl cake. Why not add some anatomical aspects to it. YUK

W.V. ingslyin- After all that tasty baby cake I'll need a second shot of "ingslyin".

knitorpurl said...

Medical test results and frosting do not mix! I realize that there is a baby in the picture (at least I think that is what is looming in there) but doesn't anyone notice that blob next to the face is the interior of the mom's uterus.

People are wacky.

WV: ovemo- Please do not put your ovemo or any thing located near it on a cake.

Unknown said...

WOW is really all I can sum up at this point. Perhaps when the shock wears off. First I must clean the coffee off my table that burst forth from my mouth at seeing these "cakes".

Anonymous said...

Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Karey said...

Is the cake with the side view supposed to say "little pink socks or blue building blocks"? Is it a double wrecktastic?


ME! said...

I thought ultrasounds were for baby books, not baby shower cakes. This is SO disturbing!

reepie: These cakes totally are reepie...

TeDiouS said...

Children's television programming is really branching out. Teletubbies having babies...seems a little wrong to me, as they all sound about 2 years old.

Kathleen said...

I'm just cracking up! Thanks for using my pic! So freaky!

Unknown said...

That is the most vile disgusting thing I have EVER seen! Creep me out! So not okay

Dea said...

That last one reminds me of the football helmet groom's cake! LMAO!

I'm with you - it just doesn't work on a cake...

Elizabeth said...

Amid all the sonograms, did anybody notice the inscription on Wreck #5? "Little pink socks OR Blue building blocks?" Somehow I think that's even funnier than the picture and the airbrushed nude!

Zhoen said...

Utterly disgusting. But at least Teletubby-mommy seems to get the joke, or at least keeps the neo-baby in perspective. The others, ah, I must turn my head and retch.

Angie said...

Oh my dear lord.

That's what keeps running through my head.

Just... Oh my dear lord.

msyendor said...

Portal guns at ready. Getting ready to jump. The cake is NOT a lie. Right? Right?

WV: crible -- too many hours with Aperture science puzzles. My brain is cribled

:::b r a n d i::: said...

Ew. Those are awful! I'd rather have carrot jockeys!

JaevenStar said...

*shiver* ugggh...those are just creepy!

Anonymous said...


Giusi. said...

those 3D ultrasound thingies really creep me out. they always look like creepy aliens or something. I'm sure i won't be saying that with my own baby.. lol.. but those aren't my babies. and i definitely wouldn't wanna eat a cake with them on it. Maybe they'll have placenta cakes soon enough. lol or maybe they already have them.

I think it's a tasteless idea. Not very cute or sweet or amazing at all.

If someone gave me a cake like that for my babyshower.. i admit that i would be quite upset over it.
: //


btw.. that cow fistula thing has me upset even more. WTF is up with that??!?!?! : /////

Indy said...

O my God, I LOVE the Teletubby-Mom-Cake!!

Laura R. said...

Is the last one the fifth Teletubby? Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Lala ...OH!

Haiku Joy said...

"O, my therapist,
the horrors! Please tell me that
The cake is a lie!"

lindalou said...

Very, very creepy. Who would even think about doing this?

Mari said...


Ann said...

Freaky! Just freaky! We had regular ole cupcakes at my shower. I'm relieve no one thought of doing something like this!

Pink Haired Momma said...

Ok i peed myself laughing at these. I can not imagine hacking into my baby's u/s and then EATING it! Hello Praying mantis type behavior!! However i do think the last cake is quite funny!!!

Yota Armai said...

On the one hand I am completely dumbfounded, and horrified. On the other hand, if people out there didn't think this was a good idea, then I wouldn't have a wreck to laugh at.

I think I'll stick with horrified and add it to my list of reasons not to have children.

Bobbi Sharp said...

I love how the airbrushed belly cake isn't smooth and makes it look like the momma has stretch marks. LOL

Anonymous said...

It's a Yirl!

Pam Walter said...

OK...that's just strange.

Schmei said...

Are people seriously supposed to EAT these?

Anonymous said...

At least the last one was decently clothed! LOL.

Marty said...

"Pink socks or blue building blocks," yay, let's start in with the gender stereotyping before the poor li'l bastige is even born! In further wreckiness, I can't even translate what the glob up above "pink" is meant to say.

Anonymous said...

Why . . . why . . . WHY in the name of all that is good and decent and holy would people think it's a good or cute idea to SLICE up and EAT a picture of a baby?! I have a problem with photo cakes in general for the same reason, but to use an ultrasound pic ups the creep factor about 100x.

Should I ever reproduce and don't have the good judgement of my Mom or sister to order my shower cake, I think I'll be doing it myself!

