Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

No, my northern friends, I didn't forget about you. For some reason your bakeries just aren't churning out the patriotic-themed Wreckage - and for that I'm torn between congratulating you and scolding you.

Fortunately I do have a few specimens to share, though, and I'll also be sure to liberally sprinkle in some "Eh?"s throughout today's post, to demonstrate my impeccable cultural sensitivity. (I know better than to tick off a country of people wearing those hats with the earflaps and hanging out with moose all day, Ok? I mean... eh?)

First, let us non-Canadians take a gander at what your flag is supposed to look like:

Simple, bold, graphic... I have to say, Canada: I like it. Eh?

And then there's this:

Ah, the airbrush...uniting the world in Wreckage. Eh?

And this:

The finger hole was the result of an over-eager guest, but that "leaf" is pure Wreckerator skill at work. Kinda looks like a monster on a Popsicle stick, doesn't it? Eh?

I'm pretty sure this next one must be from Canada, too, because, well... says "I heart flannel". And we all know what country loves flannel! Eh? (Right now the rest of you are jealous of my superior cultural diversity, aren't you? Yeah, I can tell.)

To leave you on a sweet note - Eh? - check out the beautiful Canadian flag-inspired cake Jessica J. found:

So pretty! It looks like this was displayed at a convention in the Philippines, but I don't see the baker's name listed. You can see more pretty cakes at the source page, though. Eh?

Nicole K., Michaelle P., & Lauren K., I would leave you with lovely French phrase, but I don't know any French.

Auf Wiedersehen!

alicia said...

we really do love flannel...

Alyssa said...

Thanks for the call-out to us Canadians! The last one is sure purty, eh? ;)

Amy Pronovost said...

Thanks for the Canadian post!

And, yes, we do love flannel. I have about 6 pairs of flannel jammies.

yarnpiggy said...

Thanks for the Canada Day wreckage, eh?

I slept in and missed the parade, so maybe I'll go out in search of some more specimens for next year.

Natalie Sztern said...

Who sang the national anthem today? ever since they made it bilingual eons ago, i can't remember the words....and i live in montreal c'est dommage

Big Fat Mama said...

I was WONDERING if you'd do something for Canada today or not. :D

Our flag is simple, and you'd think there is no way anyone would screw it up, but of course, WRONG. Seems drawing a maple leaf is a painful experience for some.

There will be many Canadians who will tell you nobody says "eh" and it's insulting. Don't believe them. Where I'm from, everyone says it. I still do and I haven't lived there for almost three decades. :P I remember visiting the US once an I was sitting in a room full of American friends and one actually asked me "Do Canadians really say 'eh' a lot?" and everyone else in the room pointed at me and said in unison "Have you listened to HER?!!" Heh.

Mind you, I haven't met a single soul in Canada that actually naturally says "aboot" for about. Sure we don't round out our vowels when speaking like a lot of Americans but we do not say "aboot". (Yes, I do say mum instead of mom, even if it's spelled mom.)

And that is your short Canadian lingustic lesson for the day.

Kevin said...

Yes, we Canadians love being defined by an outdated regional linguistic quirk!
But we'll forgive you because we make fun of your drawling accents mercilessly. Just not to your face, cause we're nice!

You don't find a lot of Canadian flaggy cakes because we have a national tendency to suspect that anyone making a big look-at-me show of patriotism, just like anyone making a show of one's faith, is probably faking it to get me to agree/buy/vote, and we just aren't buying it.

But we let loose a bit on Canada Day.

harmzie said...

Flannel is Canadian? I guess that's why I have so much!

Thanks neighbOUr!

Shannon said...

I have friends and in-law family that is Canadian. I'm sure they'll enjoy this.

That last cake is amazing, though.

SnodV said...

Au Revoir, Eh!

Unknown said...

I kid you not, at least half the canadians who whine and moan that they don't say 'eh' do it without realizing it. It's not as obvious as you think it is. "It was pretty cool that he did that, eh?"
It's just an affirmation. Yikes, pplz. lol. Don't kid yourselves, I bet you all say it. It's aboot time you admit it ;) (and that one is just the ppl on the east coast)

Boganette said...

Lol "monster on a popsicle stick" is EXACTLY what I think it looks like.

