I love how they just moved the limbs in towards the center as they served it, too:
I also got an e-mail from Rose this week. Rose tells me that she and her hubby Paul are CW's #1 fans, and so for their wedding reception they teamed up with another CW fan, Stacie - who happens to be a professional baker - and designed THIS beauty:
Don't miss the little carrots on the sides- those are Rose's favorite part. The "Rise n Pail" is a thoroughly butchered version of their names, by the way, and "Happy Weeding" is an homage to this classic Wreck. And, of course, there's the bizarre photo montage - that's a work of art in itself.
And while I'm at it, I can't believe I never got around to posting what Wreck's reader Mary Beth made:

I have lots more fan-made goodies stashed away, but here are just a few more favorites:

And finally, with a CW homage cake to end all CW homage cakes, we have Katy N.'s submission:

So, how many Wrecks do YOU recognize?
Remember the infamous Fireman cake?

And - could it be? Yes, yes it could! - the Cake Head Diet Aid!!

And don't forget Darth Vader, the "At least you're pretty" line, and all the "lovely" airbrushing. Wow. You guys really outdid yourselves, Katy - and kudos to the decorator for playing along so well!
- Related Wreckage: Carrot Jockeys Make Excellent Ground Troops
92 comments | Post a Comment
Is it sad that I want the "It's a Gril" t-shirt even though I'm a guy? I'd totally wear it too!
Wow, that last cast deserves.... well.... a cake! I hope the baker was tipped well... Makes me start to wonder what I should request for my birthday next year.
I. Love. This.
The fireman cake has always been my favorite. Anything referencing the fireman cake automatically gets a million points in my book.
The only thing that would have made that last one more awesome would be if it was a ccc! HAHA!
Wrecking a cake on purpose is a true art form! These are Fabulous!
I'm now wondering what I should do for my bday coming up... LOL!
I love this site, I really, really do. Thank you so much for putting a smile on my face every morning!
Who's that peering over the heads of the photo montage cake? Might it be Isaac from the Love Boat?
"It a Gril" is still my favorite wreck ever. I laugh myself to tears every time I look at that cake.
I'm with Trisha - it should have been a CCC!
(last night at the store I saw CCC's shaped as....wait for it.... sheet cakes!)
These are great cakes. I have been wondering what kind of Ice Cream are served with these cakes?
I'm with trisha - should have been a CCC!
(last night at the store I saw two CCCs shaped as...wait for it...sheet cakes!)
The only things that would've made the last cake even better is if the side had read, "At least YOUR pretty" and, like one previous poster said, if it were a CCC (ptooie). Thanks Jen.
Great Post! The mutant "baby" cake is a scream!!!!
Kristi B., I recognize that Wilton class I creepy clown cake anywhere! Yours is much more interesting than mine, though. :) The question, though, is did the instructor appreciate it?
I absolutely love the first one - the original was creepy, this one is fun!
So glad I put down the coffee before reading today's post. I especially loved the last one, and the wonderful representation of the infamous fireman.
So if they recreated it, I have to ask, how DID they keep the doll from melting?
Are the baby hands in the first cake throwing gang signs? lol
Wow---what a wonderful idea to show our love for Jen and John!! These are fantastic! Can't wait until a creative idea hits me. wow.
I love the new and improved baby cake! That photo montage was amazing too! There are some amazingly creative readers on this blog.
one problem....with the clown one...she used her apostrophe appropriately...WRECKFAIL!
F'ing hilarious! I love the baby cake's mobile limbs, the gorgeous photo montage featuring Jesus, and "at least YOUR pretty" will be my next pillow embroidery project.
I love this site, though I now live in fear of what my inlaws' upcoming 50th wedding anniversary cake will look like. If it's wrecked, I'll share it.
Now I love me some baby baked into a cake but what really...um...'took the cake' (I swear, I tried to avoid the pun!) was the foot protruding from its stomach.
Oh man, that almost made me laugh out loud at work :)
That last one is a work of art
WOW! (0.o) Truly WREAKTASTIC! See how you inspire others? What fun! -WM
Oh man, the photo montage almost achieved greatness.
Unicorns? check.
Pikachu? Check.
Jesus? check
but, dude, you missed John Wayne and Elvis.
(WV: duckshi....all that sneaks out of your mouth when you trip over the dog in front of your 2-year-old.)
This. Is. Awesome. :D
Inspired! Though it would be a bit cumbersome to have to explain the intentional wreckiness to your wedding guests. It'd probably be worth it.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
I agree with Cottagecheap. Has correct punctuation ever stood out so awkwardly? I know the "wreckspirational" cake got it right, but I would love to see this one with the message "At Least Your Pretty."
These are really good.
My daughter was a little taken aback by the bride cake though. She said it was "mean" until I explained what this is about. LOL
She's 13, so give her some grace! Haha
Very good wrecktations.
~Amy B.
wv: priti "That bride on the last cake is not priti at all."
This is the best...post...ever!