Jaclyn said...

"a headless nudist with a skin condition"!!!!-- I want THAT on a t-shirt.

Bill's Bayou said...

Oh my God. I just threw up a little.

Anonymous said...

While obviously wrecktastic, I do find the last one kinda cute.

purplewowies said...

I think that last one could be the daughter of Flat Stanley and Laa-Laa.

I'm scared of what the child of the aforementioned cake-person will look like.

Little Lovables said...

It is truly amazing that people think this stuff up.

If someone were to serve a photo cake at a funeral though, then I think it would truly be monstrous.

Vicki said...

I know some species eat their offspring but I thought we were a bit more civilized!

Spooky, weird, creepy and disturbing all come to mind.

My Life and My Loves said...


'm.night shamalayn'
classic line right there..don't care who you

Jamie said...

OMG. That is just wrong. How to wrecks like this continue to be created in light of modern technology. Don't all decorators know dang good and well they might end up here if they make something hideous???

Anonymous said...


Words fail.

Meg Natraj said...

You know what's coming next... Thanks to 3D sonograms, it won't be long until you can get a shower cake shaped like the unborn fetus. You can already get a model to work from:

Melissa (& Billy) said...

It's really too bad, since IMO all the cakes (yes, even the nude mommy airbrush and the belly cake) are really cute!

With the sonograms though...I would just feel kind of creepy cutting into that. 0_o

Cyn Teacher said...

The last one is a Teletubby on maternity leave!

Bailey's Leaf said...

The Flat Stanley of pregnant women! :) That was my favorite!

Suzyhomemaker said...

So if we ever have a baby, I'm not having a cake unless I make it. No torso's, no baby jockeys, or babies of any kind baked or photoshopped onto my cakes. Or bursting out of a belly.

Basically baby shower cakes are things nightmares are made of.

Maybe I'll just stick with pie for now.

maggie the lover of strange music said...

sweet Jonathon Coulton reference!

nolongerexists said...

M. Night Shyamalan lives across the street from my friend's great-uncle! His house is HUUGE. Maybe so he can think up creepy sonogram horror movies.

Attempting Adulthood said...

Reminds me of a quote from The Hogfather by Terry Pratchett:

"Do you like children?"

"Not raw."

Missy said...

Where do you find these things?

I'm almost tempted to call up a bakery and say, "I just miscarried due to trisomy 14. Could you suggest a cake to commemorate the event?" Because I almost want to know what they'd come up with.

(Sorry if someone else has had a trisomy 14 loss and finds this macabre. I'm one of those people who copes with inappropriate humor.)

Jo said...

Wow! Every day I look forward to checking your blog for a good laugh. Thanks! They just keep getting better!

Kathleen in Canada said...

I must say those cakes would certainly help my diet along nicely. Hmmm... would I like a slice of breast or a baby head? I think I'll pass on both thanks. And if they showed the cake before lunch, bonus points for lack of calories because I'd be skipping lunch too!

'Cuz I Felt Like It! said...

That is absolutely DISGUSTING!....and I ain't easily grossed out.


GJC said...

Duuuuuuuude. That's just....NARSTY. (My preggo semi-roomie, the other night, took a not-quite-normal joy in showing me her also-expecting friend's Myspace page, upon which she had posted the latest ultrasound results, because "Look! You can totally see the penis! I mean...this kid is gonna be HUNG!" (In fairness, if it WAS in fact the organ she claimed it to be, there DID seem to be a certain...disproportion, which raises two questions: for the mother-to-be, "Why would anyone want to thoroughly embarrass their child before it was even born?" And for my roomie: Why--for the love of all things--would this be the sort of thing you would think I, especially, would need or wish to see? This incident and its attendant conversation finally, at last, cemented in my mind the certainty: pregnancy has clearly driven this girl around the bend, which was a short trip in any case.)

That last cake made me giggle, although I was hoping to be the first one to come up with a Teletubby reference. Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa, Po, and Oops! (as in Oops, wasn't expecting THAT pregnancy!) Alas, I was beaten to the punch by several fine Wreckers. Ah, well, at least I didn't say anything about Space Station Whatever-it-Was, right? :)

(WV: derfulla. "If they think I'm gonna eat sliced-up sonogram bits, derfulla beans!!"

Kelly said...

The last one looks like Flat Stanley finally met someone. Good for him!

The one with the bears...I see a rocking chair on a stage; see the curtains on the left?

cewmont said...

I have been having fun sending "suggestions" for baby shower cakes to my neice : ) , who will be having a baby. I thought the baby baked into the cake was the greatest--till I saw these today. YOWZA!!!!

ilovebabyquilts said...