Donna said...

The thing you wear on your head with the ear flaps is a toque, not a hat.

And the candies we call "smarties" are called "rockets" in Canada. Canadian "smarties" are like our M & M's.

Anonymous said...

Yay, you did it! This here Canadian appreciates your work. We elevate self deprecation to an art form, so poke away.

Ms Avery said...

Wow, the last one is amazing...

Anonymous said...

Take Off, Eh!

Unknown said...

I'm so Canadian that today is my birthday, though I'm not exactly thrilled about it as I am now 37. (I'm not old! I'm 37, I'm not *old* /monthpython)
I used to like getting birthday cakes with Canadian flags on them but, honestly, CakeWreck 'greatness' in regards to my home and native land's simple flag design has been going on for...well, at least 37 years. I know usually buy little teeny flags and put them in myself AFTER I've picked up the red and white themed cake I've purchased. Seriously, you can mess up "White cake, red border"....right? ammirite?

Oh, and to further the hokey Canuckness of this comment, I would just like to add that it is also Jarome Iginla's birthday AND he happens to be the Capt. of my home NHL team. GO FLAMES...well, next year maybe?
Anyway, thanks for the Great White North Shoutout on Wrecks today. Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canucks, and Happy (early) Independence Day to my homies south of the 49th parallel.

janet2buns said...

For the first cake, I love how the wreckerator airbrushed with long strokes on the left, but must have gotten tired and took much shorter strokes when (s)he did the right. Very nice.

I'm also Canadian, and I agree with what Kevin @ 4:19 said. Well put, Kevin!

Anonymous said...

That last one is very pretty, but the rest are just...ugh. That leaf on the second cake looks like some weird deformed crown type thingy. The finger hole is funny.

NaomiKnight said...

I don't think I own any flannel, but I do say 'eh' once in a while.

On Canada day, we always have like, ice cream or fresh berries on angel food cake or something. Can't make a wreck with that combo, right?

(God, no-one prove me wrong, please.)

HatFan said...

Hey, Danger Girl - a tuque is a knitted hat, sometimes known as a 'beanie' in some parts of the world.

I don't know what you call that hat with the flaps, but it's not a toque.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the Canada Day Wrecks! Btw, if you want to say, "Thank you for the excellent wreckporting" in french, you say, "Merci pour ton wreckport excellent". Anyways, a big "Eh!" To all you Americans and Canadians alike, and thank you for the humorous post... Those dang leaves sure are hard to draw, right guys?

canuck chick said...

Happy Canada Day!

Now I must go out and find myself a red and white cake!

Unknown said...

Love your site. So funny!

I have noticed Canadians on tv shows (like Wishbone!) saying "aboat" and "soary" (for about and sorry). I love it though! It's endearing, eh!?

Anonymous said...

I especially like my flannel when it is of the plaid variety.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen, in honor of Canada Day today, my mother and I made a cake with the Canadian flag. Unfortunately the leaf didn't turn out too well and it looks like the entire tree in red sprinkles. I took pictures and I'll be sure to send them to you. -Amanda in Ontario

Jan Holt said...

LOVE the Canadian inspired cake at the end. WOW! Kinda makes me wish I had maple syrup flowing through my veins...

Decadent Housewife said...

A Canadian flag cake really isn't Canadian. IF we made a cake, it would be a big 2-4 with a sparkler stuck into it.

Like your blog. Has kept me from posting my wrecks.

unbalanced libran said...

Hey they do say 'aboot', I've seen it on 'Ice road truckers' so it must be true!
Happy Canada Day!

Anonymous said...

I may be an American, but the only cake I've ever decorated I made to look like the Canadian flag. I was in eighth grade at the time, yet still managed a better maple leaf than these Wreckerators, yeesh.

The only reason I even made a cake is because we had a contest to make a Canadian flag. There were artistic kids in my class, so I wracked my brain trying to think of something creative I could do, but darnit, when it comes to drawing, I'm doing good just to make a stick figure look human! So I made a cake - and won the contest! Totally didn't see it coming. People were JEALOUS of me - even before I got it to the classroom, people were telling me they wouldn't have bothered to enter if they'd known what my entry was going to be like. I still don't understand how it won out over the 3D renderings of the flag waving in front of beautiful pine tress...