Not only do I get the mutilated baby cake (think I can find one for my wife's bday on Sunday?) but I get links to all of the other 'winners'!
See? It doesn't take much to make me happy.
That blue clown head on the bride? OMG, nightmare material! Too freakin funny!
And the middle cake for the people weeding their garden with pails (lol) at least it has sprinkles!
The baby legs thing... ahahaha... this reminds me of when I made doll cakes for a little baby bat's birthday...I gothed em up real nice... and when she cut the cakes she didn't take the doll picks out. She just let them fall however they fell and laughed at how macabre it looked. And took photos.
I still can't make my icing roses work. RAGE. >:(
Fabulous! Good work.
I had my baby shower this past weekend and I have to say I was secretly HOPING my cake would be a wreck (it, of course, wasn't)!! lol
That unicorn/Jesus/Pikachu montage is one of the greatest things I've ever seen. But I've got to know, who's face is that on the top, smiling down over all this awesomeness? Is it Mr. T?
Imitation is
(a subgenre of Wrecky)
highest flattery!
I made the mistake (again) of trying to eat my lunch while reading, and very nearly choked when I noticed Jesus right there between the milk-mustachioed bride and groom. And Darth Vader. And a unicorn. It's just too good.
Oh crap, it wasn't Vader, and there are 2 amazing unicorns, but Picachu makes up for it, no?
The only thing that would have made the last one better would be to have a CCC! That's the best wedding shower cake ever!
The Funny thing about the shirt is my aunt actually made me and my sister a sign that said that when my mom brought us home from the hospital.... we still have it, my mom refuses to give it away. And even now my aunt calls us "grils"
instead of "girls"
I would have loved to get that last cake! Also, I would have probably gotten a kick out of the baby cake... so ridiculous.
Ahhh...such wonderful memories. These replica wrecks really brought them back. I actually didn't even remember the guy on the polar bear rug- had to click the link to see what the originals looked like. Too funny!
Ahhhh my day just got even better. =) I particularly love how the guests at that baby shower just moved the appendages around. Too funny.
I believe that's Shaq on the photo montage cake, right above the couple. Right?
Moving the baby leg had me about choking on my lunch! Bonus!!
I cannot stop laughing. A real homage to cakewrecks.
Does this mean that a cake that isn't messed up is a Wrecked Cake Wreck? Like if you ordered a purposeful spelling mistake and they caught it and fixed it? Or if you ordered a "Cupcake Cake" and they made a giant cake in the shape of a cupcake?
That last one is my favorite cake ever pictured on Cake Wrecks!!! What an amazing combination of wrecks. I agree- someone now needs to do the same thing on a CCC!
That last cake was all kinds of awesome.
I just love this blog. :)
But wait, where are the "extra unnecessary quotation marks"?
The only funnier than unintentional cake wrecks: intentional cake wrecks!
I'm thinking of starting a support group for all of us who were forced to make creepy clown cakes in our Wilton classes! (And I LOVE that everyone everywhere has officially named it the "Creepy Clown Cake". Awesome.) -Cynthia
Loved those wrecks. lol
I was soo planning on doing the "it's wrecktastic" part on my cake tomorrow @ my Wilton's class.
My first time here - I LOVE your site! I have cake accidents. I feel right at home here.
The only way that "Happy Weeding" could be any wreckier would be to put a naked mohawk-baby carrot jockey on top as well, am I right?
hmmm... now we're ordering wrecks on purpose... you've created a monster
You have awesome fans!! The last cake is just WOW!
wait wait did someone kill a cabbage patch kid?!
What do Jesus, pokemon, Shaq, and unicorns have in common?
airbrushed picture cake, of course!
Your blog oozes awesomeness (and frosting). I always know I'm in for a treat when I stop by. Thanks so much!
By the way, my confirmation word is facuslym. I appreciate you thinking I look slim today (I've actually been feeling a bit puffy), so I'll ignore the facu part.
Much love!
Cyndi - I think you're right, that does look like Shaq (now that I've remembered to click on the image so I could view it in all of its glory). Not that Mr. T would have been any less awesome.
And I just noticed the howling wolf and Indian chief in the upper left corner. Brilliant.
These are awesome! Hats of to the Wrekkies who commissioned these!
These are the BEST! I introduced CW to all my friends, and one of them laughs about it at work enough that her work friends made her a wreck on purpose for her birthday. I think she should send it to you. I don't know if it's as brilliant as these Wrecklipas, but still.
Good job, Wrekkies!
The scales on the bride's gown are magnificently done. If I were ever to order a cakey human to devour, I'd want her dress to be so skillfully rendered. What a fabulous decorator they found for that wreck!
I can't believe it--(!!)--the Hunk-O-Manly-Man-On-A-Dead-Giant-Sloth! I've soooo missed him!
Looks like he's slightly miffed at being taken down in such an undignified way (note the bulging neck tendons and the bared teeth); but we all know how very dignified he is, what with his pro-wrestler boots, his He-Man-white wristbands, and *especially* his solid gold jock strap. Also consider the fact that he's been lying on top of this dead giant sloth for all these many weeks/months since he first "landed" on the scene.