Wow. Super horrifying. Love that "windown into the Twilight Zone".

Anonymous said...

Ok, I like it. I also love looking at sonograms. So, there you go.

Anonymous said...

I am genuinely nauseated now. Ugh. People are weird.

Elizabeth said...

If you want to show off the ultrasounds, a scrapbook, photo album or frame is the way to go, not on the cake. If you want an interesting baby shower cake, stick with the carrot jockeys.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and a sidenote: I have a 4-D sonogram image of my baby framed. Also, over the months of waiting for baby I would look through the album I had of 4-D images and sigh with adoration of my baby's beauty.
(This is not a joke)

Anonymous said...

I just went to a cousin's baby shower last week, and she had one of these. Of course, I ended up with a sonogram piece of cake. I couldn't eat it. I don't gross out easily, but damn. That was disgusting.

Jael said...

All we need is some fetus cookies to serve up on the side.

Kae said...

That last one is over-the-top enough to make me think that they KNOW it's cheesy. The others, though...I'm afraid they were taking themselves seriously.

Julie said...

Those 3-d sonogram cakes are,, ugh I don't even have the proper phrasing to comment on these monstrosities. Those pictures remind me of the horrible anti-abortion pictures that they used to scare us with in Catholic school. It takes a lot for me to pass up cake; but there's no way I'd eat that

Taylor (My Older Brothers) said...

Finally, I can merge my two favorite reading topics: The unborn and the undead.

These cakes would go well with the new zombie/pregnancy books:

"What to Expect When You're Expecting (a Zombie Apocalypse)."


"Pregnancy for Dummies: The Infected One You're Carrying"

Anonymous said...

So that's what a pregnant Teletubby looks like!

Jodi said...

Thank you so much for helping decide to get back on the low-cal wagon. With sweets like these, I'll take the carrot sticks and hummus, please!

Renee said...

Wow, just horrible!

Cheryl said...

That last one is reminds me of a Teletubby. The Night Gallery version of a Teletubby.

Anonymous said...

Oh MAN! Those cakes are just creepy. I appreciate the idea and the guts to try something different but, I'm just not big on the idea of biteing into a baby in utero! Yuck!

The commentary is hilarious btw!

Anonymous said...

Can i get a piece with an ear on it!

Nico said...

Wow! These are beyond creepy cakes!

Scritzy said...

Excuse me, I feel a little sick to my stomach.

Those cakes are creepifying.

glamazini said...

make it stop.

Lizzy Leigh said...

You know, when I had the first sonagram of my son, *I* could hardly tell it was a baby! Why in the world would you want to put a little alien on a cake to celebrate having a baby?

To all future moms out there: hide the sonagram pictures so no one can pull this one on you as a surprise!

Adele said...

creepy and weird when put in cake form.

PerkinsClan said...

All I can say is YIKES!

WM said...

Sheesh...and just when you think there is nothing much new for CW's...

WV: derstri...dersti new ideas at least

Glory von Hathor said...

tinky winky... dispy... la-la... Mom?

Terrib said...

Uhhh...yeah...thank goodness I am past my pregnancy years! If I see this type of cake at any of the baby showers I'm attending, I am so out of there- and taking my gift with me. Bring back the carrot jockeys- please!!!

Although, great way to really put your kids into therapy when you pull out their baby book.

Word ver.: dishydra- "Dis hydra (sonogram cakes) needs to be stopped!

John Sperry said...

Does it bother anyone else that ALL of these images also include...(drum roll, please)...a woman's UTERUS!!! "Yep, that's where all the magic happened. Too bad they couldn't include the fallopian tubes in this one. Hand me a fork." And we're supposed to eat that!

mjolnir.babe said...


i always wondered where the teletubbies came from... yikes

Anonymous said...

No thanks, i only eat my own young...

Nikki said...


wv: comenep

I can feel my lunch comenep looking at these wrecks.

Lorraine said...

SUPER BAD idea for a cake.
Just ... Wrong.
On SO Many Levels!

Jessica said...


Anonymous said...

oh these are horrible!! I would feel like I was eating my child!

Lessa said...

Well, everyone has said what I came to say. I am pretty squicked out, really.

Lucia said...

The first cake is amazing! But that last cake? Ahem.

Kat said...

My honest first thought upon seeing that first photo?

"An abortion-protest cake? Really?!"

(Then I read the text. Sorry moms! :D )

Jami said...

That one with the little traditional wedge sonogram is cute, but the 3D ones are creepy.

Anonymous said...

The airbrushed cake with the cracked icing looks like stretch marks...what every emotionally turbulent mom-to-be (not to mention the guests) wants to see in the midst of a gathering of friends, family or, God-forbid, co-workers...EEEK!