The weirdest part? I don't even like cake.

Oops, maybe I shouldn't have said that here, considering what site I'm on...

Redd said...

As a Yankee who spent two years in Saskachewan/Manatoba, I met plenty of people who say 'aboot' (okay, it was more of 'aboout') and saw a great deal of patriotism, as well. Of course, those two years were 2002-2004, right when the US invaded Iraq, and I think the idea was to be separate from the US.

While I'm off on this linquistic side track, I'll mention that my sister lived in Texas while I was in Canada. She picked up 'Eh', and I started to say 'y'all'. Strange how that happened.

I personally am celebrating Canada day by making Nanaimo bars, then cutting them out with my maple leaf cookie cutter. I'll save the cake for the 4th. :)

Sara Jo said...

I think the flannel one could also have been posted last month for Gay Pride. Don't lesbians <3 flannel, too?

mlynn28 said...

Well, the first one reminds me of a skating rink, so it makes it more Canadian if you ask me haha. Doesn't excuse its ugliness though.

Anonymous said...

But of course the "I Heart Flannel" cake could have been for Al from Home Improvement, Eh?

Lisa said...

Weird to end it with a French sentence, as Canada Day in Quebec (I know there is francophones in the ROC) is not very celebrated, as it is the day that people chooses to be the Moving Day!

Regardless, it IS easy to screw up a Maple Leaf, especially if you try it on a cake.

Anyways, thanks for the wishes :D

Happy Confederation Day :D

Anonymous said...

Kevin, I'll have to disagree with you on the "not to your face" bit. I married a Canadian, and as a Southerner, my accent gets more comments up there!
I keep getting told that Canucks is an insult, too. That I can go along with. The people that call me a "Yankee" tend to get history lessons in why I'm NOT one, thank you.

twinkle teaches said...

We need a maple syrup one, right? :)

Sandra @ The Memory Workshop said...

The "eh" and the "aboot" is more prominent the farther east you go. I'm on the west coast and we have the blandest non-accent ever. Of course, it probably IS an accent to y'all in the South :)

Now I'm off to Tim Hortons for a double double and some Timbits.

Gilsner said...

Oh I was *so* hoping you'd have a Canada Day post. You've filled me with national pride! Oh wait, that's just all that maple syrup and poutine in my belly, eh?

Good luck tomorrow, Jen, I'll be thinkin' of ya... and I hope you get a cake, if not some flowers... or a cake of some flowers! Should the whole 'innards' cake not pan out (get it? 'pan'? Cake? Pan? aw... good times).

Wendy said...

The one with the finger hole looks like it's making jazz hands, no?! SO un-Canadian...

Buffy said...

@BigFatMama--I know one Canadian who says "aboot"--well, actually it sounds more like "aboat". And "soary" for sorry like @Kerry said. Of course, it may have more to do with the 20 or 30 years she spent in Michigan.

And, OMG, 2 CW posts in one day? I'm in heaven!!

Briana the Magnifi-can't said...

Don't these cakes sometimes make you want to...

Rae said...

We do indeed say 'eh' a lot and some of us do wear hats with flaps (if you knew what minus forty feels like, you'd understand). As for the hanging out with moose thing, it's apparently very common in Jasper, Alberta.

Thank you for this post; it got an extra chuckle out of me. :)

Anonymous said...

this looks like the maker of the lovely Philippine work


Anonymous said...

Here's how I tracked this down--there's a card on the cake that says "pots and pans" and its on cakes in some of the other photos; there's a label in the series that references "Southfood Ex 2006". Combine them and voila, you get to his magnificent site.


Tasha said...

Haha Kevin cracked me up! "...we have a national tendency to suspect that anyone making a big look-at-me show of patriotism." Has Kevin travelled ANYWHERE? I thought it was a national requirement for Canadians to have at least three maple leaf flags showing at all times whilst abroad.

Side note, while travelling through Australia some guy on the coach asked me where I was from in the US. I asked him how he knew I was American and his response was "no flag on your backpack".

Perhaps the flags should stay only on the backpacks?

Annie C. said...

Wow that is a pretty cake! (the last one of course lol)

on the others...can we just make the evil air brushing go away now? pretty pretty please?