That's stamina. That's fortitude. That's...that's
...still pret-tee darn wreckatastrophic.
And, I just love how they show an open package of paper napkins...
it SO lends an air of actual edibility to the cake!
OH LORD, IM ON CAKE WRECKS!!! Life now complete.
By the way, it's Shaq! I put the original photo on my low-rent blog for clearer viewing here:
I wish I'd thought of the "It a Gril" t-shirt when I was pregnant with my daughter! That's fantastic!
I spy a "Last Unicorn" picture in the Happy Weeding cake montage. That's my all-time favorite book. And I really think it goes well with Mr. T.
All these cakes rock. I'm sure the decorators of the second and last cake had a ball making those. I hope they did anyway!
The second cake is EPIC.
HAHAHA.... my friend made it on cakewrecks as the It a Gril Tshirt wearer! Mary Beth happens to be her sister.
You have no idea how much that just made my day. :)
Bless you and all those CW reader's out there who celebrate CW style! Very long day for me and my feet hurt and I think I'm coming down with something, but as soon as I read this, the pain went away. I'll go to bed with a smile. Thanks!
I am cracking up at the clown cake-I took the Wilton decorating course and this was one of the cakes they made us do. I did cupcakes because I couldn't bear the thought of ruining the whole cake with those horrid clowns, which remind me of the movie Poltergeist...and I recently started selling Pampered Chef and crack up everytime I use my "batter bowl" because I think of the party where one guest told the host she needed a batter bowl (which is dome-shaped and can be put in the oven) that she needed one so she could make her daughter a Barbie cake. Imagine my horror when it actually happened. If she weren't my friend, I'd send you the picture....
I just want a poster of that cut baby cake. Makes me giggle just thinking about it, never mind looking at it.
Shame I'm having no more babies to make such a cake for. Ahhh, but the neighbour is....
has no one else noticed how the creepy cabbage patch looking baby seems to be bursting out of a pregnant belly? think aliens... maybe it's just me, but i think it makes it so much better!
The TRULY sad thing is it looks like Rose and Paul made the photo montage THEMSELVES. Woo Hoo! Nothing says "class" like Unicorns and Jesus! Plus, lets take it all the way to Ultra class with numeragrammer! 4Eva, baby!
If you mean how do you keep the legs from melting while you bake the baby... You wrap them in tin foil. No, really, you don't bake the les on the baby cake.
The cake is baked, then frosted, THEN the legs are stuck on.
If that is what you are asking about.
That last cake is the most fantastic wreck I've ever seen! -Although I'm almost equally as grossed out by the "wedding cake" of Rise and Pail...
heh heh...
Re the line below the"At least you're pretty" cake: Shouldn't that be, "how many Wrecks do you Wreckognize?"
I have to be honest with you, "What Would Jesus Do" will never be the same again for me.
And is that a unicorn-milk mustache I see on Paul and Rose?
If you could see the shame in my eyes, you'd know how much I regret what I'm about to say, but...is it just me, or do the insides of that baby look completely delicious?
(WV: requist-Only a truly talented cake requist could make an edible child look so appetizing.)
I love, love LOVE the wedding cake. I mean, TWO unicorns? Double awesome.
That last cake is a thing of beauty!!! Absolutely brilliant. Why can't I work with cool people who come up with ideas like that?
Aw. these are great! My thoughts:
1. One of the reasons this baby cake works and the other doesn't is that this one is deliberately goofy, down to the crazed expression on obviously fake bebeh's face. The other one looked more like a real, dead, dismembered bebeh.
2. That clown cake is actually pretty cute!
3. Should't that be, "How many Wrecks do you Wreck-ognize?"
My birthday was last week, and I got a rainbow-sprinkled-and-ballooned number to celebrate. Written on it:
... in red-and-black swirl ink. It was perfect.
i also really want the t-shirt. small man size please, with the 3D flowers of course. brilliant.
clowns should have a warning at the top of the post though, terrifying creatures that they are *shudder*
Awww, they missed the chance to misspell "you're."
Hey, Rise n Pail, where's the apostrophes, eh? You'r'e' ju'st not' 'trying'.
I love that shirt. I belly laughed for a good 5 minutes on that one. I'm having a boy myself and thought about having an "It's A Bot" shirt made.
I type medical reports for a living and whenever I type deliveries, I have been known to accidentally mistype boy as bot on many occasions.
Even typists screw up.
I made that same clown cake in my cake class last week. Only our teacher had us put drop flowers and roses on it, AND my clown was headless bc I didn't want to buy those creepy plastic heads.
The baby cakes always remind me of the scene in one of Beverly Cleary's Ramona books (I want to say it's the first one) where Ramona bakes a baby doll into a cake. Totally epic. :)
I never really realized that they actually dismemebered the baby doll and stuck its parts into a cake. Apparently, I thought that baking the doll directly into the cake somehow made more sense. In Bizarro World, at least.
Lol This. Is. Awesome. So Funny. xx