Jamiekins said...

Why why why do you want to eat your unborn child? Those 3D ultrasounds look like poop on paper, and to put it on a cake?! Insane!

Kemmei said...

I heart Jonathon Coulton!

Samantha Suzuki Photography said...

I am crying because I'm laughing so hard. That last one is the greatest cake ever!

girlrat said...

HA! Now I really, really want to find a sonogram of something gross like a tumor, and have it put on a cake. Because seriously, sonograms don't look like ANYTHING. Especially not anything I'd want to be overjoyed about.

Unknown said...


I'm running out of adjectives.
~Amy B.

Anonymous said...

These are so wrong. I would not be able to hide my horror if someone brought a cake like this to the table...

kathie said...

love these cakes! i just cannot believe that people actually order these. and the bakers MAKE them! do you think some of them are filled with raspberry to replicate placenta? or cream AND raspberry? ok. i'm grossing myself out here. i also love that the ad at the top of this post is for Babies R Us!

A Beautiful Party said...

this is the best i've seen yet!

Diamond said...

This has given me a wonderful (terrible) idea. I have some friends who have children. There is an ultrasound image of their first child making the Vulcan hand sign in the womb. When this kid (who is about to be five) turns 16 or so, I'm totally putting that image on a cake for him.


ellie said...

And I already have a family history of blindness...thanks for blinding me.

(I thought to let you know, I've been surfing the wreck page <3 and i linked everyone I knew to your "Magic Earring Ken wearing a c**k ring" post. They all died. Thanks for killing all my friends.)


Laura Rose said...

The nudist skin condition one made me really laugh out loud! So funny! I don't think I could ever eat a cake with a picture of a real baby on it.

Melinda said...

Oh wow...I missed this post this morning and now I'm sitting here with kids in the room thinking, "Do I dare scroll back through?" Yeah...sonograms are only cool when they're yours, or a friend or relatives. And I think I'm being generous there. I remember a whole lot of screaming from my sister before my niece was born. "It's a FACE! CAN'T YOU SEE HER FACE?"

evil cake lady said...

holy CRAP, these are SO WRONG!

i really hope my sister's baby shower dies not include a creepy cake, but i'll have my camera ready just in case!

Anonymous said...

So that's where TeleTubbies come from!

Beth Howard said...

That is a special kind of creepy. EEEEWWWWWW!

Kit said...

Is the blob woman saying that she won't let her son wear pink socks, or her daughter learn basic spatial reasoning?

Tora said...

Exceptional timing with these wrecks--I just had my first ultrasound appointment this afternoon. Thankfully, I can honestly say it never occurred to me to put the pictures I got on a cake...

Anonymous said...

dear lord.

thats a interesting way to display a baby on the way.

dear lord covers it well I think.

sendingtheclowns said...

TeratoMarty, I'm with YOU!

Little pink socks or blue building blocks, indeed.
Might as well put "Little Future MOMMY or WORKIN' MAN" !!
I DO see a way out for these horrors, though: sell them at Weight Watchers places.
I can see it now:

*See amazing weight loss in mere days!
*You don't even have to eat it--just LOOK at one before meals!

[Warning: Side effects may include complete and utter loss of appetite, nausea, nightmares and an irrational (or not) fear of babies.]

Anonymous said...

Ha, nice GWAR reference.

TeaLady said...

I am speechless ---- nuff said.

Jaime said...

At my sister's baby shower, we had a cake like this. Except we didn't use one of those freaky 3D pictures (which are the yellow-tinted ones); we used a picture of the traditional angle, and while I had some qualms about eating my niece, it actually came out pretty nicely.

And then I remembered that I was eating my niece, and I felt a bit guilty.

Anonymous said...

Huzzah! I saw on Twitter that you won Funniest Blog from BlogLuxe! :) Congrats!

RogueFiccer said...

"these new 3D sonograms look like they were directed by M. Night Shyamalan."

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You really should've put a beverage warning on this post. My monitor and keyboard would've been splattered if I'd had anything in my mouth. 'Nudist with a skin condition' makes this entry doubly worthy of a beverage warning.

Joanie said...

I just laughed until I cried... thanks so much!

Julie in Arlington said...

Now we know where Tele Tubbies come from.

Pro-life mama said...

I disagree that 3-D ultrasounds are creepy. Now, on a cake, very tacky, just like ANY photo of a person is on a cake!

These 3-D ultrasounds are breathtakingly beautiful! These babies are in the womb and we see them as that –babies, not tumors or a part of the mother. These 3-D images are the best argument anyone could possibly have for being pro-life.