Big Doofus (Roger) said...

I'd want a Bob & Doug McKenzie cake with a big hunk of back bacon depicted.

GJC said... basically my love for flannel should lead me either to Canada, or into lesbianism, or possibly into the wreckeration of innocent cake items?

Um, I'll take a) and b}, please. Oh, and some cake for after. :)

(wv: astacki. Gladys took her treasured possessions--her sensible shoes, a 1982 Wilton Yearbook, and astacki flannel shirts--stuffed them into a duffel bag, and walked out the door into a new adventure.)

Unknown said...

i know this is just me being really neurotic, but i hate it when people assume that just because your Canadian, all of your sentences end with "eh". I have never EVER in all 14 years of living in this country heard ANYONE talk like that!

frigglesnitz said...

Gees, Anonymous from 9:25 p.m.!

If you don't like the commentary, don't visit the blog. The vast majority of us who visit here come and read for the witty, original, and often spit-out-your-coffee funny commentary. Jen rocks!

Try Google Search Images if you want pictures without commentary, and just hush now.

Don't Hate; Decorate!

Hyena Overlord said...

Smarties are Smarties cuz it says so on the box. Rocket are Rockets cuz it says so on the wrapper, eh?.

A toque is a knitted hat, usually topped by a pom pom. Anything with ear flaps usually has a frozen, angry R.C.M.P. officer under it.

Just so's youse knows. I'm from the Maritimes. You know, everything East of Quebec. Add Newfoundland and you have Atlantic Canada. We have our own collection of accents and local sayings. Eh doesn't necessarily figure into the lingo. Mostly it depends on the individual. Roll in some Acadian accent, Cape Breton and Newfoundland. Good luck figuring it all oot.

We have an alternate flag. It has green ends and a large marijuana leaf in the middle. Some use it to celebrate Canabis Day. (not me)

wv: copeaur...if you copeaur you can hear the ocean.

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


Yeah. It was a joke. I'm from Maine where we speak more Canuck that most Canadians do so I know that you don't all say "eh?". And if we Americans have to live with being stereotyped as fat, lazy and unable to vote correctly, ya'll have to deal with the occasional joke about moose.

And Frigglesnitz? Awesome name! Is that Dutch? Oh and I took the Anon comment down. The perils of moderating from an iPhone.


haslemster said...


Kathy said...

Thanks for remembering us! Oh yeah, and I say 'eh' frequently too. But I also like to lay it on thick when I meet out-of-towners.

david said...

Love the cakes and personally, I don't mind the Eh comments. Born and raised here in B.C. and just about everyone subconsciously says it.

We may not all be the loggers, fur trappers, mounties or hockey players that the rest of the world thinks we are, but most of us do say Eh. There are many worse things we could be known for!

Just a bit of random info, Canadians have invented some of the greatest things ever. Poutine, the Blackberry phone, instant mashed potatoes, the pacemaker, the snowmobile, basketball, insulin, Imax movie systems, sonar, the Wonderbra and Java prgramming language to name a few!

Yaaay Canada Day!

Belle Epoque said...

Thanks for tipping your hat to us and white maple leaf cakes, nice touch!

M@ said...

Has Kevin travelled ANYWHERE? I thought it was a national requirement for Canadians to have at least three maple leaf flags showing at all times whilst abroad.
That's when we're away, because it ensures we aren't assumed to be Americans. These days that's not such a bad thing, but a few years ago...

Anyhow, thanks for the all-Canada-Day shout-out, CW!

Living said...

This blog is basically how I hope mine to be someday- I have been quoted as saying so many times. Mine isn't of course so hilarious, it's more amazing/wtf , depending on your point of view on people who make dollhouse miniatures. But I'd love to be as popular and well loved.

I was wondering if you'd ever do a dollhouse miniature cake feature? Though most of those are quite attractive rather than 'wrecks'...

Anonymous said...

"I thought it was a national requirement for Canadians to have at least three maple leaf flags showing at all times whilst abroad."

Those are usually Americans! Most of the people I've come across with many or obvious Canadian flags on them whilst traveling are Americans. I'm told that they're often treated better by the locals that way. XD

Heather said...

Thanks for the shout out to Canadians! I don't know about the wreckerators, but I remember spending time in grade 3 having a teacher teach us the "trick" to drawing the PERFECT maple leaf. Our classroom was full of Canadian pride, scribbled on everything from our notebooks to our hands for the rest of the year!
Obviously, the wreckerator wasn't in my class, and I now see the importance of sitting down with my kids right now and teaching them the "trick". Obviously, it needs to be taught - why, oh why, did they take it out of the curriculum?

Miranda said...

Man, how do you screw up a maple leaf? Do these wreckerators live in the concrete jungle?

Unknown said...

Hey danger girl, Give your toque a spin eh! Toques don't have ear flaps!

And as for the'a abit of a tradition for many of us to receive a pair of flannel jammies on Christmas eve.

Now, I too must rush off to get in the inevitably long morning line for a double double and a maple Timmies.

Lady Rose said...

I think I need to go back to bed or something. I looked at this too fast and thought it said Happy Caprica Day...

Shinnewn On-Line said...

At least the air-brushed cake's leaf has the right number of points. That second one though...wrong. Just wrong.

Thanks for wishing us Canucks a happy day - You guys have a great Fourth of July!

ilovebabyquilts said...

That last cake you said was pretty just seemed weird to me. Like all tilty and ball on top-y. No likee.

I'm from Milwaukee, and we say "hey" after things that are questions, so pretty similar!

Unknown said...

That last one makes up for the stomach-churning wreckage of our neighbouring country's flag.

Amy B.

Anonymous said...

Did you really say "Auf Wiedersehen"? I think I know that language. :D :D

Callie Thurell said...

Because of your post I knew the answer to Regis and Kelly's trivia question! Too bad I wasn't the one they called!!! lol

FYI - The question was: What country celebrates their national holiday on July 1st?

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Canadians, lesbians...who doesn't love flannel?!

iris said...

convention in the Philippines. love it! i'm half filipino and think that cake needed was some white lace somewhere and maybe a tacky heart mounted at the very top. lookin gooood...

Heather said...

I was wondering if you'd do Canadian Wrecks! Truly appreciated by a canadian decorator!!

I really do love flannel.

Milo Bloom said...

Thanks for the Canadian shout out! Great site you have here, it's hilarious..

PS: "eh" is not always a question. Sometimes it's just a statement, eh. :)

Miz Dinah said...

I missed this post yesterday...I was oot and aboot watching the fireworks, eh? Thanks for remembering us, Jen! I tatooed maple leaves on the kiddies' faces freehand. It's not that difficult! But seriously, have they ever heard of a stencil?

Penny said...

Oh those Canadians! They're all so FUNNY, eh???

Proud Canadian said...

Thanks for recognizing us Canadians! Yes we do say "eh" a lot, but I think you'll probably find more flannel and ear flapped hats on the moose hunters in North Dakota and Montana, "HUH"?!

Jim said...

All these Canada cakes and none shaped like a beer bottle or a hockey puck? Slackers...

Dottie Park said...

I tried making a maple leaf on a cake once and it wasn't pretty...those stinkers are DIFFICULT!

Canaduck said...

I'm an American who has lived in Vancouver for several years and am rather sorry to say that here, at least, no one says "eh" or wears flannel. Seriously, it would be entertaining if they did, but they don't.

They DO, as other people have pointed out, say "aboat" and "soary". Hee hee.

Thanks for taking the time to make a Canada Day shout-out!

Nonna said...

"Oh, Canada..."
My ancestors hail from Canada and I am very proud of that heritage...yeah Nova Scotia... Thanks for my Nana and Pappy !

What a travesty of cakes you have found here...except the last one, which is a beauty !

Unknown said...

"Has Kevin travelled ANYWHERE? I thought it was a national requirement for Canadians to have at least three maple leaf flags showing at all times whilst abroad."

Lol, when my SO was a foriegn exchange student in Belgium all the American students were told to wear Canadian flags for safety reasons. You were probably seeing Americans in disguise. :)

I love that last cake!

janet2buns said...

When traveling abroad, I love finding Americans using Canadian flags as a disguise. Quizzing these impostors on the subtleties of poutine ingredients always exposes them!!

bernthis said...

how the heck do you do this? I tried making chicken parmesan the other night and it was so horrible I threw it out and insisted my kid and i go out for dinner. Seriously, amazing

BrokeGrad said...