Italo said...


Natasha said...

On the last one, the mum looks like she might be half Teletubby.

Nancy said...

Oh, my. Most of them are really bad, but the last one is *sheepishly hanging head* kind of cute.

Laura K. said...

please have one iota of compassion for the mother of this baby! This is her child, actual photos of HER CHILD and you are all ripping on them! I'm sure if you had similar photos of your unborn baby you would see only an innocent gorgeous child...

Anonymous said...

Call me old fashioned, but if I were pregnant, I would not want to even have a sonogram, much less put it on a cake. I'll wait to see my baby when it's born, thanks. But I have to admit I loved the last one. I mean, not as an example of cake perfection, but because, you can tell the woman is deliriously happy, or else there's something else in those prenatal vitamins.
Erin G.

The Mef Thing said...

I think the last one is kind of cute, in a sorta creepy way.

Anonymous said...

Worst idea ever. Long time reader I have never been compelled toi comment until now. so Yeah YUCK!

Anonymous said...

that's too bad about the bear one... it was actually pretty :(

Laurie said...

Count me in on thinking they were anti-abortion cakes. They look like the picture on the right-to-life posters.

Anonymous said...

I have to assume that you planned the ad for 3-d Imaging to show up right next to this entry. It's just too good to be coincidence.

Sfot said...

I saw that second one, and after a few moments of careful deliberation I came to a conclusion.

I really am hungry.

Anonymous said...

LOL! That last cake is a Telemommy...or should that be Telemummy?

Marj Jenkins said...

These pictures should be posted on a brainwrecks blog. They are WAAAAYY more than just cake disasters. These are idea diasters! I really think I have now seen everything (and I kinda wish I hadn't!)

Hyena Overlord said...

Oh...I want to throw up.

wv: that refreshes and whitens your clothes.

Decadent Housewife said...

Last one looks like a pot belly stove. Still. I'm going to go throw up now.

Suzanne said...

That... Was hilarious!!!

The fetal belly TV was the best though.

Kristen said...

My sister-in-law's shower cake had her sonogram picture on it. As if black, white, and gray icing isn't appetizing enough as it is, the cake had raspberry filling. They were hacking up this baby cake with red goo oozing out...I'd never met a cake I couldn't eat before!

Anonymous said...

That last one cracked me up... especially when read with the caption. The others were definitely of the creepy variety. LOL

mandy_Reeves said...

That last one looks like Rachel Dratch from Saturday Night Live!!!

Google an image of her and tell me if there is not a resemblance.

Ariane said...

I am inspired. These are so wrecky, but I now feel the need to up the ante. I want to make a placenta and umbilical cord cake with the inscription:

"Won't it be great when it's over?"

Anyone in the market for a baby shower cake?

Maggie said...

Why? WHY did someone come up with these (other than to provide some fodder for CW, of course)?

First, parents make Facebook profiles for their unborn children using sonogram pictures. I don't agree with it, but fine. But...cake? Really? Who wants to cut into a fetus (and/or pregnant woman) and devour it?

Alyss Paige said...

It is NEVER okay to eat a baby. Not even once.

beagle said...

"Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD."



E.A.D. said...

Forget pro-life, I'm too terrified now to even CONSIDER having kids! If someone suggested one of these for a baby shower, I'd ask if they'd left their brain in the sewer. I don't think some women need therapy on top of rollercoaster hormones, back pain, pre-eclampsia, and anything else they might already be facing.

Anonymous said...

(linkback) A or B? Sonogram cakes: A) sweet B) messed up [VOTE] -

cadylee said...

Aaaaaaaah! Aaaaah! Aaaah! Aaaaaah! AAAAAAAHHH!

Those 3D sonogram pics freak me out on their own. I do NOT want to eat one.

Tucuxi said...

OMG NOOOOOOOOO! That's so creepy.

Helen McGinn said...

No-one wants to eat baby pics....NO-ONE. Argh.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what that last Mom's cable bills are like?

Bookgal said...

Most of the baby pictures here make the poor kids look like the little girl from the RING. Creepy. A very X-file vibe. However, I'm thinking these would make great halloween cakes. ITS ALIVE!

KarlyH said...

These distinctly remind me of Teletubbies.

Anonymous said...

Might as well put an image of one of Gottfried Helwein's Sleeping Angel pictures on a cake.

Since most of you probably have no clue who Gottfried is, let me just say he's done album artwork for Marilyn Manson and Rammstein. So yeah, creepy stuff.

Anonymous said...

i just noticed that on the "headless nudist torso" cake, the bottom side has building blocks that spell out "AXEL"... huh??

makes the cake even more wrecktastic!

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