Your assumption is remarkably accurate...i took that picture in a grocery store located in Northern Vermont, approximately 1/2 hour from the canadian border crossing.

Was wondering when you'd find an occasion to celebrate flannel. I really wish I could describe neon plaid in words that would justify what this thing really looked like, but you can imagine, I think.

Lauren K.

Anonymous said...

Ah... so nice to see all the Canadians in the comments using 'eh' correctly, eh?

Thanks for the nod to the wrecks of the great white north!

Oh - and notice the traditional Canadian smack down by anonymous: 'Take off, eh?' Guess anon didn't like your post.

zigspective said...

"I'm an American who has lived in Vancouver for several years and am rather sorry to say that here, at least, no one says "eh" or wears flannel. Seriously, it would be entertaining if they did, but they don't."

If you want "ehs" and "flannel" go to Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. Living in that area was more steeped in flannel and "ehs" than any place I've lived in Canada could hope to be. Being in Southern Ontario now, this post has more "eh" in it than I will hear for the next several years. (Unless I decide to rent Strange Brew.)

Jilly said...

This is hilarious.

But no need to end it with a french sentence, being that only one province in Canada speaks french. Not the whole country contrary to popular belief.

Sr. Mina, BSP said...

I live in Canada, the Canadian continent is actually two countries. Canada, and Quebecois. Quebec seceded from Canada some years back.

Yet oddly enough, Canada still has to learn French as a secondary language. The primary language is still English, and some people nicely pronounce it in a British manner. Probably to honour their Queen. She's always honoured on their money, which is a nice change from seeing various Presidents on money. Probably my favourite American coin is the Sacaweja (I know, I can't spell this right) dollar.

My favourite Canadian coin is the "Toonie", which is a $2 coin. It has a copper middle with the rest being silver and its quite a large coin.

I prefer M&M's over Smarties, since M&M's taste better than Smarties does.

Ludivine said...

I think the flannel one might refer to the Canadiens hockey team who where nicknamed Ste-Flanelle in French.

Eriin. said...

Flannel = HEAVEN.
french phrase = La Canada est la pays plus mieux dans la monde !!

Jules said...

Not many on the east coast (at least where I'm from) say 'eh' all that much, but we sure have the accent to make up for it. :P

Happy (Quite Belated) Canada Day!

SwissMs said...

My husband said the shape of this cake (the last one) looks a lot like the Stanley Cup.


wow! thank you very much for the very nice comments on my cake...the last one...
yes! it was displayed during the SOUTH FOOD EXPO (SOUTHFOODEX) here in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines together with many other cakes.
please check my website: www.
i've been to Vancouver, Ontario, Alberta, Scarborough and a few other places & i just love CANADA!
really a wonderful & fantastic place! hope to visit again soon!

Yénifer said...

Well I don't know, I never say "eh" and don't hear it that much either.

About "about": It's not really "aboot" that people say, the vowel sound in "boot" is different. (and the way most other anglophones say "about" includes yet another different vowel).

But don't get me started on anything linguistic because that is my chosen area of study.

And oh well. I am personally more attached to my province/region. Traitor, I know.

Well, anyway. The last cake is pretty.

Terra said...

really greman at the end?? meh i <3the last one though it was purrrrrrdy

Heidi said...

I loved it. This is a far too late comment. But I also love that we Canadians are so adept at taking the mick at ourselves, and laughing at the jokes that come our way... Humour provides spice. And warmth. Which we so desperately need, as it snows 372 days a year.

DeeNadj said...

Put me in jail. But couldn't/shouldn't the maple leaves on the bottom one be RED and not white? I know in the wake of these other monstrosities that I'm nitpicking, but I see a while maple leaf and I don't think of Canada; I think of a white maple leaf. I see a RED maple leaf and I think, Canada. You see white stars on a blue background, you think U.S/50 states/America. You see red stars on a blue background and you think... something else. The red maple is what makes the flag distinctive. You take away the distinctive-ness and have, well, no distinction. Just my opinion.

estelle martin said...

ok,im not candian but i am from minnesota-yes minnesota,land of trees,lumber jacks,flannal,coldness and paul bunyan-so kind of like canada